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Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 93-102 https://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/jk/

Augmented reality-based textbook innovation as learning media

for learning from home

Kus Eddy Sartono and Anggri Laisaroh

Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No 1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
email: [email protected]

Abstract: Since the closure of schools due to the pandemic, Learning from Home (BDR)
activities have been constrained by the lack of adequate media. This research and development
aimed to generate the effectiveness, validity, and Augmented Reality’s practicality (AR)-
assisted textbooks to be used during BDR for the elementary school level. The development
procedure started with a literature study, then continued with planning, expert assessment,
preliminary field testing, revisions, and main field testing. The effectiveness of textbooks was
determined through field testing, while the validity was determined through expert judgment
(experts of material, language, and media). The practicality was determined through the
responses of students and teachers. Measurement of the three indicators was carried out in
grade IV SDN Jetis Jogopaten and SDN Pandowoharjo. Based on the measurement results,
AR-assisted textbooks are included in the “feasible” category. This means that textbooks
developed through this research can be used because they meet the eligibility standards
according to the expert, are comprehensively responded to by both teachers and students, and
are effective in increasing the activity and learning achievement of fourth grade elementary
school students. Based on the findings and the evidence above, this study recommends to
the teachers and parents to facilitate children with AR-based textbooks as learning media.
Keywords: augmented reality, learning from home, textbook

How to cite (APA 7th Style): Sartono, K., & Laisaroh, A. (2022). Augmented reality-based textbook innovation
as learning media for learning from home. Jurnal Kependidikan, 6(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.21831/

Covid-19 pandemic pursues the government to shut down schooling activities.
Meanwhile, students have to receive their rights in education services. Unesco. UNESCO
(2020, p. 1), ) stated that more than 190 countries affect Covid-19. Instead of the proceeding
constraints , health care, economics, and education have to be fulfilled. WHO, UNICEF, &
IFRC (2020, pp. 4–6) in the following matters proposed social distancing, using standardized
hygienic sanitation, and even closed the school simultaneously with virus contamination if it
didn’t meet the preceding requirement. Regarding the phenomena, the teaching and learning
process is being conducted online and accommodated through media. In solving the problem,
society adapts with the digital transformation working in education. It is considered the safest
and effective way to not get contacted with the virus without a student’s right dismissal to
receiving a proper education.
The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Education and Culture (2020, p. 2)
issues a circular No. 15 that the Ministry of Education and Culture is to allow each education

Jurnal Kependidikan, 6(1), 93-102

unit to conduct online learning (daring) and offline learning (luring), or use both of them.
But, in the following practice, most of the education units choose to conduct teaching and
learning process online. There are two conditions urging them to have it online. Firstly, not
all of the education units and Covid-19 task force allow conventional learning. Secondly,
The circular at all once articulates the policy Belajar dari Rumah (BDR) or study from
home is the best alternative during the pandemic. It is because this policy aimed to fulfill
the child’s education right, protecting students from the bad effect of Covid-19 and also
the spreading of its, and also give psycho-social supports to the teachers, students, and also
parents (Kemdikbud, 2020, p. 5).
By means of BDR, it can be concluded that the learning today not only could be conducted
through conventional interaction but also through online interaction, neither students-teachers
nor students. All of the interactants then must adapt with the learning pattern which have
never been experienced to. The government must prepare effective and efficient regulation
and the teachers must design an active learning activity which is suitable for online learning.
While parents must be physically and mentally ready to accompany their children during
BDR, and students must suit with the following new learning model.
Instead of the following reason, the starting point of online learning (BDR) is mostly
about the teachers and supporting staff’s readiness to conduct teaching and learning process
supported by profound designated material (Aldhafeeri & Khan, 2016, p. 204). On that
matter, teachers must prepare the learning materials, instead of choosing a compatible
learning method and a suitable evaluation tool. The textbook as the main learning material is
very important because instead it can be used as the students reference , it also can improve
the students’ learning achievement in many ways (Behnke, 2018, p. 385). Even according
to Miftakhuddin, Mustadi, and Zulfiati. (2019, p. 17), most of the misunderstanding was
triggered by the incompatible textbook quality. Practically, the considerably textbook
scaffolded will potentially make the learning process more delightful and meaningful.
It happens because it directly involves student’s cognition through visual information’s
process, analytical thinking, hypothesis submission along with its evaluation, and also
verbal reasoning (Morgan, 2014, p. 73).
In achieving the goals, one text book should be designed systematically and specifically
referring to the particular subject and students’ progress (Muslich, 2010, p. 50). The
arrangement should pivot the dedicated criterion made by curriculum center and Kemdikbud
bookkeeping. More than the previous features mentioned, Syamsi, Sari, and Pujiono (2013,
p. 84) added the importance of the interest attractiveness in textbooks, so the potency stated
by Morgan (2014, p. 73) can be used proportionally. Based on the criteria and the necessity
above, it needed to make an interesting and innovative textbook, student oriented, contextual,
and compatible with the latest trend of technology advances. Those Four conditions can be
fulfilled by augmented reality based textbook development.
AR is the technology that is usually used to convey visual information concretely and
contextually through sight sense simulation, therefore the receiving information felt can be
as real as the reality (Klimova, Bilyatdinova, & Karsakov, 2018, p. 5). Practically, AR roles
as a media to visualizing the abstraction into some tangible thing through three dimension
portrayance (Chen et al., 2019, p. 1). If it can be used for education, AR can concrete one the
abstract concepts, so that can reduce cognitive burden and it can facilitate teachers who want
to create independent learning. That condition happened because AR also facilitates students

