Diagramming The New Testament Greek As A

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12 th Annual


February 2, 4-5, 2016

SDA Theological Seminary
Andrews University

Dean’s Welcome 2

Schedule 4

Recognition Assembly 5

Seminary Worship 6

Plenary Speaker 7

Plenary Session 8

Breakout Sessions 9

Poster Abstracts 13

Paper Abstracts 18

Faculty Publications & Professional Presentations 27


Welcome To The Twelfth Annual

“Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessa-
lonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the
Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11 TNIV; empha-
sis supplied). The Bereans set an example of diligent study of the Holy Scrip-
tures. They wanted to know the exact meaning of the Sacred Writings, its truths,
and relevancy. The examination of the Scriptures involves very careful and deep
searching with a passion to discover the truth about the triune God and its cen-
tral message about the Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:39–40; Luke 24:27). This knowl-
edge brings eternal life (John 17:3).
Our professors do thorough research to unlock the richness of the biblical
message, the mystery of godliness (1 Tim 3:16; Eph 6:19; Col 1:27), but also the
mystery of wickedness (2 Thess 2:7). They publish to help the worldwide Church
to better understand the Scriptures. An understanding of God’s revelation brings
freedom (John 8:32) and leads to a total commitment to God to live a pious life in
faith and good works (2 Tim 3:15–17; Eph 2:10; Titus 2:11–13).
Research and scholarship are a crucial part of students’ and professors’ lives
here at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. This year’s collection
of scholarly activities is very rich and reveals the depth and breadth of our work
here at the Seminary. Theology and church belong together. One cannot do bibli-
cal theology without the church.
This symposium on scholarship strives to foster a culture of excellence in
scholarly activities and to advance the quest for truth. Ellen G. White encourag-
es: “As we take up the study of God’s word, we should do so with humble hearts.
All selishness, all love of originality, should be laid aside. Long-cherished opin-
ions must not be regarded as infallible . . . We have many lessons to learn, and
many, many to unlearn. God and heaven alone are infallible. Those who think
that they will never have to give up a cherished view, never have occasion to
change an opinion, will be disappointed. As long as we hold to our own ideas
and opinions with determined persistency, we cannot have the unity for which
Christ prayed . . . Whatever may be man’s intellectual advancement, let him not
for a moment think that there is no need of thorough and continuous searching
of the Scriptures for greater light” (Counsels to Writers and Editors [Nashville,
Tenn.: Southern Publishing, 1946], 36–37, 41).

This year our plenary speaker is Dr. Jon Paulien, dean, Loma Linda Univer-
sity School of Religion. We welcome him to our campus and look forward to his
A variety of events are planned for this week from the recognition assembly
on Tuesday morning to the Thursday morning worship, the evening poster ses-
sion and plenary session, to Friday’s poster and breakout sessions. I am sure
that we will all be intellectually stimulated, but more importantly that we will
grow spiritually from this biblical-theological feast. I am pleased that more than
a dozen students will be presenting during the Friday sessions and encourage
all of you to engage in meaningful discussion with the presenters. Begin already
to plan your research and writing in order to participate in next year’s sympo-
sium by designing a poster or preparing a lecture.
We want to praise the Lord for godly scholars and their faithful work in en-
hancing our knowledge of God and His Truth. He gives gifts—the capacity to
think and express thoughts and communicate truth efectively. To God be the

Jiří Moskala, Dean



Tuesday, February 2
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Book Sale (Seminary Commons)
11:30 am – 12:20 pm
Recognition Assembly (Seminary Chapel) - Jiří Moskala
Thursday, February 4
11:30 am – 12:20 pm
Seminary Worship (Seminary Chapel) - Jon Paulien
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Poster Session (Seminary Commons)
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Plenary Session (Seminary Chapel) - Jon Paulien
Friday, February 5
8:00 – 9:00 am
Poster Session
Breakfast (Seminary Commons)
9:00 – 10:30 am
Breakout Session A (N235)
Breakout Session B (S340)
Breakout Session C (N335)
Breakout Session D (S215)
10:30 – 11:00 am
Poster Session (Seminary Commons)
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Breakout Session A (N235)
Breakout Session B (S340)
Breakout Session C (N335)
Breakout Session D (S215)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Seminary Chapel, 11:30 am – 12:20 pm

Opening Hymn Give Me the Bible Song Leader: Nadia Williams

No. 272
Prayer Richard McNeil

Meditation Jiří Moskala

Highlighted Projects
Merlin Burt, editor
Understanding Ellen White

John Reeve, editor

Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies

Roy E. Gane
Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature

L. S. Baker, Jr.
Land of Rameses

Bruce Bauer and Wagner Kuhn, editors

Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies

Gerald Klingbeil, editor

Represented by Ronald Knott, Andrews University Press
The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament

John Peckham
The Love of God: A Canonical Model

S. Joseph Kidder
Moving Your Church: Become a Spirit-Led Community

Presentation of the
Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award

Presentation of the
Siegfried H. Horn Excellence in Research Award

Closing Prayer Richard Choi


Thursday, February 4, 2016
Seminary Chapel, 11:30 am – 12:20 pm

Prelude David Williams

Call to Worship and Invocation Joshua and Lovemine Brantley

Introduction of Speaker Jiří Moskala

Scripture Revelation 12:17 Minsu Kim

Special Music Seminary Chorus

Rejoice in the Lord
Composer: Anonymous

Sermon Adventist Identity and Revelation 13 Jon Paulien

Benediction Jon Paulien

Postlude David Williams



Jon Paulien received his bachelor’s degree in Theol-

ogy from Atlantic Union College, which included a year
abroad studying in West Germany. His MDiv degree
(1975) and his PhD in New Testament (1987) were both
earned from Andrews University.
Early in his career, Dr. Paulien was a church pas-
tor in New York and Michigan before attending gradu-
ate school. After teaching at the Seventh-day Adventist
Theological Seminary at Andrews University for many
years, he came to Loma Linda University in 2007 as dean
of the newly-formed School of Religion.
He is a member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Adventist Society for Reli-
gious Study, and the Chicago Society for Biblical Research. He has also served on nu-
merous committees and study projects within the Adventist Church and professional
organizations. Dr. Paulien is listed in Who’s Who in Religion, Who’s Who in Bibli-
cal Studies and Archaeology, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who Among America’s
Teachers, and the Directory of American Scholars.
Dr. Paulien is a well-respected biblical scholar and a proliic writer. He has written
dozens of book reviews and has been published on topics relating to the history of
the Adventist Church and the book of Revelation. He is a specialist in the Johannine
literature in the New Testament (Gospel of John and the Book of Revelation) and
the intersection of faith with contemporary culture. Many of his books have been
translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Japanese, and the Korean languages.
He also takes special delight in seminars and presentations to non-specialists who
can make practical use of the material in the real world.
Dr. Paulien has traveled to the seven last cities mentioned in the book of Revela-
tion and ilmed a series of DVDs on location for the Hope Channel; written chapters
on Daniel and Revelation and the apostle Paul for high school religion textbooks for
the Adventist church; and conducted many television and radio interviews over the
years. He is also a consulting editor of the Andrews University Seminary Studies.
Outside of academia, Dr. Paulien enjoys being with his wife Pamella and their
three children, and also enjoys travel, golf, and photography when time permits.

Thursday, February 4, 2016
Seminary Chapel, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Welcome Jiří Moskala

Opening Prayer Lincoln Nogueira

Plenary Lecture Jon Paulien

Revelation 13 and the Papacy

Response Tom Shepherd


Closing Prayer Teresa Reeve


Friday, February 5, 2016

Room N235
Moderator: Jo Ann Davidson and Darius Jankiewicz

9:00 am Tim Arena

The Person and Work of Christ as Representative
Rectification: The Soteriological and Theodical Implications
of the Roles of the Two Adams Examined in Theological
Canonical Exegesis of Romans 5:12–21

9:30 am Elmer Arrais Guzman

The Collateral Effects of the Delay of Jesus’ Parousia on the
Message, Mission, and Worship of the Church

10:00 am Omar Montilla

Gutierrez and Marx: Christian Ethics from the Roots of

10:30 am Poster Session Break

11:00 am Christopher R. Mwashinga

The Salvation of the Unevangelized: The Exclusivist Views of
Millard J. Erickson

11:30 am Samuel Pagán De Jesús

Ellen White’s Use of the Veil Imagery and Her Progressive
Understanding of the Book of Hebrews

Friday, February 5, 2016

Room S340
Moderator: John Reeve and David Sedlacek

9:00 am Samuel Pagán De Jesús

Adventism in the Shadow of Fundamentalism

9:30 am Rodrigo Galiza

Eschatological Developments Related to the New Jerusalem
in Light of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

10:00 am Eunyeong Ma
The Reaction of the Early Seventh-day Adventists to the
Sunday Law Movement Before 1888

10:30 am Poster Session Break

11:00 am Stanley Lebrun

Tracing the Kingly Pattern: How a King Becomes a Legend

11:30 am Michael Orellana

Syncretism in the Cult to Ishtar

12:00 pm Edmilson A. Villalba

Application Deuteronomy 21:18–21 to Modern Parenting

Friday, February 5, 2016

Room N335
Moderator: Bruce Bauer and Fernando Ortiz

9:00 am Oleg Kostyuk

From the Lord’s Supper to Parousia: Resisting the
Tendencies of Over—Realized Eschatology Among
Corinthian Believers

9:30 am Jonny Moor

Up a Tree: Soteriological Implications of the Interwoven
Quest and Rescue Plots of Luke 19:1–10

10:00 am Cory Wetterlin

Interpretations of Spiritual House in 1 Peter 2:4–10 and
Their Implications on the Indwelling of Divine Presence

10:30 am Poster Session Break

11:00 am Oleg Kostyuk

Defending Your Land: Ethics of Christians in Military

Friday, February 5, 2016

Room S215
Moderator: Kenley Hall and Lester Merklin

9:00 am S. Joseph Kidder and David Penno

A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV

9:30 am Peter Swanson

The Church and Sexual-Identity, and Gender-Variance

10:00 am Andrew Tompkins

The Interplay between Forms of Revelation: Implications
for Theological Methodology

10:30 am Poster Session Break

11:00 am Andria Stewart

The Legacy of the Gospel: Reprising the Role and Function
of the Church in 21st Century Communities

11:30 pm Bruce Bauer

Does Culture, Worldview, and Experience Impact How We
Read and Interpret Scripture?


Dennis Akawobsa
Exhaustive Definite Foreknowledge and Divine Risk in the Writings
of Richard Rice
In this poster I study the problem of God’s exhaustive deinite foreknowledge
of future free choices and divine risk in the writings of Richard Rice. Rice argues
that airming divine exhaustive deinite foreknowledge of future free choices
denies God the experience of taking genuine risk. According to him, in creating
morally free beings with the capacity to love involves risk and this implies that
God acknowledged the risk of our disobedience. This was a risk God undertook,
because without this our obedience would not have expressed personal love for
Him. In spite of the risk God freely dedicated Himself to creating and foreknow-
ing the freedom of morally free agents despite lacking the foreknowledge of our
future free choices. Rice argues that the Open View permits us to ascribe risk to
God since love involves risk. Based on Rice’s view, I seek to answer two ques-
tions: Does God’s absolute deinite foreknowledge of free choices in the incarna-
tion mean God did not risk? Does divine risk mean lack of certainty of future free

David J. Hamstra
The Fullness of Christ: An Adventist Proposal for Integrating Ethical
Trajectory and Christological Typology Hermeneutics
Ethical trajectory hermeneutics describes the underlying unity of the mani-
fold ethical injunctions in scripture as progressive elevation of the ethical stan-
dards of God’s people, but is unable to prescribe standards for God’s people
today in the absence of a irm deinition of the trajectories’ telos. Christological
typology hermeneutics describes the underlying unity of Christ’s saving work in
history as a progressive realization of God’s Kingdom, but has limited applica-
bility to the formation community standards in the absence of a clearly deined
historical-ethical dimension to Kingdom realization. But a synthesis of the two
approaches could resolve their lacunae. Eph 4:13-15 suggests that eschatological
conformity to the pattern of Christ’s historical instantiation of the divine pattern
entails His people’s collective ethical development throughout salvation history.
In his Sermon on the Mount and discourse on divorce, Jesus appealed to God’s
acts as creator/sustainer as a pattern in order to elevate community standards

by making explicit what was previously implicit in OT law. The eschatological

consummation of typology could ofer the fullness of Christ as the telos for ethi-
cal trajectories, while the elevation of standards plotted by trajectories could
reveal the ethical dimension of Kingdom realization and the next steps toward
its ethical appropriation.

