CEB 201 - Tutorial 1
CEB 201 - Tutorial 1
CEB 201 - Tutorial 1
Open a New Excel Workbook and Rename the Workbook “Practical Assignment 1” and Save
the Document on Your Desktop.
There are 3 Questions and Question 1 must be answered on Sheet 1 while Question 2 and 3
are to be answered on Sheet 2.
As you work through this tutorial, make sure you save your work.
Try to attempt the Challenge Tasks by yourself - use your Lecture Note, ask a friend or even
Google. If you still can’t figure it out come and see me.
Note that in Excel,
o Go To Sheet 1 in your Workbook, and Rename the Worksheet (Go to the Sheet Tab titled
“Sheet 2” and double left click) as “Simple Formulas”.
o Switch to “Page Layout” View
o Select the cells ranging from A1 to I2 (start at cell A1, left click and drag down to cell A2,
then drag across to I2); to format the selected cells:
Go to the Home Tab and under the Alignment Group, select “Center & Merge”
Go to the Font Group and set the Font to type Times Romans, Font Size 14 and
o Type the following text into the formatted cells (A1 to I2): WORKING WITH VALUES
o Switch to “Normal” View
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o Inserting a Row:
Select Cell B3 and go to the Home Tab and under the Cells group select the “Insert
Cells” Drop Down Box and select the Insert Sheet Rows option
Select the cell range A3 to D3 and go to Alignment Group and select “Center &
Type the following into the formatted cell range A3 to D3: “ADDITION &
Select Cell E3 to I3 and go to Alignment Group and select “Center & Merge”
Type the following into the formatted cell range A3 to D3: “MULTIPLICATION,
o Begin at cell G4 and complete the following calculations in Excel:
o Copying a Format:
Select the cell range C10:G10 (contains the text “BRING IN THE BRACKETS”), press
the shortcut key Ctrl+C to copy the contents of the cell (text plus format)
Select cell C16 and press the shortcut key Ctrl+V to past the contents of the cell
Press the Enter button
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Edit the contents of the cell; with the cursor still in cell C16 type the following text:
The numbers and operations for all 4 formulas are exactly the same, the only change is the
position of the brackets in the formula - note, that the different placing of the brackets
results in 4 different answers being produced.
o Go through all the formulas typed so far and change the value 2 to 1
Select the cell containing the formula
Go to the Formula Bar (refer to Lecture notes), edit the formula and press
Repeat for all other formulas
o To display the formulas on the worksheet
Go to the Formulas Tab and under the Formula Auditing Group, select
“Show Formulas” button
All your formulas should now be shown on the spreadsheet; this feature is very helpful when
you want to check your formulas for errors.
You should now have values ranging from 1 to 10 located in cell A37 to A46.
You will now use this values to redo your calculations from Part A of Exercise 1.
After you have entered all the formulas ( remember to use cell references), you can check if your
formulas are correct.
o To Check:
Go To the Formulas Tab and under the Formula Auditing Group select the “Show
Formulas” button to now display the results of the formulas
The results of the formulas in Page 1 and Page 2 should be exactly the same! The
only difference is that Page 1 used values in the formulas and Page 2 used cell
If not go back and check your cell references, operations or brackets.
Go To Sheet 2 in your Workbook, and Rename the Worksheet (Go to the Sheet Tab titled “Sheet 2”
and double left click) as “Built-In Functions”.
85, 86, 79, 92, 65, 75, 85, 95, 72, 82, 77, 62, 90, 84, 73, 88, 93, 87, 93, 82.
Enter a single value into a cell, then use the cell reference of the values to complete the rest of the
calculations. USE CELL REFERENCES IN YOUR CALCULATIONS! (Example: 85 = A1, 86 = A2, 79 = A3….)
The formulas in cell D4 and D5 returns an error value. Use your Lecture notes to figure out how to
correct this error. (Hint: Formula Name)
The Chart Tools Contextual Tab is only available when the Chart is selected!
Select the Default Text (“Chart Title) and replace with the following text: Year 12
Test Results
Still in the Labels Group, select the “Axis Title” drop down box and select the first
option “Primary Horizontal Axis Title”
A drop down list is shown, select the 2nd option “Title Below Axis”
Replace the Default Text (“Axis Title”) with the Text “Students”
Still in the Labels Group, select the “Axis Title” drop down box and select the second
option “Primary Vertical Axis Title”
For this chart, from the drop down list shown, select the 2nd option “Rotated Title”
Replace the Default Text (“Axis Title”) with the Text “Test Score”
o Use the Format Tab of the Chart Contextual Tab
Click somewhere outside the graph to close the Chart Tools Contextual Tab.
o Insert a Column
Go to Cell C1 and Insert a Column by clicking the Home Tab going to the Cells Group
and from the Insert Cells Drop Down box, select the 3rd Option
Enter the following values, which are the results of the Year 12 Chemistry Test:
88, 92,78, 82, 63, 75, 95, 89, 52, 81, 74, 85, 92, 81, 72, 64, 90, 88, 83, 92
To Add New Data to an Already Exisiting Chart, Use the Tools Available in the Design Tab of the Chart
Tools Contextual Tab!
are graphing in Excel, always ensure that your independent values are entered into
this area.
The dependent values (the results of the test) are the values that are different for
each datum - the value that changes. It is usually (the best option) graphed in the
vertical axis or the y axis. In Excel, this is called the Legend Entries (Series). Here we
see that we have one set of test results graphed - the Biology Test Results.
To Change the Default Name “Series 1”, select the Edit button and the Edit Series
Dialog Box appears. In the Series Name Text Box, enter the text: “Biology Test
Results” and click the OK button.
To Add another Data Set to the Graph, select the Add button and once again the
Edit Series box appears. Enter the following text: “Chemistry Test Results” into the
Series Name textbox
To enter the values of the data set, go to the textbox Series Values and delete/clear
all contents
Use your cursor and navigate through your worksheet, left click on cell C1 and drag
through to cell C20 and press the OK button.
Check the Horizontal (Catergory) Axis Labels and edit by clicking the its Edit button.
Place cursor in the textbox titled “Axis Label Range” then navigate through your
worksheet area and left click on cell A1 and drag down to cell A20. Click OK.
Click OK to exit the Select data Source Dialog Box.
To make the chart large so that all the datum appear, go to the right corner of the chart and a small
white double head arrow should appear. Left click and drag outwards to increase the chart area.
see if you can complete the questions faster and more efficiently