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The 4th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2013

Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi, Romania, November 21-23, 2013

Considerations about the influence of colloidal

solutions on human energy informational field.
Part I: Testing basic method
Medical physics, biophysics and bioengineering
Curta Ioan1, Rosca Ileana-Constanta2, Micu A.Catalin4,
1-2 4
Product design Dept. Mechatronics and Environment, Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Transilvania University, Bucharest, Romania
Brasov, Romania
Mohirta Ionel5
3 5
Marosi Zoltan , Association of Transpersonal Psychology,
Ecologic University, Bucharest, Romania
Bucharest, Romania

Abstract—Electro colloidal silver solution (ECS) neutralizes by Prof. Rudan, and who agreed to undergo measurements
most pathogens and helps neutralize or prevent infections, but it (about 15 subjects).
is not a medicine. The solution used in the experiments is a
A single measurement was performed on each subject in
liquid mineral food supplement, legally authorized in Romania,
with concentration of 5, 10, 20 and 25 ppm. the first 30 seconds subsequent to ingestion. The growth of
Considering that the electromagnetic field of the heart is strong this field ranged between 30 and 100%. It varies from one
enough to send out a radiation into the field that surrounds us subject to another, but the average is about 90%.
that can be measured by magnetometers. If we accept the definition of benefit1 postulated by
The increase of the biological field that surrounds every human, Dumitru Hristenco in his book entitled "Radiestezia”
measured with bio-locators (the Rudan method) after the (“Dowsing”) [1], colloidal silver is beneficial and it can be a
ingestion of a small dose of ECS was the phenomenon that
triggered this study.
significant aid in the preservation of a good health condition.
The increase in this field could be proved, without exception, The idea of a field that surrounds every living creature is
in all the human subjects participating in this study, who agreed not new and is present in the majority of mankind spiritual
to undergo measurements (about 15 subjects). The study was an systems. These energetic fields, known under the generic
attempt to demonstrate that colloidal silver is more than a mere name of biofield, bioenergy aura, are still considered an
antiseptic solution. "unscientific" issue despite having been studied by many
Keywords — GDV camera, electro colloidal silver, biofield,
researchers, among which Gurvich (1944) [2], who coined the
chakras. biological field or biofield term himself.
In Romania research has been made in this direction by
DSc Jitariu, Eugen Celan [3], Cornelia Guja [4], [5], I.
I. INTRODUCTION Mamulas [6], A. Manolea [7], as well as most of the authors
of this article. The main ways in which this energy-
The electromagnetic field of the heart is about 1000 times
informational field can be highlighted are imaging methods
stronger than the electromagnetic field produced by the brain.
such as the Kirlian photography [8], electronography, the
It not only penetrates every cell of the body, but is strong
GDV method [9] .
enough to send out a radiation into the field that surrounds us
With all these methods images are formed due to the
that can be measured by magnetometers.
interaction between an external high-voltage high frequency
The increase of the biological field that surrounds every
field and the investigated subject.
living creature, in direct connection with the heart’s
Silver was first used for medical purposes in Egypt, in the
electromagnetic field, measured with bio-locators (the Rudan
form of foil that was applied to wounds to prevent their
method) after the ingestion of a dose of only 10ml/10 ppm
infection. It was also used to keep drinking water
(parts per million) of a solution of ionic electro-colloidal
uncontaminated in the storing vessels.
silver (IECS) was the phenomenon that triggered this study.
The increase in this field could be proved, without 1 Benefit: something is good (or beneficial) for a particular person if it increases that person's energy
exception, in all the human subjects participating in this fields, and it is bad (or evil) if it causes a decrease in these fields.

study, who attended a pathogenic risk area detection course,

978-1-4799-2373-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

In the Middle Ages, Paracelsus used silver extensively for
medical purposes. Then, Samuel Hahnemanns, the founding III. TESTS
father of homeopathy, did so too. In 1820 he first introduced
silver in the form of Argentum metallicum in his colloidal The effects of colloids, especially the silver colloid
trituration as a useful remedy in medical therapy. solutions of different concentrations on the living systems
It was only during the second half of the 19th century that have been tested almost exclusively in terms of antibacterial
the use of silver in medicine became commonplace, and antifungal properties (154,000 internet references in July
especially after 1881, when the use of a 1% silver nitrate 2013). Despite this interest to study the properties of silver
solution almost completely eliminated the cases of and its compounds, no references have been found about
gonococcic blindness in newborns (from 10% to 0.2%). studies of the effect of ECS upon the energy system of the
Shortly afterwards, the Credé procedure became mandatory in human body (the biofield / the energy body).
the United States and most European countries. The benefits of ingesting micro-doses of ECS seem
Doing a summary, we find that before 1880, silver was evident: by helping and strengthening the body energetically,
used empirically. Between 1880 and 1942, it was used we prevent the risk of the physical body getting sick [15]
scientifically and widely, later to be replaced by antibiotics. [16], [17]. The main problem in measuring the effects of
In Romania, in 1960, Professor Fârşirotu [10], a DSc in colloidal silver consists in the difficulty to find measurement
Pharmacology and lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy of instruments and devices the results of which should be
"Carol Davila" University made studies on colloidal silver, accepted in the academic milieu [18].
which he published in the Journal of Pharmacology. A. Tests with the electroencephalograph
II. ELECTRO COLLOIDAL SILVER (ECS) An encephalograph and a compact GDV camera were used
in turns. There were no changes in the graphics obtained with
The colloidal silver solution used in the experiments is a
the Encephalograph, before and after ingestion of ECS, which
liquid mineral food supplement legally authorized in
is the reason why research on this method was abandoned.
Romania with concentration of 5, 10, 20 and 25 ppm. It is
The findings show that under any other medical analysis, the
very similar to a mineral water with slightly bitter / metallic
instantaneous stages of the studied sizes are only partially
taste of only two elements: distilled and structured water, and
repeatable. You must keep in mind that the human body, just
very high purity silver: 99.99%. Submicroscopic silver
as any biological system, is alive, always in motion, subjected
particles are sized 0.5 to 4.5 nm and they can only be viewed
both environmental influences and emotions.
under an TEM microscope that can achieve magnifications of
175,000 x (Figure 1). B. Tests with the compact GDV camera
It is very important to note that ECS neutralizes most The GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) – Bio-
pathogens and helps neutralize or prevent infections [11], electrography – is a method that allows obtaining information
[12] [13], [14], but it is not a medicine. from biological energy field through nonlinear mathematical
analysis of induced fractal images of objects, including
biological ones, through their stimulation in high-frequency
electric field and amplified by gas discharge. It is a
remarkable improvement of the Kirlian method. The device
used was the GDV Compact Camera (build-in 1995) with
associated software (GDV Bio-energetic aura, GDV Diagram,
GDV Chakras) produced by Kirlionics Technologies
International Ltd. It is certified as a medical device in Russia,
a) b) the EU, the USA and 20 other countries.
Through Repeated tests performed on thousands of
25 subjects, Prof. Korotkov demonstrate that the intensity,
Electro coloidal Silver
Ag coloidal character and structure of luminescence depends on the initial
state of the subject, on the level of the subject’s life
processes, functional status of certain organs and tissues, as
numar particule

