Book One 2da. Edición

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BooBokok One


Book One

Published by Centro de Estudios Organizacionales S.A.C.

Lima - PERU
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written permission of the Publishers.
ook O n
O n e
B o

Derechos Reservados
D. Leg. Nº 822

Segunda Edición
Corregida y aumentada
Junio / 2011


Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Nº 2011-06968
Centro de Estudios Organizacionales SAC
Av. Arequipa 2655 San Isidro, Lima 27 - Perú


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en los Talleres Gráficos de


Av. Arequipa 2655 San Isidro
Telf: 421-8090 Fax: 222-4728

Coordinador Gráfico: Guillermo Tarmeño Fermín

Carátula: Julio Olguín Silva
Diseño y Diagramación: Grupo Exactum S.A.C.
BooBkook On
Table of Contents: Scope and Sequence
Title/Topics Functions Grammar Listening/ Writing/Reading

Lesson 1,
pages 9-26

The Family: Establishing the Gender: Spelling of Reading

Members of notion of being; masculine, names; the lesson topic
the family, introducing feminine, alphabet; question and illustration
pets; alphabet; yourself; saying neuter; he, intonation; captions
greetings and hello and good she, it; the verb sentence stress
leave-takings; bye; asking about be: affirmative Writing answers
names and titles names; naming and negative Audio CD: to topic questions;
of address. objects; relating statements and listening for taking dictation
illustrations to contractions; the main topic; (CD)
real-life people articles a, and questions,
and objects the; this / it, that answers
/ it; yes / no
and information
questions with
who?, what?, be;
short positive and
negative answers

Lesson 2,
pages 27-42

The Classroom: Naming objects; Articles a, an, Listening to find Reading

Classroom asking about and the; these / they the location of an lesson topic
objects, and giving the location and those / they; item and illustration
locations in a of an object; there (existential): captions
room; colors expressing there is / there are; Pronunciation of
existence. what color?; plural plurals; sentence Writing about
Talking about rules; yes/no stress the location of
geographical and where? objects; answers
locations; asking questions with Audio CD: to topic questions;
for and giving be; prepositions listening for writing questions
information about of place in, on; the main topic; requesting
places of origin conjunction and; questions, personal
adverb too; answers information,
Imperative mood location of
objects, colors;
taking dictation

english course Book One - Scope and Sequence 3

t e n t s
f C Con t e n t s
o n
Tabl e o f
l e o
Tab Title/Topics Functions Grammar

Lesson 3,
pages 43-53

Games: Talking about Subject pronouns Pronunciation of Reading

Sports, players, players, sports, I, you, he, she, irregular plurals; lesson topic
and teams; and location it, we, you, syllabic stress and illustration
cardinal and of people; they; subject- of numbers; captions; reading
ordinal numbers understanding verb agreement sentence stress numbers with
to 1,000,000; age cross response I/ am/is/are; proper stress
you, you/I; using conjunction or; Audio CD:
cardinal numbers how many?; how listening for Writing answers
for age, years, old?; antonyms the main topic; to topic questions;
quantity right, wrong; questions, writing the
prepositions of answers numbers in words;
place near, far taking dictation
from; regular (CD)
and irregular
plurals; structure
of the sentence.
of be: positive,
interrogative and

Lesson 4,
pages 54-66

The City: Asking about Usage of in, on, Sentence stress Reading lesson
Map of streets, location of people at with seasons, topic and illustration
avenues, and and places; months, dates, Audio CD: captions
buildings as understanding cities, countries, listening for
workplaces; of a whole vehicles, streets the main topic; Writing answers
location of metropolitan map, and avenues, questions, to topic questions;
people at them; naming specific and buildings answers taking dictation (CD)
prepositions of buildings as workplaces;
place in diagram other prepositions
of place; object

4 Book One - Scope and Sequence english course

Table Table
of Coof Conte
Title/Topics Functions
s Grammar

Lesson 5,
pages 67-80

The House: Asking what Present continuous Sentence stress Reading

Activities in all people are doing; tense: conjugation lesson topic
rooms; household answering about of verb play Audio CD: and illustration
furniture, activities in the in positive, listening for captions
appliances and house; saying interrogative, the main topic;
objects what furniture is in negative; questions, Writing questions
a room; remarking doing in questions, answers what + doing, what
infinitive vs. what+doing?, + verb; writing
continuous forms; what+verb?; answers to topic
expressing introduction of questions; taking
location infinitives, present dictation (CD)
opposites over/under

Lesson 6,
pages 81-92

At the Beach: Asking about Present Pronunciation of Reading lesson

Activities, beach and describing continuous; talk in groups of topic and
attire current activities, placement of other words with illustration captions
activities at adjectives before silent l –walk, yolk,
the beach; nouns; adjectives, folk, half, etc.; Writing answers
talking about pronouns, sentence stress to topic questions;
the weather; adverbs, taking dictation
using related prepositions; Audio CD:listening (CD)
vocabulary verb+ing, for the main
verb+preposition; topic; questions,
what+doing? answers

Lesson 7,
pages 93-102

The Circus: Asking for and Future with going Sentence stress; Reading
The show, the giving information to; conjugation listening for lesson topic
artists, the about future of verb jump; reasons and and illustration
animals, the plans; saying comparison with explanations, captions
spectators dates; talking present continuous; choosing the best
about the present expressions of explanation Filling in the
and the future; time for the future blanks with ing/
giving reasons and for the present Audio CD: going to; writing
and explanations continuous; listening for why questions
why?-because; the main topic;
when; prepositions questions, Writing answers
before, after answers to topic questions;
taking dictation (CD)

english course Book One - Scope and Sequence 5

t e n t s
f C Con t e n t s
o n
Tabl e o f
l e o
Title/Topics Functions Grammar Listening/

Lesson 8,
pages 103-116

The Restaurant: Talking about Simple present; Pronunciation Reading

The menu, foods; likes and auxiliary do; of third-person lesson topic
main course dislikes; eating conjugations; singular; and illustration
meals, desserts, out, paying a bill, questions, sentence stress; captions
beverages; giving a tip; talking affirmative listening for and
tableware; basic about frequency; and negative comparing kinds Writing answers
foods talking about answers; short of foods to topic questions;
present and future answers; taking dictation
activities adverbs of Audio CD: (CD)
frequency: listening for
always, usually, the main topic;
often, sometimes, questions,
never; answers
expressions of
how often?, what
kind of?, who...

Lesson 9,
pages 117-130

Everyday Asking for and Simple present; Listening for Reading lesson
Schedule: telling time; following prepositions classmates’ topic and illustration
Clock time; daily schedule and for telling time: routines captions
routines sequence; knowing at, by, around;
the concepts of answering what Audio CD: Writing answers
beginning and time questions listening for to topic questions;
ending; of slow/ with at or it’s; the main topic; taking dictation
right/fast; of the purpose: What questions, (CD)
expressions come for?; expressions: answers Writing the hours
back, go back, be in time, on time. in words; wh-
back; of direction questions
and motion: on the
right, in the middle,
on the left; reading
analog and digital
clocks; talking about
present and future

6 Book One - Scope and Sequence english course

Table Table
of Coof Conte
Title/Topics Functions
s Grammar

Lesson 10,
pages 131-142

The Farm: Talking about Possessive form Determining Reading

Farm animals, relatives; of proper and according to lesson topic
farm life; visiting obligations and common names context the and illustration
the family; the routines; feeding of people; singular difference between captions
family tree and taking care of and plural forms; whose/who’s
farm animals interrogative Writing answers
whose?; verb have: Audio CD: listening to topic questions;
possession; for the main topic; taking dictation
have to: obligation questions, answers (CD)

Lesson 11,
pages 143-154

The Seasons: Talking about Irregular plural; Listening to terms Reading lesson
Months, weather; seasons, weather; prepositions, by; about the weather; topic and illustration
crops, harvest; mentioning phrases what listening for captions
truck farming: condition or state else?, almost all; reasons
sowing, of the weather: adverbs indoors, Writing a
harvesting; it’s sunny, cloudy, outdoors Audio CD: composition about
vegetables, foggy, hot listening for the seasons in our
cereals, hay, fruit the main topic; country
and fruit trees questions, Writing answers
answers to topic questions;
taking dictation

Lesson 12,
pages 155-168

Just a Cold: Talking about a Modal can, Audio CD: Reading

A doctor’s office, visit to the doctor, cannot: physical listening for lesson topic
illnesses aches and pains; or intellectual the main topic; and illustration
parts of the abilities, questions, captions
human body; the opportunity, answers
five senses request, Writing answers
permission, to topic questions;
possibility taking dictation

english course Book One - Scope and Sequence 7

t e n t s
f C Con t e n t s
o n
Tabl e o f
l e o
Title/Topics Functions Grammar Listening/

Lesson 13,
pages 169-180

Shopping: Avoiding Separable phrasal Audio CD: Reading

Going shopping, redundancy; telling verbs, one and listening for lesson topic
department stores, amounts in dollars ones as substitutes the main topic; and illustration
clothes, women’s and cents; talking for nouns; indefinite questions, captions
apparel, men’s about sales; talking pronoun everything answers
apparel, fashion, about prices and with singular verb Writing answers
regular prices, paying for things to topic questions;
merchandise on sale taking dictation (CD)

Lesson 14,
pages 181-190

The Painting Talking about Possessive Listening for likes Reading

Exhibition: an exhibition adjectives and and dislikes about lesson topic
Art materials, at school and possessive art and illustration
painting styles artistic styles; pronouns; turning captions
the excitement of adjectives into Audio CD:
winning adverbs; adverbs listening for Writing questions;
everywhere, indeed; the main topic; writing answers to
pronouns some, questions, topic questions;
others; indefinite answers taking dictation
pronoun everybody; (CD)
idioms take place,
look like

Lesson 15,
pages 191-205

A Birthday Party: Describing and Which?: degrees Listening for Reading lesson
People preparing comparing actions; of regular and entertaining guests topic and illustration
for a party; talking about irregular adjectives: at home captions
decoration of preparations for a comparative,
the house, team party; talking about superlative and Audio CD: listening Writing answers
work; entertaining the party itself equality with –er/ for the main topic; to topic questions;
guests more/less than; questions, answers taking dictation (CD)
-est/most/least;; correlative
conjunctions either/
or, neither/nor, both/
and; coordinating
conjunctions: and,
but, or

8 Book One - Scope and Sequence english course

Gender masculine,
feminine, neuter
Lesson 1
Verb to be is
Articles a, an, the First Lesson
Subject pronouns he, she, it.
Yes / No – questions
Demonstratives this, that
Who? What?
Useful expressions
The alphabet


The family

english course Book One - Lesson One 9

Members of the Family

Lear n i
i n g
L e a This is the

Mr. John Stevens is the father.

Mrs. Alice Stevens is the mother.

Bob Stevens is the son.

Joan Stevens is the daughter.

Mr. Peter Stevens is the grandfather.

Mrs. Sally Stevens is the grandmother.

10 Book One - Lesson One english course

he / she

Answer the

Who’s Alice Stevens?

John Stevens is the father. Alice Stevens is the mother.
Who’s Alice Stevens? Who’s Bob Stevens?
Who is (Who’s) John Stevens?
He is (He’s) the father. She is (She’s) the mother. ................................................
Who’s Sally Stevens?
Who’s John Stevens?
Who’s Rex?
Joan Stevens is the daughter. Bob Stevens is the son.
Who’s Joan Stevens? Who’s Bob Stevens? Who’s Joan Stevens?
She’s the daughter. He’s the son.
Who’s Peter Stevens?
Who’s Puff?
Who’s Melody?
Peter Stevens is the grandfather. Sally Stevens is the grandmother. ................................................
Who’s Peter Stevens? Who’s Sally Stevens?
He’s the grandfather. She’s the grandmother.


Rex is the dog. Puff is the cat. Melody is the bird.

Who’s Rex? Who’s Puff? Who’s Melody?
He’s the dog. He is (he’s) the cat. She’s the bird.

english course Book One - Lesson One 11


n g


Lear n
L e a Things

This is a sofa. This is a table. This is a lamp.

What is (What’s) this? What’s this? What’s this?
It’s a sofa. It’s a table. It’s a lamp.

This is a vase. This is a rug. This is a TV set.

What’s this? What’s this? ......................................
...................................... ...................................... ......................................

This is a chair. This is a clock. This is a rocking chair.

...................................... ..................................... ......................................
...................................... ..................................... ......................................

This is a piano. This is a stereo. This is a flowerpot.

...................................... .......................................... .....................................
...................................... .......................................... .....................................

12 Book One - Lesson One english course

is this..?
is it..?

This is an apple.

That is a door.

Is this a mirror? Is this a CD? Is this a hat? Is this a newspaper?

Yes, it is. Yes, it is. ................................ .................................
Is it a piano? Is it a lamp? Is it a rocking chair? Is it a clock?
No, it is not. (isn’t) No, it isn’t. ................................ .................................
It’s a mirror. It’s a CD. ................................ .................................

Is this a cage? Is this a window? Is this a cushion? Is this a magazine?

........................... Yes, it is. ..................................... ................................
Is it a table? Is it a vase? Is it a stereo? Is it a sofa?
........................... No, it isn’t. ..................................... ................................
........................... It’s a window. ..................................... ................................

Is this a house? Is this a door? Is this a curtain? Is this a flower?

................................... ............................... .............................. ...............................
Is it a TV set? Is it a chair? Is it a rug? Is it a vase?
................................... ............................... .............................. ...............................
................................... ............................... .............................. ...............................

english course Book One - Lesson One 13


Lear n i
i n g This is an apple.

L e a That is a door.

That is (that’s) a doll.

What’s that?
It’s a doll.

That’s a cradle.
What’s that?
It’s a cradle.

That’s a boat.
What’s that?

That’s a ball.

That’s a telephone.

That’s a picture.

14 Book One - Lesson One english course

is that..?

Is that a cushion?
Yes, it is.
Is it a house?
No, it isn’t.
It’s a cushion.

Is that a door?
Yes, it is.
Is it a hat?
No, it isn’t.
It’s a door.

Is that a magazine?
Is it a curtain?

Is that a cage?
Is it a newspaper?

Is that a mirror?
Is it a window?

Is that a record?
Is it a flower?

english course Book One - Lesson One 15

s s i o n s
x p r
ee s
x s i
p o n
r s
f u l e
Us Greetings

How are
you? Fine,
thank you.
Good How are you?
Just fine!


What’s your

Good My name
afternoon! is ...........


16 Book One - Lesson One english course

Lesson One - First Lesson

l expl expres
I’m glad to
Good evening. meet you.
I’m the English
teacher. I’m glad to
Who are you? meet you

I’m a student.

Are you a
Hello! Yes, I am,
and you?

I’m a


english course Book One - Lesson One 17

s s i o n s
x p r
ee s
x s i
p o n
r s
f u l e



Good night!
See you

Good bye!

Good bye!

18 Book One - Lesson One english course

The alphabet


english course Book One - Lesson One 19

a r

m a

G r a Words : Vase, lamp, this, that, what, a, etc.

People : Father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, etc.

Things : Table, chair, clock, lamp, etc.
That is = That’s

It is = It’s Who? ____ People

Is not = Isn’t What? ____ Things

Masculine gender : Father, grandfather, son, etc.

Feminine gender : Mother, daughter, grandmother, etc.

Neuter gender : Table, chair, clock, lamp, vase, etc.

HE ____ masculine gender (singular):

He is Bob Stevens. He is the son.

SHE ____ feminine gender (singular):

She is Joan Stevens. She is the daughter.

IT ____ neuter gender (singular):

It is a vase. It is a clock. It is a table.

afternoon cushion house record
alphabet daughter lamp rocking chair
ball dog magazine rug
bird doll mirror sofa
boat door morning son
cage evening mother stereo
cat family name table
CD father newspaper TV set
chair flower night telephone
clock flowerpot people vase
consonant grandfather pet vowel
cradle grandmother piano window
curtain hat picture

20 Book One - Lesson One english course

mar Smar Str
Gram gender
verb to be: is


No - Not
No answers a yes/no question.
Is it a house?
“No, it isn’t.“ Subject
am Pronouns Gender
Not is for is
are He ..................................... masculine g.
“Bob is not the father“
She ..................................... feminine g.

It ..................................... neuter g.

Verb to be - Third person singular = Is

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

He is .................. he’s He is not ............... he isn’t Is he ..........................?

She is .................. she’s She is not ................ she isn’t Is she ...........................?

It is .................. it’s It is not ................ it isn’t Is it ............................?

Demonstrative Pronouns

This is an apple. This is a chair.

That is a telephone. That is a window.

english course Book One - Lesson One 21

wh - questions

a r
yes / no questions
m a
G r a Who?
he ?
people Who is

Who she?

pets Who’s............?

Who’s the father? Who’s John Stevens?

John is the father. He’s the father.

Yes / No questions Wh - questions

Is it a rug? Who’s Bob?

Yes, it is a rug. Bob is the son. He’s the son.

No, it isn’t a rug.

things this?

What What is that?

animals it?
What’s ..................................?

Yes / No questions Wh - questions

Question Is this an apple? What’s this?

Affirmative Yes, it is. It’s an apple.

Negative No, it isn’t.

22 Book One - Lesson One english course























english course Book One - Lesson One 23

n ° 1
e n ° 1
c t
ra c t i c e
I. Complete. III. Choose the correct answer.

1. This .................... a book. 1. ............................... is a clock.

2. That ................... a cage. a)He b)Who c)This
3. ............................. that a student?
4. ............................. this a dog? 2. ................................ is a teacher.
a)Who b)She c)It
5. ............................. is a cradle.
6. ............................. is a teacher.
3. ................................. is the father?
a)Who b)That c)It

II. Use: “Who” or “What”. 4. How............................ you?

a) is b)are c)not
1. ............................. is John Stevens?
2. ............................. is Madonna? 5. Is ............................... the mother?
3. ............................. is this? a)she b)he c)not
4. ............................. is that?
5. ............................. is it? 6. He ............. the daughter. ........... is the son.
a)is / He b)isn’t / He c)isn’t / She
6. ............................. is the teacher?

IV. Answer the questions.

1. a) Who’s Peter Stevens? 3. a) What’s a banana?