Sartono, K. E., & Laisaroh, A.: Augmented reality-based textbook ...

to learn using 3D objects, so they can learn the subject using kinesthetic model learning,
acknowledging the materials from many perspectives, and enhancing students’ understanding
through contextual collective information (Diaz, Hincapié, & Moreno, 2015, p. 206).
AR used through smartphones portraying 2D into 3D pictures can attract students’
attention to learn more. Instead of the previous statement, 3D visualization picture helps
student to comprehend the content served by the teachers, especially for students with low
reading skill (Billinghurst & Dünser, 2012, p. 47; Iftene & Trandabǎt, 2018, p. 165). Instead
of another reason above, this research focuses on text book development as the solution
proposed that refers to Ismail et al. (2018, p. 178), stating that AR education can be an
innovative approach enabling teachers to use either theory or practice at once. Furthermore,
The research of Sirakaya and Çakmak (2017, p. 30) also reveals positive change in students’
academic achievement and behavior. Moreover, according Gün and Atasoy (2017, p. 46)
the using of AR in education can enhance teachers and students’ motivation to conduct
simultaneous teaching and learning process
According to the research problem and the research about AR application activity as a
learning medium. This research aims to produce a product to solve the problem especially
about the deficiency of innovative media learning supporting BDR. The product produced
can optimize BDR in elementary school.

This research was conducted using Research and Development Design. The data
gathered by the following steps: collecting the data for pre-research study, planning the
research, developing the initial form of the product, initializing field testing, revising the
main product, doing main field testing. Those six procedures are the simplifications from
ten phases of research and development proposed by Borg and Gall. The research subject
was students in 4th Grade in SDN Jetisjogopaten and SDN pandowoharjo. Instead of that,
this research also involves researchers and teachers for practicality and validity evaluation.
For the next step of research, data collection obtained through interview, documentation
and observation. Interviews were conducted to the teachers teaching grade IV and also
their students. The documentation was conducted through textbooks and syllabus. As for
observation, it was conducted in the teaching and learning process. The collected information
gathered was used for need analysis, in other words, the data collection in this step was used
to recognize how urgent the product development needed (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2003, p. 570).
This information later will be used for product development planning.
In the planning stage, researchers formulated the goal that they want to achieve. That
goal is to develop AR based Textbooks. The following step, in this planning stage is also
determined the involved subjects of research and on how they participate in the research
(Gall et al, 2014, p. 21)
In the initial product’s format development, they conducted design development,
therefore it resulted in text book design as the archetype to produce textbooks. This stage
begins with analyzing the basic competition, indicator and also the goal of learning. preparing
evaluation tools based on the product development appropriateness is also involved.
The test result above then was referred to make AR based text book product revision.
This refinement is possibly down more than one time. According to the result shown from
the initial test. The revision produces a main model that is ready to test more broadly.

