Jericho and Rahab 6 7 20
Jericho and Rahab 6 7 20
Jericho and Rahab 6 7 20
Gather your family together. Start off in prayer. Pray for each other, the church,
the leaders around the world, and people who you know are in need. Ask God
to teach your family something during this time together. Tell the Bible story and
discuss. Stay open and make sure kids are invited to participate however, they
are comfortable.
Today’s lesson comes from Joshua 2 & 6:1-23. You can read the verses from the
bible you have at home, watch the video on,
and/or retell the story like this:
“The Israelites were camping near the Jordan River. They were close to
the land of Canaan, the land God promised them. They were waiting for God to
tell them how to get into Canaan and defeat the Canaanites.
Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, sent 2 spies into the city of Jericho. The
stayed in the house of a woman named Rahab. The king of Jericho found out
the spies were with Rahab and sent soldiers to find them.
Rahab knew about God and the Israelites. She wanted to help the spies, so she
hid them when the soldiers came looking for them. Once the soldiers left, she
helped the spies escape by letting them climb down a scarlet (or deep red)
rope out of her window. Before the spies left, she told them “I know the Lord has
given you this land. Please be kind to my family since I’ve been kind to you.
When you attack Jericho, don’t kill us.” The spies said they would help keep her
safe, because she believed in God. When they left, Rahab tied her scarlet rope
in her window so the Israelites would know which house was hers.
There was a great big wall around Jericho, so no one could get in and attack
the city. God told Joshua, “Jericho is yours. March around the city once each
day for 6 days. Tell the priests to carry the ark of the covenant. On the 7th day,
march around the city 7 times. Then, have the priest blow the trumpets. All the
people will shout, and the walls of Jericho will fall down and your people can
take the city.”
The Israelites did what God said. They marched around the city every day for 6
days. On the 7th day they walked around it 7 times and then blew trumpets and
shouted praises to God. When they did this, the walls came crumbling down!
The 2 spies hurried to Rahab’s house. They brought her out, with all her family.
Rahab was saved because she believed in God. Them, the Israelites destroyed
everything in the city and took it as their own.”
Ask these questions and explain these things to your children. Break it down on
their level and adapt to their age group. The older your kids are, the more they
can explain and think outside the box. Instead of defining words, ask them what
it means. For younger kids, make sure to explain in the simplest terms. No matter
the age, let them answer before you do. Accept their answers and make sure
they know you are proud of how hard they are thinking, even if they don’t get
the “right” answer.
Pray and thank God for being faithful! Thank God for promises kept. Ask God to
keep taking care of your family. Tell God what you need.
• Act out the story! Build a wall or some building out of blocks or legos.
March around the structures you create 7 times, then sing loud praises to
God. Knock over what you built! Repeat as your kids want to. Don’t forget
to leave one building standing for Rahab!