Antenna 2
Antenna 2
Antenna 2
Ifneat aslay
Plana aloy
ielsl2g depole
P2 (Ans)
when wee keep tuoo depolu toqethe,
() reáeues EMn.
is preret e|etenty tansnaH od
paenple beltd.
( Helen the
above example
because there is EM Indu ctfon is the
Sce nalo atteld
weto ok idpátas 'preat. 'Elee.Shec
efucmce), 30galn patem
(hlhken too sqnala Acach apíat phase
gulabfamun plane.
ulth toe dpole hacan we cieate a
obfeue. (mnederetanal
gmuth plane, dpe has
In A
antenasl acrele fa radfatfn patfm
doest hee
ey but loop antenMa
E Mas?ma at
Max?ma 6,29o
AAtay pla me 1 S= Go
2 Eo
E- 2¬. Co(
le can caete
Aaay Factor neu. Hhen
ß= 2TT
Spacsg phaseineed E =2E
(a) 2
he bfagest inlao+O)
:E= 2E, Ces (Tos &) 92
tena ’ Airpovs Mefalt deletae’ Pateb hten
Coe caA auoid
autena beclame
* Patehand
came more velauat ta
hlhere edplaine to
ts {he qround foe Hotn?
There ís no qvecinid ete Hotn
Lh EMn here s no qrud (Rt it theve
ctrutt heay)
VLSL Came fucto ptctuve
Clallenges fu Aaiay Deskg? because
pateh. Kee
thykeltewp Tp). has a hge aflet Autenna Theory ( Balanis)
deeletac Tp geucutes tet Meetotkp Aatenma
’ Theiese ate laspolele, caformalle toplea aud
Patehs clkieney i los becauie naplana Sulaca, mple and tnepenive
(bad) to
Jelecte doesil allow to vadíate
technology, me chanlly robust ushea matl
Book Avteunaheohy. CoA- Balans.
’ Vey vesakle
e Patck) (Chapter l4) (írst Gpag) pattun aud tepedanee.
In the preseutda, the ptzh antemna (uohen atteulas ath pe and mode ae
Most de utralle lot a good autenia pailovn of analyeand foakon, amd taetr
diele baie Cct tlackue radiaton choiacteksks.,eeiy
ate Hheck sbsttes ohose las cyoss-Palaísahian radakon
te u lhe Lousel end o the yange becane the
athackue because they
lagee lemaut ze.
but at Hae expeuse tnheety postes a lange Bw aud oca less
elecke Cotk space, ohich maky hem ateachiue or auas
in sulstate uith higher
’ derable tot mcrowaue
because they ut tylly Bound. fteld,
t mininije wuderive radan couiy
soei tHaweue,
aud lead -to ’ smnale elemeut szé. o miogf a&, lknel d Chst agvam)
becaie their qrete loree, hey ale esr
elkieut aud 'hae relakvely Smaler kanduiu Aputre Caupled feed
íyole. pakh
grand Coaaal
plane. Connectqr
0 naets llaeeed ís caug to abete a qround plane. On the boton stde of .
oel bstute lecd lue
hene is a micolaip feed
Smaler uúlluCompated to the poteh.
takose encigy ?s couple d to fhe patch thtogh
TE s vey comple to mateh
alot on the gAvuud plane sepeetig the
Iteeve as the subtete Hatckuess ‘,sulace subatatee. Ths aslangemaut alla
wce and say spuos eed radiaton T, otie
foa plachal deiqs lnah he BW( alou!' udepeudent optinizaHon o the feedmechanim
CCoais hobe) 2to S.) an d the a
ta dlating demeut
ts usede
) Coaxil ine teeds ’ Hee, the funes Typi cally, a high drelecaic mateal
onductos bl the Coax is atached to tue radkahan halate, and tueclk lro dele taic
Conected b
Datehale the oute conductor salsole,Conshant matetal to the topbekete
the qigund plane. These ae sacbatutei also isbtes
The ground plane blu the
Eayt abn cake, i mteh, aud ?t has Cow spulay He feed ti om the radiating lemct and
Yadkakfon. Hooeuee , ?fals o her a halowBw
lni m¥yes evece ipufoe Aadiake
amd gt6is move d kult to modelyespe lly A tomatfon oud Pelarísafon puly.
fol thiek ubetaat (hs0'02 ),),
fp patern
* Foa tus destqu , the subithate electa? cal
t bolh mtenostatp feed dsnea piohe posses palameters , eed ine uldh andslot soe and
uheentasymnete ouich qeuuate kighes po stfion can be used t opmise the desiqu
Okdel modes ohich paoduce coss polased
radiaKon, lo' ovetcome hese , hncontactig he widh of the eed lae aud the leugth al
aputre eupled yoeda ase wse d. the slot.
6) hoeimiy caepled teed’ Tt har the Palye st
Bul out d the toia ( appron high a l3/. .
to model and
IATA is easy to model and has low spues Vadiar
Howeue, it is easte
Tts dabiiafen is J t. The leugth
hai'modeate sputlau radiaon. 4he eeding shub and widato- lihevato
thepath au be uct contol Jhemat, a) Lohen Pppird popeey, lwae medela
e vey acaratr veu
e.t slngle elemeutt , fuete aud Rufitte
om hauye,stacked elemeuk, abfhay ahayed
clements, nd Coupling. But they ale mae
T lene fll ave leutt aud width he feetds aff he ehaes
Cauthy o the pateh undeuqe tefuging.
puyseeal iuiat tbt is less acluute andis dimen sions o fhe patch and the height
Hhe substaate. (L,w)
move? de kcut to model coupling.
G) Compale dto T' ke, the cauity mod * foa the paínipa Eplaue(y-plene) finsn
is ve "acavate bet more ts a funcion o the vatio ol the Lenglbol
Complor. taleh "L" to {he heigut k ethe subslaate.
But ?t qive qood pysfal fnsiqht and is
ralher de klt to model Coup ling (H) and drelechaie E he sutatte.
".'Fot mcosta?patennw
tinginq is yeduced hoeue f mut be
taken Sndo accouut because itinuence
4he resonant t eaneucy o the antenna