Amplitude Modulation Updated
Amplitude Modulation Updated
Amplitude Modulation Updated
❑The analog signal to be transmitted is denoted by m(t)
▪ m(t) assumed to be a lowpass signal of bandwidth W
▪ M(f) = 0, for |f| > W
▪ The power content of this signal is denoted by
1 T /2
Pm = lim
m(t ) dt
T → T −T / 2
▪ An example of the message signal m(t), the carrier c(t), and the
modulated signal u (t) are shown in Figure 3.1
▪ This figure shows that a relatively slowly varying message signal m(t)
is changed into a rapidly varying modulated signal u(t), and due to its
rapid changes with time, it contains higher frequency components
▪ At the same time, the modulated signal retains the main characteristics
of the message signal; therefore, it can be used to retrieve the message
signal at the receiver
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Figure 3.1 An example of message, carrier, and DSB-SC
modulated signals
Figure 3.2 Magnitude and phase spectra of the message signal m(t) and
the DSB-AM modulated signal u(t)
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Spectrum of the DSB-SC AM Signal Cont….
1 T /2 2 2
= lim Ac m (t ) cos 2 ( 2 f c t ) dt
T → T −T / 2
m (t ) 1 + cos(4 f c t )dt
1 T /2 2
= lim
2 T → T −T / 2
▪ Pm indicates the power in the message signal m(t) given by
1 T /2
Pm = lim
T → T
−T / 2
m 2 (t ) dt
(b) The message signal m(t) = a cos 2πfmt and power in m(t) is
Bu=2W =10000 Hz
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Demodulation of DSB-SC AM Signals
cos(2πfct +ϕ )
❑ Suppose we demodulate the received signal by
1. Multiplying r(t) by a locally generated sinusoid cos(2fct + ),
where is the phase of the sinusoid
2. We pass the product signal through an ideal lowpass filter with
the bandwidth W
▪ The multiplication of r(t) with cos(2 fct + ) yields
r (t ) cos(2 f c t + ) = Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t ) cos(2 f c t + )
1 1
= Ac m(t ) cos( ) + Ac m(t ) cos(4 f c t + )
2 2
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Demodulation of DSB-SC AM Signals cont…
❑ The spectrum of the signal is illustrated in Figure 3.7
❑ Since the frequency content of the message signal m(t) is limited to W Hz,
where W << fc, the lowpass filter can be designed to eliminate the signal
components centered at frequency ±2 fc and to pass the signal components
centered at frequency f = 0 without experiencing distortion
❑ An ideal lowpass filter that accomplishes this objective is also
illustrated in Figure 3.7
Consequently, the output
of the ideal lowpass filter
yl (t ) = Ac m(t ) cos( )
u (t ) = Ac cos (2 f c t ) m(t ) +
DC value
❑As we will see later in this chapter, the existence of this extra carrier
results in a very simple structure for the demodulator
❑That is why commercial AM broadcasting generally employs this
type of modulation
m(t ) = amn (t )
❑ where mn(t) is normalized such that its minimum value is -1
m(t )
mn (t ) =
max m(t )
u (t ) = Ac [1 + amn (t )] cos(2 f c t )
= Ac a mn (t ) cos(2 f c t ) + Ac cos(2 f c t )
Double sideband Carrier component
Ac a
M n ( f − f c ) + M n ( f + f c ) + ( f − f c ) + ( f + f c )
2 2
❑ M ( f ) is Fourier transform (spectrum) of m(t)
Pm = 1+ a 2 Pmn
▪ The first component in the preceding relation applies to the existence of the
carrier, and this component does not carry any information
▪ The second component is the information-carrying comp
❑ Note that the second component is usually much smaller than the first
component (a < 1, |mn(t)| < 1, and for signals with a large dynamic range, Pmn
<< 1)
❑ This shows that the conventional AM systems are far less power efficient than
the DSB-SC systems
❑ The advantage of conventional AM is that it is easily demodulated
a2 a2
PSB a2
= 2
2 2
= 2
or =
Pt Ac
1 +
1 +
Pt 1 + a 2
2 2 2
Vmax − Vmin
Modulation index a=
Vmax + Vmin
2 j j and 2 −j3 −j
e 3
= 2 (− j ) e 3 − e = 2 ( j) e 3
j j
−j j −j
=2e 2 e
=2e 2 3 3
=2e 6 =2e 6
(d) Obtain the expression for the upper side band (USB) and
lower side band (LSB) of the modulated signal.
