Digital System Design Course File 2022-23. - Ranjitha
Digital System Design Course File 2022-23. - Ranjitha
Digital System Design Course File 2022-23. - Ranjitha
Course File
II Tech I Semester
Academic Year: 2022-2023
Ms. G Ranjitha
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
BRECW develops confident and articulative young women into dynamic Engineers
equipped with skills, knowledge, values and an attitude to contribute to the society.
At the end of the program, the women engineers will be able to:
PEO1: Solve complex problems by using their expertise in analyzing and developing
potential models using modern scientific tools.
PEO2: Prioritize their professional development through interpersonal, leadership, and
social skills, catering to the needs of society with ethics and integrity.
PEO3: Exhibit sustained learning adapting to changing professional needs.
PSO1: Able to design, develop and analyse systems in the field of Electronics,
Communications & Networking, Signal & Image processing, VLSI technology and
Embedded systems.
PSO2: Demonstrate expertise in the use of software and hardware required in real-life
Mapping of PEOs and POs-PSOs
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
PEO 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
PEO-2 √ √ √ √ √ √
PEO-3 √ √ √
Number Systems: Number systems, Complements of Numbers, Codes- Weighted and
Non-weighted codes and its Properties, Parity check code and Hamming code.
Boolean Algebra: Basic Theorems and Properties, Switching Functions- Canonical and
Standard Form, Algebraic Simplification, Digital Logic Gates, EX-OR gates, Universal
Gates, Multilevel NAND/NOR realizations
Minimization of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh Map Method - Up to five Variables,
Don’t Care Map Entries, Tabular Method,
Combinational Logic Circuits: Adders, Subtractors, Comparators, Multiplexers,
Demultiplexers, Encoders, Decoders and Code converters, Hazards and Hazard Free
Sequential Circuits Fundamentals: Basic Architectural Distinctions between
Combinational and Sequential circuits, SR Latch, Flip Flops: SR, JK, JK Master Slave, D
and T Type Flip Flops, Excitation Table of all Flip Flops, Timing and Triggering
Consideration, Conversion from one type of Flip-Flop to another.
Registers and Counters: Shift Registers – Left, Right and Bidirectional Shift Registers,
Applications of Shift Registers - Design and Operation of Ring and Twisted Ring Counter,
Operation of Asynchronous and Synchronous Counters
Sequential Machines: Finite State Machines, Synthesis of Synchronous Sequential
Circuits- Serial Binary Adder, Sequence Detector, Parity-bit Generator, Synchronous
Modulo N –Counters. Finite state machine-capabilities and limitations, Mealy and Moore
Realization of Logic Gates Using Diodes & Transistors: AND, OR and NOT Gates
using Diodes and Transistors, DCTL, RTL, DTL, TTL, CML and CMOS Logic Families
and its Comparison, Classification of Integrated circuits, comparison of various logic
families, standard TTL NAND Gate Analysis & characteristics, TTL open collector O/Ps,
Tristate TTL, MOS & CMOS open drain and tristate outputs, CMOS transmission gate, IC
interfacing- TTL driving CMOS & CMOS driving TTL..
1. Switching and Finite Automata Theory - Zvi Kohavi & Niraj K. Jha, 3rd Edition,
Cambridge, 2010.
1. Digital Design- Morris Mano, PHI, 4th Edition,2006
2. Introduction to Switching Theory and Logic Design – Fredriac J. Hill, Gerald R.
Peterson, 3rd Ed, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Fundamentals of Logic Design- Charles H. Roth, Cengage Learning, 5th, Edition,
4. Switching Theory and Logic Design – A Anand Kumar, PHI, 2013
Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women
(Sponsored by Sangam Laxmibai Vidyapeet, approved by AICTE and affiliated to JNTUH)
Vinayanagar, IS Sadan Crossroads, Saidabad, Hyderabad – 500 059, Telangana.
Descriptive Tests 02
Topics beyond the Syllabus 02
Remedial classes 02
Tutorial classes 17
Total Number of Classes 68
To understand common forms of number representation in logic circuits
To learn basic techniques for the design of digital circuits and fundamental
concepts used in the design of digital systems.
To understand the concepts of combinational logic circuits and sequential circuits.
To understand the Realization of Logic Gates Using Diodes & Transistors.
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
CO1: Understand the numerical information in different forms and Boolean Algebra
Tutorial: Asynchronous
55 03 -03-2023 01 55 Practice
Design of Synchronous Modulo Chalk &
56 06 -03-2023 01 56
N – Counters Talk
Beyond Syllabus: Sequence
57 08 -03-2023 01 57 Practice
UNIT-V : Realization of Logic Gates using Diode & Transistor
Tutorial : Introduction to AND, Practice
58 08 -03-2023 OR, NOT gates using diode, 01 58
59 10 -03-2023 IC Classification, standard TTL 01 59 PPT
01 Chalk &
60 13 -03-2023 RTL,DTL.TTL.DCTL,ECL Logic 60
61 CMOS Logic families and 61 Chalk &
15 -03-2023 01 Talk
Tutorial: NAND gate analysis & Practice
62 15 -03-2023 01 62
TTL open collector’s O/PS Chalk &
63 17 -03-2023 01 63
64 20 -03-2023 MOS & CMOS open drain and 01 64 Chalk &
tristate outputs Talk
CMOS transmission gates 01 Chalk &
65 24 -03-2023 65
IC Interfacing 01 Chalk &
66 27 -03-2023 66
67 Descriptive test- II 01 67 Chalk &
29 -03-2023
68 29 -03-2023 Tutorial: Revision 01 68 Practice
Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women
(Sponsored by Sangam Laxmibai Vidyapeet, approved by AICTE and affiliated to JNTUH)
Vinayanagar, IS Sadan Crossroads, Saidabad, Hyderabad – 500 059, Telangana.
