Pre-Implant - Prosthodontics 2
Pre-Implant - Prosthodontics 2
Pre-Implant - Prosthodontics 2
Preimplant Prosthodontics
Overall Evaluation, Specific Criteria, and Pretreatment
Carl E. Misch, Francine Misch-Dietsh
Implants serve as a foundation for the prosthetic support of missing teeth. However, in a partially edentulous
patient, the existing teeth may often require restorations or other types of treatment. Hopeless teeth should be
extracted and teeth with advanced periodontal or endodontic conditions treated before determining the final
implant restoration and the implant position and number (Figure 16-1). Too often, a detailed treatment plan
(complete with study models and computed tomography [CT] scans) is attempted before the extraction of
hopeless teeth. After the extractions, more (or less) bone grafting and implant treatment is a usual consequence.
As such, the time and effort to prepare the treatment plan are wasted. In addition, it causes confusion for the
patient and often results in the delay of critical decisions for predictable treatment.
Prosthetic Considerations
Caries on a natural tooth is most often able to be removed and the tooth restored. However, on occasion, the
tooth is unrestorable after the decay is removed. A prosthetic axiom is to have at least 1.5 to 2 mm of tooth
structure for a crown with a cervical ferule effect. In addition, adequate retention and resistance from the tooth
preparation should exist. As a result of the caries, additional treatment as endodontic therapy, post and core,
and functional crown lengthening may be required (Figure 16-2). Thus, procedures to save the tooth are costly
and on occasion less predictable than an implant. In addition, the end result may not be esthetically pleasing.
For example, when a central incisor requires considerable functional crown lengthening, the gingival margin
may be compromised and have a poor esthetic result.
FIGURE 16-3 A panoramic radiograph of a patient with recurrent decay and many
hopeless teeth.
When the dentate arch opposing an edentulous posterior region exfoliates or extrudes beyond the occlusal
plane many millimeters, the tooth may require several procedures to restore the correct occlusal plane.
Endodontics and functional crown lengthening beyond the furca of the roots may be necessary. After these
procedures, the lateral wall thickness of the root may be minimal for the post and core. A structural failure is
most likely under these conditions. An extraction and implant may be appropriate, especially in cases of
moderate to severe parafunction. Another option for extruded or exfoliated teeth may be orthodontic intrusion,
often with an implant as a transitional anchorage device (TAD). This is more often the treatment of choice
when orthodontic therapy is required to improve the position of the rest of the teeth in both arches.
Endodontic Considerations
Endodontic conditions may cause the dentist to consider tooth extraction rather than traditional treatment. For
example, when the root canal cannot be accessed because of abnormal root anatomy or previous restoration, an
extraction and implant insertion may be considered rather than an apicoectomy (Figure 16-4). On occasion, the
endodontic procedure in the posterior mandible requires an apicoectomy and has a moderate to high risk of
paresthesia. An implant after extraction may be less invasive and have less risk of paresthesia.
FIGURE 16-4 A, A panoramic radiograph of a patient with mandibular second molar
with a lesion of endodontic origin and the canal access is compromised with a post (and
perforation of the distal root and furca is present). B, A panoramic radiograph of the
patient after extraction and implant insertion.
A tooth with a “split root” syndrome may have root canal therapy, with pain still present during function,
and may be treated with extraction and implant insertion. If the endodontic procedure appears satisfactory but
pain persists during function, retreatment of the tooth is often not predictable. Rather than waiting for an
observable symptom, the subjective finding of pain during function may be enough cause to extract the tooth.
An extraction and implant insertion is usually a definitive treatment that eliminates more predictably pain
during function than endodontic retreatment of the tooth.
A meta-analysis of endodontic success concludes the success rate of endodontic therapy is 90% at 8 years.
However, it must be noted that the rates of success for endodontics are different than the “success” rates
reported with implants. Success rates reported with dental implants are most often survival rates. If the
3,4 5
implant is in the mouth, it is considered a “success” regardless of the quality of health. However, success in
many endodontic studies is often related to resolution of all peirapical pathology. Hence, when tooth survival
after endodontic therapy is considered, endodontic treatment is similar to implant therapy. As such, traditional
endodontics is the treatment of choice for most teeth that are able to be restored.
Whereas a vital tooth has endodontic success rates above 93%, a nonvital tooth has an 89% rate. A large
periapical lesion (larger than 5 mm) compromises the success rate of traditional endodontics. A nonvital tooth
with large periapical pathology has a success rate of 78%. As a result of a lower “success” rate, endodontic
therapy should still be performed, but the tooth should be evaluated over several months before post, core, and
crown treatment (Figure 16-5).
FIGURE 16-5 A, A periapical radiograph of a maxillary central incisor with a lesion of
endodontic origin greater than 5 mm in diameter. A devital tooth with an endodontic
lesion of more than 5 mm has less than an 88% treatment success rate. B, A
postoperative periapical radiograph of the central incisor after endodontic therapy. The
large endodontic lesion has started to resolve. As a result, the tooth may be restored
with confidence. If not successful, extraction rather than retreatment is considered
because the retreatment success rate is 65%.
If endodontic retreatment is necessary, consideration for extraction may be more justified. A retreatment of
an endodontic tooth (that appears radiographically to be within normal limits) with a periapical lesion has a
reported “success” rate of 65%. As a result, the additional retreatment cost may lead to consideration for
extraction and implant replacement. Therefore, for devital teeth with more than 5-mm apical radiolucencies
that do not resolve after initial endodontic treatment and periapical lesions remain or reappear with clinical
consequences, an extraction should be considered. This may be even more justified when an apicoectomy is the
treatment of choice to treat the failure.
Periodontal Considerations
The existing teeth in a partially edentulous patient should be evaluated for periodontal disease. Advanced
periodontal disease may be addressed with extraction of questionable abutments more frequently than in the
past, provided the resulting edentulous area offers sufficient bone for predictable endosteal implant placement
and a predictable prognosis (Figure 16-6).
FIGURE 16-6 A, A panoramic radiograph of a patient with advanced periodontal disease
in the maxillary arch and moderate disease in the mandibular arch. B, The maxillary
teeth were extracted, and after initial healing, dental implants were inserted. C, An
intraoral view of the implant abutments after initial healing. D, A full arch maxillary
implant prosthesis from an intraoral view. E, A 10-year panoramic radiograph of the
maxillary implants and prosthesis.
Herodontics are discouraged when the prognosis is poor or failure of treatment may result in inadequate
bone for implant placement. This is especially noted when the existing available bone around the tooth roots is
compromised in height, especially in the posterior mandible. Unsuccessful periodontal treatment and continual
bone loss may render the remaining bone inadequate for placement of implants after extraction of the teeth.
Bone grafting to improve available bone height in the posterior mandible is more unpredictable than any other
region of the jaws. As a result, when 10 mm of bone is all that remains from the mandibular canal to the
remaining bone around the periodontally involved teeth, consideration is given to the predictable aspects of
periodontal therapy. When in doubt, the teeth should often be extracted (Figure 16-7).
the furca may cause a combination of endodontic and periodontal problems. Vertical root fracture after
endodontic therapy may also occur with greater incidence. Hence, patients with moderate periodontal disease
that includes the molars are at greater risk of the continuation of the disease.
Furcation treatment of molars may include root amputation. The lowest success rate for root resection was
found on mandibular distal root resections (75%). Even when successful, the remaining root indicates
endodontics, core and crown of the remaining root, and the prosthetic replacement of the distal root with an
implant or fixed partial denture (FPD) (Figure 16-8). An extraction, socket graft, and implant is more
predictable to treat this condition. An implant may also replace the whole tooth with a lower cost. As a
consequence, mandibular molar root resection should be replaced by extraction and implant therapy.
FIGURE 16-8 A mandibular first molar with a distal root resection generally has a
success rate of 75%. Even when successful, the mesial root requires endodontic
treatment, core, and crown, and the distal root needs replacement. Therefore, an
implant or three-unit fixed partial denture is indicated. It is more cost effective to
extract, implant, and fabricate one crown even when bone grafting is indicated.
A distal furca in a maxillary molar is the most common furca involvement because it is directly below the
interproximal contact and has difficult access for hygiene. A maxillary molar that has lost bone to the
furcation has lost almost 30% of the root surface area of support. However, when a distal buccal root is resected
in the maxilla, often the crown may be restored to fill the mesiodistal space, and an additional procedure is not
required. Hence, a distal–palatal furca treated with a root resection is often indicated in the maxilla rather than
extraction and an implant.
When a maxillary molar has more than one furca condition or short roots, a root resection, or even a
considerable functional crown lengthening may compromise the remaining support or result in another
furcation involvement. The endodontics, post and core, and functional crown lengthening may not be as
predictable as extraction and implant insertion. In addition, the cost of this conventional treatment may be
twice the cost of an implant.
On occasion, successful periodontal therapy is accompanied with a poor esthetic result. It may be more
prudent to extract the unesthetic teeth even though the periodontal therapy was “successful.” Under these
conditions, implant prosthesis may restore the dentition with a more esthetic restoration (Figure 16-9).
FIGURE 16-9 A, A preoperative view of a patient with moderate bone loss from
periodontal disease. B, The periodontal surgery and orthodontics successfully treated
the patient, but a poor esthetic result was obtained. C, The anterior four teeth were
extracted, bone grafted, and implanted. D, The final implant prosthesis is more esthetic
than the original condition.
Traditional methods to save a tooth have increased in cost over the years. The cost of questionable
periodontal treatment may result in the patient's inability to afford the subsequent more predictable implant
therapy. Multirooted endodontic therapy now approaches the cost of an implant surgery. When functional
crown lengthening and endodontic posttreatment are also required, the fees are usually greater than those for
extraction and implant insertion. Therefore, part of the equation of whether to extract or treat a tooth may also
relate to the cost of the service provided. The natural molar tooth that requires endodontics, root amputation,
post and core placement, and nevertheless a compromised root with a poor root surface area may be cost
prohibitive for the service provided. In these cases, an implant in the site after tooth extraction is often less
expensive and more predictable in the long term.
It should be noted that the recent trend to extract teeth with a good prognosis (with or without the need for
endodontic or periodontal treatment) is discouraged. Implants are not yet 100% predictable, and implants
should not be substituted for natural teeth presenting a good or even a fair prognosis.
the decision-making protocol involving a natural tooth. If the natural tooth has a favorable prognosis for more
than 10 years, it is included in the treatment plan. The decision to use it or not as an abutment if it is adjacent to
an edentulous space requires additional information, but few reasons support removal of the tooth to restore
the partially edentulous patient.
Box 16-1
5–10 years Independent implant restoration. If the natural tooth must be included with implants in the restoration, make
it a “living pontic” by adding implants on each side and splint together.
<5 years Extract the tooth and graft the site or consider an implant.
