By Seven Time Cat 100%iler: Percentilers
By Seven Time Cat 100%iler: Percentilers
By Seven Time Cat 100%iler: Percentilers
B Y S E V E N T I M E C AT 1 0 0 % I L E R
Hi, as you are here, I suppose you are targeting for CAT-2023. If
that’s the case here is a list of TOP 5 things that most of the so
called “Famous CAT Coaching” will never tell you.
But why?
Simply because the thing that they are most concerned about is
“Sales”. Make these a part of your life and you will see amazing
results reflecting on your personality as well as on your result.
But before going any further. STOP! And ask yourself why? Why
you want to do this?
You might have any reason but the reason of starting should be
crystal clear in your head.
So, now! Let’s start. Sit Back and Relax your life is Going to change
for GOOD
ht tp s : C/l/ e rce nt i l e r sC AT
i c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
2. Do not stop in between to look for the meaning of the words you
Don’t understand. Trust me there won’t be many. We get an ap-
proximate sense of the word while reading the sentence or the full
paragraph. Do Highlight any new words you find, but do not stop to
immediately search for them on Google.
So, following are the must dos and don’ts to practice your calcula-
tions and other basics:
You See, whenever you travel, no matter where you are going
there is going to be traffic on the Roads and each vehicle will have
a Number Plate ending with a with a 4 Digit Number. Now Break
this 4 Digit Number in Two equal pairs and Add Them. This will
help you out in two ways.
1. It will Improve your Calculations.
2. You will Honk Less Often.
The most common question from the students, when they see me
solving a complex reasoning question, is about how to think the
way I did in that question. They say that after I have solved it, the
question started to look easy but this thinking ability doesn’t come
naturally to them. This is one of the most critical questions that any
teacher face in CAT preparation. A lot of them easily dodge the
question by speaking a cliched line – “practice more and more.
Practice will make you perfect.” while they are not wrong, but you
need to know a little more than the obvious.
2. Puzzles that will help you a lot in this journey are – SUDOKU,
do not need to solve the most difficult level of these puzzles.
4. Download the old CAT papers (from 1990 onwards) and start
practicing from the real papers soon after you have done your
basics. Please remember that there is no syllabus in LRDI, just like
current affairs or GK. So you need to know what kind of questions
have been asked in the exam.
ht tp s : C/l/ e rce nt i l e r sC AT
i c k He r e To Jo i n O u r Te l e g ra m G ro u p
Sadly, a lot of people don’t know their exams. A lot of people, who
aspire to crack CAT, haven’t seen a single paper of CAT from pre-
vious years in the first 6-7 months of preparation. These people
are most likely to be governed by various rumours and myths that
keep doing the rounds in the market and social media. That is
because they know nothing about the exam. These days you can
find everything on the internet. Sadly, people use internet just to
figure out the rumours and myths but not the facts.
Following are the things that, I think, are crucial to be figured out
by a serious CAT aspirant:
1. Download old CAT papers from the internet and see the evolu-
tion of the papers. Witness the changes and try to visualize what
you would have done in that scenario
2. Try out on a particular year’s paper and then find out the analy-
sis of that year CAT from the internet. See the ‘Percentile Vs.
Score’ chart, especially in last 5 years.
4. Try to map your strength (your strong areas) with the latest pat-
terns of the paper. Figure out a strategy
6. Syllabus is a myth
Make a strategy as per the time left for the exam and the syllabus
left to be covered by you. In case of tight time limits, make a plan of
selective study. On the basis of your strengths and likeliness of a
topic, reject some topics from your list. If done strategically, it
won’t hurt your final results at all.
“I have just joined; how can I start writing the mocks right away?”
“I don’t feel confident enough to write the mocks.”
“The course is not finished yet; I can’t write mocks.”
“I wrote one mock, got depressed, so I am not writing any now.”
etc…. etc…. etc…
I would not be wrong to state that more than half the aspirants
who prepare for CAT, don’t take the mocks for one of the various
reasons. But trust me, no reason is good enough to not write
mock. When I was preparing for CAT, there was a mock on the
next day of my joining, and I took it!
the experience of a mock-test is like an iceberg. What you see is
just 10% and what you ignore is 90% and is bloody important!
1. A mock test (or even the final exam for that matter) is less a test
of knowledge and more a test of psychology. Sadly, people don’t
understand that and they keep themselves busy mugging the con-