Microsoft Excel Booklet: Getting Started

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We will now be looking at the spreadsheet portion of Microsoft Office 2007. You can use Excel to organize,
analyze and attractively present data such as a budget. As you go through this booklet, follow the instructions
very carefully and answer the questions on your master handout.


Load Microsoft Excel

When you start Excel, a blank workbook should appear on your screen. A workbook is an Excel file
with one or more worksheets. A worksheet (Sheet1) is your work area.
Notice the default filename in Excel. When you save a file, the file extension .xls will automatically be
added to the end of the filename to indicate that it is an Excel file.
You'll notice that some things are very similar to what you have seen while using Microsoft Word. For
example the Ribbon, Tabs and Groups are similar to Word.
Even though the work area looks quite similar, it is organized differently.
Along the top, there are the letters starting at A.
These letters are headings for the columns.
Along the left side, there are numbers starting at 1.
These numbers are labels for the rows.
The intersection of a row and column is called a cell and they are referred to in a similar manner as
locations in the game battleship. For example, the active cell right now is A1.
The line below the Ribbion and Groups is called the Formula Bar and Name Box. It tells you what cell
you are on and the contents of that cell.
The cell is 8.43 characters wide (8.43 is the default column width).
Press the right arrow key 30 times. Note the columns that come after Z.
Move to cell A1 (beginning of file) quickly (same as Word Processing).
To move to another cell use the Go To feature. Press the F5 key.
For References, type L150. Click ok.
Note: This can also be done by clicking the Name Box, typing the cell reference, then press Enter.
Note: There are 256 columns and 65 536 rows available in a worksheet.
Answer questions 1 to 10 on your master handout.

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The first character entered into a cell determines the status of the cell.


Labels are text entries that are used to make the spreadsheet easier to read and understand. An example
would be titles for your columns or your name.

Move to cell A1.

Type the word Test. Press the Enter key.
To enter information into a cell, press the Enter key, an arrow key, the Tab key or click on another cell
Note: Press the Escape key to erase an entry before entering it into the cell.
Notice how Test is justified in the cell.
Now enter the following information in the cells indicated below:

B1: Mark
C1: Out Of
D1: Percent

Move to cell A2.

Type the word Test 1.
Now enter the following:

A3: Test 2
A4: Test 3
A5: Test 4


Values are another type of cell content. Values include numbers and formulas. A cell contains a value
when a number or one of the following symbols (+ - . = $) is typed as the first character in the cell.

Move to cell B2.

Type 23.
Notice how 23 is justified in the cell.
Now enter the following:

B3: 25
B4: 44
B5: 22

Move to cell C2.

Type 30

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Now enter the following:

C3: 45
C4: 50
C5: 25

Move to cell D2.

Spreadsheets are great because you can use formulas that save a lot of time.
We have to create a formula to calculate the percent.
These numbers could change at any given time, so we have to refer to them by their cell location, rather
than the actual numbers.
Type the formula: =b2/c2
Press the Enter key.
The slash (/) means division in a formula.
Note: The asterick (*) means multiplication, (+) means addition, (-) means subtraction, (^) means
exponentiation. Excel follows BEDMAS for the order of operations.
We wanted to make this cell equal to something, so that is why an equal sign was used. (always use an
equal sign to start a formula)
Note: If you want a value entry to be treated like a label, begin the entry with an apostrophe.
Answer questions 11 to 17 on your master handout.

We really need this formula filled in from D2 down to D5.

Make sure that you are in cell D2 (the cell with the formula in it).
Press the key to extend selection (F8).
Arrow down to cell D5.
Note: You can also use your mouse to highlight cells D2 to D5.
From the Ribbion, select the Fill command button option. Select Down. (or Ctrl+D)
Notice that the formulas are relative to the cell you are calculating.
This is called a relative reference.
Move to cell D3. Look at the formula on the formula bar (=B3/C3).
Move to cell D4. The formula used here was =B4/C4 (not =B3/C3 like in cell D3).
Note: You can also continue a formula to the right of a cell by selecting Fill command button option
from the Ribbon, then select Right. (or Ctrl+R)
Note: A formula can also be filled by dragging the fill handle (small square located in the lower-right
corner of the active cell) across or down the cells to fill. This uses Excels Autofill feature.
Answer questions 18 & 19 on your master handout.

Highlight cells A2 to D5 (all rows except the headings).

Note: Do not highlight the title, or summary rows unless you want these sorted too.
From the Data Tab, select the Sort Command Button option.
For Sort by, select Percent and click largest to smallest (Decending order)
Select the Add a Level option.
For Then by, select Mark and click smallest to largest(Ascending order) Click ok.
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Note: This is the second sort. It is only used when there is a tie in the first sort.
Notice that percent is sorted highest to lowest. When the percent is the same (0.88), then the rows are
sorted by mark lowest to highest (22 then 44).
Note: Sorting can also be done using the Ribbon button.
Answer questions 20 & 21 on your master handout.

Move to cell C7.