Jurnal Kependidikan, 6(1), 93-102

In the next stage, the revision result then was tested using greater samples (main field test).
This test was conducted by choosing 26 students from elementary school in Pandowoharjo
chosen as samples representing students that have low, medium, and high ability. Next, the
researchers conducted a learning simulation using the product to the students using teachers
helped. In the last stage, a questionnaire was given to the students and teachers. The result
of the questioner data than being analyzed and used as the references to revise the product
therefore it can be effective and operational product (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Development product

The appropriateness of AR based textbooks began with data tabulation received from the
expert evaluation. The quantitative data collected was converted by deciding its range score
along with its qualitative criteria. This decision is useful to ease the expert in determining
the developments of the product appropriateness. The range score establishment and criteria
intended to refer to Table 1. According Table 1, the AR based textbook is stated decent if
the analysis results accordingly with the appropriateness aimed for.

Tabel 1. Product appropriateness criteria

Interval Kriteria
Ri + 1,5 Sdi < Score ≤ Maximum Score Number Very Appropriate
Ri < score ≤ Ri + 1,5 Sdi Appropriate
Ri – 1,5 Sdi < skor ≤ Ri Less Appropriate Layak
Minimum Score Number < skor ≤ Ri – 1,5 Sdi Not Appropriate
Explanation: Ri: Ideal Average = ½ (Maximum Score + Minimum Score.
Sdi: Ideal Deviation standard = 1/6 (Maximum score + Minimum score).
X: Resulted score.

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This product developed based on the previous study, planning, and textbook’s format
development is validated by the expert to rate its validity. There are material, language, and
media expertise. The material expertise rated the textbook in the point of view of content
completeness and appropriateness according to the basic competence (KD), and also according
to the understanding competence towards the material. Whilst, the language expert rated
the textbook according to the language appropriateness according to the students language
development, and also the words appropriateness available in the textbook. While the media
expert assessed the appropriateness of the media visualization, accuracy, the portrayance of
AR effect, and the usage value of the textbook toward students learning.
Media appropriateness (validity). Based on the evaluation done by the Material expert,
AR based textbook is stated appropriate to be used. That thing is based on two aspects that each
of those is stated appropriate. For the Completeness of the content and KD’s appropriateness,
the rate is 24, whilst the evaluation Appropriateness of the concept towards the material’
rate is 17. Even the material expert stated that this textbook is appropriate to be used, but
the material expert proposed some refinement. It means according to the material expert,
the AR based textbook is worth to be used after undergoing the experts revision.
Different with the appropriateness in material content, AR based textbooks are worth
to be viewed from the language used. This conclusion is based on the given score from
the language expert. The score of the language appropriateness is 24 (very appropriate),
while the Glosarium score is 11 (very appropriate). But, as the material expert, instead of
giving a score, the language expert also proposed some recommendations for the textbook
improvement. So, AR based textbooks can be worth using after some improvement given
from the language expert.
Similar to the material expert expertise, the appropriate AR based textbook as the learning
media is rated worthy. As the language and the material expert, the media expert instead of
giving evaluation, he/she also proposed some recommendations for product improvement.
The conclusion about this appropriateness is received based on the evaluation viewed from
an appearance aspect which is given score 33 (appropriate), also the evaluation form the
accuracy usage aspect, AR effect simultaneously got score 11 (appropriate), 10 (appropriate),
and 9 (less appropriate). According to the media expert evaluation, the developed textbook
viewed from AR effect is assumed less appropriate. But, by giving some improvement
for the AR effect aspect, overall the Media experts stated that the developed textbook is
appropriate to be used in the learning process.
According to the Material, language, and media experts, AR based textbooks developed
in this research can be stated appropriate to be used in the learning process. As for the
students and teachers responding after the field test (Figure 2), results have been explained
and interpreted in these paragraphs below.
Media practicality and effectivity. In the initial test towards the students sample (n=6),
16,6% students rated that AR based textbook is very appropriate, meanwhile 83,4% rates
that it is appropriate. It means that during the learning process, the AR based textbook usage
helps the student to comprehend the learning material more than before.
According to Majid, Mohammed, and Sulaiman (2015, p. 111), the students felt to be
assisted as revealed by the evaluation test above because AR is interactive. It can attract
students’ attention through its advantages in visualizing information into 3D objects. That

