Introduction To Project Management: Syllabi

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Introduction to Project management

Introduction to projects
Project constraints
Project life cycle
Project planning
Project scheduling
Scheduling tools like Pert/CPM/Crashing
Dr.P.Muralidhar PNA,EV MGT, LOB
Computerized planning tools

The break through is..

High rise buildings
Wonders in construction…
Dams, irrigation works
Energy conservation and industrial plants, sez
Great wall of china,
Green buildings…etc
The Angkor temples of Cambodia,
Tower of Babel etc..
The contribution to GDP from
construction/Infrastructure is 11% in the last year

Why project management

Some of the best examples for project
management encompasses Today ‘s Business trends
Konkan railway(760 km Mangalore to Mumbai)  Focus is on high quality, speed to market &
superior customer satisfaction.
Burj dubai (tower)
Petronas towers, Malaysia  Business is shifting from traditional hierarchical
Millau viaduct, France management to project management;

 Repeated tasks are disappearing and new focus

is on solving specific problems like design new
products, re engineer the ordering process.

Contd.. Before 1900 1950-59
 Wonderful projects  US defense projects exploit
 The traditional career path is changing, focus is  People cheap, even CPM
on core competency and outsource non- core expandable  PM becomes recognized
work.  Urgency not driven by rat race profession
 No mgt scientist  More concern for people at
 No project mgt profession work
 Personal success is measured by value of
projects on which a person works. The goal is
1900-1949 1970-79
growth in profession, not movement up the
corporate ladder in to management.  Emergency of mgt science  PMS has two meanings
 People began to study work & Industrial and IT projects mgt
people at work  Creation of professional
 Gantt introduces planning associations
charts  Legislation for health & safety
 Anti-discrimination laws.

History of project management

1980-89 1999 - Present
 Desktop computers can  PC’s and Note books can  1950 Development of PERT/CPM & single point
responsibility for multi discipline projects
run project management run on all applications
soft wares.  More interest in project  1960 NASA Experimented Matrix Organization
 Managers less dependent risk management.
on IT experts.  Project management is  1962 NASA Introduces a pert type system need for cost
 Wider acceptance of respected profession, control and WBS.
project management with flourishing
profession associations.  1963 Earned Value and PLC adopted by USAF

 1963 Polaris British Project used subcontracting system

 1964 configuration Management adopted by NASA to

review document and proposed changes.

 Contd.. Few Definitions

 1965 NASA move from cost plus contracts towards
 Project: A temporary endeavor undertaken to
incentive type contracts like firm fixed price. create a unique product or service, A project has
definite beginning and end.
 1966 A Report in stated that not enough time was spent
in front of end definition and preparation ( PLC)  Project Management: A set of principles,
methods, and techniques used to plan and
 1967 International Project Management Association control project work effectively.
(IPMA) founded grouping of 20 international
Associations.  Project manager: The person who manages a
specific project, who is expected to meet the
 1967 PMI formed certification and PM Book were to approved objectives of the project, including
project scope, budget and schedule.

Project feasibility studies Project management knowledge areas(9)
1. Pre-Investment stage
1. Project Integration Management
1.1 Investment opportunity (idea conception)
1.2 Preliminary selection stage (Pre-feasibility study) 2. Scope Management
1.3 Project formulation stage (Techno- economic
feasibility) 3. Time Management
1.4 Evaluation and decision stage(Evaluation report) 4. Cost Management
2. Investment stage
5. Quality Management
2.1 Negotiation and contracting
2.2 Project design 6. Human Resources Management
2.3 Construction
2.4 Startup stage
7. Communication Management
3. Operational phase 8. Risk Management
3.1 Short term views 9. Procurement Management
3.2 Long term views

1.Project Integration Management 2.Project scope Management

Bringing it all together Staying Vigilant in Defining and Containing

-Building the project plan Scope throughout the Project
-Executing the project plan Project Initiation
-Integrated change control
Scope Planning
Scope Definition
Project management is nerve centre Scope Verification
Scope Change Control

