Group 1proposal About Simple Tower Crane Operater Lift
Group 1proposal About Simple Tower Crane Operater Lift
Group 1proposal About Simple Tower Crane Operater Lift
College of Engineering
Mechanical engineering department
Project Proposal on Design and Modeling of Simple
Tower Crane Operator Lift
BSc. Thesis Proposal
Group member
Name ID
1, Dawit Solomon 3314/11
2, Natnael Melaku 3591/11
3, Abenezer Landuber 0038/10
4, Samuel Amsalu 1723/10
5, Reta Beyene 3038/11
Advisor: - Yishak T
Debre Berhan, Ethiopia
April 2023
Debre Berhan University
College of engineering
Mechanical engineering department
Project Proposal approval sheet
This project proposal entitled “Design & Modeling of Simple Tower Crane Operator
Lift” is prepared by 1) Dawit Solomon 2) Natnael Melaku 3) Abenezer Landuber
4) Samuel Amsalu 5) Reta Beyene and submitted to Debre Brhan University,
department of mechanical engineering for partial fulfillment of B.Sc. Degree in
mechanical engineering.
The proposal paper has been submitted for examination with my full supervision and
approval as their advisor:
Advisor Name:-Yeshak T.
Examiner name:-______________
Executive summary
This project focuses in design, 3D modeling, and part drawing analysis on the
mechanical part of the simple tower crane operator lift .This document starts from the
conviction that one of the main construction problems of today’s activities is the
continuously increasing production construction projects. This simple lift is basically
moved by electric power that is taken from the tower crane and the electric power is
used to drive the electric motor which used to rotate the pulley and make the lift up
and down. And the time taken for the employees take to get to the top of the tower
cane is minimized and other economic and security issues are can be solved.
Furthermore, there is no special skill needed to operate the lift.
This simple tower crane operator lift is can carry a capacity of averagely about 70 kg
and the space is available in the simple tower crane operator lift is only for one person
and The design of the simple tower crane operator lift speed is 15−20 mph. Time
Management, discipline and good planning are also an important aspect to make sure
the entire plan is going on the right track.
Table of Contents
Executive summary........................................................................................................ii
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Overview of thesis ................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Background of tower crane ...................................................................................... 7
1.3 statement of the problem .......................................................................................... 7
1.4 Objective .................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.1 General objective .............................................................................................. 8
List of Table
Table 1, cost estimation ............................................................................................... 19
Table 2 time schedule .................................................................................................. 20
List of Figure
Figure 1, operator movement on the tower crane manually .......................................... 6
Figure 2, tower crane lift .............................................................................................. 11
Figure 3, rack constriction lift...................................................................................... 12
Figure 4, easy up tower crane lift................................................................................. 13
Figure 5, electric motor ................................................................................................ 14
Figure 6, hook .............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 7, lift box .......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8, steel wire rope............................................................................................... 16
Figure 9, drum .............................................................................................................. 16
Chapter one
after the work is done its assembly is simple , highly efficient in time saving plus
saves cost wasted by the company .
To reduce labor abuse.
To reduce time consumption.
To increase quality and accuracy.
The frequency of this operator, its repeatability, lifetime etc. is to be found
Keeping the safety of operators, managers and others in work place.
1.4 Objective
1.4.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to design of simple tower crane operator lift.
1.4.2 Specific objective
The following are the specific objective of this project: -
To design, hook ,steel wire rope ,lift box ,drum, shaft
To model and simulate of the transporting mechanism.
To design electro mechanical connection.
To draw part and assembly of the part drawing
To select appropriate AC motor
1.5 specification of the project
This project has a great significant in different areas and for different people directly
or indirectly meaning like it save time of work in case of working time , in other hand
in case of security and the one and most important case is that of safety of the
operators also managers in addition the other persons around the work place . This
project will reduce the time wasted by operators to clime at the top of the tower crane
or to their work place , very easy to operate, mobile to one sight to other sight after
the work is done its assembly is simple , highly efficient in time saving plus saves
cost wasted by the company .
1.6 limitation of the project
Even we do so many things in this project it may has the following limitations.
