Worn Dentition

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Restoration of the extremely worn dentition

Kenneth A. Turner, D.D.S.,* and Donald M. Missirlian, D.D.S.**
University of Iowa, College of Dentistry, Iowa City, Iowa

M ost dentists agree that minimal and gradual

attrition of the occlusal surfaces of teeth is a normal
Dentinogenesis imperfecta, or hereditary opalescent
dentin, is a dominant autosomal trait with a high degree
process during the lifetime of a patient. However, of penetrance and occurs in the general population in a
excessive occlusal attrition can result in pulpal patholo- ratio of l/SO00 persons. This anomaly may or may not
gy, occlusal disharmony, impaired function, and esthetic be associated with the generalized skeletal disease osteo-
disfigurement (Fig. 1). Patients with excessive wear genesis imperfecta. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is charac-
often require extensive restorative treatment. This arti- terized by an amber-colored translucency of the denti-
cle discusses the diagnostic evaluation, treatment plan- tion, and because of a weakened attachment between the
ning, and modes of restorative treatment for patients normal enamel and the affected dentin, the enamel has a
who suffer from extreme occlusal wear. tendency to shear and expose the relatively soft dentin
subject to rapid and extensive attrition.
ETIOLOGY These are the most common congenital anomalies that
Occlusal wear is most often attributed to attrition, contribute to excessive occlusal wear, but there are other
which is defined as the wearing away of one tooth more unusual dysplasias of the enamel and dentin that
surface by another tooth surface.’ However, there are can result in early marked dental attrition.
several etiologic factors that can result in excessive
occlusal wear. Parafunctional occlusal habits
The effect of chronic bruxism and other oral habits
Congenital anomalies such as biting on needles, pipe stems, pencils, and
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary defect of hairpins, if continued over an extended period of time, is
dental enamel that occurs in a ratio of l/14000 persons often attrition of tooth structure (Fig. 3). The habits are
in the general population (Fig. 2). This anomaly has usually associated with emotional stress. Bruxism may
been classified into three basic types: hypoplastic, hypo- be triggered by occlusal interferences. Counseling the
maturation, and hypocalcified.’ All three types result in patient to break these destructive habits, with concurrent
relatively early loss of enamel with concomitant and occlusal splint therapy and occlusal adjustment, is often
more rapid attrition of tooth structure. In the hypoplastic adequate treatment if the condition is diagnosed early.
type, the enamel has only one eighth to one fourth of the Occlusal habits of long-standing duration may result in
normal thickness, while the enamel of the hypomatura- extensive tooth attrition that requires restoration.
tion type has normal thickness but is softer than normal
and tends to fracture from the dentin. Enamel in the Abrasion
hypocalcified type is also of normal thickness but is Abrasion is defined as the wearing away of tooth
extremely friable and frequently lost soon after tooth tissue by external agents. Toothbrush abrasion is a
eruption. common example, but it is usually restricted to the
gingival portion of the facial surfaces rather than the
occlusal surfaces of the teeth. Occlusal abrasion is
Presented at the Academy of, Denture Prosthetics, Coronado, Calif.
usually attributed to diet, the chewing of abrasives such
*Professor ,md Chairman, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics.
**Clinical ,\ssociate Professor, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, as tobacco (Fig. 4), and environmental factors such as
Universitv of the Pacific, School of Dentistry, San Francisco, constant exposure to dust and grit in a farming occupa-
Calif. tion.
Fig. 1. Excessive occlusal attrition Fig. 3. Chronic bruxism with excessive occlusal attri-
tion in a 57-year-old patient.

the mandible forward and exerts undue force on the

anterior teeth. Although loss of posterior support often
results in anterior tooth mobility and/or movement, it is
not unusual to see extensive wear of the clinical crown
but excellent bony support without tooth mobility or
periodontal disease (Fig. 6).6
Excessive occlusal wear may result from any of these
factors. It should be emphasized that most often a
combination of factors are responsible for the wear.