.............................................. ..............................................
b) Is he the father? b) Is it a fruit?
.............................................. .............................................

2. a) Who’s Elton John? 4. a) Who’s Brooke Shields?

.............................................. ..............................................
b) Is he a singer? b) Is she an actress?
.............................................. ..............................................

5. a) Who’s Bugs Bunny?

b) Is he a cartoon?

24 Book One - Lesson One english course

Dialo Dialog
g LesLesson
son 11
Dialog 1

Personal Information

Tamara: Hi! What’s your name?

Fred : I’m Fred.
Tamara: And what’s your last name?
Fred : Smith. What about you?
Tamara: My name is Tamara.
Fred : And your last name?
Tamara: It’s Chartrand.
Fred : How do you spell that?
Tamara: C-H-A-R-T-R-A-N-D
Fred : OK. That’s fine... Chartrand.


english course Book One - Lesson One 25

E erci
xerc isseess
Ex ............................................................................................................................................






















26 Book One - Lesson One english course

Plural pronouns they
Demonstratives these, those
Conjunction and
Lesson 2
Existence there is, there are
Prepositions in, on Second Lesson
Adverb too
what color?

The Classroom
Articles a, an, the
Useful expressions
Plural rules

This is the classroom. It’s in the school. Mr. Page is the teacher. Joan, Bob, George, and
Becky are in the classroom. They’re the students. There’s a chalkboard, a map, and a calendar
on the wall. There are desks and chairs on the floor. There are drawers in the desks. There’s
a bookcase and a cabinet in the classroom too.
These are Joan and Bob.
This is the school.
Are these Joan and Bob?
Is this the school?
Yes, they are.
Yes, it is.
Are these George and Becky?
Is this a house?
No, they aren´t.
No, it isn’t.
They´re Joan and Bob.
It’s the school.

That’s the teacher.

Is that the teacher? Those are George and Becky.
Yes, it is.
Is that a student? Are those George and Becky?
No, it isn’t. Yes, they are.
It’s the teacher. Are those Joan and Bob?
Is that man Mr. Page? No, they aren’t.
Yes, he is. They’re George and Becky.

english course Book One - Lesson Two 27

these / those

n g
verb to be: are

L These are desks.
Are these desks?
Those are desks.
Are those desks?
Yes, they are. Yes, they are.
Are these tables? Are those chairs?
No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t.
They’re desks. They’re desks.

These are cabinets.

Are these cabinets? Those are cabinets.
................................... Are those cabinets?
Are these sofas? .....................................
................................... Are those tables?
................................... .....................................

These are chalkboards.

Those are chalkboards.
Are these chalkboards?
Are those chalkboards?
Are these mirrors?
Are those windows?
...................................... .......................................

These are bookcases. Those are bookcases.

Are these bookcases? Are those bookcases?
....................................... .....................................
Are these TV sets? Are those TV sets?
....................................... .....................................

28 Book One - Lesson Two english course

are these..?
are those..?

These are erasers.

Those are erasers.
Are these erasers? Are those erasers?
.................................. ..................................
Are these flowers? Are those clocks?
.................................. ..................................
.................................. ..................................

These are sharpeners. Those are sharpeners.

Are these sharpeners? Are those sharpeners?
...................................... .......................................
Are these balls? Are those lamps?
...................................... .......................................
...................................... .......................................

These are envelopes.

Those are envelopes.
Are these envelopes?
Are those envelopes?
Are these rugs?
Are those vases?

These are waste baskets.

Those are waste baskets.
Are these waste baskets?
Are those waste baskets?
Are these boats?
Are those boats?

english course Book One - Lesson Two 29

preposition: on

there is / there are

Lear n
i n On
L e
There is (There’s) an apple on the desk. There are apples on the desk.
Is there an apple on the desk? Are there apples on the desk?
Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
Is there an eraser on the desk? Are there erasers on the desk?
No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.
There is an apple on the desk. There are apples on the desk.

There’s an exercise on the chalkboard. There are exercises on the chalkboard.

Is there an exercise on the chalkboard? Are there exercises on the chalkboard?
.............................................................. ..............................................................
Is there a dialog on the chalkboard? Are there dialogs on the chalkboard?
.............................................................. ..............................................................
.............................................................. ..............................................................

There’s a calendar
There’s onon
a calendar the
wall. There arecalendars
There calendars on thewall.
on the wall.
Is there a calendar on the wall? Are there calendars on the wall?
.................................................. ....................................................
Is there a map on the wall? Are there maps on the wall?
.................................................. ....................................................
.................................................. ....................................................

30 Book One - Lesson Two english course

preposition: in

In LeaLeranrning
There’s a notebook in the cabinet. There are notebooks in the cabinet.
Is there a notebook in the cabinet? Are there notebooks in the cabinet?
Yes, there is. Yes, there are.
Is there a book in the cabinet? Are there books in the cabinet?
No, there isn’t. No, there aren’t.
There is a notebook in the cabinet. There are notebooks in the cabinet.

There’s a ruler in the drawer. There are rulers in the drawer.

Is there a ruler in the drawer? Are there rulers in the drawer?
.................................................. .................................................
Is there a pen in the drawer? Are there pens in the drawer?
.................................................. .................................................
.................................................. .................................................

There’s a sheet of paper in the folder. There are sheets of paper in the folder.
Is there a sheet of paper in the folder? Are there sheets of paper in the folder?
............................................................ ...............................................................
Is there an envelope in the folder? Are there envelopes in the folder?
............................................................. ...............................................................
............................................................. ...............................................................

english course Book One - Lesson Two 31

where ...?

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
Where is (Where’s) the chalk? Where’s the pointer? Where’s the pencil?
It’s in the box. It’s on the chair. It’s in the pencil case.

Where’s the teacher? ..........................................................................................................

Where’s the calendar? ........................................................................................................

Where’s the map? ...............................................................................................................

Where’s the apple? .............................................................................................................

Where’s the notebook? ......................................................................................................

Where are the color pencils? Where are the sharpeners? Where are the dictionaries?
They’re in the pencil box. They’re on the desk. They’re in the bookcase.

Where are the students? .....................................................................................................

Where are the exercises? ....................................................................................................

Where are the rulers? .........................................................................................................

Where are the pens? ...........................................................................................................

Where are the sheets of paper? ..........................................................................................

32 Book One - Lesson Two english course

what color..?

What color?
IT’S ................................................. THEY’RE ......................................................



YELLOW What color is the ruler?

It’s yellow.


What color are the desks?

What color is the envelope? What color is the chalkboard?

.............................................. .............................................

What color are the books? What color are the pencils? What color is the notebook?
.............................................. ............................................ ..............................................

english course Book One - Lesson Two 33

s s i o n s
x p exp
re s s i o r
n s
U eful
e f u l e Expressions
Us Excuse me. Close
the door,
Is this the
English class? please.

Yes, it is.
Come in,

Look at
your book.
page 2.

Look at
the Listen
picture. carefully.

34 Book One - Lesson Two english course

l expl expre
ns Repeat,
This is a pen

Monday The days
Tuesday of the week
Wednesday are
Thursday This is a
Friday pen.

Go to the
Answer, please: chalkboard.
What’s this?

It’s a

Fill in the

This is a
Write a

english course Book One - Lesson Two 35

articles: a-an

r ar
singular and plural

ram m
G r a
vase eraser

That man = he a lamp an orange

That woman = she clock, etc. apple, etc.
That = it
Singular number (one) Plural number (two, three, four, etc.)
teacher teachers
book books
waste basket waste baskets

Affirmative Interrogative
Singular Plural Singular Plural
It is (it’s) They are (they’re) Is it? Are they?
They are = They’re
This is These are Is this? Are these?
Where is = Where’s
That is (that’s) Those are Is that? Are those?
There is (there’s) There are Is there? Are there?

Singular Plural
It is not (it isn’t) They are not (they aren’t)
This is not (this isn’t) These are not (these aren’t)
That is not (that isn’t) Those are not (those aren’t)
There is not (there isn’t) There are not (there aren’t)

Conjunction Adverb
and too

apple classroom floor ruler
board color pencil folder school
book desk map sharpener
bookcase dialog notebook sheet of paper
box dictionary pen student
cabinet drawer pencil teacher
calendar envelope pencil box wall
chalk eraser pencil case waste basket
chalkboard exercise pointer

36 Book One - Lesson Two english course


gender and number
articles: the, a - an
Demonstrative Pronouns
Singular Plural
This is ....... These are .......
That is ........ Those are .......

Singular Plural
This is a cage. It is a cage. These are cages. They are cages.
or or
That is a cage. It’s a cage. Those are cages. They’re cages.

Gender and Number

Singular Plural
He is ........................(masculine) masculine
She is ........................(feminine) They are ........................ feminine
It is ........................(neuter) neuter


He’s a student. They are students.


Definite : the Indefinite : a - an

Singular Plural a an
The book The books chair eraser
The vase The vases cage orange
mirror apple
hat hour
university consonant X - ray ® vowel
unicorn sound honor sound

® Registered trademark

english course Book One - Lesson Two 37

plural rules
existence: there is / are

r ar
prepositions: on-in

ram m
m a
what color..?

G match
Plural Rules
1. Nouns ending in : ch, sh, s, x, z, or o, add “es”.
- matches
box - boxes

2. Nouns ending in “o” related to music add only “s”.

radio - radios
soprano - sopranos

3. Nouns ending in “fe” or “f” change to “ves”.

wife - wives
knife - knives
leaf - leaves

4. Nouns ending in "y" preceded by consonant change to “ies”.

dictionary - dictionaries

There (is-are): existence

There is (there’s): singular There are: plural
There is a cat in the classroom. There are erasers in the box.
Is there a cat in the classroom? Are there erasers in the box?
Yes, there’s a cat in the classroom. Yes, there are.
No, there isn’t a cat in the classroom. No, there aren’t.

Prepositions on - in
the table the box
on the chair in the drawer
the floor the classroom
Where is the table? Where is the ruler?
It’s on the floor. It’s in the drawer.

Where are the books? Where are the pencils?

They are on the desk. They are in the box.

What color?
is it? It’s ............. (singular)
What color
are they? They ‘re ..... (plural)

38 Book One - Lesson Two english course























english course Book One - Lesson Two 39

n º 2
e n º 2
Pracc t tice ic
I. Complete: Use “is” or “are”.

1. Those ....................books. 5. Are there boards in the classrooms?

2. He ................... a student. Yes, ...............................................................
3. They ............................ students. Are they on the walls?
4. She ............................ the daughter. Yes, ..............................................................
5. These ............................ notebooks.
6. That ............................ a sharpener. IV. Fill in the blanks: “a”, “an”, “the”.

II. Use: there is - there are or ........................... students are in ......................

is there - are there. classroom. There is ..................... waste basket
on the floor. There isn’t .................. clock on .....
1. ............................. a book on the floor. wall. There are books on the desk. There
2. ............................. students in class. is ............... eraser on the desk too.
3. ............................. chairs in the classroom?
4. ............................. a teacher in the office? V. Complete the questions and use:
who, what, where, what color.
III. Answer the questions. Complete the answers. Use: on - in.

1. Are there students in the classroom? 1. the teacher?

Yes, ......................................................... He’s ............... the classroom.
Are they in class?
No, ......................................................... 2. ..........................are the chairs?
They’re ...................... the classroom.
2. Is the secretary in the classroom?
No, .............................................................
3. ........................ is Tom Hanks?
Where is she?
He’s an actor. He’s ............. the movie set.
She ..............................................................

3. Is the house brown? 4. ............................. is that?

No, .............................................................. It’s a cage. It’s ............... the table.
What color is it?
It’s ................................................................ 5. ........................... are the pictures?
They’re ................. the wall.
4. Is there a dictionary in the classroom?
Yes, ............................................................... 6. ................. is the floor?
Is the dictionary on the desk? It’s brown.
No, ................... . It’s ................ bookcase.

40 Book One - Lesson Two english course

g leslessson 2
on 2
Dialog 2

At School
Carl : I’m Carl. Nice to meet you.
Angie : Nice to meet you too. My name is Angie.
Carl : Are you from here?
Angie : No. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. And you?
Carl : I’m from New York. What’s your job?
Angie : I’m a teacher.
Carl : Me too. How old are you?
Angie : I’m 25 years old. Where’s your house?
Carl : It’s at 34 White Street.


english course Book One - Lesson Two 41























42 Book One - Lesson Two english course

Subject pronouns I, you, we, they
Subject-verb agreement
Lesson 3
Third Lesson
Conjugation of the verb to be
Conjunction or
How many?, How old?
Antonyms right-wrong
Prepositions near, far from
Irregular plurals
Cardinal and ordinal numbers


You’re a woman.
You’re a volleyball player.

I’m Rod.
I’m a man.
I’m the coach.

He is George. We are Karen and Sandy.

He’s a boy. She is Becky.
She’s a girl. We’re women.
He’s a soccer player. We’re basketball players.
She’s a ping-pong player.

You are Tim and Jim.

You’re men.
You’re football players.

They are (they’re) players.

english course Book One - Lesson Three 43

subject pronouns

i n g
conjunction : or

L e
n Are you a
student or a
football Who am I?

You’re ................................................
I’m ......................................................

Am I
Are you George?

No, I’m not. I’m ................................ No, you’re not. You’re .......................

Are we soccer
players or
Are we girls?

You’re ............................................... No, you’re not. You’re ..........................

Is Sue a woman or a man? She’s .............................................................................................

Is she a football player? No, she isn’t. She’s ..............................................................................
Is George a girl? No, he isn’t. He’s ..........................................................................................
Are Tim and Jim ping-pong players or football players? They’re ............................................
Are they women? No, they aren’t. They are ...........................................................................
Are Karen and Sandy volleyball players or basketball players? They’re .........................................
Are they men? No, they aren’t. They’re .................................................................................

44 Book One - Lesson Three english course

how many..?

How many? ing

Soccer team Volleyball team

Wrong x

Basketball team

TEACHER : How many players are there on a soccer team?

STUDENT : There are eleven.
TEACHER : That’s right. Thank you.
How many players are there on a volleyball team?
STUDENT : There are six.
TEACHER : That’s right too.
How many players are there on a basketball team?
STUDENT : There are six.
TEACHER : No, that’s wrong.
There are five.

english course Book One - Lesson Three 45

prepositions: near, far from

Lear n i
i n g Prepositions
L e a George is near
the ball.
Sue is near
the net.
Becky is far
Sue is far from from the net.
the ball.

Where is George? Is Sue far from the net?

............................................................. .............................................................
Is he near Sue? Where is she?
............................................................. .............................................................
Where is Sue? Where is Becky?
............................................................. .............................................................
Where is the ball? Is she near Sue?
............................................................. .............................................................

Karen is near
Sandy. Tim is near Jim.
George is far Becky is far from
from the women. the men.

Is Karen far from Sandy? Where is Tim?

............................................................... ..............................................................
Where is she? Is he far from Jim?
............................................................... ..............................................................
Is Sandy near Karen? Is Becky near Jim?
............................................................... ..............................................................
Where is George? Is she near Tim?
............................................................... ..............................................................
Is he near the women? Where is Becky?
............................................................... ..............................................................

46 Book One - Lesson Three english course


Numbers ing
Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers
one 1 first 1st
eleven 11 eleventh 11th
two 2 second 2nd
twelve 12 twelfth 12th
twenty 20 twentieth 20th
three 3 third 3rd
thirteen 13 thirteenth 13th
thirty 30 thirtieth 30th
four 4 fourth 4th
fourteen 14 fourteenth 14th
forty 40 fortieth 40th
five 5 fifth 5th
fifteen 15 fifteenth 15th
fifty 50 fiftieth 50th
six 6 sixth 6th
sixteen 16 sixteenth 16th
sixty 60 sixtieth 60th
seven 7 seventh 7th
seventeen 17 seventeenth 17th
seventy 70 seventieth 70th
eight 8 eighth 8th
eighteen 18 eighteenth 18th
eighty 80 eightieth 80th
nine 9 ninth 9th
nineteen 19 nineteenth 19th
ninety 90 ninetieth 90th
ten 10 tenth 10th
a hundred 100 hundredth 100th
a thousand 1,000 thousandth 1,000th
a million 1,000,000 millionth 1,000,000th

Note: After number 20, both cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers are hyphenated. (-):
- Cardinal numbers: thirty-two, fifty-six, seventy-nine.
- Ordinal numbers: sixty-first, twenty-second, ninety-third.

english course Book One - Lesson Three 47

verb to be: conjugation

r ar
nouns - pronouns

ram m
G r a
NOUNS are the names of people or things.
Regular Plurals (man, woman, book, John, etc. are nouns).
player players
PRONOUNS take the place of nouns.
game games ( I, you, he, she, it, we, they, are pronouns).
Irregular Plurals Rod is a man. Sue is a woman.
A man men He is a man. She is a woman.
A woman women

Always write a capital letter for I.

Capital letters: A, B, C, D, E. Small letters: a, b, c, d, e.

The Verb To Be
Affirmative Interrogative Negative

Singular Singular Singular

first person = I am (I’m) am I? I am not (I’m not)
second person = you are (you’re) are you? you are not (you aren’t)
third person = he is (he’s) is he? he is not (he isn’t)
“ “ = she is (she’s) is she? she is not (she isn’t)
“ “ = it is (it’s) is it? it is not (it isn’t)

Plural Plural Plural

first person = we are (we’re) are we? we are not (we aren’t)
second person = you are (you’re) are you? you are not (you aren’t)
third person = they are (they’re) are they? they are not (they aren’t)

PREPOSITIONS: near, far from ANTONYMS (opposites): right - wrong



basketball girl men player volleyball

boy football net soccer woman
coach man ping-pong team women

48 Book One - Lesson Three english course

Gram structure of the sentence

how many..? / how old..?


The sentence
Tom is a student
subject + verb + complement

Personal pronouns and verb to be:

I am
You are
He Singular
She is You are a student. I’m not a teacher.
It Am I a student too? Are you a student?
Yes, you are. No, I’m not.
You are Plural

How many? How old?

quantity age
How many students are there in class? How old are you?
noun place noun

There is one. I'm sixteen years old.

There are three.
There aren’t students.

Near From
Austria is near Germany. Canada is far from Germany.
Austria is near. Canada is far.

