UNIT 1 Module - GE ELEC 7
UNIT 1 Module - GE ELEC 7
UNIT 1 Module - GE ELEC 7
Society and Culture
Lesson Outcomes
Now, come up with three adjectives that best describe your society?
__________________ ___________________ _________________
What difficulty have you felt or encountered in answering the two items
As you go through this lesson, you will find that the word “society” is not
that simple to visualize. You will discover its importance, its complexity, and its
role in building and sustaining a world.
A society may be defined as a network of interconnected major groups
viewed as a unit and sharing a common culture (Ficther, 1957).
Now that you already have an idea of what a society is, let us now
proceed to how societies have evolved. Historically, there are five (5) types of
societies and they are as follows:
People in these societies both hunt and gather plants and other vegetation
for food. They are nomadic people, that is, they transfer from one place to
another. By being nomadic, their societies tend to be composed of small number
of people. Transferring places prevent them to build permanent houses. They
have very few possessions other than the tools they use for hunting and
gathering. Because of few possessions, wealth is fairly equal among society’s
Horticultural and Pastoral Societies
Agricultural Societies
Agricultural societies developed some 5,000 years ago in the Middle East.
Like horticulturists, agrarian farmers rely primarily on raising crops for food. This
they do efficiently through the use of the plow which allows much more cultivation
of crops than the simple tools used by the horticulturists. The development of
agricultural societies marked a turning point in the development of human
extensive trade and this further lead to inequality which can be seen among the
peasants working on the land of the rich landowners. Inequality is more
pronounced in the role females and males perform. Because land cultivation
requires strength, the males are the ones in charge of it which gives them the
opportunity to hold and control their income. The males started to acquire more
power over the females.
Industrial Societies
On the negative side, industrialization gave rise to large cities where there
is concentrated poverty and degrading conditions. This inequality has led to
riots and other violence which further led to the rise of modern military and police
– forms of social control.
Post-industrial Societies
Postindustrial societies rely on new sources of power such as atomic, wind
and solar energy. The search for power among nations will be obvious and
inequalities will further intensify conflict both within and between societies.
Type of
Key characteristics
These are small, simple societies in which people hunt and gather food.
Because all people in these societies have few possessions, the societies are
fairly egalitarian, and the degree of inequality is very low.
Horticultural and pastoral societies are larger than hunting-and-gathering
societies. Horticultural societies grow crops with simple tools, while pastoral
societies raise livestock. Both types of societies are wealthier than hunting-
and pastoral
and-gathering societies, and they also have more inequality and greater
conflict than hunting-and-gathering societies.
These societies grow great numbers of crops, thanks to the use of plows,
Agricultural oxen, and other devices. Compared to horticultural and pastoral societies,
they are wealthier and have a higher degree of conflict and of inequality.
Industrial societies feature factories and machines. They are wealthier than
Industrial agricultural societies and have a greater sense of individualism and a
somewhat lower degree of inequality that still remains substantial.
These societies feature information technology and service jobs. Higher
education is especially important in these societies for economic success.
Source: https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/sociology-comprehensive-edition/s08-02-the-development-
Time Out 1
Among the 5 types of societies, which would you prefer? What are the
reasons behind your choice?
B. Culture
The terms “culture” and “society” goes together – they are two sides of the
coin. Although they go together and are connected, they have different
meanings. Macionis (2012) defines culture as a shared way of life while society
refers to people who interact in a defined territory and share a culture.
Culture is created by people who are interacting with each other. It is not
a product of a single individual, it is a product of a group of individuals as they
relate and interact with one another.
Values are ideas of worth and desirability. This connotes that values are
worthy and desirable. The society believes that these ideas are important in
their lives. Hospitality, hard work, respect for elders, honesty, courtesy, and
religiosity are among the values observed by Filipinos. These values make us
known to people of other countries.
Beliefs are ideas that we hold about the universe or any part of it. Beliefs
may be scientifically proven or may be stories born out of experiences that are
later shared to others. Just like norms and values, beliefs promote solidarity.
What the society believes in is usually shared and observed.
Time Out 2
Important Point
1. Values are part of culture. List down five (5) values that are evident
among Filipinos during these times of crisis. In what ways can each of
these values help alleviate Filipinos’ situation during this Covid-19
Hunting and
Horticultural and
Gender and Development
Lesson Outcomes
This is one of the most popular pictures in the net when you search for
images on gender. This picture is most of the time ignored for people always
assume that it is simply a man and a woman or a boy and a girl. But remember…
“a picture tells a thousand words.” What does this picture tell you? List down at
least 5 answers.