Martin Hanna
Foreknowledge and Free Choices: A Study of Semantic Complexity
in Scripture
My poster addresses the problem of evaluating the diferent models proposed
by sincere Bible students on how to interpret the semantic complexity of the
teaching of Judeo-Christian Scripture on God’s foreknowledge and free choices.
Competing perspectives include the Augustinian/Calvinist, the Molinist/
Arminian, and the Open Theist models. Some Bible students propose that God
does foreknow free choices. Others propose that God does not foreknow free
choices. There is also diversity among those who airm God’s foreknowledge of free
choices. For example, God’s foreknowledge is understood variously as anticipating:
the necessity of free choices; the certainty of free choices; the possibility of free
choices; or the conditionality of free choices. Each of these views seeks and inds
some support from Scripture. Therefore, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses
of these diferent views may be enhanced by studying the semantic complexity of
the biblical teaching on God’s foreknowledge and free choices.

Vivian A. Laughlin
From Sarapis to Serapis: An Archaeological Analysis Depicting the
Utilization of Sarapis from 30 BC–300 AD within Roman Imperial
Villas in Italy
Previous studies focus primarily on Greek inluences in Rome. Egyptian ar-
tifacts are known as culturally exotic, but not correlated as inluential by the
Graeco-Egyptian Sarapis cult. This research utilizes history, architecture, and
ield analysis of archaeological remains within Roman Imperial Villas in Italy
that exhibit basic to complex inluences from the Graeco-Egyptian Sarapis cult.
Nonetheless, this research seeks to present an interpretive historical overview of
Sarapis, by reviewing its origination within the Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty and
showing it as a key factor for the political prowess of Ptolemy I Soter. Then ex-
hibiting its importance for trading through the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, intro-
ducing cultures, subcultures, regions and micro-regions and its importance for
interculturization of these regions. Finally, research exhibits the re-emergence
of Sarapis by Roman Emperors and its interculturation into Roman Imperial

Dynasties from 30 BC - 300 AD. Further exhibiting the Romanization of Sera-

pis. Consequently, creating hybrid cultic forms, which inadvertently created hy-
brid forms of archaeological remains. Focusing on archaeological remains will
display Egypt as an integral aspect for the development of the Roman Empire.
Thereby, aixing the Egyptian East to Rome and exhibiting it was equally as
inluential to Rome as Greece, if not more.

Stanley Lebrun
Tracing the Kingly Pattern: How a King Becomes a Legend
In search of understanding the behavior of the Mesopotamian kings, a natural
starting point would be to identify their ideology. However, ideology is founded
on the cornerstone of history, and in the case of the ideology of a king, the
history of city-states, religion, and kingship is the keystone in getting closer to
understanding the conduct of a Mesopotamian king.
This research will venture to present the parallels between the Mesopotamian
creation epic, Enuma Elish, and the self-gloriication behavior of three
Mesopotamian monarchs of diferent periods. This paper will review the narrative
of the lives of Sargon of Akkad, Hammurabi, and Sargon II while focusing on
the legitimacy of kingship, the building and expanding of an empire, erecting
a royal city, and establishing governing laws which seems to reveal a similarity
to the god Marduk and his kingship. This research will seek to highlight the
similarities between the epic, Enuma Elish, and the lives of the monarchs.

Lincoln Nogueira
Diagramming the New Testament Greek as a Learning Tool
Problem: Learning Greek is a challenging task that demands from both profes-
sors and students. It requires skill from teachers to guide students in the devel-
opment of knowledge without discouraging them in the process. But also from
the students who need to build vocabulary, grammar and syntax. By the end
of this experience, students are loaded with useful information, but no bridge
was formed towards exegesis. Their knowledge is a mere repetition of grammar
books, charts and loose titles from syntax.
Thesis: The addition of a methodology that can bridge Greek and Theology
needs to be present from the beginning of the learning experience as part of
the requirement of Greek language. I believe that the tool of Diagramming is
key to enhance all areas of Greek studies, so to bridge between morphology and
grammar, between grammar and syntax, then inally bridge between syntax and

Flavio Prestes III

Minimums of Basic Hebrew
This poster summarizes the essential paradigms and most relevant topics of
Hebrew I in one page. It refers to essential introductory material which begin-
ning students must know in order to succeed in their irst semester of Hebrew
and beyond. In addition, the poster may be printed and serve as a quick access
(at a glance) to Hebrew I material. It can be a helpful tool in the learning and
retention process of biblical languages.

Terry Dwain Robertson

Objective Research? In the Seminary?
Common understandings of “objective” research include values such as “fac-
tual” and “interpretive neutrality”. There is a growing consensus that the person
doing the research, counts as much as if not more in the interpretive outcomes
than the “facts” alone, and that “interpretive neutrality” is not possible.
The poster explores an alternative framing of “objective research” as the
grounded, intentional and savvy analysis of an “object” in conversation with a
community of peers/experts for the purpose of creating knowledge.
Following Ferraris’ ontology, three classes of “objects” exist.
1. Natural objects: exist whether or not a person notices them. Example: table,
tree. Seminary application: Archaeological artifacts.
2. Ideal objects: exist even though only a mind can conceive of them. Example:
triangle. Seminary application: Systematic theology.
3. Social objects: only exist in a social context. Example: documents (authored
by a person for a reader in a speciic context for a purpose). Seminary ap-
plication: Biblical Exegesis, Church History, Christian Ministry, Missiology.
Thus, within the Seminary curriculum, research assignments could be consid-
ered objective while still engaging the full hermeneutical persona of the author.
The poster concludes with a discussion of the function of library resources in
each class of objective research.

Tim Arena
The Person and Work of Christ as Representative Rectification: The
Soteriological and Theodical Implications of the Roles of the Two
Adams Examined in Theological Canonical Exegesis of Romans

David Williams
Worship Music as Theology: A Methodology
Theology and music have long been at odds, having been treated as exclusive ields
of theory and praxis. In Christian worship, music tends to be viewed as a matter of
taste and not a signiicant conveyor of theology. This research seeks to establish a
methodology for the theological meaning of music in the context of Christian wor-
ship. In order to establish the context of music, the methods of liturgical history must
be considered. Important to liturgical studies is ritual studies, which asserts that
the actions in worship—such as music—coupled with context, may communicate
meaning. The objective efect and the subjective interpretation of music contribute
to a polyvalent, dynamic meaning of music. This dynamic meaning may be derived
from the music’s historical context, the musical score, the cultural act of making
music and the experience of the listener. The result is “worship music as theology.”
As a signiicant conveyor of theology, music helps promote and establish beliefs and
spirituality in the existential experience of the worshiper.


This study will examine this issue in light of the centuries of debate about
the subject, in order to more clearly ascertain the nature of the various soterio-
logical implications that emerge. Theological exegesis of Romans 5:12–21 reveals
signiicant doctrinal interconnectivity regarding the roles of our irst parents
and Christ as the Representatives of the human race—the core of the “Federal”
View—with condemnation and death for all by birth in Adam, and justiication
and life for those receiving Christ’s gift. This representative conception seems to
account best for the scriptural materials in light of the exegetical and systematic
analysis—without excluding the contributions of other views but demonstrating
their incompleteness in isolation. Taken in the broader context of the canon, it
provides a means by which the respective roles of our irst parents and Christ
can be seen to have theodical signiicance in light of the Great Controversy.

Bauer, Bruce
Does Culture, Worldview, and Experience Impact How We Read and
Interpret Scripture?
This paper looks at how people’s culture, worldview, and personal experience
shape their view of reality and also how they read and interpret Scripture.

Rodrigo Galiza
Eschatological Developments Related to the New Jerusalem in
Light of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
It seems that most Christians understood the New Jerusalem and God´s
physical presence eschatologically in a heavenly manner. However, with the
Christianization of the Empire, there is a shift in perspective. “The” holy place
is identiied with the earthly Jerusalem. My Paper investigates this shift in es-
chatological interpretation in light of the construction of the church of the Holy
Sepulchre comparing Origen and Eusebius of Ceasarea.

Elmer Arrais Guzman

The Collateral Effects of the Delay of Jesus’ Parousia on the Mes-
sage, Mission, and Worship of the Church
The Christian church adopted critical ontologies partly because Jesus’ par-
ousia was delayed. Hence, the church illed the absence of Jesus by actualizing
his presence sacramentally making the mission of the Church secondary, while
worship primary. With the passing of time, the primacy of worship became even
more emphatic after Kant’s metaphysical embargo, which caused the language
of faith to become meaningless outside its community. The logic goes as follows:
(1) the church adopted critical ontology because of Jesus’ delayed parousia, (2)
Jesus’ delayed parousia can be actualized if, and only if, the church goes out into
all the world with the message, (3) but the critical ontology makes the church’s
claim valid only inside the community of faith, (4) thus, the church does not
claim anything meaningful in the world, and does not accomplish the necessary
condition for Jesus’ parousia. This logic primarily afected mission (the meaning
of faith outside the community) rather than worship (the meaning of faith inside
the community).The meaningfulness of the Seventh-day Adventist orientation is
the re-eschatologization of Christianity. Recognition of the void of the parousia
makes the adoption of human conceived ontologies unnecessary.

S. Joseph Kidder and David Penno

A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming
Research on biblical principles and the efects of watching television on chil-
dren are the basis for this paper that examines how families can manage the
efects of secular TV on their children. Since most Christians have not opted to
eliminate TV viewing in their homes, and because of the prevalence of secular
programing outside the home and on various devices, the paper sets out practi-
cal ways for families to counteract some of the deleterious efects of secular TV.

Oleg Kostyuk
Defending Your Land: Ethics of Christians in Military Service
In 2014–2015 a conlict between Russia and Ukraine, and following annexa-
tion of Ukrainian territories by Russia, presented an acute dilemma for Ukraini-
ans, to defend country’s borders or to let the land be taken away. Christian com-
munity became divided between “the hawks and the doves.” Some Christians
were strongly advocating for standing up, picking up the arms and defending
the land, while others were standing on the side of peaceful resolution, even at
a cost of losing their land and maybe even losing their freedom. This study seeks
to understand the ethical vision of the New Testament on the military involve-
ment in defending of the land. The task is accomplished through the following
steps. First, I briely survey some cases of defending of the land in the Old Tes-
tament. Second, I examine and propose a fresh reading of some key “military”
passages (Luke 3:14; Mark 6:35–44; Matthew 21:1–11; John 18:1–11) in the New

Testament. Third, I present a synthesis of the ethical vision on defending of the

land in the light of the New Testament and propose a possible solution to the
dilemma of military involvement.