3.Time management 4.Project cost management

Determining What Gets Done and When
through: Planning for Resources
Activity Definition Estimating Costs
Activity Sequencing
Creating the Budget
Activity Duration Estimating
Schedule Development
Schedule Control
the Budget

5.Project Quality management 6.Project Human resource management

Quality Planning Organizational Planning

Quality Assurance Staff Acquisition
Quality Control Team Development

7.Project communication management 8.Project Risk management

Expect the Unexpected!
Keeping Stakeholders Informed Risk Management Planning
(and Involved!) Risk Identification
• Communications Planning Qualitative Risk Analysis
• Dissemination of Information
Quantitative Risk Analysis
• Progress Reporting
Risk Response Planning
• Administrative Closure
Risk Management and Control

9.Project procurement management Where to Begin?

For Projects Using Outside Resources:  Look back over your previous project
Procurement Planning experiences.
Solicitation Planning  Chances are, you’ve used a little of each of
these nine areas already.
Source Selection
Contract Administration  The PMBOK (project mgt body of knowledge)
merely codifies them and attempts to give us a
Contract Closeout
framework for understanding and applying
project management knowledge productively.

Your Turn: What We Know Already Types of projects
1.Civil Engineering 2.Manufacturing
 Look back over your previous experience in projects Projects
project management  Production of Mechanical
 Building & construction &Electronic units.
 How many of the nine knowledge areas did you  Earth moving e.g. con eqpt. mfgs,
 Tunneling & Bridges aircraft, shipbuilding,
use? (Probably all nine!)
 Petrochemical heavy engg, pharmacy..
 Take a quick inventory and point to your most  Mining & Quarrying
successful application use of that knowledge  Oil& Gas projects
area. 4. Projects of pure
scientific research.
 Pick up at least one new tip from others right 3.IT Projects
now.  Management of  Not R& D projects, result
change may be unknown

Construction project types Project Life cycle/Phases

1.Conception/formulation Phase
Building Construction
2.Mobilisation Phase

Infrastructure construction.
3.Construction/Realisation Phase

Industrial construction 4.Termination Phase

Special Purpose projects

Construction participants
Classification of Projects
 Construction business promoters like govt. bodies, real estate and
Industrial development and similar agencies.
On time Basis On value basis($ millions)
 Architect engg associates.  Long duration  Mega value
 Medium duration ( over$1000)
 Manpower recruitment and training agencies.  Short duration  Large value($100-
 Special short term $1000)
 Banking and finance institutes. duration  Medium value(($10-
 Risk insurance and legal services.
 Small value(<$10)

The salient distinguishing features of Project •Project work specially in high rise buildings,
management involves operations at heights making accident
 The project mission is unique &projects are not rate higher than industries.
a like.
 Projects comes to an end after its mission is •Constructions projects are operated under risk,
fulfilled. uncertain compared to industrial process.
 Projects consists of variety of works, requires •Predefined start and finish dates of projects don't
variety of trades men. leave any time flexibility.
 Project sites are in remote areas, they are prone
to weather changes, where as industrial •Project time and costs are correlated. Time delay
enterprise have permanent employees. in- between the project execution can alter the
 Project works are carried out at places that are schedule of subsequent activities.
far away from corporate head offices.
contd… •Quality in each stage of the project work is

Project Management Functions

 The overall aim of management in any enterprise is
which will facilitate the accomplishment of the objectives.
In doing this management has perform certain functions


Project Manager’s Role



Define Plan Monitor Complete



Role of a project manager
Why Projects Succeed!
1. Leader ship role
2. Figure head role Project Sponsorship at executive level
3. Liaisoning role Good project charter
4. Monitoring role Strong project management
5. Disseminators role The right mix of team players
6. Spokesmen's role Good decision making structure
7. Entrepreneur's role
Good communication
8. Disturbance handling role
Team members are working toward
9. Resource allocator role
common goals
10. Negotiator’s role.

