Transocean Marinepaints Engels 2018

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Marine paints

Marine paints

Shipping is still the most important form of transportation of structures are submerged or buried in soil but also in water- ballast

goods across the world. One of the major costs incurred by shipping tanks where often a layer of mud is deposited on the steel. When

companies is preventing corrosion of their vessels and as ships are present in such deposits, SRB use sulphate as their source of oxygen

constructed mainly of steel, cost for keeping corrosion at bay can and in turn produce sulphide ions. Sulphide ions are highly corrosive

account for a fair amount of the operational budget. and as a result steel corrodes to typical terrace-shaped craters with

Corrosion is a natural reaction where steel under the influence deposits of black iron sulphide on the crater bottom.

of water and air transforms to rust. The speed of corrosion is en-

hanced by the presence of salt and as such it is clear that water, air Clearly protecting steel against corrosion requires a strategy where

and salt perfectly describe a marine environment. factors such as steel exposure conditions and intended functional

use of steel structures have to be considered.

Corrosion can also occur when steel comes in contact with corrosive

chemicals even when at first sight this is not expected. For instance Painting is the most widely used means of protection. Marine paint

coal in its basic form is harmless but coal ore may contain sulphur systems typically consist of several layers which form a barrier

impurities, which in combination with moisture forms sulphuric against the penetration of water and contaminants through the

acid, a strong corrosive chemical. coatings to the steel.

However, the paint systems’ properties can only be done justice if

they are well-applied and if a proper surface preparation has been

carried out.

It has been well established that the quality of surface preparation

has a direct relation with the lifetime of a system. Even when using

surface tolerant paints it cannot be emphasized enough that better

surface preparation always results in longer lifetimes.

During new construction stage, it is relatively easier from the

shipyard to achieve a good quality of surface preparation. In some

cases, class rules like the IMO-PSPC even specifically describe which

preparation standards are to be met.

However, in maintenance situations things can be different for

Another type of corrosion that deserves mention is biological cor- example open-air grit blasting may not be possible in certain

rosion caused by organisms such as the sulphate reducing bacteria countries and can also be quite costly due to high cost for disposal

(SRB). SRB typically favour conditions which can be found when of drydock waste.

such as the Transpoxy Masterbond range of surface tolerant epox-

ies and the Cleanship line of antifoulings.

Research and Development is carried out on various locations in

the world where Transocean Coatings researchers are engaged in

development programs to develop new products, improve existing

ones and to evaluate new raw materials and techniques that could

be of benefit to customers.

Transocean applies stringent criteria before launching new

products in the market. Apart from using well known accelerated

test regimes like cycle corrosion testing, Transocean uses modern

techniques such as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)

in order to get a complete picture of the anticorrosive properties of

Transocean executes raft testing of antifoulings worldwide.
every paint.

High pressure – and Ultra high pressure water jetting is therefore When lab testing has resulted in a prospective new product, it will

the preferred method for maintenance shipyards as it not only require a number of validation checks before the products is finally

results in less waste but also it leaves a good clean substrate for introduced to the costumers. One example of a validation proce-

recoating. dure is the fact that the claimed test results by the development

lab of a new product has to be confirmed by another laboratory in

Finally, on board maintenance by the crew presents problems of its the Transocean organisation. By doing so, it may take several years

own as time and tools for a proper surface preparation are usually before a product is ready to be introduced in the market.

limited. In the case of testing and development of antifoulings, this process

is especially a time consuming task simply by the fact that there are

In all these situations, marine paints are still expected to perform no real accelerated test as there are for anticorrosives.

which is why development and production of marine paints is Transocean evaluates antifouling properties under natural condi-

crucial for protection. tions, which is by for instance immersion of panels on rafts. Since

vessels trade worldwide, Transocean antifoulings are tested in vari-

Transocean Coatings has taken up this challenge and since 1959, ous locations, each having a different seawater condition.

Transocean Coatings has supplied ship owners with high quality Other techniques in Antifouling research are SEM (Scanning Elec-

paints combined with an excellent service. Extensive research has trone Microscopy) and dynamic rotor testing which can be used to

resulted in products which have proven their worth in the market study the erosion rate of self-polishing antifoulings.
Marine paints

Transocean Range of Marine products

Shop primers and primers specific versions for winter and summer are available to provide the

For the new building stage, best workability.