During the design process of the prototype we done the simulation by solid
work software so the years of the software will restricted the futures in the
design ,assembly and simulation process
There is no tower crane near to us more observe and analyses the simulation
The second withdrawal during the manufacturing process of the prototype the
supply for equipment was limited that is why we do the simulations.
1.7 scope of the project
The basic idea in this project is implementation of simple lift. Though it can be
implemented in various methods, when different parameters are taken into
consideration this model is the most feasible way of implementation. Other ways of
making the model is enabling them to adapt to the surroundings.
Chapter two
2, literature review
Tower cranes belong to the largest type of equipment used at high-rise construction
sites and organize the vertical transport of materials for all (sub) contractors. Because,
tower cranes are key in the logistical process, which constantly reforms to become
more efficient, planning crane operations increase in complexity.
In some cases, this results in decisions that negatively influence on-site conditions
regarding safety (Al-Hussein M., Niaz, Yu, & Kim, 2006; Kang & Miranda, 2006). In
addition, high-rise construction projects are often realized in densely populated areas,
such as business districts. This makes the size of tower cranes also hazardous for its
direct environment. In the study of Tam & Fung (2011), it is stated that the primary
reason for accidents related to tower cranes is the human factor, e.g. inadequate
training and fatigue. In order to get completely acquainted within this field of tower
crane research, it is important to understand what type of equipment tower cranes are
and how the process of using them is structured. Additionally, pre-constructional and
real-time operational data acquisition and use are identified as primary fields of
interest in the automation of tower cranes. First, the pre-constructional field reviews
the current capabilities and trends of Building Information Modeling (BIM), as this is
expected to serve as input for the crane. Second, the possibilities of acquisition and
use of real-time operational data is covered. This is expected to extend the input from
BIM and enables tower cranes to operate automatically. Finally, the literature review
ends with a part of the answer on the first three research questions.
The history of simple tower crane operator lift is related with early centuries at
introduction of constriction hoisting machines to the world. As we know this lift
needs electrical power for the many purpose. Example we take for electrical system
and combustion to get energy in diesel engines. Therefore, in this system by using
electric power to rotate the electric motor then get the desired movement from the lift.
It is operation is very simple it is not complicated. It is simply operated by the
operator, reduce time and cost for both sides in the workers also in company.
Figure 2, tower crane lift
The overall description is mentions above and to solve the problem by using the
concepts of electro mechanical system the name known as simple tower crane
operator lift. This lift used for to deliver the operators to the work place. The motor is
the source for the system the motor is controlled by remote that command the motor
in clock wise direction and in anti-clock wise direction. This remote is directly
connected to the motor. The remote control have three keys the one is in upward
direction ,the other is in downward direction and the one key is to lock the motor
movement and this key is also used as locking and unlocking action .
The movement of the lift is depending on the rotation of the motor direction and the
remote control. During the movement the hook is designed to pulls up the lift box by
the steel wire robes this robes are tied on the top of lift box .at the top of the hook the
long steel wire rope is connected this steel wire rope is twisted at the top of the drum
the drum is mounted beside the motor .
This paper describes the measured results with focus on changes in company
economy but also includes operator’s performance. Plus there are no previous studies
in these areas, more like simple winches that help the finishing employees to do their
job properly.
Safety issues
Security issues
Financial issues
The aim of the project is to evaluate the criteria, according to which Actual ways
and solve the problems in the right manner.
Lets see some other types and why we we choose and select simple tower ctane
operater lift by steel wire rophe
1, Rack Construction Lift
Böcker is a family-founded and family-run business focusing on elevator and crane
technology since 1958. In 2005, we expanded our product range with powerful and
modularly adaptable rack and pinion elevators. This technology guarantees a safe
vertical transport of both working materials and people. We can look back at decades
of experience in height access and taking the latest technologies into account.
Therefore, we can ensure that a rack and pinion lift from Böcker offers precise,
economic and convenient usage.