If the natural tooth prognosis (after periodontal, endodontic, or restorative therapy when necessary) is in the
5- to 10-year range, the tooth should be maintained. If the tooth is adjacent to a missing tooth site, an
independent implant-supported prosthesis is indicated. If the edentulous region does not provide sufficient
implant support for an independent restoration, then placement of as many implants as possible around the
tooth, with treatment alternatives that will permit removal of the tooth without sacrificing the restoration is
indicated. For example, a coping may be placed on the tooth with a 5- to 10-year prognosis, and the tooth may
act as “living pontic” in the final restoration, splinted to the adjacent implants on each side. Whether the tooth
is missing or present does not modify the prosthesis. In this way, the prosthesis may be removed in the future,
and the tooth may be extracted (if indicated). In this way, the prosthesis essentially is maintained without
compromise. 17
When teeth with copings are joined to implants, the copings on the teeth should be designed with a different
path of insertion than the FPDs, and the coping should be cemented with permanent cement. The fixed implant
prosthesis usually is cemented with a weaker (soft access) or temporary cement. Thus, the FPD path of removal
differs from that of the natural tooth coping and, along with the weaker cement, allows the prosthesis to be
removed while the coping remains permanently cemented on the tooth. The preparation of copings on natural
teeth often requires additional removal of tooth structure to prevent overcontoured restorations and as a
consequence may mandate endodontic therapy. 19
When the estimate of survival of the natural tooth is in the 0- to 5-year survival (even after treatment),
strong consideration is given to extraction of the tooth and implant replacement. As a consequence, the
definitive treatment plan is delayed until after the extraction(s). For example, CT scans, mounted study casts,
treatment prostheses, bone grafts (other than socket grafts), and so on are delayed until after the extraction
sites initially heal because some intraoral conditions may be modified during this process. This treatment
scenario may also often be faster and less costly over a 5- to 10-year period compared with maintaining a
questionable tooth, especially when it is adjacent to an edentulous site.
Clinical Examples
If hygiene is poor in patients with a grade II or III furca involvement in molars, the tooth most often is
considered in the 0- to 5-year category and is considered for extraction. This is especially considered when
other teeth in the same quadrant are missing or hopeless or only 8 to 10 mm of bone remains between the crest
of bone and the opposing landmark. 12,13,18
Molars with grade I furcation involvement often are placed in the 5- to 10-year prognosis category.
However, it should be noted that maxillary molars are at higher risk of furca complications, and even grade I
furcations are lost 33% of the time within 5 years without treatment. Mandibular molars have a 20% failure at
this same reference time. Therefore, even when grade 1 furcas are diagnosed, aggressive treatment and good
oral hygiene are necessary, especially if the tooth needs extensive restoration.
Patients with a potential structural failure after restoration (as a result of caries or trauma) and who require
endodontics, functional crown lengthening, posts and cores are considered in the 0- to 5-year category. When
the caries index is high, especially with poor hygiene, and multiple restorations have failed, extraction of those
teeth may be indicated.
When the patient has an endodontic lesion of greater than 5 mm on a previously treated endodontic tooth
(which appears within an acceptable technique), the tooth is considered for extraction. A tooth that has pain
during function, despite radiographically successful endodontic therapy, may have a split root and is
considered to be in the 0- to 5-year category.
The dentist should evaluate teeth especially next to an edentulous site. A natural tooth distant from the
future implant restoration site is less likely to affect the implant reconstruction and alter the treatment
sequences in this site. However, failure of a natural tooth adjacent to an implant site may cause failure of the
adjacent implant and almost always (whether failure occurs or not) causes the restoration to be delayed and
compromised. Therefore, if the practitioner is not sure whether the tooth is in the 0- to 5-year or 5- to 10-year
category, the tooth adjacent to the future implant site more often should be considered to have the poorer
Overall Evaluation
The evaluation of the remaining teeth should precede the definitive treatment plan to replace missing teeth.
The existing conditions of the stomatognathic system outside the range of normal should be evaluated and
treated when necessary. This treatment may be performed before or in conjunction with implant therapy. As
such, preimplant prosthodontic considerations are a vital phase of the overall treatment.
The existing teeth and arch relationships do not need to be perfect before implant surgery. However,
because implant dentistry always concerns the replacement of teeth, at least a diagnosis and treatment plan
should occur before implant placement. The goal is to identify and restore the prosthetic parameters of the
remaining teeth within normal limits. The correct tooth positions should be first determined, so even if the total
treatment time is extended over several years, at least each segment will aim toward a consistent goal. Too
often the restoring dentist assumes the patient wants the cheapest or fastest treatment related to each treatment
or to remain within the dental insurance limits of reimbursement. As a consequence, the mouth is restored one
or two teeth at a time, fitting the restoration into the patient's present occlusal condition, which usually
worsens over time and never improves on its own. As a result, after the patient has been in the same practice
for several decades, the overall dentition is in poorer condition than when the patient started. Although it is
easier to restore an entire mouth to the correct occlusal relationships at one time, it is also possible to obtain a
similar result one tooth at a time as long as each step proceeds along the predetermined course of the overall
The preimplant prosthodontic evaluation of the patient's overall condition closely resembles traditional
dentistry. When a restoring dentist first evaluates the prosthetic needs of a patient, an orderly process is
required regardless of the current state of the dentition. In other words, regardless of whether the patient has
all of his or her teeth or is missing all of the teeth, after the dentist accepts the responsibility of long-term
professional guidance and treatment as necessary, a consistent approach to care is beneficial.
There are five initial elements of the existing teeth that should be assessed in sequence and treated when
indicated. These elements are the maxillary anterior tooth position, existing occlusal vertical dimension (OVD),
mandibular incisor edge position, maxillary occlusal plane, and mandibular occlusal plane (Box 16-2). These
elements are evaluated in a partially edentulous patient during the initial clinical examination and may also be
assessed on mounted diagnostic casts (which may also serve for diagnostic wax-up procedures).
Box 16-2
Overall Evaluation
Sequence of Treatment
Frankfort plane (plane passing through the lowest point in the floor of the left orbit and the highest point of
each external auditory meatus of the skull) that touches the lower lip should most often find the maxillary lip 1
to 2 mm in front of this line and the chin 1 to 2 mm behind this line (at the correct OVD) (Figure 16-10).
FIGURE 16-10 The labial position of the teeth is first evaluated relative to the support of
the maxillary lip. A vertical line is drawn through the subnasal point and perpendicular
to the Frankfort plane. The maxillary lip should be 1 to 2 mm anterior to this line, the
lower lip even with the line, and the chin 2 mm behind the line.
When the teeth are positioned more labially, the vertical position of the lip is elevated. Likewise, a more
palatal position of the maxillary anterior teeth results in a more inferior or extended position of the lip. If the
labial or horizontal position of the lip is going to be altered, orthodontic therapy is the treatment of choice in a
dentate premaxilla. On occasion, a prosthetic or surgical approach may be indicated with or without
orthodontic treatment.
An alternative to increasing the length of the anterior teeth so more teeth are visible with the lip in repose
may be to increase the thickness of the premaxillary alveolar ridge. This extra alveolar ridge thickness brings
out the lip and raises the vermilion border. As a result, the teeth are not longer, but the border of the lip is
higher. In addition, if the added width to the ridge is with autologous bone, replacing teeth with implants
rather than pontics further helps to maintain the situation. The fuller maxillary lip may also look younger
because vertical age lines may also be reduced.
In a completely edentulous patient, the labial flange of the patient's existing denture may be removed and
the lip position evaluated before the completed treatment plan for a fixed restoration. When the lip needs the
support of the labial flange for esthetics yet a fixed restoration is planned, onlay grafts with hydroxyapatite
(HA), connective tissue, autograft, or allograft may be indicated to increase labial tissue thickness for proper lip
The next step in the evaluation process (when the labial position is acceptable) is the vertical position of the
maxillary anterior teeth related to the lip in repose. The maxillary canine is the key for this position. Misch
22 23
has suggested the canine tip be located ± 1 mm with the lip in repose regardless of the age or sex of the patient
(Figure 16-11). A horizontal line drawn from one canine tip to the other should be level to the horizon. The
central incisors are 1 to 2 mm longer than the horizontal plane to the canines.
FIGURE 16-11 A, The vertical position of the maxillary anterior teeth is assessed. The
ideal position is determined by the canine to lip in repose position: a horizontal line is
drawn from canine tip to canine tip, and the central incisors are 1 to 2 mm longer. B,
This position is consistent (within 1 mm) regardless of the age or sex of the patient.
The position of the maxillary central incisor, in relation to the maxillary lip and the age of the patient (a
range of 8 mm) is much more variable than the position of the canine (a range of 3 mm). The lip bow in the
center of the upper lip rises several millimeters on some women and is barely obvious on others. The higher
the lip bow, the more central incisor surface is seen on the patient regardless of age. Men rarely exhibit an
exaggerated lip bow and therefore have a more consistent incisor edge to lip position. The canine position is
closer to the corner of the lip and is not affected by the lip bow effect in the midline. As such, it is a more
consistent position and usually corresponds to the length of the resting lip position from 30 to 60 years of age
in both men and women.
No other region of the mouth should be restored until this position is corrected because it negatively
influences the proper position of every other segment (e.g., OVD, mandibular anterior tooth position, and
posterior planes of occlusion). If the patient is wearing a maxillary complete denture, the maxillary anterior
tooth position is often incorrect. As a result of resorption of the premaxilla, the denture shifts apically and
posteriorly following the bone loss pattern.
Arch relationships are often affected by resorption patterns in edentulous ridges. The anterior and posterior
edentulous maxilla resorbs toward the palate after tooth loss. The width of the alveolar ridge decreases 40%
within a few years, primarily at the expense of the labial plate. Consequently, implants are often placed lingual
to the original incisal tooth position. The final restoration is then overcontoured facially to restore the incisal
two thirds in the ideal tooth position for esthetics. This results in a cantilevered force on the implant body. The
maxilla is affected more often than the mandible because the incisal edge position in the esthetic zones cannot
be modified and is dictated by esthetics, speech, lip position, and occlusion. Anterior cantilevered crowns from
maxillary anterior implants often require additional implants splinted together and an increase in the
anteroposterior (A-P) distance between the most distal to most anterior implant positions to compensate for the
increased lateral loads and moment forces to the premaxillary implants, especially during mandibular
The maxillary anterior horizontal and vertical tooth positions are evaluated before any other segment of the
arches, including the OVD. If the maxillary anterior teeth are significantly malpositioned, the clinician should
obtain further diagnostic studies, such as a cephalometric radiograph, to determine the relationship of the
maxilla to the cranial base. The patient may have unfavorable skeletal relationships (vertical maxillary excess
or deficiency). If the position of the natural maxillary anterior teeth is undesirable for any reason, orthodontics,
orthognathic surgery, or restoration may be indicated. After the position of the maxillary anterior teeth is
acceptable, the next prosthetic step is either the evaluation of the OVD or maxillary occlusal plane.
patient's life. However, this position is not necessarily stable when the teeth are present or after the teeth are
lost. Long-term studies have shown that this is not a constant dimension and often decreases over time without
clinical consequence in dentate, partially edentulous, and completely edentulous patients. A completely
edentulous patient often wears the same denture for more than 10 years, during which time the OVD is
reduced 10 mm or more without symptoms or even patient awareness.