Jurnal Kependidikan, 6(1), 93-102

Figure 2. Initial field trial test

attraction and the features which finally make the learning situation become comfortable,
interesting, and pleasant. These advantages is also able to tackle elementary school students
difficulties in comprehending all of the abstraction as stated by Retnawati, Kartowagiran,
Hadi, & Hidayati (2011, p. 162)
The result of the analysis in this in experiment stage actually have confirmed the finding
of the experiment conducted by Khan, Johnston, and Ophoff (2019, p. 1), instead improving
students satisfaction in learning, AR usage also affects to the students convenience in
studying. The improvements are always received by using PowerPoint. It happens because
Power doesn’t provide an augmentation feature (Zhang, Yen, Liu, Sung, & Chang, 2020, p.
1). Therefore, The AR usage can overcome Power Point weakness by integrating augmented
effect in the conveyance communicated by the teachers, either audially or visually.
Through this way, students finally can easily connect the real experience with their
preceding knowledge. It means that AR usage in learning is not only able to improve students’
academic skills but also can change student behavior in the real situation to do non-formal
learning activity consistently (Hwang, , Wu, Chen, & Tu, 2016, p. 1).
Different from the students evaluation as have been discussed above, the teachers
evaluation collected through respond’s questioner shows that AR based textbook is in a very
appropriate category viewed from its’ language appropriateness. For the initial trials, the
text book is in very appropriate category measured from language appropriateness scored
15, material appropriateness scored 30, and its usage scored 10
Instead of using response questionnaires, teacher perception picture towards AR usage
in learning, we also can see their enthusiasm during the learning process-observation,
or from their interest about AR initialized with their download activities and AR based
textbook creation (Mundy, Hernandez, & Green, 2019, p. 1). This research uses a response
questionnaire because its initial text goals are not only to reveal practical aspects, but also to
collect suggestions or teachers recommendations . This goal only can be achieved effectively
by using a response questionnaire.
Even though the evaluation result has confirmed all of the research findings above,
the product development stage is continued into a prior revision and evaluation using a lot
of test subjects. As the stages needed along with development products, this stage is also

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meant to strengthen textbook practicality and enlarges the possibility of the research result
to generalize.
According to the AR textbook’s initial test was revised, then it would be tested in a
prior field test in SDN Pandowoharjo. This test has the same goal with the preceding initial
field test. Different from the prior stage, this stage used more samples (n=15). According to
the test result, 66% of students rate the revised textbook as very appropriate. And the rest
of them 34% rates appropriate.
The comparison between initial test result and prior test shows the subjects test ’s
evaluation improvement. It means that the improvement revision of the development product
gives significant effect to the students’ satisfaction, motivation, attention and comfort in
learning process. So, it can be concluded that an AR based textbook is appropriate to be
used regarding its practicality.
According to the main field test, it can be concluded the text book developed is still
categorized appropriate. Only , in the evaluation result, there is an improvement in its score
regarding to the material appropriateness which is scored 31 and the usage aspect which is
scored 12.
The main field test above shows the priority evaluation’s improvement, either
shown by teachers and students. This means that the revision and the improvement of the
textbook conducted works significantly. Instead, according to the recorded comment in the
questionnaire, it is found that the students are very enthusiastic to learn every material. This
interest is caused by 3D visualization enabling the students to get concrete 2D portrayment
in textbooks. According to their acknowledgement, the visualization enables them to
comprehend the given material easily, instead of increasing their motivation to search new
information in textbooks independently.
AR based textbook development is one of the innovations aiming at 4th Grade elementary
school students. After undergoing expert evaluation, revision, and twice trial text, it is
concluded that AR based textbooks are worth using on a large scale. More than that, this
book is ideal to support students in learning during BDR because instead of being interesting,
AR based textbooks can manifest the abstraction into concrete things so it reduces students
‘cognitive burden, and roles as the media to create independent learning.
The preceding statement is relevant to the researchers experience in doing BDR, there
are some barriers that obstruct like: the students difficulty to comprehend the material because
they don’t have an effective learning media, students low motivation to learn, ineffective
interaction between teachers and students, as the result it affects negatively to the students
achievement. Practically, students are unable to achieve academic improvement even after
they have undergone daily-basis learning. this problem is known as learning loss (Di Pietro,
Biagi, Costa, Karpiński, & Mazza, 2020; Kuhfeld et al., 2020, p. 550).
Theoretically, this problem happened because BDR is more like homework, than
home-learning. This case happened in Deveci (2019, p. 57), which proved about teachers'
tendency to misinterpret it as a working home used as an alternative to support students to
get more information that can be received at school. The students given assignments usually
are irrelevant and are not representative with their needs.
The experiment conducted by Deveci (2019, p. 57) affirmed that home-learning is better
than homework, at least it is viewed from the learning material and students’ need in the
following future. The BDR concept that has been mentioned in the preceding sentence has