Type Average:
Now enter the following:
C8: Highest:
C9: Lowest:
C10: # of Tests:
Excel provides built-in formulas called functions to perform special calculations (max, min, count, sum,
In cell D7, type the formula: =average(d2:d5). Press Enter.
Note: You can use the range of cells (d2:d5) like above, or list all cells (d2,d3,d4,d5).
Note: The range A1:B5 includes cells in columns A and B, rows 1 to 5.
In cell D8, type the formula: =max(d2:d5)
Note: max finds the highest value in a range of cells
In cell D9, type the formula: =min(d2:d5)
Note: min finds the lowest value in a range of cells
Note: Instead of typing d2:d5, you can highlight these cells.
In cell D10, type =count( then highlight cells D2 to D5, then type )
Note: The count function tells you the number of items. Here, it is the number of tests.
Note: Use the AutoSum button on the Ribbon to quickly total numbers.
Answer question 22 on your master handout.


The following six changes make the spreadsheet look better.


Highlight cells D2 to D9.

Select % from the Ribbion
When you select % on the Ribbion, it is automatically set to 0 decimal places.
Select Format Group option.
Select the Number tab. Select Percentage, and change the number of decimal places to 1. Click ok.
You can set any number of decimal places using this option.
Note: This is the same for $ on the Ribbon (2 decimal places only), and Currency options.
Note: Selecting Number from the Category menu allows you to set the number of decimal places when
it is not percent or currency (ie. 5.12).
Note: Use the Increase or Decrease Decimal command buttons on the Ribbion to quickly change the
number of decimal places.

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Answer questions 23 to 25 on your master handout.

Notice that the titles arent right over the numbers.

Highlight cells B1 to D1.
Select right alignment from the Ribbion.
Highlight cells A1 to D1.
Select bold (B) from the Ribbon.
Highlight cells C7 to C10.
Select right alignment and bold (B) from the Ribbon.
Move to cell D7.
Select bold (B) and italic (I) from the Ribbon.
Select the Format Painter button from the Ribbon.
Highlight cells D7 to D9.
Note: Formatting can also be copied by dragging the fill handle over the other cells.
Move to cell D10. Select bold (B) and italic (I) from the Ribbon.
From now on, make sure titles are lined up with the cells in the column, and important information is in
bold, italic or underline before printing.


Move to cell A1 (or any cell in row 1).

From the Insert command button, select Insert Sheet Rows.
Notice where the inserted row went relative to cell A1.
Repeat this to add in another row (2 empty rows at the top).
Move to cell A4 (or any cell in row 4).
From the Insert command button, select Insert Sheet Columns.
Move to cell A1 (or any cell in column A).
From the Insert command button, select Insert Sheet Columns.
Notice where the inserted column went relative to cell A1.
In cell C1, type: Joe Solutions marks. Press Enter.
Note: Text will continue to the next cell if it is empty.
Answer questions 26 & 27 on your master handout.

Highlight cells B1 to E13

From the Ribbon select the Border command button (more borders)
For Style, select the double line. Click Outline.
For Style, select the single line. Click Inside. Click ok.


Move to cell E1 (or any cell in column E).

From the Ribbon select the Format Command Button. Select Column Width.
Type 3, then press Enter.
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### will appear because the column width isn't big enough.
Redo this, but set the width to 8.
Position mouse pointer on the column border between headings C and D. Pointer changes to a double-
vertical line with arrows pointing left and right. Click left mouse button and drag the border left to
adjust the column width.
Fix up all the column widths so that their size looks appropriate (not too tight).
Note: From now on, always fix up the column widths before printing your spreadsheet.
Answer question 28 on your master handout.

Highlight cells B1 to E1.

From the select the Alignment Group option.
For Horizontal Text alignment, select Centre.
For Text control, select Merge cells.
Note: You can use the Merge and Centre command button on the Ribbon to do both of these quickly.
Select the Format command button and select Format Cells
Select the Fill tab.
Click on a light gray colour. Click ok.
Note: The Fill Colour command button on the Ribbon can also be used to shade cells.


Move to cell C1.

Suppose that you wanted to put your name in the title, you could retype this cell or you could fix it.
Let's fix it.
Press the F2 key.
Notice that the insertion point shows up at the end of the entry (this allows you to edit the cell).
Press the left arrow key until the insertion point is at the end of Joe Solutions.
Press the Backspace key to delete this name.
Type your name. Press Enter.
Note: Editing can also be done by double clicking in the cell.
Answer questions 29-31 on your master handout.

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Now, the layout looks pretty good; it should look just like the following (except for the name of course):

Joe Solution's marks

Test Mark Out Of Percent

Test 4 22 25 88.0%
Test 3 44 50 88.0%
Test 1 23 30 76.7%
Test 2 25 45 55.6%

Average: 77.1%
Highest: 88.0%
Lowest: 55.6%
# of Tests: 4


From the File menu, select the Save As option.

Type markex for the filename. Click Save.


Select print preview from the File Menu.

Make sure it looks right.
Click on print to send this to the printer.
Your printout will take a minute (leave it for now).
Press CTRL + (grave accent).
Note: Instead of the values, the formulas now appear. Also, column widths are enlarged to accommodate
the formulas.
Select print preview option from the File Menu.
Click on print.
Submit both of your printouts to your teacher, stapled and in order (formulas last).
From now on, whenever you submit a spreadsheet, you should hand in two printouts (one regular and
one with formulas showing) unless you are told otherwise.
Press CTRL + (grave accent). This deselects the show formulas option.