The OVD may be altered without the symptoms of pain or dysfunction, especially when the condylar disc
assembly is healthy. However, this is not to say that altering the OVD has no consequence. Rather, a change in
OVD affects the esthetics of the chin to face position and the CHS. As such, it may affect the biomechanics of
the support system of a prosthesis. Any change in the OVD will modify the horizontal dimensional
relationship of the maxilla to the mandible. Therefore, a change in OVD will modify the anterior guidance,
range of function, and facial esthetics.
The most important effect of OVD on tooth (implant) loading may be the effect on the biomechanics of
anterior guidance. The more closed the OVD, the farther forward the mandible rotates and the more skeletal
class III the chin appears (Figure 16-12). A bruxing patient who had a skeletal class I tooth position may
develop an end-to-end incisal position along with a closed OVD (Figure 16-13). Because this type of patient has
lost incisal guidance, the continued bruxism will more rapidly wear the anterior and posterior teeth. Hence,
restoring OVD and incisal guidance is paramount to any oral reconstruction.
FIGURE 16-12 The closed (bottom) occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) rotates the chin
farther forward than the original position (top).
FIGURE 16-13 A, A bruxing patient may wear the anterior teeth and end up with an
edge to edge occlusion and a closed occlusal vertical dimension (OVD). The more
closed the occlusal vertical dimension, the farther forward the mandibular teeth
occlude. B, This same patient has a closed OVD, and the chin is anterior to the lips.
In a skeletal class II, division 2 patient, the more closed the OVD, the steeper the anterior guidance and the
greater the vertical overbite of the anterior teeth. When the OVD is opened, there may be no anterior contact in
occlusion. Hence, orthodontics or repositioning the lower anterior teeth may be necessary to restore incisal
guidance. Anterior guidance is necessary to maintain incisal guidance during mandibular excursions to
decrease the risk of posterior interferences.
The conditions of an increased vertical overbite will increase the forces to the anterior teeth (or implants).
Hence, the OVD should be increased in a skeletal class II division II patient. Increasing the OVD has the
opposite effect on the incisal guidance. In general, for a dentate patient, it may be more precarious to close an
OVD than to open it because the resulting anterior rotation of the mandible will position mandibular incisor
teeth facially in a closer relationship to the maxillary teeth in centric occlusion.
In completely edentulous patients restored with fixed implant prosthodontics, a change in OVD in either
direction affects biomechanics. Opening the OVD and decreasing the incisal guidance with a resulting
bilaterally balanced occlusion may increase forces placed on posterior implants during mandibular excursion.
Closing the OVD may increase the forces to anterior implants during any excursion. On occasion, a change in
the OVD may also affect the sibilant sounds by altering the horizontal position of the mandible.
The OVD is almost never naturally too large and, unless some manufactured interference has been created,
it is within clinical guidelines or collapsed. Therefore, the restoring dentist most often should determine
whether the OVD needs to be increased. In other words, the existing OVD in a patient without symptoms of
the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a position to start the evaluation, not one that necessarily must be
According to Kois and Phillips, three situations primarily mandate the modification of the OVD: (1)
esthetics, (2) function, and (3) structural needs of the dentition. Esthetics is related to OVD for incisal edge
positions, facial balance, and position of the chin and the occlusal plane. Function is related to the canine
positions, incisal guidance, and angle of load to teeth or implants. Structural requirements are related to
dimensions of teeth for restoration while maintaining a biological width, or the CHS, which may modify
biomechanical force.
space”), which assumes that the patient relaxes the mandible into the same constant physiologic rest position. 27
The practitioner then subtracts 3 mm from the measurement to determine the OVD. Two observations conflict
with this approach. First, the amount of freeway space is highly variable in the same patient, depending on
factors such as head posture, emotional state, presence or absence of teeth, parafunction, and time of recording
(greater in the morning). Second, interocclusal distance at rest varies 3 to 10 mm from one patient to another.
As a result, the distance to subtract from the freeway space is unknown for a specific patient. Therefore, the
physiologic rest position should not be the primary method to evaluate OVD. However, it should be evaluated
after the OVD is established to ensure a freeway space exists when the mandible is at rest.
Silverman stated that approximately 1 mm should exist between the teeth when making an S sound. Pound 31
further developed this concept for the establishment of centric and vertical jaw relationship records for
complete dentures. Although this concept is acceptable, it does not correlate to the original OVD of the
patient. Denture patients often wear the same prosthesis for more than 14 years and during this time lose
10 mm or more of their original OVD. Yet all of these patients are able to say “Mississippi” with their existing
prosthesis. If speech were related to the original OVD, these patients would not be able to pronounce the S
sound because their teeth would be more than 11 mm apart. But to say the letter “S” with the correct sound, the
teeth must be approximately 1 mm apart. Therefore, the speaking space should not be used as the only method
to establish OVD. After the OVD has been determined, the speaking space should be observed, and the teeth
should not touch during sibilant sounds. On occasion, a short adjustment period of a few weeks may be
required to establish this criterion. Therefore, on occasion, a transitional prosthesis should be used to evaluate
this position in case it must be modified before the final restoration.
Kois and Phillips have noted that the subjective method of esthetics to establish an OVD is the most difficult
to teach inexperienced dental students and therefore is least likely to be initially addressed when teaching the
concepts of determining OVD. However, experienced clinicians often value this method more than any other
to assess OVD.
After the position of the maxillary incisor edge is determined, the OVD influences esthetics of the face in
general. Facial dimensions are objective (because they are measured) and directly related to the ideal facial
esthetics of an individual. They can be easily assessed regardless of the clinician's experience. This objective
evaluation is usually the method of choice to initially evaluate the existing OVD or establish a different OVD
during prosthetic reconstruction. In addition, it may be performed without the need of additional diagnostic
Facial measurements can be traced back to antiquity, when sculptors and mathematicians followed the
golden ratio for body and facial proportions as described by Plato and Pythagoras. The golden ratio relates to
the length and widths of objects in nature as 1 to 0.618. It was observed that biologic features follow this ratio.
Architectural proportions often follow the golden ratio because it is considered the most esthetically appealing
to the human eye. Leonardo da Vinci later contributed several observations and drawings on facial
proportions, which he called divine proportions. He observed the distance between the chin and the bottom of
the nose (i.e., OVD) was a similar dimension as (1) the hairline to the eyebrows, (2) the height of the ear, and (3)
the eyebrows to the bottom of the nose—and each of these dimensions equaled one third of the face.
Many professionals, including plastic surgeons, oral surgeons, artists, orthodontists, and morticians, use
facial measurements to determine OVD. Misch reviewed the literature and found that many different sources
reveal many correlations of features that correspond to the OVD : 40,41
considered after the facial dimensions are within balance to each other.
Esthetics are influenced by OVD because of the relationship to the maxillomandibular positions. The smaller
the OVD, the more skeletal class III the jaw relationship becomes; the greater the OVD, the more skeletal class
II the relationship becomes. The maxillary anterior tooth position is determined first and is most important for
the esthetic criteria of the reconstruction. Alteration of the OVD for esthetics rarely includes the maxillary tooth
position. For example, the OVD position may be influenced by the need to soften the chin for a patient with a
large mental protuberance by increasing the OVD.
Radiographic methods to determine an objective OVD are also documented in the literature. Tracings on a
cephalometric radiograph are suggested when gross jaw excess or deficiency is noted. Such conditions may
stem from vertical maxillary excess; vertical maxillary deficiency; vertical mandibular excess (long chin);
vertical mandibular deficiency (short chin); or apertognathia or skeletal class II, division 2 (deep bite)
situations. Orthodontic treatment planning of a dentate patient often includes a lateral cephalogram and may
be used to evaluate OVD (glabella–subnasale, subnasale–menton). The same measurements may be performed
on an edentulous patient. 43,44
After the OVD satisfies the esthetic requirement of the prosthetic reconstruction, it may still be slightly
refined. For example, the OVD may be modified to improve the direction of force on the anterior implants. In
addition, on occasion, anterior mandibular implants are too facial to the incisal edge position, and increasing
the OVD makes them much easier to restore. Therefore, because the OVD is not an exact measurement, the
ability to alter this dimension within limits may often be beneficial.
Combination Syndrome
The evaluation of the pretreatment OVD is also very important for a patient wearing a complete maxillary
denture opposing a partially edentulous mandible, especially in the case of edentulous posterior segments that
are not compensated by a removable partial denture (Kennedy-Applegate class I). Under these conditions, a
combination (Kelly) syndrome may be present and is especially noteworthy if the OVD is within normal
limits. The clinical symptoms include (1) maxillary incisors of the denture positioned up and rotated back
from ideal, (2) lower natural anterior teeth overerupted and beyond the mandibular occlusal plane, (3)
maxillary horizontal occlusal plane tilted apically in the anterior and occlusally in the posterior regions, (4)
enlarged tuberosities encroaching on the mandibular interarch space, (5) maxillary palatal hyperplasia, and (6)
highly mobile tissue in the premaxilla. In addition, because the mandibular posterior teeth have been missing
for many years to develop these clinical conditions of this syndrome, there is a lack of posterior bone in the
mandible to place endosteal implants (Figure 16-15).
overdenture, implant prosthesis, or maxillary denture, no anterior contact in centric relation (CR) occlusion is
designed. A vertical overbite with natural maxillary anterior teeth is usually in the range of 5 mm. When an
implant prosthesis is planned in both anterior jaw regions, a reduced 3- to 4-mm vertical overbite is beneficial
(Figure 16-16).
FIGURE 16-16 A full-arch maxilla and mandibular implant prosthesis or maxillary
denture or overdenture does not have anterior centric contacts in centric occlusion. In
addition, the vertical overbite is reduced to 3 to 4 mm. The crown height space in the
anterior region is measured from the crest of the bony ridge to the incisal edge.
The incisal guidance is defined as the influence of contacting surfaces of the mandibular and maxillary
anterior teeth on mandibular movements. The incisal guide angle is formed by the intersection of the plane of
occlusion and a line within the sagittal plane determined by the incisal edge of the maxillary and mandibular
central incisors in maximal intercuspation (MI). It is responsible for the amount of posterior tooth separation
during mandibular excursions; to do so, it should be steeper than the condylar disc assembly (Christensen's
phenomenon). Therefore, any planned prosthesis and associated compensating curves should be developed
within these confines. If not, the maxillomandibular arch position may be improper (i.e., in a skeletal class II,
division I patient), and the posterior teeth may exhibit lateral contacts during mandibular excursions. Under
these conditions, the masseter and temporalis muscles do not reduce their contraction force during these jaw
movements (as they do when only anterior teeth occlude in excursions), and the strong muscles of mastication
continue to contract and place an increased force on the entire stomatognathic system.
