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CS174 Lecture 10 John Canny

Hypothesis Testing
Scientific facts are established through experiment. The first time a fact was established, it typically
pushed the limits of the instruments of the day. The finite precision of real instruments means that
actual measurements are never perfect. And randomness can lie in the data itself, or effects of
outside influences. e.g. Monte Carlo algorithms have running times that are random variables.
Suppose Monte Carlo algorithm A has expected running time which is less than B. But on specific
runs, B may occassionally run faster than A. If we have only observations of the two algorithms to
go by, how can we decide which is faster? How confident can we be in that decision? If you see
some unusual network traffic in a network trace, is it random variation or evidence of intrusion?
These are the basic questions of analytical statistics. To make progress on any of these questions,
we have to make a Hypothesis and Test it.

An Example
Suppose we have two types of dice: fair dice, which produce uniform random values from 1 to 6;
and loaded dice, which always produce a 5 or 6 uniformly. We pick one of these dice, and throw it
three times. It comes up 6, 5, 6. We have one of two hypotheses:

(A) The die is fair.

(B) The die is loaded in the manner described above.

While there can be many possible hypothesis, one is given a privileged status as the “Null hypoth-
esis” while the others are called “alternate” hypotheses. The “Null hypothesis” is the only one
whose distribution we have to analyze, so it should be as simple as possible. Paradoxically, the
null hypothesis is usually the opposite of what the experimenter wants to show. i.e. to show that a
drug has an effect, the null hypothesis is that it has no effect. To show that one algorithm is faster
than another, the null hypothesis is that their speed is the same. For the dice example, the Null
hypothesis is hypothesis A that the dice is fair. The alternate is hypothesis B. How do we decide
whether to reject A, and what does that tell us about hypothesis B?

Bayesian Approach
We could take a Bayesian approach to making this decision. First we define some events:

Event A: The die is fair.

Event B: The die is loaded.

Event Ci : The ith throw produces a 1, 2, 3 or 4

Event Di : The ith throw produces a 5 or 6

Then we can compare the probability Pr(A|D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 ) with Pr(B|D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 ), the prob-
abilities of the two hypothesis given the data. If one of these is very small, we would reject that
hypothesis and accept the other (whose probability would be close to 1). Bayes’ rule gives us:

Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 |A) Pr(A)

Pr(A|D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 ) =
Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 )

Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 ) = Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 |A)Pr(A) + Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 |B)Pr(B)

We can compute most of these probabilities easily, except for Pr(A) and Pr(B). We have to choose
those. There is no way around this. Bayesian inferences involves a-priori assumptions about the
hypothesis. In this case we assume they are equally likely, i.e. their prior probabilities are:

Pr(A) = Pr(B) = 1/2

Since the tosses are independent, its easy to see that

1 1
Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 |A) = =
3 27
Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 |B) = 1
and substituting we find that
1 1
27 2 1
Pr(A|D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 ) = 1 1 =
27 2
+ 12 28

This is quite a small probability and it seems safe to reject hypothesis (A). (B) is the complement
of (A), so its probability conditioned on the observations must be 27/28 which we might as well

Problems with Bayes

Surprisingly, traditional statistical testing does not work this way. Inevitably, only the “forward”
probability Pr(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 |A) of the observations given the null hypothesis is used. The reasons
are not obvious, but they are compelling.
Determining Priors
First of all, Pr(A|D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3 ) is a posterior probability that requires use of Bayes’ rule. And
this in turn requires choice of prior probabilities Pr(A) and Pr(B). That is, experimenters would
have to choose how much to “bet” on their favored hypothesis. One might require that equal
probabilities be assigned, but in many cases this would be completely unrealistic. Also, if the
experimenter picks unrealistic alternate hypotheses even with high priors, Bayes rule will tend to
give high probability to the null hypothesis even though it is false. With all these choices, there is
far to much scope for experimenters to influence the outcome of the experiment, intentionally or

Enumerating Alternates
A second difficulty is that for many tests, the Null hypothesis is simple while its complement is
complex or intractable. For the dice example above we assumed we knew exactly how the biased
dice were biased. But this is very unrealistic. In reality, the bias could be almost anything. Rep-
resenting it and making inference would be difficult or impossible even for this simple example.
On the other hand, the Null hypothesis that the dice is fair is extremely easy to work with. More
generally, if we are comparing means of two samples to decide if the samples are different, the null
hypothesis would be that they are from a common normal distribution. This is very easy to analyze.
The complement of the null hypothesis would at least assume the populations are from distinct
normal distributions with different means and variances, and may further allow non-normal dis-
tributions. Analyzing these alternate hypotheses is difficult and requires many assumptions about
additional parameters which can be another source of error or bias.