Cardinal N. Ordinal N.
I’m looking at two dictionaries. We are on the first floor.
There are five students in class. This is the third lesson.

english course Book One - Lesson Three 49

N t
o e
t s
e s























50 Book One - Lesson Three english course

ice nnºº 3
I. Pronouns - Verb To Be.
He ............................ a boy. 3. How many ........... are ............. in class?
a)students - there b)students - they
They .......................... players.
c) teacher - there
................................... am a student.
................................... she the teacher?
................................... aren’t soccer players. 4. How many books are there in the bookcase?
You ............................ basketball players. .......................................................... four.
................................... we English students? a)There is b)There are c)They are
I ................................. in the English class.

5. Where ................................................ I?
II. Answer the questions. a)is b)are c)am

Who are you?

6. ................................ players.
.................................................................... a)There is b)They are c)They
Where are we?
.................................................................... IV. Write.
How many teachers are there in the class-
18 ...............................................................
..................................................................... 92 ...............................................................
Is there a park near your house?
5th ...............................................................
Are there five players on a volleyball team? 150 ...............................................................
476 ............................................................
III. Circle the correct answer.
1,600 ...........................................................
20th. ............................................................
1. Ica is .............. Lima.
a)far b)near c)front
91st. ...........................................................

2. Who ............................................ you?

a)is b)am c)are

english course Book One - Lesson Three 51

s o n 3
o g
o g less o n
le s
D i
D i
a l
a l

Dialog 3

At the Stadium

Peter, John and Bob Stevens are at the stadium tonight. John is at the ticket window now.

Box Office Clerk : How many tickets?

John Stevens : Two adults and one child, please.
Box Office Clerk : How old is the child?
John Stevens : He is nine.
Box Office Clerk : Children under ten are free today.
John Stevens : Great! Two adults, please
Box Office Clerk : What section?
John Stevens : First section, near the field
Box Office Clerk : OK. That’s thirty-eight dollars… out of fifty… here’s your
change: twelve dollars… and your tickets. Enjoy the game!.
John Stevens : Thank you.

52 Book One - Lesson Three english course

Notes Notes























english course Book One - Lesson Three 53

Lesson 4
Fourth Lesson

The City






corner E


mail carrier


54 Book One - Lesson Four english course

Prepositions at, in front of,
behind, beside, between,
Lesson 4
among, next to, around
Object pronouns me, you,
Fourth Lesson
him, her, it, us, them
Opposites large-small,







In the picture of the city there are

buildings. On the right there is an
airport, and on the left there is a school.
The streets are wide and the sidewalks
are narrow. There’s a taxi, a car, a bus,
POST OFFICE and a truck on the streets. The taxi driver
is a man. Grandpa Stevens is in the car, and
Grandma Stevens is at the supermarket.
There’s a restaurant between the
supermarket and the office building. The
servers are at the restaurant. A police
officer is on a motorcycle in front of the
bank. The movie theater is beside the
bank. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are at the

movies. The hotel is a large building,


and beside it there’s a park. There’s


a post office on the corner of Collins


Street and Hall Avenue. A mail carrier

is in front of the post office. There’s a
hospital beside the post office. There
are doctors and nurses at the
hospital. A small girl is on a bicycle on
Maple Street.

english course Book One - Lesson Four 55

prepositions of place: in, on, at


Lear n
i n
L e
left right

Collins Street the airport

Ward Street the movies
Maple Street the supermarket
Hall Avenue the hospital
the bicycle the post office
On the motorcycle the restaurant
the bus the office building
the airplane At the bank
the sidewalk the bookstore
the street the bus stop
the truck the drugstore
In the taxi the hotel
the apartment building
the car




56 Book One - Lesson Four english course


Are there buildings in the picture of the city?

.................................................................................. taxi driver
Where’s the airport?
Is the school on the left?
Are the streets wide or narrow?
Where’s the taxi?
Who’s in the taxi?
Is Grandpa Stevens on Collins Street?
Where’s Grandma Stevens?
Who’s at the restaurant?

police officer


english course Book One - Lesson Four 57

Lear n i
i n g
L e a Where are Mr. and Mrs. Stevens?
Is the hotel a small building?
Who’s in front of the post office?
Where are the doctors?
Are the nurses at the drugstore?
Where are they?
server .............................................................................................
Where’s the small girl?
Is the truck small?

mail carrier



58 Book One - Lesson Four english course

preposition of place

in front of behind

beside between



english course Book One - Lesson Four 59

cross answer: I-you, you-I

object pronouns

Lear n
i n
L e Am I in front of you?

Yes, you are in front of me.

Bob is behind Joan.
He is behind her.
Is Joan in front of or beside Bob?

Is Bob behind or beside Joan?


Am I between you two?

Becky is beside George.

She is beside him.
Yes, you are between us.

Is George beside Becky? Who’s between Bob and George?

.............................................................. ....................................................................................

The teacher is among the students.

He is among them.
Is the teacher between or among the students?
Who’s in front of you?

60 Book One - Lesson Four english course

Look at the picture of the city and answer ing
Is the bus in front of the bookstore? ............................................................................................
Is the airport near or far from the hospital? .................................................................................
Is the school behind the hotel? .....................................................................................................
Is the apartment building near the office building? .......................................................................
Is the drugstore in front of the restaurant? ...................................................................................
Is the restaurant between the drugstore and the bookstore? ......................................................
Where is it? ...................................................................................................................................
Where’s the bank? ........................................................................................................................
Is the hospital beside the post office? ...........................................................................................
Where’s the park? .........................................................................................................................
Is the movie theater between the bank and the office building? ..................................................
Where’s the truck? .......................................................................................................................







corner E





taxi bicycle

english course Book One - Lesson Four 61

personal pronouns: subject - object

r ar
prepositions of place

ram m
G r a
Personal Pronouns
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
at - point I me
in - enclosed space you you
on - surface he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them

Prepositions of place

Neutral Male Female among between

server waiter waitress at in
mail carrier mailman mailwoman behind in front of
police officer policeman policewoman beside on
nurse nurse nurse

Note: right left

small large
near is the opposite of far
open closed
here there
wide narrow

airplane city movie theater sidewalk
airport corner movies street
apartment building doctor nurse supermarket
avenue drugstore office building taxi
bank grandma park taxi driver
bicycle grandpa patient truck
bookstore hospital policeman waiter
building hotel police officer waitress
bus mailman post office
bus stop mail carrier restaurant
car motorcycle server

62 Book One - Lesson Four english course

prepositions of place and time
object pronouns

Prepositions: in - on - at
the classroom the table (surface)
March (months) the street the movies
Lima (cities) Monday (days of the week) the bank
Peru (countries) April 15th (dates) the park
summer (seasons) the bus (wide vehicles)
the taxi (small vehicles)

Giving location (prepositions of place)

There’s a bank on Collins Street.
next to
on the left of
around the corner from
The school is the city.
It’s in front of the bank. on the right of

It’s between the bank and the hotel.

It’s on the corner of Maple and Collins Streets.



Subject Verb to be Preposition Object


english course Book One - Lesson Four 63

N otteess























64 Book One - Lesson Four english course

ice nnº 4
I. Choose the correct alternative:
1. The boy is beside ................... . He’s beside ................. .
a) Helen / him b) Peter / her c) Rose / her

2. The students are in front of the teacher. ............... are in front of ................ .
a) They / it b) They / him c) Them / him

3. I am .......................... Bob and Sue.

a) far b) among c) between

4. The movie theater is .............................. from the bank.

a) in front b) beside c) far

5. The hospital is behind the hotel and the bank. ................... behind.............. .
a) It’s / it b) It / it c) It’s / them

II. Reorder these words.

1. Sue / not / near / is / Peter
2. them / of / are / in / they / front
3. the / are / far / teacher / ? / the / from / students
4. are / beside / Peter / her / and / Helen
5. it / are / ? / behind / we

III. Answer the questions.

1. Are you behind the teacher?
2. Is the teacher beside you?
3. Is your house in front of a park?
4. What’s in front of the City Hall?
5. a) Is the post office on the corner of Collins and Maple Streets?
b) Where is it?

english course Book One - Lesson Four 65

s o n 4
o g g less o n
le s
D i l
a l o

Dialog 4


Brad : Excuse me, is Main Street far from here?

Lacy : Not really! It’s about five blocks away.
Brad : How can I get there?
Lacy : Go down this street and make a left at the traffic light. Then walk
straight two blocks and turn right. You’ll see Main Street on your
right side. You can come with me, I’m going that way.
Brad : That’s very nice of you. Thank you.
Lacy : Is this your first time in the city?
Brad : No, but I always get lost in big cities.
Lacy : It’s not really difficult. I can show you.
Brad : Thank you, very much.


66 Book One - Lesson Four english course

Present continuous tense
What + doing? / What + verb?
Lesson 5
Fifth Lesson
Expressions of time now,
right now, at the moment
Prepositions over, under
Adjective many

The House
Adverbs upstairs, downstairs
Conjugation of verb play
Verbals infinitive,
present participle

This is a house. It’s the house of the Stevens family. The house is white and large. There’s a
small yard in front of the house. There are many flowers and a tree in the yard. There are
eight rooms in the house. The living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and the laundry
room are downstairs. The bedrooms and the bathroom are upstairs.

Is this a house? What color are the flowers?

.......................................................... .................................................................
What color is the house? How many rooms are there in the house?
.......................................................... ..................................................................
Is it large or small? Where’s the kitchen?
.......................................................... ..................................................................
Where is the yard? Where are the bedrooms?
.......................................................... ..................................................................

english course Book One - Lesson Five 67

present continuous tense

preposition: over

Lear n
i n The living room
L e

Grandpa Stevens is in the living room. He’s sitting in the armchair. He’s watching television.
There’s a cage over the TV set.

Who’s in the living room?

What’s Grandpa Stevens doing?
He’s watching television.
Is the sofa large or small?
Where’s the TV set?
Is the mirror on the table?
Is there a rug on the floor?
Where’s the lamp?
What’s over the TV set?

68 Book One - Lesson Five english course

The dining room
eating drinking


Bob is in the dining room. He’s sitting at the table. He’s eating a sandwich and drinking a soda.

Is Bob in the dining room?

What’s he doing?
What’s he eating?
Is he drinking a soda?
Is Joan in the dining room?
Is there a centerpiece on the table?
Where’s the sideboard?
How many chairs are there in the dining room?
Is the table large or small?

english course Book One - Lesson Five 69

Lear n i
i n g
L e a The bedrooms



night table

Mr. Stevens is in the large bedroom. He’s reading a book.

Where’s Mr. Stevens?

What’s he doing?
Is there a book on the night table?
Where’s the mat?
Are there clothes in the closet?
Is the dresser behind the bed?
Where’s the lamp?

70 Book One - Lesson Five english course

preposition: under



blanket bedspread


Puff is in the small bedroom. He’s sleeping under a bed. There’s a lamp over the stool.

Who’s in the small bedroom?

Where’s Puff, the cat?
What’s he doing?
Are there pillows on the beds?
What color are the sheets?
Is there a blanket on the floor?
Where’s the stool?
Where’s the lamp?

english course Book One - Lesson Five 71

Lear n i
i n g
L e a The kitchen

mixer blender

stove cabinet
microwave oven

Mrs. Stevens is in the kitchen. She’s cooking. Rex is in the kitchen too. He’s playing under
the table.

What’s Mrs. Stevens doing? Is the sink near the refrigerator?

.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
Is she in the bathroom? How many cabinets are there?
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
Where is she? Is there food on the shelf?
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
Who’s cooking? Where’s Rex?
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
Where are the mixer and the blender? What’s he doing?
.......................................................................... ..........................................................................
Is the oven open?

72 Book One - Lesson Five english course

L e arniinng
The laundry room
dryer iron
ironing board



vacuum cleaner

Grandma Stevens is in the laundry room. She’s washing the clothes.

Where’s Grandma Stevens?

What’s she doing?
Is there a stove in the laundry room?
Where’s the iron?
Are there clothes in the dryer?
Is the washer in front of the dryer?
What color is the vacuum cleaner?

english course Book One - Lesson Five 73

Lear n i
i n g
L e a shower
The bathroom


tub sink



Joan is in the bathroom. She’s cleaning the tub.

Is Joan in the living room?

Where is she?
What’s she doing?
Is the bathroom near the small bedroom?
Is the toilet beside the sink?
Where is it?
Is there a shower in the bathroom?

74 Book One - Lesson Five english course

present continuous: conjugation
verbal forms

Present Continuous
I am reading
pronoun verb to be verb + ing
Where are you? Here is the present continuous of the verb to play.
at the table (eating) Affirmative Negative Interrogative
at the window (looking out)
at the desk (working)
I am playing I am not playing am I playing?
you are playing you are not playing are you playing?
he is playing he is not playing is he playing?
she is playing she is not playing is she playing?
it is playing it is not playing is it playing?
we are playing we are not playing are we playing?
you are playing you are not playing are you playing?
they are playing they are not playing are they playing?

The use of doing in questions:

What’s Grandpa Stevens doing? He’s watching TV.
What’s Joan doing? She’s cleaning the tub.
What are you doing? I’m doing my homework.
What are you doing? We’re doing the laundry.
nightstand = night table
doing the laundry =
washing clothes Verbal forms
Infinitive Present Participle

to clean cleaning
to cook cooking
to drink drinking
to eat eating
to play playing
to read reading
to sit sitting
to sleep sleeping
to wash washing
to watch watching

english course Book One - Lesson Five 75


ram m a r
mm a
GGr a Present Continuous
(The action at the moment of speaking)

Subject auxiliary verb+ing

I am playing Rules :
You are reading to sit sitting
He to eat eating
She is eating to wash
. washing
We See Appendix for the formation of -ing
You are studying forms.

what ........................................doing? what ..................................verb?

What are you doing? What are you playing?

I’m playing I’m playing volleyball

Prepositions Adverbs Adjective

over downstairs many
under upstairs

armchair iron shelf
banner ironing board shower
bathroom kitchen sideboard
bed laundry room sink
bedroom living room soda
bedspread mat stool
blanket microwave oven stove
blender mixer television
centerpiece night table toilet
closet nightstand towel
clothes oven tree
dining room pillow tub
dresser refrigerator vacuum cleaner
dryer room washer
faucet sandwich yard
food sheet

76 Book One - Lesson Five english course

Notes Notes























english course Book One - Lesson Five 77

n º 5
e n º 5
ratc t i c e
I. Complete the sentences. Use present continuous.
1. Joe is in the classroom. He .................................... on the chair.
( sit )
2. Helen is in the classroom too. She ............................................. at the whiteboard.
( look )
3. The man ........................................ an article in the newspaper.
( read )
4. My mother ......................................... tea now.
( drink )
5. My father .................................... now. He home.
(work/not) ( rest )

I1. Build up questions using: What - doing / what - verb?

( The words in bold are guiding you to the questions.)
1. ...................................................................................................................?
I’m cooking.
2. ...................................................................................................................?
I’m preparing a special dinner.
3. ...................................................................................................................?
I’m cleaning the car.
4. ...................................................................................................................?
The secretary is working.
5. ...................................................................................................................?
She’s writing a letter.
6 ....................................................................................................................?
I’m playing soccer.

III. Complete this paragraph.

It’s 8 a.m. and the Stevens family is in the kitchen. Mr. Stevens ___________ at the table.
( sit )
He __________ the newspaper. Mrs. Stevens_________ coffee. She __________ the TV news.
(read) ( drink ) (watch)
Bob and Joan ___________ milk and ___________ a sandwich. They _________ to school.
(drink) ( eat ) ( go/not )
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens ____________ to work. Grandpa and Grandma are in the kitchen too.
( go )

Grandpa ___________ TV and Grandma _____________.
( watch ) ( cook )

78 Book One - Lesson Five english course

g legslsesson
on 55
Dialog 5

The Apartment

Vivian : My friend and I are looking for a two-bedroom apartment near the university.
Jacob : I think there’s an apartment for you on Wayne Street... two bedrooms,
two bathrooms, a large living room, and a very nice kitchen.
Vivian : Is there a refrigerator in the kitchen?
Jacob : Yes, there is.
Vivian : And how many windows are there in the living room?
Jacob : There are 2 large windows in the living room.
Vivian : Great!


english course Book One - Lesson Five 79

N ott























80 Book One - Lesson Five english course

Adjectives cold, good, hot,
some, other, wonderful
Lesson 6
Pronouns some, others
Adverbs very, peacefully,
Sixth Lesson
quietly, well
Prepositions inside, outside,
with, without, along At the Beach

The Stevens family is enjoying

a d a y a t th e be ac h . It’ s
a wonderful day. The sun
is shining. There are some
houses and a restaurant at the
seaside. There’s a man
outside the restaurant. He’s
selling ice cream. Many
people are buying ice cream.
Inside the restaurant it’s very
hot. Some people are
sipping cold drinks. Grandpa
and Grandma Stevens are
at the beach too. They’re talking and laughing. Mr. Stevens is swimming in the blue sea. Mrs. Stevens
is laying a towel on the sand. She’s looking at Joan and Bob. Joan is wearing a red bathing suit. She’s
carrying water in a bucket. Bob is wearing blue swimming trunks. He’s running along the shore.
Some children are digging in the sand with shovels; others are digging without shovels.



english course Book One - Lesson Six 81

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
Where’s the Stevens family?
Are they at home?
Is it a wonderful day?
Where’s the restaurant?
Who’s outside the restaurant?
Is it hot in the restaurant?
Is it cold outside?

The Seaside


82 Book One - Lesson Six english course



Is the Stevens family enjoying a day at the beach? buying

Are you enjoying this lesson?
Is the sun shining?
Are you at the beach?
What’s the man outside the restaurant doing?
................................................................................... cold drink
Is he selling cold drinks?
Are there people buying ice cream? hot drink
What are the people in the restaurant doing?
Are we sipping cold drinks?
What are we doing?
................................................................................... ice cream

english course Book One - Lesson Six 83

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
sailboat swimming



Grandpa and Grandma Stevens are lying peacefully on the sand. They are talking quietly.
John Stevens is a good swimmer. He’s swimming well.

Are Grandma and Grandpa Stevens sitting on the sand?