(e) Obtain the spectrum of the upper side band (USB) and
lower side band (LSB) and plot the same
Figure 3.28 Effect of (a) large and (b) small RC values on the performance of the envelope detector.
❑ The time constant RC must be selected to follow the variations in the envelope of
the carrier-modulated signal
▪ If RC is too small, then the output of the filter falls very rapidly after each peak
and will not follow the envelope of the modulated signal closely
• This corresponds to the case where the bandwidth of the lowpass filter is too
▪ If RC is too large, then the discharge of the capacitor is too slow and again the
output will not follow the envelope of the modulated signal
▪ This corresponds to the case where the bandwidth of the lowpass filter is too
▪ Effect of large and small RC values Figure 3.28
▪ For good performance of the envelope detector,
1 1
fc W
▪ In such a case, the capacitor discharges slowly through the resistor, thus, the
output of the envelope detector, which we denote as m ~ (t ) , closely follows the
message signal
❑ Ideally, the output of the envelope detector is of the form
d (t ) = g1 + g 2 m(t )
▪ where gl represents a DC component and g2 is a gain factor due to the signal
▪ The DC component can be eliminated by passing d(t) through a transformer,
whose output is g2m(t).
If x(t ) ⎯→
X ( f ) then 1
X (t ) = (t ) −
j FT
⎯→ x (− f ) = u −1 (− f ),
2 2 t
X (t ) ⎯→
x (− f ) or
X (−t ) ⎯→
x( f )
1 j
FT (t ) − = u −1 (− f )
We know that 2 2t
1 1
u (t ) ⎯→ ( ) +
2 j 1 j
FT (t ) + = u −1 ( f ),
U( f ) = ( f )+
1 2 2t
2 j2 f
= c m (t ) + j mˆ (t ) e j 2 f ct + c m (t ) − j mˆ (t ) e − j 2 f ct
2 2
▪ where the minus sign corresponds to the USSB-AM signal, and the plus sign
corresponds to the LSSB-AM signal
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Generation of SSB-AM
If we take - ve sign, we obtain the upper-sideband signal
r (t ) cos(2 f c t + ) = u (t ) cos(2 f c t + )
= 12 Ac m(t ) cos( ) + 12 Ac mˆ (t ) sin( ) + double frequency terms.
▪ By passing above product signal through an ideal lowpass filter, the
double-frequency components are eliminated, leaving us with
yl (t ) = 12 Ac m(t ) cos( ) + 12 Ac mˆ (t ) sin( )
▪ Note that the phase offset not only reduces the amplitude of the
desired signal m(t) by cos, but it also results in an undesirable
sideband signal due to the presence of mˆ (t ) in yl(t)
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Demodulation of SSB-AM Signal cont…
▪ The latter component was not present in the demodulation of a
DSBSC signal
▪ However, it is a factor that contributes to the distortion of the
demodulated SSB signal
▪ The transmission of a pilot tone at the carrier frequency is a very
effective method for providing a phase-coherent reference signal for
performing synchronous demodulation at the receiver
▪ Thus, the undesirable sideband-signal component is eliminated
▪ However, this means that a portion of the transmitted power must be
allocated to the transmission of the carrier
U( f ) =
M ( f − f c ) + M ( f + f c )H ( f ) in frequency domain
where h(t) and H( f ) are impulse response and frequency response of side band
filter respectively.
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Vestigial-Sideband AM cont…
• or equivalently,
V( f ) =
U ( f − f c ) + U ( f + f c )
▪ The lowpass filter rejects the double-frequency terms and passes only
the components in the frequency range | f|W
▪ Hence, the signal spectrum at the output of the ideal lowpass filter is
M ( f ) H ( f − f c ) + H ( f + f c )
Vl ( f ) =
Specify both the frequency-response characteristics of a VSB filter that passes the
upper sideband and the first frequency component of the lower sideband.
