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Cadavid, Juren Aboy, Doren Juanillo, Jasmin V.

Despi, Renz Mark Cañete, Riza S. Carinal, Cathy May
Onlagada, Christian


Dr. Benjamin T. Locsin High School.

S. Y. 2022-2033
Title Page

Table of Contents................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2
Statement of the problem..................................................................................................... 3
Hypothesis........................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology........................................................................................................................ 3
Results and Discussions ...................................................................................................... 4
Findings............................................................................................................................... 5-9
Conclusions......................................................................................................................... 10
Recommendations............................................................................................................... 11
Appendices.......................................................................................................................... 12-13
Reference ............................................................................................................................ 14

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our educational landscape, forcing
schools abruptly shift to distance or earning classes lieu of face-to-face classroom set-up. In the
Philippines, the covid-19 crisis has affected about 27 million learners, 1 million teachers and
non-teaching staff, as well as the families of learners (Obama, j- 2020).

COVID-19 has drastically changed the educational landscape for millions of students around

the world and Filipino students have their own set of unique challenges. The many sudden

changes, along with the chronic stress of the pandemic, may pose mental-health challenges,
particularly if students suffer from pre-existing mental-health issues. During this time of
uncertainly, we found it hard to continues studying out all, yet while these worries an anxieties
can sometimes seem insurmountable there is one thing we know for sure we are all in this
together. Even locked inside our homes, dispersed across the world, we are linked to each other
more closely than exer before the current situation poses great challenges to educational
institutions or schools not only in the Philippines, but through out the world. Distance learning
features the teacher as a facilitator, engaging learner’s in active participation through the use of
various technologies accessed through internet and printed materials or modules. Distance
learning is a response to the “no child left behind act” where children must receive the best
education possible, leaving no child behind (no child left behind act, 2002).
Moreover, in order to gain success in distance education leaning, problems should be
revealed. Revealing these problems in important for removing, reducing or solving the barriers in
distance education learning implementations to be conducted in the future. We should continue
learning amidst all of this because it is very essential for young minds that are need to be fed.
Students should always learn how to find way to study and therefore schools continued, learning
must continue even we are going through crisis. Because learning is very important for us to
manage future educational steps that win be are. Stepping stone for education.

Statement of the Problems
 Problem 1
What is the status of the academic performance of the grade 9 students during distance

 Problem 2
What are the problems encountered by the students during that time?

 Problem 3
What are the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning?

The problems met by grade 9 students during distance learning is that distance learning does
not gives students the opportunity to learn direct from the teachers. They were deprived from
getting direct instruction, they were not properly guided on what to do with their performance
task. As a result, score are not reliable. The teachers would not get accurate evaluation.

The study utilized the survey design determining the problems and challenges on the usage of
distance learning and description design in identifying the different solution to these challenges.
The opinions and recommendations of teacher’s were gathered through a survey, particularly by
using questionnaires with open-ended questions. the researcher’s conducted the study in
DBTLHS respondents which is located in Maslog, Sibulan with 40 participants were chosen, the
question use in the questionnaires were localized which was validated by our research instructor.
The global pandemic covid-19 has change the teaching and learning instructions in DBTLHS
in Maslog, Sibulan, Negros Oriental. In response to these crisis the Department of Education
instituted DepEd Order 12 in 2020 to established new learning delivery modalities in all levels
embodied in the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP). It’s purpose is to insure that learning continues
while guaranteeing the health, safety, and well-being of all learners, teachers and other
During the covid-19 pandemic, schools, administrators, educators, students and even parents
have unpreparedly found themselves. In the distance education process. This process has had a
great impact on school, teachers, and students (mailizar et al., 2020).there is a limited number or
studies on the problems met by grade 9 students of Dr. Benjamin T. Locsin High School
(DBTLHS) during distance learning. The researchers found out in their research studies that the
grade 9 students of DBTLHS problems during the distance learning such as being distracted by
someone (e.g.siblings, parents, relatives or neighbors), lack of time, loss of concentration and
lack of motivation. In order to cope the challenges of problems met by the grade 9 students of
DBTLHS during distance learning is avoid distractions with other things and concentrating on
the given task, having a time management system and, self motivation.
In addition, one of the biggest challenges of distance learning was trying to meet the needs of
all students. And the most important things will teachers do is to connect with their students and
help them overcome the challenges they are facing during the distance learning or distance
education. These connections helps them motivate their self to give more in their studies, inspire
them to work hard and build their confidence.