well as the specific pathological processes in case of illness
Particle No

10 [9], [15].

1 0 .
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
3.5 4.0 4.5
5 0

Fig. 1. Image transmission through electron microscopy (TEM) that
highlights Ag nano-particles deposited on amorphous carbon film (a);
measurements of Ag nano-particle sizes (b); measurement histogram (c)
The GDV principle is illustrated in Fig. 2 wheel-like vortices that, according to traditional Indian
medicine, are believed to exist in the human body).


Fig. 3. Correlations between different organs and fingers areas [9]

Fig. 2. Basic diagram (a) [8] GDV Camera (b).

The method consists in the successive exposure of the 10

fingertips in a precise sequence on the screen of the device. A
high-frequency electromagnetic field is applied to the
fingertips for approximately 40 ms, gas discharge occurs and
the parameters of this discharge are recorded under the form
of a picture. Fig. 4. Correspondence Fig. 5. Normalized energy value - average
One of the most important parameters that can be measured between the chakras and finger value of entire surface of EPC/GDV of the
1 (thumb) – high, 2 – index, 3 right and left hand - picture of the finger
with the GDV Camera, if not the most important, is the – middle, 4 – ring, 5 – little [9] sector corresponding to the specific chakra
anxiety or stress parameter (T) that relies on the assumption (top right box) [9]
that the difference between the mental and the physical field
is anxiety. This hypothesis was confirmed by psychological The calculation of the GDV Chakra is based on the idea of
tests (POMS – Profile of Mood States). the connection between the chakras and that part of the finger
The values of T usually range between 0.30 and 07.37. where appropriate systems of the human body are designed,
Thus, 0 – 2 represents a low stress level, a calm, well- as shown in the image above:
balanced mood (which might be a low energy functional level - Muladhara [19] chakra-root of the index – sacral and
of the body, a person under the influence of sedatives etc.) coccygeal plexus;
that can be noticed in chi-quong masters or experienced yoga
- Svahishthana chakra–root of the ring finger – sacral
meditators, 2 – 4 is a normal level, 4 – 6 is an increased level,
plexus; urogenital system;
6 – 8 is a high level, whereas 8 – 10 is real trouble (open),
fatigue. The fluorescent area (fractality, entropy) in one of the
- Manipura chakra–root of the middle finger – solar
sectors gives the area average for other sectors that can also plexus; digestive system;
serve as parameters. - Anahata chakra–root of the little finger – cardiac
plexus; blood circulatory system;
IV. CORRELATIONS - Vishuddhi chakra–root of thumb - superior, middle,
After prolonged clinical experiments conducted using the and interior cervical ganglia; respiratory system;
Kirlian photography method, Dr. Peter Mandel managed to - Ajna chakra–tip of the thumb - brows (third eye),
define areas of the finger images that corresponded to interbrain, the autonomous nervous system and the
different organs of the body. Acupuncture points and hormone system;
meridians, the reflex areas studied by reflexology, - Sahasrara chakra–tip of the ring finger crown -
auriculotherapy and iridology support the concept according cerebral cortex, entire nervous system; organs and
to which the body's energy system is of holographic nature. tissues of the body
These correlations between different finger areas and the Bio-energy field measured by the GDV method shows the
location of different body parts and segments were used by distribution model of the photon around the body. The field
Dr. Korotkov to conceive the GDV camera software that of a healthy active person is dense, uniform, with small
allow reconstruct the distribution of the field surrounding the changes of colour from blue to orange and yellow. Colour
human body, as well as the position, the size and asymmetry mixing, holes and bursts are indicators of a disorderly energy
of the chakras2. (Chakras – a Sanskrit word that means wheel field distribution. They indicate the level of mental,
or circle. Chakra is a philosophical concept that refers to functional and organic disorder. The right projection
characterizes the logical cerebral hemisphere, whereas the left
2 The Romanian researcher A. Manolea proposes the term '' quantum vortex '' instead of one characterises the intuitive hemisphere.
. Left hand diagram can be associated with the mental and
physical condition diagram with the right hand.
The stress level is based on the comparison of the REFERENCES
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