Oleg Kostyuk
From the Lord’s Supper to Parousia: Resisting the Tendencies of
Over—Realized Eschatology Among Corinthian Believers
The early Christian church had a plethora of views in regards to eschatology.
Some believed that they already lived in the eschatological age. Others rejected
the eschatological perspective altogether. This ambivalence is seen in the irst
letter to the Corinthians. Paul’s stress on the future event of parousia caused
some commentators to believe that he was addressing the issue of “over-realized
eschatology” in Corinthian churches.
This paper proposes that the Lord’s Supper played a crucial role in the de-
velopment of this, so-called, “over-realized” eschatology. Therefore, this study
demonstrates how the eschatological realization of the church in Corinth was
based on their misunderstanding of the Lord’s Supper as one of the major char-
acteristics of the eschaton.

Stanley Lebrun
Tracing the Kingly Pattern: How a King Becomes a Legend
In search of understanding the behavior of the Mesopotamian kings, a natural
starting point would be to identify their ideology. However, ideology is founded
on the cornerstone of history, and in the case of the ideology of a king, the his-
tory of city-states, religion, and kingship is the keystone in getting closer to un-
derstanding the conduct of a Mesopotamian king.
This research will venture to present the parallels between the Mesopotamian
creation epic, Enuma Elish, and the self-gloriication behavior of three Mesopo-
tamian monarchs of diferent periods. This paper will review the narrative of the
lives of Sargon of Akkad, Hammurabi, and Sargon II while focusing on the le-
gitimacy of kingship, the building and expanding of an empire, erecting a royal
city, and establishing governing laws which seems to reveal a similarity to the
god Marduk and his kingship. This research will seek to highlight the similari-
ties between the epic, Enuma Elish, and the lives of the monarchs.

Eunyeong Ma

The Reaction of the Early Seventh-day Adventists to the Sunday

Law Movement Before 1888
Problem. Developing eschatological Sabbath theology, the Adventist pioneers
witnessed the persecution by the Sunday laws from the 1870s. What had they
done in reaction before 1888?
Results. The irst indictment occurred in Georgia, where the Adventists were
rare and none minister was appointed for. Church didn’t involve in this case,
and the trial was an individual afair. This was similar in other cases in middle
of the 1880s. Only one minister met the prosecuting attorney to help the believ-
ers, while scores of cases depended upon the individuals. The General Confer-
ence of 1885 advised the members to show their beliefs at the courts, while the
church didn’t ofer proper help. In other side of the States, a group of Adventists
in California caused the Democratic Party defeated Republicans who supported
Sunday laws in 1882. In other words, the Adventist chose liberalism to resist the
Sunday law enforcement.
Conclusion. Before 1888, other than literature works, the Adventist church
didn’t have proper structure for helping the believers under the persecutions.
Especially in the Southern states, where the persecution was most intensive, the
church didn’t have enough ministers or structure to help the believers. Few cas-
es imply that if the church moved properly, the persecutions might be lessened.

Omar Montilla
Gutierrez and Marx: Christian Ethics from the Roots of Marxism
The study of theology in the last century faced constant calls for relevance
and connection with human struggles. Many responses thought to make theol-
ogy more signiicant in relation to politics and ethics. Liberation theology is one
of such responses focused on the social struggle of Central and South American
countries, inluencing also several countries and sectors of society around the
The writings of Carl Marx became involved in many of the social movements
in the twentieth century. It was used by liberation theology in their search for
relevance and understanding of the struggles of society. Marxist ideal is that
philosophy must not only interpret the world but also change it. There is a clear
contrast between this call for relevance and the active role that theology has
played through centuries of apparent indiference to the social struggles outside
of the religious arena despite the biblical calls for social justice.

There are three objectives of this study. First, this paper introduces Gustavo
Gutierrez, and his deinition of theology as “critical relection on praxis.” The
second goal is to evaluate the relationship between the roots of Marxism and
Gutierrez’s deinition of theology. And the third goal is to criticize the relation-
ship between Gutierrez and Marx from the perspective of Christian ethics, the
example of the prophets, the testimony of other modern ethicists, and Jesus as
the maximum example of commitment for liberation.

Johnny Moor (Paper Coauthored with Tom Shepherd)

Up a Tree: Soteriological Implications of the Interwoven Quest and
Rescue Plots of Luke 19:1–10
Two views dominate the interpretation of the Lukan story of Zacchaeus: either
the story illustrates social rectiication for a misunderstood and hated man
who worked in a loathed occupation, or the story demonstrates Jesus’ ability
to bring a corrupt chief tax collector to repentance and transformation. This
article contends that the author’s intent was the latter interpretation and does
so by exploring the narrative qualities of plot, emphasis, and characterization.
We maintain that Luke 19:1–10 has two intersecting plots. One is a quest—
Zacchaeus wants to see who Jesus is. The other is a rescue—the Son of Man
came to seek and save the lost. The narrative tactics employed in the story place
heavy emphasis on the interaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus while the tax
collector is up the tree. This would seem to emphasize the quest—Zacchaeus
achieved his goal. But in fact, the interaction at the tree is very much part of the
rescue. We illustrate how these ideas work together to emphasize repentance
and it within the Lukan theme of rescue.

Christopher R. Mwashinga
The Salvation of the Unevangelized: The Exclusivist Views of Millard
J. Erickson
This paper investigates the exclusivist views of Millard J. Erickson on the

salvation of the unevangelized. Erickson is an Evangelical scholar who, for

over four decades, has made a signiicant contribution to the debate about
the salvation of the unevangelized. He has published a number of books
and journal articles on this subject. In his works he has taken a stance as an
exclusivist and has debated from that standpoint while denying the possibility
that general revelation can lead people to salvation. However, in recent years he
has allowed for such a possibility. What indeed are his exclusivist views on the

question of the salvation of the unevangelized? Are his views changing shifting
from exclusivism toward inclusivism? The paper makes an attempt to address
these questions. This has been done by examining his major published works
both books and articles and the works of other scholars who have written about
or have debated him on this subject over the years. The research concludes that
Erickson’s views on the salvation of the unevangelized have softened over time
from being a hardcore exclusivist toward being an agnostic.

Michael Orellana
Syncretism in the Cult to Ishtar
The Lady of the Heaven is known in several ways in the context of ANE:
Inanna, Sumerian; Ishtar, Akkadian; and Astarte, Canaanite. She seems to
play an enormous variety of roles and exhibit several traits as the goddess
of sexual love, fertility, war, rain, etc. Deinitively, her importance within
Ancient Mesopotamia pantheon was preeminent and dominant. Each of her
features is deeply connected with social and political coniguration of Ancient
Mesopotamian Society. In this paper, we are going to focus on how Inanna/
Ishtar evolved along several syncretism processes. The question which we will
try to respond is: What are the several factors involved in this processes and how
they can be interpreted? In order to respond this question, irst of all, we will
consider a brief review of a “standard version” of myths around her and how
she was deeply connected with fertility theology, then we will look over crucial
points in the evolution of her conceptualization, and inally a brief relection
about how to interpret the several changes of her character.

Samuel Pagán De Jesús

Adventism in the Shadow of Fundamentalism
Adventism emerged in the midst of the 19th century, right towards the end
of the Second Great Awakening; a Protestant revival movement that swept the
developing young nation. After the great disappointment of 1844, a small group
of faithful Bible students continued to seek answers through the Scriptures,
and came to the conviction that in 1844, Christ, our High Priest, entered the
second phase of his priestly ministry. By 1863, they had organized into a church
under the name of Seventh-day Adventist. At the same time that Adventism
was organizing for its worldwide mission, other philosophical competitors
like Darwinism, Liberalism, and Modernism were emerging into the scene of
American society. Faced with such challenges, conservative Christianity in
America had to rally to face what they considered a threat to the very fabric of

American Protestantism; Seventh-day Adventist also confronted the threat. The

result of this shared concern was a 20th century Adventism that, in the shadow
of fundamentalism, developed strong fundamentalist views of faith that would
determine its direction for coming decades.

Samuel Pagán De Jesús

Ellen White’s Use of the Veil Imagery and Her Progressive Under-
standing of the Book of Hebrews
Since receiving her irst visions of the sanctuary in heaven early in her min-
istry, Ellen White’s writings have guided the church in its understanding of
Christ’s sanctuary ministry. The concept of a veil that divided the two apart-
ments of the earthly sanctuary was a key component for Ellen White in her de-
scription of these realities in heaven. Her visions were described in mostly literal
terms, although not all that she saw in heaven could be taken literally. The focus
of the visions were not to give details of celestial architectural space, but rather
to communicate conidence in Jesus as High Priest, and his present ministry in
the heavenly sanctuary. To accomplish this Ellen White employed the veil im-
agery in a dynamic and progressive way. She used the veil imagery in a pastoral
sense, but also theologically. Thus it’s important that Adventist understand her
use of the veil imagery in her writings and how it can serve as support for the
biblical teaching of Jesus’ priesthood. This research will focus on Ellen White’s
progressive use and understanding of Christ’s High Priestly ministry in the book
of Hebrews through her use of the veil imagery.

Andria Stewart
The Legacy of the Gospel: Reprising the Role and Function of the
Church in 21st Century Communities
Current trends reveal, most Adventist churches approach the issue of poverty
symptomatically rather than systematically and in recent years have a hands-of
approach to addressing the realities of poverty in the local communities they
serve. This paper seeks to explore and recommend creative ways in which the
church can better serve its community by adapting redemptive and transforma-
tional strategies that will strengthen its role and function in the community;
reconcile and engage secular partnerships without the occlusion of theological
and non-theological diferences in its approach to mission.

Peter Swanson

The Church and Sexual-Identity, and Gender-Variance Issues

An overview of issues related to gender variance and gender identity formation is
presented. Implications for church leaders, pastors, and congregations are discussed.

Andrews Tompkins
The Interplay between Forms of Revelation: Implications for Theo-
logical Methodology
The interplay between forms of revelation has been a matter of much discus-
sion in theological discourse for many centuries. While this paper is not particu-
larly concerned with the inal say on the doctrine of revelation it is concerned
with revelation and its relation to theological method. In other words, what is
the signiicance of the various modes or forms that revelation takes in connection
with the way theology is approached and done? The thesis of this paper is that
God is not limited to one form of revelation, but rather that each revelatory form
can and does inform the others in some way. The paper will attempt to determine,
through the example of Paul, how forms of revelation work together in various
cultural contexts to reveal God. The implications of this thesis as they relate to
theological method will also be explored.

Edmilson S. Villalba
Application of Deuteronomy 21:18–21 to Modern Parenting
This Investigation presents which are the elements implied in this law that are
applicable to modern parenting and which are not?” It answer to this question
by presenting the preventive and punitive role of the law regarding parents, kids,
and society; in especial exploring society’s responsibility towards the individual,
itself, and God. It also investigates what the immediate context reveals about the
law, its category, and its goals. At the sequence it compares capital punishment
among other Near Eastern Ancient cultures, especially regarding parenting, and
presents the reasons why it was so severe inside of Israelite culture. Moreover this
investigation established parallels between the rebellious son, Israel, and any
other sinner and its implications regarding the redemption in Christ at the light of
the NT, employing the applicable elements in this law to modern days parenting
relating it to every individual’s relationship with God, the Father.

Cory Wetterlin
Interpretations of Spiritual House in 1 Peter 2:4–10 and Their Impli-
cations on the Indwelling of Divine Presence

The person-to-person paradigm of divine presence within the OT, the time of
the irst advent of Jesus in the NT, and after the second advent of the Jesus in
the New Jerusalem poses a question of divine presence for the waiting period
in between Jesus ascension and Second Advent. In what way is the Holy Spirit
present with the Christian church during this time of waiting? The question for
this research is in what way, if at all, does the concept of the spiritual house of
1 Peter address the issue of divine presence? The way in which this research will
answer this question is by exegetically deining spiritual house and the closely
related spiritual sacriices in 1 Peter 2:4–10. These deinitions will help to draw
out the implications for divine presence based on this passage.