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Make sure your file is saved. Watch to see what happens for the following changes, but do not save the file


The Mark and Out of columns arent really necessary.

We can hide these columns.
Move to cell C2 (or any cell in column C).
From the Ribbon, select the Format Command button option. Select Visibility option. Select Hide
Hide column D as well.
To get these columns back, you first have to place the insertion point in the column. But theyre hidden!
Press the F5 key.
Type C2 (or any cell in column C). Press Enter.
From the Ribbon, select the Format Command button option. Select Visibility option. Select Unhide
Unhide column D as well.
Answer question 32 on your master handout.


Move to cell B2 (or any cell in row 2).

From the Ribbon, select the Delete command button. Select Delete sheet rows.
Select Undo
Move to cell B2 (or any cell in column B).
From the Ribbon, select the Delete command button. Select Delete sheet columns.
Select Undo
Note: A copy does not go to the clipboard when you delete, so you cannot paste it back.


Highlight cells B2 to D12.

From the Ribbon, select the Clear command button option. Select clear contents to remove the cell
contents and the border.
Remember that a copy is not placed in the clipboard when you Clear. Select Undo.
Highlight cells B2 to D6.
Note: This is the same as using the Delete key.
Note: To clear formatting only, select Clear Formats instead of Clear Contents.
Answer questions 33 & 34 on your master handout.

Highlight the table.

From the Ribbon, select Cell Styles command option.
Scroll through the different Formats. Select one
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Remember, all previous formatting is replaced.
Close your file.
If asked to save changes, select no.


Below is a list of common errors that might appear in a cell with a value and a reason for each error.
#### means the column is too narrow for the values.
#NAME? means a cell name is incorrect (ie. AQ instead of A3).
#REF! means a cell you are referring to in a calculation has likely been deleted.
#VALUE! means a cell you want to use in a formula is probably a label.
Answer question 35 on your master handout.

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We want to produce a table like the following:

Simple Interest Chart by teacher

Principal Rate Time Interest

$ 100.00 13% 4 $ 52.00
$ 200.00 13% 4 $ 104.00
$ 300.00 13% 4 $ 156.00
$ 400.00 13% 4 $ 208.00
$ 500.00 13% 4 $ 260.00
$ 600.00 13% 4 $ 312.00
$ 700.00 13% 4 $ 364.00
$ 800.00 13% 4 $ 416.00
$ 900.00 13% 4 $ 468.00
$1,000.00 13% 4 $ 520.00

Close all files you have open and Open a New file.
Starting in cell A1, enter the headings (Principal, Rate, Time, Interest)
Move to cell A2.
Type 100. Press the Enter key.
Highlight cells A2 to A11.
Using the Fill Command on the Ribbon select Series
For Step value, type 100. Click ok.
Note: A Fill Series is used when there is a list of sequential numbers, dates, times, or text.
Move to cell B2.
Type 13%. Press the Enter key.
Note: Instead of typing the percent (13%), this could have been entered as a decimal (0.13).
Highlight cells B2 to B11.
Use the Fill command on the Ribbon and select down.
Note: Since cell B2 was a number and not a formula, the number filled down.
Note: This can also be done by dragging the fill handle over the other cells.
Move to cell C2.
Type 4. Press the Enter key.
Move to cell C2.
Grab and drag the fill handle (square in bottom right corner of cell) from this cell down to cell C11.
Move to cell D2.
Type: =a2*b2*c2. Press the Enter key. This is the formula for simple interest (I=Prt).
Highlight cells D2 to D11 (or drag fill handle).
Notice that the first cell highlighted contains the formula.
Use the Fill command on the Ribbon and select down.

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Lets make it look better:

Highlight cells A2 to A11.

Select currency ($) from the Ribbon. (automatically 2 decimal places)
Highlight cells D2 to D11.
Select currency ($) from the Ribbon.
Highlight cells A1 to D1.
Select right alignment and bold (B) from the Ribbon.
Adjust the column widths using your mouse.
Move to cell A1 (or any cell in row 1).
Insert a row.
Repeat this to add another blank row at the top.
Move to cell A1.
Type Simple Interest Chart by your name.
Highlight cells A1 to D1.
Select the Merge & Centre button from the Ribbon.
Select the Fill Colour drop-down arrow from the Ribbon.
Click on a light gray colour.
Highlight cells A1 to D13.
From the Ribbon menu, select the Borders command button. Select More Borders option.
For Style, click the double line. Click Outside.
For Style, click the single line. Click Inside. Click ok.
Save this file as simint1
When done, ask your teacher to sign it off on your master handout (last page).
Close this file.

Create a similar Simple Interest Chart, except this time use:

Principal always $700.00

Rate always 12%
Time 1, 2, 3, 4,...30 (Use Edit/Fill/Series)

Use formulas whenever possible.

Add in a Total column (Principal+Simple Interest).
Make the table look good.
Save this file as simint2.
Print this with and without formulas and hand it in.

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