Cambridge Ordinary Level

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Ordinary Level

SINHALA 3205/02
Paper 2 Translation and Reading Comprehension May/June 2016
1 hour 30 minutes


This Insert contains the reading passage for use with the Question Paper.

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This Insert is not assessed by the Examiner.

This document consists of 2 printed pages.

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© UCLES 2016 [Turn over
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Read the following passage carefully and then answer, briefly and in Sinhala, Questions 3-12 on the
Question Paper.
újdyfhka miq blauKska u kj hqj, uyd k.rfha mÈxÑhg .shy¡ uyd k.rfha § /lshd ,nd .ekSu
b;d myiq nj Tjqkaf.a ñ;=rka yd kEoEhska lshd ;snqKs¡ .fï § Tjqka fofkdg u /
lshdjla ,nd .ekSu i|yd b;d fjfyi uykais ùug isÿ úh¡ k.rhg f.dia ál Èklska u Tjqka fofkdg u /
lshd ,enqKs¡ Tyqg jvq ld¾ñlhl= f,i /lshdjla ,enqK w;r weh tla mjq,ll=vd <uhska fofokd
n,d .ekSu i|yd n|jd .kakd ,§¡ jir follg miqj tu hqj<g Tjqkaf.a m<uq jeks orejd ,enqKs¡ fndfyda
foaj,a Tjqka fofokdg fyd¢ ka isÿ jQ kuq;a Tjqka wdYdfjka n,d isá tla fohla jQfha
m%dfoaYSh iNdfjka idojñka ;snQ wvq úhoï ksjdij,ska tlla Tjqkag;a ,efíh hkakhs¡ fï w¨;a
ksjdi l=vd jqj;a tajd Tjqkaf. a wdodhu wkqj f.úh yels uÜgfï tajd úh¡ wvq wdodhï iys; /
lshdj, ksr; jQ k.rfha fndfyda fokdg ;ukaf.a m<uq ksji ysñ lr.ekSfï tlu ud¾.h jQfha tu
ksjdihs¡ Tjqkaf.a m<uqjeks orejd ,efnkakg udi lSmhlg fmr fmdfrd;a;= ,ehsia;=fõ Tjqkaf.
Wäka u ;sfnk nj Tjqkag okajk ,È¡ tfy;a ta ,shqu Tjqkag jer§ulska tjk ,oaola nj miqj okajk ,§¡

iq¨ jYfhka uqo,ab;sß lr.ksñka Tjqka Ôú;h fk .sfha tu uqo,ska m<uqjeks orejdf.a yd
bka ;j;a wjqreÿ ;=klg miqj bmÿKq fojeks orejdf.a <ud mdie,aj, g f.ùu i|ydh¡ ta orejka ;j;a
álla jevqKdg miqj Tjqkaf.a mdie,ai|yd úhoï lsÍug;a Tjqkag uqo,a wjYH úh¡ ;u orejka
mdie,a jir mqrdu uykais ù bf.k . ekSu flfrys Tõyq Wkkaÿ jQy¡ miqj Tjqkaf.a <uhska Wiia
úÿy,aj,g we;=¿ jQ w;r tys § o uykaisfhka bf.k fk Tõyq úYaj úoHd,j,go .shy¡ k.rhg ;j ; j;a
ckhd meñKsu;a iu. u fmdfrd;a;= ,ehsia;=j, kï we;=<;a lr .ekSu ;j ;j;a wudre jQ fyhska ;ukag
jvd ÿIalr;d ;snQ fjk;a fndfyda msßia isá nj;a Tjqkaf. a wjYH;d ;ukag jvd yÈis nj;a tu hqj,
±k.;ay¡ orejka fndfyda .Kkla isá mjq,a o" frda.S fyda ;=jd, iys; foudmshka isá, tfukau
Tjqka uq,ska k.rhg meñKs ld,fha fuka myiqfjka /lshd fidhd.; fkdyels jq mjq,ao ta w;r jQ
nj Tõyq ±k.;ay¡

k.rhg meñKs od isg l=<shg fk ;snQ ldur follska hq;al=vd ^tmdÜukaÜ& ksjdifha tu mjqf,a
wh wjqreÿ úiaila u Ôj;a jQy¡ Tjqkaf.a fojeks orejd úYajúoHd,hg we;=¿ udi. follg
miqj ,smsf.dkq yd fjk;a ,sms f,aLk rdYshla /fk rcfha ks,Odßfhla Tjqka ne,Sug
meñKsfhah¡ Tjqka i|yd ksjila fjkalr ;sfnk nj;a" Tjqka ;ju;a ta .ek Wkkaÿjla olajkafka kï tu
f,aLkj, w;aika lrk f,i;a Tyq lshd isáfhah¡ túg B<. i;sfha Tjqkag tu ksjfia h;=re Ndr .; yelsjkq

f,aLk w;aika l< Tõyq tu w¨;a ksjfia mÈxÑhg .shy¡ ðú;fha m<uq jrg ±ka ; lshd
ksjila Tjqkag ysñ ù we;¡ Tjqkaf.a merKs l=vd ksjfia fuka tys o ksod .ekSug yd lEu
lEug ;eka ;snqKs¡ ta yer tys id,hla ol=vd fj;a;la o ;snqKs¡ bka wjqreÿ lSmhlg miqj" ta
hqj,fa orejka id¾:l /lshdjka ,nd.;aw ;r" Tjqkag u wh;a jvd úYd, ksjdi o ysñ lr.;ay¡ tfy;a
Tjqyq k.rfha u kej;S isáhy¡

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© UCLES 2016 3205/02/INSERT/M/J/16

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