Are they lying beside the umbrella?
What are they doing?
Are they swimming?
Who’s swimming?
Where’s he swimming?
What color is the sea?
Are you swimming too?

84 Book One - Lesson Six english course

looking at

Is Mrs. Stevens laying an umbrella on the sand?

What’s she doing?
Is she looking at the sea?
Who’s looking at Joan and Bob?
Is Mrs. Stevens wearing a hat?
What’s Joan wearing?
Are we wearing bathing suits?
What’s Joan doing?
Is she carrying a towel?
towel What’s she carrying?

swimming trunks

bathing suit

english course Book One - Lesson Six 85
pronouns: some, others

prepositions: with, without

Lear n
i n
L e running


Is Bob wearing swimming trunks?

What color are they?
Is he carrying water?
with shovels ............................................................................................
What’s he doing?
OTHERS ............................................................................................
Are the children running with him?
What are they doing?

without shovels children


86 Book One - Lesson Six english course


ADJECTIVES modify nouns.
It is a wonderful day.
There are some houses at the seaside.

ADVERBS modify verbs:

They are lying peacefully.
Collective nouns: They are talking quietly.

the family is
the team plays
buy run
carry sell
dig sip
enjoy shine
laugh surf
lay swim
look at talk
lie wear

Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions Pronouns

cold peacefully along others

good quietly inside some
hot very outside
some well with
wonderful without


bathing suit ice cream sun

beach sailboat swimmer
bucket sand swimming trunks
child sea umbrella
children seaside water
day shore wave
drink shovel

english course Book One - Lesson Six 87


a r
some - other - others

adverbs of manner

m a
G r a
ram Adjectives
( They talk about the noun )

She is a beautiful girl. That’s a large house. They’re a nice family.

She’s beautiful. It’s large. They’re nice.

Some - other - others

The boys are studying.

Some boys are studying English.

Other boys are studying French.

Some are studying English.

Others are studying French.

Adverbs of Manner
( They talk about the way you do the action )

The turtle is a slow animal. The turtle is walking slowly.

(adjective) (adverb)

He is a careful driver. He’s driving carefully.

(adjective) (adverb)

Adjective+ly = Adverb Irregular Adverbs

adjective adverb adjective adverb

perfect perfectly good well
fluent fluently hard hard
happy happily fast fast

Be careful: friendly, lovely, ugly, and silly are adjectives, not adverbs

88 Book One - Lesson Six english course

Notes Notes























english course Book One - Lesson Six 89

n º 6
e n º 6
ratc t i c e
I. Answer the questions:

1. Is it hot today?
2. Is your family at the beach now? Where are they?
3. Are you enjoying this day?
4. Are you wearing a bathing suit now?
5. Are you using the English book in class?

II. Complete the sentences:

1. The sun ................................ . It’s cold. (shine / not)

2. The children .................... the TV program. ( enjoy )
3. Helen .............................a nice bathing suit. ( wear )
4. She ................................. a bucket. ( carry )
5. The people cream. ( eat )
6. That boy ......................swimming trunks. They are blue. ( wear )

III. Fill in the blanks. Use some - other - others.

I. The children are at the beach:

a) ................................ children are laughing. ................................ children are playing.
b) .............................. are drinking cold drinks. ................................ are eating ice cream.

2. The secretaries are in the office:

a) ................. secretaries are typing letters. ......................... secretaries are talking.
b) ................................ are drinking coffee. ................................. are working.

3. The children are at the park:

a) ................. children are running. ......................... children are playing with the ball.
b) ................................ are jumping. ................................. are lying on the grass.

90 Book One - Lesson Six english course

ice nnºº 6
IV. Adverbs and adjectives:
Choose the correct adjective or adverb to complete the sentences.

1. The secretaries are working .......................................... . (efficient - efficiently)

2. They are ............................................. students. (nice - nicely)
3. That picture is ................................................ . (beautiful - beautifully)
4. He’s finishing the job ..................................................... . (quick - quickly)
5. I’m not a .............................................. runner . (slow - slowly)

V. Use one of the verbs and complete the paragraph. Use present


Right now some people are at the beach. They ................................. a good time. The
children ................................ with the ball. The mothers ................................. towels on
the sand for the babies. They .................................................. to some music on the radio.
Some people ................................................. in the sea. Others ................................ on the
sand. They ......................... a day at the beach.


english course Book One - Lesson Six 91

s o n 6
o gg less o n
le s
aall o
Dialog 6

The Beach

Susan : Rick! What are you doing here?

Rick : Hi, Susan. Obviously, l’m sunbathing.
Susan : Great. Are you coming every day?
Rick : Yes, I am.
Susan : You’re really enjoying the beach!
Rick : Yes, I am enjoying it very much. How about you?
Susan : Well, I am coming on Sundays only. Too much sun is not good for me.
Rick : Oh! Too bad. Do as I do. Wear a good sunblock lotion.
Susan : What brand do you recommend?
Rick : I wear “TAN45”. It works fine. By the way, I have a spare bottle; try it!
Susan : Oh, thank you! So nice of you.


92 Book One - Lesson Six english course

Future going to
Lesson 7
Expressions of time
tomorrow, later, next month Seventh Lesson
Prepositions before, after
The Circus

Mr. Stevens, Joan, and Bob are

riding in a taxi. They’re going to
the circus. They’re very happy.
Mrs. Stevens is staying at home
because she’s going to rest.
Before the show, Mr. Stevens is
going to stand in line at the circus.
He’s going to buy the tickets; then,
he’s going to walk into the circus
tent with the children because the
show is going to begin.

Are Mr. Stevens, Joan, and Bob riding on a bus?
after Where are they going?
to go
Where’s Mrs. Stevens?
WHY is she staying at home?
BECAUSE she’s going to rest.
Who’s going to stand in line at the circus?
Why is he going to stand in line?
to stand in line to walk into Is he going to walk into a building?
3 - RING
Are you going to stand in line at the movies?
Last Show: ..........................................................................
Are you going to walk home?
Begins: 7pm.
Ends: 9pm. ..........................................................................
to rest to begin - to end
english course Book One - Lesson Seven 93

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
Are Mr. Stevens and the children very happy?
Are you happy or sad?
Are Joan and Bob sad?
Are the people at the circus laughing?
very happy ............................................................................................
Are you walking into the classroom?
Is Mr. Stevens walking into the circus tent without the
Who’s going to buy the tickets?

circus tent

why? because

94 Book One - Lesson Seven english course

opposite adjectives
future: going to

Now, Mr. Stevens and the children are
watching the show. The circus is full of
people. The ring master is presenting
the show. There are two clowns. One
is tall and thin; the other is short and
fat. All the people, young and old, are

In the circus ring there are many artists

and animals too. There’s a young man
walking on the tightrope, and there
are two men on the trapeze. There’s
a monkey riding a bike. There’s a lion
and a man in a large cage. The lion is
going to jump. After the show ends, all
the people are going to leave the circus.
Then, the circus is going to be empty.


young old short

ring master

presenting the show

Who’s presenting the show?
Is he a young man?
How many clowns are there?
Is one of the clowns tall and thin?
Is the other clown short and thin?
When are the people going to leave the circus?
clowns .............................................................................................................
They are going to leave after the show.

english course Book One - Lesson Seven 95

Lear n i
i n g
Are there three acrobats on the trapeze?
What’s the monkey doing? full
Is it walking on the tight rope?
Is there a man on a bike?
Where’s the lion?
Is it in a large box?
clowns ....................................................................
What’s it going to do?
ANIMALS ....................................................................
Is it going to walk? galleries
Are there artists and animals at the circus?
Are there artists here?
..................................................................... circus ring
Is the circus full or empty?
lion .....................................................................
What’s there in the circus ring?
Who’s walking on the tightrope?
monkey ......................................................................
Are you walking on the tightrope now?
Who is?
...................................................................... on the trapeze
to ride a bike

to jump

to leave
96 Book One - Lesson Seven english course
future: going to

Future With Going To
To Express Plans or Intentions for the Future
I’m going next week. I am going to jump. We
PRESENT You are going to jump. You are going to jump.
I’m going now. He They
She is going to jump.

Verb “to go”

Present Continuous Future

I am going to the movies now. I am going to the movies later. *
I am going to go to the movies later.
* more common

Adverbs Verbs Adjectives Prepositions

now to be to present all sad after

then to begin to rest empty short before
why (interrogative) to end to ride fat tall into
to go to stand full thin to
to jump to stay (at) happy young
to leave to walk old

acrobat clown monkey
animal gallery ring master
artist home show
bike juggler ticket
circus last show tightrope
circus ring line (stand in...) trapeze
circus tent lion

english course Book One - Lesson Seven 97

future: going to

r r
expressions of time

a m a

mm ram


G r Future: “going to”

Sue is going to study English.

sub. v. to be future v. c.

present continuous She’s studying English now.

future She’s going to study English tomorrow.

Is she going to the movies next Saturday?
She isn’t going to the movies next Saturday.

verb She’s going to study tomorrow.

going to
place She’s going to the movies tomorrow.

Expressions of time
Present continuous Future

now later
She’s playing right now She’s going to play tomorrow
at the moment next week

Why - Because
Why? ( asks about a reason ) Why is she drinking water?
Because ... ( gives a reason ) Because she’s thirsty.

When? ( asks about time ) When are they going to begin?
They are going to begin tomorrow.

98 Book One - Lesson Seven english course























english course Book One - Lesson Seven 99

n º 7
e n º 7
a c t tice ic
Pr I. Answer the questions:

1. Where are you going after class?


2. Are you going to have classes tomorrow?


3. Is your family going out of town next weekend?


4. Are the students going to stay in the classroom after class?


5. Are you waiting for your class now?


II. Fill in the blanks. Use present continuous: “ing” or future: “going

1. Dad .................................... the newspaper at home now.

( read )
2. My friends and I .................................... lunch at the cafeteria tomorrow.
( eat )
3. My brother ......................................... in the sun at the moment.
( sit )
4. We ....................................... television tonight. We ................................. out.
( watch / not ) ( go )
5. My teacher ................................................. some books in her bag now.

6. We ........................................................... English very well after this course.

( speak )

100 Book One - Lesson Seven english course

ice nnºº 7
III. Complete this paragraph using: The verb to be, present continuous, or
future with going to.
Use: in - on - at to complete some blanks, too.

Joan is .... the living room. She ..... very happy because her father ................... her some money
( be ) ( give )
now. She ............. to the movies with her friends. Bob .............. at home today. He .................
( go ) ( stay ) ( not-go )
to the movies with her. Joan ............ home very fast because she .................. late. She ................
( leave ) ( be ) ( take )
the bus ........... the corner of Maple and Collins Streets. All her friends ........... for her .......... the
( wait )
bus stop. They .................... a wonderful day.
( have )

IV. Build up the questions for these answers. Use the present continuous.

Why is she drinking a soda

1. ......................................................................................................................................?
Because she’s thirsty.

2. ......................................................................................................................................?
Because he’s going to be late.

3. ......................................................................................................................................?
Because today is Sunday.

4. ......................................................................................................................................?
Because he’s tired.

5. ......................................................................................................................................?
Because they’re going to have an exam.

english course Book One - Lesson Seven 101

s o n 7
o go g less o n
le s
D ila l
Dialog 7

Inside the Circus Tent

John : OK, kids. Here we are. Aren’t you excited?
Bob : Of course we are very happy, Dad!
Joan : When is the show going to begin?
John : Soon, Joan. Just be patient, but why that face?
Joan : Because Mom isn’t here.
John : She is resting, sweetie. Next time she’s going to come with us.
Bob : Are we going home after the show?
John : Yes, we are, but before that we are going to buy some ice cream for
Joan : Great! How about strawberry?
Bob : Or chocolate! Mmmm!!!
John : Nope! We are getting your Mom’s favorite: Vanilla
Joan : Hey, Dad! That’s not Mom’s favorite!
Bob : Yeah! That’s your favorite, Dad!


102 Book One - Lesson Seven english course

Simple present tense
Auxiliary do / does
Who .... to/from/with/for?
Lesson 8
How often?, What kind of?
Adverbs of frequency
Eighth Lesson
always, almost always,
usually, often, sometimes,
almost never, never
Expressions of time once a
week, twice a month
The Restaurant

The Stevenses always spend the weekend together. They eat dinner at the Copper Room
every Saturday evening. They like this restaurant because the food is good. Many other people
like this restaurant too.

Now, the Stevenses are looking at the menu. Joan and Bob are very hungry and thirsty. Joan likes
fish very much. She doesn’t like meat. She wants grilled salmon, pineapple salad, ice cream,
and a coke. Bob likes meat very much. He doesn’t like fish. He wants steak, baked potatoes,
lettuce and tomato salad, and an orange juice. He doesn’t want dessert.

Mrs. Stevens is thinking about going on a diet because she wants to lose weight, but she is
very hungry. She wants chicken, mashed potatoes, apple pie, and white wine. Mr. Stevens
likes seafood. He wants clam chowder, shrimp, French fries, and a glass of beer.

Mr. Stevens is calling the server to order the meal. It is hot in the restaurant; the door is open, but
two windows are closed. Mrs. Stevens is going to ask the server to turn on the air conditioner.

english course Book One - Lesson Eight 103

simple present

do, does

Lear n
i n
L e to spend money

to like


Do the Stevenses like to eat at the Copper Room?

Yes, they like to eat at the Copper Room.
thirsty Do you like chicken?
Yes. I do.
Does Joan like fish?
Yes, she likes fish very much.
Does Bob like meat?
Yes, he does.
Do the Stevenses like to eat dinner at home
every Saturday?
No, they don’t.
Does Bob like fish?
No, he doesn’t like fish.
food Does Joan want chicken?
No, she doesn’t.
Do you like meat?
No, I don’t like meat.



104 Book One - Lesson Eight english course
what kind of..?

Joan wants:
Do the Stevenses always spend the weekend together?
When do they go to the Copper Room?
Why do they like this restaurant?
Do you like restaurants? grilled salmon
When do you go to restaurants?
Do other people like this restaurant?
What are the Stevenses doing now?
....................................................................................... pineapple salad
Are Joan and Bob hungry and thirsty?
Are you hungry now?
Does Joan like meat?
What does she like? dessert
....................................................................................... (ice cream)
What kind of salad does she want?
She wants pineapple salad.
Is Joan thirsty?
What is she going to drink?
What does she want for dessert?
Do you like desserts?

english course Book One - Lesson Eight 105

Lear n i
i n g
L e a Bob wants:

What does Bob like?

steak (meat)
Is he going to eat steak?
What kind of salad does he want?
What’s Bob going to drink?
baked potatoes
...................................................................... lettuce and tomato salad
Do you like orange juice?
Does Bob want dessert?

orange juice
Mrs. Stevens wants:

chicken wine
mashed potatoes apple pie

Is Mrs. Stevens on a diet?

to go on a diet ....................................................................
Why is she thinking about going on a diet?
Is she hungry?
What does she want to eat?
to lose weight Does she want dessert?
What kind of dessert does she want?
Does she want red wine?
to think

106 Book One - Lesson Eight english course

Does Mr. Stevens like seafood?
Mr. Stevens wants:

What does he want to eat?

Does he want steak?
clam chowder shrimp
Does he want wine?
What’s he going to drink?
Do you like wine or beer?
Is it hot in the restaurant?
French fries a glass of beer
Why? air conditioner
What’s Mrs. Stevens going to do? to turn on ON


Turn on the air
to order conditioner, please!
to call

to ask

To set the table, we use:

napkin bowl
spoon knife
cup and saucer

english course Book One - Lesson Eight 107

who... from?

who ... to?

Lear n
i n
L e
Now, Mr. Stevens is getting the bill
from the server. He’s going to pay
the bill. Then the Stevens family is
going to leave the restaurant. Before
they leave, Mr. Stevens is going to
give a tip to the server.

WHO is Mr. Stevens getting the bill from?

He’s getting the bill from the server.
to get
Is the server giving the bill to Mrs. Stevens?
to give WHO is the server giving the bill to?
The server is giving the bill to Mr. Stevens.
Is Joan going to pay the bill?
bill Who is?
Are the Stevenses going to stay in the restaurant?
Who is?
to pay Who is Mr. Stevens going to give a tip to?
Who is the server going to get a tip from?
to give a tip

108 Book One - Lesson Eight english course

simple present

The Simple Present Tense maarr
We use the Simple Present Tense for habitual or repeated actions and facts.
Bob likes meat very much. (fact)
They eat dinner there every Saturday evening. (habitual action)

Verb to eat Verb to like Verb to watch

he he he
you you you
eat she eats like she likes watch she watches
we we we
it it it
they they they

See appendix for the formation of -s forms (page 206).

Simple Present Tense (Auxiliary verb do)

Interrogative Form Affirmative Answer Negative Answer

I? I I
you? you do you
Do do not (don’t)
we? we we
they? they they
Yes, No,
he? he he
Does she? she does she does not (doesn’t)
it? it it

The Simple Present Tense Negative

To form the Simple Present Tense Negative of all verbs (except be) we use the
auxiliary do with not and the simple form of the main verb.

Verb to eat Verb to like Verb to want

you you you
don’t eat. don’t like. don’t want.
we we we
they they they
he / she / it doesn’t eat. he / she / it doesn’t like. he / she / it doesn’t want.

english course Book One - Lesson Eight 109

simple present: conjugation

a r a r
G r ram
mm The Simple Present Tense Interrogative
To form the Simple Present Tense Interrogative of all verbs (except be, can) we
use the auxiliary do and the simple form of the verb.
Verb to eat Verb to like Verb to want
Do I eat? Do I like? Do I want?
Do you eat? Do you like? Do you want?
Does he / she / it eat? Does he / she / it like? Does he / she / it want?
Do we eat? Do we like? Do we want?
Do you eat? Do you like? Do you want?
Do they eat? Do they like? Do they want?

