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Hidetaka Sasaki has graduated from dental school in Osaka, Japan in 2002.
A�er gradua�on, he did his post-graduate training at Tokyo Medical and
Dental University and taught dental students at the Prosthodon�cs Depart-
ment of Tokyo Medical and Dental University from 2004 to 2005.
In 2005 he started working at a private dental prac�ce in Tokyo, and started
CAD/CAM prac�ce using the CEREC system in 2006.
From 2012 to 2013, he studied under Prof. Albert Mehl at the University of
Zurich, Switzerland, and conducted research on ceramic materials. In 2013
he started running a private prac�ce in Tokyo, Japan, where digital prac�ce
using the CEREC system is the main focus of treatment.
Hidetaka Sasaki has published various papers and ar�cles on CAD/CAM Den�stry using the CEREC system in various
academic and commercial journals and has authored a book on chair-side individualiza�on use stain glazing
techniques. He is especially specialized in digital esthe�c den�stry using IPS e.max CAD and CEREC system, and has
been giving lectures on Digital Den�stry using CEREC system and IPS e.max CAD in Japan since around 2008.
Minimally invasive treatment op�ons have become increasingly feasible in restora�ve den�stry, due to the introduc-
�on of adhesive technique in combina�on with restora�ve materials featuring translucent proper�es comparable to
those of natural teeth. Prepara�on designs have changed to fulfill specific prerequisites for different types of all-porce-
lain and CAD/CAM-technologies.
Today in numerous indica�ons, all-porcelain materials offer scien�fically proven alterna�ves to metal- based restora-
�ons, and the op�on of minimally invasive procedures. CAD/CAM fabricated restora�on contributed as an important
part to this progress, facilita�ng a largely standardized manufacturing process, with a broad spectrum of highly esthe�c
restora�ons on implants and natural teeth. From more than 10 years proven results of porcelain material un�l the
introduc�on of novel zirconium oxide,an ongoing evolu�on of indica�ons for all-porcelains were progressing.
The results of long-term clinical trials will support the correct treatment decision. The lectures will emphasize on the
different fields of fixed prosthodon�cs and provides support in material selec�on, appropriate prepara�on design, and
adhesive technique for different kind of indica�ons. Addi�onally, audiences will see the live demo on chairside staining
technique that can be applied in daily prac�ce.
1. To describe case selec�on and pa�ent evalua�on for fixed restora�ons.
2. To iden�fy the key elements in the prepara�on principle and style to get predictable results.
3. To differen�ate the indica�on of several types of minimally invasive prepara�on designs and their applica�on.
4. To understand material selec�on criteria to ensure durable CAD/CAM-fabricated lithium disilicate or novel
zirconium dioxide porcelain restora�ons.
5. To understand adhesive techniques on all-porcelain restora�on
6. To understand the durability of all ceramic material from the esthe�c and func�onal aspect based on proven long-
term clinical results.
7. To know the limita�ons of fixed restora�ons using all porcelain material
8. Highlight the staining technique to fabricate natural shade on chairside using the latest porcelain staining material
and furnace.
Dan Lazar has graduated from the Faculty of Den�stry in 2005 in Cluj-Napo-
ca, Romania. A�er that he a�ended many post-graduate trainings in
prosthe�c and restora�ve den�stry in Romania and Europe. Between
2007-2009 he teaches at the Faculty of Den�stry ”Iuliu Ha�eganu”, Cluj
Napoca, RO at the Restora�ve Department.
From 2005, he starts working in a private prac�ce in Oradea and from 2016
runs his own private prac�ce, specialized in prosthodon�cs and restora�ve
den�stry. Dr Lazar has published various papers in different journals about
esthe�c den�stry. He is the founder of “Lazar Learning”, a private training
center established in 2016 in Oradea, and a Style Italiano member.
He runs two modular programs together with specialized lecturers. The first - “FOCUS - See. Analyze. Plan” describes
full documenta�on, diagnos�c and interdisciplinary treatment plan of the pa�ent and the second - “SHAPE - compo-
site veneers “ focuses on step by step procedures for composite veneer reconstruc�on. Dan Lazar is lecturing in
Romania and abroad since 2009 on different topics: prosthodon�cs, direct composite restora�ons and dental
Easy and predictable surface texture technique for anterior direct composite restora�ons
The increased use of direct composite restora�ons can be mainly a�ributed to pa�ent demand for esthe�c restora-
�ons in a very short �me and the availability of composites with high strength and excellent esthe�cs offered by the
dental companies.
When the den�st choose the direct composite restora�on as a treatment plan op�on, this should meet several criteria
as: minimally invasive approach, good match of the color, good finishing and polishing, func�onal and aesthe�c
biomime�c. In all composite restora�ons is always preferred a smooth and highly glosses surface.
