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I. GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS the machine controller except when reactants are required
The diagram of Fig. 1 shows the major components of a by the process. The remotely actuated gas supply valves
plasma deposition or plasma etching system. In operation, should be of the so-called normally closed design to ensure
the reactant gases flow at controlled rates into a process that the valves will be automatically closed in the event of an
chamber from which they are continuously pumped, along electrical power failure or when the compressed air supply
with any gas phase reaction products, by the vacuum system. pressure is abnormally low. In other words, the supply of
The materials of construction of the apparatus that is ex- hazardous reactant gases should be shut off under conditions
is Kalrez, a relatively new and expensive perfluoroelas- /
tomer, that is chemically resistant to a wide variety of mate- I /
rials. However, even this elastomer is not a universal sealing /
material. It is subject to swelling on exposure to 1000 psig V
nitrogen trifluoride, and possibly other gases as well. It is CONTROLLER
1800 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 4 (3), May/Jun 1986 0734-2101/86/031800-05$01.00 © 1986 American Vacuum Society 1800
1801 H. Y. Kumagai: Design of plasma etching 1801
p; rf power, P2 > P1
p ; pressure, P2 <P1
~ 0 *----------'~
>'" OJ
OJ 0 +~+=~~========~
ings through which the wafers are exposed to the plasma. By approximately equal area. The Reinberg radial flow reactor
covering the electrode with a thick layer of dielectric materi- and the Applied Materials model 3300 machines are two
al, the effective electrode area is reduced to that of the wa- well known examples of this reactor geometry. These ma-
fers, which are in direct contact with the electrode. This im- chines are usually operated as air-to-air batch systems with
balance in electrode area results in an increase in the electric maximum batch sizes of about twenty-five 100 mm wafers,
field directed toward the wafers and a tendency toward more over which reasonably uniform deposits can be achieved.
anisotropic etching is promoted. For convenience in loading, the wafers are generally loaded
In cassette loaded single wafer machines, in which one face-up onto the lower electrode. Since most plasma deposi-
wafer is etched at a time, the effective electrode areas tend to tion processes are carried out at temperatures in the 200-
be almost equal. To achieve economical production rates in 400 ·C range, the wafer carrying electrode must be heated.
these machines, the etch rates must be high, on the order of The most common method is to clamp electrical resistance
5000 A/min or greater. High etch rates require high rf power heaters directly to the electrode.
densities of 1 W /cm 2 or more. In such machines, provisions The introduction of the "tube type" or "hot wall" plasma
must be provided for efficient wafer cooling to prevent exces- deposition reactor in the late 1970s represented a significant
sive photoresist degradation in the etching process. Because change in this technology. 4 The electrodes consist of an ar-
of the high electric fields resulting from these high power ray of parallel rectangular plates. Typical plate dimensions
etching processes, the etching tends to anisotropic. for 100 mm wafers are 4.2 X 36 X 0.12 in. thick. The array of
Most plasma etching processes are carried out at or near 9-11 plates is assembled so that alternate plates are electri-
room temperature. To compensate for the heat dissipated in cally connected in common and the two sets of plates are
the process, it is usually necessary to provide some means to directly connected to the rf power supply. The plates are
of plasma deposited silicon nitride films, and probably other a requirement for greater pumping speed. In the intermedi-
materials, are influenced by the discharge frequency. ate pressure range, this function is best provided by roots
Koyama 7 has reported on the variation of film stress of sili- type blowers which are well known for their sturdiness and
con nitride films as a function of frequency. The stress is reliability. If it is essential that the chamber be pumped to
compressive and almost independent of frequency between hard vacuum levels of 10- 5 Torr or lower, the usual practice
50 and 1 MHz. A large change occurs between 1 and 5 MHz is to attach a high speed pump directly to the process
with the stress changing from compressive to tensile, and chamber. In most cases, a turbomolecular pump is adequate.
little change is observed between 5 and 13.56 MHz. For this For corrosive gases, a small but continuous flushing of an
application, therefore, power supplies operating at 1 MHz or inert gas around the bearings greatly extends pump life. The
less can be considered as "low frequency" and those at 5 pump life can be further extended by maintaining the fore-
MHz and above as "high frequency." line at as Iowa pressure as can be practically attained. The
In the hot wall tube type reactors it is not possible to ignite usual practice in this case is to interpose a roots blower
a uniform plasma along the long graphite electrode array between the turbomolecular pump and the mechanical
with continuous wave rf excitation. These machines require pump. Some systems are equipped with cryogenic pumps or
a pulsed rfpower source. Briefly, the rfpower is supplied in diffusion pumps. However, they appear to offer few advan-
pulses on the order of a millisecond long. Pulse repetition tages and many disadvantages in reliability and potential
rates range from about 100-1000 times per s. The pulse duty safety hazards compared to turbomolecular pumps. For a
cycle is usually about 20% or less. If the duty cycle exceeds more comprehensive discussion of vacuum system designs,
30%, problems of nonuniform plasmas develop as with con- the reader is referred to the work of Duval 8 and O'Hanlon. 9
tinuous wave rf excitation. Within the pulse, the frequency
nomics of single wafer machines has been poor in 7K. Koyama, K. Takasaki, M. Maeda, and M. Takagi, presented at the
Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting, 1981.
comparison to multiple wafer machines. A compromise ap- sp. Duval, Solid State Techno!. 25 (8), 110 (1982); J. Vac. Sci. Techno!. A
proach might combine the features of load locks, modest 1,233 (1983).
batch size, and multiple electrodes with individual wafer end 9J. F. O'Hanlon, Solid State Techno!. 24 (10), 86 (1981); J. Vac. Sci.
point monitors. A recent innovation that could influence fu- Techno!. A I, 228 (1983).
ture designs is magnetically enhanced etching, where high lOR. Okano, T. Yamazaki, and Y. Horike, Solid State Techno!. 25 (4), 166
etch rates have been achieved because of a more favorable "D. C. Hinson, Lin I, W. H. Class, and S. Hurwitt, Semicond. Int. 6 (10),
etch rate/power ratio compared to conventional meth- 103 (1983).
ods. 10-12 12E. R. Lory, Solid State Techno!. 27 (11), 117 (1984).