Just get hold of your answers and as we go on with the lesson, try to
check by yourself if you have the same idea.
Sex and gender are used synonymously by most people. This leads to
confusion. These two sets of words even results to limiting one’s person’s
potentialities. Certain characteristics seem to be automatically attached to each
of the sexes. As these ideas of “what should be” for the females and males
become part of culture, people are confined in boxes where they just have to
meet society’s expectations. This prevents them from contributing their best for
the society’s development.
Understanding the differences between sex and gender will guide people
in knowing how each of the sexes could play a vital role in all spheres of life.
This part of the module will make it clear that understanding gender will lead to
respect, appreciation of every person, cooperation, and ultimately, development.
A. Doing Gender
We will therefore start at the very core of why we are doing this. We will
first understand Gender and Development.
Since GAD is a development perspective, it is important for you to know what
the word development means. This is a complex word and there is a multitude of
meanings attached to it. The following two definitions were listed to help you in
understanding what development really means in the context of our course.
There are two words that are emphasized in these two definitions: economic
and social. This means that when we are talking of development, we are not merely
looking at the financial progress but along with it, we have to consider the social
condition of people who are the contributors to and beneficiaries of development.
be knowledgeable and skillful;
be well-nourished;
be confident of own abilities; and
be comfortable with achievements, independence and power.
The government plays an important role in this shared responsibility. For the
government, the responsibility to promote the attainment of a better life for all means
There is a misconception that GAD is for women. No, it is not. Although the
focus of the program is on women because they experience more gender biases than
the men, GAD is for both women and men. We cannot simply empower the females
without considering the needs of the males. Both should grow together – this is gender
It was mentioned earlier that the attainment of a full and satisfying life is a
responsibility by everyone. However, it is a sad reality that not everyone is given the
opportunity to contribute to and benefit from development. There are those who are
marginalized whose contribution to society is never appreciated or is being
undermined. If we want true development, then all of us should work for it regardless
of age, sex, religion, ethnicity, or class.
Time Out 1
Now that you are aware of what development is all about, can you think of at
least 6 indicators of development? Write these down on the spaces below.
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
Sex and gender are terms that are used by many to refer to being a male
or a female. This is NOT CORRECT. These two terms are only related but are
not synonymous. Sex is different from gender; gender is not a synonym for sex.
Time Out 2
Now that you have identified yourself either as a male or a female, try to
think of an instance or an event in your life where your sex became a hindrance
to what you want to do or achieve. Write it down here in not more than 50 words:
Do you find that experience fair (Yes or No)? Why? (please limit your answer to
2-3 sentences)
You are now aware that sex is a biological attribute and that it is fixed and
universal, let us now proceed with another concept this lesson covers – gender.
Gender is the cultural construction of what is feminine and what is masculine. It
is how the society defines what a female and a male is supposed and is
expected to do in a culture.
Unlike sex, gender is not a fixed distinguishing variable. By saying NOT
FIXED, it means that gender is relative
and is based on how people assign
attributes associated with being a
female and a male. Gender varies from
one country to another.
Gender is based on perception, roles, and expectations attributed by the
society to females and males. The following chart summarizes these attributes.
Feminine Masculine
Perception Weak, emotional, Strong, rational,
secondary, can’t think primary, can’t feel
Globally, women and men are boxed into situations which constrain their
capacity to do and capacity to be and hinder their potential to attain a full and
satisfying life. These boxes, as seen in the chart, are called stereotypes that
hinder people from using their capabilities and maximizing
Stereotype – a widely held their potentialities. People tend to follow the dictate of the
but fixed and oversimplified
image or idea of a society because most often, they do not want to be labeled
particular type of person or
as “deviant.”
Socialization – the lifelong
social experience by which How the society came up with these perceptions,
individuals develop their
human potential and learn
roles, and expectations is a product of socialization within
patterns of their culture. social institutions. This will be intensively discussed in the
succeeding units of this module.
The stereotypes in the chart was practiced and is still being observed. It
became part of culture. But, culture can be changed!