The bibliography (listed by departments) that follows includes professional

seminars, publications, and scholarly activities done by Seminary faculty dur-
ing 2015.

In addition to teaching, Seminary professors also serve the church by giving

workshops, preaching sermons, and ofering training events around the world.
We have not attempted to relect any of those considerable contributions here.

(By Department)

Christian Ministry 28

Church History 34

Discipleship and Religious Education 37

New Testament 39

Old Testament 46

Theology and Christian Philosophy 56

World Mission 61

InMinistry Center 64

Seminary Library 64


Bell, Skip, DMin

Professor of Christian Ministry
“Farming in the City!” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 33–36.
“The Last Generation: How the Advent Hope Deines Us.” Ministry 87, nos. 7/8
(July–August 2015): 26–29.
“Managing Church Conlict.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American
Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

Dudley, Roger L, EdD

Professor of Church Ministry, Emeritus
“The Ordination of Women in Light of the Character of God.” Pages 351–363 in
Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W.
Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.

Evans, Tom L., DMin

Assistant Professor of Church Planting
“Called to Plant” and “Adventist Leadership: Conformed or Transformed.” Sem-
inar presentations for administrators and departmental directors. Pocos
de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, August 24–26, 2015.
“Church Planting/Forerunner for Evangelism.” Seminar presented at the Called:
North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX,
June 30, 2015.
“Empowering Leadership.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Develop-
ment Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.
“Growing Others through Coaching.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church
Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 28, 2015.
“Introduction to Natural Church Development’s Eight Quality Characteristics.”

Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development Training. Riga,

Latvia, September 27, 2015.
“The Key Factor to Adventist Church Growth.” Seminar presented at the Natural
Church Development Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.
“A Movement Must Have Momentum.” Co-authored with Jose Cortes Jr. Adventist
Review Online (December 29, 2015): n.p. Cited on 14 January 2016. On-
line: www.adventistreview.org/church-news/story3558-a-movement-must
“A Movement Must Have Momentum.” Co-authored with Jose Cortes Jr. North
American Division Ministerial Online. No pages. Cited on 14 January 2016.
Online: www.nadministerial.org/article/1290/public-evangelism-resources
“National Missionaries: Solid Answer for the Abundant Harvest.” News from
ASAP Ministries—Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted (First
Quarter 2016): 2–3.
“New Refugee Friends for Seminary Students.” News from ASAP Ministries—
Advocates for Southeast Asians and the Persecuted (First Quarter 2016):
“Planting More SEEDS.” North American Division Ministerial Online. No pages.
Cited on 14 January 2016. Online: www.nadministerial.org/article/1022/
“The Power of a Question.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Develop-
ment Training. Riga, Latvia, September 28, 2015.
“Red Carpet Service.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development
Training. Riga, Latvia, September 27, 2015.
“SEEDS Conferences Best Practices, Presenters and Future Schedule.” Seminar
presented at the 2015 Church Planting Coordinator’s Retreat. Niles, MI,
October 21, 2015.
“The State of Church Planting in North America and Keys to Multiplication.”
Seminar presented at the 2015 Church Planting Coordinator’s Retreat.
Niles, MI, October 19, 2015.
“Steps to Church Planting.” Seminar presented to pastors and administrators of
the East Sao Paulo Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 20, 2015.
“Steps to Church Planting.” Seminar presented to pastors and administrators of
the Campinas Conference. Campinas, Brazil, August 21, 2015.

“Top Bar Strength.” Seminar presented at the Natural Church Development

Training. Riga, Latvia, September 29, 2015.

Kidder, S. Joseph, DMin

Professor of Christian Ministry
“Balancing a Busy Life.” Ministry (May 2015): 21–23.
“A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming.” Co-authored
with David Penno. Pages 60–66 in Reach the World: Healthy Families for
Eternity. Edited by Willie Oliver and Elaine Oliver. Silver Spring, MD: De-
partment of Family Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Adven-
tists, 2015.
“A Church Filled with God’s Grace and Love.” Ministry (October 2015): 30.
“Équilibrer une vie chargée.” French Ministry (May 2015). No pages. Cited 4 Janu-
ary 2016. Online: https://www.ministrymagazine.org/fr/archive/2015/4/%
“Escape from Iraq, Part 1.” Guide (January 3, 2015): 5–9.
“Escape from Iraq, Part 2.” Guide (January 10, 2015): 5–9.
“Escape from Iraq, Part 3.” Guide (January 17, 2015): 9–11, 30.
“Escape from Iraq, Part 4.” Guide (January 24, 2015): 17–30.
“Escape from Iraq, Part 5.” Guide (January 31, 2015): 13–17.
“The Four Types of Church Conlict, Part 1.” Elder’s Digest (January/March
2015): 30.
“How to Handle Church Conlict, Part 2.” Elder’s Digest (April/June 2015): 29.
“It’s Family Worship Time!” Adventist Review (April 2015): 44–46.
“Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Prayer, Part 1.” Elder’s Digest (July–
September 2015): 31.
“Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Presence, Part 2.” Elder’s Digest (Octo-
ber–December 2015): 31.
“Missão de Curta Duraçáo Como um Novo Paradigma.” Portuguese Ministry 4,
no. 2, (2015): 7–11.
Moving Your Church: Become A Spirit-Led Community. Boise, ID: Paciic Press,
“Planning a Sermonic Year.” Ministry (March 2015): 20–22.

“Touching Lives Like Jesus: Following the Example of the Master.” Adventist
Review (November 2015): 47–50.
“The Value of a Church Brochure.” Ministry (June 2015): 30.

McLean, Errol, DMin

Associate Professor of Christian Ministry
“Called to Power?” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 15–18.

Patterson, Stanley E., PhD

Professor of Christian Ministry
“The Place of Authority in the Organizational Structure of the Seventh-day Ad-
ventist Church.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Divi-
sion of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Spiritual Calling: Vocation and Avocation.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 37–43.

Penno, David, PhD

Associate Professor of Christian Ministry
“A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming.” Co-authored
with Joseph Kidder. Pages 60–66 in Reach the World: Healthy Families
for Eternity. Edited by Willie Oliver and Elaine Oliver. Silver Spring, MD:
Department of Family Ministries, General Conference of Seventh-day Ad-
ventists, 2015.
“Church Administration.” Professional presentation at the Lake Region Confer-
ence’s Elders’ Workshop Equipping to Serve. SDA Theological Seminary,
Berrien Springs, MI, October 15, 2015.
“Desenvolvimento de liderança sustentável” [Development of sustainable lead-
ership]. Foco na Pessoa 4, no. 1 (2015): 6–8.
“Discipling Congregational Leaders.” Seminar presented at the Called: North
American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June
30, 2015.
“Empowering Young People for Active Ministry.” Professional presentation at
the New Jersey Conference’s 2015 Adventist Leadership Summit. Piscat-
away, NJ, September 15, 2015.

“Gestion de Conlictos (Conlict management).” Professional presentation at the

Fomento Church. Santiago, de Cuba, Cuba, March 15, 2015.
“How to Interpret Scripture”; “Spiritual Leadership”; “Empowering and Devel-
oping the Leader Within”; “Empowering and Developing Others as Lead-
ers”; “Conlict Management”; and “Dealing with Fringe Movements.”
Professional presentations at the Three Missions Ministers’ meetings for
pastors from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Cardif, Wales, May 11–13, 2015.
Review of Louis J. Cameli, Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality: New Paths to Un-
derstanding. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no 1 (Spring 2015):
“Zoom for Doctoral Students.” Professional presentation at the Andrews Univer-
sity Faculty Institute. Berrien Springs, MI, August 15, 2015.

Swanson, Peter, PhD

Associate Professor of Pastoral Care
“Paradoxical Grace.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 25–26.

Williams, David, PhD Candidate

“Built Upon the Rock: Designing Services for Worship Renewal.” Seminar pre-
sented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Con-
vention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“An Historical Theology of Ellen G. White’s Experience of and teaching on
Music During the Writing of the Desire of Ages while in Australia from
1892–1898.” Pages 99–133 in Ellen White Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Ed-
ited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI: Center for Adventist Research,
Andrews, 2015.

Williams, Hyveth, DMin

Professor of Christian Ministry
“Prophetic Preaching.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 10–13.
“Prophetic Preaching and Worship.” Seminar presented at the Called: North
American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June
30, 2015.
“Response to David Williams’ Paper ‘An Historical Theology of Ellen G. White’s
Experience of and teaching on Music During the Writing of the Desire of

Ages while in Australia from 1892–1898.’” Pages 134–140 in Ellen White

Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI:
Center for Adventist Research, Andrews, 2015.
“A Way Forward.” Panelist with Wagner Kuhn, Bruce Moyer, and Tom Shepherd
at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contem-
porary Society Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, Sep-
tember 26, 2015.


Burt, Merlin D., PhD

Professor of Church History
“The Center for Adventist Research at Andrews University.” Co-authored with
Jim Ford and Terry Dwain Robertson. Theological Librarianship 8, no. 1
(2015): 24–29. Cited 21 May 2015. Online: https://journal.atla.com/ojs/
Ellen White Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs,
MI: Center for Adventist Research, Andrews University, 2015.
“Essential Guide to Understanding Ellen White.” Seminar presented at the
Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Aus-
tin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“The Foundational Orientation of Ellen White’s Prophetic Ministry.” Pages
267–284 in The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto
R. Timm and Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 2015.
“Introduction.” Pages v–xi in Understanding Ellen White: The Life and Work of
the Most Influential Voice in Adventist History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt.
Nampa, ID: Paciic Press Publishing, 2015.
“Revelation and Inspiration: Ellen White’s Understanding.” Pages 30–44 in Un-
derstanding Ellen White: The Life and Work of the Most Influential Voice
in Adventist History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press
Publishing, 2015.
Understanding Ellen White: The Life and Work of the Most Influential Voice in
Adventist History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press Pub-
lishing, 2015.
“Understanding Ellen White and the Shut Door.” Pages 166–179 in Understand-
ing Ellen White: The Life and Work of the Most Influential Voice in Adventist
History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press Publishing,

Knight, George R., EdD

Professor of Church History, Emeritus
“The Apocalyptic Vision and Adventist Mission in the 21st Century.” Seminar
presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family
Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“Interpreting Ellen White for the 21st Century.” Seminar presented at the Called:
North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX,
June 30, 2015.
“James White Finds the Answer.” Pages 113–119 in Women and Ordination: Bibli-
cal and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic
Press, 2015.

Miller, Nicholas P., JD, PhD

Professor of Church History
“Alongside Foundationalism: Adventism’s Alternative Protestant Philosophical
Path.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1 (Spring 2015): 37–54.
“Homosexuality, the Bible, and Marriage.” Co-presented with Greg King. Semi-
nar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Fam-
ily Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Church.” Seminar presented at the Called:
North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX,
June 30, 2015.
“Pastor, the Church, and the Law.” Seminar presented at the Called: North
American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June
30, 2015.

Moon, Jerry A., PhD

Professor of Church History
“Ellen White and Science.” Co-authored with Tim Standish. Pages180–198 in
Understanding Ellen White: The Life and Work of the Most Influential Voice
in Adventist History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press
Publishing, 2015.
“Herbert Douglass’ Greatest Contribution to Adventist Theology: Douglass Used
Ellen G. White’s Writings to Ofer Clarity during Challenging Times.” Ad-
ventist World—NAD (March 2015): 4–6.

