Assignment 3 2023
Assignment 3 2023
Assignment 3 2023
Assignment structure Students are required to produce a 1000 word case study looking at how the decisions taken by a brand of their choice
and format as influenced the brands value and brand equity. The case study should use the module learning to analyse the brand’s
position and how its successes – or failures – in developing a strong brand identity have contributed to (or detracts=ed
from) the value of the brand.
The work should be supported with specific examples and draw on the history of the chosen brand linked to the ideas
and theories about the place of brands in our society discussed during the module. The work should reference the
reading within the module and demonstrate the student’s ability to conduct effective, relevant research. Students may
also wish to consider the effectiveness of their chosen brand’s public presence in relation to the insights gained in
studying the guidelines developed to support successful brand identities – looking at the quality of the way in which the
brand presents itself, whether the brands actions are consistent with their stated brand vision, whether they have used
an appropriate brand voice, etc.
The structure of the submission is up to the student, but you should be aware of the limitations of the word length. A
suggested structure might look like:
1. Introduction – 100/150 words
Briefly set out what you are going to discuss, why it is relevant (in relation to readings in the module) and briefly
set out the argument you are going to make (your thesis).
2. Introducing the brand – 200/250 words
Briefly explain the brand’s history and its place in the market/society. Explain why you are discussing it here (it’s
particular strengths and weaknesses).
3. Analysis – 400/500 words
Using a small number of key examples (you won’t have room for more than two or three) make your argument
about the brand and whether you consider its presentation and/or relationship with its audience successfully
reflects the image it seeks to construct for itself and the creation of brand value.
4. Conclusion - 100-150 words
Link back to the thesis you made in the introduction. How did the examples you’ve introduced help you prove
the argument you were trying to make? What important lesson can be drawn from this case study?
The document should be clearly written and presented in an appropriate academic format (double-spaced, adequate
margins, readable font) and supported with properly formatted citations and a bibliography. Students should use the
Harvard citation system (for more information,
Key reading and Aaker, D. (1996). Building Strong Brands, New York: The Free Press.
learning resources
Aaker, D. (1993). Managing Brand Equity, New York: The Free Press.
Arvidsson, A., (2005). “Brands: A critical perspective”. Journal of Consumer Culture, 5(2), pp.235-258.
Arvidsson, A., (2006). “Brand value”. Journal of Brand Management, 13(3), pp.188-192.
Arvidsson, A. and Caliandro, A. (2015). “Brand public”. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(5), pp.727-748.
de Chernatony, L. (2011). "Chapter 10. The Challenge of Developing and Sustaining Added Values" in Creating Powerful
Brands. Routledge, pp. 371-405
Heding, T. (2016). Brand Management: Research, Theory and Practice. London and New York, Routledge.
Lunt, P. & Livingstone, S. (1992) Mass Consumption and Personal Identity, Buckingham: OUP.
Lury, C. (2004) Brands: The logos of the global economy, London and New York: Rutledge.
Rosenbaum-Elliott, R., Percy, L. and Pervan, S. (2018). Strategic brand management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wong, H.Y., Radel, K., and Ramsaran-Fowdar, R., (2011). Building a Marketing Plan a Complete Guide. 1st ed. New York,
N.Y.: Business Expert Press.
Brand research: Excellent and well- A very good Demonstrates Adequate content Inadequate content
informed understanding understanding of the satisfactory with a limited with limited depth of
Demonstrates of the brand and the way brand with some knowledge and understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the in which its good insights into understanding of the way in which the brand.
brand chosen for the activities/presentation how the brand and the way it brand and the way in
case study, its No examples or
contribute to its value management of the has been which it is managed.
history, position in with excellent brand contributes to created/managed. Example or evidence evidence or those
society and brand provided are
value. supporting its value. Very good Appropriate may lack specificity irrelevant.
evidence/specific examples/evidence. example/evidence. or be unclear.
Academic research: Broad and relevant Very good range of Conventional Adequate but limited Case study relies on
readings examined and appropriate references and use of references no or one reference;
Applies the ideas and used effectivey to references used readings used within during the case evidence of
theories from the support the conclusions during the case study the case study. study. unexamined
module’s reading to of the case study. to support its thesis. personal opinion
the study of their
chosen brand.
Analysis: Excellent analysis. The case study has a Some good insight Adequate. Limited Case study has no
Develops an very good argument and develops a use of examples or clear logical
Constructs a logical exceptionally clear point that makes very consistent argument, reading. A poorly structure. Reading
argument with a of view throughout and good use of the but may not employ defined thesis or a and examples are
clearly stated thesis. employs theory and module reading and reading or examples case study that does missing or irrelevant.
Specific examples examples to support the examples to make a that are relevant or not construct a clear No obvious point-of-
offer insight into the student’s argument. convincing may digress from a logical argument view or thesis.
brand’s argument. clear thesis. throughout.
Presentation: The report is very well The report is very The report is well The report is unclear The report is unclear
expressed, grammar and well expressed with expressed but with or poorly expressed and confusing with
All components spelling are excellent and some spelling errors. some spelling and in places. Repeated numerous
clearly presented the presentation is clear Well presented. grammar errors. spelling and grammatical and
and effective. Some presentational grammar errors. spelling errors. Poor
issues. Adequate presentation.