Fig. 2. A 12-year-old child with amelogenesis imper- It is commonly assumed that extensive occlusal wear
fecta. results in decreased occlusal vertical dimension. There is
no definitive evidence to support this concept. However,
the literature is replete with reports that rehabilitation of
Erosion an increased occlusal vertical dimension may cause
The destruction of hard dental tissues by chemical postoperative problems and should be avoided when
action also contributes to extensive tooth wear. Parts of possible. Some symptoms are clenching of teeth; muscle
the incisal edges and lingual or occlusal surfaces that fatigue; soreness of teeth, muscles, and joints; headache;
exhibit a worn cupped-out appearance and do not intrusion of teeth; fractured porcelain; occlusal instabili-
occlude with an opposing tooth are diagnosed as exhib- ty; and continued wear.‘-“’ Therefore, it is critical to
iting erosion (perimyelolysis). Tooth erosion may result verify loss of occlusal vertical dimension prior to restora-
I’rom excessive intake of citrus juices, cola drinks and tion at an increased occlusal vertical dimension.
other beverages that contain carbonic acid, vinegar, and
pickled foods.? Medicaments, such as hydrochloric acid Methods of evaluation
prescribed for achlorhydria, may also eventually cause According to Sicher,!’ gradual tooth wear is compen-
tooth erosion. Patients who continuously regurgitate sated by continuous eruption of the teeth, which main-
stomach contents into the mouth commonly exhibit tains occlusal vertical dimension. However, occlusal
perimyelolysis on the lingual surfaces of the maxillary wear may occur more rapidly than continuous eruption
anterior teeth (Fig. 5).“,’ Chronic vomiting may be depending on the etiology of the wear.” The occlusal
self-induced in patients who suffer from psychosomatic. vertical dimension of a patient who requires rehabilita-
disorders such as anorexia nervosa. tion because of excessive occlusal wear should be careful-
iv evaluated prior to definitive restoration.
Loss of posterior support Posterior support. Loss of posterior support is prob-
Extensive attrition of anterior teeth often occurs when ably the most common cause of decreased occlusal
posterior support has been compromised by loss of teeth, vertical dimension. Posterior collapse that results from a
malposition of teeth, or occlusal interference that drives combination of missing, tipped, rotated, and broken

Fig. 4. Severe abrasion in a 55-year-old patient caused

by chewing tobacco.

Fig. 6. A and B, Excessive attrition of anterior teeth in a

60-year-old patient caused by loss of posterior sup-

Fig. 5. Erosion of lingual enamel of maxillary anterior evaluate occlusal vertical dimensions of the natural
teeth from chronic vomiting in a 23-year-old patient.
dentition by comparing the relative position of the
anterior teeth during formation of the/S/sound. The
down teeth places undue stress on the anterior segment, normal mandibular position during the/S/sound places
which eventually becomes mobile or wears excessively.‘3 the incisal edge of the mandibular incisors about 1 mm
Either can result in loss of occlusal vertical dimension. inferior and lingual to the incisal edge of the maxillary
Both the number and the stability of opposing posterior incisors. Vertical positioning significantly more than 1
centric occlusal contacts should be evaluated for posterior mm apart may indicate lost occlusal vertical dimen-
support. Relatively few stable contacts can maintain sion.
occlusal vertical dimension, whereas occlusal vertical Interocclusal distance. Comparing measurements of
dimension can be lost in the presence of multiple contacts rest vertical dimension and occlusal vertical dimension to
between opposing inclines. determine the loss of occlusal vertical dimension is
History of wear. Gradual occlusal wear over many controversial and not always conclusive. Niswonger”’
years is generally compensated by continuous eruption. studied 200 patients with excessive wear and found 83%
Accelerated breakdown and wear exceeds the rate of to have an interocclusal distance of approximately 3 mm.
eruption and results in decreased occlusal vertical Tallgren17 reported that interocclusal distance remains
dimension, for example, congenital anomalies, excessive relative to occlusal vertical dimension regardless of
oral habits, and acidic erosion. Gradual wear from a changes in occlusal vertical dimension. However,
lifetime habit of bruxism is not as likely to result in patients with excessive wear exhibited an increase in
significant loss of vertical dimension compared with the interocclusal distance that depended on the severity of
rapid loss of enamel observed in congenital defects. the wear. It is important to note that some of the patients
Phonetic evaluation. Both PoundI and Silverman” in Tallgren’s study had also lost posterior support.
have described the reliability of the speaking space as a Methods of measuring interocclusal distance are
method to determine occlusal vertical dimension for diverse, inaccurate, and inconsistant.” Therefore, the
complete denture patients. This method can successfully measurements should be used only as a supplemental


Fig. 9. Contoured provisional restorations fabricated
from diagnostic wax-up are designed to function for
Fig. 7. Extraoral measurement of interocclusal distance several months.
in a dentulous patient.

indications for this treatment approach are not common.

Alternative procedures are often preferable despite the
lack of vertical space for restorative materials between
maxillary and mandibular teeth.
Arbitrary increase of occlusal vertical dimension
should be avoided if a feasible alternative exists. If
deemed absolutely necessary, modification of vertical
dimension should be accomplished through cautious trial
with removable occlusal splints followed by fixed provi-
sional restorations.