“Response to Mike Oxtenko’s Paper ‘A Comparative Analysis of Chiastic Tech-

nique in the Writings of Ellen G. White and William E. Foy as Evidence of
Post Biblical Inspiration.’” Pages 56–60 in Ellen White Issues Symposium.
Vol. 10. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI: Center for Adventist
Research, Andrews University, 2015.

O’Reggio, Trevor, DMin, PhD

Professor of Church History
“Jan Hus: Forerunner of the Protestant Reformation.” Paper presented at the
Jan Hus Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years. Berrien
Springs, MI, October 9, 2015.
Review of Bryan Ball, The English Connection: The Puritan Roots of Seventh-
day Adventist Belief. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015):

Reeve, John W., PhD

Assistant Professor of Church History
“The Gift of Prophecy in the Early Church and Middle Ages.” Co-authored with
Rodrigo Galiza. Pages 198–220 in The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and His-
tory. Edited by Alberto R. Timm and Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD:
Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
“John Wyclife: Exemplar of Ecclesiastical and Social Reform.” Paper presented
at the Jan Hus Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years.
Berrien Springs, MI, October 9, 2015.
“Why Women Were Barred from Ordination in Christian Tradition.” Pages 47–64
in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John
W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve.
Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.


Beagles, Kathy, PhD

Assistant Professor of Religious Education
“Mining a Metaphor: Implications for Mission.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 30–31.
“Teaching the Way the Brain Learns.” Seminar presented at the Called: North
American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June
29, 2015.

Sedlacek, David, PhD

Professor of Discipleship and Family Life
“Addressing Domestic Violence in the Seventh-day Adventist Church: Past, Pres-
ent and Future.” Paper co-presented with Melissa Ponce-Rodas, Orleanys
del Carmen, and René Drumm at the Adventist Conference on Family Re-
search and Practice. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, July 17, 2015.

“Adventist Recovery Ministries: Christ-Centered 12 Steps for Healing and Whole-

ness.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA
Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“Alcohol and Drug Addiction: Healing the Hurting Church.” Co-authored with
Curtis J. VanderWaal and Héctor Luis Díaz. Pages 67–86 in Church and
Society: Missiological Challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Edited by Rudi Maier. Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission,
Andrews University, 2015.
“Beyond Forgiveness to Reconciliation.” Adventist Review Online (July 9, 2015).
No Pages. Cited: 17 December 2015. Online: www.adventistreview.org/1519-12.

“Clergy Families at Risk: How Pastoral Families Demonstrate Stress and Cop-
ing.” Paper co-presented with René Drumm and Duane McBride at the
14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences. Hono-
lulu, Hawaii, October 19, 2015.

“The Efects of Pornography on Marriage and Strategies for Prevention.” Co-

authored with Abraham Swamidass. Pages 627–652 in Church and Society:
Missiological Challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Edited by
Rudi Maier. Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Andrews
University, 2015.

“I am an Inferior PK: Efects of Congregants’ Expectations of Pastor Kids.” Paper

co-presented with René Drumm, and Alina Baltazar at Pursuing Shalom:
North American Association of Christians in Social Work Convention 2015.
Grand Rapids, MI, November 13, 2015.
“The Impact of a History of Childhood Abuse on Life as a College Student.”
Co-authored with S. Stevenson, C. Kray, T. Henson, C. Burrows, and M.
Rosenboom. Journal of Research on Christian Education 24, no. 2 (2015):

“Pastoral Family Stress: The Challenges of Pastors, Spouses and Children.” Pa-
per presented at the Called: NAD Ministerial Convention. Austin, TX, June
30, 2015.

“Social Work and Biblical Counseling: Curriculum Development.” Paper pre-

sented at Pursuing Shalom: North American Association of Christians in
Social Work Convention 2015. Grand Rapids, MI, November 13, 2015.

“Spiritual Challenges in Pastoral Families: Qualitative Results.” Paper co-pre-

sented with René Drumm and Elaine Oliver at the 2015 Michigan Academy
of Science, Arts and Letters Conference. Berrien Springs, MI. March 13,
“A Voice for the Voiceless: The Challenges of Mental Illness and the Hope of
Mental Health.” Co-authored with Beverly Sedlacek and Barbara Couden
Hernandez. Pages 46–66 in Church and Society: Missiological Challenges
for the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Edited by Rudi Maier. Berrien
Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Andrews University, 2015.


Choi, P. Richard, PhD

Professor of New Testament
“The Aristotelian Taxonomy of Logic in Psalms: LXX Psalm 58:8–9 as a Test
Case.” Paper presented at the International SBL at Universidad Cotólica
Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 23, 2015.
“Cruciixion and Ofense in Rom 6:1–6.” Paper presented at the Midwest Region-
al SBL. Bourbonnais, IL, February 7, 2015.
“Holding Up the Old Man in Mockery: Reconsideration of Paul’s Theology of the
Cross.” Paper presented at the International SBL at Universidad Católica
Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 24, 2015.
“Paul and Worship.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division
of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
369th Meeting of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research. Catholic Theological
Union, Chicago, IL, April 11, 2015. Organized by P. Richard Choi, CSBR ex-
ecutive secretary/coordinator.
368th Meeting of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research. Valparaiso University,
Chicago, IL, January 24, 2015. Organized by P. Richard Choi, CSBR execu-
tive secretary/coordinator.
370th Meeting of the Chicago Society of Biblical Research. Lutheran School of
Theology, Chicago, IL, October 24, 2015. Organized by P. Richard Choi,
CSBR executive secretary/coordinator.

Cortez, Felix H., PhD

Assistant Professor of New Testament
“Abraham as a Missionary.” Presentation of the Sabbath School Lesson Study at
the 60th General Conference Session. Alamodome. San Antonio, TX, July
11, 2015.
“Acts and the General Epistles 1.” Episode 23: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30
minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society,
2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/new

“Acts and the General Epistles 2.” Episode 24: Faithful to the Scriptures Series,
30 minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological So-
ciety, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/
“‘Children of Rahab: Second-generation Faith.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 3 (2015).
No pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest
“Creation in Hebrews.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015):
“Death and Future Hope in the Hebrew Bible.” Pages 95–106 in “What Are Hu-
man Beings that You Remember Them?” Proceedings of the Third Interna-
tional Bible Conference, Nof GInosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited
by Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“Death and Hell in the New Testament.” Pages 183–204 “What Are Human Beings
that You Remember Them?” Proceedings of the Third International Bible
Conference, Nof GInosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited by Clinton
Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“Gospel Hemi-neglect.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 4 (2015). No pages. Cited 14 De-
cember 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/178/archives/
“Hebrews.” Episode 22: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist
Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 Octo-
ber 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/new-testament-2/pauline
“Hebreos y 1844” at “El Remanente y los disidentes.” Presentations at the Bib-
lical Conference at Universidad Adventista Peruana Unión. Ñaña, Peru,
October 30–November 1, 2015.
“‘I will put My trust in Him’: The Faithful Son and the Family of God in He-
brews.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Adventist Theologi-
cal Society and the Adventist Society of Religious Studies. Atlanta, GA,
November 20, 2015.
“Jesus as ‘Son’ of God: The Perspective of Hebrews.” Pages 471–486 in “The End
from the Beginning”: Festschrift Honoring Merling Alomía. Lima, Perú:
Universidad Peruana Unión, 2015.
“Jesús: el rey prometido como mediador del pacto.” Teobilica 1, no. 1 (2015):
“Lost in Translation: Why Bibles Are So Diferent and How to Choose Yours.”

Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’

Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“The Mission-Charity Dilemma: Fresh Perspectives from Paul’s Practice.” Jour-
nal of the Adventist Theological Society 26 (2015): 1–15.
“Not All Comparisons Are Created Equal: Moses and Aaron Compared to Jesus
in the Letter to the Hebrews.” Pages 186–199 in Men in the Bible and Re-
lated Literature: In the Grip of Specific Males. Edited by John T. Greene.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Review of Brian C. Small. The Characterization of Jesus in the Book of Hebrews.
Review of Biblical Literature (2015). No pages. Cited 11 December 2015. On-
line: http://www.bookreviews.org.
“The Theology of Hebrews.” Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of
Seminary Deans and Undergraduate and Graduate Directors of the South
American Division and of the Biblical Research Committee of the South
American Division. Brasilia, Brazil, September 10–14, 2015.
“‘You Must Prophesy Again’: What Does It Mean to Be a Prophetic People?”
Perspective Digest 20, no. 2 (2015). No pages. Cited 20 May 2015. Online:
“What Does It Mean to Be a Prophetic People?” Perspective Digest 20, no. 2 (2015).
No pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest
“Within the Veil: Hebrews and 1844.” Seminar presented at the Called: North
American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June
29, 2015.

Johnston, Robert M., PhD

Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins, Emeritus
“Demon Possession and Exorcism in the New Testament.” Journal of Adventist
Mission Studies 11, no. 2 (2015): 17–24.
“Exorcism in the New Testament.” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and
the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference.
Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.

Reeve, Teresa, PhD

Associate Professor of New Testament
“First Corinthians 11:2–16 and the Ordination of Women to Pastoral Ministry.”
Pages 243–262 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies.
Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? New Testament Considerations.”
Pages 197–230 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies.
Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.

Shepherd, Thomas, DrPH, PhD

Professor of New Testament
“Comparative Narrative Analysis as a Tool in Determining the Lectio Diicilior
in Mark 1:40–45: A Narrative Analysis of Codices Bezae, Vaticanus, and
Washingtonianus.” Co-authored with Joel E. Lisboa. Neotestamentica 49,
no. 1 (2015): 75–89.
“Creation’s Intimate Touch Part 1: God’s Three Revelations.” The Compass Mag-
azine. No pages. Cited 2 July 2015. Online: https://www.thecompassmaga-
“Creation’s Intimate Touch Part 2: The Testimony of Nature.” The Compass
Magazine. No pages. Cited 2 July 2015. Online: https://www.thecompass-
“Creation’s Intimate Touch Part 3: Creation and Marriage.” The Compass Maga-
zine. No pages. Cited 3 July 2015. Online: https://www.thecompassmaga-
“Divorce and Remarriage.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American
Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Facing Evil and Finding Atonement: The Crossroad of Jesus’ Passion in 1 Peter
2.” Pages 173–182 in The Great Controversy and the End of Evil: Biblical
and Theological Studies in Honor of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez in Celebration
of His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Gerhard Pfandl. Silver Spring, MD:
Biblical Research Institute; Review and Herald Publishing Association,
“The Gospels, Part 1” Episode 17: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes,
Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cit-
ed 8 January 2016. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos.

“The Gospels, Part 2” Episode 18: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes,
Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited
8 January 2016. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos.
“Homosexuality and the Contextual Meaning of ‘Exchange’ (Μεταλλάσσω) in
Romans 1:25–27.” Paper presented at the Fall Symposium of the Adventist
Theological Society. Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
“Resurrection, Rebirth, and the Human Being in 1 and 2 Peter.” Pages 165–182
in “What Are Human Beings that You Remember Them?” Proceedings of
the Third International Bible Conference, Nof GInosar and Jerusalem, June
11–21, 2012. Edited by Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research
Institute, 2015.
“The Scholar and the Word of God.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 2 (2015). No pages.
Cited 20 May 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/?issue=20-2.
“A Way Forward.” Panelist with Wagner Kuhn, Bruce Moyer, and Hyveth
Williams at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and
Contemporary Society Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs,
MI, September 26, 2015.
“‘We Thank God for You’ How Thanksgiving Transforms Our Walk: A Study in
the Theology of Colossians.” Journal of the Adventist Theological Society
25, no. 2 (2014): 29–42. (Released in 2015.)