C. Gender Issues
The chart, which contains the society’s perception, role, and expectations
for the females and the males, seems to be like a box where each of the sexes
are forced to behave in ways given to them. Problems in this social construction
begin when their confusion find its way into decision affecting:
resource allocation
assignment of roles and responsibilities
transactional processes
problem analysis
Resource allocation
Moreover, the Philippines placed 8th in the Global Gender Gap Index in
2018. This is in the midst of a continuous effort seeking for gender equality in all
sectors of the society. Jobstreet, in a study involving 6,971 skilled workers,
revealed that a gender pay gap still persists in the country. Data revealed that
male employees in the Philippines earn Php5,000 more than their female
counterparts (https://investingwomen.asia).
Biologically, women are blessed to bear a child, give birth, and breastfeed.
The men cannot do that. Because of the woman’s reproductive role, she is
expected to care for the child and at the same time manage the home. The man
on the other hand, is expected to earn
a living and probably join Productive-Reproductive Divide
organizations where he can be known
and create a better life. No problem Productive Reproductive
about that. Problem comes in when • work • child birth/rearing
• home management
the society looks at the productive and • politics • family care
reproductive roles discriminatingly. • paid • unpaid
• visible • invisible
Men are valued because they earn • valued • not valued
while women who are at home are
sometimes looked down and not
Because of this reproductive role, women are not preferred in some jobs
because they avail of maternity leave and make absences whenever somebody
in the household is sick. Again, this is part of women’s reproductive role and they
should not be discriminated for that.
Transactional Processes
There are procedures and practices that seem to favor members of one
particular sex or gender and undermine members of the other. These spring
from ideas or stereotypes that we hold about people, the higher value we give to
those who are earning an income, and the lesser value we give to the
reproductive role of women.
There were times when women cannot make a loan from the bank or even
buy land without the signature of the husband. However, the husband during
those times can avail the same without his wife’s signature. Some of these
practices were already amended. Thanks to national and international issuances
that protect women’s rights and people of all genders.
Problem Analysis
There are situations when the society would look at members of one sex
or gender as always at fault. We call this victim-blaming wherein blame is given
to the victim rather than looking at the perpetrator. Rape cases, for example,
best illustrate how we analyze problems related to gender. We often ask the
time the crime was committed and blame the victim for staying out in an unholy
hour. Sometimes people look at the manner of dressing of the victim and
blaming follows.
We said earlier that gender issues affect all regardless of sex, age, race,
religion, and social status. Gender issues among men are not so much
highlighted because they are men and they are expected to be always strong.
This is not always the case. The following are gender biases against them:
Gender issues affect women more. When you listen to news or read posts
in the social media, you can see cases of violence inflicted against women (you
can hardly see men in these kind of news). The following are the gender issues
of women:
Multiple burden - A situation referring to the heavy workload of women and
the many, overlapping tasks involved, which if computed in terms of hours
would total more than 24 hours. This workload consists of unpaid
reproductive work, paid productive work, community management, and all
other work necessary for the survival of the family.
Time Out 3
Below are symbols that represent female, male and both female and male.
List down professions or jobs that are appropriate to them. Write your answers
on the spaces below the symbols. You don’t have to worry if you cannot fill in all
the lines. After that, justify why these professions are for them. Please write this
on the corresponding boxes.
D. Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE)
Cisgender: Describes a person whose gender identity matches his or her sex
assigned at birth.
Coming Out: Describes the act or process of voluntarily disclosing one’s sexual
orientation or gender identity.
Gender: A social construct used to classify a person as a man, woman, or some
other identity. Fundamentally different from the sex assigned at birth, it is often
closely related to the role that a person plays or is expected to play in society.
Lesbian: Describes a woman who is attracted to other women.
Queer: An umbrella term used to refer to all LGBT people; the term can be a
political statement as well as an identity, seeking to expand upon limited sexual
and gender-based categories. For some, “queer” has a negative connotation,
given its historical use as a pejorative term. Many LGBT people, however, have
reclaimed the word and now use it in a positive light. Many people use the term
“queer” because other terms do not accurately describe them.
Questioning: People who are unsure of, or in the process of, discovering, their
sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
Two Spirit: A term used in some Native American communities for persons who
identify with gender roles of both men and women, and/or are considered a
separate or third gender.
1. Why do women suffer from gender issues more than men? Explain.
TEST II. CASE ANALYSIS. Below are situations/ cases related to this lesson.
Read the cases carefully. Using your gender lens, identify the gender issues in
each of the cases and briefly justify why you consider these as such.