After the etiology of excessive wear is determined,
evaluation of diagnostic data that includes occlusal
vertical dimension and consultation with the patient to
Fig. 8. Thin lips and drooping commissures associated
with overclosure. identify the need for restorative dentistry, a comprehen-
sive treatment plan is formulated. Many patients do not
realize the severity of wear and the consequences of
diagnostic aid for evaluating occlusal vertical dimension delayed treatment. The patient can be placed into one of
of the worn dentition (Fig. 7). A patient who demon- three categories as follows relative to occlusal vertical
strates an interocclusal distance of 6 mm is more capable dimension associated with an appropriate treatment
of tolerating a slight increase in occlusal vertical dimen.. plan.
sion than the patient with an interocclusal distance of 2
mm. It should be emphasized that measurements are Category No. 1. Excessive wear with loss of
merely guidelines, and good judgement should prevail. occlusal vertical dimension
Facial appearance. The external appearance of facial A typical patient in category No. 1 is missing a few
tissues and musculature should be carefully reviewed if posterior teeth, has an unstable posterior occlusion,
loss of vertical dimension is suspected. Diminished facial exhibits excessive wear of the anterior teeth, demon-
contour, thin lips with narrow vermillion borders, and strates a closest speaking space of 3 mm, an interocclusal
drooping commissures are associated with overclosure distance of 6 mm, and has some loss of facial contour that
(Fig. 8).‘” However, wrinkling and loss of facial contour includes drooping of the corners of the mouth.
:ire normal aging processes,and the temptation to restore Another patient in this category is 35 years of age, has
a youthful appearance by increasing vertical dimension dentinogenesis imperfecta with excessive occlusal attri-
rn~ustbe resisted. tion, demonstrates a closest speaking space of 5 mm, an
interocclusal distance of 9 mm, and appears to be
Necessity to restore occlusal vertical dimension prognathic in centric occlusion. It may be concluded that
‘There are occasionally situations where restoration ot this patient has probably lost some occlusal vertical
a worn dentition can be accomplished only by increasing dimension concomitant with the occlusal wear. Howev-
occlusal vertical dimension, even though a loss of occlusal er, the only reliable method to confirm the diagnosis and
vertical dimension cannot be diagnosed. Fortunately, determine a physiologic occlusal vertical dimension is

Fig. 11. A and B, Patient with excessive tooth wear and

apparently insufficient interocclusal space for restor-
ative materials but without need for increasing occlusal
vertical dimension.

associated with excessive occlusal vertical dimension.

When the patient is comfortable with the removable
restoration for a reasonable time, the teeth are prepared
and provisional fixed restorations are placed These may
be cast metal but are usually heat-processed acrylic resin
fabricated from a diagnostic wax-up (Fig. 9). They can
be contoured and adjusted readily but will withstand
Fig. 10. Restoration of lost occlusal vertical dimension. occlusal function for several months. This restoration
A, Severe attrition of anterior teeth with complete loss allows a more critical appraisal of patient comfort,
of posterior support. B, Restoration of occlusal vertical function, esthetics, and hygiene for an additional 2 to 3
dimension with fixed provisional restorations. C, Resto- months.
ration of occlusal vertical dimension and occlusal plane. The final restorations mimic the occlusal vertical
(Restorative treatment by Dr. Tobin Boyd.)
dimension, function, and esthetics that have been devel-
oped in the treatment restorations.
with trial restorations. A removable occlusal overlay Cautious use of removable and fixed provisional
splint or a treatment partial denture that restores restorations allows the dentist to proceed with the final
occlusal vertical dimension to estimated optimal position restoration with relative ease and confidence that the
for the patient is usually the first trial restoration. The patient will be happy and healthy with the rehabilitation
patient should be observed periodically for 6 to 8 weeks (Fig. 10).
while appropriate adjustments are made and the patient
is evaluated for comfort and function at that dimension. Category No. 2. Excessive wear without loss of
Caution must be exercised not to make a firm diagnosis occlusal vertical dimension but with space
based solely on patient acceptance of a removable trial available
restoration, because the patient may have removed the Patients in category No. 2 typically have adequate
prosthesis during periods of stress, fatigue, and soreness posterior support, as well as a long history of gradual

Fig. 13. Occlusal reconstruction achieves comfort,

function, and acceptable esthetics without increasing
occlusal vertical dimension.