Short Answers
Affirmative Negative
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she / it doesn’t.
Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Verbs Adjectives Preposition Adverbs

ask pay closed open from always
call set much
every other together
do spend (time) hungry
spend (money) thirsty
give think about Question Words
like turn on Who... preposition
lose use Conjunction
order want How often
What kind of

air conditioner dessert mashed potatoes seafood
apple pie diet (go on a...) meal shrimp
baked potatoes dinner meat spoon
beer fish menu steak
bill fork money tablecloth
bowl French fries napkin tip
breakfast glass orange juice tomato
chicken grilled salmon pineapple weekend
clam chowder knife plate weight
coke lettuce salad wine
cup lunch saucer

110 Book One - Lesson Eight english course

auxiliary: do / does

adverbs of frequency
expressions of time

Simple present tense
(frequent and repeated actions)
I work. He works. I study English at Privateacher.
You go. She goes. My brother studies English too.
We study. It plays. We go to the institute three times a week.

Auxiliary do - does
Affirmative / Negative Interrogative Examples
I work every day.
I I ................? I don’t play soccer every day.
you do you ...........? Do you study every day?
we Do
do not (don’t) we ............? Yes, I do.
they they ..........? No, I don’t.

He runs on weekends.
He doesn’t run every day.
he he ..........?
does Does Does he play sports?
she she .........?
does not ( doesn’t ) Yes, he does.
it it ............?
No, he doesn’t.

Adverbs of frequency
almost always
usually She usually plays volleyball.
Sub. + often + verb + compl. They sometimes go to the movies.
sometimes I almost never practice sports.
almost never

Expressions of time

other day She flies to Miami every year.
sub. + verb + compl. + every week I go to the gym every other day.
month (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

english course Book One - Lesson Eight 111

how often..? / what kind of..?

a r
who... from/to/with/for?

a r
G r ram
once a week I go on vacation once a year.
sub + verb + compl.+ twice a week We study three times a week.
three times a week

Practice questions
How often? - ( Asks about frequency. )
How often do you come to the institute?
I come twice a week.
What kind of? - ( Asks about class, type. )
What kind of music do you like?
I like pop music.
Who? - ( Asks about persons. )
Formal Informal
From whom do you get English classes? = Who do you get English classes from?
- I get English classes from the teacher.

To whom does the teacher give classes? = Who does the teacher give classes to?
- The teacher gives classes to the students.

With whom does Bob study? = Who does Bob study with?
- He studies with Joan.

For whom do you work? = Who do you work for?

- We work for Ms. Adams.


112 Book One - Lesson Eight english course























english course Book One - Lesson Eight 113

n º 8
e n º 8
c t c t i c e
P ra
I. Answer.

1. Where do you work?

2. Who do you work with?
3. Does your boss work on Saturdays?
4. How often do you go to restaurants?
5. What kind of food do you like?
6. Are you on a diet?

II. Complete the sentences: Use the simple present or the

present continuous

1. Jane ............................................................ tennis every Thursday. ( play)

2. My brother ................................................................ TV all the time. (watch)
3. Where are you, Joan? I’m downstairs. I ......................... my homework. (do)
4. ............. you ...........................................oranges? (like)
No, I ........................................ . I ....................................... apples. (prefer)
5. ....... the students ...................... a test right now? (take)
No, ........................................ . They .................................. an exercise. (do)
6. ....... she .............................................. to the library this evening? ( go)
No, ................................... . She ........................... to the gym. (go)
7. .......... they ..................... e-mails to their friends every month? (write)
Yes, ............................ . They ................. many letters from them too. (get)
8. ........... it ...................................... right now? (rain)
No, it ............................ . It .......................................... here. (never / rain)

114 Book One - Lesson Eight english course

ice nnºº 8
III. Put these words in order.
1. goes / the / green / bus / downtown
2. going / an / we / ? / have / to / exam / are
3. driving / work / is / to / now / Paul
4. after / Peter / his / does / homework / dinner
5. Bob / salad / does / want / ? / pineapple
6. write / the / ? / to / answers / going / we / are

IV. Complete using: him it her them us.

1. Give Alice the money.

Give .............................................................................. the tickets too.
2. Can you buy the tickets too?
Yes, I can buy ..................................................................... here.
3. Tell your brother to come to the party.
Tell ................................................................... to bring some CDs.
4. Buy the ticket tomorrow.
Buy ........................................................................... in the morning.
5. The bus takes Mary and me to school.
The bus takes school every day.

english course Book One - Lesson Eight 115

s o n 8
o g
o g less o n
le s
D i l
a l
Dialog 8

At the Restaurant

Tina : Hi! My name is Tina, and I’m your server. How are you doing this
Molly : Fine, thank you.
Tina : Here is your menu.
Molly : What is your special today?
Tina : Our special today is Grilled Chicken Breast. It comes with a baked
potato and a side dish of salad.
Molly : Sounds good, but I’m going to take a look at the menu.
Tina : OK. Can I get you anything to drink?
Molly : Yes, I’d like a diet coke.
Tina : Sure, I’ll bring that right now.

9 3

Tina : Here you go. Are you ready to order?


116 Book One - Lesson Eight english course

What time?,
Expressions in time, on time
Lesson 9
Ninth Lesson
Preposition at, by, around,
above, for, to
Come back, go back, be back
What ... for?

Everyday Schedule
Adjectives slow, fast


What does Mr. Stevens do every day?

He gets up. He takes a shower. He gets ready. He eats breakfast.

He goes to work. He starts work. He drinks coffee.

He goes to a He goes back to the office. He finishes work and

restaurant for lunch. leaves the office.

english course Book One - Lesson Nine 117

Lear n i
i n g
L e a

He helps the children study

He is back home

He takes a walk
with Mrs. Stevens

He eats dinner with all the family

He watches TV He goes to bed

On Saturday, he goes to the club. On Sunday he goes to church with Mrs. Stevens and the children.

118 Book One - Lesson Nine english course

what time..?

Does Mr. Stevens help the children study?

What time does he help them?
Do Bob and Joan eat dinner at eight o’clock?
Who do they eat dinner with? to study
What time do you eat dinner every day?
Does Mr. Stevens take a walk every day?
Does he take a walk alone?
Who does he take a walk with?
to help
Does he watch TV at ten o’clock?
Do you watch TV every day?
What time does Mr. Stevens go to bed?
What time do you go to bed?
When does Mr. Stevens go to the club?
Does he go to church on Saturday?
When does he go?
Who does he go with?
with Mrs. Stevens

english course Book One - Lesson Nine 119

telling time

n g
preposition: above

i What time is it?
L It’s one o’clock

5 (minutes) to 2 (1:55) 5 (minutes) past (after) 1 (1:05)

10 (minutes) to 2 (1:50) 10 (minutes) past (after) 1 (1:10)
A QUARTER to 2 (1:45) A QUARTER past (after) 1 (1:15)
20 (minutes) to 2 (1:40) 20 (minutes) past (after) 1 (1:20)
25 (minutes) to 2 (1:35) 25 (minutes) past (after) 1 (1:25)



We use a clock or a watch to tell time. A clock is usually big; a watch is almost always small,
and we wear it on the wrist. Above, there is a picture of a clock. There are numbers on it and
three hands: a long hand, a short hand, and a thin hand. The short hand points at the hours,
the long hand points at the minutes, and the thin hand points at the seconds.

a wristwatch an alarm clock a digital clock

hour hand
(short hand)
minute hand
(long hand)

second hand
(thin hand)

120 Book One - Lesson Nine english course

What do we use a clock for?
Is a clock small?
Where do we wear a watch?
Are there numbers on a clock?
What time is it? How many hands are there on a clock?
It’s five past six.
..................................... ....................................................................................................
What does the long hand point at?
What does the short hand point at?
Does the thin hand point at the seconds?
Do you wear a wristwatch?
Is there a digital clock in the classroom?
What time is it? What do you use an alarm clock for?
..................................... ....................................................................................................

What time is it? What time is it?

...................................... ......................................

english course Book One - Lesson Nine 121

noon, midnight

slow, fast

Lear n
i n
L e
12 a.m.
12 p.m. MIDNIGHT

Do you go to sleep at midnight?

Do you eat lunch at noon?



The clock in the middle is telling the correct time. The clock on the left isn’t telling the correct time.
It’s ten minutes slow. The clock on the right isn’t telling the right time. It’s five minutes fast.

Is the clock on the left telling us the wrong time?

Is the clock in the middle telling us the right time?
Is the clock on the right incorrect?

122 Book One - Lesson Nine english course

come back

go back

8 a.m. 1 p.m. ing 2 p.m.

to go

to come back

to go back

What time does Mr. Stevens get up every day?

What time do you get up every day?
Does Mr. Stevens take a shower at twenty minutes past six?
What time does he get ready?
What time do you get ready?
Does Mr. Stevens eat breakfast at seven o’clock every day?
What time do you eat breakfast?

to start

to finish

Does Mr. Stevens go to work at twenty minutes past seven?

Do you go to work every day?
Does Mr. Stevens start work at a quarter to eight?

english course Book One - Lesson Nine 123

Lear n i
i n g
L e a

What time do you start work?

Does Mr. Stevens drink coffee at ten thirty?
Does he eat lunch in the office?
Where does he go at noon?
Do you eat lunch at noon?
What time does Mr. Stevens go back to the office?
What time does he finish work?
What does he do then?
What time do you leave the office?
What time is Mr. Stevens at home?

124 Book One - Lesson Nine english course



be back leave
come back point
get up start
get ready study
go back take
everyday = adjective finish tell
every day = expression
of time
Adjectives Adverbs
big fixed above
correct incorrect alone
everyday long approximately
exact sharp half
fast slow


alarm clock hand second
bed (go to ...) middle second hand
church midnight time
club minute walk (take a...)
coffee minute hand watch
digital clock noon work
hour office wrist
hour hand schedule wristwatch

english course Book One - Lesson Nine 125

what time?

a r


m a
expressions of time

What time?
What time is it? (What’s the time?)

( 7:00) It’s seven o’clock. or It’s seven sharp.

( 8:05) It’s eight oh five. or It’s five past eight.
(10:12) It’s ten twelve. or It’s twelve past ten.
( 4:15) It’s four fifteen. or It’s a quarter past four.
( 6:20) It’s six twenty. or It’s twenty past six.
( 3:30) It’s three thirty. or It’s half past three.
( 2:40) It’s two forty. or It’s twenty to three.
( 1:45) It’s one forty-five. or It’s a quarter to two.
( 9:50) It’s nine fifty. or It’s ten to ten.

What time do you get up every day? What time does Henry go to bed?
I get up at a quarter to six. He goes to bed at midnight.

What … for?
What do you use an alarm clock for? What does Judy come to class for?
I use it to get up on time. She comes to class to study English.

Go / Come / Be Back = Return

I’m in the office. I’m coming back tomorrow.
I’m going to be back tomorrow.
I’m not at home. I’m going back after work.

Prepositions (Expressions of time)

I have to be back at nine. at that time
I have to be back by nine. no later than nine
I have to be back around nine. approximately
in time = a very short time before on time = the exact hour
the fixed hour
5:59 in time 6:00 on time

My class is at 6:00 p.m.
When it is 5:59. I’m in time for class.
When I arrive 6:00. I’m on time.

126 Book One - Lesson Nine english course

Notess Note























english course Book One - Lesson Nine 127

n º 9
e n º 9
Pracc t tice ic
Pra I. What time is it?

1. 2:15 It’s two fifteen.

.................................................... It’s a quarter past two.
or .................................................

2. 11:06 .................................................... or .................................................

3. 8:00 .................................................... or .................................................

4. 7:20 .................................................... or .................................................

5. 6:30 .................................................... or .................................................

6. 9:45 .................................................... or .................................................

II. Answer the questions:

1. What time do you leave for work?

2. Are you at home at noon?
3. What time is lunch time in your office?
4. What time do workers usually leave the office?
5. Does your boss arrive at work on time?

III. Put these words in order.

1. is - now - time - ? - what - it

2. every - we - dinner - p.m. - day - 7 - eat - at

128 Book One - Lesson Nine english course

ice nnºº 9
3. school - in - children - the - go - usually - morning - to
4. to - is - study - time - good - not - midnight - a
5. early - get - an - need - clock - up - don’t - alarm - I - to

IV. Complete the dialog using: What, Who, What time, When.

Teacher: .................................................................. do you arrive home?

Student: At 4 p.m.
Teacher: ..................................................................... do you do after dinner?
Student: I watch TV.
Teacher: ................................................................. do you do your homework?
Student: In the afternoon from 5 to 7 p.m.
Teacher: .......................................................... helps you with your homework?
Student: I do it alone.
Teacher: Good girl!

V. Complete the sentences with go back, be back, come back.

1. I’m not at home now.

I ............................................. home at 5 every day.
2. We always have a nice time when you come to visit us.
When are you going to ............................................... again?
3. John is visiting us. He’s going to be here for a week.
He likes it very much, so he’s going to ......................................... next year.
4. Helen goes to the club every week, but she’s not going to ......................... there
until next month.

english course Book One - Lesson Nine 129

s o n 9
o gg less o n
le s
aall o
Dialog 9

At the Subway Station:

Valery : Excuse me. What time is it?
Jason : It’s a quarter to 8.
Valery : Darn! I’m afraid I’m not going to be on time for work.
Jason : Where do you work?
Valery : Downtown. What time does the next train pass by?
Jason : In about 3 minutes.
Valery : It takes me 25 minutes to get there.
Jason : What time do you start work?
Valery : I’m supposed to be at work at 8 sharp.


130 Book One - Lesson Nine english course

Possessive form of nouns
Possessive adjectives my,
Lesson 10
your, his, her, its, our, their
Tenth Lesson
Verb have: possession /
have to: obligation

The Farm


barn fruit trees

The Stevenses are going to field
visit a farm in the country. vegetables stable
Farm life is very exciting.
This is the Browns’ farm.
Mr. Brown is the farmer.
His wife is Mrs. Stevens’
sister. The Browns have
a son – his name is Joe, and
a daughter – her name is
Millie. They’re very fond of fence
their farm because there’s well
space and sun everywhere.
The farmer’s house is large and comfortable. It has a fence around it. In the picture, there’s a
stable, a barn and a well. In the fields near the farm there are vegetables and fruit trees. The
Browns save money because the farm produces all their food. Mr. Brown works from morning to
night. Mrs. Brown thinks that her husband works too much, and she always helps him.
Hello, my friends. My name is Samuel Brown. People call me Sam. I’m a farmer.
I get up early in the morning. I have to feed the horses, cows, and sheep. My
son, Joe, has to milk the cows; and my daughter, Millie, has to feed the chickens.
My wife takes care of the hens. The hens lay eggs. She has to pick up the eggs
to sell them in the market. We have many other animals on our farm too: we
have turkeys, ducks, and pigs. We live in contact with nature.

a country the country exciting

english course Book One - Lesson Ten 131

Lear n i
i n g
L e a cow
to feed

to milk

Does Mr. Brown have too much work?

Who helps him?
What does his wife think about his work?
Do you have too much work?
turkey What does Mr. Brown do early in the morning?
What does his wife do?
What do you do early in the morning?
Does Millie feed the sheep?
duck .................................................................................................
What does she do?
Do you like animals?
Do you have animals at home?


132 Book One - Lesson Ten english course

to save
to produce
ing to work

Is there a fence around your house?
Is there one around the Browns’ house?
Where’s the stable?
...................................................................................................... sheep
Is there a barn behind your house?
Why not?
Where’s the well?
What is there in a well?
What’s there in the fields? hen
Do you like vegetables and fruit?
Where do you buy them? chicken
Do the Browns save money?
...................................................................................................... eggs
Do you save money in the bank?

english course Book One - Lesson Ten 133

possessive form of


i n

n i n
The Browns
The Stevenses Sisters

Husband Wife
Mr. Stevens Mrs. Stevens
Mr. Brown Parents Mrs. Brown

Bob Joan Joe Millie
Son Daughter
Brother Sister

These are the Stevenses and the Browns. There are four members in the Stevens family. Mr. Stevens
is the husband, and Mrs. Stevens is his wife. They are the parents. Their children are Bob and Joan.
Bob is the son, and Joan is the daughter. Bob is Joan’s brother, and Joan is Bob’s sister. Mrs. Stevens
and Mrs. Brown are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are parents too. Their children are Joe and Millie.
They are siblings. Joe and Millie are Bob and Joan’s cousins.

What are the Stevenses going to do?

Where’s the farm?
Do you think that farm life is exciting?
Whose farm is this?
It’s the Browns’ farm, or It’s the Browns’.
Who’s the farmer?
...................................................................................................... comfortable
Who’s Mrs. Brown?
Who’s Mr. Brown’s wife?
Do the Browns have a son?
What’s his name?
Do they have a daughter?
What’s her name?
...................................................................................................... uncomfortable

134 Book One - Lesson Ten english course

Mr. Brown
Uncle Aunt

Mrs. Brown
Children Mr. Brown is Bob and Joan’s uncle.
Bob Joan Mrs. Brown is Bob and Joan’s aunt.
Bob is Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s nephew.
Joan is Mr. and Mrs. Brown’s niece.
Nephew Niece

Is Mr. Brown Bob and Joan’s uncle?

Are Joe and Millie, Bob and Joan’s cousins?
Why are the Browns fond of their farm?
Are you fond of your work?
Yes, I am fond of my work.
Do your parents like farm life?
Do you have a farm?
Who’s Joe?
Is the farmer’s house small or large?
Is it uncomfortable?
Who’s Millie?
Is your house comfortable?
Do you live in the city?
What’s your mother’s name?
Are Bob and Joan cousins?
No, They aren’t. They’re siblings.
Is city life exciting?

english course Book One - Lesson Ten 135

possessive form of nouns

a r
possessive adjectives

a r
verb: have

G Possessive form

With singular nouns we add an apostrophe ( ’ ) and s. With plural nouns ending in s, we add only
the apostrophe.

Singular Plural
The boy’s book. = The book of the boy. The boys’ books.
The girl’s dolls. = The dolls of the girl. The girls’ dolls.
Mr. Brown’s farm. = The farm of Mr. Brown. The Browns’ farm.
When a singular form ends in s, we have two possibilities:
Mrs. Stevens’s sister or Mrs. Stevens’ sister

To plural nouns not ending in s we add an (’) and s. There are only a few nouns with
plurals not ending in s. Here are three examples.

Singular Plural

The man’s hat. The men’s hats.

The woman’s cats. The women’s cats.
The child’s room. The children’s room.

