Antenna 2

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Asaytewnas 22lsla3

Ifneat aslay
Plana aloy
ielsl2g depole
P2 (Ans)
when wee keep tuoo depolu toqethe,

Assay Concept is requaved to mihe/geta

Corret cuctomised vadkato pattem,
r(le.ton coe( AMay lachor detluatton:- (nat pas:)
(, Theie is nos ta dEug waue).
Dependlng nthese d,
S) Gain and aefnieney popoukad
2de Bcamuidh apertve ale inerey
thenet ralkahonptem
chamge. )

and Ptat EIR


Asnay Omndirehnal,aleast fs otipe

pateh antena t a qood tin ton
Ay is mot uell been
Hoau A
Fun dametl obírtiegoamays iste crete They have Electaei ld’
2 dB beamude
huls amd ploqra mming IndSul del Fueld.
() Caeate lulls (2) Paqvammiy 3dB Bh Enet =KE
ale need to feue the
Hhe Aaay

Anay is qoo d t teansm ting etde ouly.

hlhençm wunt if to be at the reeeuer soe
dont hae the pahameters. The ofhes peoblen waetha
wel qet and wse dat knowt at s oure A.)
to doukih Hhese (i 4auctewnas ae prese) Ee + £e
((e add, Kqnals.
subtact, mulkiy. ( ’ Phase deleeuce ef slgnls auslng fom
Roichy aud spetflly we se amay antynat A an d B
ALways take
the redeue de,
AseayFactus. We keep tuoo Sorce A B relurenie
(dCos Sfs Hee
B = dcos x 21 path aeluene)
These SeurCes aAe

Fed th phaieduee Then

bestace bla Sourc es is
P Rediato
patteu + e

yBo Enet KE Foa to qet

bookthey Enet = 2 E(Cos)
Astoy plane wsed )
2 En et O
This ?s the
auey atoy
(dilta) ’ tngle on He A8%a plave
(More soes ’ Moreve ofaatfou) Loopttemat Elke. Shortalsla
we take ipeut as releeuce, ’ More turns,
wElec.long.cir cumt
2ore Direchtt
Et E e

() reáeues EMn.
is preret e|etenty tansnaH od
paenple beltd.
( Helen the
above example
because there is EM Indu ctfon is the
Sce nalo atteld
weto ok idpátas 'preat. 'Elee.Shec
efucmce), 30galn patem
(hlhken too sqnala Acach apíat phase
gulabfamun plane.
ulth toe dpole hacan we cieate a
obfeue. (mnederetanal
gmuth plane, dpe has
In A
antenasl acrele fa radfatfn patfm

doest hee
ey but loop antenMa

Peos (wrtdpole) Cons

Conpet size Challenfig Tmpesaace
Lo Noise Pckup hatehlng
iuen Ftnd
chjectt veytad fenloop- low Nete
mes is the plocess
otpaackal Elecbitealy
autenna. shant/tog
Chuen Secenanlo ’ decan
tollchatenna is bettep
4 Solen ofd becomei big Elee. length4
han the othe. J
*loop atenns shouldbe fsdated Yadfaty
Comer fto
becauset ´Feeeld~cuwvent nteiationi tene plebure
too stzong heai loop ate ma
More senteuhy uth neaiby Folmula
obfecs. 20.
Anlcatfmi’ aatuy uied for refeuir loop tteua.
Capact a
easty connetedtealmth
* loe Can fseldleteelron)
-’ REIo (to detect thepoffon
Hensnt t) ( Best tor
’ olfeckee 2glsluz
Cotl. Auay tte nna ’ Af S= , l80
one derecfn and oe :. £= o at o, 160
2 Elemeut Axay want a null at thet pord 240