Fig. 12. A, Preparation of short clinical crowns require

strict parallelism of opposing axial walls. B, Pins often
provide supplemental retention and resistance form.

wear caused by bruxism, moderate oral habits, and/or Fig. 14. Patient exhibits excessive wear of anterior
environment. They demonstrate an interocclusal dis- teeth that occurred gradually over 25 years.
tance of 2 to 3 mm and a closest speaking space of 1 mm.
In these patients continuous eruption has maintained technician in the development of a physiologic occlusion
occlusal vertical dimension, but there is seemingly insuf- that will prevent further destruction (Fig. 13).
ficient interocclusal space for restorative materials unless Periodontal surgery that includes gingivoplasty and
ocrlusal vertical dimension is increased (Fig. 11j. osteoectomy to gain clinical crown length is sometimes
Manipulation of the mandible into centric relation required for retention and esthetics. Because of the
will often reveal a significant anterior slide from centric excellent periodontal support seen in most patients with
relation to the patient’s maximum intercuspation. Equil- wear, 2 to 3 mm of supporting bone can usually be
ibration and/or restoration of the posterior teeth for removed without jeopardizing periodontal support. If
stability in centric relation often in combination with pathologic bone loss has occurred, adequate crown
enamelplasty of opposing teeth can provide sufficient lengthening can usually be accomplished by soft tissue
space for restorative materials.. surgery without further sacrifice of bone.
Tooth preparation to establish retention and resis-
tance form is particularly critical for the patient with Category No. 3. Excessive wear without loss of
short clinical crowns and a history of occlusal attrition. occlusal vertical dimension but with limited
Strict parallelism of opposing axial walls is essential, space
and supplemental pins or grooves may be indicated (Fig. i\n example of a patient in category No. 3 is a 40- to
12j. Programmed occlusion is also essential to successful 50-year-old who has posterior teeth that exhibit minimal
treatment. The use of dynamic recordings of mandibular wear but shows excessive gradual wear of the anterior
movement and a fully adjustable articulator are recom- teeth over a period of approximately 25 years (Fig. 14).
mended for this type of rehabilitation. However, the Centric relation and centric occlusion are coincidental
most critical step is the coordination of knowledge, with a closest speaking space of 1 mm and an interocclu-
understanding, and skill between the dentist and dental sal distance of 2 to 3 mm.

Fig. 15. Orthodontic treatment to create space for Fig. 16. Restorations can close diastemas and still satis-
restorative materials. fy esthetic demands if spaces are equalized and esthetic
illusions are created.

Fig. 17. Restoration of extremely worn dentition with uneven occlusal plane by means
of periodontal surgery and restorative repositioning. A, Undesirable occlusal plane with
existing restorations. B, Extreme wear that results in periapical abscesses.C, Periodontal
surgery to increase clinical crown length. D, Vertical (superior) repositioning of
maxillary anterior preparations opposing restored mandibular incisors. E, Restored
occlusal plane, crown length, and occlusion. F, Pleasing smile.

Restoration of the worn dentition of a patient in requires 6 to 12 months and it is important to equalize
category No. 3 is the most difficult because vertical space the mesiodistal spacing that occurs as the teeth are
must be obtained for restorative materials. This can be repositioned anteriorly (Fig. 15). Patient approval of
accomplished by orthodontic movement, restorative slightly wider anterior teeth in the final restoration
repositioning, surgical repositioning of segments, and should be obtained prior to treatment; however, an
programmed occlusal vertical dimension modification. esthetic illusion can be created to make wide teeth
Orthodontic movement usually involves anterior-pos- appear more narrow (Fig. 16).”
terior repositioning of the teeth combined with limited Restorative repositioning of teeth can often achieve
intrusion, although intrusion is considerably more com- space for dental materials, improve esthetics, and devel-
plex with the adult patient.* Orthodontic treatment op a more favorable plane of occlusion. Continuous
eruption of the worn tooth can be accompanied by
*Casko, ,J.S.. Personal communication, 1983. eruption of the alveolus and associated soft tissues, which

results in an unesthetic, uneven occlusal plane and REFERENCES

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Restoration of the extremely worn dentition presents a mandibular planr anql? to prosthodonttcs. J Prwwttt:t DEN-I
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substantial challenge to the dentist. Careful evaluation of
the etiology, history, and factors relative to occlusal
vertical dimension are essential to appropriate treatment
planning. Various modalities are successful in the treat-
ment of patients with a worn dentition. A team approach
that uses combined interspecialty expertise will assure
the longevity of the restoration for the patient.


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