Psychoanalytic Criticism
Psychoanalytic Criticism
Psychoanalytic Criticism
Introduction to Literature
Michael Delahoyde
Psychoanalytic Criticism
One interesting facet of this approach is that it validates the importance of literature, as it is built on a literary
key for the decoding. Freud himself wrote, "The dream-thoughts which we first come across as we proceed with
our analysis often strike us by the unusual form in which they are expressed; they are not clothed in the prosaic
language usually employed by our thoughts, but are on the contrary represented symbolically by means of
similes and metaphors, in images resembling those of poetic speech" (26).
Like psychoanalysis itself, this critical endeavor seeks evidence of unresolved emotions, psychological conflicts,
guilts, ambivalences, and so forth within what may well be a disunified
literary work. The author's own
childhood traumas, family life, sexual conflicts, fixations, and such will be traceable within the behavior of the
characters in the literary work. But psychological
material will be expressed indirectly, disguised, or encoded (as
in dreams) through principles such as "symbolism" (the repressed object represented in disguise),
"condensation" (several thoughts or persons represented in a single image), and "displacement" (anxiety located
onto another image by means of association).
Despite the importance of the author here, psychoanalytic criticism is similar to New Criticism in not concerning
itself with "what the author intended." But what the author never intended (that is, repressed) is sought. The
unconscious material has been distorted by the censoring conscious mind.
Psychoanalytic critics will ask such questions as, "What is Hamlet's problem?" or "Why can't Brontë seem to
portray any positive mother figures?"
Works Consulted
Freud, Sigmund. "On Dreams." Excerpts. Art in Theory 1900-1990. Ed. Charles Harrison and Paul Wood.
Cambridge: Blackwell Pub., Inc., 1993. 26-34.
Critical Theory
Introduction to Literature criticism adopts the methods,of the author's own neuroses. 1/1