Stefanovic, Ranko, PhD

Professor of New Testament
“Bozanstvo trojstva u Bibliji,” “Druga osoba bozanstva u Bibliji”; “Licnost i bo-
zanska priroda Svetoga Duha”; and “Sedam glava zvijeri iz Otkrivenja 17.”
Papers presented at the Biblijska Conferencija. Novi Sad, Serbia, March
15–17, 2015.
“El don de profecia y la iglesia.” Pages 25–51 in Elena G. de White: Manteniendo
viva la vision. Edited by H. O Martin and D. A. Mora. Nirgua, Venezuela:
Teologico Adventista de Venezuela, 2015.
“End-Time Demonic Activities in the Book of Revelation. Paper presented at the
Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary
Society Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, September
24, 2015.
“End-time Demonic Activities in the Book of Revelation.” Journal of Adventist
Mission Studies 11, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 169–182.

“The Eschatological Meaning of Jesus’s Apocalyptic Discourse in Matthew 24–

25”; “The Signiicance and Meaning of Revelation 4–5”; “The Meaning of
the Seven Seals in Revelation 6”; “The Prophetic Role of God’s End-Time
People in Revelation 11”; and “The Meaning of the Seven Last Plagues in
Revelation 16.” Papers presented at the Third Annual Bible Conference:
Studies in the Books of Matthew and Revelation. Toronto, ON, Canada,
May 1–3, 2015.
“The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets of Revelation: Josiah Litch and Ellen White’s Phi-
losophy of History.” Professional presentation at the 15th Annual Semi-
nary Heritage Sabbath. Battle Creek, MI, September 12, 2015.
“Importance of the Organizational Structure of Revelation for the Interpretation
of Its Content.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division
of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Las 7 plagas postreras”; “Babilonia escatologica”; Eschatological Babylon”;
and “Interpretacion de las 7 cabezas de Apocalipsis 17.” Papers presented
at the 4tas Conferencias Biblicas Internacionale. La Universidad Linda
Vista, Chiapas, Mexico, June 18–21, 2015.
“The Meaning and Message of the Beatitudes in the Sermon of the Mount.” Pa-
per presented at the 11th Annual SDA Theological Seminary Scholarship
Symposium. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, February 6, 2015.
“The Plurality of the Godhead in the Bible.” Pages 115–129 in Searching, Living,
Teaching. Vol 1. Edited by Artur A. Stele. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Re-
search Institute, 2015.
“The Prophetic Role and Message of God’s End-Time People According to Rev-
elation 10-11.” Paper presented at the Northwest Chapter of the Adventist
Theological Society. Spokane, WA, March 6–7, 2015.
“The Remnant Concept in the Book of Revelation.” Seminar presented at the
Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Aus-
tin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Revelation (Part 1).” Episode 25: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes.
Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited
14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/bible-and-theolo-
“Revelation (Part 2).” Episode 26: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes.
Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited
14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/bible-and-theology

“The ‘Spirit of Prophecy’ in the Revelation of John.” Pages 186–197 in The Gift of
Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto R. Timm and Dwain
N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association,
“The ‘Spirit of Prophecy’ in the Revelation of John.” Paper presented at the Gift
of Prophecy in Scripture and History Symposium. Andrews University,
Berrien Springs, MI, October 15–18, 2015.


Davidson, Richard M., PhD

J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Interpretation
“Biblical Hermeneutics.” Co-presented with Jiří Moskala. Episode 4: Faithful
to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Ad-
ventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://
“Condemnation and Grace: Polygamy and Concubinage in the Old Testament.”
Christian Research Journal 38, no. 5 (2015): 32–37.
“The Creation Theme in Psalm 104.” Pages 85–105 in He Spoke and It Was: Di-
vine Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa,
ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“The Creation Theme in Psalm 104.” Pages 149–188 in The Genesis Creation Ac-
count and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A.
Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“Did God Commit Genocide Against the Canaanites?” Seminar presented at the
Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Aus-
tin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament.” Pages 179–202 in Marriage:
Biblical and Theological Aspects. Edited by Ekkehardt Mueller and Elias
Brasil de Sousa. Silver Spring, MD; Biblical Research Institute and Review
and Herald; Nampa ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“Earth’s First Sanctuary: Genesis 1–3 and Parallel Creation Accounts.” Andrews
University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1 (2015): 65–89.
“Ellen White’s Insights into Scripture in Light of the Original Biblical Languag-
es.” Pages 152–166 in The Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited
by Alberto Timm and Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen White
Estate, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
“Ellen White’s Insights into Scripture in Light of the Original Biblical Languag-
es.” Paper presented at the Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History Sym-
posium, Andrews University. Berrien Springs, MI, October 18, 2015.

“Éxtasis en el Edén: Los designios de Dios para la sexualidad humana” (Ecstasy

in Eden: The Divine design for human sexuality). AULA7 28 (December
2015): 7–11.
“Éxtasis en el Edén: Los designios de Dios para la sexualidad humana.” (Ecstasy
in Eden: The Divine design for human sexuality.) Paper presented at the
41st Annual AEGUAE Convention. Bennicassim, Spain, December 5, 2015.
“Ezekiel 28:11–19 and the Rise of the Cosmic Conlict.” Pages 57–69 in The Great
Controversy and the End of Evil: Biblical and Theological Studies in Honor
of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday. Ed-
ited by Gerhard Pfandl. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald, Biblical
Research Institute; Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“The Genesis Account of Origins.” Pages 59–129 in The Genesis Creation Account
and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil.
Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“The Genesis Account of Origins.” Pages 39–71 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine
Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa, ID:
Paciic Press, 2015.
“La homosexualidad y la biblia qué está en juego en el debate actual?” (Homo-
sexuality and the bible: what is at stake in the current discussion?) Paper
presented at the 41st Annual AEGUAE Convention. Bennicassim, Spain,
December 5, 2015.
“Linear, Narrative-Plot Development in the Song of Songs.” Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society/Adventist
Theological Society. Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
“The Living Death: Typology of Leprosy and Its Cleansing.” Pages 45–58 in “The
End from the Beginning:” Festschrift Honoring Merling Alomía. Edited by
Benjamin Rojas et al. Lima, Peru: Peruvian Union University, 2015.
“Lo que dice la iblia acerca de la homosexualidad” (What the bible says about
homosexuality). AULA7 28 (December 2015): 12–19.
“Lo que dice la biblia acerca de la homosexualidad.” (What the bible says about
homosexuality.) Paper presented at the 41st Annual AEGUAE Convention.
Bennicassim, Spain, December 5, 2015.
“The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome.” Co-authored with Randall W. Younker.
Pages 25–38 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament.
Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.

“The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrew ‫ַעיִקָר‬
(rāqîaʿ).” Co-authored with Randall W. Younker. Pages 31–56 in The Gene-
sis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited by
Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2015.
“The Nature of the Human Being from the Beginning: Genesis 1–11.” Pages 11–42
in What Are Human Beings that You Remember Them? Proceedings of the
Third International Bible Conference, Nof Ginosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21,
2012. Edited by Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research In-
stitute, 2015.
“Pentateuch Part 2 (Exodus–Deuteronomy).” Episode 6: Faithful to the Scrip-
tures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theo-
logical Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy
.org/videos/old -testament/pentateuch.
“Response to Ron du Preez’ Paper ‘Hebrew Literary Structures in Ellen White’s
Writings.’” Pages 92–98 in Ellen White Issues Symposium. Vol. 10. Edited
by Merlin D. Burt. Berrien Springs, MI: Center for Adventist Research, An-
drews, 2015.
“Schools of the Prophets Paradigm for Pastoral Education.” Current 3 (Summer
2015): 19–22.
“Should Women Be Ordained as Pastors? Old Testament Considerations.” Pages
143–196 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited
by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“The Sola Scriptura Principle.” Co-presented with John C. Peckham. Episode 1:
Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Acad-
emy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online:
“A Song for the Sanctuary: The Beauty, Truthfulness, and Good News of the
Sanctuary Message.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American
Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“Teachers’ Edition Study Helps: Lesson 4.” Pages 48–52 in Proverbs: Adult Sab-
bath School Bible Study Guide for January–March 2015. Silver Spring, MD:
General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.
“What Does the Bible Say About Origins?” Perspective Digest 20, no. 2 (2015).
No Pages. Cited 20 May 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/

Doukhan, Jacques B., Dr.Heb.Lett., ThD

Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis
Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015, Proverbs. Edited by
Cliford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Oice of the Adult Bible Study
Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 2015.
“Creation.” Pages 49–66 in The Future of Adventism: Theology, Society, Experience.
Edited by Gary Chartier. Ann Arbor, MI: Griin & Lash, Publishers, 2015.
“When Death Was Not Yet.” Pages 179–186 in He Spoke and It Was: Divine Cre-
ation in the Old Testament, ed. Gerald A. Klingbeil (Paciic Press, 2015).

Gane, Constance E. C., PhD

Associate Professor of Archaeology and Old Testament
“Nineveh’s Halzi Gate and the Fall of an Empire.” Paper presented at the Lynn
H. Wood Archaeological Museum Lecture Series, Southern Adventist Uni-
versity. Collegedale, TN, March 30, 2015.
“A Window into the Worship of Demons in the Old Testament.” Paper presented
at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contem-
porary Society Conference. Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.

Gane, Roy E., PhD

Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages
“The Amazing Potential of the Priesthood of All Believers.” Seminar presented
at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention.
Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
Current Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom
and Beyond. Edited by Roy E. Gane (lead editor) and Ada Taggar-Cohen.
Resources for Biblical Study. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
“Didactic Logic and the Authorship of Leviticus.” Pages 197–221 in Current Is-
sues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and
Beyond. Edited by Roy E. Gane and Ada Taggar-Cohen, et al. Resources for
Biblical Study. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.
“Introduction.” Co-authored with Ada Taggar-Cohen. Pages xiii–xvi in Current
Issues in Priestly and Related Literature: The Legacy of Jacob Milgrom and
Beyond. Edited by Roy E. Gane and Ada Taggar-Cohen, et al. Resources for
Biblical Study. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.

“The Lesson in Brief, Lessons 3, 5, 6” and “The Learning Cycle, Lessons 3, 5,

6.” Pages 36–40, 60–64, 72–76 in the Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible
Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015, Proverbs. Edited by Cliford R. Goldstein,
Silver Spring, MD: Oice of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General
“Marriage and the Family.” Panel Discussion participant at the Adventist Theo-
logical Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 22, 2015.
“The Nature of the Human Being in Leviticus.” Pages 43–57 in What Are Human
Beings that You Remember Them? Proceedings of the Third International
Bible Conference, Nof Ginosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited by
Clinton Wahlen. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity.” Paper
presented at the Adventist Theological Society/Evangelical Theological
Society National Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November 18, 2015.
“Old Testament Principles Relevant to Mutually Consensual Homoerotic Activ-
ity—Part 1.” Ministry: International Journal for Pastors 87, no. 9 (September
2015): 14–15.
“Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity—Part
2.” Ministry: International Journal for Pastors 87, no. 11 (November, 2015):
“Productive and Protected Ministry: Numbers 17:23 [English 17:8].” Paged 30–32
in Devotions on the Hebrew Bible: 54 Reflections to Inspire and Instruct. Ed-
ited by Milton Eng and Lee M. Fields. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2015.
“Streaming to the Lord.” Ministry: International Journal for Pastors 87, no. 2 (Feb-
ruary 2015): 13–15.

