Nabz V5
Nabz V5
Nabz V5
The Financial Express RCBs, which include state co-operative banks scheme of FPOs was launched by the Prime
World Bank report: Extreme poverty in India and district central co-operative banks, can raise Minister with an outlay of Rs. 6865 crore. At a
eased 12.3 percentage points during 2011- funds from preference shares and debt time when the country is observing Azadi ka
2019- instruments, RBI said in a notification. Click here Amrit Mahotsav the government is making every
Extreme poverty in India dropped to 10.2% in the effort for the prosperity of farmers. Click here
pre-Covid year of 2019 from as much as 22.5% in
2011 and the pace of reduction in rural India has The Financial Express The Economic Times
been more dramatic than in urban areas, Fertiliser subsidy spend to touch Rs 2 trillion Rural India, a cause no one worries about:fall
according to a World Bank working paper.The in FY23- in real wages, unemployment, food price rise
poverty level in rural and urban areas declined by India’s fertiliser subsidy expenses could touch Rs hit hard-
14.7 and 7.9 percentage points, respectively, 2 trillion in 2022-23 because of a sharp spike in FMCG and auto companies sensed the heat first.
during the 2011-2019 period. While it eased to global prices of urea, di-ammonium phosphate The slow burn of tapering demand from rural
11.6% in rural areas in 2019, the urban poverty (DAP) and muriate of potash (MoP) in the last India. Now others are flagging something that
level stood at 6.3%. Click here one year, an official with the fertiliser ministry few are prepared to talk about: rural India is
said on said. The fertiliser subsidy was at Rs 1.6 suffering from declining real wages, spiraling
trillion in 2021-22. According to the ministry inflation, high unemployment, and consequent
Business Standard data, imported urea prices have risen by more rising inequality.“The second wave of Covid has
Indian economy not immune to negative than 145% to $930 a tonne in April 2022 from indeed decimated the rural economy,” said Anand
externalities, says RBI report- $380 a tonne a year ago. Click here Venkatesh of the Institute of Rural Management
India is facing the tremors from the shocks to ET. Click here
emanating from geo-political tensions that have The Financial Express
choked supplies and increased commodity prices, Small finance banks: Banking on digital tech
especially food and energy, and has stoked to stay ahead of curve: The Financial Express
inflationary pressures, the monthly State of the One of the biggest challenges for small finance NBFCs securitisation volumes to rise 20-25%
Economy of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said banks (SFBs) from a tech point of view is the lack in FY23, says ICRA’-
on Monday. “The fallout of the war and of an automation process and the corresponding Rating agency ICRA also expect the
retaliatory sanctions is already evident in inflation need for manual intervention. This makes the securitisation market to be largely dominated by
prints and balance of payments developments,” deployment of an integrated engagement platform the retail asset class which would account for 95%
the report said on the domestic impact of the vital to such entities. Such a solution breaks down of the market in the current financial year.Loan
Russia-Ukraine war. Click here organisational silos, allowing for a centralised securitisation volumes of non-banking finance
view of customer profiles and sounder companies (NBFC) and housing finance
communication across channels. It also helps in companies (HFC) are likely to rise by 20-25% in
Press Information Bureau
easier collection of EMIs and installments from the current financial year on the back of an uptick
WPI based rate of inflation for March at
micro banking and retail loanees. Click here in credit growth due to improved economic
activities and funding needs for these entities.
The annual rate of inflation is 14.55%
Click here
(Provisional) for the month of March, 2022 (over The Financial Express
March, 2021) as compared to 7.89% in March, Making shadow lenders more accountable:
2021.The high rate of inflation in March, 2022 is RBI makes disclosure of exposures must for Press Information Bureau
primarily due to rise in prices of crude petroleum NBFCs: In a major boost to ease of doing business,
and natural gas, mineral oils, basic metals, etc Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) must Union Agriculture Minister launches
report their real estate exposures and exposures to integrated and hi-tech online portals on
owing to disruption in global supply chain caused
the capital markets and group companies, Reserve export/import of agricultural commodities and
by Russia-Ukraine conflict. Click here Bank of India (RBI) said on Tuesday, putting out pesticides registration-
specific disclosure norms for these intermediaries. Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’
IndiaTV News The regulator also laid down a large exposures Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar launched
Centre approves 477 pesticides for drone framework (LEF) for upper layer NBFCs and two portals, one for the Computerized
usage to fast track agri-drone adoption- infrastructure finance companies.All categories of Registration of pesticide (CROP) and the other
To fast track agri-drone adoption, the Union NBFCs will have to make specific disclosures in for Plant Quarantine Management System
Agriculture Ministry has granted interim approval their annual financial statements with respect to (PQMS). Speaking on the occasion the Minister
to 477 pesticides for drone usage, the Drone their direct and indirect exposure to the real estate said, keeping in mind Prime Minister’s vision for
Federation of India (DFI) said on Tuesday. sector, including securitised exposures, as well as the Agriculture sector these two portals have been
Before this, each pesticide had to be approved by details of their capital market exposures. Click here launched and would help in taking forward digital
the Central Insecticide Board and Registration Agriculture and Ease of doing Business. Click
Committee (CIB&RC) which would take 18-24 here
months. These 477 registered pesticides include Press Information Bureau
insecticides, fungicides, and plant growth National Conference of Cluster Based Business
regulators (PGRs), for commercial use through Organisations (CBBOs) under Central Sector The Economic Times
drones for two years. CIB&RC have granted this Scheme of Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FM pitches for global framework to prevent
interim approval, as per DFI statement. Click here FPOs held- crypto currencies from being used for money
The role of CBBOs should be to strengthen laundering-
Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) so that The biggest risk for all countries across the board
The Times of India farmers seek them out. FPO is not merely a will be the money laundering aspect & also the
RBI allows rural co-operative banks to raise company, it is a collective for the benefit of aspect of currency being used for financing
funds from preference shares, debt farmers. Emphasising this in his key note address terror," FM Nirmala Sitharaman said at a
instruments- at the inaugural session of the National discussion on “Money at a Crossroad” hosted by
The Reserve Bank of India on Tuesday allowed Conference of CBBOs Union Agriculture IMF in Washington DC. India has pitched for a
Rural Cooperative Banks (RCBs) to raise funds Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar said that global framework to regulate crypto currencies
from people in their area of operation or existing more and more farmers should be part of FPOs. identifying their use in money laundering and
shareholders through a variety of instruments. Shri Tomar said that earlier around 7,000 FPOs terror financing as the biggest risks for all
were made but they could not last and a new countries. Click here