The Dean of a University noticed that female and
male faculty members under his college are fond ___________________________
of wearing t-shirts even while they are holding
classes. The dean said that as teachers, they ___________________________
have to look presentable. He then announced
during a meeting that female faculty members ___________________________
are not allowed to wear t-shirts while inside the
Name ________________________________________ Score ___________
Section_______________________________________ Date ____________
Key officials of three big maritime companies were interviewed as to their ___________________________
views on having female marine engineers on board. They said that women
should be protected against harm. Female marine engineers were not ___________________________
allowed to work in the engine room because it is so hot down there. To
give women something to work on while protecting them from danger, they
assigned the female marine engineers in the vessel’s restaurant and
information desk.
CASE 3 ___________________________
A group of politicians drafted a bill to answer the rising number of
rape cases in the country. Their research showed that most of the ___________________________
rape cases happened late in the evening or early morning. They
proposed that women should not be allowed to be out from 10 pm ___________________________
until 4 am.
Issuances that Promote Gender Equality
Lesson Outcomes
To start with this lesson, please look at the three pictures below. Which
do you think best represents the Philippine situation? Put a check on your choice.
Using the space provided, please justify your answer in just two (2) sentences.
Lesson 1.1 has given you the idea that development is attaining a full and
satisfying life for all and it is everyone’s responsibility. To help attain the kind of
development that we all aspire, there is a need for laws and policies that will give
direction as to where we are heading to.
You may observe that these policies and issuances all geared toward
protecting the rights of women. Again, we would like to reiterate that this is
because gender biases are experienced more by women than men.
treaty has 30 articles defines discrimination against women as "any distinction,
exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose
of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women,
irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of
human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social,
cultural, civil, or any other field.”
The Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) was the resulting document of the
Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China in 1995 adopted in
consensus by the United Nations (UN). It is during this Conference the
governments and the UN agreed to promote gender mainstreaming as a strategy
to ensure that a gender perspective is reflected in all policies and programs at the
national, regional and international levels. The BPfA represents the international
community’s commitment towards the promotion of women’s welfare and aims at
accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the
Advancement of Women.
C. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
After years of slow progress, only half of pregnant women receive the
recommended amount of antenatal care.
The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one
area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social,
economic and environmental sustainability.
Ending all discrimination against women and girls is not only a basic
human right, it’s crucial for sustainable future; it’s proven that empowering
women and girls helps economic growth and development.
UNDP has made gender equality central to its work and we’ve seen
remarkable progress in the past 20 years. There are more girls in school now
compared to 15 years ago, and most regions have reached gender parity in
primary education.
Although there are more women than ever in the labor market, there are
still large inequalities in some regions, with women systematically denied the
same work rights as men. Sexual violence and exploitation, the unequal
division of unpaid care and domestic work, and discrimination in public office
all remain huge barriers. Climate change and disasters continue to have a
disproportionate effect on women and children, as do conflict and migration.
It is vital to give women equal rights land and property, sexual and
reproductive health, and to technology and the internet. Today there are more
women in public office than ever before, but encouraging more women leaders
will help achieve greater gender equality.
Time Out 1
Choose 2 out of the 4 international issuances and list down how they
promote gender equality.
E. Magna Carta of Women
Leave benefits of two (2) months with full pay based on gross monthly
compensation for women employees who undergo surgery caused by
gynecological disorders, provided that they have rendered continuous
aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months for the last twelve
(12) months;
Non-discriminatory and non-derogatory portrayal of women in media and
film to raise the consciousness of the general public in recognizing the
dignity of women and the role and contribution of women in family,
community, and the society through the strategic use of mass media;
Equal status given to men and women on the titling of the land and
issuance of stewardship contracts and patents.
The Government, in its entirety, shall fulfill these duties through the
development and implementation of laws, policies, regulatory instruments,
administrative guidelines, and other appropriate measures. It shall also establish
mechanisms to promote the coherent and integrated implementation of the MCW
and other related laws and policies to effectively stop discrimination against
Filipino women.
2. The world is making all efforts to promote and maintain gender equality.
As a student, how can you contribute to this cause? Considering the
current pandemic, draft an action plan of what you will do using the format
given below.
Dutton, G. (2020). Salary report highlights growing gender pay gap and other
vital data. Biospace. Retrieved from https://biospace.com
Sax (2005). Why Gender Matters. What Parents and Teachers Need to Know
About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences. New York: Doubleday.