Glanz, Oliver, PhD

Assistant Professor of Old Testament
“Atheismus als Grundlage der Propheten.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland,
October 18, 2015.
“The Bible Online Learner as an Efective and Open Source Biblical Language
Learning Environment for Seminaries and Faculties of Theology.” Paper
presented at the Applied Linguistics for Biblical Languages session of the
annual meeting of SBL. Atlanta, GA, November 22 2015.
“Bible Software on the Workbench of the Biblical Scholar.” Paper presented at the
11th Annual Seminary Scholarship Symposium. Andrews University, Berrien
Springs, MI, February 6, 2015.

“Biographische Notizen: Wofür noch kämpfen? – Warum ich die Gemeinde verlas-
sen habe.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 16, 2015.
“Critical Remarks on Canale’s Use of Phenomenology: Analyzing Its Problems and
Perspectives.” Paper presented to the Biannual Adventist Sola Scriptura
Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, April 2015.
“Denken und Glauben.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 17, 2015.
“Der Prediger: Dichten gegen die Illusion etwas Besonderes zu sein.” Paper pre-
sented at 15. FACIT Studientag. Stuttgart, Germany, October 24, 2015.
“Der Sabbat: Gegen den Fortschrittswahn.” Paper presented at 15. FACIT Studien-
tag. Stuttgart, Germany, October 24 2015.
ETCBC-vm v1.5. Lubuntu 14.04 32bit. Berrien Springs, 2015. Cited 11 December 2015.
Online: http://laf-fabric.readthedocs.org/en/latest/texts/getting-started.html.
“Fighting the Gods with Rebellious Prophets: Applying Postmodern Mission in
Amsterdam.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of
SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“The Formal Characteristics of Jussiv, Adhortative, and Cohortative as Fea-
tures in BibleOL.” BibleOL, 2015. Cited 11 December 2015. Online: http://
“Jenseits von Subjektivismus und Objektivismus.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Swit-
zerland, Oct 17, 2015.
“Notwendige kulturelle Partner: Relativität und Normativität.” FORUM lecture.
Weggis, Switzerland, October 18, 2015.
“The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah.” Spectrum (2015). No pages. Cited 11 December
2015. Online: http://spectrummagazine.org/article/2015/09/30/prophetic
Review of Donald A. Vance, George Athas, and Yael Avrahami, Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartensia: A Reader’s Edition. Andrews University Seminary Studies
53, no.1 (2015):240–244.
Review of Seizo Sekine, Philosophical Interpretations of the Old Testament. Bibli-
cal Research 25, no. 2 (2015): 227–230.
“Sabbat: Kein Leben ohne Land.” Paper presented at 15. FACIT Studientag. Stutt-
gart, Germany, October 24, 2015.
“SHEBANQ in the Exegesis Classroom: Teaching Exegetical Research with the Re-
ceiver of the Digital Humanities Awards 2014.” Paper presented at the Aca-
demic Teaching and Biblical Studies session of the annual meeting of SBL.
Atlanta, GA, November 21 2015.

“Unser Weg in die sinnentleerende Zwickmühle: Zwischen Monster und Mas-

chine.” FORUM lecture. Weggis, Switzerland, October 17, 2015.
“Updating the GBS Hebrew-English Dictionary with Lemma Corrections and Gloss
Priority according to Its Stem Distribution in the Hebrew Bible.” BibleOL,
2015. Cited 11 December 2015. Online: http://bibleol.3bmoodle.dk/.
“Valence Patterns in Biblical Hebrew: Classical Philology and Linguistic Patterns.”
Co-authored with Reinoud Oosting and Janet W. Dyk. Journal of Northwest
Semitic Languages 2, no. 42 (2015): 31–55.

Gregor, Paul Z., PhD

Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology
“Creation Revisited: Echoes of Genesis 1 and 2 in Pentateuch.” Pages 131–148 in
The Genesis Creation Account, and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament.
Edited by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University
Press, 2015.
“Creation Echoes of Genesis 1 and 2 in the Pentateuch.” Pages 73–84 in He Spoke
and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament. Edited by Gerald A.
Klingbeil. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press. 2015.
“Eternal but Forgotten Mission.” Biblijski Pogledi 21 (2013): 131–140. (Released
in 2015.)

Moskala, Jiří, ThD, PhD

Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology
“Biblical Hermeneutics.” Co-presented with Richard M. Davidson. Episode 4:
Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes, Adventist Theological Acad-
emy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online:
“Biblical Hermeneutics: The Joy of Discovering the Meaning of the Text.” Semi-
nar presented at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Fam-
ily Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.
“Christ’s Intercessory Ministry for Us Today: Why Do We Need It?” Paper pre-
sented at the Centenary Celebrations of Spicer Memorial College (1915–
2015). Pune, India, February 28, 2015.
“The Current Theological Debate Regarding Eternal Punishment in Hell and the
Immortality of the Soul.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1
(Spring 2015): 91–125.

“Current Theological and Intellectual Trends.” Pages 183–199 in Called: Core

Qualities for Ministry. Edited by Nikolaus Satelmajer and Ivan L. Williams,
Sr. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“Diicult Expressions and Texts Regarding the Divinity of Christ.” Paper pre-
sented at the Southern Asia Division Bible Conference. Hapur, India,
March 29, 2015.
“Eternal Punishment in Hell and the Immortality of the Soul: Overview of the
Current Debate.” Pages 293–305 in “What are Human Beings that You Re-
member Them?” Proceedings of the Third International Bible Conference,
Nof Ginosar and Jerusalem, June 11–21, 2012. Edited by Clinton Wahlen.
Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, 2015.
“The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 1 (2015).
No pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.
“Introduction.” Pages ix–xi in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical
Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“Jan Hus and the Hussites’ Quest for Truth.” Paper presented at the Jan Hus
Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years. Berrien Springs,
MI, October 8, 2015.
“The Lesson in Brief, Lesson 1” and “The Learning Cycle, Lesson 1.” Pages 12–16
in the Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar
2015, Proverbs. Edited by Cliford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Oice
of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Ad-
ventists, 2015.
“Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Responses, and
God’s Attitude.” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult
in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Berrien
Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.
“Mapping Neo-Atheist and Other Recent Attacks on the Character of God: A
Case of Theodicy.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 1 (Spring
2015): 93–112.
“The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus for Us in the Heavenly Sanc-
tuary.” Paper presented at the Southern Asia Division Bible Conference.
Hapur, India, March 28, 2015.

“Neo-Atheist and Other Recent Attacks on the Character of God: A Case of Theo-
dicy.” Pages 95–108 in The Great Controversy and the End of Evil: Biblical
and Theological Studies in Honor of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez in Celebration
of His Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Gerhard Pfandl. Silver Spring, MD:
Biblical Research Institute; Review and Herald Publishing Association,
“Practice of Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Re-
sponses, and God’s Attitude.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no.
2 (Fall 2015): 1–16.
“The Prophetic Voice in the Old Testament: An Overview.” Paper presented at
the Gift of Prophecy 2015 Symposium. Berrien Springs, MI, October 15,
“The Prophetic Voice in the Old Testament: An Overview.” Pages 11–42 in The
Gift of Prophecy in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto R. Timm and
Dwain N. Esmond. Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald Publishing As-
sociation, 2015.
“Proverbs 8 and the Theory of Kenosis in view of Christ’s Divinity.” Paper pre-
sented at the Southern Asia Division Bible Conference. Hapur, India,
March 29, 2015.
“Recent Attacks on the Character of God.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 4 (2015). No
pages. Cited 14 December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/
“The Surprising God of Jonah: His Compassion and Our Genuine Obedience.”
Current 3 (Summer 2015): 44–45.
“Toward Consistent Adventist Hermeneutics: From Creation through De-Cre-
ation to Re-Creation.” Pages 1–38 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and
Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“The Value of Adventist Scholarship: Striving for Excellence and Advancing in
Truth.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 1–3.

Ray, Paul J., PhD

Associate Professor of Archaeology
“The House: Basic Material Unit of the Ancient Family.” Paper presented at the
Near East Archaeological Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, November
18, 2015.

Review of Eric M. Meyers and Mark A. Chancey, Alexander to Constantine: Ar-

chaeology in the Land of the Bible, Volume 3. Near East Archaeological So-
ciety Bulletin 60 (2015): 46–49.

Younker, Randall W., PhD

Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology
“Paul and the Emergence of Christianity in Sicily.” Paper presented at the Horn
Lectureship Series. Berrien Springs, MI, October 26, 2015.
“The Myth of the Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at the Hebrew ‫ַעיִקָר‬
(rāqîaʿ).” Co-authored with Richard M. Davidson. Pages 31–56 in The Gen-
esis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament. Edited
by Gerald A. Klingbeil. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press,
“Towards a New History of the Site.” Paper presented at the “Risultati Prelimi-
nari Della Campagna Di Scavo 2015 Efettuata Presso Il Villaggio Tardo
Romano E La Basilica Paleocristiana Di San Miceli. Salemi, Sicily, Italy,
July 3, 2015.


Davidson, Jo Ann, PhD

Professor of Theology
“An Ancient Honor Roll.” Dialogue 3, no. 26 (2015): 5–8.
“Behold, I Come Quickly … But We Are Still Here.” Pages 275–284 in The Great
Controversy and the End of Evil: Biblical and Theological Studies in Honor
of Ángel Manuel Rodríguez in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday. Edited
by Gerhard Pfandl. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute; Review
and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
“Creation Care and the Sabbath” and “God: Lover of Beauty.” Professional pre-
sentations at the Called: North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family
Convention. Austin, TX, July 29–30.
“The Church, Stewardship and Ecology.” Dynamic Stewardship 19, no. 3 (2015):
“Delay and Promise.” Perspective Digest 20, no. 4 (2015). No pages. Cited 14
December 2015. Online: http://www.perspectivedigest.org/article/180/
Proverbs Study Helps for Lessons 10–13. Pages 120–124, 132–136, 144–148, 156–160
in the Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Jan, Feb, Mar 2015,
Proverbs. Edited by Cliford R. Goldstein, Silver Spring, MD: Oice of the
Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
“Stewardship.” General Conference of SDA DVD. Filmed on September 28, 2015.
“Women in Scripture: A Survey and Evaluation.” Pages 121–142 in Women and
Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nam-
pa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“The Word Speaks for Itself: How to Preach so Your Members Will Want to Study
the Bible.” Seminar presented at the Called: North American Division of
SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.

Fortin, Denis, PhD

Professor of Theology
“Current Issues in the Ecumenical Movement.” Seminar presented at the Called:
North American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX,
June 30, 2015.
“Ellen White and the Development of Seventh-day Adventist Doctrines.” Pages
107–117 in Understanding Ellen White: The Life and Work of the Most In-
fluential Voice in Adventist History. Edited by Merlin D. Burt. Silver Spring,
MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 2015.
“Ellen White, Women in Ministry, and the Ordination of Women.” Pages 85–111
in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John
Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“Historical and Theological Perspectives on the Rise of Arminianism and the
Place of Seventh-day Adventism in the Calvinist-Arminian Debate.”
Andrews University Seminary Students Journal 1, no. 1 (2015). Cited on 14
October 2015. Online: https://www.andrews.edu/openjournal/index.php/
“Paul’s Observance of the Sabbath in Acts of the Apostles as a Marker of Conti-
nuity between Judaism and Early Christianity.” Andrews University Semi-
nary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015): 321–335.
“The Reformers and the Gift of Prophecy.” Pages 221–231 in The Gift of Prophecy
in Scripture and History. Edited by Alberto R. Timm and Dwain N. Esmond.
Silver Spring, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
Review of Gerald Bray, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology. Journal
of Asia Adventist Seminary 16, no. 2 (2015): 205–208.
Review of Terrie Dopp Aamodt, Gary Land, and Ronald L. Numbers, eds., Ellen
Harmon White: American Prophet. Theologika 30, no. 1 (2015): 140–150.

