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 Class and section:

 Presented by:
Angela Camila Fonseca Parada – 20181004706
Laura Ivany Paz Meza – 20181004022
Cristy Gissel Salgado Zavala – 20181005210
Jennifer Michell Serrano Arias – 20181004735
 Miss:
Techy Alemán
 Group : #5

Saturday, April 23th, 2022

What Are Didactic Materials?

Instructional materials refer to any resource designed to assist a student in their learning
experience. Didactic materials are the elements that teachers use to facilitate and guide student
learning (books, posters, maps, photos, sheets, videos, software, models). Didactic materials are
also considered to be those materials and equipment that help us to present and develop the
contents and for the students to work with them for the construction of significant learning.

The importance of these tools is that they can help students to improve their knowledge and
understanding of the world through manipulation and experience, since this type of material
begins to be used from home, and not only in schools. Many parents develop didactic materials,
so that their children, since they are small, are familiarizing or looking for methods to facilitate
their learning. Every teacher, when facing the teaching of a class, must select the resources and
teaching materials that he intends to use. Many think that the subject or resource that we choose
is not important because the important thing is to teach the class but they are wrong, it is essential
to properly choose the resources and teaching materials because they constitute fundamental
tools for the development and enrichment of the teaching-learning process of the students.

Can be used to: orient, simulate, guide learning, exercise skills, motivate, evaluate, comment,
train. There are different types of teaching materials. Each type can be used to enhance a specific
set of skills, such as counting or speaking. Most schools will use these materials; however,
children will also often encounter several of them at home or in the real world.

 Auditory materials: Voice, recording.

 Still image materials: Opaque bodies, slide projector, photographs, transparencies,
overhead projector, Screen.
 Graphic materials: Acetates, posters, blackboard, flipchart.
 Printed materials: Books.
 Mixed materials: Movies, videos.
 Three-dimensional materials: Three-dimensional objects.
 Ict materials: Computer programs (software), computer. (hardware), including digital
2. Now, form the didactic materials assigned to your group (look at charts 1 & 2) and write
the following information for each one. This is like a short lesson plan:

 Pronunciation of - ed, regular verbs: The simple past tense

([d],[Id] or [t])
Didactic material: Songs to practice


Pronunciation Topic: songs to practice the pronunciation of regular verbs in the past
Grade: Eighth grade
Ninth grade.
Age of the students: 14-17
Level: intermediate
Objective: This material is meant to practice the pronunciation of regular verbs in
simple past, Sts can practice different kind of activities in the simple past tense
Activity (steps):
1. listen to the song and complete it using the verbs in the box.
2. This is a bingo game where the students can practice using regular Vs irregular
verbs. Sts Listen to teacher call a number and a verb in the past. and they must cross
out the appropriate verb.
The first student to fill in a complete line of 5 spaces wins. Keep going for winner #2,
#3, etc. Lines can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. Remind students to only write in
half box per game.
o 3. Group the verbs into REGULAR Vs IRREGULAR VERBS in the past 4. Key is

Another Didactic material for:

 Pronunciation of - ed, regular verbs: The simple past tense ([d],[Id] or [t])

Didactic material: Select of the words

Pronunciation Topic: Select the verbs according to what you hear.
Grade: Eighth grade
Ninth grade.

Age of the students :13-17

Level: A1
Objective: The objective of this didactic material is to learn to identify and
pronounce the correct sound of the verbs.
Activity (steps):
1. You have to select start, and it will take time.
2. Listen to the verbs.
3 Select where we believe what each verb in the blank boxes has to go.
4 Finish.
5 Repeat the exercise again for further learning.

 Minimal pairs: [n] and [m] sounds in final position

Material Didactic:
Three letter blends.
Age of the students: 12 - 15
Level: A2
Objective: The objective of the exercise is to be able to pronounce and
differentiate the words that have M and N in final position, because their
sounds are almost the same, but they are not the same.
Activity (steps):


First, the following chart briefly explains one of the most effective ways to be able to
correctly pronounce the n and m sounds in the final position

Second, after having continuously practiced the previous words, for the next exercise you must
follow these instructions:

 Read the words and look at the pictures on the chart.