An anterior cantilever on implants in the edentulous mandibular arch may correct an Angle's skeletal class
II, division I jaw relationship. The maxillary anterior teeth support the lower lip at rest in both Angle's skeletal
class I and class II relationships. A traditional complete mandibular denture cannot extend beyond the
anatomical support or neutral zone of the lips without decreasing stability of the prosthesis. However, with
implants, the denture teeth may be set in a more ideal esthetic and functional position. 16
The anterior cantilever in the class II mandible depends on adequate implant number and A-P distance
between the splinted implants. To counteract the anterior cantilever effect, the treatment plan should provide
increased implant support by increasing the surface area by number, size, design, or A-P implant position. In
these cases, a RP-4 prosthesis, designed to prevent food impaction, may facilitate daily care compared with a
FP-3 prosthesis.
The palatal resorption pattern of the maxilla, paired with the anterior rotation of the mandible from
decreased OVD found in long-term, complete denture patients may mimic an Angle's skeletal class III
relationship on a lateral cephalometric radiograph. However, in this condition, class III mandibular mechanics
do not apply (primarily vertical chewers with little to no anterior excursions during mastication or
parafunction). On the contrary, these patients exhibit a full range of mandibular excursions and can contribute
significant lateral forces on the maxillary restoration, which is cantilevered off the implant base to obtain a
skeletal class I esthetic restoration. Therefore, additional splinted implants are suggested in the maxilla with
the widest A-P distance available. This usually requires sinus grafts and posterior implants in the first or
second molar position splinted to the anterior implant support.
The incisal guidance is often evaluated on mounted diagnostic models. A steep incisal guidance helps in
avoiding posterior interferences in protrusive or lateral movement. However, the steeper the incisal guide
angle, the greater force applied to anterior teeth and crowns. This may present a significant problem for an
anterior single tooth implant replacement. On occasion, this occurs because the natural tooth is lost as a result
of severe parafunction on a tooth with a steep incisal guidance (usually from fracture after endodontic
On the other hand, if the existing incisal guidance is too shallow and posterior contracts exist in excursions,
it may be necessary to plan recontouring or prosthetic restoration of posterior teeth that exhibit contact during
excursions. For example, a mesially tipped mandibular third molar is often in this situation and may greatly
compromise the implant placed in a maxillary second molar region.
Wilson (mediolateral) and Spee (A-P) and to each other should allow harmonious occlusion with maximum
occlusal interdigitation and canine or mutually protected occlusion in excursions.
In complete denture fabrication, the posterior occlusal plane is often established by a horizontal line drawn
from the tip of the mandibular canine to a position half the height of the retromolar pad. The posterior
position of the plane (half up the retromolar pad) is often parallel to line from the ala of the nose to the bottom
of the ear. In other words, it is well below Camper's plane. Ideally, the maxillary posterior occlusal plane
should be parallel to the Camper's plane (i.e., to the midtragus to ala position) (Figure 16-17).
FIGURE 16-17 The ala–tragus line (Camper's plane) (line A) is parallel to the occlusal
plane of the maxillary teeth (line B).
The maxillomandibular relationships are assessed in the vertical, horizontal, and lateral planes. An
improper skeletal position may be modified by orthodontics, surgery, or prosthetics. It is far better to discuss
these options with the patient before implant surgery because the implant placement may compromise the
final prosthetic result if the arch positions are altered after implant insertion. Compromises of the final result
should be discussed with patients when orthognathic surgery or orthodontic therapy is declined by patients
with skeletal discrepancies.
The CHS in the edentulous site may be significantly reduced as a result of posterior extrusion or exfoliation.
The implant drills and implant body insertion often require a posterior CHS of more than 8 mm from the ideal
plane of occlusion, so the handpiece, drill, or implant may be inserted at the correct position and angulation.
The natural dentition of a partially edentulous ridge also must be carefully examined and often needs
modification before surgical placement of the implants, especially in the posterior regions of the mouth. The
remaining posterior teeth have often drifted or tipped into the edentulous site as a result of improper or
missing opposing occlusal contacts.
Odontoplasty, endodontic therapy, functional crown lengthening, and crowns are indicated to remedy
tipping or extrusions (exfoliation) of adjacent or opposing natural teeth. A pretreatment diagnostic wax-up is
suggested to evaluate the needed changes before implant placement when these conditions exist. A proper
curve of Spee and curve of Wilson are also indicated for proper esthetics and are reproduced in the
compensating curves for complete denture fabrication (Figure 16-18).
FIGURE 16-18 A, The curve of Spee is similar to the radius of a 4-inch sphere and is
related to skull size. B, The curve of Wilson is evaluated before reconstruction in the
region. The radius of the average curve also corresponds to the radius of a 4-inch
The occlusal plane correction seems like an obvious step in the patient dental evaluation. However, an
evaluation of three-unit fixed prostheses in several large dental laboratories revealed most restoring dentists
prepare crowns or three-unit fixed prostheses without correcting the opposing occlusal plane. Apparently, the
existing occlusal plane is not routinely evaluated before the fabrication of the prosthesis, or the patient and
doctor have decided to compromise the final result and restore the missing teeth to the preexisting poor
position. Instead, the restoring dentist should highlight to the patient the extrusion or exfoliation of the
surrounding teeth, which is often obvious on a panoramic radiograph or diagnostic casts, after it is noted. The
need to restore the missing tooth sooner rather than later is apparent to the patient because the teeth are
already shifting as a result of the arch collapse. If the patient cannot afford the complete treatment plan related
to the missing teeth, the opposing arch with the poor occlusal plane should be treated first, not the arch with
the missing tooth. In this way, opposing quadrants will ultimately be restored to a proper relationship. Of
course, the missing tooth should be replaced before the occlusal plane is compromised again.
An occlusal plane analyzer may be used on diagnostic casts to evaluate pretreatment conditions and assist
in intraoral occlusal plane correction. Occlusal analyzers may be fabricated in several sizes. The average size
corresponds to a 4-inch sphere and provides a starting point for ideal curves of Wilson and Spee. Any
discrepancy observed on the cast may be corrected in the mouth. Misch has designed a laboratory-assisted
template with this intent. In the laboratory, a vacuum or press fit of an acrylic shell is prepared over the cast.
The occlusal plane analyzer is then used to evaluate and correct an improper occlusal plane. A handpiece is
used to grind the acrylic shell and protruding occlusal cusps on the duplicate diagnostic cast. The clear acrylic
shell is then taken intraorally and inserted over the teeth. Any cusp extending through the acrylic shell is
recontoured to the level of the surrounding acrylic. As such, the occlusal plane is rapidly corrected to an ideal
condition (Figure 16-19).
Specific Criteria
After the five elements of the existing teeth (restorations) have been evaluated and modified when necessary,
several other conditions may modify and hinder the course of implant treatment if overlooked. These
conditions should be considered before the final treatment plan is presented to the patient and include the
1. Active lip lines
2. Existing occlusion
3. CHS
4. TMJ status
5. Existing prostheses
6. Arch form (ovoid, tapering, square)
7. Soft tissue evaluation of edentulous sites
A large number of these items may be evaluated on the mounted diagnostic casts. Others require the direct
observation of the patient. A checklist is helpful to methodically gather the data, which may directly influence
the treatment plan.
(Figure 16-20). Approximately 7% of patients only show the anterior six teeth in the maxilla or mandible when
smiling or during speech. The first premolar is more often seen in the maxilla during smiling and represents
48.6% of the population and is the largest group of patients. The second premolar can be seen in 40.6% of the
population. The first molar can be seen in 3% of the patients and is the smallest group ( Figure 16-21). When the
teeth are in the esthetic zone, the facial contours of the teeth should not be compromised. Bone augmentation
may be necessary to insert the implants in a more ideal position, so facial ridge laps or cantilevers are not
FIGURE 16-20 The horizontal depth of a smile is highly variable and should be
evaluated relative to the teeth and the soft tissue drape before developing a treatment
FIGURE 16-21 The number of teeth displayed in a smile most often includes the first and
second premolar (PM) region.
The active lip positions in the vertical position are also highly variable but in general are related to the
patient's age and sex. In general, older patients show less maxillary teeth during smiling but demonstrate more
mandibular teeth during sibilant sounds. Women show more maxillary teeth during smiling, and younger
patients show more teeth than older patients. Men show more mandibular teeth during speech. A man shows
tissue will need to be replaced or the teeth will often appear too long (Figure 16-24). The clinical characteristics
of the average or ideal esthetic smile include crown exposure, any of the interdental papilla, and no gingival
exposure over the cervicals of the teeth (maxillary lip at the free gingival margin of the centrals and canines
during smiling) (Figure 16-25).
FIGURE 16-22 The vertical translation of the maxillary lip is variable and classified as
low (A), average (B), and high (C).
FIGURE 16-23 A, A full-arch maxillary FP-2 implant prosthesis. B, The low lip line
during smiling does not show any of the soft tissue drape.
FIGURE 16-24 A, A high smile line exposes all of the clinical crown, the interdental
papillae, and the full gingival margin above the teeth. B, This patient has a full-arch
implant–supported FP-3 porcelain–metal prosthesis.
FIGURE 16-25 A, An ideal high smile line exposes the clinical crown and the interdental
papillae. B, The patient in A has a full-arch implant–supported FP-3 pink and white
porcelain–metal prosthesis (shown here in a retracted position).
Approximately 70% of the adult population has a high smile line within a few millimeters of the free
gingival margin, and approximately 60% of the population shows interdental papillae but no cervical tissue 49
(Figure 16-26). In implant restorations, if any of the soft tissue (e.g., interdental papilla or cervical tissue) is
displayed, the implant surgery, bone graft, or restoration must also replace soft tissue. The FP-1 prosthesis in
implant dentistry attempts to reproduce a normal crown contour. However, with a high lip position during
smiling, this goal must also make sure the soft tissue drape is ideal around the crown. As a consequence, the
esthetic requirements are much more demanding and often mandate additional surgical steps to enhance the
soft and hard tissues before the crown restoration. The selection of a FP-2 and a FP-3 fixed prosthesis is often
based solely on the evaluation of the high lip line. A FP-2 prosthesis is easier to fabricate because it does not
require gingiva-colored restorative materials in the prosthesis, but it can only be used when no soft tissue is
exposed during smiling or speech.
FIGURE 16-26 The height of the maxillary lip during smiling is variable and is usually
more in women than men.