Analytical Statistics
A mathematician who discovers an implication A⇒B, and then determines that B is false has no
trouble asserting that A is false as well (modus tolens). Analytical statistics works in a similar way.
The null hypothesis A generates a distribution of observations, some of which are less likely than
others. When an observation B is sufficiently unlikely, we reject A. We can do this even though
we havent determined the probability of another hypothesis. But in order to come up with a good
statistical test, we normally do look at the alternative hypotheses in order to pick a test that help us
reject the null hypothesis assuming an alternative hypothesis is true.
Our goal is to come up with a test that gives a low Pr(Observation|Null hypothesis) when
some other hypothesis holds. But the space of possible observations will often be enormous and
any specific observation will have very small probability. We are not quite “saying what we mean”
by a low-probability observation given the hypothesis.
The solution is to choose a test statistic. That is real-valued function on the outcomes of the
experiment. Under the Null hypothesis, we have a known probability distribution on the outcomes,
and we can predict the distribution of the test statistic. Generally, we try to find a statistic that has a
bell-shaped distribution. An observation is unlikely if its statistic is in the tails of this distribution.
We assign the outcome a finite probability which is the total probability of all outcomes whose
statistics have equal or greater distance from the mean.

Consider our dice experiment from earlier. A die is thrown 3 times, and the outcomes are 6,5,6.
Null Hypothesis
The die is fair, the result of each toss is independent and uniformly distributed in {1, . . . , 6}.
Test Statistic
The statistic T is the sum of the values on the 3 die throws.
Under the Null hypothesis of fair die, the test statistic has a simple bell-shaped distribution
shown below. There are 216 equally-likely outcomes. The observation 6, 5, 6 has a statistic of 17,
which is near the right tip of the distribution.

One-sided test
We want to find the probability of observations “at least as extreme” as our experimental obser-
vations. There are only 4 outcomes which produce a sum of 17 or greater, out of 63 = 216. So
Pr(T ≥ 17) = 4/216 = 0.0185.

The probability 0.0185 is called the “p-value” for the experiment. It is the probability of observa-
tions T at least as extreme as the experiment outcome.

One subtlety of experiment design is the meaning of “extreme”. 17 is an unusual value both
because it is large, but also because it is far from the mean. The value 4 is equally far from the
mean, and therefore equally extreme under the second definition. Should we consider one-sided
or two-sided tails when computing p-values? This is an experiment design question. If one is sure
that alternate hypotheses move the test statistic in one direction, one need only check the tail area
in that direction. But if one has no a-priori knowledge of the affect of alternates, the two-sided
t-test is more appropriate. In this case:

Two-sided test
There are 8 outcomes that produce a T value at least as far from the mean (10.5) as the experiment
value. So Pr(|T − µ| ≥ 17 − µ) = 8/216 = 0.037.

In this case, the two-sided p-value is exactly twice the one-sided value. This is true for any
symmetric test statistic distribution. Most common test statistics are in fact symmetric, and for all
of these the two-sided p-value is twice the one-sided value.

Figure 1: Probability distribution for the sum of 3 tosses of a fair die, and the test statistic value
plotted at 17.

If we do reject the Null hypothesis, we cannot assert that hypothesis B is likely as we did in
the Bayesian case. We never directly analyzed the probability of B. Rather, we reject the Null
hypothesis and assume that some other hypothesis holds. It may be the hypothesis we used to
derive the test statistic, but its very possible that something different is going on that we never
accounted for.

Significance level
Finally, we need to make a decision. For this, we should specify how large a p-value we can
live with. The maximum acceptable p-value is called the significance of the experiment. There
is no hard and fast rule for picking this. Commonly used values include 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.001.
When the risk of an incorrect conclusion is small, larger values are acceptable. For our example,
would could reject the Null hypothesis at the 0.05 level. But if the risks are high, e.g. if the
null hypothesis is that a certain drug has serious side-effects, then the significance level should be
orders of magnitude lower.
Significance values are nice round numbers because they are chosen before the experiment
happens. The criteria for acceptable levels of error and risk have nothing to do with the experiment
itself, and so should be set ahead of time.

Limitations of the Analytic Statistical Approach

Analytical statistics looks only at the forward probability of observation given the null hypothesis.
That means a test using this approach will occasionally reject the Null hypothesis even though
its alternates are even less likely. However, if the test is well-designed, the likelihood of this is
low and one can argue that most of the time (i.e. for most repetitions of the experiment), when
the null hypothesis has low probability, some alternate hypothesis will have high probability. But
recognize that this is not true for any particular experiment - since we never actually look at the
probability of the alternate hypotheses, we do not know. That is why statisticians are very careful
how they report the result of an experiment, and experimenters should be too. You cannot “accept”
an alternate hypothesis just because you rejected the Null hypothesis. You can say the experiment
is consistent with some alternate, but that is about all.

