Nctu TR 20150923114544 56022
Nctu TR 20150923114544 56022
Nctu TR 20150923114544 56022
Deliverable #2
Press Release #2
Orchid House
NCTU Architecture
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Project Description 4
Concept 4
Design Approach 5
Objectives 6
Urban Regeneration 6
House Design 8
Dissemination Activities and Current Impact 10
Communication Info 13
Team 14
Organization Chart 14
Team Members 15
Contact Information 20
We can all learn from Nature. A house is like a plant. The leaves collect
dewdrops, and the roots absorb water, which circulate in the stems, and
the leaves perform photosynthesis. This cycle creates water and energy,
which are then properly stored and supplied to the entire plant. Our
house will function similarly, as the solar panels absorb and convert light
from the sun, into energy that is stored in the battery then supplied to the
rest of the house. We can also harvest, circulate, recycle and
reuse our own water.
The concept of our house is designed according
to the Taiwanese local conditions, however,
we believe these systems are applicable
to many locations around the
world. Here are the sustainable
approaches to the house, which we
have incorporated into the design
1. Light weight structure with BIPV (Building
Integrated Photovoltaic) system
2. Highly insulated structural panel for living space
3. Solar thermal water device for radiant flooring
4. Humidity and temperature control system develop upon the
green house technology.
5. Water circulation systems that include drip irrigation
Next, we would like to talk about the possible Our goal is to revamp the social housing system of
development of our solar house to a new type of Taiwan and integrate more eco-friendly buildings in
Taiwanese social housing system. At the present the process. As one of the aspects of environmental
moment, Taiwan’s social housing situation is in sore architecture is to disturb the surroundings as little as
need of improvement. As much of Taiwan’s land is not possible, one of the things we hope to accomplish is to
easily developed, most of the 23.31 million people create a design that causes minimal disturbance and
of Taiwan live close to the coasts rather than in the even contributes aesthetically to its surroundings. We
mountains, which take up around two thirds of the choose "Urban Regeneration" as our goal because we
island’s land mass. With such high population density strive not only to improve the architecture of crowded
– in Taipei, the capitol of Taiwan, population density cities like Taipei, but also to target social issues by
in separate districts range from 4,600 to 27,600 – the addressing the social, economic, and physical needs of
solution the Taiwanese people use is to build upwards. the people. Our solution is to build on top of existing
Many families have row houses three to four stories buildings – specifically, the row houses and duplex
tall that take up very little horizontal space. The other apartments that are extremely common in Taipei.
most common form of housing is the duplex apartment
that also extends vertically to maximize the number of
families that can inhabit the apartment. Despite the
solutions to conserve space, there are still a number of
people who require but cannot afford better homes. The
social housing system
is partly to blame, as it
only takes up 0.8% of the
total houses in Taiwan,
compared to 6.06% in
Japan, 6.2% in the USA,
and 9.7% in Korea.
Although our house will be designed as a single dwelling Building envelop and passive solar system
for Solar Decathlon Europe, our final goal is to adopt
the housing structure as an element of collective social In order to utilize the passive solar system, which uses
housing. In order to achieve it, the structural system has 90% less energy for heating and cooling compared
to be extendable to multi-floor buildings and configured to existing building and archives 75% overall energy
in certain modular units. We will utilize BIM (Building savings, we have carefully considered the layout of the
Information Modeling) software for the complex building house. The west side of the house is composed of a long
system and create an efficient but strong structure cement wall that will act as a thermal mass, which will
system. The social housing will be self-sufficient not absorb heat during the day that will be released at night
only in terms of the energy supply, but also in that when it is colder. We deal with issues of overheating
the occupants can consume the food they grow in the with strategies such as careful placement of windows.
areas in and around the house that are watered via drip
irrigation Temperature controlling space
NCTU / UNICODE’s “Orchid House” will incorporate all The air temperature will be controlled through the green
of the progressive technology that is available in the house space to minimize the energy consumption for
NCTU research lab, Hsinchu Science and Technology cooling and heating the living space. Using technology
Industrial park, as well as all over Taiwan, including inspired by the orchid growers of Taiwan, the house will
greenhouse technologies, digital environmental control remain cool on the inside even during hot summer days.
interfaces, solar thermal collectors, and high efficiency Hot air will enter the house through louvers that cover
photovoltaic panels. However, if we only rely on those the indoor water subunit, which collects and uses rain
technologies, the construction costs will likely exceed the water to cool down the air with evaporation. The cool air
limit of market availability. We aim to make the Orchid is then drawn through the house by several large, silent
House available at a low cost by distributing and mixing fans stationed at the opposite end of the house.
those technologies with other passive methods. For
example, we will incorporate an active and passive solar
system, and recycle and harvest water for radiant
flooring, drip irrigation, and the greenhouse
evaporative cooling technology. In
order to achieve our goal, we have
focused our technological
research on the following
The NCTU/Unicode team arranged a study tour to visit Green house as well as
the Taiwan International Orchid Show 2013 in Tainan. In this tour, we observed
the architectural elements of green house, such as shelter, waterproof system,
cooling system, fans, artificial lake, and more.
In 20 seconds per slide, for a total of 20 slides, one of the members of NCTU/
UNICODE presented her experience of traveling to France for a Solar Decathlon
Europe 2014 meeting. This event was held in the Graduate Institute of Architecture
of National Chaio Tung University, open to all the architecture students.
Looking for the most recent advances made in modern living, NCTU/UNICODE
made a trip to Living 3.0 to tour its modern house. Living 3.0 strives to develop
an efficient intelligent living space, making use of present technological advances
in electrical engineering, electronics, materials, information, communication,
automation, and control industry.