Approximately 30% of men and 12% of women older than the age of 35 years have a low lip line and do not
show the interdental papilla when smiling (average of 20%) (see Figure 16-26). This percentage increases to
40% behind the maxillary canine and 70% behind the first premolar. In these patients, the soft tissue drape does
not require a primary focus and can often be compromised with a FP-2 restoration when the patient is notified
before treatment. However, an average to high lip position during smiling contraindicates this restoration type
because of poor cervical esthetics.
A gummy or high smile line occurs in 14% of the young female patients and 7% of young male patients and
in fewer of older patients (see Figure 16-26). The normal clinical crown height is 10 mm for the central incisor,
9 mm for the lateral incisor, and 10 mm for the canine. If the patient demonstrates a band of gingiva over the
cervical areas of the teeth, the height of the clinical crowns are evaluated, relative to their width. The
height/width ratio is 0.86 for the central incisor, 0.76 to 0.79 for the lateral incisor, and 0.77 to 0.81 for the
canine. Esthetic crown lengthening is often a good option when the height of the central clinical crown is less
than 10 mm (and the width is greater than 8 mm). Often the effect of crown lengthening is a dramatic
improvement and may be accomplished at the same time as the implant surgery.
In patients with a high lip line during smiling who are missing all their anterior teeth, the prosthetic teeth
can be made longer (up to 12 mm) instead of the average 10 mm height to reduce the gingival display and
result in a more esthetic restoration. Therefore, the height of the maxillary anterior teeth is determined by first
establishing the incisal edge of the canine by the lip in repose. Second, the high smile line determines the height
of the tooth (from 9 to 12 mm). Third, the width of the anterior teeth is determined by the height–width ratios.
The cervical third of the maxillary premolars is also observed during a high smile line. It is not unusual to
reveal the cervical third and gingiva of the interdental papilla of the premolar with a high lip line ( Figure 16-
27). These teeth should not appear too short (or long) and unnatural in height. Resorption may also cause the
implants to be inserted more palatally in this area. The position of these crowns may then be too palatal and
therefore affect the esthetic result. Bone and soft tissue grafts are the primary method to eliminate the need for
ridge laps or the addition of pink porcelain at the gingiva. They are also indicated to reduce crown height.
FIGURE 16-27 The high smile line is evaluated for all the exposed teeth in the maxilla.
The anterior region may be ideal, yet the posterior region may have a “gummy” smile.
For a multiple tooth replacement in the posterior regions, when the high lip line exposes the interdental
papilla region but not the cervical gingival region, the interimplant space may use pink restorative materials to
replace the papillae. When the high lip line exposes the cervical areas, the interdental and cervical aspects of
the region should be addressed with surgery (e.g., grafting) or prosthetics (e.g., FP-3 restorations).
A high lip position of the edentulous maxilla restored with a FP-3 prosthesis that displays the patient's soft
tissue in the edentulous site is more difficult to restore than when the CHS is greater than usual but no soft
tissues are shown in the edentulous site. When the patient's soft tissue is seen, the prosthetic gingival
replacement must match the color and texture of the patient's tissue (Figure 16-28). When the patient's soft
tissue is not visible, the restoration materials do not need to match the existing color, and it is easier to obtain
an esthetic result.
FIGURE 16-28 The high smile line of this patient shows the soft tissue drape around her
natural teeth. The anterior FP-3 prosthesis is more noticeable because the pink porcelain
is difficult to match to the soft tissues.
The pink porcelain restoration (FP-3) to replace the soft tissue may be esthetic but is rarely the treatment of
choice for single tooth replacement. The lack or deficiency of an interdental papilla is difficult to blend into the
existing soft tissue. On the other hand, in multiple missing adjacent anterior teeth, the pink porcelain is often
the treatment of choice because the soft tissue drape is usually unable to be ideal, even with bone and tissue
low lip position should be assessed during speech. In pronunciation of the S sound, or sibilants, some patients
may expose the entire anterior mandibular teeth and gingival contour.
FIGURE 16-29 The mandibular anterior teeth often are displayed during speech,
especially in older men.
Patients are often unaware of the preexisting lower lip position during speech and blame the final
restoration for the display of the mandibular gingiva or complain that the teeth look too long. Therefore, it is
recommended to make the patient aware of the active existing lip lines in both the maxilla and mandible before
treatment and emphasize that these lip positions will be similar after treatment. A FP-3 mandibular restoration
may be indicated to restore the patient with a low mandibular lip position. Rarely is the FP-3 restoration
required distal to the mandibular canine position (Figure 16-30).
Existing Occlusion
Maximal intercuspation is defined as the complete intercuspation of the opposing teeth independent of condylar
position, sometimes described as the best fit of teeth regardless of the condylar position. Centric occlusion is
defined as the occlusion of opposing teeth when the mandible is in CR. This may or may not coincide with the
tooth position of MI. Its relationship to CR—a neuromuscular position independent of tooth contact with the
condyles in an anterior, superior position—is noteworthy to the restoring dentist. The potential need for
occlusal adjustments to eliminate deflective tooth contacts as the mandible closes in CR and the evaluation of
their potential noxious effects on the existing dentition and the planned restoration is important to evaluate.
Correction of the deflective contacts before treatment presents many advantages and may follow a variety of
approaches depending on the severity of the incorrect tooth position: selective odontoplasty (a subtractive
technique), restoration with a crown (with or without endodontic therapy), or extraction of the offending tooth.
The existing occlusion is best evaluated with facebow-mounted diagnostic casts and open-mouth bite
registration in CR.
Controversy exists as to the necessity to have MI harmonious with CR (CR occlusion). A vast majority of
patients around the world do not have such a relationship, yet they do not exhibit clinical pathology or
accelerated tooth loss. Therefore, it is difficult to state that these two positions must be similar. What is
important is to evaluate the existing occlusion and the mandibular excursions to consciously decide whether
the existing situation should be modified or be maintained. In other words, dentists should determine whether
they are going to ignore or control the occlusion of the patient (Figure 16-31).
one arch does not have a defined term in prosthetics; therefore, the author proposed the term crown height
space. The CHS for implant dentistry is measured from the crest of the bone to the plane of occlusion in the
posterior region and the incisal edge of the arch in question in the anterior region (see Figure 16-16). The ideal
CHS for a FP-1 fixed implant prosthesis should range between 8 and 12 mm. This space accounts for the
“biological width,” abutment height for cement retention or prosthesis screw fixation, occlusal material
strength, esthetics, and hygiene considerations around the abutment crowns (Figure 16-32). Removable
prostheses often require more than 12 mm of CHS for denture teeth and acrylic resin base strength,
attachments, bars, and oral hygiene considerations.
FIGURE 16-32 The crown height space is measured from the occlusal plane to the level
of the bone. CT, Connective tissue attachment; JE, junctional epithelial attachment.
component failure may occur from overload and result in prosthesis failure and bone loss around the failed
implants. Crestal bone loss may also be related to excessive forces and often occurs before implant body
fracture. The biomechanics of CHS are related to lever mechanics. The issues of cantilevers and implants were
demonstrated in the edentulous mandible where the length of the posterior cantilever directly related to
complications or failure of the prosthesis. Rather than being a posterior cantilever, the CHS is a vertical
may have three different directions of applied load (occlusal–gingival, buccolingual, and mesiodistal). These
force directions result with six different rotational forces applied to the implant (moment forces). When the
crown height is increased from 10 to 20 mm, two of six of these moments are increased 200%. As a
consequence, when the available bone height is decreased, the CHS is increased, and the resultant forces on the
shorter implants are increased.
FIGURE 16-33 The crown height is not a multiplier of force when the load is in the long
axis of the implant. However, any angled force or cantilever increases the force, and the
crown height magnifies the effect.
An angled load to a crown also magnifies the force to the implant. A 12-degree force to the implant increases
the force by 20%. This increase in force is further magnified by the crown height. For example, a 12-degree
angle with a 100-N force will result in a force of 315 N-mm on a crown height of 15 mm. Maxillary anterior
teeth are usually at an angle of 12 degrees or more to the occlusal planes. Therefore, even implants placed in an
ideal position in the premaxilla are usually loaded at an angle to the occlusal load. In addition, maxillary
anterior crowns are often longer than any other teeth in the arch, and the effects of an increased crown height
cause greater risk. The angled force to the implant may also occur during protrusive or lateral excursions
because the incisal guide angle usually is greater than 20 degrees. Anterior implant crowns will therefore be
loaded at a considerable angle during excursions compared with the long axis of the implant. As a result, an
increase in the force to maxillary anterior implants should be compensated for in the treatment plan.
Most forces applied to the osseointegrated implant body are concentrated in the crestal 7 to 9 mm bone
regardless of implant design and for most bone densities. Therefore, unlike a natural tooth root, implant body
height is not an effective method to counter the effect of crown height. Moderate bone loss before implant
placement may result in a crown height–bone height ratio greater than 15 mm, with greater lateral forces
applied to the crestal bone than in abundant bone (in which the crown height is less). A linear relationship
exists between the applied load and internal stresses. Therefore, the greater the load applied, the greater the
tensile and compressive stresses transmitted at the bone interface and to the prosthetic components.
The greater the CHS, the greater number of implants usually required for the prosthesis, especially in the
presence of other force factors. This is a complete paradigm shift to the concepts advocated originally with
many implants in greater available bone and small crown heights and fewer implants with greater crown
heights in atrophied bone (Figure 16-34). Because an increase in the biomechanical forces is in direct
relationship to the increase in CHS, the treatment plan of the implant restoration should consider stress-
reducing options whenever the CHS is increased (Box 16-3).
FIGURE 16-34 The greater the crown height space (CHS), the more implants are required
to restore the patient (right side). The less the CHS (left side), the fewer the implants to
restore the patient.
Box 16-3
Bone augmentation may be preferred to prosthetic replacement. Surgical augmentation of the residual ridge
height will reduce the CHS, improve implant biomechanics, and often permit the placement of wider-body
implants with the associated benefit of increased surface area. Although prosthetics is the most commonly used
option to address excess CHS, it should be the last option used. Gingiva-colored prosthetic materials (pink
porcelain or acrylic resin) on fixed restorations or changing the prosthetic design to a removable restoration
should often be considered when restoring excessive CHS with the prosthesis.
In the maxilla, a vertical loss of bone results with a more palatal ridge position. As a result, implants are
often inserted more palatally than the natural tooth position. A RP-4 removable restoration (removable but
completely implant supported, retained, and stabilized) has several advantages under these clinical
circumstances. The removable prosthesis does not require embrasures for hygiene and may be removed during
sleep to decrease the effects of an increase in CHS on nocturnal parafunction. It may also improve the deficient
lip facial support. The overdenture may have sufficient bulk of acrylic resin to permit denture tooth placement
without infringement of the substructure and to decrease the risk of prosthesis fracture. The RP-4 restoration
may also improve oral hygiene of the implant interface because it may be removed before daily hygiene
procedures. However, it has identical requirements for the implant support system (e.g., implant position,
number, and size) as a fixed prosthesis because it is rigid during function (hidden cantilever situation).
