D Scott Rogo and His Contributions To Pa
D Scott Rogo and His Contributions To Pa
D Scott Rogo and His Contributions To Pa
D. SCOTT ROGO AND HIS CONTRIBUTIONS Although anthropology was not his main interest, his writings
were sometimes enriched by examples from anthropological sources
TO PARAPSYCHOLOGY1 and discussions of psi in non-western cultures; for instance, his book
George P. Hansen The Poltergeist Experience included coverage of a stone-throwing case in
Cranbury, N] Sumatra and a fire-igniting poltergeist in India. His Expolonng Psychic
Phonomena briefly discussed Amazon natives' use of psychoactive drugs
D. Scott Rogo was one of the most widely respected writer- to elicit ESP. Scott wrote at least two articles on anthropology for
journalists covering the field of parapsychology. I am greatly saddened parapsychologists (Rogo 1983, 1984), and he also presented
to report that on August 18,1990 Scott was found stabbed to death in parapsychological ideas to anthropologists at an AAA convention
his home (Connelly 1990). He was born February 1, 1950, and began (Rogo 1979).
publishing articles on psychical research while still a teenager, including
some in scientific journals. His first book appeared when he was only
Scott held a unique position in parapsychology, and he made ROGO PUBLISHED ARTICLES
many contributions that deserve recognition. Because he died so Anabiosis: European Journal of Parapsychology; Fate; Human
young, there is not much published biographical information on him, Behavior; The Humanist; International Journal of Parapsychology;
although Berger( 1988), May and Lesniak( 1990), and Shepard (1985), International UFO Reporter; Journal of Parapsychology; Journal of
all carry brief entries. Some of the recent tributes have provided a bit Religion and Psychical Research; Journal of the American Society for \
more personal information on Scott (e.g., Clark 1990; Coleman 1990; Psychical Research; Journal of the Society for Psychical Research; j
Harary 1990; Paul 1990; Siegel 1991; Smith 1990). Scott attended the Lucidity Letter; New Realities; Omni; Parapsychology Review; Probe j
University of Cincinnati and then San Fernando Valley State College the Unknown; Psychic; Psychoenergetic Systems; Research in
from which he graduated in 1972 summa cum laude with a B.A. in Parapsychology; Research Letter (of the Parapsychology Laboratory
music.2 He played the English horn for two seasons with the San Diego of the University of Utrecht); Spiritual Frontiers; Theta; Two Worlds;
Symphony and also played occasionally for the Honolulu Symphony. Zetetic Scholar
He played the oboe as well.
I can make no claim to have known Scott well, but he did spend
about a week visiting the Institute for Parapsychology in Durham,
North Carolina while I was working there. We also saw each other at SCOTT ROGO'S UNIQUE POSITION IN PARAPSYCHOLOGY
conventions during the last lOyears. As Ibecame acquainted withhim, Scott held a unique position in parapsychology and as such, he
I found him to have a terrific sense of humor. He was also good partner faced pressures often unappreciated by others who have not been in
for intellectual sparring because he didn't take arguments personally. similar situations. First, Scott was an independent investigator and not
Scott was best known as a writer and journalist ot the paranormal, employed in an academic or research institution. A second factor was
but in reality he was far more than that. Unlike many authors, Scott that in order to support his work, he became a writer of books and
was an active scientific investigator. He served as a visiting researcher articles for the general public.
at both the Psychical Research Foundation (then in Durham, North Scott's status as an independent scholar had both advantages and
Carolina) and the (former) Division of Parapsychology and drawbacks. Those outside academic institutions are not constrained by
Psychophysics of Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. the paradigms and categories that dictate "acceptable" topics for study,
He published three papers reporting experimental research on the and thus outsiders can investigate novel areas that are overlooked by
ganzfeld3 (Rogo 1976, 1977; Rogo, Smith, and Terry 1976) and others. On the other hand, the outsiders receive little peer commentary,
conducted a study on personality factors of successful ganzfeld subjects and thus the scientific quality of their work can be uneven.
(Rogo and Sargent 1982). Scott was also active in field investigations Trade-offs are inevitable when one is both a scholar and popular
ofhauntingsand poltergeists (e.g., Rogo 1974, 1982,1987). Not only writer. Scott once told me that when he was writing, he would produce
did he produce many books and popular articles, but in addition he 20 pages a day. This rapid production was necessary in order to support
published full papers in all of the professional, English-language, himself; he didn't enjoy the luxury of spending years on one book. His
refereed parapsychology journals. I know of no other popular author prolific output understandably did sometimes lead to errors, resulting
who can claim that distinction. in antagonisms with other researchers. I and others had sharp exchanges
Scott was also a leading authority on the history of psychical with him in the pages of the professional journals, yet Scott and I
research. In this I would estimate that there are only three or four remained onfriendlyterms.