E Mas?ma at
Max?ma 6,29o

AAtay pla me 1 S= Go
2 Eo

E- 2¬. Co(
le can caete
Aaay Factor neu. Hhen

ß= 2TT
Spacsg phaseineed E =2E
(a) 2

(a1) a-o [Fedin phesc]


he bfagest inlao+O)
:E= 2E, Ces (Tos &) 92
tena ’ Airpovs Mefalt deletae’ Pateb hten
Coe caA auoid
autena beclame
* Patehand
came more velauat ta

hlhere edplaine to
ts {he qround foe Hotn?
There ís no qvecinid ete Hotn
Lh EMn here s no qrud (Rt it theve
ctrutt heay)
VLSL Came fucto ptctuve
Clallenges fu Aaiay Deskg? because
pateh. Kee

e need more degeea ol fecdom. *

Theve is no Sope fei faipedanee methg

Lxb the netal t tusekness
Squre Kalameter Aathtenay
(Yatube) 3tlsh
sbs Patek Atennu, Meta
mlcvoshp pateh tdtena what madehs ground
dea? Th bugut
Cne ol the mect tmpetaut beulnd Pteh as a tHausmiase autena tura high
atena. Ceeatfom.
Pou ' Caunet 'lex: ta cllphaie
Twe want to place an autene on a mouliqvekicy tueve fs no Aelectaic
atee uehich docsat sctusb matei which can hal d HoRn anewna)
the aeodynamics the vehfele. (ex: preture heveis no (cue messuots)
"Theseoe Patch tvtenna came Ruto tor pateh asa reeleutugatee
Just ltKe a metal heet.
Srund to neíte vatfo fo a pateh Issues uith Patch luhat ll oe study
atena is fm postaut. tatth)

thykeltewp Tp). has a hge aflet Autenna Theory ( Balanis)
deeletac Tp geucutes tet Meetotkp Aatenma
’ Theiese ate laspolele, caformalle toplea aud
Patehs clkieney i los becauie naplana Sulaca, mple and tnepenive
(bad) to
Jelecte doesil allow to vadíate
technology, me chanlly robust ushea matl
Book Avteunaheohy. CoA- Balans.
’ Vey vesakle
e Patck) (Chapter l4) (írst Gpag) pattun aud tepedanee.

In the preseutda, the ptzh antemna (uohen atteulas ath pe and mode ae

LR requiree eue addeng

(tue pl and vaato diode)
EM desn reautre oy leue arlalle resoant e
Caw be amyhere.
glt they adagttoe lemesullh
tmp. pol. aud pattun can be dehqued.
(elance) (anea )
Disadantoyu laoeleng wavu can be ellminated,ble
Lo powe naiutaining age euls by ustng Cauikey
Csemekmes moe igk
than l oo) stacking a well es oee milo
elements Can also be wied to ‘ Hhe
+poor sean jeyormamce Miuostapauteuna algo enkistt lange
at cetain teauudu sel2s
t Sptious teed vadston Dhohlemsouede he opeaty band
4 s red vived t cveate a toordipale anatr
scenaio. Mamas ae
(Bu come apliahn lke govt.
requred a t ’ S=6o and s 3 o . At one
secshy ayemdy
pdefenslo). The
astant only one mäna is required.
opeatny e Soo MH. etoide 4he
Take hediitane bla Hhe
’ etend elheieny(I suaface desig po &eseltu.
Waues ent
ncudeAtaea AMtennes
(upto 35l-) Loe cancuteu Sol:
Go and30
Suslece Walee ae itodeeed ishock
usualy aie not deirleteCaae they
eiaact posel ot doret radlaton. de/2

Lawer hauel thiugh the sutstate

aud deg Yade the antenne atten and
prailahon chaa ctu?ska
greph slnge a
chea heespace thing maln he phese
is means Phay
date Coou
? pheseh -o bag nean mnea oyou Wlhat
Vius Sede
plane ghaund
Subateate (30) Cas x
radlatg) slot -T/2
Pat |
80) (Te)
cteasticst Chaia
bla kadell ais
scan Bauduide
rs fnand
lage teeuaa, oREAposeby
, = «(6o)4 Cos
phyaly lange rathen 2 27T (t)
outitie cetaánae athres Toget (ty
lagtyhilti altoautennas fuostap
22Ey 12.
Sauave, vectangu, dipdelit ip) aud
clrcalas ale mot onmos becowse o

