Development and Validation of Performance Test of Urdu (PTU)
Development and Validation of Performance Test of Urdu (PTU)
Development and Validation of Performance Test of Urdu (PTU)
This paper discusses the Development and validation of Performance Test of Urdu (PTU) for first grade students. The present
study is conducted in Srinagar district of Kashmir. The investigator has taken 100 first grade students from Govt. schools of
District Srinagar. The investigator finds out reliability by test-retest reliability as 0.51, split half (U/L) as 0.77, split half (O/E) 0.78
Validity of Performance test of Urdu ( PTU) has been determined by face validity.
(b) Standardization To teachers it can be used to determine the performance
The PTU has been standardized by finding its reliability and of student in Urdu at Primary level.
validity. To administrators it will be helpful in promotion of
1. Reliability:- The reliability of performance test has been student to next upper class...
determined by :- For teacher educators it will prepare ground to develop
1) Test Retest: - The reliability of the PTU was found skills teacher trainees/resource persons so that they may
by administering the test on a group of 100 First be able to train teachers who can perform well in first
grade students. The reliability Coefficient, was grade classroom.
computed between first and second test scores after For researchers it will help to explore the performance of
applying Pearsons’ Correlation formula came out to a student and Language skills in urdu at first primary.
be as 0.51 (Significant at 0.01 level).
2) Split half (U/L):- The reliability of the scale was References
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The PTU can be completed in a single sitting by student. It 11. Secretary. JKSB of school education Bharstani Urdu.Urdu
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A student scoring high on the Performance test (PTU) is high
performing than the student scoring low on the PTU is low
Range of score Classification
11&above good
6-10 Average
1-5 Poor
The PTU is valuable and useful instrument to the teachers,
administrators, teacher educators and above all to researchers.