people in the world who might be considered to be in his league. The The fact that parapsychology is not well accepted also created
breadth of his historical knowledge of the field was unsurpassed. pressures unknown to those in more orthodox disciplines.5 The
Scott's interests included parapsychology, Forteana,4 and popular publication outlets available for nonstandard topics often discourage
occultism. He knew this wide range of literature of the paranormal documentation and encourage sensationalistic treatment, yet these
probably better than anyone else. His articles appeared in numerous may be the only viable outlets for chronicling events deemed
periodicals (see Table 1) and covered near death experiences, autism "inappropriate" by orthodoxy. In trying to advance the quality of his
and ESP, multiple personality research, critiques of James Randi's books, I am sure that Scott must have had battles with publishing house
debunking, and miracles of saints. Much of Scott's writing was related editors because they are often unsympathetic to the inclusion of
to issues of survival of bodily death. He took the affirmative position references and documentation. Yet his popular books typically contain
on the question, but he did not disregard the evidence challenging his far more references than most other similar works. He frequently
view. His The Search for Yesterday is probably the single best book referred to scholarly journals and gave full citations. That paid off.
critiquing the research on reincarnation. Ronald Siegel (1991), a Although Scott's books were primarily aimed at popular audiences, a
noted skeptic and friend of Scott, commented that Scott's position on number were adopted as texts in university courses.
the question of life after death had shifted over the years as new
evidence became available.
Rogo, D. Scott, and Raymond Bayless. Phone Calls From the Dead. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1979.
Rogo, D. Scott, and Jerome Clark. Earths Sectet Inhabitants. New York: Tempo Books/Grosset & Dunlap. 1979.
Druffel, Ann, and D. Scott Rogo. The Tujunga Canyon Contacts. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. 1980.
Asforas 1 am aware, this i» a complete list of Rogo's published books. Several of these have been released under other titles; those titles have not been
D. Scott Rogo also edited the English-language vmionof Wo^Messmg: The True Swrf of Russia' j Greatest Psychic by Tatiana Lungin (Translated from
the Russian by Cynthia Rosenberger and John Glad). New York: Paragon House, 1989.
While this article was being prepared, the book Pathway* to Inner Heabng was being readied by a publisher.
As a result, many strange and unusual occurrences have been left
George P. Hansen has recently completed a study of' the Committee for
for journalists to investigate and chronicle. In actuality it has been
the Scientific Investigation ofCbims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), published
popular writers such as John Keel and Scott Rogo who investigated and in the January 1992 issue of the Journal of the American Society for Psychical
reported on such phenomena long before they were acknowledged by Research.
academics. The connections among many of the Fortean areas are now '1 wish to thank Jack Rogo, Scott's father, and Arthur Berger for
starting to be recognized by the academy. Only recently have topics providing information on Scott. Thank* also to Robert Durant for comments
such as the "old hag phenomena" (Hufford 1982; McClenon 1990) or on an earlier draft of this paper.
"men in black" (Rojcewicz 1987) received serious, sympathetic Scott graduated in January 1972; in June of that year San Fernando
treatment rather than being dismissed as delusional, hallucinatory, or Valley State College changed its name to California State University
pathological. There is a growing recognition within parapsychology
'The ganzfeld procedure involves partial sensory deprivation and seems
that such topics need to be studied (McClenon 1991). The existence to enhance ESP functioning in the laboratory.
of the Society for Scientific Exploration and its Journal of Scientific 4
The term Fortean is derived from Charles Fort, an author who, in the
Exploration testifies to the fact that various anomalistic areas have first few decades of this century, collected thousands of reports of anomalous
issues in common. Still, many find that associations with bizarre events.
phenomena taint more acceptable topics. Scott did not ignore these The pressures faced by investigators of the unusual have been insightfully
phenomena no matter how unsavory others might consider them, and discussed by Henry Bauer (1986), former dean of the College of Arts and
this did not always endear him to his more orthodox colleagues. Sciences of Virginia Polytechnic and State University.
A strong case has been made for the existence of some relarively
The appropriate ways of interpreting bizarre phenomena are
mundane forms of psi (extrasensory perception, ESP, and psychokinesis, PK).
problematical, and anthropologists may be among the scholars best For major reviews in mainstream scientific journals see Child (1985), Jahn
equipped to deal with them. However, if social scientists study only the (1982), Radin and Nelson (1989), Rao and Palmer (1987), and Winkelman
cultural meaning of the phenomena while neglecting the underlying (1982).
reality, the phenomena can be perceived as being devalued. At times In the U.S., parapsychology has approximately 10-15 full-time
such research has be conducted with the hidden agenda of discrediting professional researchers. Most who contribute to the professional literature are
the phenomena. Scott Rogo was interested in the underlying reality, either self-supporting independent researchers or professors who devote part
and it may yet be that ESP and PK will help explain them.6 of their research to the field.