The bandpass filter has a bandwidth of 2W centered at f0, and the lowpass filter has
a bandwidth of W. Plot the spectra of the signals x(t), y1 (t), y2(t), y3 (t), and y4(t).
❑where vi(t) is the input signal, vo(t) is the output signal, and the
parameters (al, a2) are constants
▪ Then, if the input to the nonlinear device is
vi (t ) = m(t ) + Ac cos 2f c t
▪ Its output
vo (t ) = a1[m(t ) + Ac cos 2f ct ] + a2 [m(t ) + Ac cos 2f ct ]2
= a1m(t ) + a2 m (t ) + a2 A cos 2f ct + Ac a1 1 +
2 2
m(t ) cos 2f ct
2a 2
▪ where m(t ) 1 by design
❑ m2(t) is the signal sent by the radio station transmitting at the carrier
frequency fc’ = fLO + fIF.
❑ Hence, BRF < 2fIF is the upper limit on the bandwidth of the RF
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r (t ) = u (t ) + n(t )
= Ac m(t ) cos(2 f c t ) + nc (t ) cos(2 f c t ) − ns (t ) sin (2 f c t )
y (t ) = 1
Ac m(t ) + nc (t )
❑ Therefore, at the receiver output, the message signal and the noise
components are additive and we are able to define a meaningful
SNR. The message signal power is given by
Po = PM power PM is the content of the message signal
1 T /2 2 2
= lim Ac m (t ) cos 2 ( 2 f c t ) dt
T → T −T / 2
m (t ) 1 + cos(4 f c t )dt
1 T /2 2
= lim
2 T → T −T / 2
▪ Pm indicates the power in the message signal m(t) given by
1 T /2
Pm = lim
T → T
−T / 2
m 2 (t ) dt
y (t ) = 1
Ac m(t ) + nc (t )
Po = PM
1 1 S P0 Ac2 PM
Pn0 = Pnc = Pn = =
4 4 N 0 Pn0 WN 0
Pn = S n( f )df = 0 2W = WN 0
− 2
PR = PU = Ac2 PM
= =
N N 0W N b
y (t ) = 1
Ac amn (t ) + nc (t )
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Effect of noise on Conventional –AM cont…
❑ Received signal power
PR =
1 + a 2 PM n
❑ Assumed that the message process is zero mean
❑ Now we can derive the output SNR as
1 2 2
A a PM n 2 2
A a PM n 2
a PM n Ac2
1 + a P
= = =
4 c c 2 Mn
N 0 AM 1
4 Pnc 2 N 0W 1 + a 2 PM n N 0W
a 2 PM n PR a 2 PM n S S
= = =
1 + a 2 PM n N 0W 1 + a PM n N b
N b
❑ η denotes the modulation efficiency
❑ Since a 2
PMn 1+ a 2
PM n , the SNR in conventional AM is always
smaller than the SNR in a baseband system.
Envelope Demodulation
Envelope Demodulation
❑ To analyze the envelope-detector performance in the presence
of noise, we must use certain approximations.
❑ This is a result of the nonlinear structure of an envelope
detector, which makes an exact analysis difficult.
❑ In this case, the demodulator detects the envelope of the
received signal and the noise process.
❑ The input to the envelope detector is
r (t ) = Ac [1 + amn (t )] + nc (t )cos(2 f c t ) − ns (t ) sin (2 f c t )
Vr (t ) Ac [1 + amn (t )] + nc (t )
y (t ) = Ac amn (t ) + nc (t )
❑ which is basically the same as y(t) for the synchronous demodulation
without the ½ coefficient.
❑ This coefficient, of course, has no effect on the final SNR.
❑ So we conclude that, under the assumption of high SNR at the
receiver input, the performance of synchronous and envelope
demodulators is the same.
2 Ac nc (t )
(1 + amn (t ) )
nc (t ) + ns (t )
2 2
Vr (t ) = Vn (t ) +
Ac nc (t )
(1 + amn (t ) )
Vn (t )
❑ We observe that, at the demodulator output, the signal and
the noise components are no longer additive.
❑ In fact, the signal component is multiplied by noise and is
no longer distinguishable.
❑ In this case, no meaningful SNR can be defined.
power content of the normalized message signal with
max|m(t)| = 6 is
To find PM we have
Therefore SNR is