SGD2 - Pabelico - Angelica Rose - 12mar2023
SGD2 - Pabelico - Angelica Rose - 12mar2023
SGD2 - Pabelico - Angelica Rose - 12mar2023
A 39- year old male came to the clinic having worries because of the sudden changes in
his body. He complained about his hair getting thinner. He is having a “dad bod,” and he
complained with blurring of vision. He started to gain a lot of weight and he claims he was
on a diet.
1. What could be a possible psychiatric impression for the case?
• Middle adulthood is the time of the male and female climacterium, the period in
life characterized by decreased biological and physiological functioning. For
men, the climacterium has no clear demarcation; male hormones stay fairly
constant through the 40s and 50s and then begin to decline. Nevertheless, men
must adapt to a decline biological functioning and overall physical vigor. Some
men experience the so-called “midlife crisis” during this period. The crisis can
be mild or severe, characterized by a sudden drastic change in work or marital
relationships, severe depression, increased use of alcohol or drugs or a shift to
an alternate lifestyle.