The aesthe�c considera�ons and the oral health are the reasons why a properly finished composite restora�on are
desirable. A mul�tude of clinical problems such as gingival irrita�on, higher wear rates and recurrent or secondary
caries, plaque accumula�on and an overall long-term aesthe�c failure are the result of a poorly finished resin anterior
restora�on with their surface irregulari�es.
Contouring, finishing and polishing are the most important steps in successfully crea�ng bonded and long term
restora�ons. A clinical challenge has always been achieving a highly polished surface on the composite resin, and new
methods have been coming on the scene, day by day, to accomplish this important step.
Restoring the proximal area with composite. Essen�al Guidelines.
The restora�ons of composite material are worth considering a treatment op�on both from aesthe�c and func�onal
point of view. The posterior composite restora�ons are one of the most frequent restora�ve dental treatments and
the final outcome depends on some factors - the prepara�on of the cavity, reconstruc�on of the contact point, the
shape of the occlusal morphology, the finishing of the restora�on and the occlusion check.
SHAPE POSTERIOR is an experience in which we will debate the use of the composite materials in the posterior
region both in occlusal and proximal cavi�es.
- how to prepare a proximal cavity
- how do I reconstruct op�mally the contact point?
- how to use different matrices?
- how to shape the occlusal morphology - step by step procedure
- how to make a predictable occlusal adjustments
Hands - On
Covering technique in single discolora�on tooth
Tooth discolora�on is a frequent dental finding, associated with clinical and esthe�c problems. With the excep�on of
structurally compromised teeth (eg: endodon�cally treated teeth with large Class III restora�ons, etc.), composite
resin layering using an indirect approach can be done for single anterior units, for it has several advantages, as
men�oned below:
- The operator controls the restora�on's masking, layering, and morphology.
- The procedure can be completed in a single visit.
- The procedure is more cost-effec�ve.
In this lecture & hands-on session, par�cipants will learn:
- Treatment planning and how to choose between direct restora�on or tooth bleaching basedon the indica�ons.
- How to do restora�on's masking, layering, and mimicking the dental morphology.
- Choosing the material for masking the discolored tooth.
Drg. Evan Valerio, Sp.Pros graduated from Universitas Padjadjaran (Bandung,
West Java), where he acquired his bachelor degree in 2014 and his Prostho-
don�cs specialist degree in 2019. He owns several dental clinics in both
Bandung (Evo Dental Care) and Jakarta (Valerio Dental Care), where he also
ac�vely prac�ces as one of the dental specialists. Dr. Evan s�ll managed to
ac�vely par�cipate on various scien�fic events as a lecturer and hands-on
instructor to passionately share his exper�se in esthe�c den�stry, prostho-
don�c restora�ves, implantology and digital den�stry topics.
Plenty of his clinical cases have been shared on his personal social media account where he o�en shared his
personal insights, �ps & tricks on how to manage a number of cases & issues we o�en find in daily dental prac�ce.
Hands - On
Aesthe�c Indirect Restora�on: From Prepara�on to Cementa�on
The making of indirect restora�ons needs proper planning and execu�on in order to produce an esthe�c and
func�onal restora�on. Both simple and complex indirect restora�ons need op�mum treatment sequence, star�ng
from smile designing, mock up phase, tooth prepara�on, impression taking as well as final cementa�on. On this
seminar and hands on, expect to learn how to plan an esthe�c and func�onal indirect restora�on on both simple
and complex cases.
In this lecture & hands-on session, par�cipants will learn:
- Indica�ons and treatment planning for porcelain restora�on.
- The making of smile design, mock up, index prepara�on as a guidance to do tooth prepara�on.
- The prepara�on of tooth and produc�on of temporary crown
- How to choose the cementa�on material and cementa�on protocol
Dr. drg. Irmaleny, Sp.KG, Subsp. KR (K) is a conserva�ve subspecialist consul-
tant, graduated from Universitas Padjadjaran – Bandung. She had deepen her
knowledge and con�nue to develop her exper�se in Restora�ve & Endodon�cs
by taking various interna�onal trainings, and doing numerous research studies
for various dental materials, related techniques and outcomes, aside from her
professional educa�on she had taken before. Currently, with her passion of
clinical den�stry, she currently serves as a lecturer and the head of the program
at the Department of Conserva�ve Den�stry – Universitas Padjadjaran
and carry on to pass her knowledge to her students in her daily prac�ce. With her great exper�se and substan�al
dis�nc�on, she s�ll ac�vely par�cipate in numerous seminar and hands on as the keynote speaker, for diverse topics
related in conserva�ve field.