Statistical Formalities
The example from the last section illustrates a lot of the subtleties of real statistical testing. Now
that we are going to define some more tests, we need some definitions to clarify exactly what a test
does, and how good it is. First we need to describe what can go wrong.

Type I and II errors

There are two ways a null hypothesis test can fail. Conventionally, the null hypothesis is labelled
“Null” because it is the opposite of what we want to show. That is a “positive” outcome to the test
is a rejection of the Null hypothesis. In our example, a positive outcome would be labelling the die
as loaded. A negative outcome, or failure of the test, means that we were unable to reject the Null
hypothesis and we still believe that the die might be fair.

Type I error is a false positive, or rejection of the Null hypothesis when it is in fact true. e.g. we
might conclude that a drug has an effect on a test population when it does not.

Type II error is a false negative, or failure to reject the Null hypothesis when it is actually false.
e.g. we conclude that a drug has no effect when it actually does.
There is a direct trade-off between these two errors types through choice of the significance
level. Smaller significance thresholds reduce the rate of type I errors at the expense of an increase
in type II error rate, and vice versa. The best trade-off involves analysis of the risks of the test. If
you are just trying to find the faster of algorithm A and B when you compare them, the two types
of error involve essentially the same risk. So you might as well adjust the test so they are equal.
But if the null hypothesis is that a drug has no serious side effects, then type II errors, which mean
failing to recognize the side effects, are much more serious. Consequently you would adjust the
test so the probability of a type II error was extremely low. You would do this at the expense of
type I errors, flagging innocuous drugs as potentially harmful.

Significance Level and Power

We defined the significance level earlier as the probability threshold at which we reject the null
hypothesis. It was the probability of seeing the observations by chance it the null hypothesis were
true. Therefore the significance level is exactly the probability of a type I error. By setting a thresh-
old in the tail of the test statistic distribution as we didn in our example, we fix the significance level
and the probability of a type I error. The more extreme the value, the lower the significance level,
and the lower the probability of a type I error. However, the probability of type II errors increases
because the alternate hypothesis distribution may not produce values which are extremal enough
to reach the significance threshold. Unlike type I errors, there is no simple graphical relationship
between the null distribution and the probability of a type II error. Analyzing type II errors requires
us to go beyond the null hypothesis, and consider the distribution induced by alternate hypothesis.

Power of a test relative to an alternate

The power of a test relative to an alternate is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis if
the alternate is true. Thus the power of a test is one minus the probability of a type II error for
that alternate hypothesis. There will often be many alternate hypothesis for the same test, and the
power will in general be different for each alternate hypothesis. e.g. suppose the null hypothesis is
that the means of two samples are equal. One alternate would be that the means differ by 1, another
that they differ by 2 etc. Almost any test will have greater power relative to the second hypothesis.

Effect Size and Sensitivity

To get a better handle on the power of a test, we need the concept of effect size. An effect size
is a measurable quantity for an actual population of experimental subjects. e.g. it might be the
measured frequencies of 5’s and 6’s for a particular die. Or it may be the actual difference in
average running times for algorithms A and B. The larger the effect size, the more power a given
statistical test will have. Furthermore, if the null hypothesis is rejected, the esimated effect size is
a very useful reportable “outcome” of the experiment.

Effect size and significance level influence but do not fully determine the power of a test. The
final attribute of the test is its sensitivity. Sensitivity is the size of the smallest effect needed
to trigger rejection of the null hypothesis. Sensitivity can be increased by more careful controls
on the experiment,or by increasing the sample size. e.g. toss the die more often, study a larger
population of people, or do additional runs of algorithm A and B.

For instance, suppose we have 8 observations of the running time for algorithm A, and 6 for B.
Here they are:

Algorithm A 95.7 83.3 101.2 102.9 88.5 111.9 112.0 99.6

Algorithm B 112.9 96.6 117.1 126.3 103.1 118.6

The mean time for algorithm A is 99.4 secs, while it is 112.4 for algorithm B. But what does
that really tell us? How likely is this to happen by chance if they are really the same, or if B is
actually faster than A? Lets formulate the null hypothesis. To make this tractable, we will assume
we already know the variance of both running times (say 100).

Null hypothesis 1 Assume that running times for algorithm A and B come from the same distri-
bution, and are independent, identically-distributed normal random variables with the same mean
and variance 100.

Before we conduct the test, we should decide on the significance level we can live with. There
is very little risk associated with a type I error, and we would just like to the know if there is a
speed winner and which algorithm it is. So 0.05 seems appropriate. This is an upper bound on the
risk of a type I error.