Transoweld 1.56 is the prod- Transpoxy Barrier is a recognised IMO-PSPC coating which makes it

uct of choice. It is a low-zinc primer for all vessel areas. Moreover, Transpoxy Barrier is very suit-

silicate shopprimer which able as maintenance coating too. It offers good adhesion to suitable

is easy to apply by manual prepared old coating system and is compatible with high pressure

spray as well as in automatic water jetting.

spraying lines. The product

has welding certificates from various Class and complies to IMO- The Transpoxy Master-

PSPC standard too. bond Range consist of high

Our range of primers is able to meet requirements of ship owners volume solids epoxies ready

and shipyards alike. Apart from universal primers that can be used for heavy-duty performance.

from flat bottom all the way to the funnel, Transocean has primers With over 80% in volume

which are optimised to match corrosive challenges of specific vessel solids, it meets VOC stand-

areas. ards and reduces emissions.

An example is Transpoxy Uniprimer; a versatile epoxy polyamide Due to its good wetting and adhesive properties, Transpoxy Mas-

primer offering excellent adhesion to non-metal substrates such terbond is exceptionally suitable as a surface tolerant mastic for

as GRP but also to all metal substrates including aluminium and maintenance situations as well as for new construction projects. By

stainless steel. selecting Transpoxy Masterbond, there is no compromise on corro-

sion protection since the product meets Norsok M-501, ISO 20340

Abrasion Resistant Coatings and has been recognised as IMO-PSPC coating.

Transpoxy ARC is a high solids, self-priming buildcoat based on pure

epoxy resins reinforced with extremely durable pigments. When Finishes

cured, the high crosslink density network results in a tough coating The final layer of any coating system is often judged by its estheti-

offering a high level of abrasion resistance which explain why often cal qualities but in fact it contributes to the overall anticorrosive

Transpoxy ARC is selected for the protection of the outside hull, properties of the coating system.

decks and cargo holds. Transothane Finish is a high solids, polyurethane finish provid-

ing excellent durability and is available in a wide range of colours.

Multi purpose anticorrosives The product is suitable for new construction project as well as for

Transpoxy Barrier products are high build polyamide epoxy prim- maintenance jobs. Other suitable finishes for vessels are single

ers for all vessel areas and have been in the market since the late pack paints like Transacryl Finish and Transunilac Finish. All finishes

1970’s. Although Transpoxy Barrier can be applied year round, comply to the IMO FTP code for low spread of flame.

If corrosion protection is the first priority for users of marine paints, any growth of fouling will be inhibited. Biocides have to be released
fouling protection will follow shortly after. Any organism capable of in a controlled manner in order to obtain longer lifetime and avoid
attaching itself to a vessel can cause fouling. However, the follow- unnecessary excessive use of biocides.
ing types are commonly found worldwide: Within the Transocean Coatings range of antifoulings, products will

vary in biocide release mechanism, lifetime expectations and vessel

Slime- and Algae fouling: – initial settlement of bacteria is within suitability.
minutes on any object immersed in the sea. Slime fouling can

develop in the algae fouling and an example is the well-known Second is the reliance on a physical interaction and not biocides.
Enteromorpha (`green algae’). The coating presents a surface to which fouling organism can

adhere too but not proceed to settling stage. As such, fouling can
Animal fouling - Barnacles are the most well-known example here. be easily removed by little force such as the speed of a sailing ship.
Once a barnacle larvae has settled on a substrate, a hard, calcareous Transocean Ultima system has excellent fouling release properties
shell is built. During the shell-growing process enormous powers also under stationary conditions and does not impose limitations
are developed to such an extent that it can undercut hard epoxy on vessel types or vessel speed.

Effects of fouling
The most quoted effect of fouling on a ship hull is the increase in

drag and hull roughness resulting in speed reduction resulting in

lower fuel efficiency and thus higher operational cost for the ship

owner. The average roughness of a new paint system on a blast

cleaned hull is approx. 150 micron. However, if the vessel is fouled

by for instance barnacles hull roughness can easily exceed 1000

micron resulting in higher fuel bills as the graph further illustrates.

Using antifoulings is therefore an effective solution and a worth-

while investment.

There are two basic principles to how antifoulings work;

The Graph shows the effect of hull roughness on the percentage

First is by the release of active compounds called biocides at the increase in Power to maintain speed for several vessel lengths.
It shows for instance that smaller vessels are more effected by
coating-seawater interface where they creates a hostile environ- increasing hull roughness.
ment for fouling organisms. Fouling will therefore be prevented and
Marine paints

Transocean Product range

The product range of Transocean comprises a wide range of products designed to be used in a

marine environment. Note that products are always part of a coating system. Please contact your

local Transocean company for obtaining more information on our products and for advice on

appropriate coating systems for your ship.