Hands - On
Contemporary Dental Bleaching: Procedure and Controversial Effects
Tooth discolora�on, especially on anterior teeth, is an esthe�c problem which urges an individual to seek for
medical treatment. Today, there have been quite a number of treatments to correct dental discolora�ons, such as
dental veneers or crowns, which are considered more invasive. In office external bleaching is one of a less invasive
and conserva�ve method which can be used to treat dental discolora�ons, as well as easier to achieve a more
esthe�c result.
There are two bleaching techniques in today’s den�stry. External bleaching is used for vital tooth which has
experienced extrinsic discolora�on. While internal bleaching is used for intrinsic discolora�on case such as on
non-vital tooth due to trauma, etc. In-office dental bleaching (with or without LED light) is a popular treatment
which is done professionally and has more advantages than home bleaching in a way that it reduces exposures of
irrita�ng materials on so� �ssue, less treatment dura�on and prevents the swallowing of bleaching material by the
To increase the effec�vity of dental bleaching, there are several factors that needs to be considered: the e�ology of
the discolora�on, the treatment planning, as well as managing the right protocols. In addi�on, there are a number
of procedures which needs to be done at before, during and a�er the bleaching procedure in order to achieve a
sa�sfying, long term result with less post-opera�ve side effects.
In this lecture & hands-on session, par�cipants will learn:
- Proper isola�ons for dental bleaching.
- Dental bleaching material and how to use with safety protocol.
- How to reduce dental hypersensi�vity effects which are o�en related to bleaching treatments.
Dr. drg. Menik Priaminiarti, Sp.RKG,
Subsp.R.D.P (K)
Dr. drg. Menik Priaminiar� Sp.RKG, Subsp. R.D.P (K) is a dental radiologist -
subspecialist consultant from Universitas Indonesia (UI). Her strong exper�se in
dental radiography were obtained from her con�nous educa�on in Universitas
Indonesia, training course in Kyushu University - Japan, and her post doctoral
from Louisville School of Den�stry - USA. Aside from her daily prac�ce in
Jakarta and teaching as lecturer in Department of Dental Radiology - Universi-
tas Indonesia, she ac�vely par�cipate in numerous Oral and Maxillofacial
Radiology associa�ons, and serving as the Vice Head of Indonesian Dento
Maxillofacial Radiology Associa�on since 2015, asian director of Interna�onal
Associa�on of Dento Maxillofacial Radiology (IADFMR) since 2019.
drg. Menik has been profoundly keen to share her knowledge and exper�se in Radiology by frequently being a
speaker in many dental & associa�ons events na�on wide.
Hands - On
The Comprehensive Applica�on of CBCT Imaging as Necessary Suppor�ve Examina�on in Daily Dental Prac�ce
Dental prac��oners are always suggested to seek for the advancements in dental science, in regards to the rapid
and massive digitaliza�on in this modern era of Den�stry in order to improve one’s knowledge & clinical skills. One
of the most vital tools to support dental diagnosis, treatment planning as well as post-opera�ve evalua�on is by
using radiographic images as suppor�ng tool. There are some dental condi�ons and dental procedures which are
hard to be done only by having two-dimensional radiographic images. In these cases, three-dimensional images are
more likely to be required. CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) is a medical imaging technique widely used
for diagnos�c support and op�mizing dental treatment planning. CBCT images can be used in a variety of cases
which den�sts o�en find in daily dental prac�ce. In this lecture & hands-on ac�vity, par�cipants will learn the
significance of CBCT images in suppor�ng diagnosis and treatment planning, as well as how to properly op�mize the
use of CBCT images in daily dental cases.
In this lecture & hands-on session, par�cipants will learn:
- The holis�c approach of CBCT in dental daily prac�ce
- The indica�ons of using CBCT as a suppor�ng examina�on tool
- How to operate with CBCT image digital file and use it for diagnos�c approach
- How to use CBCT images for treatment planning approach
- The varying use of CBCT in dental daily prac�ce
Hands On
Seminar Local
Dan Lazar Hidetaka Sasaki Bundling Dan Lazar Bundling Hidetaka Sasaki
Period (1 Session Direct (1 Session Indirect (2 Session Direct (2 Session Indirect
(1 Session) Anterior & Posterior) Anterior & Posterior)
Anterior / Posterior) Anterior / Posterior)
Early Bird
Rp 1.250.000,- Rp 1.100.000,- Rp 1.750.000,- Rp 1.750.000,- Rp 2.500.000,- Rp 2.500.000,-
May, 15 - June, 15. 2023
June, 16 - July, 31. 2023 Rp 1.500.000,- Rp 1.250.000,- Rp 2.000.000,- Rp 2.000.000,- Rp 2.750.000,- Rp 2.750.000,-
Scan Here
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