Development and Validation of Performance Test of Urdu (PTU)

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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research

ISSN: 2455-2070; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 2; Issue 4; April 2016; Page No. 16-17

Development and validation of performance test of Urdu (PTU)

Dr. Nasreen Bano
Resource Person Department of School Education Kashmir, India

This paper discusses the Development and validation of Performance Test of Urdu (PTU) for first grade students. The present
study is conducted in Srinagar district of Kashmir. The investigator has taken 100 first grade students from Govt. schools of
District Srinagar. The investigator finds out reliability by test-retest reliability as 0.51, split half (U/L) as 0.77, split half (O/E) 0.78
Validity of Performance test of Urdu ( PTU) has been determined by face validity.

Keywords: First grade students, Performance, Urdu.

Introduction 3. Reading
The primary role of teacher is a facilitator of learning. In this 4. Writing
teacher must organize the learning situation, guide group 5. Pronunciation
learning activities, help individual learners, and plan and work
for improved instructions. Organising the learning situation Construction of Performance test (PTU)
requires organisation of facilities, material, equipment’s, time Following steps were followed to make Performance test:
and students. The modern classroom should have a variety of
instructional materials which must be selected and obtained by (A) Planning of the test: The construction of tests were
the teacher. Material must be easy available to students. A carried out by consideration of limitation under which the tests
variety of learning experiences must be arranged, and the class were developed. The expert opinions were taken for the
organized for large group, small-group, or individual construction of the tests. The items of Performance tests were
instruction. Interests and abilities must be considered in prepared in Urdu language and covered the “basic concepts of
directing children to certain learning experiences. Each Urdu”. 15 questions were planned to conduct the test. Students
teacher must accept certain other responsibilities in the school were asked to complete this in 30 minutes.
such as supervising student areas, sponsoring student
activities, working on faculty committees, and performing Development of Performance test of Urdu (PTU)
administrative functions. Pooling of Items
Urdu meant for First Primary has been taken up in order to A list of 25 Questions/items was initially pooled from various
bring the contents of the textbook close to child’s life both at sources which included the comprehensive review of literature
home and at school and also workout the changes in the and also some tests constructed by other authors. The list was
content of Urdu textbook. While deciding the contents of given to experts to evaluate their content relevance.
textbook an attempts have been made to rely on child’s In the light of expert rating 5 items were dropped and only 20
experiences, the world known to learner and then explore the items were retained
possibilities of taking to new heights. Different themes have
been presented in a play ful way and lots of pictures have been Try out
used to stress sustain the interest of children. A humble The initial format comprising of 20 items on 2- point
endeavour has also been made to lessen the burden of learners Performance test was administered on a sample of 100 First
so far as contents are concerned. Grade students of District Srinagar (Kashmir).
Performance is the performance of student in classroom.
Performance refers the students score gained by the student in Item Analysis
Urdu this refers to the score gained in Listening, Speaking, The response sheet received from students were arranged from
Reading, Writing and Pronunciation. maximum to minimum on the basis of overall score. The
Therefore in order to assess performance a Performance test criterion of 27% above and 27% below was employed on the
like “Performance test for Urdu is needed to know about response to determine the upper and lower group. The‘t’ value
performance of the First grade students in Urdu. of each item between these groups were computed.

Description of the Performance test of Urdu (PTU) Item Revision

The Performance test is a testing tool which has been Only those items in the final format were retained whose‘t’
developed for the purpose of measuring performance for value were found significant at 0.01.
student in Urdu along the following domains:
1. Listening Final Format
2. Speaking The final format consists of 15 items.

(b) Standardization  To teachers it can be used to determine the performance
The PTU has been standardized by finding its reliability and of student in Urdu at Primary level.
validity.  To administrators it will be helpful in promotion of
1. Reliability:- The reliability of performance test has been student to next upper class...
determined by :-  For teacher educators it will prepare ground to develop
1) Test Retest: - The reliability of the PTU was found skills teacher trainees/resource persons so that they may
by administering the test on a group of 100 First be able to train teachers who can perform well in first
grade students. The reliability Coefficient, was grade classroom.
computed between first and second test scores after  For researchers it will help to explore the performance of
applying Pearsons’ Correlation formula came out to a student and Language skills in urdu at first primary.
be as 0.51 (Significant at 0.01 level).
2) Split half (U/L):- The reliability of the scale was References
found by administering the PTU on a group of 100 1. Anastassi Anne. Psychological Testing Maccmillian
First grade students. The reliability Coefficient, after Publishing company 866 Third Avenue, New York, 1988;
applying Spearman - Brown prophecy formula came 10022:121-156.
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3) Split half (O/E):- The reliability of the scale was Teacher Education. Kaniska Publication, 2002, 6.
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First Grade students. The reliability Coefficient, after edition Reprinted Printice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs N.
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Reliability (N =100) Ltd New Delhi, 1965, 63-117.
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2. Validity: The validity of PTU has been determined by
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2009, 168-169.
7. Paula Polk Lilard. Montessori in the Classroom: A
Face Validity: - To final out what the test measures, it was
Teacher’s Account of How Children Really Learn.
decided to determine its face validity. For this, the expert’s
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opinion had been considered.
8. Pestonjee DM. Second handbook of Psychological and
Administration of PTU social instrument Volume one: Concept publishing
The Performance test can be administered to a First primary company New Delhi, 1997.
students in the school with the instruction given at top of it. 9. Pestonjee DM. Third handbook of Psychological and
The test administrator reads out the instruction before social instrument Volume one: Concept publishing
administering. company New Delhi, 1997.
10. Rather AR, Peer NK. Fundamentals of Measurement &
Time required for administering the test Evaluation: Gulshan Publishers, 2002.
The PTU can be completed in a single sitting by student. It 11. Secretary. JKSB of school education Bharstani Urdu.Urdu
takes about 30 minutes to respond completely. ki Pehli KitabI: Abdul Gani TFC Madinachowk Srinagar.
Scoring 12. Sharma RA. Essentials of Measurement in Education and
Each item is scored on 2-point Performance Test (PTU) Psychology: Surya Publication, 2004.
distributed on Right, Wrong. 13. Singh Arvind, Preet Khosla, Mohra. Educational
Measurement and Evaluation: Vinod Publication
For each Question/item Right Wrong Educational Publishers, 2005.
1 0 14. Thorndike, Robert L, Hagen E. Measurement and
Evaluation in Psychology and Education New Delhi:
The possible range of scores on the PTU is 1-15. Wiley Eastern Pvt. Ltd, 1970.
A student scoring high on the Performance test (PTU) is high
performing than the student scoring low on the PTU is low

Range of score Classification
11&above good
6-10 Average
1-5 Poor

The PTU is valuable and useful instrument to the teachers,
administrators, teacher educators and above all to researchers.

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