Possessive Adjectives
my our
your your
his / her / its* their
NOTE: * Never write the possessive its with an apostrophe.
It’s (with an apostrophe) means it is.

The Verb to Have

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have I don’t (do not) have Do I have?

You have You don’t (do not) have Do you have?
He / She / It has He / She / It doesn’t (does not) have Does he / she / it have?
We / You / They have We / You / They don’t (do not) have Do we / you / they have?

136 Book One - Lesson Ten english course

feed pick up
has produce
have save
have to visit
live work
father + mother = parents exciting
uncle + aunt + cousin + fond
grandmother, etc. = uncomfortable
relatives Adverbs
brothers + sisters = siblings early
too much

Question Word


take care of

aunt farmer member space
barn farm life nature stable
brother fence nephew turkey
contact field niece uncle
country friend parent vegetable
cousin fruit tree pig well
cow hen relative wife
duck horse sheep
egg husband sibling
farm market sister

english course Book One - Lesson Ten 137


possessive adjectives

mm a
verb: have / have to

m a
G r Possessive form Whose ...?
The book belongs to the teacher. Whose book is this?
It’s the teacher’s book.
The teacher’s book. It’s her book.

The dictionaries belong to the boys. Whose dictionaries are those?

They’re the boys’ dictionaries.
The boys’ dictionaries. They’re their dictionaries.

who’s ...? Who’s the father ?
John is the father.
whose ...? Whose father is he?
He’s Bob’s father.

Possessive adjectives
My My house
Your Your sister
His His bicycle
Her + noun Her bag
Its Its stable
Our Our daughter
Their Their farm

have / have to
I have an English book.
She has a pretty dress.

I have to study.
He has to work.

138 Book One - Lesson Ten english course

Notes Notes























english course Book One - Lesson Ten 139

º 1 0
n º 1 0
aacctti c ice n e
rI. Answer the questions:

1. Does your family eat breakfast early?

2. Do your friends speak English?
3. Does your mother practice sports?
4. Do your parents have a blue car?
5. Does your mother go to the market every day?
6. Do you drive to work every morning?
7. Why do people have to work every day?
8. Who is your father’s brother?
9. What are you fond of?
10. Does your sister have to get up early? Why?

II. Complete the monolog.

I work hard every day. I ................. solve many problems. Some days ................ difficult for
(have to) (be)
me. I .................. the head of the accounting department. I ..................... a large office. My
(be) (have)
boss’ office ................... in front of mine. He ......................hard too. We ........................ English
(be) (work) (study)
together three times a week. The teacher ........................ to the office. He ........................ a
(come) (be)
nice person. We......................... happy with him.

140 Book One - Lesson Ten english course

ice nnºº 10
III. Build up the questions:
1. .................................................................................................................?
No, I don’t like the city. I like farm life.
2. .................................................................................................................?
I’m fond of music.
3. .................................................................................................................?
I use the pen to write.
4 ..................................................................................................................?
I wear a watch on the wrist.
5. ..................................................................................................................?
He’s my cousin.
6. ..................................................................................................................?
His name is Bob. He’s my mother’s brother.

IV. Use: Your - His - Their - Her.

1. This is Rose’s bike. It’s ............................................ bike.

2. Those are not Joe and Bob’s toys.

They’re Peter and Tom’s toys. They’re .................................................. toys.

3. Are you Robert’s daughter?

No, I’m not ............................................. daughter.

4. Is Sue my new secretary?

No, she isn’t. Janet is ............................................. new secretary.

english course Book One - Lesson Ten 141

1 0
g l e s
g l e s so n 1 0
Di a l o
Dialog 10

On the Farm

Theresa : Is everything ready, honey?

Sam : Almost ready. I just have to feed the sheep.
Theresa : Remember, my sister and her family are coming for lunch.
Sam : I know, I know… Where is Joe?
Theresa : He’s doing his homework. He wants to finish it before Bob comes.
Sam : Hey! Whose brush is this?
Theresa : It’s Millie’s. Leave it there.
Sam : What about her? Where is she?
Theresa : She’s in the kitchen making an apple pie for our guests.
Sam : By the way, are they coming in John’s new car?
Theresa : It’s not his car. It’s their car.
Sam : Oops! You’re right.


142 Book One - Lesson Ten english course

Prepositions of time
in, on, at
Lesson 11
Preposition of place by Eleventh Lesson
Phrases what else?, almost all
Adverbs indoors, outdoors

The Seasons

Spring There are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and

winter. In the U.S.A. the spring months are: March,
April, and May. In spring, plants and trees turn green
and there are flowers of many colors. Mr. Brown sows
the seeds for the crops. He plants wheat, corn,
oats, and barley. The summer months are June, July,
and August. It’s very hot in the summer; the days are
long, and the nights are short. Mr. Brown is ready to
gather his crops next season. He has a truck farm
full of vegetables. He has cauliflower, onions, celery,
Summer artichokes, pumpkins, parsley, radishes, asparagus,
lettuce, and other vegetables.

He also has fruit trees: peach trees, plum trees, cherry

trees, apple trees, fig trees, and pear trees. Millie and Joe
like fruit very much.

Fall comes after summer. The fall months are

September, October, and November. In fall, the
leaves change color; they turn yellow and brown,
and fall off the trees. Fall is harvest time; the crop is
plentiful. Mr. Brown has a great deal of work; he is
going to sell part of the grain in the market, and store
the rest to feed his animals in the winter.

Fall Winter is the cold season. The winter months are

December, January, and February. In winter, Mr.
Brown and his family have to stay indoors almost all the
time. It snows, it rains, and the wind becomes cold; the
days are short, and the nights are long. The Browns like
to sit by the fire at night.

In winter, the cows and horses stay in the stable. Mr.

Winter Brown feeds them hay and oats from the barn.

english course Book One - Lesson Eleven 143

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
to plant


What are the four seasons?

wheat ...............................................................................................
What are the spring months?
When do plants and trees turn green?
barley What does Mr. Brown do in the spring?
What does he plant?
What is the weather like in the summer?
oats What are the summer months?
Are the days long in the summer?
What does Mr. Brown do in the summer?
What do you do in the summer?

144 Book One - Lesson Eleven english course

artichokes parsley

cauliflower pumpkin
What vegetables does Mr. Brown have?
What vegetables do you like?
Does Mr. Brown have only vegetables?
What else does he have?
What fruit do you like?
Fruit ........................................................................

cherries apple


english course Book One - Lesson Eleven 145

phrasal verb: fall off

Lear n i
i n g

the crop is plentiful

the leaves fall off the tree

What comes after summer?

What are the fall months?
Do the leaves fall off the trees in summer?
When do the leaves change color? to sell part of the grain
Is the summer harvest time?
When is harvest time?
Does Mr. Brown have a great deal of work?
What does he do?
Where does he sell part of the grain?
What does he feed his animals? to store the rest

146 Book One - Lesson Eleven english course

phrase: almost all

What are the winter months?

to snow ............................................................................................
Does it snow in the winter?
Does it rain?
Is the wind very cold?

to rain ............................................................................................
Are the days long?
What do the Browns do in the winter?
Do they stay indoors almost all the time in the winter?

wind ............................................................................................

by the fire



english course Book One - Lesson Eleven 147

the months of the year

Lear n i
i n g
L e a There are twelve months in a year. This is the hand method to remember
Now you are going to learn them: the number of days in each month.
October The months that coincide with the knuckles
November have thirty-one days.

to remember
to learn

How many months are there in a year? What months have thirty-one days?
................................................................ ..........................................................................
Name the spring months in your country. What month has twenty-eight days?
............................................................... ..........................................................................
What do you use the hand method for? What are you learning now?
............................................................... ..........................................................................
What months have thirty days? Do you remember the months of the year?
............................................................... ..........................................................................

148 Book One - Lesson Eleven english course

what else?

become plant
change rain
coincide remember
come snow
fall off sow
gather store
learn turn
What else?=
tell me more
Adjectives Adverbs
each almost
great also
next else
plentiful indoors
ready outdoors



apple tree fall (autumn) month radish

artichoke fig tree oats rest
asparagus fire onion season
barley fruit parsley seed
cauliflower grain part spring
celery harvest peach tree summer
cherry tree hay pear tree truck farm
corn knuckle plant wheat
crop leaf-leaves plum tree wind
deal method pumpkin winter

english course Book One - Lesson Eleven 149

prepositions of time: in, on, at

a r
adverbs: indoors, outdoors

m a
G r
Noun and Number Expressions:
Singular Plural What else ?
leaf - leaves What else do you want?

Preposition: Almost all

By = near Almost all children like to play.
They’re by the fire.
They’re near the fire.

Indoors - Outdoors

The children are at school.

Some children are studying indoors.
Other children are playing outdoors.

Prepositions of time

Example: Flowers blossom in spring.


Years Days Hours

Seasons Dates Festivities
Parts of the day

150 Book One - Lesson Eleven english course























english course Book One - Lesson Eleven 151

º 1 1
n º 1 1
cttiicc en e
P r I. Answer:

1. What month comes before October?

2. What day comes after Wednesday?
3. What vegetables does your country produce?
4. What fruit do you like?
5. Does it rain in this city?
6. Does it snow in this country? Where?
7. Who helps you when you have a great deal of work?
8. Do you have plants at home?
9. Does February have 31 days?
10. Do you know what a leap year is?

II. Make a composition about the seasons in your country. Describe them.

152 Book One - Lesson Eleven english course

Dialo Dialog
g leslsesson 1
on 111
Dialog 11

A Winter Evening

Sam : Wow! It’s really cold today.

Theresa : Cheer up! Spring is almost around the corner.
Sam : Thank God this is a warm house.
Theresa : Why don’t we sit by the fire?
Sam : Great idea, dear.
Theresa : Are the kids still playing outdoors? Don’t they know it’s too late to
be out in the winter?
Sam : What else do you expect? They’re kids. Take it easy.
Theresa : Please tell them to get in right now. It’s freezing outside.
Sam : Yes, dear.


english course Book One - Lesson Eleven 153























154 Book One - Lesson Eleven english course

Modal can / cannot (ability,
opportunity, request, permission,
Lesson 12
possibility) Twelfth Lesson
Adjective both
Adverbs just, well
Preposition below

Just a Cold

Mrs. Stevens and Joan are at the doctor’s office. Joan doesn’t feel well. She’s ill. She has a
headache and a sore throat. Doctor Pill is an efficient professional. He’s sitting at his desk.
He’s feeling Joan’s pulse. Her pulse is a little fast. The doctor thinks that it is just a bad cold. He’s
going to prescribe some medicine for her. On the doctor’s desk, there’s a stethoscope. Behind
the doctor there’s a cabinet filled with medicines. On the wall, there’s a drawing that shows the
parts of the human body.

Where are Mrs. Stevens and Joan?

Does Joan feel well?
Why not?
Does she have a stomachache?
Who’s the doctor?

english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 155

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
Do you feel well?
Is Joan ill?
to feel well
Do you have a headache?
What do you do when you have a stomachache?
Are you a doctor?
Is Dr. Pill an efficient professional?
to be ill ......................................................................................
(to be sick) Where’s he sitting?

a sore throat a stomachache a headache

156 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course

Where’s the stethoscope?
What’s Dr. Pill doing?
Is Joan’s pulse slow?
a bad cold
What does the doctor think?
What’s the doctor going to prescribe for Joan?
Are you sick?
Does the doctor prescribe medicine for you
when you are ill? to prescribe


to feel the pulse
(to take a pulse)

english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 157


r n i
r n
n i
g n g
L e a

to show

What’s behind Dr. Pill?

. What’s it filled with?
. What’s on the wall?
What does the drawing show?

to join

to kiss
to separate


158 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course


the human body
the senses

The Human Body

The principal parts of the human body are the head, the
torso, and the four limbs: arms and legs. The head is the
neck most important part of the human body; it contains the
brain which controls thought, memory, feelings, and
chest arm activity.

The neck joins the head to the torso, which holds vital
internal organs: the heart, the lungs, the liver, and
navel others.

abdomen The organ of touch is the skin; it is the body’s largest

organ.We feel with our skin. Hair and nails are products
of the skin.
hip waist
On both sides of the head we have the ears, the organs of
hearing. On the front part of the face, below the
forehead, we have the organs of sight: the eyes. The
leg hand eyes are protected by the eyelashes, the eyelids, and the
eyebrows. The organ of smell, the nose, is also on the
face. Below the nose is the mouth, with lips, teeth, and
tongue. The tongue is the organ of taste. We eat with our
mouth, and we kiss with our lips. Other parts of the face
are the cheeks and the chin.

The main parts of the arm are shoulder, elbow, wrist and
feet hand (each hand has five fingers, all ending in nails).
The leg starts in the hip and follows the thigh, knee, calf,
shin, ankle, and foot (each foot has five toes, all ending in

We have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

taste smell touch

I can see with I can hear I can taste with I can smell I can touch with
my eyes. with my tongue. with my nose. my fingers.
my ears.

english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 159

Lear n i
i n g
L e a hair
What are the principal parts of the body?
What do we have on our heads?
forehead ................................................................................................
eye What color is your hair?
ear ................................................................................................
Do you think with your hair?
nose cheek ................................................................................................
Where are the eyebrows?
mouth chin .................................................................................................
How many eyes do you have?
What do we see with?
Where’s the nose?
What do you smell with?
brain .................................................................................................
What are the parts of the mouth?
eyelid What do we speak with?
What do we hear with?
Does the neck join the head to the torso?
Where are the heart and the lungs?
Where’s the backbone?
lips .................................................................................................

right lung left lung

liver torso
(trunk) heart

160 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course


How many limbs do you have?

(spine) ............................................................................................
Name the parts of the arm, please.
How many fingers do you have?
shoulder Name them, please.
What do the fingers have?
What are the parts of the leg?
wrist ............................................................................................
How many feet do you have?
elbow How many toes do you have?
little finger Do you work with your hands?
ring finger
middle finger
How many nails do you have?
index finger
Do you write with your feet?
nail Is the knee a part of the arm?
knee ............................................................................................



shin instep

english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 161

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
Can a deaf man hear?
Can you hear without your ears?
Can a deaf man talk?
Can a blind man see?
A blind man cannot see.
Can you see without your eyes?
Can a mute man speak?
Can you walk without your feet and legs?
Can you chew without your teeth?
Can a deaf man walk?

A deaf man cannot hear.

A mute man cannot speak.

162 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course


Modal Auxiliary Can maarr
Affirmative Interrogative
I / you / he I / you / he
she / it can can she / it
we / you / they we / you / they?

I / you / he
she / it can’t (cannot)
we / you / they

10 fingers Verbs Preposition

and chew hold separate below
10 toes contain join show
control kiss smell
feel prescribe speak
fill protect taste
follow see
Adjectives Adverbs
bad human mute just well (not ill)
blind important little
both internal principal Pronoun
deaf ill/sick sore
efficient main vital which (relative)
front most

abdomen drawing hand little finger professional taste
activity ear head liver pulse thigh
ankle elbow headache lung ring finger thought
arm eye hearing medicine sense throat
back eyebrow heart memory shin thumb
backbone / spine eyelash heel middle finger shoulder toe
body eyelid hip mouth side tongue
brain face index finger nail sight tooth - teeth
calf feeling instep navel skin torso / trunk
cheek finger knee neck smell touch
chest foot - feet leg nose stethoscope waist
chin forehead limb organ stomach
cold hair lip product stomachache

english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 163


a r a r
G r a ram m
mm Modal “can”
( Expresses physical or intellectual abilities )
I can speak English well. She can type fast.
I can’t speak French. She can’t work on the computer.
Can you speak Arabic? Can she speak Italian?
Yes, I can. Yes, she can.
No, I can’t. No, she can’t.

“Can” is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English. It is used to express
ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission, and to show possibility or

ABILITY I can ride a bicycle.

I can’t play the piano.

OPPORTUNITY We can stay at Lisa’s when we go to the countryside.

REQUEST Can you open the window?

PERMISSION You cannot go to that party.

POSSIBILITY Your team can win the game today.

To make a question, you invert the subject and the modal verb.
Can you swim? - Can he swim?

To make a negative sentence, you add not or n’t to the modal verb.
I cannot swim (or I can’t swim.)

Modal verbs do not follow the normal rules for verbs. For example:
Can doesn’t have an Infinitive form.
Can doesn’t add “s” to he, she, it.
I can swim. - He can swim.
Can is always followed by the main verb in simple form. (CAN IS CALLED “AUXILIARY”

164 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course























english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 165

º 1 2
n º 1 2
cttiicc en e
P r I. Answer:

1. How do you feel today?

2. Are you taking any medicine? Why or why not?
3. Can you work well when you have a headache?
4. I want to buy some medicine. Where can I buy it?
5. What do you do when you are sick?
6. Is the shin part of your face?
7. Who’s your doctor?
8. How often do you catch a cold?

II. Complete the sentences. Use a suitable word.

1. The parts of the arm are: shoulder, ......................................................, wrist and hand.

2. I can see with my .............................................................

3. A ............................................................... cannot hear.

4. The ............................................................ prescribes medicine.

5. I take............................................................... when I have a cold.

166 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course

ice nºnº 12
III. Puzzle:



english course Book One - Lesson Twelve 167

1 2
l e s s s o n 1 2
l e
D Dialog 12

A Bad Cold
Lynn : You don’t look very well. Are you feeling okay?
James : Not really. I have a cold.
Lynn : I’m sorry to hear that. Why don’t you go to the drugstore?

minutes later, at the drugstore…

James : Excuse me. Can you help me?

Woman : Certainly.
James : I have a bad cold. What can I take?
Woman : You can take some syrup.
James : Oh, sure. Where can I find it?
Woman : It’s in aisle two.
James : Thank you.


168 Book One - Lesson Twelve english course

Phrasal verbs try on, leave on,
Lesson 13
wrap up
Pronouns one, ones
Thirteenth Lesson
Indefinite pronoun everything
How much? / What size? Shopping

The Stevenses go shopping when they need new clothes. They go to Hatfields’ Department
Store. They like to wear what is in fashion.
Now they’re looking at the show windows; everything is on sale. In a short time, they’re going
to walk into the store.

in fashion

When do the Stevenses go shopping?
Where do they go?
What do they like to wear?
What are they doing now?
Is everything on sale?
What are they going to do in a short time?

english course Book One - Lesson Thirteen 169

phrasal verbs

n g
how much..?


