Syllabus of Plant Assistant-Electrical Trainee
Syllabus of Plant Assistant-Electrical Trainee
Syllabus of Plant Assistant-Electrical Trainee
So Trade Theory
Various safety measures involved in the Industry. Elementary first Aid. Concept
1 of Standard.
2 Identification of Trade –Hand tools and their specifications.
Electron theory – free electron. Fundamentals of electricity. definitions, units &
3 effects of electric current.
Explanation definition and properties of conductors, insulators and
semiconductors. Types of wires and cables. standard wire gauge. classification of
wires and cable insulations & voltage grades.
Precautions in using various types of cables.
5 Techniques of soldering .Types of Solders and flux .
Ohm’s Law;Simple electrical circuits and problems. Kirchhoff’s Laws and
application . Series and parallel circuits. Open and short circuits in series and
parallel networks.
Law of resistance and various types of resistor.Effect of variation of tempeture on
resistsnce.Different methods of measuring the values of resistance.series and
parallel combinations of resistors.
Chemical effect of electric current and Laws of electrolysis. Explanation of
7 anodes and cathodes. Lead acid cell; Principle of operation and
components.Types of battery charging,safety precautions,test equipment.
Rechargeable dry cells,description, advantages and disadvantages, care and
maintenance of cells. Grouping of cells for specified voltage and current.
Lead acid cells general defects remedies. Nickel Alkaline cells description
9 charging power and capacity of cells.
Efficiency of cell. Principle and operation of solar cell.
Magnetism –
classification of Magnets, methods of Magnetizing, magnetic Materials.
Properties, care & Maintenance, method of magnetizing magnetic material. Para
& Diamagnetism and Ferro material. Principle Of electro – magnetism,
Maxwell’s corkscrew rule, Fleming left & right hand rules, magnetism field of
loop & solenoid. MMF , flux density, Reluctance. B.H. curve, Hysteresis, eddy
current. Principal of electro- magnetic induction , faraday law, lenz’s law.
Electrostatics – capacitor ,different types, functions ,grouping and uses.
Resistance - different
types of resistors used in electrical ckts. Specification of resistance and tolerance.
11 Effect of variation of temperature on resistance.
Different method of measuring the value of resistance.
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Indicative Syllabus
Name of Post Plant Assistant - Electrical
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Indicative Syllabus
Name of Post Plant Assistant - Electrical
Working principal, construction and classification of transformer. Single phase
and three phase transfer turn ratio and EMF equation,rating of transformer. Series
and Parallel operation of Transformer. Voltage regulation and efficiency. Auto
transformer and instrument transformer (CT & PT ). Protective devices.
22 Specifications, simple problems on e.m.f. Equation, turn ratio, regulations and
efficiency. Special transformers. Transformer – construction cores winding
shielding, auxiliary parts breather, conservator, buchholz relay, other protective
devices, cooling of transformer .Transformer oil tasting. Tap changer off load and
on load. Transformer bushings and termination.
Principle of alternator, E.M.F.equation, relation between poles, speed and
frequency. Types and construction of alternator. Prime
23 mover, regulation, phases sequence and parallel operation of alternators and
brushless alternator.Effect of changing the field excitation and power factor
Electrical measuring
Classification of electrical instrument and essential forces required in indicating
instrument PMMC and moving iron instrument. Measurement of various
24 electrical parameters using different analog and digital instruments.
Measurements of energy in three phase circuit. Automatic meter reading
infrastructures and smart meter. Digital CRO. Phase sequence indicator.
Extension of range and calibration of measuring instruments.
Laws of illuminations. Types of illuminations system. Illumination factors,
intensity of light. Types of lamps. Advantage/ disadvantage and there application.
(Neon sign, halogen, mercury vapour, sodium vapour, fluorescent tube CFL, solar
25 lamp). Types of lighting. Decoration lighting drum switches, direct & indirect
lighting.Efficiency in lumens per watt, colour available. thumb rule calculation of
Estimating placement of lights and fans and ratings.
D.C. m/c winding, Pole pitch ,coil pitch ,back pitch ,front pitch Lap & wave
26 winding Progressive and retrogressive winding.
SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR- Working principle effect of change of excitation
and load. Application in industry in power factor improvement.
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Indicative Syllabus
Name of Post Plant Assistant - Electrical
Induction motor
Working principle Squirrel Cage Induction motor, Slip ring induction motor.
Construction and characteristics starting and speed control. D.O.L Starter, Star
/Delta starter, Autotransformer starter. Single phase induction motor- Working
principle different method of starting and running (Capacitor start/Capacitor run
shaded pole technique). FHP motor.
A.C. m/c Winding –
Concentric/ distributed, single/ double layer winding and related terms.
Universal motor-
30 Working principal advantage, application in domestic appliances and industry
.Characteristic, fault location and rectification.
Converter-inverter, M.G.Set-description- Characteristics, specifications-running
31 and maintenance.
Techniques, procedures of
32 Layout of conduit wiring as per I.S-732-1963. Use of flame proof and explosion
of P.V.C conduct switches.
Power generation by thermal and hydel power plants, power generation by Solar
and wind energy. Corona, Lightning arrestor, Horn gap.
Fuse/cut out /kit Kat-function, characteristics and materials. H.R.C Fuses-
34 application. Contactors- Miniature circuit breakers. Relays- thermal,
Electromagnetic, solid state relays, Control Relays and protective Relays.
Introduction to Basic electronics- Semiconductor energy level, atomic structure
‘P’&’N’ type of materials.P-N junction. Diodes- classification of Diodes-
35 Revered Bias and Forward Bias, Heat sink, Specification of Diode and
rating.Rectifiers and filters.
Explanation and principal of working of a transistor- types of transistors,
36 Characters of a transistors. Biasing and use of transistors. Specification and rating
of transistors.
Amplifiers, Amplifiers. - class A,B & C power amplifier.
37 working principal Explanation of stages and types. Mulitvibrator – applications.
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Indicative Syllabus
Name of Post Plant Assistant - Electrical
Note: The above syllabus is indicative in nature and candidates are advised to cover all the
topics under academic curriculum of essential qualification of the post for Online
Examination (CBT).
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