2, The Easy Up is directed by a two-sided guide rail
2.1 Components of simple tower crane Operator Lift (project)
2.1.1 Electric motor
The first part designed in this project is this. It is because; based on its measurements
I must measure remaining parts. And the weight of all other parts including the
payload will have its great effect on this part since it is the basic part of the project.
This part is an assembly of six different parts. Part 1 is the protective shell of the
electric motor part 2 is the back cover of the electric motor part 3 is the cover of the
electrical systems on the motor part 4 is the rotating part of the motor by electric
filed that crated in the motor part 5 is the collie of copper wires in the motor part 6
the base of the hole body of the motor which support the all components of the motor
and it gives the power for the lift up and down movement by rotating clockwise and
anticlockwise directions and commanded by remote controller . So, it is the main
source of power for the system. This all parts assembled together and make the
system work smooth. The figure bellow shows all the parts and their assembly and
the dimension given below.
The overall assembly of the electric motor is showed below
2.1.2 Hook
This part can be designed for holding purpose. like it is used for holding the steel
wire ropes for pick up the lift box from the starting position to the place where the lift
gone . it designed like question mark in the position of upside down. Tis part has only
one full component. The power source is connected to the dram then the steel wire
rope is twists over the dram and the steel wire ropes are connected to the hook the
hook is connected to the rest two connecting steel wire ropes then the two ropes used
as a link between the hook and the lift box so the hook support for the up and down
movement. The dimensions of this part are given below.
Figure 6, hook
2.1.4 Steel wire rope
Now we have arrived at the fourth part. Part 4 is the linkage itself between end lift
box and hook also hooks to the drum. It has the ability to rotate around the axis at the
end of the drum (around X axis). It can rotate 360 degrees on the axis. How much it
should rotate can be adjusted as per the requirement of the user. It also holds the end
of the hook the desired position. It acts a joint for the hook and the lift box .The part
only itself. The part is described below and its dimensions.
Part 1
2.1.5 Drum
On the side of the electric motor this part is installed. The part 5 can be seen. This is
the one that rotates around x axis. This part allows the steel wire rope is tested around
it. This part has installed in front of electric motor and copy the motion of the electric
motor. This part has the capacity of with stand the load. This part has only one
component, dimensions of the drum is listed below.
Plus the shaft that transmit power from the motor to the drum most important and I
consider it as the one part of the drum mounted on the motor also on the drum.
Figure 9, drum
Chapter three
3.1 methodology
The technical design of a simple lift depends on where it is to be applied and the type
of lift. Most lifts designs are market driven, with several options provided to meet
specific market needs.This lift should have technical properties such as being
corrosion resistant plus making the high speed rotating drums, bronze and carbon
steel depending on the choice of material to be used based on many criteria’s.
Concept Embodiment
Development design
Detail design
Part drawings
3.2 conceptual development
Concept development activities are organized per the following procedure:
Identify customer needs: involves the identification of the needs and
requirements of the customers by interviewing the individuals who were using the
related system.
Establish Target Specifications: we have established primary and secondary
markets for the product.
Analyze Existing Competitive Products: analyzing existing competitive product
is use to compare our products. If the existing product has good features, we will
try to include in our design.
Generate Product Concepts: our team develops several concepts to fulfill the
customer needs
Select a Product Concept: by using the process of evaluation by screening matrix
we have selected the best concept.
Chapter four
4, cost estimation
Table 1, cost estimation
180−200 Meters
=42964.54 birr
And The Cost of Electrode one full pack Used for Welding Is About 3500 Birr.
Chapter five
5, Time schedule of the project
Table 2 time schedule
Chapter 1=introduction of the project
Chapter 2=objectives of the project
Chapter 3= literature review of the project
Chapter 4= methodology
Chapter 5=cost estimations
Chapter 6= conclusion and overall
document editing
This chapters will be over view in every month until we finishes the thesis
project and also the simulations
[1] D.V. Hutton, Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis, the McGraw-Hill Companies
[2] V.B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Edition: 2, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
[3] Design and Finite Element Analysis of Rope Drum and Drum Shaft for Lifted
ISSN 2395-1621 [4] IS 2266 (2002): Steel Wire Ropes for General Engineering Purposes,