Test Statistic We want to distinguish the alternate hypothesis (that the two algorithms have dif-
ferent running times) from the null hypothesis. A natural test statistic is the difference in means
between algorithms A and B. Under the null hypothesis, this difference has expected value zero.
Under the alternate hypothesis, it should be large.

Apart from doing a good job of distinguishing the hypotheses, this test statistic makes it very
easy to analyze the null distribution. Although we dont know the actual mean of the null distribu-
tion, it doesnt affect the distribution of the test statistic because we take the difference between the
two sample means. This makes life much easier (otherwise we would have to integrate over the
posterior density of a continuous parameter which is actual null distribution mean).
The variance of the mean of 8 measurements of A is 100∗8/82 = 12.5, and for B is 100∗6/62 =
16.67. The variance of the difference between them is the sum of their variances which is normal
with mean zero and variance 29.17. This distribution is plotted below.
We havent dealt with continuous probability distributions before, so the figure needs a little
explanation. You cant assign finite probability to specific values on the x axis, but you can to a
range of x values. The probability that x lies in a range a ≤ x ≤ b is just the area under the curve
between a and b. The total area under the curve is therefore 1. You can think of this as a very dense

Figure 2: Fixed-variance normal distribution for the difference between the sample means, and the
test statistic at 13

The difference between the two sample means (13.0) is also shown on this plot. To assign a
finite probability to this outcome, we consider the area under the probability curve to the right of
13. This is the total probability of an outcome that is at least as extreme as what we observed. In
this case the one-sided p-value 0.008 (two-sided is twice this). We would see such an event less
than one time in a hundred by chance.
This test was rather unrealistic. If we dont know the mean running time for either algorithm,
its unlikely we know their variances. A more realistic null hypothesis would be:

Null hypothesis 2 Assume that running times for algorithm A and B come from the same distri-
bution, and are independent, identically-distributed normal random variables with the same mean
and variance.

We could try to use the same test statistic as before, which helps by eliminating the effect of
the null distribution mean. Unfortunately, we still have to take into account the unknown variance.
We havent developed the tools to do this, but there is a standard method for doing so. It turns out
if X̄A and X̄B are the means of the running time for A and B respectively, and if we define the
sample variances as:
1 X 1 X
SA = (XAi − X̄A )2 SB = (XBi − X̄B )2
nA − 1 i=1 nB − 1 i=1

then the quantity

(X̄B − X̄A )
T =

no longer depends on the unknown mean or variance, where
(nA − 1)SA2 + (nB − 1)SB2 1 1
SAB = +
nA + nB − 2 nA nB
The resulting statistic T has a t-distribution1 . It depends only on the number of degrees of freedom
of the combined statistic, which in this case is nA + nB − 2 = 12.
If we substitute the values from our sample, we find that X̄A = 99.4, X̄B = 112.4, SA =
102.54, SB = 117.5, and finally SAB = 5.63. The T-statistic is
T = 2.31
which we show plotted on the graph below. The area in the right tail of the curve (one-sided
p-value) is 0.0195. Since we have no a-priori reason to favor one algorithm over the other, the
two-sided p-value (0.039) should be used here. We should still reject the null hypothesis according
to our significance threshold of 0.05, but the p-value and probability of a type I error is increased
compared to the test assuming known variance. This is to be expected since Hypothesis 2 makes
fewer assumptions than 1. Hypothesis 2 admits more distributions to explain the data, and typically
it will be harder to dismiss it.

Figure 3: T statistic probability density and the test statistic for hypothesis 2

Finally, we may not know whether the variances of our two samples are the same or not, so it
may be more appropriate to consider a hypothesis like this:
The full name is Student’s T-distribution. “Student” was actually William Sealy Gosset, a statistician working at
the Guinness Brewery in Dublin in the early 1900’s. Gosset was under a confidentiality agreement with his employer
not to publish any of his research, hence he published his seminal work on T-tests under the pseudonym “Student”.
There are several theories about Guinness’ secretiveness, one of which is that they felt that use of statistical methods
gave them a competitive advantage - a secret weapon for brewers!

Null hypothesis 3 Assume that running times for algorithm A and B are independent, normally-
distributed random variables with the same mean but possibly different variances.

A variant of the t-statistic still applies to this case. The only change is to the definition of SAB
which becomes: s
SA2 S2
SAB = + B
nA nB
Since this is a more inclusive hypothesis, we again expect the ease of rejection to decrease, and
therefore for the p-value to increase. The new t-value becomes 2.29, only slightly smaller than
before, and the new two-sided p-value is 0.0408.


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