Transocean Anticorrosives Transpoxy EC Coating Epoxy finish with unlimited recoatability

Beside our universal primers, Transocean offers many other products which Transothane Finish Regular build polyurethane finish
can match a specific requirement on composition, usage and budget. Below a
selection of products. Transurethane Finish High build polyurethane finish

Transurethane Shield High solids, polyurethane finish

Transogard Primer Alkyd primer
Transpoxyl Finish Polysiloxane
Transvinyl Primer Modified vinyl primer/sealer
Transofine Finish Water borne acrylic
Transoweld Primer Low zinc silicate shop primer
Transocean Aquapox Water borne epoxy
Transpoxy Shopprimer Epoxy shop primer

Transpoxy Primer Epoxy primer

Transocean Antifoulings
Transpoxy Uniprimer Universal epoxy primer for all substrates
All Transocean antifouling comply to the IMO-AFS code and as such are
Transpoxy MIO Primer Epoxy primer pigmented with Micaceous certified by class.
Iron Oxide Please note that due to local regulations some of the products stated below
may not be available. Your local Transocean representative will be able to
Transpoxy EC Primer Epoxy primer with unlimited recoatability inform you exactly about the status in your region.

Transoprime Epoxy primer for all areas

Transocean Optima Ablative grades, suitable for drydock intervals of
Transpoxy ARC Abrasion resistant pure epoxy 18-24 months

Transpoxy Barrier Universal epoxy primer/coating Transocean Longlife Mixed matrix type, for dry dock intervals up to
30 months. Not suitable for stationary, slow
Transozinc Epoxy Zinc epoxy primer steaming vessels.

Transozinc Silicate Zinc silicate anticorrosive

Transpoxy Deep Tanks Amine adduct cured chemical resistant epoxy Transocean Cleanship

Transpoxy Tankguard Phenolic epoxy Comprises a range of selfpolishing antifoulings based on hybrid binder
system. Dependent on vessel characteristics, drydock intervals up to 60
Transpoxy Masterbond Epoxy mastic months are possible.

Transpoxy Masterbond BT Epoxy mastic especially for ballast tanks

Cleanship 291 General purpose usage, optimal for high activity
Transpoxy Masterbond GF Glassflake epoxy vessels

Transpoxy Glascote Glassflake epoxy Cleanship 293 General purpose usage, optimal for slower
Transvinypox HS High solids epoxy tiecoat
Cleanship 295 General purpose usage
Transpoxy Guard Solvent free epoxy for potable water
Cleanship 292 Special version for aluminium vessels

Transocean Finishes
Transocean Armada
Although Transocean coating finishes are mostly judged by their esthetical
qualities, one should take into account that the products do contribute to the Selfpolishing antifouling based on hydrolysable silylacrylic polymers. Suitable
overall performance of the anticorrosive system. Below a brief summary of for drydock intervals up to 60 months.
the most popular Transocean Finishes. Note that all finishes offer low flame
spread characteristics according to the IMO FTP-code.

Transunilac Finish Alkyd finish Transocean Ultima system

Transacryl Finish Acrylic finish Biocide free, Fouling release system based silicone binder system. Extended
drydock intervals are possible. Suitable for all vessel types.
Transpoxy Finish Epoxy finish
Please visit for more information
about all Transocean products and our activities. Technical datasheets
can be downloaded from the website too.
The laughing
Transocean Coatings

Huygensstraat 3

2652 XK Berkel en Rodenrijs

The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)10 - 413 44 77 worldwide
local service.
[email protected]

It’s unique!
Since 1959, Transocean Coatings is ac-

tive in the manufacture and supply of

antifoulings, anticorrosives and other

coatings for commercial ships, pleasure

crafts and steel structures onshore as

well as offshore.

Extensive research and development

work has provided Transocean Coatings

with a series of products which profes-

sionals acknowledge to be complete and

of high quality.

Transocean Coatings has a network

of manufacturers, producing its range

of coatings in some 40 countries and

subsequently distributing the paints to

all continents.

Manufacturing takes place using strin-

gent formulations. Whether a product is

supplied in Europe, Asia, North- or South

America, in Africa or Australia, the qual-

ity is guaranteed identical.

At any shore therefore, wherever in

Your local Transocean representative the world, you can rely on Transocean

Coatings. And local service assures quick

delivery of factory-fresh products at

competitive prices.

That’s unique!


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