Soils Addendum No 2 11-7-19

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FDC & Associates

November 7th, 2019.

Eduardo Leon
9115 Brock Avenue
Downey, CA 90240
(323) 816-0864
[email protected]

Subject: 5222 Rideout Way

Addendum # 2 to Soils Report Dated March 14th, 2018.

Dear Mr. Leon :

At your request and authorization, FDC & Associates Corporation has review the preliminary
soil investigation report prepared for the subject site. This Addendum includes temporary
excavation recommendations for proposed North property line retaining wall and garage walls.

If any question please feel free to call us to the numbers below.


FDC & Associates Corporation

Leo A. Aguilera, P.E

Principal Engineer

322 West Orange Show Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92408

Phone (909) 388-7200, Fax (909) 388-2100
[email protected]
FDC & Associates


FDC & Associates perform a site soil observation on November 4th 2019 to provide temporary
excavation recommendations on retaining walls design proposed by Arturo Vasquez Plans to be
built on subject property and found evidence of structural damage on existing neighbord wall
(See Attached Picture). The temporary excavation for the proposed wall on North property line
will remove lateral support and produce collapse of damaged existing wall section.


Vertical excavations along north property line, will require temporary shoring and ABC slot

ABC Slot Cut

ABC Slot cutting are cut, using the ABC method, in which all slots are of the same width. The
initial slot "A" is cut eight feet (8') in width, leaving the "B" and "C" slots to buttress the
excavation. The footing and wall is constructed in the "A" slot, cured, braced, and backfilled;
the same procedure is used for the "B" slots; then the "C" slots. The City of Los Angeles
Department of Building and Safety requires continuous inspection of all slot cut
Garage walls temporary excavations ranging in vertical height up to teen feet (10') will be
required for the proposed development. Conventional excavation equipment may be used to
make these excavations. Excavations should expose natural soil, colluvium and bedrock.
The natural soil, colluvium is suitable for unsurcharged vertical excavations up to five feet
(5'). The bedrock is suitable for unsurcharged vertical excavations up to fourteen feet (8'), in
favorably oriented bedrock. Excavations shall not exceed a combined height of ten feet (10').
Excavations that exceed the stated height limits, and all loose surficial material, shall be
trimmed back at a gradient of 1:1 (h:v). This should be verified by soils engineer during
construction so that modifications can be made if variations in the soil occur.
Construction excavations shall be made under the supervision and periodic review performed
by this office.
All excavations should be stabilized within 15 days of initial excavation. If this time is
exceeded, the project soils engineer must be notified, and modifications, such as shoring or
slope trimming may be required. Water should not be allowed to pond on top of the
excavation, nor to flow toward it. All excavations should be protected from inclement
weather. The top of the excavations should be barricaded to ensure that no vehicular
surcharge be allowed within five feet (5') of the top of cut.
All other construction methods shall meet the requirements of the Construction and General
Industry Safety Orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, California OSHA in addition to
other public agencies having jurisdiction.

322 West Orange Show Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92408

Phone (909) 388-7200, Fax (909) 388-2100
[email protected]
FDC & Associates

322 West Orange Show Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92408

Phone (909) 388-7200, Fax (909) 388-2100
[email protected]

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