Nabz V2
Nabz V2
Nabz V2
The Times of India (banks, small finance banks and NBFCs) Mint
Leveraging digital technology to engaged in this sector. Cattle trade and livestock farming in
transform India’s Agri-chain ecosystem- Unlike the earlier definition that India get a touch of AI, IoT-
The world has lost almost 30 percent of its distinguished between rural and urban, RBI The government, has launched apps like e-
arable land to pollution or erosion over the has now set a common household limit of Rs Gopala to help farmers choose better quality
last 40 years. If we think about global food 300,000 for loans to qualify as livestock and improve dairy output. India is
security issues, India, with merely 2.4% of microfinance. For entities to qualify for an among the largest milk and dairy-producing
the total arable land, will be solely NBFC-MFI licence, they should have at countries in the world. But despite its size,
responsible to provide for approximately least 75% of assets in microfinance and the India’s dairy industry is still fragmented,
18% of the global population by 2050. he cap on NBFCs was increased to 25% of according to Anand Ramanathan, partner at
For India, the true success of digital assets as against 10% earlier. Click here Deloitte India. He pointed out that digital
technologies would be the adoption in small marketplaces enable farmers to verify cattle
and micro-farms. By 2030, most Indian breeds, and milk production claims
villages will be connected with paved roads The Times of India physically. Click here
and reliable electricity supply. One billion Carbon Credits: Incentivising
Indians are expected to have access to the sustainable agriculture for the Indian
internet, and nearly half of them will access farmer- The Financial Express
it in local/regional languages. With this Negligent agricultural practices have been FCI to use land pool to attract private
evolving digital footprint, a key-value deployed to a point where today, the soil’s investment in storage infrastructure-
addition for Agritech start-ups is to look at nutrient content, bioactivity, and natural To bring in efficiency in its asset utilisation,
intersections in agri value chains to carbon content are abysmally low. the Food Corporation of India (FCI) is
introduce cutting edge technology. Click Inefficient and reckless agricultural planning to create additional modern
here practices have shoved the human race into a storage facilities using its ‘land pool’ by
carbon debt. The world today is hence attractive private sector investment. It is
Observer Research Foundation entitled to build sustainability into the agri- envisaged that additional storage facilities
Estimating the Productivity of India’s ecosystem by providing opportunities to creation would reduce FCI’s dependence on
Agricultural Waters: Towards Water drive a new positive agenda for arable land, hired godowns from private entities for
and Nutritional Security through Crop with benefits for climate, biodiversity, farm storing foodgrains. Currently, out of FCI’s
Choices- profitability, and farmer resilience, all of 80 million tonne (mt) of grain storage
India belongs to the category of water- which are deeply interconnected. Click here facilities, 35 mt is hired from private
stressed nations, and water scarcity is a entities. Click here
painful reality in many parts, especially
during the dry seasons. The renewable The Guardian
internal freshwater resources per capita, as IPCC report: ‘now or never’ if world is to The New Indian Express
of 2017, was as low as 1,080 m3 for India stave off climate disaster- Nuanced, calibrated approach essential
against the global average of 5,732 m3. The world can still hope to stave off the for launch of CBDC: RBI Deputy
Unless current patterns are reversed, India worst ravages of climate breakdown but Governor T Rabi Sankar-
will soon become a water-scarce country. only through a “now or never” dash to a Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor T
Despite being home to 16-17 percent of the low-carbon economy and society, scientists Rabi Sankar on Thursday said a nuanced
world’s population, India accounts for only have said in what is in effect a final warning and calibrated approach is essential for
four percent of global freshwater resources. for governments on the climate. launch of India's maiden digital currency as
Click here Greenhouse gas emissions must peak by it would have various implications for the
2025, and can be nearly halved this decade, economy and monetary policy. RBI is
Business Standard according to the Intergovernmental Panel on planning to come out with a central bank
Reserve Bank of India nod to banks to Climate Change (IPCC), to give the world a backed digital currency using blockchain
open digital banking units- chance of limiting future heating to 1.5C technology in 2022-23.Click here
The RBI on Thursday laid down norms to above pre-industrial levels. Click here
allow commercial banks to open digital
banking units (DBU) while mandating The Economic Times
minimum products and services that must be The Financial Express Ahead of MPC meet outcome: The
offered in these units. The Union Budget of SBI economists suggest reforms to Indian economy in charts-
2022-23 had announced the setting up of 75 incentivise regional rural banks- The Indian economy too is fazed by
Digital Banking Units (DBUs) in 75 House economists at the State Bank of India uncertainties. The RBI Governor
districts to commemorate the 75 years of (SBI) have called for a slew of reforms to Shaktikanta Das has a difficult task at hand
independence of our country. Click here incentivise regional rural banks, including to control inflation in a situation where
granting them on-tap licence for conversion commodity prices are spiked with volatility
into Small Finance Banks (SFBs). Leading and patchy economic recovery. The look at
The Economic Times Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are much a few economic indicators to track the
RBI’s new guidelines to make bigger than most of the SFBs even today, performance of the Indian economy as of
microfinance stronger- according to a note by Soumya Kanti March 2022, shows a mixed trend. Click
The RBI recently released its final Ghosh, the group Chief Economic Adviser here
guidelines for microfinance institutions at SBI. Click here
(MFIs) that will be applicable to all entities