Now, Mrs. Stevens is looking at the shoes; she’s going to speak with the saleswoman:

Mrs. Stevens : I want a pair of blue shoes.

Saleswoman : What size do you wear?
Mrs. Stevens : Size seven.
Saleswoman : Try on this pair. Here is the shoehorn.
Mrs. Stevens : They’re a little narrow. They pinch me in the instep.
Saleswoman : Try these on, please. Let me put some powder in them.
Mrs. Stevens : These are comfortable. How much do they cost?
Saleswoman : Just $ 19.00.
Do you want to leave on the new shoes?
Mrs. Stevens : Yes, I’m going to leave them on. Please wrap up the old ones.
Saleswoman : Fine, ma’am
Mrs. Stevens : Where’s the cashier?
Saleswoman : He’s over there, near the elevator.
Mrs. Stevens : Thank you.
Saleswoman : You’re welcome.

to speak to try on to pinch

in the instep

170 Book One - Lesson Thirteen english course

What’s Mrs. Stevens doing?
What does she want?
pair What size shoes does she wear?
Is she going to try on a pair of shoes?
Who’s giving her the shoes?
Is Mrs. Stevens using a shoehorn?
Are the shoes wide?
powder ..................................................................................................
Do they fit her well?
What’s the saleswoman going to put in the shoes?
What’s she asking the saleswoman to do with the old ones?
Who is Mrs. Stevens going to pay for the shoes?
to wrap up

the shoes
cost $19.


the cost
of the shoes
is $19.

english course Book One - Lesson Thirteen 171

Lear n i
i n g
L e
blouse skirt
women’s apparel










handbag purse

172 Book One - Lesson Thirteen english course

pronoun: one


Mr. Stevens is looking at the shirts. He’s going to speak with the salesman:

Salesman : Is there a shirt that you like?

Mr. Stevens : What’s the price of this silk shirt?
Salesman : It’s very cheap. They are on sale. What size do you wear?
Mr. Stevens : Size sixteen.
Salesman : I think this one is going to fit you perfectly. You can try it on if you want.
Mr. Stevens : No, it isn’t necessary. I always buy size sixteen.
Salesman : How many shirts do you want?
Mr. Stevens : One is enough. I’m going to take this one.
Salesman : Do you need any ties or socks?
Mr. Stevens : No, I don’t have enough cash with me.
Salesman : Do you have credit cards?
Mr. Stevens : Yes, I do. I have two.
Salesman : Fine. You can use them if you want.
Mr. Stevens : Thank you.
Salesman : You’re welcome.

$9 $5

expensive cheap


english course Book One - Lesson Thirteen 173

Lear n i
i n g
L e a to fit
What’s Mr. Stevens doing?
Is there a shirt that he likes?
Is he looking at the hats?
Who’s he going to speak with?
to put on
What’s the salesman asking him?
Is he going to buy a new suit?
Is he going to buy a coat?
Is the shirt expensive?
to take off
What size does Mr. Stevens wear?
How many shirts is Mr. Stevens going to buy?
Does he need any handkerchiefs?
Does he have enough cash?
Does he have credit cards? cash
Do you have credit cards?
Can Mr. Stevens use his credit cards?
Can you use your credit cards?
........................................................................................ credit card

174 Book One - Lesson Thirteen english course

men’s apparel

coat pants (trousers) vest


pajamas sweatsuit

socks cardigan


shorts wallet

english course Book One - Lesson Thirteen 175

how much..?

a r a r
G r ram
cost put
fit put on
leave on take off
let try on
need wrap up
One shirt =
How much is it?
It’s $4 Adjectives Pronouns Adverbs
4 shirts =
How much is it? any everything here
It’s $16 cheap one perfectly
enough ones
How much are they?
They’re $ 4 each. expensive
silk (shirt)

Conjunctions Expressions
if over there
what You’re welcome

apparel department pair salesman slippers
belt store pajamas saleswoman socks
boots dress panties sandals stockings
blouse elevator pants/trousers shirt suit
bra fashion powder shoehorn sweatsuit
cardigan gloves price shoes T-shirt
cash handkerchief pullover shorts tie
cashier handbag purse size underwear
coat jacket raincoat shopping vest
cost ma’am robe show window wallet
credit card nightgown sale skirt

176 Book One - Lesson Thirteen english course

phrasal verbs

indefinite pronoun: everything
pronouns: one, ones

Phrasal Verbs
try on + noun - try + noun/pronoun + on
leave on + noun - leave + noun/pronoun + on
wrap up + noun - wrap + noun/pronoun + up

1. I’m going to try on the new suit.
I’m going to try the new suit on.
I’m going to try it on.
2. She wants to leave on the new shoes.
She wants to leave the new shoes on.
She wants to leave them on.
3. She’s wrapping up the box.
She’s wrapping the box up.
She’s wrapping it up.

this one - that one - the old one(s)

Example : (dialog)
Mary : I like this dress. This one fits me well.
Jane : I prefer that one. The blue one. It is nice.
Sue : Do you like those shoes?
Mary : No, and these are horrible too.
I’m going to keep my old ones.

(Indefinite pronoun : it always goes in third person.)
Everything is OK.
Everything goes well.

english course Book One - Lesson Thirteen 177























178 Book One - Lesson Thirteen english course

ice nnºº 13
I. Answer:

1. How often do you go shopping?

2. Do you like to wear what is in fashion?
3. What’s in fashion nowadays?
4. Do you like to leave on the clothes you buy?
5. What’s the advantage (benefit) of having a credit card?

II. Complete the dialog using these words :

wrap up - one - wear - leave on - it

Saleswoman : Can I help you?

Karen : I’m looking for a blouse.
Saleswoman : What kind of blouse, ma’am?
Karen : A silk ................................ .
Saleswoman : What size do you ...........................?
Karen : Size 12.
Saleswoman : Do you want to try ................................. on?
Karen : Yes. Please.
Saleswoman : Are you going to .................................. the new blouse?
Karen : No. ................................ it ..............................., please.

III. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:

Don’t wrap up the dress. Don’t wrap the dress up.
Don’t wrap it up.
She’s putting on her skirt. .............................................................
Take off those shoes. .............................................................

english course Book One - Lesson Thirteen 179

1 3
l e s
e s s o n 1 3
Di alog
alog l
Di Dialog 13

At the department store:

Dave : I’d like to see some striped shirts, please.
Roger : Sure! This way, please. We have a special offer on all our shirts today.
Dave : I want one with short sleeves.
Roger : What size are you looking for?
Dave : Size 15½. Does this shirt come in half sizes?
Roger : Yes. You can try it on. The fitting room is right there.

Dave : I like the color, but do you have it in a larger size? The collar is a little
Roger This is size 16. I’m sure it’ll fit you perfectly.
:Dave : Yeah! I’ll take this one. How much is it?
Roger : The regular price is $25, but remember, we have a special offer on all
our shirts. That one is 40% off.
Dave : So, that’s about $15.
Roger That’s what it is. Will you pay in cash or charge?
:Dave : Cash. Where do I pay?
Roger Right there, sir. Anything else?
:Dave : No, thanks a lot.
Roger : You’re welcome. Bye.

180 Book One - Lesson Thirteen english course

Possessive pronouns mine,
yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
Lesson 14
Idioms take place, look like
Adverbs evidently, finally, hard,
Fourteenth Lesson
indeed, maybe, really
Indefinite pronoun everybody
Pronouns some, others

The Painting Exhibition

Every year, a painting exhibition takes place at the children’s school. There’s a prize for the
winner. It consists of an easel, canvases, brushes, a palette, and a box of colors. Many
pictures are really excellent. There are some with figures of wild animals; others with scenes
of mountains, oceans, and rivers. The young painters are lovers of nature; they work very
hard and feel encouraged because their parents and teachers praise their ability to paint. Now
they’re eager to know who’s going to win the prize.

english course Book One - Lesson Fourteen 181

Lear n i
i n g
L e a easel


wild animals
to win a prize

What takes place at the children’s school every year?

Do you like painting exhibitions?
Is there a prize for the winner?
What’s the prize?
Are the pictures good?
Do you think that these young painters like nature?
How do they feel?
mountains, oceans, rivers
Do they know who’s going to win the first prize?

lover of nature

182 Book One - Lesson Fourteen english course

possessive pronouns

sunset ing
to chatter Joan, Bob, George, Millie, and Joe are looking at the pictures
and chattering:
Joan : That picture is mine! It’s a beautiful
landscape; don’t you think so, Millie?
Millie : Oh, yes! I know it’s yours. It’s really
beautiful! Look at George’s picture! That
one is his! Do you like it?
Joan : Yes, it makes my mouth water.
George : What are you saying? Does it make your
mouth water to look at a sunset?
Joan : Is that a sunset?
George : Yes!
to feel Joan : Oh, it looks like a fried egg.
encouraged George : Very funny! Very funny! Evidently, you’re
beautiful hungry.
landscape Joan : Hey! Look at this one! It’s Millie’s
picture! It’s hers! Her picture is
George : It’s charming!
Bob and Joe : Hey, girls! Look at these! They’re
ours. Note the contrasts of light and
shadow. They’re our masterpieces!
Millie : Do you like their pictures?
fried egg
Joan : Yes, they are good, indeed. Maybe one
of them is going to win the prize.

ability to paint charming


english course Book One - Lesson Fourteen 183

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
What are Joan, Bob, George, Millie, and Joe doing?
Are they painting?
Where are they?
Is Joan’s picture impressionistic?
Does Millie like it?
Does Joan like George’s picture?
shadow Is George’s picture a fried egg?
Is Joan hungry?
Is Millie’s picture realistic?
What does George think of Millie’s picture?
What are Bob and Joe telling the girls?
Who does Joan think is going to win the first prize?

masterpiece realistic funny

184 Book One - Lesson Fourteen english course

indefinite pronoun: everybody

Now, the principal and two
teachers are going to decide
who the winner is. There’s great
expectation, and everybody
is looking at them. Finally, after
deliberating, they’re pointing at
Joan’s picture. She’s the winner!!!
The principal is going to give her
the prize; Joan feels very proud
and thankful. All her friends are
sharing her joy.

everybody to decide

great expectation to deliberate

What’s happening now? proud

The principal and two teachers are going to decide
who the winner is.
Is the election going to begin?
What are the principal and two teachers doing?
Is there great expectation?
Who’s the winner?
.................................................................................................. all her friends
Is her father going to give her the prize? are sharing
her joy
Who is?
How does Joan feel?

english course Book One - Lesson Fourteen 185

a r a r
G r aram m
Verbs Adjectives
consist note beautiful impressionistic (painting style)
chatter paint charming proud
Some adverbs are not derived
decide praise eager realistic (painting style)
from adjectives: deliberate say encouraged thankful
happen share excellent wild
Adverbs Comment
make water funny
here adverbs know win
there of place
then adverbs
still of time Adverbs
evidently indeed
often adverbs of finally maybe
sometimes frequency
never hard really


joy palette
ability landscape principal
brush light prize
canvas lover river
contrast masterpiece scene
easel mountain shadow
expectation ocean sunset
figure painter winner
fried egg painting exhibition year

186 Book One - Lesson Fourteen english course

possessive pronouns
indefinite pronouns

maar r
Who is the winner?
They are going to decide who the winner is.

Possessive pronouns:

Possessive Adj. Poss. Pron.

I me my mine
you you your yours
he him his his
she her her hers
it it its its
we us our ours
they them their theirs

it’s my chair. - it’s mine.

that’s your hat. - it’s yours.
those are our books. - those books are ours.

Indefinite Pronouns:
Everybody = (It always goes in third person.)
Everybody looks happy.
Everybody is working.

Some - others The people are at the beach.

Some are swimming.
Others are lying on the sand.


- How often does the exhibition take place?
take place (to happen)
- The exhibition takes place every year.
- Who does Mary look like?
look like (be similar to)
- She looks like her mother.

english course Book One - Lesson Fourteen 187

N t
o e
t s
e s























188 Book One - Lesson Fourteen english course

ice nnºº 14
I. Build up the questions for these 2. Some people like sports.
answers: .................................... don’t.
3. This room is a mess.
1. .................................................................. ............................. is in disorder.
Oh yes! They’re hers. She’s looking for them. 4. Ron has very good friends,
2. ................................................................. ....................... are old ones.
5. You can find coke. ............................. .
It’s not mine. It’s theirs.
3. .................................................................
IV. Complete with the missing
She looks like her mother.
4. .................................................................
Yes! It makes my mouth water.
Mrs. Stevens works too .................. She’s very
5. ...............................................................
tired every .................., and today, she’s too .......
It’s to get more practice.
............................... to make dinner. Mr. Stevens, and
II. Complete using theirs, hers,
the ........................................ are helping him.
their, mine and our.
Mrs. Stevens ...................................... not getting
enough ...................... She goes ........................
1. A: Is this your briefcase?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s Robert’s. ................. is blue. bed late and gets up ...................., prepares
2. A: Are those Mary’s dictionaries? breakfast and ...................... the children to
B: No, they aren’t. ...................... are on the school. She ................ hard all day. Mr. Stevens
table. ............................. her when he arrives home
3. A: Do you remember Joe and Peter’s dog? but she feels it’s not enough. On weekends, the
B: Oh yes ! .......................... dog is a family goes ............................ the farm.
white poodle. They ........................ to get up before 5:00 a.m.
4. A: Is this office? to .......................... to the farm .........................
B: No, it isn’t. Ours is a small one. noon. This weekend, she ......................... not
want to go out. She ..................... to stay in bed
III. Use: some, others, everybody, ................... day and read the newspaper. This
everything and everywhere to is going to ....................... a good ................... for
complete the sentences. her.

1. All the students are in class.

.......................... is in class.

english course Book One - Lesson Fourteen 189

1 4
g g
l l
e e
s s so n 1 4
D i a l
a l
Dialog 14

After the Exhibition

Bob : Congratulations on the prize, Joan. Everybody is happy for you.
Joan : Thanks, Bob. I feel so excited. But these things… the palette, the brushes,
the box of colors… are not only mine, they’re yours too.
Bob : Ours? Thank you, sis!
Joan : You’re welcome. What are sisters for?
Bob : Are you planning to be an artist someday?
Joan : Maybe. Why not!
Bob : Imagine Dad’s and Mom’s faces when they learn about your first award.
Joan : I can’t wait to tell them!
Bob : By the way, where is George?
Joan : I think he’s painting another fried egg.
Bob : Oh, come on!


190 Book One - Lesson Fourteen english course

Comparison of Adjectives
Lesson 15
Correlative conjunctions
either... or, neither... nor,
Fifteenth Lesson
both... and
Coordinating conjunctions

A Birthday Party
and, but, or


Today there’s a party at the Stevenses’ house. Most of their friends are going to come. It’s Mrs.
Stevens’ birthday.
Mrs. Stevens is at the beauty salon; she’s getting a haircut and a manicure; she’s getting ready
for the party.
Everybody is “as busy as a bee”. Mr. Stevens, Grandpa, and Bob are working in the yard. Their
yard is the most beautiful in the neighborhood, and they want it to look wonderful for this
special occasion. Mr. Stevens is hanging lights in the trees. The lights are red, blue, and green.
The red ones are the brightest. Grandpa is mowing the lawn, and Bob is trimming the bushes,
but Grandpa works faster than Bob.
Grandma and Joan are making a cake in the kitchen. Grandma’s cakes are always the best.
They are all going to finish everything quickly because they are helping each other. The whole
family is conscious of the proverb: “many hands make light work.”

the whole family

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 191

Lear n i
i n g
L e a party
Where’s the party?
Who’s going to come to the party?
Do you like parties?
Whose birthday is it?
When is your birthday?
beauty salon
Where’s Mrs. Stevens?
What’s she doing there?
Is she getting ready to go to a friend’s house?

hairdresser When are you going to get a haircut?

Is a manicure expensive?
Is everybody busy?
haircut .........................................................................................



192 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

to look wonderful special occasion
Do the Stevenses want their yard to look wonderful?
to mow Why?
the lawn ..................................................................................................
Do you have a yard?
Do you work in it every week?
What’s Mr. Stevens doing?
What color are the lights?
What are Grandpa and Bob doing?
Who’s making the cake?
Do you like to make cakes?
to hang Are the Stevenses going to finish everything quickly?
the lights .................................................................................................
. Why?

to trim the to help

bushes each other

to make a cake

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 193

comparison of adjectives

n g

L bright brighter the brightest

the fastest
Which lights are the brightest?
Is Bob working faster than Grandpa?
Is Bob younger than Grandpa?
Are you older than your mother?
neighborhood Is your book thinner than your notebook?
Is your leg longer than your arm?
What is the largest animal in the world?
Is this lesson shorter than lesson fourteen?
Are you hungrier than me?
Is your house the smallest in your neighborhood?
Is it hotter in the summer than in the winter?
Whose yard is the most beautiful in your neighborhood?
Is farm life more exciting than city life?

the most
beautiful more beautiful

194 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

irregular comparison

What is the most comfortable room in your house?
Is it more expensive to eat at home than to eat in a restaurant?
Do you remember the most wonderful day in your life?

This cake is good. This cake is better This cake is the best.
than that one.

These cookies are bad. These cookies are worse These cookies are
than those. the worst.

Is the cake on the left bad?

Is the cake in the middle better than the one on the left?
Which cake is the best?
Are the cookies on the left good?
Are the cookies in the middle worse than the ones on the left?
Which are the worst?

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 195

either .... or

neither ... nor

i n
both ... and

L e
n At the Party

There are many people in the Stevenses’ yard. Mrs. Stevens is offering some drinks to her
guests. She looks charming in her silk dress, which is “as red as a rose.” Grandma is an efficient
dressmaker; she sews beautifully. Mrs. Stevens’ new dress is Grandma’s birthday gift.
The guests are having fun. They can either dance or socialize. Bob can neither dance nor
mingle with the guests. He’s practicing because he’s going to play his guitar. He plays it well. Mrs.
Stevens feels delighted when she listens to him.
Joan’s laughing at a friend’s joke. She’s both happy and amused.

Are there people in the Stevenses’ yard?

