Groover 2013
Silicon is the most widely used semiconductor material for integrated circuits. Which of the
following are less common semiconductor materials used for ICs (two best answers): (a)
boron, (b) boron nitride, (c) gallium arsenide, (d) germanium, (e) silicon carbide,(f) silicon
dioxide, and (g) zirconium?
An alternative name for chip in semiconductor processing is which one of the following
(one best answer): (a) component, (b) device, (c) die, (d) package, or (e) wafer?
Which one of the following is the source of silicon for semiconductor processing: (a) pure
Si found in nature, (b) SiC, (c) Si3N4, or (d) SiO2?
Silicon that has been grown from a melt into a large single-crystal ingotby the Czochralski
process is called which one of the following: (a) boule, (b) crystallite, (c) crystalloid, (d)
transistor, or (e) wafer?
The air in a clean room is passed through a HEPA filter. HEPA stands for which one of the
following: (a) high-efficiency packaging amplifier, (b) high-efficiency passive arresting, (c)
high-efficiency particulate air, (d) high-energy processing action, or (e) high-energy particle
Which one of the following is the most common form of radiation used in
photolithography: (a) electronic beam radiation, (b) incandescent light, (c) infrared light,
(d) ultraviolet light, or (e) X-ray?
After exposure to light, a positive resist becomes (a) less soluble or (b) more soluble to the
chemical developing fluid.
Asilicon dioxidefilm formed on the surface of a silicon wafer by thermal oxidation has a
thickness that is (a) greater than, (b) less than, or (c) the same as the layer of substrate
silicon used to form it.
30.10 Which one of the following is not one of the functions of silicon dioxide in semiconductor
processing: (a) provides electrical insulation between levels in multilevel metallization
systems, (b) serves as a conducting path between levels in multilevel metallization systems,
(c) serves as a mask to prevent diffusion of dopants into silicon, or (d) serves to isolate
devices in a circuit?
30.11 Epitaxial deposition refers to a process of growing a film onto a substrate so that the film
has a crystalline structure that is an extension of the substrates structure: (a) true of (b)
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30.12 Vapor phase epitaxy is based on which one of the following: (a) chemical vapor deposition,
(b) diffusion, (c) ion implantation, (d) physical vapor deposition, or (e) thermal oxidation?
30.13 Which of the following processes are used to add layers of various materials in IC
fabrication (three best answers): (a) chemical vapor deposition, (b) diffusion, (c) ion
implantation, (d) physical vapor deposition, (e) plasma etching, (f) thermal oxidation, and
(g) wet etching?
30.14 Which of the following are doping processes in IC fabrication (two best answers): (a)
chemical vapor deposition, (b) diffusion, (c) ion implantation, (d) physical vapor
deposition, (e) plasma etching, (f) thermal oxidation, and (g) wet etching?
30.15 Which one of the following is the most common metal for metallization in a silicon
integrated circuit: (a) aluminum, (b) copper, (c) gold, (d) nickel, (e) silicon, or (f) silver?
30.16 Which etching process produces the more anisotropic etch in IC fabrication: (a) plasma
etching or (b) wet chemical etching?
30.17 Which of the following are the two principal packaging materials used in IC packaging: (a)
aluminum, (b) aluminum oxide, (c) copper, (d) epoxies, and (e) silicon dioxide?
30.18 According to Rents rule the number of input/output terminals in an integrated circuit is (a)
greater than or (b) less than the number of devices (logic gates) in the IC?
30.19 Which one of the following technologies in IC packaging provides the greater packing
densities in circuit board assembly: (a) pin-in-hole technology, (b) surface-mount
technology, or (c) through-hole technology?
30.20 Which one of the following IC packaging styles provides the opportunity for the largest
number of terminals in the package: (a) ball grid array, (b) dual in-line package, (c) pin grid
array, or (d) square package?
30.21 Multiprobe testing is a computer-controlled testing method that is performed on the
integrated circuits immediately after they have been separated from the wafer: (a) true or
(b) false?
30.22 Which of the following metals are commonly used for wire bonding of chip pads to the
lead frame (two best answers): (a) aluminum, (b) copper, (c) gold, (d) nickel, (e) silicon,
and (f) silver?
30.23 Which one of the following major phases in IC processing is the most important in
determining the overall yield of ICs: (a) chip separation from the wafer, (b) crystal growing
of the starting ingot, (c) packaging of the individual ICs, (d) slicing the ingot into wafers, or
(e) wafer processing of the individual ICs on the wafer?
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