Jurnal Kependidikan, 6(1), 93-102

duplicated the home-learning concept correctly, a thing that differentiates only the textbook.
That problem initiates more barriers in a teaching and learning process. Relating to the
textbook stagnancy’s previous problem, the conducted research proves that the previous
instructional problems can be tackled by using AR based augmented reality.
The further analysis in the research shows that there are two advantages for the AR based
Textbook. First, because the elementary school students have tendency to get interested with
something new, therefore the using AR based textbook that is rarely used by the students can
enhance students learning motivations as have been described in many research that learning
motivation improvement is in line with learning intensity, enthusiasm, and at the top of the
stages it can improve students capacity to process the information.
Second, the ability of AR based textbooks can decrease the information standard that is
difficult to comprehend by the students. It enables the students to choose which information they
want to process actively, ironically and symbolically. Jerome Bruner has discussed this ability
stage of processing information. According to him, the students individually that have been into
this stage tend to use symbolic ways of thinking. He/she can accept, produce, and interpret one
of the information received only based on one verbal symbolization, and another language signs.
For the student with under average thinking ability, he/she tend to use iconic thinking
ability. There are some students who are in this cognitive stage tend to use icon or picture,
so it is can be assured that some students still to think actively. Students still need real
things or direct experience so he/she can accept, process, and interpret the information.
The augmented information technology in the textbook developing in this research
enables the students to have individual learning according to their cognitive ability. If students
reach the ability to think symbolically, therefore they do not need 3D visualization. It is needed
only to portray new information that the students experience in the real world. Whilst, for
the students that still think iconically and actively, 3D visualization in this textbook helps to
manifest the abstract thing concretely into 3D modeling resembling the real figures.
Thereby as an AR based on textbook, This textbook in this research is able to manifest
the abstraction of the concept into real thing, therefore the object dimension resembles the
real thing (3D). It gives clear vision about one object because it is manifested visually by
triggering the other human sense instead (Klimova et al., 2018, p. 5).
Media novelty. Theoretically, the advantages can be achieved maximally by the samples
(grade 4th elementary school students) because this AR advantage is suitable with the students
cognitive development. This assumption according to Nugroho, Hartono, and Sudiyanto
(2020, p. 15) that stated about student learning needs in elementary school. They stated that
there is insufficient textbook and media that is able to convert the abstraction into concrete
things. They suggest a development program to solve that problem.
As through following their recommendation, the text book in this research fulfills that
instructional needs. In other words, the AR technology used in the textbook relies on the
abstraction conversion into the real concrete thing contextually, while the students cognitive
development is in that concrete operational stage (Babakr, Mohamedamin, & Kakamad,
2019, p. 519).
In this cognitive development, students can easily understand something that they saw
concretely (something touchable & sensible). Vice versa they will have difficulties about
one concept abstractly, more over something that relates to someone’s empathy, emotion,
and psychologic condition (Miftakhuddin, 2018, p. 104).