 Underline the correct word in each picture.
 Try to pronounce the sounds of each word correctly.

I learned a lot about pronunciation and how to apply practice exercises to improve, I think this
project is excellent to develop my skills as a teacher. The hardest part of this was finding suitable
and good exercises that I can and identify how it helps to improve the identification skills of regular
and irregular verbs, the final sound tends to confuse the student, but thanks to this exercise and
a little of effort we will be able to advance in the identification of the problems that the students
have. These types of projects are good, the only thing that could perhaps be improved is the
interaction we have as a group and having a little more confidence in the unknown.

The experience about these materials is quite difficult but good, because it helps you to improve
and differentiate the teaching materials, good and bad for teaching new material. Some of the
obstacles that I found is the variety of material that there is and that we have to classify, the strong
points I think are the teaching of new techniques to use a subject or to improve the quality of
learning that we can give to our students. Working in a group is quite good since we contribute
ideas, guide each other and solve the difficulties that arise together as a team. Perhaps as a
suggestion it would be better to prepare ourselves and better emphasize the topics that we want
to make known, make a box of everything new learned so that the teaching is easier but complete.
- Written by Laura Paz.

The Phonetics and Phonology class is a bit complex; it needs a lot of dedication. The materials
presented are very good, they explain the topics extensively, so that it becomes easy for us to
understand, teamwork is also a good thing since among classmates we suggest a variety of ideas
or even we learn more since we share our points of view. This is a good didactic material
presented, it is to be able to practice the pronunciation of the endings of some words. It is difficult
for many students to understand or capture long paragraphs or in other cases it feels boring to be
listening to the same audio, but it is the best way to be able to practice in the auditory part and
thus be able to pronounce. the words correctly, of course it is difficult, but with practice and
perseverance a habit can be acquired.

This was one of the didactic materials that i liked the most in the presential classes, when we
were left this kind of tasks of looking for the words according to their termination. I feel that it is
very interesting and entertaining, very good material to learn easier, I highly recommend it. -
Written by Cristy Salgado
I learned a lot about this class, I was able to differentiate certain sounds that were difficult for me
when pronouncing them, I dedicated my time and put effort into each of the assigned tasks as
well as learning by doing them, especially in this task I learned from the many activities and
strategies that can be put into practice in a classroom, as a future teacher I think this will be very
useful later on and I will be able to teach my future students a good way to learn how to pronounce
words. Pronunciation is very important when speaking in another language, but to be able to
pronounce and speak well it is also important to listen. Each didactic material and activities shown
above are important to provide good student learning and make the class more fun, as well as
providing feedback and helping students not to get bored in class. - Written by Jennifer Serrano.

As students of foreign languages in the process of learning, we prepare ourselves to teach

subsequently in educational centers as future teachers. This project contains educational tools
with the initial objective of helping to improve pronunciation, differentiate sounds, and study the
sounds of speech in general for students L2 in this case of the English language. As a group, we
present didactic materials that we learned to be able to apply them in teaching pronunciation. And
personally, this work helped me reinforce what I learned in my classes and improve aspects of
pronunciation. – Written by Angela Fonseca.

Lynch, M. (2021, February 15). A guide to didactic materials. Learning Environments. Retrieved

April 23, 2022, from https://www.theedadvocate.org/a-guide-to-didactic-



Jiménez De La Cruz, C. A. (n.d.). Didactic and Technological Resources. UAPA. Retrieved

April 23, 2022, from https://sites.google.com/site/recursosdidacticosytenologicos/ventajas-y-


ESL Printables. (n.d.). Songs to practice pronunciation of regular verbs in simple past worksheet.

Retrieved April 23, 2022, from



Regular verbs simple past pronunciation. (n.d.). Wordwall. Retrieved April 23, 2022, from


Minimal Pair final /m/ and /n/. (n.d.). English Club. Retrieved April 23, 2022, from




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