In the case of removable prostheses with mobility and soft tissue support (a RP-5 prosthesis), two prosthetic
levers of height should be considered. The first is the height of the attachment system to the crest of the bone.
The greater the height distance, the greater the forces applied to the bar, screws, and implants. The second CHS
to consider is the distance from the attachment to the occlusal plane. This distance represents the increase in
prosthetic forces applied to the attachment. Therefore, in a CHS of 15 mm, an O-ring may be 7 mm from the
crest of bone, resulting in a lever action of 7 mm applied to the implants. The distance from the rotation point
of the O-ring to the occlusal plane may be an additional 8 mm or more. Under these conditions, a greater lever
action is applied from the prosthesis occlusal plane to the attachment system. This results in increased
instability of the restoration under lateral forces.
Crown height space greater than 15 mm means a large amount of metal must be used in the substructure of
a traditional fixed restoration to keep porcelain to its ideal 2-mm thickness (Figure 16-35). Control of surface
porosities of metal substructures after casting becomes increasingly difficult because their different metal
components cool at different rates. If not controlled properly, both of these factors increase the risk of
porcelain fracture after loading. Noble metals are often used to control alloy's heat expansion or corrosion in
these large castings, and the cost of such implant restorations is dramatically increased. For excessive CHS,
considerable weight of the prosthesis (approaching 3 oz of alloy) may affect maxillary trial placement
appointments because the restoration does not remain in place during the try-in appointment without the use
of adhesive. Proposed methods to produce hollow frames to alleviate these problems include using special
custom trays to achieve a passive fit, which can double or triple the labor costs. An alternative method to
fabricate fixed prostheses in situations of CHS 15 mm or greater is the fixed complete denture or hybrid
prosthesis, which has a smaller metal framework, denture teeth, and acrylic resin to join these elements
together (Figure 16-36). This type of fixed prosthesis is often indicated for implant restorations with a large
FIGURE 16-35 A large crown height space with a traditional porcelain–metal prosthesis
requires a large amount of metal in the substructure with increased risk of
complications such as porosities and fracture during cooling.
FIGURE 16-36 A hybrid prosthesis (maxillary arch) uses a cast metal substructure
(smaller in size than porcelain to metal), acrylic, and denture teeth to restore the patient.
On occasion, undercontoured interproximal areas are designed by the laboratory in restorations of large
CHS to assist oral hygiene and have been referred to as high-water restorations. This is an excellent method in
the mandible; however, it results in food entrapment, affects air flow patterns, and may contribute to speech
problems in the anterior maxilla.
Because crown height is a considerable force magnifier, the greater the crown height, the shorter the
prosthetic cantilever should extend from the implant support system. In crown heights of more than 15 mm, no
cantilever should be considered unless all other force factors are minimal and bone is of good quality (more
often in the mandible opposing a maxillary denture in an elderly female). The occlusal contact intensity should
be reduced on any offset load from the implant support system. Occlusal contacts in CR occlusion may even be
eliminated on the most posterior aspect of a cantilever. In this way, a parafunction load may be reduced
because the most cantilevered portion of the prosthesis is only loaded during functional activity while eating
restorations, the flexure of the reduced diameter material may cause porcelain fracture, screw loosening, or
uncemented restorations. Therefore, in the situation of reduced CHS, material failures are more common (Box
Box 16-4
Skeletal discrepancies (e.g., deep bite), reduced OVD from attrition or abrasion, minimal bone atrophy after
tooth loss, and supraeruption of unopposed teeth may all result in less than ideal space for prosthetic
replacement of the dentition. Traditional prosthetic and restorative procedures are indicated to restore the
proper OVD and plane of occlusion. However, on occasion, even when the opposing arch and OVD is
corrected, the CHS may still be less than ideal (<8 mm).
When the reduced OVD is in partially edentulous patients, the OVD may be restored by orthodontics,
which is the preferred method. TAD may be necessary to extrude the teeth. This correction may also require a
surgical orthognathic surgery, such as a LeFort I osteotomy and superior repositioning. However, use of
prosthetics is a common approach and may involve an entire arch.
When the opposing teeth are in the correct OVD and centric occlusion position and the CHS is insufficient,
additional space may be gained surgically with osteoplasty and soft tissue reduction of one arch, provided
adequate bone height remains after the procedure for predictable implant placement and prosthetic support
(Figure 16-37). If a removable implant-supported prosthesis is planned, an aggressive alveoloplasty should
often be performed after tooth extraction to provide adequate prosthetic space.
FIGURE 16-37 A, A reduced crown height space (CHS) results in short abutments, less
cement retention, and increase of flexibility of the metal in the prosthesis. B, An
osteoplasty increases the CHS before implant insertion. C, The implants may be
positioned with an increase in CHS and fewer prosthetic complications.
Additional prosthetic space can also be obtained in many completely edentulous situations by soft tissue
reduction, especially in the maxilla. Soft tissue reduction should be performed in conjunction with second-
stage surgery if the implants heal in a submerged location. This allows the thicker tissue to protect the implants
from uncontrolled loading by a soft tissue–supported prosthesis during healing. If the implants heal
permucosally (one-stage surgery), the soft tissue reduction procedures should be done during implant
placement. Soft tissue reduction procedures may include gingivectomy, removal of connective tissue, or apical
repositioning of flaps. Efforts should be made to maintain adequate keratinized tissue around the implants.
Soft tissue reduction also has the benefit of decreased probing depths around the implants. However, the
definition of CHS is from the bone to the occlusal plane; therefore, although the prosthetic space is improved,
the CHS remains similar when only soft tissue reduction is performed.
When the CHS is less than ideal, the following prosthetic parameters should be identified : 53
1. Available space
2. Abutment taper
3. Surface area of abutment
4. Cement type
5. Surface finish
6. Occlusal topography and material
7. Load on final restoration
8. Fit of restoration to abutment
9. Retention of prosthesis
10. Implant manufacturer
11. Implant platform to occlusal plane dimension
The consequences of insufficient CHS include a decrease in abutment height (which may lead to inadequate
retention of the restoration), inadequate bulk of restorative material for strength or esthetics, and poor hygiene
conditions compromising long-term maintenance. In addition, the final restoration flexes inversely to the cube
of the thickness of material. A fixed prosthesis half as thick will flex eight times as much and will further result
in loss of cement retention, loosening or fracture of fixation screws, or porcelain fracture. Inadequate thickness
of occlusal porcelain or acrylic or unsupported occlusal material caused by inadequate metal substructure
design may also result in complications such as component fracture.
Minimum restorative requirements vary in function of the implant system. The minimum restoration space
may be determined by limiting the occlusal material to 1 mm (metal occlusals) and reducing the abutment
height to the top of the retaining screw. The smallest minimum restoration spaces correspond to 4.21 mm for 3I
Osseotite, 4.35 mm for Replace Select (Nobel BioCare), 4.5 mm for BioHorizons, and 4.56 mm for Frialit 2
systems. The greatest restoration space requirements are found in Astra (6.6-mm), Lifecore (6.84-mm), and
Straumann (7.0-mm) systems. 61
When fabricating a cemented restoration, the restoration technique (indirect vs. direct) may be influenced by
the CHS. Because additional abutment height for retention may be gained by a subgingival margin, the indirect
technique (making an implant body level impression) may have an advantage over a direct intraoral
impression. An implant body level impression and implant analog used to fabricate the prosthesis permits the
subgingivally restoration to be placed more than 1 mm subgingival with greater accuracy because a
subgingival margin and impression technique is more difficult when the margin extends more than 1 mm
below the tissue. The indirect technique is also used for custom abutments, which can be designed with
increased diameter to increase the overall surface area for retention. A custom abutment may also be fabricated
to decrease the total occlusal convergence angle to increase retention for cemented prostheses. Therefore, the
indirect laboratory analog technique represents benefit in a reduced CHS situation, especially when the soft
tissue is several millimeters thick.
The retention and resistance difference between a 3-mm-high and a 5-mm-high implant abutment may be as
great as 40% for a 4.5-mm-diameter abutment. Less than 3 mm of abutment height indicates a screw-retained
crown, 3 to 4 mm requires a screw-retained or resin-cemented restoration, and greater than 4 mm of abutment
height allows the operator's preference, although the ideal abutment height is 6 mm for ideal CHS and greater
for larger CHS situations. Splinting implants together, regardless of whether they are screw retained or cement
retained, can also increase retention.
Conditions such as cement hardness, surface condition of the abutment, and occlusal material (porcelain vs.
metal) are also to be considered in limited CHS situations. The occlusal material is important to consider in
reduced CHS for two primary reasons. When metal is used as the occluding surface, it is possible to provide
greater retention for the prosthesis as a result of an increase in abutment height. The abutment height may be
greater because the occlusal space required above the abutment is only 1 mm, but porcelain requires 2 mm of
occlusal space and acrylic resin requires 3 mm or more. Another factor is the strength of the material. Metal
occlusal surfaces provide the greatest resistance to fracture and should be considered when there is limited
CHS. When a screw is used to retain the crown, the strength of occlusal porcelain is reduced by as much as 40%
because an access hole penetrates the surface. Therefore, cemented restorations are a benefit unless the
abutment is less than 4 mm high and the prosthesis screw is required to retain the restoration. Acrylic resin
requires the most dimension for strength and is much more likely to fracture when the CHS is limited. This is
one reason why acrylic resin overdentures require more CHS than a porcelain–metal fixed prosthesis.
Too little CHS can be further complicated when the surgeon places the implant above the bone. The surgeon
may also magnify the prosthetic problem of limited CHS by placing the implant at an angle to the ideal
position. Angled abutments lose surface area of retention from the abutment screw hole and further
compromise the limited space conditions. In addition, a 30-degree taper on an abutment to correct parallelism
loses more than 30% of the abutment surface area and dramatically decreases the retention for the abutment.
Overdentures also exhibit greater complications in situations of reduced CHS. Removable prostheses have
space requirements for elements such as a connecting bar, type, and position of attachments and restorative
material (metal vs. resin). According to English, the minimum CHS for individual attachments is 10 mm of
CHS for Locator-type attachments and between 12 and 15 mm for a bar and O-rings. The ideal CHS for
removable prostheses is greater than 14 mm, and the minimum height is 10.5 mm. The lowest possible profile
attachment should be used in situations of reduced CHS to fit within the contours of the restoration, provide
greater bulk of acrylic resin to decrease fracture, and allow proper denture tooth position without the need to
weaken the retention and strength of the resin base.63
Overdenture bars may be screw retained or cement retained. The most common method of retention for a
fixed prosthesis is cement retention. The most common method of bar retention by almost the same percentage
for overdentures is screw retention. Yet the advantages of cement retention for a fixed prosthesis also apply to
an overdenture bar. Therefore, in minimum CHS situations, the screw-retained bar has a clear advantage, but
in ideal to excessive CHS situations, the cemented bar should be considered. A combination of screw retention
on some abutments and cement retention on others offers an advantage for many RP-4 prostheses.
