Name of Pre-Service Teacher: Subject Area: Date:: Lesson Plan Rubric

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Lesson Plan Rubric

Name of Pre-service Teacher:

Subject Area: Date:

Note: This rubric will be used by the Cooperating Teacher and the TEI Practicum

Legend: 3 – Good (95 %) 2 – Fair (85 %) 1 – Needs Improvement (75 %)

Performance Good Fair Needs Improvement Rating

(3) (2) (1)
Formulating Defines objectives clearly Adequately define the Objectives are not clearly
Objective objectives stated
Organization of  Clearly links subject Adequately links subject Subject does not link to
lesson matter to students’ matter to students’ students’ interest and
presentation interest and experiences interest and experiences experiences

 Clearly identifies Adequately identifies Does not clearly identify

sequential development sequential development of sequential development
of activities activities of activities

 Uses relevant examples Adequately uses relevant Does not use relevant
examples examples

 Accurately allocates Adequately allocates time Does not allocate time to

time to activities in to activities in accordance activities in accordance
accordance with with objectives with objectives

 Clearly indicates Adequately indicates Does not indicate

transition procedure transition procedure from transition procedure from
from one activity to the one activity to the next one activity to the next

 Plans a variety of Limited variety of Does not plan a variety of

teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategies

 Relates subject matter Relates subject matter to Does not relate subject
to other knowledge and other knowledge matter to other knowledge
prior knowledge of
Use of learning  Uses a wide range of  Uses a range of  Does not use a range
materials resources and learning resources and of resources and
materials learning material learning materials

 Structures a wide  Uses an appropriate  Does not structure an

variety of materials to variety of materials to appropriate variety of
stimulate students’ stimulate students’ materials to stimulate
interest and interest and students’ interest and
achievement achievement achievement

Use of evaluative  Devises appropriate  Devises appropriate  Does not devise

measures evaluation of each evaluation of appropriate evaluation
students’ progress students’ progress of students’ progress
 Measures students’
 Measures students’ progress with  Does not measures
progress with appropriate tests and students’ progress with
appropriate tests and a other methods appropriate tests and
variety of assessment other methods

PST Teaching Performance Rating Checklist

Name: Date:
No. of
Subject Taught: Pupils:

Area Description Rating

Excellent Good Fair Below
Teaching Personality


Modulation of the voice

Mastery of Medium of instruction
Mastery of Subject Matter
Ability to answer questions
Openness to students opinions
Organization of Subject Matter
Ability to relate Matter to Other fields

Ability to Motivate
Ability to Manage class
Question technique

Use of Teaching Aids

 Student centered learning
 Problem solving
 Addressing Diversity
 Active Learning
 Application of Key
Teaching Strategies
 Consideration of Students’
 Learning Styles
 Consideration of Students’
Multiple Intelligences
 Application of Key
Assessment Strategies
Class attention

Class Participation and


Rapport between Teacher and


Class Atmosphere

General Classroom Organization

Rated by: ________________________

CTs Name & Signature
Rubric for Microteaching

Item to be Very Needs Total

Good(3) Fair(2)
Rated Good(4) Improvement(1)

1. Microteaching The plan has The plan has The plan The plan lacks
Planning Guide complete component lacks one important parts.
component parts. Most of part. Some Most of the
parts. All the objectives objectives objectives are
objectives are are not behavioral,
are behavioral, behavioral, learner-centered
behavioral, learner- learner- and very
learner- centered and centered and interactive.
centered and very very
very interactive. interactive.

2. Microteaching Microteachin Microteachin Microteachin Some steps in

Method and g process g process g process the process
Strategies has very has good has basic needs
good motivation, motivation, improvement.
motivation, activity proper activity
activity and proper and
proper and assessment assessment
assessment tools. tools.

3. The use of Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching

instructional materials are materials are materials materials do not
materials/technol properly selected were not suit the needs of
ogy in selected that which suit the quite the learners and
microteaching best suit the needs of the selected suit the subject
needs of the learners and the needs of matter
learners and the subject the learners
the subject matter. and the
matter. subject

4. Management The teacher The teacher The teacher The teacher is

and Learners is very child- is child- is not so not at all child-
friendly and friendly and child-friendly friendly and
applies applies and applies applies
democratic democratic democratic democratic style
style style style

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