Gold Plating Document
Gold Plating Document
Gold Plating Document
A review is presented of selected recent topics in electrolytic and electroless gold plating for electronics
applications. The topics covered include developments of non-cyanide electroplating baths for plating soft
gold suitable for fabricating microbumps on silicon wafers, electroplating of hard gold and alternative
materials with thermally stable electrical contact resistance and wear resistance for use on connectors
exposed to elevated temperatures, and neutral, non-cyanide electroless processes for plating pure, soft gold
on isolated areas of circuit boards. The development of the new electroless processes has been a subject of
great interest and activity, and therefore an extensive survey of the progress in this field is included.
The electroplated gold being used in the electronics cyanoaurate(I), KAu(CN)2, as the source of gold and a
industry can be broadly classified into soft gold and salt of cobalt, nickel, or iron as the hardening agent.
hard gold. Soft gold is used as a surface finish for With the recent trend of miniaturization and
bonding gold or aluminum wire in the conventional densification of electronic parts and components,
method of mounting semiconductor devices on a connectors also tend to become smaller in size with a
circuit board. In more recent years, with the advent of larger number of individual connector pins or sockets.
the so-called surface mount technology, the wire As a result of this trend, the magnitude of current
bonding has been replaced by the direct bonding of passing through an individual pin/socket pair is
microbumps fabricated on silicon wafers by the increased in some applications, resulting in a rise in
electroplating of soft gold. Since the bonding of a large temperature at the mating surfaces. Exposure to
number of bumps is involved for each chip, uniformity elevated temperature is also encountered during the
in the bump geometry is important. The gold must be soldering operations performed to attach cable wires to
sufficiently soft so that the bumps are easily connectors. The extent of the temperature rise at the
deformable to accommodate small variations in contact surface is greater for connectors with smaller
thickness. Photolithography is employed to delineate pins because of the proximity to the area to be
patterns for the formation of bumps. Conventional soldered. Under these circumstances, it is important
photoresists are attacked by the cyanide which is that the electrical resistance of the contact material
present in ordinary soft gold plating baths. remains low and stable at elevated temperatures.
Consequently, non-cyanide baths must be used for this Thermal stability is also critical in applications for the
purpose. electronic equipment used in automobiles.
Hard gold is used on electrical connectors and Electroless gold plating is unique in that it requires
contacts requiring resistance to mechanical wear as well no external source of electrical current, and hence it is
as low electrical contact resistance. The gold is suitable for plating gold on electrically isolated areas,
electroplated from a bath containing potassium for example, on a circuit board. It should be noted that
A A’
B B’
Figure 5 Photographs of (A, B) high density connector pins selectively plated with CoHG and (A’,B’) assembled connectors. (A,A’: 13
pins/cm, B,B’ : 20 pins/cm. B’ shows a connector for a surface-mount circuit board)