Lectuer 1-2-2
Lectuer 1-2-2
Lectuer 1-2-2
In Microsoft Excel, you can enter numbers and mathematical formulas into cells. Whether you enter a number
or a formula, you can reference the cell when you perform mathematical calculations such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, or division. When entering a mathematical formula, precede the formula with an
equal (=)sign. Use the following to indicate the type of calculation you wish to perform:
In the following exercises, you practice some of the methods you can use to perform mathematical calculations.
How can apply the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Numbers in Excel.
Type: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide in cells A1, B1, C1, and D1 respectively
Type: 12, 25, 11 and 75 in cells A2, B2, C2 and D2 respectively
Type: 8, 13, 6 and 5 in cells A3, B3, C3 and D3 respectively
Type: = A2 + A3 in cell A5 and press Enter
Type: = B2 + B3 in cell A5 and press Enter
Type: = C2 + C3 in cell A5 and press Enter
Type: = D2 + D3 in cell A5 and press Enter
When creating formulas, you can reference cells and include numbers. All of the following formulas are valid
(a) = A2/B2
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
(b) = A2+12-B3
(c) = A2*B2+12
(d) = 24+53/B2
When you perform mathematical calculations in Excel, be careful of precedence. Calculations are performed
from left to right, with multiplication and division performed before addition and subtraction.
Divides 12 by 2, multiplies the answer by 4, adds 3, and then adds another 3. The answer displays in cell A7.
3. AutoSum
You can use the AutoSum button on the Home tab to automatically add a column or row of numbers. When you
press the AutoSum button , Excel selects the numbers it thinks you want to add. If you then click the check mark
on the Formula bar or press the Enter key, Excel adds the numbers. If Excel's guess as to which numbers you
want to add is wrong, you can select the cells you want.
EXERCISE 3. Find the auto sum for Colom f1:f3 and put the result in cell F4?
1. Go to cell F1.
2. Type3.
3. Press Enter, Excel moves down one cell.
4. Type3.
5. Click the AutoSum button in the Editing group. Excel selects
cells F1 through F3 and enters a formula in cell F4
6. 10.Press Enter. Excel adds cells F1 through F3 and displays the
result in cell F4.
7. Click the AutoSum button in the Editing group. Excel selects
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
Note that you can click on the arrow next to AutoSum to access other
automatic calculations like average, minimum and maximum values, count
numbers, etc
When you type text into a cell, by default your entry aligns with the left side of the cell. When you type numbers
into a cell, by default your entry aligns with the right side of the cell. You can change the cell alignment. You
can center, left-align, or right-align any cell entry. Look at cells A1 to D1. Note that they are aligned with the left
side of the cell.
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
Insert and Delete Columns and Rows To delete columns F and G:
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
To insert a column:
1. Click on A to select column A.
2. Click the down arrow next to Insert in the Cells group. A menu appears.
3. Click Insert Sheet Columns. Excel inserts a new column.
4. Click anywhere on the worksheet to remove your selection.
To insert rows:
1. Click on 1 and then drag down to 2 to select rows 1 and 2.
2. Click the down arrow next to Insert in the Cells group. A menu appears.
3. Click Insert Sheet Rows. Excel inserts two new rows.
4. Click anywhere on the worksheet to remove your selection.
Whenever you type text that is too long to fit into a cell, Microsoft Excel attempts to display all the text. It left-
aligns the text regardless of the alignment you have assigned to it, and it borrows space from the blank cells to
the right. However, a long text entry will never write over cells that already contain entries—instead, the cells
that contain entries cut off the long text. The following exercise illustrates this.
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
You can increase column widths. Increasing the column width enables you to see the long text.
You can also change the column width with the cursor.
1. Place the mouse pointer on the line between the B and C column headings. The mouse pointer should look
like the one displayed here , with two arrows.
2. Move your mouse to the right while holding down the left mouse button. The width indicator appears on the
3. Release the left mouse button when the width indicator shows approximately 20. Excel increases the column
width to 20.
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
1. Select the column or column you want to change the column width.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the down arrow next to Format in the Cells group.
4. Click on AutoFit Column Width. You should now be able to see all of the text.
4. Format Numbers
You can format the numbers you enter into Microsoft Excel. For example, you can add commas to separate
thousands, specify the number of decimal places, place a dollar sign in front of a number, or display a number as
a percent.
1. Move to cell B8.
2. Type1234567.
3. Click the check mark[√]on the Formula bar.
4. Choose the Home tab.
5. Click the down arrow next to the Number Format box. A menu
6. Click Number. Excel adds two decimal places to the number you
7. Click the Comma Style button . Excel separates thousands with a
8. Click the Accounting Number Format button . Excel adds a dollar
sign to your number.
9. Click twice on the Increase Decimal button to change the number
format to four decimal places.
10. Click the Decrease Decimal button ,if you wish to decrease the
number of decimal places
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
University of Babylon 2ed lecture, 2ed stage
Collage of Dentistry 2ed course,2020
Dr. Jameela Alkrimi
Introduction to Excel
1. Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J. J., & Tolosana Delgado, R. (2007). Lecture notes on compositional
data analysis.
2. https://owerricbt.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/excel-lecture-notes3.pdf
3. Evans, J. R., & Olson, D. L. (2001). Introduction to simulation and risk analysis. Prentice Hall PTR.
4. Remenyi, D., Onofrei, G., & English, J. (2009). An introduction to statistics using Microsoft Excel.
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