Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer PDF
Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer PDF
Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer PDF
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 13, Issue 1 Ver. X. (Feb. 2014), PP 54-58
Abstract: Full mouth rehabilitation cases require meticulous treatment planning. Such instrument that often is
used to achieve an occlusal equilibrium for full mouth rehabilitation cases is the Broadrick Occlusal Plane
Analyzer. Also known as BOPA, this is instrument has only been adapted to a few articular system which limits
its use. The review paper highlights the parts, the preparation and the use of Broadrick Occlusal Plane
Keywords: BOPA, Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer,Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Occlusal Plane, Articular
I. Introduction
In prosthodontics or rather in fixed prosthodontia, when it has been analyzed that restoration or
reconstruction of most or all of the posterior teeth is needed, the instrument, Broadrick‟s Occlusal Plane
Analyzer is often the easiest and hassle free instrument that is used[1] .BOPA is used to determine and achieve an
occlusal plane that fulfills both the functional, occlusal as well as the aesthetics requirement in cases that
require full mouth rehabilitation[1] .Most of the teeth that are present, are usually attrited or fractured and have
no occlusal or functional equilibrium[1]. The term „plane‟ is used in association with flat surfaces [1]. In case of
the occlusal plane, instead of flat surfaces, it represents the average curvature of the occlusal surfaces. [1]
The term „plane‟ is better explained in the glossary of prosthodontic terms [2] .It defines the occlusal plane as „the
average plane established by the incisal and occlusal surfaces of the teeth‟[2] .The occlusal plane has its own
benefits, both anteriorly and posteriorly. It helps in the mastication,posteriorly and in the anterior region it helps
in the phonetics and aesthetics[2] .Functionally , one of the key factors that governs the occlusal balance is the
inclination of the occlusal plane[2] .Any changes, even the slightest bit in the plane of occlusion will modify both
the physical and functional relationship of the oral musculature, which will result in an alteration in the comfort,
function as well as the aesthetic value[2] . 54 | Page
Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer.
mandibular condyle, which causes posterior disocclusion on mandibular protrusion could prevent the abnormal
muscle activity[3].
3 figure 1
The maxillary cast is mounted by a Facebow transfer and the mandibular cast is mounted in centric relation[5].
An accessory Split-Cast Mounting plate is mounted on the Upper member of the articulator [5]. This split cast
allows rapid cast removal and accurate replacement during the survey[5]. It also provides a visual guide for
adjustment of the articulator to protrusive and lateral interocclusion records[5].
figure 2
2- The thumbscrew is tighten to hold the card index in position [5].
3- If there is an Orbitale indicator mounted on to the articulator, care should taken to remove it in order to
mount the card index[5]. 55 | Page
Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer.
4- Press a plastic record card over the dowels on the right side of the card index [5]. The cards are matte finished
on both sides, thus accepts ink or pencil markings readily[5].
5- A relatively small divergence between arcs of 3-3/4 “ , 4” and 5” radii over the functional occlusal surfaces
on the lower posterior teeth[5]. The radius of sphere in the Curve of Spee is suggested to be at 3.75 inches in
skeletal Class II relationship, whereby a 5 inch radius is more appropriate in a skeletal Class III
relationship[3]. A 4 inch radius is considered normal and most often used in majority of cases especially in
Class I relationships. (Fig. 3)
figure 3
6- Then tapered pin is withdrawn from the split mount cast plate and the upper cast is removed [5]. A lead piece
is inserted on to the compass and it is adjusted to a selected radius[5].
7- The center point of the compass is adjusted to the anterior survey point (A.S.P), which is usually the disto-
incisal of the canines[5]. If it is noticed that the cusp of the canine is attrited or worn our flat, the anterior
survey point may be at the incisal edge[5]. If a point is selected as the most desirable point that „beams‟ the
line and plane of occlusion posteriorly, it is marked on to the canine and not changed [5].( Fig.4)
figure 4
8- As the center of the compass is positioned on the A.S.P, a long arc of 3 inches is applied on to the plastic
record card[5]. The occlusal plane survey center (O.P.S.C) will eventually be located on some point on the
9- A posterior most point (P.S.P) is selected at the distobuccal cusp of the lower last molar[5].(Fig.5)
figure 5
10- In such cases where there is an absence of the lower molar, the upper cast is replaced and a soft modeling
compound is placed over the ridge , closing the articulator until the incisal pin contacts the incisal guide in a
centric relation[5]. The compound is chilled and the excess is carved away, leaving only compound
contacting into the upper fossae, simulating the lower buccal cusp [5]. 56 | Page
Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer.