60 60 Descriptive Test -
61 60 Remedial class L-1 Practice
Unit – II
Part – A (2 Marks )
1 Compare K Map and Tabular method of minimization L-1 CO 2
2 What is a Decoder L-4 CO 2
3 Write about prime implicants and essential prime L-1 CO 2
4 Draw the block diagram of 2:1 Multiplexers L-3 CO 2
5 Explain about static and dynamic hazards L-3 CO 2
6 What is the necessity of priority encoder L-4 CO 2
7 Define encoder L-3 CO 2
8 Compare encoder, decoder multiplexer and CO 2
9 Differentiate combinational and sequential circuit L-1 CO 2
10 Elaborate the importance of Gray code L-4 CO 2
Part – B (5 Marks )
Implement the following functions on decoder logic. CO 2
Y1= Σ(0,1,3,6,7)
1 Y2=Π(0,2,4,7) L-3
Y3= Π(1,3,6,7
Implement a Boolean function F(A,B,C)= Σ(3,4,5,7)
2 L-4 CO 2
using a 4X1 Mux
3 Design a BCD to Excess-3 code converter L-4 CO 2
Unit – III
Part – A (2 Marks )
1 Define setup and hold times. L-1 CO 3
2 What is meant by Clock Skew L-1 CO 3
3 Explain the term race around condition L-2 CO 3
4 Write characteristic table of SR &JK Flipflop L-2 CO 3
5 What is the procedure to convert SR ff to T ff L-2 CO 3
6 Define Asynchronous Sequential Circuits L-4 CO 3
7 Compare synchronous Sequential & Asynchronous L-2 CO 3
Sequential Circuits
8 Draw the diagram of master slave flipflop L-1 CO 3
9 What is difference between SR &JK Flipflop L-1 CO 3
10 Define latch ,flipflop L-1 CO 3
Part – B (5 Marks )
Explain 3-bit bi-directional shift register with a neat CO 3
1 L-2
Draw a neat circuit diagram of a 3-bit Johnson counter. CO 3
2 L-2
Draw the relevant output waveforms
Design a counter with the following repeated binary CO 3
3 L-4
sequence:1,3,,5,7,1.. using D flip-flops
Design a 3-bit ripple up/down counter. Draw its timing CO 3
4 L-4
What is race around condition? How does it get CO 3
5 L-3
eliminated in a Master – slave JK flip-flop?
Describe 4-bit Universal shift register with a neat CO 3
6 L-2
Obtain the characteristic equations of JK, SR, D and T CO 3
7 flip-flops. Also explain excitation tables of all these flip- L-3
8 Do the following conversions L-3 CO 3
a) RS to JK, T and D
b) JK to RS, T, and D
c) T to JK, RS and D
d) D to JK, RS, and T
Unit – IV
Part – A (2 Marks )
1 Define FSM L-1 CO 4
2 List out the capabilities and limitation of FSM. L-1 CO 4
3 Differentiate between Mealy and Moore machines L-3 CO 4
4 Write about lock out conditions in counter L-1 CO 4
5 Define counter L-2 CO 4
6 Give the classification of counters
Part – B (5 Marks )
Design a sequence generator using JK Flipflop to CO 4
1 L-4
generate the sequence 1101011
2 Design a Synchronous binary UP / DOWN Counter. CO 4
Draw its timing diagrams
Design a sequence detector for finding the sequence of CO 4
3 L-4
1111 when non overlapping is allowed
Design a sequence detector for finding the sequence of CO 4
4 L-4
1111 when overlapping is allowed.
5 esign a counter with the following repeated binary L-4 CO 4
sequence: 0,2,4,6,0,2.... using D flip-flops.
Unit – V
Part – A (2 Marks )
1 Classify various logic families. L-2 CO 5
2 What is figure of merit L-1 CO 5
3 Why TTL logic is preferred over other logics L-2 CO 5
4 Define (i)noise immunity (ii)fanout(iii) transition time (iv) L-1 CO 5
propagation delay (v)fan in
5 Draw AND OR NOT gate using diode and transistor L-1 CO 5
Part – B (5 Marks )
Explain with the aid if circuit diagram, the operation of a CO 5
1 L-3
TTL3 input NAND gate?
Explain the parameters used to characterize logic CO 5
2 L-3
3 Draw the circuit diagram to interface TTL to CMOS? L-2 CO 5
Draw a TTL circuit with open collector output.? CO 5
4 L-2
Draw a TTL circuit with totem pole output and explain its CO 5
5 working? L-2
Verified by: Dr J Madhavan
1. Course Coordinator :
2. Module Coordinator :
3. Department coordination committee Head :
Tutorial Classes
Design a sequence detector for finding the
L-3 CO 4
sequence of 1010(overlapping)