Design and Fabrication of Hydraulic Floor Crane

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 19 2017, 551-556

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


Manavalan .S, 2 Anmolpurty
Asst.Professor, UG Student , 1,2Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Bharath University, BIHER, Chennai-73.

[email protected]

Abstract: This project deals with the fabrication of it exhibits. This negative effect on the health of
Hydraulic floor crane. The aim of this project work is to engineers, led to the invention of the floor jib crane but
acquire practical knowledge in tHe field of material research shows that contemporary designs of floor jib
handling equipment with the help of hydraulic principle. crane fail over time when these static load is left on it for
This machine is very useful for lifting and transporting a prolonged period of time. This project is centered on
heavy jobs up to 3 kg for all types of jobs such as the design and fabrication of a mobile floor crane
automobile repairs and service shops of central equipped with a facility to lock the load at any level as a
workshops, production industries, material handling units special feature, to tackle the issue of failure due to static
etc. In material handling, the cranes play a vital role in load. The mobile crane is designed to bear a maximum
modern manufacturing industries. In our project we aim load of about1000 kg, with a counter weight of 2.6 KN
to fabricate a hydraulic operated floor crane for handling which gave the crane a 3.034 factor of safety. The
various kinds of materials. The hydraulic floor crane materials employed are; sheet metals, angular iron, bolts,
consists of truck, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic tank, nuts, metal rollers etc. The fabrication processes involved
hydraulic hoses, DCV, beam and hooks. drawing, marking out, cutting, filling, welding and
assembling. For permanent joints, the arc welding
Keywords: Floor crane, winch, Hydraulic cylinder, process was employed. As indicated earlier, the mobile
Hydraulic Relief valve floor crane gains its significance in the transportation of
heavy machine parts within and outside the workshop. It
1. Introduction can also be used to load and unload machine parts on
A crane is a type of machine, it can be widely used to lift
the products like less weight or heavy weigh blocks, 3. Fabricated Parts And Working
machines, work pieces and etc.
It is an essence of our economic life and growth is 3.1 Hydraulic Cylinder
dependent in a great part upon the continued
improvement and development of the electronic and A Hydraulic cylinder (also called a linear hydraulic
mechanical field[1-3]. motor) is a mechanical actuator that is used to give a
When water is contained within a pipe we can use it to unidirectional force through a unidirectional stroke. It has
create motion in a straight line by using a cylinder and many applications, notably in construction equipment
piston. (engineering vehicles), manufacturing machinery, and
The piston is a tight sliding fit in the cylinder and civil engineering[4-9].
when the water enters the cylinder it pushes the piston
along. This method of applying a force and causing
motion is called Hydraulics.

2. Literature Survey

2.1 Steel Work Design and Analysis of a Mobile Floor


The transportation of heavy machine parts and equipment

within and outside the workshop has been a source of
concern and needs urgent attention because of the hazard

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3.2 Solenoid Valve greater understanding of the design and the

characteristics of these motors.[4]
A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated This application note discusses the basics of an AC
valve.[1] The valve is controlled by an electric current induction motor; the different types, their characteristics,
through a solenoid: in the case of a two-port valve the the selection criteria for different applications and basic
flow is switched on or off; in the case of a three-port control techniques.[5]
valve, the outflow is switched between the two outlet AC motor date tails:
ports. Multiple solenoid valves can be placed together on Voltage - 230 V,
a manifold.[2] Frequency - 50 HZ, 1PH PSC,
Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control AMPS - 2.5 AMPS,
elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off, release, Power - ¼ HP,
dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are found in many Watt - 180W,
application areas. Solenoids offer fast and safe switching, RPM - 1440rpm.
high reliability, long service life, good medium
compatibility of the materials used, low control power 4.1 Oil Rotor Pump
and compact design.[3]
Besides the plunger-type actuator which is used most A rotary vane pump is a positive-displacement
frequently, pivoted-armature actuators and rocker pump that consists of vanes mounted to a rotor that
actuators are also used. rotates inside of a cavity. [10]In some cases, these vanes
can have variable length and/or be tensioned to maintain
contact with the walls as the pump rotates.[11]