Temporomandibular Joint
The TMJ may exhibit signs and symptoms of dysfunction. Symptoms include pain and muscular tenderness
experienced by the patient. Noises or clicking in the joint during opening, deviation of the mandible during
jaw opening, and limited jaw movements are signs of potential dysfunction observed during the patient
examination. Patient complaints or signs gathered during the initial evaluation should be carefully evaluated
before further reconstructive treatment. 46
Palpation of the temporalis, masseter, and internal and external pterygoid muscles is part of the TMJ
examination. The muscles should not be tender during this process. Parafunction may contribute to TMJ
disorders and is a direct source of muscle tenderness. Under these conditions, the muscles are usually
hypertrophied as a result of the excess occlusal forces. The masseter and temporalis muscles are easily
palpated. The lateral pterygoid muscle is often overused in this patient profile yet is difficult to palpate. The
ipsilateral medial pterygoid muscles can be as diagnostic and are easier to evaluate in the hamular notch
region. They act as the antagonist to the lateral pterygoid muscle in hyperfunction and, when tender, it is a
good indicator of overuse of either muscle. 46
Deviation to one side during opening indicates muscle imbalance on the same side as the deviation and
possible degenerative joint disease. The patient should also be able to perform unrestricted mandibular
excursions. Maximal opening is noted during this examination and is normally greater than 40 mm from the
maxillary incisal edge to the mandibular incisal edge in an Angle's skeletal class I patient. If any horizontal
overjet or vertical overbite exists, it is subtracted from the 40-mm minimum opening measurement. The range
of opening without regard to overlap or overbite ranges from 38 to 65 mm in men and 36 to 60 mm in women,
from one incisal edge to the other.
The practitioner is encouraged to carefully evaluate the TMJ status. It is beyond the scope of this text to
address the methods of treatment of TMJ dysfunction. However, many patients with soft tissue–borne
prostheses and TMJ dysfunction benefit from the stability and exacting occlusal aspects that implant therapy
provides. As such, these patients may benefit from implant support to improve their condition. However, a
transitional prosthesis is often a benefit to evaluate the TMJ function and symptoms before the fabrication of
the final restoration.
Existing Prostheses
When present, existing prostheses are evaluated for proper design and function. A removable partial soft
tissue–supported restoration opposing the proposed implant-supported prosthesis is of particular interest. The
occlusal forces vary widely as the underlying bone remodels. The patient may not even wear the opposing
removable partial denture in the future, which will dramatically modify the occlusal conditions. Therefore,
continued maintenance and follow-up evaluations are indicated, including relines and occlusal evaluation.
The patient should be asked whether esthetic desires are met with the current restorations. It is not unusual
that the prosthesis is completely acceptable yet the patient wishes a different shade or contour for the teeth. If
unacceptable to the patient, the reasons for dissatisfaction are noted. In addition, the existing restorations are
evaluated throughout the mouth for clinical harmony. It is better to leave a poor esthetic restoration that is in
occlusal harmony than to provide one that is esthetic but improper in position because the latter may influence
all future restorations. Pontic regions of existing prostheses may often be improved with the addition of
connective tissue grafts.
An acceptable preexisting maxillary removable prosthesis, which will be replaced with a fixed implant
prosthesis, may be used as a template for implant reconstruction when fabricating an implant-supported fixed
or removable implant prosthesis. The thickness of the labial flange of the existing denture is evaluated and is
often removed to evaluate the difference in lip position and support. If implants may be correctly inserted yet
additional lip support is needed after the labial flange is eliminated, an HA, connective tissue, or acellular
dermal onlay graft is usually indicated. This graft is not intended for implant support or placement but to
enhance the support of the labial alveolar mucosa to improve maxillary lip support.
Arch Form
Two different arch forms are to be considered for implant prostheses. The first arch form is of the residual
edentulous bone and determines the A-P distance for implant support. The second arch form is of the
replacement teeth position. The edentulous arch form and the dentate arch form in the horizontal plane are
described as ovoid, tapering, or square. In the edentulous arch form, the ovoid arch form is the most common
followed by the square and then the tapered form. The square arch form may result from the residual
formation of the basal skeletal bone. However, the presence of a square arch form is more common in maxillary
implant patients as a result of labial bone resorption of the premaxilla region when anterior teeth are lost
earlier than the canine. The tapering arch form is often found in skeletal class II patients as a result of
parafunctional habits during growth and development. It is not uncommon to find different arch forms in the
upper and the lower arches.
The dentate and edentulous arch form are not necessarily related, and the worst situation in the maxilla
corresponds to a square residual arch form that supports a tapered dental restoration. The prosthesis cantilever
off the anterior available bone is greatest in this combination (Figure 16-38).
FIGURE 16-38 The dental arch form may be different than the arch form of the residual
arch. A tapered dentate arch form on a square residual bone form is the worst
combination because the anterior teeth are cantilevered from the implant abutments.
The most ideal biomechanical arch form depends on the restorative situation. The tapering residual ridge
arch form is favorable for anterior implants supporting posterior cantilevers. The square dental arch form is
preferred when canine and posterior implants are used to support anterior teeth in either arch. The ovoid arch
form has qualities of both tapered and square arches.
The arch form is a critical element when anterior implants are splinted together and support a posterior
cantilever restoration. For these conditions, a square arch form provides a poorer prognosis than a tapered arch
form. The A-P distance or A-P spread is the distance from the center of the most anterior implant to a line
joining the distal aspect of the two most distal implants. It provides an indication as to the amount of
cantilever that can be reasonably planned. When five anterior implants in the mandible are used for prosthesis
support, the cantilevered posterior section of the restoration should not exceed two times the A-P spread when
all patient force and stress factors are low and bone density is favorable. The actual length of the cantilever
depends not only on implant position but also on other stress factors, including parafunction, crown height,
implant width, and number.
The predominant factors to determine the cantilever length are related to stress, not only the A-P distance. 16,67
For example, the distance between two implants supporting a cantilever (C) forms a class I lever. For implants
10 mm apart and a 10-mm posterior cantilever, the following forces are applied: a 25-lb force on cantilever C
results in a 25-lb force on the most anterior implant from the cantilever (A) and 50 lb for the nearest implant to
the cantilever (B), which acts as a fulcrum. An interimplant distance of 5 mm with the same 10-mm cantilever
and a 25-lb force applied on C results in a 50-lb force on A and a 75-lb force on B. The diminution in the
distance between implants significantly increases the forces to both implants. But in the first example, if a
patient with parafunction bites with a 250-lb force on C, the force on implant A is 250 lb, and the force on
implant B is 500 lb. In other words, parafunction is much more meaningful in terms of force than the
interimplant distance (A-P distance) when designing a cantilever. Therefore, A-P distance is only one stress
factor to evaluate for cantilever length. Parafunction, crown height, masticatory dynamics, arch position,
opposing arch, direction of force, bone density, implant number, implant width, implant design, and A-P
distance are all factors to be considered. When the force factors are low and the area factors (implant number,
width, and design) are high, the cantilever length may be as much as two times the A-P distance in good-
quality bone.
As mentioned previously, anterior endosteal implants often may not be inserted in their ideal location in the
maxilla as a result of labial plate resorption and inadequate bone width at the implant site. This not only
requires implant placement more palatally compared with the original natural teeth, but it may also negate the
lateral and central positions and require the use of the canine regions in more advanced atrophic arches. The
resulting restoration is a fixed, anteriorly cantilevered prosthesis to restore the original arch form. Under these
conditions, greater stresses are placed on the dentate tapered arch forms compared with dentate square arch
forms, all other factors being identical.
The maxillary anterior cantilever to replace teeth in a dentate-tapered arch form requires the support of
additional implants of greater width and number to counteract the increase in lateral load and moment force.
For example, not only are the canine implants necessary, but two more additional anterior implants are also
suggested even if bone grafting is required before their placement. In addition, additional posterior implants in
the first to second molar region splinted to the most anterior implants are highly suggested. Therefore, if a
maxillary tapered arch form requires this treatment approach, at least eight implants (four on each side) and an
increased A-P distance from molar implants splinted to incisor implants is suggested. In addition, second
molar implants should be splinted to the anterior implants to increase the A-P distance. In the maxilla, the
recommended anterior cantilever dimension is less than for the posterior cantilever in the mandible because of
poor bone density and forces directed outside the arch during excursions.
Ridge parallelism to the opposing arch is also evaluated. The edentulous ridge parallel to the occlusal plane
is most favorable for soft tissue support. If the ridges are divergent, the stability of the denture will be greatly
The lateral throat form in a maxillary denture or RP-5 restoration is evaluated. A soft palate slope is
favorable when it has a long, gradual slope from the junction of the hard and soft palate, which allows a
greater extension of the posterior palatal seal and enhances retention. On the other hand, a soft palate that
drops abruptly may lead to soreness, loss of valve seal, and gagging. 69
Soft tissue support elements are of great diagnostic value in the evaluation of the maxillary fully edentulous
patient who may consider an implant-supported overdenture. A greater number of unfavorable anatomical
structures may direct the treatment plan toward a RP-4 prosthesis with greater implant support and no soft
tissue support to address all the anatomic needs of the patient. 70,71
It should be emphasized to the patient that a partial or total soft tissue–borne prosthesis will not stabilize
bone loss. As a result, all soft tissue–borne devices should be considered transitional dentures. They all require
repeated relines, rebasing, and refabrication to replace the missing bone. A totally implant-supported
restoration (fixed or removable) does not require soft tissue support and may be considered a definitive
Many soft tissue–supported restorations are fabricated because the patient cannot afford a totally implant-
supported restoration, especially in a completely edentulous patient. However, the doctor often forgets that if a
patient cannot afford the ideal treatment today, it does not mean the patient cannot afford any further
treatment later. For example, if a patient needs four first molars replaced but cannot afford all restorations at
this time, the doctor most often can still replace one of the molars. Then a few years later, the next tooth may be
replaced. Eventually, the four molar sites are treated and the arch form and occlusion restored. In similar
fashion, a patient who can afford only two implants to retain a mandibular denture could possibly afford
further treatment later. Therefore, a lifetime strategy for health should be established, which may include the
addition of more implants in the future to reduce and eventually halt the continued bone loss and
consequences on esthetics and function.