Figure 1: Did you have an access to a device for distance learning?

Did you have an access to a device for distance learning?

2; 5%

38; 95%

Yes No

To summarize our discussions at our study entitled “The problems Met by Grade 9 Students
During Distance Learning”, here are the data that we collected.
On the figure 1, among 40 respondents there are 95% which is equivalent to 38 respondents
have an access to a device for distance learning and there is only 5% which is equivalent to 2
respondents that does not have access to a device for distance learning.

Figure 2: If yes, what were these devices?

If yes, what were these devices?

3; 8%

37; 93%

Cellphone Laptop Computer Others

On figure 2, among 40 respondents there are 92.5% which is equivalent to 37 respondents have
access to a cellphone device for distance learning and there are 7.5% which is equivalent to 3
respondents who have access a computer device for distance learning.

Table 3: If not, what were the problems that you encountered during distance learning?
If not, what were the problems that you encountered dur-
ing distance learning?

2; 5%

7; 18%

2; 5%

29; 73%

Distraction Lack of motivation Lack of time Others

On table 3, among 40 respondents there are 72.5% which is equivalent to 29 respondents

encountered a distraction during distance learning, 5% which is equivalent to 2 respondents
encountered lack of motivation during distance learning, 17.55% which is equivalent to 7
respondents encounte4red a lack of time during distance learning, 5% which is equivalent to 2
respondents answered differently.
Table 4: How did you cope with these problems?


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

On table 4, among 40 respondents, there are 67.5% which is equivalent to 27 students has cope
their problems encountered during distance learning by avoiding distractions with other things
and concentrating on the task, and 32.5% which is equivalent to 13 respondents has cope this
problems encountered during distance learning by having a good time management in doing their
Table 5: Were you able to get help from your parents your parents or guardian in doing your activities?


16; 40%

24; 60%

Yes No

On table 5, a total of 40 respondents but only 40% answered yes which is equivalent to 16
respondents were to get a help from their parents or guardians and 60% of them answered no
which is equivalent to 24 respondents were not able to get help from their parents or guardians.
Table 6: Has distance learning affected your mental health?


5; 13%

35; 88%

Yes No

On table 6, among 40 respondents, there are 12.5% which is equivalent to 5 respondents has
affected their mental health, and 87.5 which is equivalent to 35 respondents answered no that
distance learning does not affect their mental health.

Table 7: If yes, how so?


16; 40%

24; 60%

Pressure Stress

On table 7, a total of 40 respondents, there are 40 % respondents answered pressure that distance
learning affect their mental health which is equivalent to 16 respondents and 60% respondents
answered stress that of distance learning affect their mental health.
Table 8: Was your ability to focus on schoolwork impacted by distance learning?


8; 20%

32; 80%

Yes No

On table 8, a total of 40 respondents but there are 80% respondents answered yes, that their
ability to focus on school works impacted by distance learning and 20% out of 40 respondents
answered no, that their ability to focus on school works does not impacted by the distance

Table 9: Did your grades got affected during distance learning?

2; 5%

6; 15%
12; 30%

5; 13%

15; 38%

Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely

On table 9, among 40 respondents there are 30% respondents is equivalent to 12 respondents

answered not at all, 25.5% respondents which is equivalent to 15 respondents answered slightly,
12.5% respondents which is equivalent to 5 respondents answered moderately, 15% respondents
which is equivalent to 6 respondents answered that grades are very affected during distance
learning and, 5% respondents which is equivalent to 2 students that their grades were extremely
affected during distance learning.

TABLE 10: How helpful were your teachers during distance learning?