Most de utralle lot a good autenia pailovn of analyeand foakon, amd taetr
diele baie Cct tlackue radiaton choiacteksks.,eeiy
ate Hheck sbsttes ohose las cyoss-Palaísahian radakon
te u lhe Lousel end o the yange becane the
athackue because they
lagee lemaut ze.
but at Hae expeuse tnheety postes a lange Bw aud oca less
elecke Cotk space, ohich maky hem ateachiue or auas
in sulstate uith higher
’ derable tot mcrowaue
because they ut tylly Bound. fteld,
t mininije wuderive radan couiy
soei tHaweue,
aud lead -to ’ smnale elemeut szé. o miogf a&, lknel d Chst agvam)
becaie their qrete loree, hey ale esr
elkieut aud 'hae relakvely Smaler kanduiu Aputre Caupled feed
íyole. pakh

grand Coaaal
plane. Connectqr


0 naets llaeeed ís caug to abete a qround plane. On the boton stde of .
oel bstute lecd lue
hene is a micolaip feed
Smaler uúlluCompated to the poteh.
takose encigy ?s couple d to fhe patch thtogh
TE s vey comple to mateh
alot on the gAvuud plane sepeetig the
Iteeve as the subtete Hatckuess ‘,sulace subatatee. Ths aslangemaut alla
wce and say spuos eed radiaton T, otie
foa plachal deiqs lnah he BW( alou!' udepeudent optinizaHon o the feedmechanim
CCoais hobe) 2to S.) an d the a
ta dlating demeut
ts usede
) Coaxil ine teeds ’ Hee, the funes Typi cally, a high drelecaic mateal
onductos bl the Coax is atached to tue radkahan halate, and tueclk lro dele taic
Conected b
Datehale the oute conductor salsole,Conshant matetal to the topbekete
the qigund plane. These ae sacbatutei also isbtes
The ground plane blu the
Eayt abn cake, i mteh, aud ?t has Cow spulay He feed ti om the radiating lemct and
Yadkakfon. Hooeuee , ?fals o her a halowBw
lni m¥yes evece ipufoe Aadiake
amd gt6is move d kult to modelyespe lly A tomatfon oud Pelarísafon puly.
fol thiek ubetaat (hs0'02 ),),
fp patern
* Foa tus destqu , the subithate electa? cal
t bolh mtenostatp feed dsnea piohe posses palameters , eed ine uldh andslot soe and
uheentasymnete ouich qeuuate kighes po stfion can be used t opmise the desiqu
Okdel modes ohich paoduce coss polased
radiaKon, lo' ovetcome hese , hncontactig he widh of the eed lae aud the leugth al
aputre eupled yoeda ase wse d. the slot.
6) hoeimiy caepled teed’ Tt har the Palye st
Bul out d the toia ( appron high a l3/. .
to model and
IATA is easy to model and has low spues Vadiar
Howeue, it is easte
Tts dabiiafen is J t. The leugth
hai'modeate sputlau radiaon. 4he eeding shub and widato- lihevato
thepath au be uct contol Jhemat, a) Lohen Pppird popeey, lwae medela
e vey acaratr veu
e.t slngle elemeutt , fuete aud Rufitte
om hauye,stacked elemeuk, abfhay ahayed
clements, nd Coupling. But they ale mae

Complex and uially gue les phystal

Paebe Retangular Patek (utoct uned

Coftqurafm )
-> Veuy eaty to aneyge ufng beth themost
|ene and Gautty modele , oick ade
alcuvate tort e Scbetates.
Paoínttycrg'led l(ne

T lene fll ave leutt aud width he feetds aff he ehaes
Cauthy o the pateh undeuqe tefuging.
puyseeal iuiat tbt is less acluute andis dimen sions o fhe patch and the height
Hhe substaate. (L,w)
move? de kcut to model coupling.
G) Compale dto T' ke, the cauity mod * foa the paínipa Eplaue(y-plene) finsn
is ve "acavate bet more ts a funcion o the vatio ol the Lenglbol
Complor. taleh "L" to {he heigut k ethe subslaate.
But ?t qive qood pysfal fnsiqht and is
ralher de klt to model Coup ling (H) and drelechaie E he sutatte.
".'Fot mcosta?patennw
tinginq is yeduced hoeue f mut be
taken Sndo accouut because itinuence
4he resonant t eaneucy o the antenna

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