Why Projects Fail Main causes of Project failure :

 56% of the projects has cost overruns,
Failure to align project with organizational  49% faced a time overrun from1 to 157 months.
Poor scope The factors contributing to these overruns are
Unrealistic expectations 1.Inadequate project formulation:
Lack of executive sponsorship 2. Poor planning for implementation
Lack of project management 3.Lack of proper contract planning & management.
4.Lack of project management during execution.
Inability to move beyond individual and
personality conflicts

2. Management failure
Failures of Project at Different stages
1.Cost estimation failure:
1. Planning failure.
 Mainly BOQ Point of View 2. Organizational failure.
a) Inception stage 3. Resources failure.
4. Directional failure.
b) Preparatory stage
5. Controlling failure.
C) Contractors tendering and execution stage 6. Coordination failure.
7. Other failures.

Laws of Project Management Laws of Project Management
 No major project is ever installed on time, within  When things appear to be going better, you
budget, or with the same staff that started it. have overlooked something.
Yours will not be the first.  A carelessly planned project will take three times
 Projects progress quickly until they become 90% longer to complete than expected.
complete, then they remain at 90% complete  A carefully planned project will take only twice
as long.
 When things are going well, something will go
wrong.  Project teams detest progress reporting because
it vividly manifests their lack of progress.
 When things just cannot get any worse, they

Planning & Scheduling Steps in Planning

The terms planning & Scheduling are often  Collect Requirements

used interchangeably however, if a  Define scope
distinction is required planning refers to  Create WBS
the process of generating a time frame  Define Activities
work for the project, which becomes a  Sequence Activities
schedule when start and finish dates are  Estimate activity Resources
assigned to the activities. In the past  Estimate activity Durations
scheduling generally refers to resource  Develop schedule
scheduling. …… Continued

 Estimate costs & Determine Budget Scheduling of Projects

 Plan Quality
 The basic approach of all scheduling techniques is to
 Develop Human Resource Plan form a network of activity and event relationship that
 Plan Communications graphically portrays the sequential relations between the
tasks in a project. Such a network is a powerful tool for
 Plan Risk Management planning and controlling a project and has the following
 Identify Risks benefits:
 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis It is a consistent framework for planning,
 Performa Quantitative Risk Analysis scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the
 Plan Risk Responses
It illustrates the interdependence of all tasks,
 Plan Procurements
work packages, and work elements.

 Appointing PMC’s  It denotes the times when specific individuals and
 Resource mobilization resources must be available for work on a given
 Land acquisation and site development task.
 Preparing work designs, plans and estimates,  It aids in ensuring that the proper communications
entrusting work to contractors take place between depart-ments and functions.
 Preparing the design specifications  It determines an expected project completion
 Placing the order for materials and machinery date.
 Transport of plant and machinery to site  It identifies so-called critical activities that, if
delayed, will delay the project completion time.
 Erection of machinery
 It also identifies activities with slack that can be
delayed for specified periods without penalty, or
from which resources may be temporarily
borrowed with-out harm.

 It determines the dates on which tasks may be

started—or must be started if the project is to Project Scheduling/ Analyzing Tools
stay on schedule.
 BC -Bar Chart
 PERT - Programme Evaluation & Review Techniques
 It illustrates which tasks must be coordinated to  CP -Critical Path Analysis
avoid resource or timing conflicts.  CPP&S -Critical Path Planning & scheduling
 DCPM -Decision Critical Path Method
 It also illustrates which tasks may be run, in  GRASP -General Resource Allocation & Scheduling
parallel to achieve the predetermined project Programming
completion date.  GERT -Graphical Evaluation & Review Techniques
 LCES -Least Cost Estimating & Scheduling
 It relieves some interpersonal conflict by clearly  PEP -Programme Evaluation Procedure
showing task dependencies.  PNA -Precedence Network Analysis
 LOB -Line of Balance Techniques
 It may, depending on the information used, allow  LPC - Linear Programme Chart
an estimate of the probability of project impletion  TSN -Time scale Network
by various dates, or the date corresponding to a
particular a prior probability

Commonly used Time planning techniques in

construction Project management


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