2; 5%

12; 30%
12; 30%

14; 35%

Not at all Slightly helpful Moderately helpful Very helpful Extremely helpful

On table 10, out of 40 respondents, there are 5% respondents answered not at all which is
equivalent to 2 respondents, 30% respondents answered slightly helpful which is equivalent to 12
respondents, 35% respondents answered moderately helpful which is equivalent to 14
respondents, 30% respondents answered that the teachers during distance earning were very
This study concluded that the problems met by the students during distance learning provides
various challenges to the students. Where the problem they encountered during distance learning
most of the respondents answered they were distracted and some of them answered it is because
of lack of motivation and lack of time. However, to increase distance learnings success, various
considerations are needed, such as teacher and student readiness and the, expected learning
outcomes. Therefore, teachers as an essential factor in the achievement of the learning process,
especially during the covid-19 pandemic, must be able to create and provide usefully and not dull
learning conditions.
The ongoing situation with the covid-19 virus has had a huge impact on the majority of our
activities. Especially during lockdowns, one could even say that it was as if time had frozen-
every day was identical to the one before and the one after it. With that being said, let’s get into
some of the challenges faced by students. Students have been affected psychologically by school
closure, lack of equipment to participate in courses, being unable to access online materials from
home and being unable to leave home for a long time.
As we said before, online learning constitutes an emergency response to the crisis or world
has been going through for the last couple of years. This inevitable shift, however, was not easy
for all students. First and for most, this way of learning is by default less stimulating done the
conventional one. Thus, a number of students had a hard t6ime maintaining their focus, and
which further led to them losing interest of being left behind. The psychology toll of the
pandemic on students cannot be overlooked. Our everyday routine was cut very abruptly, and
learning became quite a lonely and monotonous process. Sitting in front of a computer screen for
hours, while trying to absorb as much information as possible, was mentally-as well as
physically- exhausting and couldn’t help but lead to loss of motivation. Moreover, studying in a
different environment- and especially at home- can be a tremendous challenge. For those of us
who are studying in a different city (if not country), home is completely detached from our
unreality and dealing with distractions can be time- and energy- consuming. Despite these
education- related challenges, however, isolation itself give rise to significant mental health
issues, such as depression and anxiety disorders, which made it even harder to build resilience
and healthy coping mechanisms.
Low accessibility for internet connection becomes a hindrance as the implementation of the
distance learning. Remote areas which were highly affected because of the internet connection
is hard for them to get, some ways are through modules.
Modules become a better way hence it’s also affecting the learning of the student because if the
absence of the teacher that guides and teach them with their lesson. well it’s hard for students to
study with their own they need someone who can help them with their studies.

The Problems Met by Grade 9 Students During Distance Learning

Dear respondents,
We are the grade 10 students of DBTLHS, requesting for your cooperation to answer our
questionnaires for our research entitled “ The Problems Met by Grade 9 Students During
Distance Learning”. Your knowledge, concern, and responses are a sure help for us in achieving
our goal.
Rest assured that all the information that we could gather will be treated with utmost
confidentiality and it will be use for academic purposes only. We are hoping that this request will
merit your positive response. again, thank you for accepting our concern.
Name(optional): ________________________ Date: _______
Sex: __________ Age: ______
Direction: Read each questions carefully and look closely at answer choose after each question.
1. Did you have access to a device for distance learning?
a. Yes b. No
2. If yes, what were these devices?
a. Cellphone c. Computer
b. Laptop d. Other, please specify _____________
3. If not, what were the problems that you encountered during distance learning?
a. Distraction c. Lack of time
b. Lack of motivation d. Other, please specify: ____________
4. How did you cope with these problems?
a. Avoiding distractions with other things and concentrating on the task.
b. Seeking support from others.
c. Having good time management.

d. Others, please specify: _________

5. Were you able to get help from your parents or guardian in doing your activities?
a. Yes b. No
6. Has distance learning affected your mental health?
a. Yes b. No
7. If yes, how so?
Answer _____________________________
8. Was your ability to focus on schoolwork impacted by distance learning?
a. Yes b. No
9. Did your grade got affected during distance learning?
a. Not at all d. Very
b. Slightly e. Extremely
c. Moderately
10. How helpful were your teachers during distance learning?
a. Not at all d. Very
b. Slightly e. Extremely
c. Moderately
mailizar et al., 2020
e.g.siblings, parents, relatives or neighbors

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