11- The upper cast is removed and a posterior survey point (P.S.P) is selected on the modeling compound[5] .
12- The center point of the compass is positioned on the P.S.P and an arc is applied to intersect the arc from the
13- Alternate to the molar P.S.P , is a position on the condylar element of the articulator , at its anterior
intersection with the condylar shaft[5].
14- The center point of the compass is positioned on the condylar posterior survey point (C.P.S.P) and an arc to
intersect the arc formed from A.S.P[5].
15- The needle point is then swept over the occlusal surfaces of the lower posterior teeth to see how the arc
conforms to the existing occlusal plane[5]. This occlusal plane survey center ( O.P.S.C) is shifted on the long
arc on the plastic record card, the A.S.P line , until the most acceptable plane of occlusion and line is
16- If there is a need to raise the line and plane of occlusion at the distal end, the center point is moved anterior
to the arc intersection[5]. To lower the line and plane of occlusion, the point is moved posterior of the
17- After repeated trial and retrial, the ideal survey center forming the most acceptable line and plane of
occlusion will be located[5].(Fig.6)
18- The scribing knife is for the placement into the compass for scribing and cutting the plaster, compound or
wax during the occlusal plane correction[5].
figure 6
V. Discussion
There are also a number of instruments which has been proposed over the time for orientation of the
occlusal plane. Back in 1952, JE Scott described an instrument called „the bite plane leveler‟ which consist of
two flat, horizontally curved, parallel bars[2]. The downside of this instrument is that it only be used to check the
parallelism of occlusal plane to the ala-targus line[2]. The use of J-plane‟ with the use of a fox plane to establish
the occlusal plane orientation was suggested by Nikzad s Javid in 1974 [2]. This instrument was meant to be used
instead of a metallic scale[2]. Kazanoglu and John W Ugner in 1992 explained that „Camper‟s plane indicator‟
for the determination of the occlusal plane orientation. It consist of two metal plates connected with a long
aluminium rod[2]. The disadvantage of this instrument is that it is time consuming as the orientation with the
interpupillary line and the right and left Camper‟s plane is done separately[2]. In 1998 Urbano, Santana-Penim
and Maria J Mora suggested another device for determining the inclination of the occlusal plane [2]. It was
described that the device, which is made up of stainless steel , „U‟ shaped with one shorter inner arm designed to
be positioned against the occlusal surface and another longer,outer arm which lies outside the mouth[2].
The usage of this instrument offers great help in terms of esthetics and masticatory functions through
the proper orientation of the occlusal plane[1]. As the radius of sphere in Curve of Spee varies between patients,
Broderick occlusal plane analyzer is often the instrument used [3]. The radius of sphere in the Curve of Spee is
suggested to be at 3.75 inches in a Class II skeletal relationship, whereby a 5 inch radius is more appropriate in a
skeletal Class III relationship, as anything less would create a steep posterior curve causing further posterior
interference[3]. For a more consistent approach, the author suggest the use of the condylar element as the
posterior survey point (P.S.P) in the likehood of a tilted, attrited or mesially drifted molars.( Fig.7) The simple
modification procedures enables the practitioners to use an occlusal plane analyzer as an important diagnostic
tool with a widely used semi-adjustable articulator[1] . 57 | Page
Broadrick Occlusal Plane Analyzer.
figure 7
[1] S.V. Bedia, S.P. Dange and A.N. Khalikar, Determination of the occlusal plane using a custom-made occlusal plane analyzer: A
clinical report, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 98(5), 2007,348-352.
[2] R.Gupta, Occlusal Plane Analyzer: A customized Device for Determining the Occlusal plane, International Journal of
Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, 1(2), 2011,97-100.
[3] S.Manvi, S.Miglani, C.L. Rajeswari, G. Srivatsa and S. Arora, Occlusal Plane Determination using Custom Made Broadrick
Occlusal Plane Analyser: A case control study, International Scholarly Research Network Dentistry, 2012,373870
[4] S.Chaturvedi, A.K. Verma, M.Ali, M.Shah, Full Mouth Rehabilitation using a custom-made broadrick flag: A case report,
International Journal of Case reports and images, 3(5), 2012, 41-44
[5] W.M Corporation, Restorative oral health(U.S.A, Whip-Mix Corporation-West,2008) 58 | Page