Treatment Prostheses
Fixed Restorations
Pretreatment prostheses in restorative dentistry are often indicated to obtain a diagnosis, improve soft tissue
health before fabricating soft tissue–borne restorations, reestablish or evaluate the OVD, evaluate esthetic
considerations, or treat TMJ dysfunction (Figure 16-39). Restoration of implant patients may also require
treatment prostheses for similar reasons. In addition, the pretreatment prosthesis may be used to select a
prosthetic option, to progressively load bone to improve its strength, and as a transitional restoration to protect
a healing bone graft or implant. Immediate restoration after insertion of an implant system often uses a
transitional prosthesis out of occlusion in a partial edentulous situation. In a completely edentulous patient, the
transitional immediate load restoration has no cantilevers in nonesthetic areas. Treatment prostheses may also
help evaluate the psychologic attitude of a patient before irreversible implant procedures are begun (Box 16-5).
FIGURE 16-39 A, The patient has a collapsed occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) and a
poor occlusal plane. When the final result is not clear to the restoring dentist, a
treatment prosthesis is often a benefit to assess and reestablish prosthetic parameters. B,
An acrylic removable partial denture in place is used as a treatment prosthesis to
reestablish the proper OVD, jaw position, plane of occlusion, temporomandibular joint
status, speech, and potential prosthetic result.
Box 16-5
Diagnosis in medicine is the first step to establishing a treatment for a disease or disorder. Likewise, to
establish a treatment plan for a partially or completely edentulous patient, a proper diagnosis should be
established. A treatment prosthesis may be required to help in this process. For example, questionable teeth
may require initial restoration to assess their prognosis related to whether or not the extraction of the tooth and
implant replacement therapy is required.
A treatment prosthesis may correct the existing occlusal plane; identify extruded teeth; and indicate whether
endodontic therapy, crown lengthening, or extraction is required to complete the final treatment plan.
Remember, after prosthetic crown lengthening is performed, at least 4 mm of tooth structure should be
supracrestal (2 mm for connective tissue and junctional epithelial attachment and 2 mm to create a ferrule effect
with the crown to reduce the risk of root fracture). As a consequence, the crown–root ratio is increased, and the
mobility of the tooth should be evaluated after treatment. Excessive mobility may require additional implants,
splinting teeth, or even extraction and additional implant insertion.
A partially edentulous patient with three or more adjacent teeth missing often wears a fixed-treatment
prosthesis, which also acts as an interim prosthesis. Metal-reinforced transitional prostheses may be used when
three to five pontics are present. These fixed, transitional treatment restorations may be used during bone
grafts or healing of implants to decrease forces on the soft tissues that transmit forces the graft or healing
Progressive Load
A pretreatment prosthesis to improve the quality of bone is most always used in D3 or D4 bone-supporting
implants before the fabrication of the final restoration. Interim (provisional) acrylic restorations that gradually
load bone for progressive loading may be considered pretreatment prostheses. A decrease in crestal bone loss
and decrease in implant failure, especially in soft bone types, are particular advantages with progressively
loaded treatment prostheses. Pretreatment prostheses also assist in the determination of the final form and
function of the final prosthesis, especially for completely edentulous patients, for whom the “pretreatment”
prosthesis may be the first full-arch–fixed restoration they have worn after several years of wearing a complete
Financial Barriers
An additional benefit of pretreatment prostheses is that patient financial management may be facilitated and
compliance issues resolved before more irreversible phases of treatment are rendered. However, it is beneficial
to clearly establish the cost and emphasize the need to progress forward with treatment in an orderly fashion.
Very few pretreatment or transitional restorations may be worn for years without risk of fracture,
uncementation, or compromises in the bone graft or implants.
Removable Prostheses
Treatment prostheses may be used to improve the soft tissues used for support, stability, or retention before
RP-5 overdentures or complete denture restorative procedures. The first evidence of residual ridge destruction
by an ill-fitting denture is often deformed and traumatized overlying soft tissue. The soft tissue bed may
exhibit different degrees of redundant hyperplasia, epulis, hypertrophy, or abrasions. A tissue conditioning
treatment is usually indicated to restore soft tissue health before making the final impression for the soft tissue
bone prosthesis. Additional treatment such as surgical removal of excessive hypermobile tissues is often
warranted before soft tissue conditioning. The soft tissue conditioner may need to be replaced every 2 to 3 days
(although 10 to 14 days is usually sufficient) to return the soft tissue to normal condition. The existing denture
can often be used as the treatment prosthesis. Modification for tissue conditioning or to wear over healing
implants is usual.
It should be noted that soft tissue conditioners are different from soft liners used in soft tissue support areas
of removable prostheses. Tissue conditioners change dimensions during the first 18 to 24 hours. As such, as the
tissues return to a more normal condition, the material changes dimension to allow and encourage these
changes. However, the modifiers required for this reaction leach out of the material, halt the process within a
day, and result in a stiff material. Soft liners, on the other hand, stay soft longer than tissue conditioners,
especially when coated with a sealer. However, the material does not change dimension during the first day
and therefore will not accommodate a changing tissue condition.
Most often, tissue conditioners are used to improve abused tissues before a final soft tissue impression for a
removable prosthesis. In addition, these materials are used after implant surgery in regions under a removable
prosthesis while the implant–bone interface heals. The tissue conditioner may respond to the swelling and
tissue changes immediately after soft tissue reflection. In addition, it is relieved over the implant site. At the
suture removal appointment, the tissue conditioner is removed and replaced with a sealed soft liner. This
material stays soft during extended periods and is less likely to load the implant through the soft tissue.
in a completely edentulous patient, as a result of continued bone loss and prosthesis occlusal wear. TMJ and
myofacial dysfunction may be the further consequence of this condition. A treatment prosthesis to reestablish
the proper OVD or assess a symptomatic joint helps determine the patient's specific needs regarding the
As the OVD decreases, the mandibular jaw rotates forward and closes in a more prognathic pseudo skeletal
class III relationship. To place the implants in the correct angulation, the OVD should be reestablished before
implant surgery so the correct position of the teeth relative to the arch is established.
A pretreatment prosthesis for a completely edentulous patient before the delivery of a fixed- or removable-
implant prosthesis is most often a complete denture. It is fabricated with acrylic teeth to facilitate recontouring
and the addition of cold-cured acrylic for repairs or to change the OVD or lip support.
In the case of immediate implant loading for a completely edentulous patient, a treatment prosthesis is
delivered at or soon after the implant surgery. The design of the prosthetic superstructure concomitant with
the implant substructure is necessary for immediate loading in implant overdentures. Therefore, a treatment
prosthesis is indicated to establish the proper OVD and tooth position before the placement of the implants and
fabrication of the superstructure bar.
As the OVD increases in the skeletal class III patient, the maxillomandibular relationship evolves toward a
class I relationship. This influences the position or angulation of the implant. In addition, the location of an
overdenture bar may be equally influenced by variations of the OVD. The treatment prosthesis may be used to
establish the prosthetic position of the teeth.
Esthetic Assessment
On occasion, a patient's desire for esthetic improvement may be very demanding or unrealistic. In a completely
edentulous patient, a treatment denture may be used to evaluate if the esthetic concerns can be satisfied before
implant surgery. Tooth shape, surface quality, size and position, tooth color, lip and soft tissue contour, tooth
position, gingival color, soft tissue contour, and papilla support may all be evaluated. If the patient cannot be
satisfied with the pretreatment prosthesis, it is far better to realize this before implant placement. Although
demanding patients may not be satisfied with the pretreatment prosthesis, they can decide to lower
expectations and continue with treatment or be referred to another dentist. If the latter is chosen, it is prudent
to contact the next practitioner and inform him or her that another pretreatment prosthesis is indicated before
implant placement.
A high lip line in the maxilla or low lip line position in the mandible may influence the need for a specific
gingival contour and color in the restoration, yet the maintenance needs of the restoration may compromise the
final esthetic result. A fixed restoration must be designed to allow access for proper hygiene procedures
around the teeth and implants. A pretreatment prosthesis may help determine whether an implant-supported
removable prosthesis rather than a fixed restoration is required to satisfy the patient's esthetic goals and desires
for the restoration yet may be removed to allow proper daily maintenance.
The maxillary vermillion border of this lip is usually altered by the loss of the maxillary anterior teeth. After
bone is also lost, the natural support of the entire lip is often deficient and depends on the labial flange of the
prosthesis. A FPD may require an anterior cantilever away from the soft tissue in a horizontal and vertical
dimension to provide this support. A pretreatment prosthesis can provide the information required to
determine whether a fixed prosthesis will compromise esthetics, support, or hygiene in this region above the
Psychologic Attitude
The finalized treatment plan and patient's physical and mental evaluation should be assessed before implant
surgery. If the restoring dentist is not sure the planned final prosthesis is compatible with the desires of the
patient or the patient's attitude and demand do not seem reasonable, further evaluation is required. A
pretreatment prosthesis provides additional appointments and time for these evaluations. 73,74
Preimplant prosthodontics for partially edentulous patients includes overall evaluation of five intraoral
segments: (1) the maxillary incisal edge, (2) the OVD, (3) the mandibular incisor edge, (4) the maxillary occlusal
plane, and (5) the mandibular occlusal plane. In addition, 10 specific criteria affect a treatment plan: (1) lip
lines, (2) maxillomandibular relationships, (3) existing occlusion, (4) CHS, (5) TMJ status, (6) extraction of
hopeless or guarded-prognosis teeth, (7) existing prosthesis, (8) arch form, and (9) soft tissue evaluation.
Pretreatment prostheses are also used in an implant prosthetic evaluation process (Box 16-6).
Box 16-6
Initial Appointments
Medical and dental history
Dental evaluation and x-ray examinations
Diagnostic casts
Preliminary discussion of treatment alternatives
Decision to proceed with treatment
Initial treatment plan, case presentation, and alternatives
Clinical and laboratory procedures before additional diagnostic records
Extra-office diagnostic orders (e.g., setup, computed tomography scans, tests for medical evaluation,
consultation, and team members)
Diagnostic wax-up of final results on duplicate diagnostic casts
Final treatment plan and alternatives
Medical laboratory tests evaluated
Prescriptions and postoperative instructions
Consent forms and request for treatment forms
Pictures of existing condition
Phase I Dentistry
Presurgical restorative appointment—initial caries removal, extractions, temporary teeth
Periodontal treatment, endodontic therapy, orthodontics
Occlusal vertical dimension
Occlusal plane correction, treatment prosthesis, recontour existing teeth, enameloplasty
Transitional prosthesis (removable or fixed) or diagnostic try-in; tissue conditioning
Impression for surgical guide template (if oral condition altered from initial diagnostic cast)
The prosthodontic evaluation of an implant candidate borrows several conventional criteria from the
evaluation of natural abutments. In addition, many of these situations require a unique approach for implant
prosthodontics and may influence the implant treatment plan. The goal of the implant surgeon is to achieve
predictable, rigid fixation of endosteal implants. The restoring dentist's responsibility is to maintain the
implant–bone interface in an environment that satisfies all the traditional prosthodontic criteria.
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2. Laney WR, Gibilisco JA. Diagnosis and treatment in prosthodontics. Lea & Febiger: Philadelphia;
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