Bible Facts Flash Cards 2nd Update Easy Print #Biblefun

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How many books are in the Old Testament?


How many books and letters are in the

New Testament?

Who is this?
What country was he the ruler of?

Pharaoh. That is his title (like president or

king), not his name

Who did David fight?

How did he win the battle?

Goliath with 1 (of 5) smooth stones and God

The Bible is Whose


What are the 2 parts of the Bible?

Old & New Testaments

How many books are in the Bible?


What is the first book in the Bible?


Say together:
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning,
God created the heavens and the earth.
Who wrote the first 5 books
of the Bible?

Name them.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

What is the last book of the Bible?

no ‘s’ at the end
How many days did it take God to
create everything?

What is the first book of the New


Who does it tell us about?

• Who were the first people God created?
Adam & Eve
• Where did they live?
Garden of eden
• Why did God make them leave?
They ate the fruit
(we don’t know what kind of fruit)

Who did God promise to multiply his

generations to be more than the stars?

Who did God give the 10 Commandments to?

Where was Moses at?

Mount Sinai

How many plagues were there?


Who did God send to talk to Pharaoh

about the plagues?
Moses & his brother Aaron
Who were the first 3 kings of Israel?

Saul, David & Solomon

What did the rainbow represent?

God would not destroy the earth by

water again
Who was thrown in a Lion’s den?


Who was swallowed by a big fish?

(we don’t know what kind of fish)
Who were Jesus’ parents?
Mary & Joseph

(He is the earthly father of Jesus)

Where was Jesus born?

in Bethlehem
in a stable
& laid in a manger
What were the gifts the wise men brought to
gold, Frankincense & Myrrh

(we don’t know how many wise men there were)

Where is Jesus now?

Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
For how much?

Judas for 30 pieces of silver

Which disciple denied Jesus?

Which disciple was a tax collector?


Who was the man that Jesus told to come

down from the tree?

• Where was Jesus baptized?
Jordan River
• Who baptized Jesus?
His cousin John

• What is baptism?
all the way under

What were the 12 men called that Jesus

picked to follow Him?

What are the first 4 books of the New
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

What are they called?

the Gospels

How do we know what God wants us to do?

in the Bible
Jesus healed people.
It is called a _______.

It is an instant act of ______.


Jesus told short stories with a heavenly meaning.

What are they called?

Who was Jesus’ friend that He brought back to life?

What were the names of his sisters?

Mary & Martha

What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

He wept.
John 11:35
• What were Paul & Silas doing in prison?
singing and praying

• What happened? earthquake

• What time? midnight
• What did they do?
taught the jailor about Jesus

How did Paul escape Damascus?

out a window, down the wall by basket

When did he leave?

at night
Who built the ark?

How many people were saved?

8: Noah & his wife
his 3 sons: Shem, Ham & Japheth
and their wives

• How many sons did Jacob have?


• What was the special gift he gave his son Joseph?

coat of many colors

• Jacob is also known for the ___ Tribes of ____.

12 Tribes of Israel
✓ 1 door
✓ 1 window
Who saw the light on the way to Damascus?

He is also called _____ and _____ of ________.

Paul & Saul of Tarsus
(like Tim or Timothy. Same name, different version)
(because he was from Tarsus)

How many letters do we have from Paul?

How do we talk to God?

What is the church?

we are, the people

We come to the church building.

Bible Graphics @ Logos Bible Clips (Used with permission)

Other Graphics @ &

Some Bible @ Microsoft

Directions: Print on cardstock, cut in half, laminate if possible. These can be used in any order
and any cards can be deleted.

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