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Because of that, the learning activity must be conducted contextually, so the students
can connect the learning material learned at school with their experience that they have on
their daily basis activities (Mana, Yusandra, Atmazaki, & Ramadhan, 2020, p. 154). relating
to the ideal learning target. AR based textbooks developed in this research are determined to
manifest abstract conception into something that has dimension. As being elaborated in this
course talking about experience cones proposed by Edgar Dale, that student comprehends
10% of the learning material by doing reading. But, they get more than 30% of the learning
knowledge with visual learning. And even they will get 50% of the learning knowledge if
they experience both (Davis & Summers, 2015, p. 2). Inilah yang oleh Klimova et al. (2018,
p. 5) stated it as the advantage of AR that is able to portray the object comprehensively,
because it stimulates more than one senses.
It is different from the other research that gives a trial to a product in a university, this
research develops a product for elementary school students, therefore the resulting product’s
effectiveness will be more solutive. It happens because students have limited ability to
interpret the verbal information received (Pexman & Glenwright, 2007, p. 179). This
interpreting limitation that will be handled by AR usage in teaching and learning situations
(Safar & Al-Jafar, 2017, pp. 418-419).
In this cognitive development, students can easily understand something that they saw
concretely (something touchable & sensible). Vice versa they will have difficulties about
one concept abstractly, more over something that relates to someone’s empathy, emotion,
and psychologic condition .
Based on the preceding research above, Zhang, Ogan, Liu, Sung, and Chang (2016,
p. 107) stated that a lot of AR usage in learning activity indeed advantaged the students
to improve their academic achievement as has been proved in this research. AR supports
pedagogic and instructional processes massively.
The research finding enhances another research that also discusses the textbook and
learning development along with experiments worked in elementary school students
(Yamtinah, Roemintoyo, & Kartikasari, 2020; Avikasari, Rukayah, & Indriayu, 2018). But,
Tzima, Styliaras, and Bassounas (2019, p. 1) opposed the preceding finding. She tried to
identify the students’ experience of AR Usage. The result states that AR is worth to be used
in learning activity only if it fulfills the requirements. Those criteria can be technical (gadgets
availability as the supported tools), or psychological features
It means the AR usage expected as the real solution for most of the instructional problem,
is still left an thorough irresolute inclusivity problem. Particularly in marginal Indonesian
schools. The AR based textbook usage is an exclusive facility with uneven possession. Instead
of using the textbook, the students can afford to get the AR or can operate it accordingly.
Even though the student is able to provide the AR facilities, they probably don’t have
the cognitive ability to operate them (Rana, Rajiv, & Lal, 2014, p. 22). So, Zhang, Ogan
et al. (2016, p. 107) gave important notification pertaining to the appropriateness The AR
usage with the students characteristic. Their research then reveals the most suitable students
that able to use AR are the students who have kinesthetic learning modality. As for student
who has visual learning modality, according to Chandrasekera & Yoon (2018, pp. 55-56)
will be in the second position for the effectivity possession of AR based textbook’s ability.
Furthermore, Chandrasekera & Yoon (2018, pp. 55-56) described that the students
with kinesthetic modality tend to receive the AR learning material effectively. This happens

Jurnal Kependidikan, 6(1), 93-102

because they have higher motivation toward tactility forms. Meanwhile, the with Students
with visual modality have the same category with the previous one. This happens because
they have high motivation towards tactility. Vice versa with the previous characteristic, the
students with audio ability have less motivation, so this AR usage is less effective than the
students with visual. This happened because the learning’ audio' is less dominant than its AR
feature so the student is then least motivated in learning using an AR textbook. Furthermore,
it also happens to the students who have read/write modality.
Therefore, as the statement initialized in the beginning of the paper, the AR usage in
education should have directed to conduct individual learning. if AR will be used for classical
learning, therefore it need further development so it will be more attracts the students with
aural and read/write modality characteristic. It happens sometimes that the media or textbook
development is needed to accommodate students with aural and read/write modality so it
can tackle the disparity with the two previous modality. Furthermore, the students with that
modality can be equal with the students who have visual modality in comprehending the
material (Risnawati, Amir, & Sari, 2018, pp. 1-2).
AR development also considers student’s social and psychological effects. The
consideration is very important to be recognized because according to Savela, Oksanen,
Kaakinen, Noreikis, and Xiao (2020, pp. 6-7), AR usage does not significantly affect the
students’ social ability. Bistaman, Idrus, and Rashid (2018, p. 1), stated that AR usage can
reduce a student's collaborative ability. Those statements oppose the current education trend
that more supports collaboration rather than competition. These issues furthermore can be
researched for the further following research.

BDR implementation during Covid-19 has some barriers. Those include: Students’
difficulty to comprehend the material because of the insufficient learning media, student’s
low motivation, ineffective interaction between the teachers and the students that affects
student achievement’s reduction.
AR based textbooks developed in this research are effective to reduce the problem
mentioned above. This claim is based on the expert evaluation, field trial text, and also the
response of the research samples which is accommodated and analyzed in a series of research
developments. Based on the previous analysis, and some relevant research comparison
conducted, it can be concluded that the AR based textbook developed in this research has been
into improvisation and this research is worthy appropriate in supporting student individual
academic learning, particularly for 4th grade students during the BDR.
However, based on this research it needs to be articulated that the pattern change in
online learning including BDR can occur easily based on the situation happening in the
elementary school. If there is an online shifting pattern again, as stated by Dang (2017, pp.
2-3), it will also enforce the teacher to adapt with the shifting. The adaptation mentioned
above includes pedagogic competence, and technology competence.

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