NCTU/UNICODE was given a guided tour around the innovative Mega House,
which is also known as the EAG House. "E" stands for the electronic management
of the entrance and exit of personnel and the sensors that reduce energy
consumption. "A" is for automatic, and the "G" stands for green building, in which
the building panels can be reused and recycled after disassembly.
NCTU/UNICODE gave its last presentation on the finalized design to the university
professors involved in the project. The presentation, which included a slideshow, a
1:25 model, and several large posters, received favorable responses.
NCTU/UNICODE held a tea party to present its final project design and results
to all the professors and students of the Graduate Institute of Architecture at
National Chaio Tung University. This was the first time the project was announced
to the public, and many current students expressed interest in joining the team.
E-mail: [email protected]
300 新竹市大學路1001號
Tel: +886.3.573.1977
Fax: +886.3.575.2308
Mailing address:
1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan
Since NCTU/UNICODE will be the first Taiwanese team to enter the Solar Decathlon, we have gathered a team with the
best and most knowledgeable among the fields of architecture, engieneering, science, and management in Taiwan.
•Delta Electronics •Delta Electronics
Foundation Inc.
Orchid House •Evergreen Group •HKR Engineering
•Autodesk Inc. Consultant
Graduate Institute
Administrator of
•Director of G.I.A. •Project Principal FOUNDATION
•Dean of •Design Director
Engineering •Student Leader
Yan-Hwa Wu Lee Ph.D is the president of NCTU. Dr. Lee received her doctoral degree in
biochemistry from the University of Tennessee and her master and bachelor degrees from the
National Taiwan University. She has been member of The Academy of Sciences for the Developing
World since 2007 and was also awarded Taiwan Outstanding Women in 2010. Dr. Lee Wu was
elected to become an academician of Academia Sinica at Taiwan in 2000, a prestigious position for
her scientific achievement.
Chiun-Hsun Chen Ph.D is the Dean and a professor of the College of Engineering at National
Chiao Tong University. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D and Master degrees in Mechanical & Aerospace
Engineering from Case Western Reserve University. His area of research is Energy-Thermofluids
Engineering / Micro / Nano Engineering.
Yuan-Pern Lee Ph.D is the Chair Professor of the Department of Applied Chemistry at NCTU.
Dr Lee received a Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley in Chemistry. He specializes in
research on physical chemistry, laser chemistry and spectroscopy. He is a fellow of the Academy of
Sciences for the Developing World and was also elected an Academician from Academia Sinica in
Chain-Shoo Hsu Ph.D is a vice president of National Chiao Tong University and also a chair
professor of the College of Science, Department of Applied Chemistry. Dr. Hsu’s research area is
focused on the synthesis of organic materials for optoelectronic applications. Particular examples
refer to liquid crystals, liquid crystalline polymers and conjugated polymers.
Professor Hsun-Jung Cho graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Ph.D in
Transportation Management and Planning, Urban and Regional Planning in 1989. He is currently
a professor in National Chiao Tung University in the Department of Transportation Technology
and Management. His areas of interest include Intellegent Transportation Systems, Logistics
Management, Network Analysis, Game Theory, and Bi-level Optimization.
Shu-Chang Kung is the Director of the Graduate Institute of Architecture at NCTU as well as
a vice professor. Mr. Kung graduated from the Architecture Department of Tunghai University,
Taiwan in 1986, and received a Master of Architecture and Master of Design from the Harvard
Graduate School of Design, U.S.A. He is also a licensed architect in Taiwan.
C. David Tseng is a Professor of the Graduate Institute of Architecture as well as the vice Dean
of the College of Humanity and Social Science at NCTU. Mr Tseng received his Master degree from
Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. He was formerly the Dean of the Architecture
Department of Tunghai University in Taiwan and also an Architecture/Landscape Architecture
Evaluation Board member of Ministry of Education.
Chi-Yi Chang is a Professor of G.I.A. at NCTU. He has received Master in Design Studies from
Harvard University and the Ohio State University. Mr. Chang has won many design awards and
competition projects, and has made major contributions to the academic field. He is a member of
Council at Urban Design Institute of Taiwan.
June-Hao Hou Ph.D is an Assistant Professor of the Graduate Institute of Architecture at NCTU
and also the program director of Master of Science and PhD program. Dr. Hou received Doctor of
Design and Master of Design Studies from Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. He is
the Director of A Learning and Design Environment for Parametric Modeling in VR CAVE, National
Science Council of Taiwan.
Pei-Hsien Hsu Ph.D is an Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Architecture at NCTU.
Dr.Hsu holds a Ph.D in Architecture, Digital Research Studio, from the University of Cambridge.
His research was funded by National Science Council and is aimed to investigate the use and the
design of mobile augmented reality system to assist collaborative urban design.
Chih-Ming Chien is a Ph.D student at the National Chiao Tung University. He had received
his bachelor degree from the National Tapei Univeristy of Technology, and master degree from
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Chien is the founder of “Volunteer
Architect” program, which is a special group that gathers student volunteers to build projects at
remote locations.
Autodesk Inc.
Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and
entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing,
architecture, building , construction, and media and
entertainment industries. From blockbuster visual effects and
buildings that create their own energy to electric cars and
the batteries that power them, the work of our 3D software
customers is everywhere.
Evergreen Group
The Evergreen Group has diversified its business interests with
land and air transportation operations and an international
chain of hotels in the past 40 years. EVA Air is Taiwan’s first and
only privately owned international airline. Engaged in air travel,
sea freight, ground haulage, and hotels, the Evergreen brand
is strongly associated with safety, reliability, and high-quality
Established as a joint venture of Delta Electronics, Inc., and
the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), DelSolar
is the world’s number one provider of switching power
supplies, holding a leading position in the fields of automation,
networking, and renewable energy. Delsolar is committed to
providing clean and effective solar energy for a sustainable