Martin Hanna, PhD

Associate Professor of Historical Theology
“Foreknowledge and Salvation: A Study of the Certainty and Contingency of
Free Choices.” Poster presented at the Seminary Scholarship Symposium.
Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, February 5–6, 2015.

“God’s Manifold Wisdom in the Church, Parts 1–4: Incarnation Wisdom: Riches
of Christ (Eph 3:8)”; “Inspiration Wisdom: Word of Truth (Eph 1:13)”; “Il-
lumination Wisdom: Spirit of Truth (Eph 1:17–18); Gloriication Wisdom:
Riches of Glory (Eph 1:18).” Papers presented at Bible Conference, South
East Mexican Union. Merida, Yucatán, México, September 3–5, 2015.
“The Trial and Triumph of Truth: Tracking the Legacy of Jan Hus.” Paper pre-
sented at the Jan Hus Symposium: Considering His Martyrdom after 600
Years. Berrien Springs, MI, October 9, 2015.
“Men and Women in Church Order.” Pages 297–308 in Women and Ordination:
Biblical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Pa-
ciic Press, 2015.
Questions and Answers About Women’s Ordination. Co-authored with Cindy
Tutsch. Napa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
Review of Gregory A. Boyd, Benefit of the Doubt: Breaking the Idol of Certainty.
Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015): 390–392.
“The Spiritual Gift of Scholarship.” Current 3 (Summer 2015): 46–47.

Jankiewicz, Darius W., PhD

Professor of Theology
“Authority of the Christian Leader.” Pages 155–179 in South Paciic Perspectives
on Ordination: Biblical Theological and Historical Studies in an Adventist
Context. Edited by Graeme J. Humble and Robert K. McIver. Cooranbong,
Australia: Avondale Academic Press, 2015.
“Authority of the Christian Leader.” Pages 65–83 in Women and Ordination: Bib-
lical and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic
Press, 2015.
“Autoridad del líder Cristiano.” Pages 47–74 in Apartadas para el Ministerio: Una
perspectiva adventista sobre la ordenación. Edited by Oscar S. Mendoza
and Daniel A. Mora. Lima, Perú: Fortaleza Edicionez, 2015.
“Autorytet chrzescijanskiego przywodcy.” Sigma Temporis 21 (2015): 51–76.
“A Brief History of Christian Ordination.” Paper presented at the Women’s Ordi-
nation: The Road to San Antonio, Loma Linda University Church Lecture-
ship. Loma Linda, CA, January 23, 2015.

“Febe ¿Fue ella una líder en la iglesia primitive?” Pages 171–180 in Apartadas para el
Ministerio: Una perspectiva adventista sobre la ordenación. Edited by Oscar S.
Mendoza and Daniel A. Mora. Lima, Perú: Fortaleza Edicionez, 2015.
“Investigative Judgment and the Synergistic/Monergistic Controversy.” Three pro-
fessional presentations at the Recapturing the Big Picture Bible Conference,
Avondale College. Cooranbong, Australia, February 1–4, 2015.
“Investigative Judgment and the Synergistic/Monergistic Controversy.” Three profes-
sional presentations at the Recapturing the Big Picture Bible Conference, Ful-
ton College. Tailevu, Fiji, February 5–8, 2015.
“Investigative Judgment and the Synergistic/Monergistic Controversy.” Three profes-
sional presentations at the Recapturing the Big Picture Bible Conference, Pa-
ciic Adventist University. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, February 10–13,
“Jesus’ Blueprint for the Church: What ‘Servant Leadership’ Is Not.” Paper presented
at the “The Gathering” Conference. Chicago, IL, November 14, 2015.
“Ordynacja-lekcje z historii wczesnego chrześcijaństwa.” Sigma Temporis 21 (2015):
“Phoebe: An Early Church Leader.” Pages 231–236 in Women and Ordination: Biblical
and Historical Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.
“The Problem of Ordination: Lessons from Early Christian History.” Pages 101–129
in South Pacific Perspectives on Ordination: Biblical Theological and Historical
Studies in an Adventist Context. Edited by Graeme J. Humble and Robert K.
McIver. Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press, 2015.
“The Shades of Authority in the Church.” Seminar presented at the Called: North
American Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 29, 2015.

Jerončić, Ante, PhD

Associate Professor of Ethics and Theology
“Beyond Kitsch: Human Flourishing and the Tragic Vision.” Paper presented at the
Adriatic Union College International Theology Conference. Marusevec, Croa-
tia, June 21, 2015.
“Loving the Good: Iris Murdoch’s Ethical Realism.” Biblijski Pogledi 21 (2015): 101–114.
“The Quest for ‘La Sapienza’: Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism and the Science and Re-
ligion Dialogue.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 2 (2015): 355–368.
Peckham, John C., PhD
Associate Professor of Theology and Christian Philosophy
“The Biblical Canon.” Episode 3: Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes. Ad-
ventist Theological Academy, Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14
October 2015. Online: http://atsacademy.org/videos/bible-and-theology-2/
“Canonical Theological Method.” Paper presented to the Andrews University PhD
Religion Students at the Transdisciplinarity Consultation. Berrien Springs, MI,
March 4, 2015.
“Divine Love Revisited.” Seminar presented at the Called: NAD Pastors Convention.
Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“Interview with John C. Peckham: Author of The Love of God: A Canonical Model,”
Moral Apologetics (10/28/2015): http://moralapologetics.com/interview-with
The Love of God: A Canonical Model. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2015.
Radio Interview regarding book The Love of God: A Canonical Model, aired Thanks-
giving week, November 2015 on Anglican Radio. http://anglicanradio.com.
“Sola Scriptura.” Paper presented at the Fall ASSRG BRI Subcommittee. Berrien
Springs, MI, October 16, 2015.
“The Sola Scriptura Principle.” Co-presented with Richard M. Davidson. Episode 1:
Faithful to the Scriptures Series, 30 minutes. Adventist Theological Academy,
Adventist Theological Society, 2015. Cited 14 October 2015. Online: http://
“Theopathic or Anthropopathic? A Suggested Approach to Imagery of Divine Emo-
tion in the Hebrew Bible.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 42, no. 4 (2015):
“We Must Obey God Rather than Men: Jan Hus on the Authority of Scripture in Rela-
tion to Church and Conscience.” Paper presented at the Jan Hus Symposium:
Considering His Martyrdom after 600 Years. Berrien Springs, MI, October 9,

World Mission

Bauer, Bruce L., DMiss

Professor of World Mission
Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa. Co-edited with Wagner Kuhn.
Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Seventh-day Adventist
Theological Seminary, Andrews University. 2015.
“Biblical Responses to Demonization.” Seminar presented at the Called: North Amer-
ican Division of SDA Pastors’ Family Convention. Austin, TX, June 30, 2015.
“Cultural Considerations and Women’s Ordination.” Co-authored with Boubakar
Sanou. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53, no. 1 (2015): 175–182.
“Cultural Considerations and Women’s Ordination.” Co-authored with Boubakar
Sanou. Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 16, no. 2 (2013): 153–161. (Released
in 2015.)
“The Impact of Culture, Worldview, and Experience on the Reading and Interpreting
of Scripture.” Paper presented at the Conference on Culture, Adventist Theol-
ogy and Mission in Africa at the Adventist University of Africa. Nairobi, Kenya,
August 28, 2015.
“Should Dialoguing with Demons Be Used as an Approach to Setting People Free
from Evil Spirits?” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 2 (Fall 2015):
“Should We Engage in Dialogue with Demons?” Paper presented at the Spiritual
Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Con-
ference. Berrien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.

Doss, Gorden R., DMin, PhD

Professor of World Mission
“The Adventist Missionary in the Public Square.” Paper presented at the Adventist
Society for Religious Studies Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, November 20,
“Animism, the Occult, and Mission.” Paper presented at the Spiritual Warfare and
the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary Society Conference. Ber-
rien Springs, MI, September 24, 2015.

“Animism, the Occult, and Mission.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 11, no. 2
(Fall 2015): 105–114.
“Faithful Contextualization: Crossing Boundaries of Culture with the Eternal Gos-
pel.” Ministry (December 2015): 6–9.

Gonçalves, Kleber D., PhD

Associate Professor of World Mission
“Biblical/Theological Foundations for Discipleship.” Paper presented to the General
Conference of SDA Global Mission Issues Committee. Silver Spring, MD, April
6, 2015.
“Princípios de uma igreja sensível à realidade pós-moderna.” (Principles of a church
sensitive to the postmodern reality.) Pages 205–222 in Sociologia e adventismo:
Desafios brasileiros para a missão (Sociology and Adventism: Brazilian mission
challenges). Edited by R. Follis, A. Novaes, and A. Dias. Engenheiro Coelho, SP,
Brazil: Unaspress - Imprensa Universitária Adventista, 2015.

Kuhn, Wagner, PhD

Professor of World Mission
“A Way Forward.” Panelist with Bruce Moyer, Tom Shepherd, and Hyveth Williams at
the Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Scripture, History, and Contemporary
Society Conference. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, September 26,
“Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement—Part 1.” Co-authored with
Marcelo Dias. Ministry 87, no. 7/8 (2015): 52–56.
“Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement—Part 2.” Co-authored with
Marcelo Dias. Ministry. Ministry 87, no. 9 (2015): 23–26.
Biblical Principles for Missiological Issues in Africa. Co-edited with Bruce Bauer.
Berrien Springs, MI: Department of World Mission, Seventh-day Adventist
Theological Seminary, Andrews University. 2015.
“The Incarnation of Christ: Mystery and Model of Mission.” Co-authored with
Adenilton T. Aguiar. Pages 257–283 in The Word: Searching, Living, Teaching.
Edited by Artur A. Stele. Vol. 1. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute,
Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015.
“Mission as Holistic Transformation: Translating the Gospel into Meaningful Ac-
tions.” Plenary lecture presentation at the International Mission and Bible
Conference. Novi Sad, Serbia, March 16, 2015.

“Partnership as Mission: Advancing Scholarship through Publications.” Plenary pre-

sentation at the Seventh Annual Celebration of Research and Creative Scholar-
ship. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI, October 30, 2015.
“Serviço e Discipulado no Ministério Adventista: Seguindo Princípios Fundamen-
tais da Encarnação, Vida e Missão de Jesus Cristo.” Paper presented at the Lay
Leadership Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 11, 2015.
“Teologia e Missiologia Adventista: O Desaio da Contextualização na Missão da
Igreja.” Plenary paper presented at the XI South-American Biblical-Theological
Symposium. UNASP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 2, 2015.
“Two Inseparable Principles in the Mission of Jesus: Service and Discipleship.” Pa-
per presented at the Global Mission Issues Committee. General Conference,
Silver Spring, MD, April 6, 2015.

Vyhmeister, Nancy J., PhD

Professor of Mission, Emerita
“Junia the Apostle.” Pages 237–242 in Women and Ordination: Biblical and Historical
Studies. Edited by John W. Reeve. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.

InMinistry Center

Knott, Esther R., MA (Rel)

“Fostering a Ministry of Excellence: Continuing Education for Lifelong Learning.”
Pages 209–219 in Called: Core Qualities for Ministry. Edited by Nikolaus
Satelmajer and Ivan L. Williams, Sr. Nampa, ID: Paciic Press, 2015.

Seminary Library

Robertson, Terry Dwain, MA, MLS

Seminary Librarian
“The Center for Adventist Research at Andrews University.” Co-authored with Mer-
lin D. Burt and Jim Ford. Theological Librarianship 8, no. 1 (2015): 24–29. Cited
21 May 2015. Online: https://journal.atla.com/ojs/index.php/theolib/article/

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