What’s Mrs. Stevens doing?
Is she offering some sandwiches to her guests?
How does she look in her silk dress?

196 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

either or
neither nor

socialize - mingle
Are the guests bored?
What can they do?
Is Bob dancing?
Why not?
Are you dancing?
Why not?
having fun ......................................................................................................
How does Mrs. Stevens feel when her son plays the guitar?
Does Bob play it well?
What’s Joan doing?
delighted .......................................................................................................
How does she feel?

amused guitar

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 197

Lear n i
i n g
L e a
What color is Mrs. Stevens’ dress?
Are you a dressmaker?
Do you like to sew?
Does your mother sew beautifully?
Who sews your clothes?
Whose birthday gift is the silk dress?
Do you have a silk dress?
Is Grandma an efficient dressmaker?
Are you offering drinks to your classmates?
Is there a party at your house tonight?
Can Bob either dance or mingle?
Do you give birthday gifts to your friends?
Are the guests laughing?

198 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

comparison of adjectives

Comparison of adjectives
1.- These are the degrees of comparison:
Positive Form Comparative Superlative Equality

bright brighter than the brightest as bright as

beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful as beautiful as
good better than the best as good as

2.- To form the comparative and superlative of one-syllable

adjectives, add er and est to the positive form:
large larger the largest

3.- To form the comparative and superlative of adjectives of three or more

syllables, put more and most before the positive form:
wonderful more wonderful the most wonderful
4.- Two-syllable adjectives ending in “-er, -le, -ow, -y” make comparatives and superlatives
as in the first rule.

clever cleverer cleverest

simple simpler simplest
happy happier happiest
narrow narrower narrowest

The rest of two-syllable adjectives make comparatives and superlatives as in the second
common more common the most common
frequent more frequent the most frequent
5.- There are also adjectives and some adverbs with irregular forms:
Positive Form Comparative Superlative Equality
good better the best as good as
well better the best as well as
bad worse the worst as bad as
badly worse the worst as badly as
much more the most as much as
many more the most as many as
little less the least as little as
far farther the farthest as far as

You use the comparative between two people or two things.

You use the superlative among three or more people or things.

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 199

what..? / which..?

a r a r
G r ram
amused fun
bright light
ASK WITH: busy special
What - for an unlimited conscious whole
choice of possibilities
Which - for a limited
choice of possibilities
dance practice
hang sew
listen play (music)
mingle socialize
mow trim

I’m having fun
noun when
I’m having a fun day
adjective Expressions Adverbs
as busy as a bee beautifully
as red as a rose quickly
have fun today
many hands make light work

beauty salon gift neighbor
birthday guitar neighborhood
bushes haircut occasion
cake hairdresser party
cookie joke proverb
dressmaker lawn world
fun light bulb
guest manicure

200 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

of adjectives


Comparison of adjectives maarr

superlative - I am the youngest in my family.
comparative - I am younger than my sister. one
equality / inequality - She isn’t as young as me. syllable

superlative - Jim is the most careful driver in his family.

comparative -
He is more careful than his wife. two
equality / inequality - syllables
I am as careful as he is.

superlative - Sue is the most efficient secretary here.

comparative - She is more efficient than her friend Mary. three or more
equality / inequality - Mary isn’t as efficient as Sue. syllables

positive - Sam is a good student.

comparative - Joe is a better student than Sam. irregular
superlative - Joe is the best student in his class. forms
equality / inequality - Sam is as good a student as Peter.

Conjunctions :
Conjunctions are words or phrases that connect words, phrases, or clauses, which must be of
equal rank.

Coordinating conjunctions: the most common are and, but, or.

and joins two similar ideas: She is nice, and her sister is nice too.
but joins two contrasting ideas: I like tea, but I don’t like coffee.
or joins two alternative ideas: I can cook dinner, or you can order a pizza.

Correlative conjunctions: they work in pairs. The most frequent are either…or,
neither… or, both…and.
either…or, to give two choices of option.
You can have either ice cream or apple pie. (objects)
We are going either to the movies or to the circus. (places)
Either go for a walk or read a book, but do something. (actions)
neither…nor, to deny two choices of option.
They neither clean nor help. (actions)
Helen works neither on Sundays nor on holidays. (time)
Bill likes neither fish nor chicken. (objects)
both…and, to add two similar options.
Traveling is both educational and fun. (adjectives)
She works both quickly and efficiently. (adverbs)
My sister both works part time and goes to college. (actions)

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 201

N o























202 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

ice nºnº 15
I. Answer:

1. What is the nicest place to visit in town?

2. What is the most dangerous sport?
3. What’s the best memory you have?
4. How often do you have a haircut?
5. Does your mother sew your clothes?
6. Are you always as busy as a bee at work?

II. Complete the sentences using comparisons.

1. The plane is............................................................... means of transportation. ( fast )

2. Fast food isn’t ............ healthy ................. home food.

3. The Sahara desert is .................................... the Mojave desert. (big)

4. Big cities are ..................................... small towns. (noisy)

5. Machu Picchu is ............................. tourist attraction in Peru. (important)

6. Spring isn’t ............................ hot ............... summer.

english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 203

º 1 5
n º 1 5
aacctti c ice n
r III. Make sentences with:
Both .... and ..... ,Neither ...... nor ....., Either ....... or ......... .
Example: - Tom is late. Ann is late too.
- Both Tom and Ann are late.

1. It is a very boring movie. It is very long too. 5. We need new clothes;

The movie is ................................................ We also need new shoes.
2. Is that the English book? Or is it the French We ...............................................
book? 6. I can’t dance, and I can’t sing.
I’m not sure. It’s ........................................... I can .......................................................
3. Do you want your office on the first or on the 7. You can come with us. Or you can
second floor? stay here.
It can be ....................................................... You ..................................................
4. My boss doesn’t smoke, and he doesn’t drink 8. She likes chicken and also meat.
alcohol. She....................................................
My boss .......................................................

IV. Complete the paragraph. Use one of the verbs given.

1. Have 5.
Ask 9. Change 13. Decide
2. Cost 6. Fit 10. Look like 14. Pay
3. Leave 7. Try ... on 11. Like 15. Wear
4. Think 8.
Thank 12. Leave ... on 16. Give

Mary has a party today. She has many dresses, but she can’t ................................. which one
to ........................................ She is .............................. about buying another dress for this
special occasion. Now she is inside the store. She is ....................... the saleswoman for
the blue one because she ........................ it very much. The saleswoman is......................
it to her. Mary is going to ........... it ............ The dress ..................... her nicely. She
........................ a queen in it. She doesn’t ................................. enough time to ..............
........................... again, so she is going to ............. it ............... . Now, she is asking how
much the dress .............................. . She is going to ........................ for it in cash. She is
.............................. the saleswoman and ......................... the store.

204 Book One - Lesson Fifteen english course

DialoDialog l
g lessesson 15
on 15
Dialog 15

Getting ready for the Party

John : Can I help you with the drinks, dear?
Alice : Thank you, honey. I have everything under control.
John : Wow! Look at your dress! You look as beautiful as a movie star!
Alice : And you are the best husband in the whole world. (KISS)
John : Is Bob going to play the guitar for us?
Alice : Yes, he is. He’s practicing right now. He’s getting better and better every
(DING DONG) The doorbell rings
John : Mmm!!! What’s this? Wow! I love both brownies and shortcakes!
(DING DONG) The doorbell rings again
Alice : Either you open that door or you put that brownie down. Go!... It’s
probably the waiter or the DJ.
(DOOR OPENING) John opens the door
John : Hi, are you the waiter… or… the DJ?
Vendor : Neither the waiter nor the DJ, sir. I am here to offer you the latest, most
interesting, and least expensive encyclopedia on the market.


english course Book One - Lesson Fifteen 205

using a dictionary

ppe n d i
n d i x


A dictionary is arranged in alphabetical order so that you can find the words that you are looking
up very quickly. Pages are divided into two or three columns. At the top of each page, there are
guidewords to help you know whether the word that you want is on that particular page.

The division of words in English is made by syllables, and the dictionary does it for you. A word that
is pronounced as a single syllable cannot be separated. You will notice that in the dictionary, the
syllables of a word are separated by hyphens or periods. Words of many syllables may have both
primary and secondary stresses, as in pro-le-tar-i-an.

Beside each word, you will find its phonetic spelling. At the beginning of your dictionary, there is a
section called “Pronunciation Key,” which you must study to become familiar with the marks and
phonetic symbols used. This will enable you to produce the correct pronunciation. In English some
consonants have several sounds (time, nation, party), and all the vowels have more than one sound
(cat, war, make).

Immediately following the pronunciation, you will find the part of speech – function – a word is. For
example, n. for noun, adj. for adjective, v. for verb, adv. for adverb, etc. There are words that may
be more than one part of speech, depending on how we use them. For example, the word ‘work’ is
a verb in this sentence: I work hard; but it is a noun in the following: I have a lot of work.

Often a word has more than one definition or is defined by synonyms. When you look up the meaning
of a word, you should choose the meaning that agrees with the use that you want to give to that
particular word. The dictionary indicates the plural of irregular nouns, for example: if you look up the
plural of the word goose, you will find it as follows: goose, pl.: geese.

We hope that these helpful clues on how to use a dictionary will lead you to a better command of
the English language.

206 Book One - Appendix english course

spelling rules



1. When the simple form of a verb ends in a single e (excepting the verb be-being), the e is dropped
before adding ING.
write – writing have – having take - taking

2. When a one-syllable verb ends in a single consonant (excepting w, x, and y) preceded by a single vowel, the
consonant is doubled before adding ING
put – putting stop – stopping run – running

A final consonant is not doubled if it is preceded by two vowels.

wear – wearing read – reading look - looking

3. When a verb of more than one-syllable ends in a single consonant, the final consonant is doubled if the final
syllable is stressed.
begín – begínning prefér – preférring forgét – forgetting

The final consonant is not doubled if the last syllable is not stressed.
lísten – lístening remémber – remémbering fásten – fastening

4. When the simple form of a verb ends in ie, the ie is changed to y before adding ING.
die – dying lie – lying tie – tying

5. In all other cases, ING is added to the simple form

see – seeing study – studying work – working
do – doing eat – eating fix – fixing


1. When the simple form of the verb ends in o, x, ss, sh, or ch, add es to the simple form.
go – goes do – does mix – mixes
kiss – kisses wash – washes match – matches

2. When the simple form ends in y preceded by one or more consonants, the y is changed to i before adding es.
dry – dries cry – cries study – studies
hurry – hurries marry – marries bury – buries

3. In all other cases (excepting have – has, which is irregular), add s to the simple form of the verb.
play – plays move – moves clean – cleans
need – needs see – sees mow – mows

english course Book One - Appendix 207

I nddex
ex Index
a - an 12, 36 be verb 95
above 120 am 43, 48
adjectives 81, 87-88 am not 44, 48
comparatives (better, brighter, etc.) 191, are 27, 36, 37
199 - 201 is 10 - 22
possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, isn’t 13, 21
our, their) 131, 136 because conjunction 93, 98
possessive form 131, 136 before 93
superlatives (best, brightest, etc) 191, 199, behind preposition 59
201 below 159
adverbs 84, 87-88, 186 beside preposition 55, 59
adverbs of frequency (always, never, often,
between preposition 55, 59
sometimes, usually) 103, 111
both ... and conjunction 196, 201
after 93
but conjunction 103, 201
all 95
by preposition 126, 147
almost 143
alone 119
along 6 C
alphabet 19 can 159, 162-164
also 143 can modal auxiliary 162, 163
always 103 cannot modal auxiliary 162
am verb 44, 48 can’t contraction 163-164
am not 48 cardinal numbers 47
among preposition 59 colors 33
an article, 13, 21, 36 comparison 191, 199, 201
and conjunction 27, 201 conjunctions 201
antonyms 45, 48 contractions 21
any adjective 173 cross answer I-you, you-I 44, 60
appendix 206
are 27, 37 D
aren’t contraction 27, 36 demonstrative pronouns 21, 37
around prepositions of place 63 do auxiliary verb 104, 109-111
around preposition of time 126 do - does 104, 109-111
articles 36-37 do imperative 201
definite article (the), does auxiliary verb 104, 109-111
indefinite articles (a, an) 12, 36-37 does verb 191
as adverb 191, 199, 201 doesn’t contraction 103
at preposition of place 55-56, 63 doing action verb 68-76
at preposition of time 126 don’t contraction 104
auxiliary do-does 104, 109-111

208 Book One - Index english course

Index Index
E how often 112
each 148 how old 49
either...or conjunction 196-197, 201 human body, The 159
every adjective 103, 111
everybody pronoun, indefinite 185-187 I
everything pronoun, indefinite 169, 177 I pronoun 43, 48
everywhere adverb 131 if conjunction 173
expression of time 98,111-112,126 I’m contraction 43
in 27, 31, 38, 56, 63,150
F in front of preposition 55, 59
far preposition 46,49 in preposition of place 27, 31, 38
feminine gender 20-21 in preposition of time 143, 150
five senses159 in time prepositional phrase 126
for 117 indoors adverb 143, 147, 150
for whom 112 infinitive verbal form 75
from 108 inside 81
from whom 112 into preposition of movement 93
fruit 131, 145 is verb 10, 21
future going to 97-98 isn’t contraction 13, 21
it pronoun, object 62-63
G it pronoun, subject 12, 20-21
going to 97-98 its adjective, possessive 136
genders 20-21 it’s contraction 12, 21
greetings 16 its pronoun, possessive 187

have 131, 136-138 leave takings 18
have to (obligation) 131, 138 look at 34, 81, 85
he pronoun 11, 20-21
health 155-157 M
her adjective,possessive 131, 136 masculine gender 20-21
her pronoun, object 60, 62-63 me pronoun, object 60, 62-63
here 62 men’s apparel 175
hers pronoun, possessive 183, 187 mine pronoun, possessive 183, 187
he’s contraction 11, 21 more 194, 199
him pronoun, object 60, 62-63 most adjective, superlative 159, 191, 194,199
his adjective,possessive 131, 136 my adjective, possessive 131, 136
his pronoun, possessive 183, 187
how many 45,49 N
how much 170, 176 near preposition 46, 49
neither...nor conjunction 196-197, 201

english course Book One - Index 209

In dex
neuter gender 20-21 preposition of time 117, 126, 150
next to 63 preposition with, without 81, 86
no, not adverb 13 present continuous 68-76
nouns 48 present participle 75
numbers cardinal - ordinal 47 pronouns 48
demonstrative (this, that, these, those) 21-37
O indefinite (everybody) 185, 187
object pronouns 60, 63 indefinite (everything) 169, 177
objective case 63 interrogative who 11, 22; what 11, 22;
of preposition 55 whose 137-138, which 194-195, 200
on preposition 27, 30, 38, 55-56, 63, 150 object 60-62-63
on (with machines) preposition 164 subject 21, 62
on (with vehicles, streets) preposition 55-56 one, ones 170, 173, 177
on preposition of place 27, 30, 38 some, others 86, 187
on preposition of time 150
on sale prepositional phrase 169 Q
on time prepositional phrase 126 question phrases
once 112 how many 45, 49
one 173, 177 how much 170, 176
one pronouns 173, 177 how old 49
ones pronouns 170, 177 what color 33
or conjunction 44, 201 what else 149-150
ordinal numbers 47 what kind of 105, 112
others pronoun 81, 86, 88 what size 170
our adjective,possessive 131, 136 what time 120, 126
ours pronoun, possessive 183, 187
outdoors adverb 150
outside 81 R
over preposition 68 relatives 134-135

personal pronouns 62 seasons, The 143
subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) 62 sentences, structure 49
object (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) 62 she pronoun 11, 20-21
phrasal verbs 177 she’s contraction 11, 21
plural rules 38 simple present tense 103-104, 109-111
possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its, our, so 183
their) 136-138 some 81, 86, 88
possessive form 134-136 spelling of -ing forms 206
possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, spelling of -s forms 206
theirs) 183-187 structure of a sentence 49
prepositions of place 46, 49, 59, 62-63
210 Book One - Index english course
Index Index
subject pronouns 21, 43-44, 62 verb + preposition (look at) 87
superlatives 191, 194-195, 199, 201 verb to be (are) 27-28
verb to be (conjugation) 48
T verb to be (is) 10, 21
telling time 117-118, 120, 126 verbal form infinitive 75
than preposition 126,191 verbal form present participle 75
that conjunction 131
that pronoun, demonstrative 14-15, 21 W
that’s contraction 14, 20 we pronoun 43, 48
the definite article 10, 37 what 12, 22
their adjective,possessive 131, 136 what color 33
theirs pronoun, possessive 187 what conjunction 169
them pronoun, object 60, 62-63 what pronoun, interrogative 12, 22
there 62 what else interrogative phrase 149-150
there are 27 what ... for? 121, 126
there is - there are 38 what kind of 105, 112
there is 30 what’s contraction 12
there’s contraction 27 what size 170
these - those 27, 37 what time is it 120, 126
these pronoun, demonstrative 27, 37 when conjunction 164
they pronoun 27 when interrogative 95,98
they’re contraction 27 where 32
this - that 21-37 where’s contraction 32
this pronoun, demonstrative 12, 21 which interrogative 194, 200
those pronoun, demonstrative 27, 37 which pronoun, relative 159
time 117-124, 126 who... pronoun 108, 112
to 117 who interrogative 11, 22
to be 21, 48, 49 whom 112
to be third person 21 who’s contraction 11
to be verb 95 (see also ‘be’) whose 134, 137-138
to whom 112 why interrogative 93, 98
too adverb 27 with preposition 81, 86
too much adverb phrase 131 with whom 112
twice 112 without preposition 81, 86

under preposition 71 yes adverb 13
us pronoun, object 60, 62-63 yes - no question 22
useful expressions 16-18, 34-35 you pronoun, object 60, 62-63
you pronoun, subject 43, 48
V your adjective,possessive 136
vegetables 131, 145 yours pronoun, possessive 183, 187
english course Book One - Index 211
e c o rd
n c e e Re c o rd
t e
e n d a
n d a n c
At Student’s Name: …………………………………………………………………………………

Date Lesson Teacher’s Name Score Remarks

212 Book One - Attendance Record english course

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