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• What effects do you think poverty has on individuals, families, and society?

How would you decrease the negative effects of poverty?

Poor healthcare, Limited job and education opportunities, increased crime

rates, social exclusion and discrimination. To decrease negative effects of
poverty, you would need multiple approaches such as, investing in
education and job training, expanding access to social services, increasing
housing affordability, and addressing inequalities such as discrimination
based on race, gender or economic affluence.

• How does poverty affect children? What do you think should be done to
decrease the negative effects on children?

Less opportunities. Class trips, college credit courses, further education,

many things that are much harder to have access to as a child of poverty. I
think giving equal opportunities to children regardless of social, or
economic standing. Creating schools equally would help as well.

• What is deficiency theory? Do you agree or disagree with this theory? Why?

It's the belief that people who experience poverty do so because of a lack of
characteristics needed to succeed in society. Absolutely disagree. Many
people in poverty may have more work ethic or be smarter than the
average person born into an affluent household, but without the
opportunities to make use of that intelligence and work ethic, nothing will
come of it. And dont get me started on the way society perpetuates
poverty, many ways of making more money are only available to people
with money already, and more accessible ways of making money are made
to prey on people of poverty to make it even harder to go up in the ladder
of society.

• What is a self-fulfilling prophecy? Do you think that this contributes to

poverty? Why or why not?

A self fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon in which a belief or expectation

about a person or situation lead to behaviors or actions that ultimately
cause that expectation to come true. I do think it can contribute to poverty,
whether it is direct or indirect. People in poverty may think that they may
never get out of it, and such making decisions that will not get them
anywhere. Or people such as teachers may treat students in poverty

• Which approach to solving poverty do you think is the best? Why?

I think raising intelligence and job skills is a great place to start. Having
people of poverty think for themselves, and get skills that can get them
somewhere can help them break out of the rhythm of only fighting to
survive and instead fight to thrive. Putting in practice is another issue

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