Ac Motor

4.2 Lifting Arm

The arm supports the load carried by the crane setup, it

should be designed with proper arrangement [12]that it
should be rigidly fixed with the base frame at its one end
and its other end is connected with the end effector for
performing the operations say load lifting.[14] In order to
4. Introduction carry heavy loads there are several kinds of design
optimization which is need for designing and
AC induction motors are the most common motors used manufacturing the efficient model of arm for heavy load
in industrial motion control systems,[6] as well as in carrying purposes. The cross link members are used for
main powered home appliances. Simple and rugged providing additional supports to the frame by reducing its
design, [7]low-cost, low maintenance and direct actual weight and also by increasing it’s over all
connection to an AC power source are the main stability.[13]
advantages of AC induction motors. Various types of AC
induction motors are available in the market. [8] 4.3 Bearing
Different motors are suitable for different
applications.[9] Although AC induction motors are easier The bearings are pressed smoothly to fit into the shafts
to design than DC motors, the speed and the torque because if hammered the bearing may develop cracks.
control in various types of AC induction motors require a

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Bearing is made upon steel material and bearing cap is object or machine component that it is pushing /
mild steel.[19] pulling.[26-30]
A hydraulic cylinder is the actuator or “motor” side of
4.4 Frame this system. The “generator” side of the hydraulic system
is the hydraulic pump which brings in a fixed or
A frame is a basic structure designed to bear a load in a regulated flow of oil to the hydraulic cylinder, to move
lightweight economical manner. The simplest form of an the piston. The piston pushes the oil in the other chamber
A-frame is two similarly sized beams, arranged in a 45- back to the reservoir.[22] If we assume that the oil enters
degree or less angle, attached at the top. These materials from cap end, during extension stroke, and the oil
are often wooden or steel beams attached at the top by pressure in the rod end / head end is approximately zero,
rope, welding, gluing, or riveting.[15] the force F on the piston rod equals the pressure P in the
Because they have only two "legs", frames are cylinder times the piston area A:
usually set up in rows so that they can have good F=P · A
stability.[16] A saw horse is a good example of this
structure. More complex structures will have a cross Project Layout
member connecting the two materials in the middle to
prevent the legs from bowing outwards under load.[17]

4.5 Wheel

A wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate

on an axle bearing. The wheel is one of the main
components of the wheel and axle which is one of the six
simple machines.[18] Wheels, in conjunction with axles,
allow heavy objects to be moved easily facilitating
movement or transportation while supporting a load, or
performing labor in machines. Wheels are also used for
other purposes, such as a ship's wheel, steering
wheel, potter's wheel and flywheel.[21] 10. Working Principle
Common examples are found
When the ac motor is turned on it tends to activate the
in transport applications. A wheel greatly
rotor pump which is directly coupled to the motor shaft
reduces friction by facilitating motion by rolling together
with the help of coupling. Due to the activation of pump
with the use of axles. In order for wheels to rotate,
the oil from the reservoir is raised with the help of
a moment needs to be applied to the wheel about its axis,
suction pressure created by the pump to reach solenoid
either by way of gravity, or by the application of another
valve. The solenoid valve is coupled to the hydraulic
external force or t
cylinder which is mounted between frame and lifting
arm. When the valve is activated by means of lever by
9. Operation
the operator, then the pressurized fluid enters the
cylinder, which tends to retracts the piston outwards. Due
Hydraulic cylinders get their power from pressurized
to this arm is lifted to a certain extent with the load.
hydraulic fluid, which is typically oil. The hydraulic
When the portal is reversed with the help of hand lever,
cylinder consists of a cylinder barrel, in which a piston
then the cylinder tends to retract backwards there by
connected to a piston rod moves back and forth.[23] The
lowering the arm for lifting and shifting the load carried
barrel is closed on one end by the cylinder bottom (also
from one place to another
called the cap) and the other end by the cylinder head
(also called the gland) where the piston rod comes out of
10.1 The Advantages of Hydraulic
the cylinder. The piston has sliding rings and seals. The
piston divides the inside of the cylinder into two
• Hydraulic implementation increases high load
chambers, the bottom chamber (cap end) and the piston
carrying capacity.
rod side chamber (rod end / head end).[24]
• Simple in construction.
Flanges, trunnions, clevises, Lugs are common
• Less maintenance.
cylinder mounting options. The piston rod [25]also has
• Initial cost is less.
mounting attachments to connect the cylinder to the

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