Final DBB Scope of Work
Final DBB Scope of Work
Final DBB Scope of Work
At the
FEAD Design Manager (DM): David W. Gregory III, P.E. (757) 433-3485 (office)
(757) 493-2547 (cell)
2.1 The Contractor must provide supervision, labor, material and equipment required to perform all
work for the following project: Provide the repair by replacement of the existing closed circuit
evaporative cooler which serves the water source heat pump system in Building 350, NAS
Oceana, Dam Neck Annex, Virginia Beach, Virginia. All work must be done in a manner to provide
a complete, usable and finished end product. See paragraph “7. WORK REQUIREMENTS” for
an expanded and detailed scope of work.
2.2 The Contractor must comply with the requirements of the most current Contract as prescribed by
the Contracting Officer for use on this contract.
2.3 A Pre-Proposal site meeting must be held at the project site to review and discuss the scope of
work and assess existing field conditions, prior to Award of this Task Order. The Contractor and
his key personnel involved with the project must attend with the Government.
Coordinate/schedule the date and time with the Contracting Officer’s approval.
2.4 Reference information from recent additions and repairs are available upon request via DoD
SAFE file transfer. Reference information (drawings, sketches, specifications, etc.) must be used
for informational purposes only, and may not accurately reflect current as-built conditions. The
Contractor must not solely rely on the reference information to determine existing conditions, but
must field verify all existing conditions pertinent to the project.
2.5 All work must be performed in accordance with, but not limited to, standard industry practices,
applicable local, state and federal codes, laws and regulations, and the Unified Facilities Criteria
POLLUTION STILL PRESENT (I.E. Painting, Service Connections, Minor building
renovations, hazardous material abatement etc.): The contractor must utilize best
management practices to ensure materials (Paints, Solvents, Petroleum Products, Trash,
Sediment...Etc.) associated with this activity do NOT become a pollutant in storm water runoff.
The Contractor must keep a spill kit on hand in case of any equipment failure, hydraulic line break,
etc. if heavy equipment will be used for this project. No discharges to the sanitary sewer system,
storm system or surface waters are permitted without prior coordination with, and approval from
the Water Program Manager! Concrete mixing and/or pouring must be done in a way to prevent
entry to storm water conveyances or surface waters. Notify NAVFAC EV-Environmental
immediately of any spills (anything other than storm water) to the storm system as well as any
spills to any sewer system since notifications will need to be made to the regulatory authorities
within 24 hours of discovery.
2.7 Supervision: Have a Supervisor fluent in English on the job site during working hours at all times.
The Supervisor must be a United States Citizen or a Documented Legal Resident of the United
States of America.
2.8 Equipment Inventory Form: The Contractor must submit an Equipment Inventory Form for
existing equipment to be demolished/removed, or for new equipment to be provided under this
contract. The Equipment Inventory Form must be completely filled-out and provided for each
piece of equipment as stated in “PART 8 – ATTACHMENTS, EQUIPMENT LISTING”. Further
clarification on the equipment types must also be discussed at the PAK or Pre-Construction
Meetings, or as directed by the Contracting Officer.
Submit all Equipment Inventory Forms to the Contracting Officer, prior to demolition of the
existing equipment and prior to installation of the new equipment. (See PART 8 –
ATTACHMENTS for the Equipment Inventory Form to utilize).
3.1 The project Contract Completion Date (CCD) must be 210 calendar days from Award of this
Task Order.
3.2 The facility, must remain occupied and in operation during the entirety of this project. Existing
and adjacent spaces to remain in operation during construction must be protected from damage,
dust, and debris at all times. Damage to any existing spaces, finishes, items, furniture and
equipment, as a result of the Contractor’s operations, must be replaced in-kind by the Contractor
at no expense to the Government.
3.2.1 Within 30 days from the award of this contract, the Contractor must provide a temporary closed
circuit evaporative cooler to satisfy the water source heat pump system demands of Building 350
for the duration of this contract, concluding the change-over to and acceptable stat-up/operation
of the new closed circuit evaporative cooler. The Contractor must coordinate with the Contracting
Officer the transition of condenser water service from the current Government contacted
temporary closed circuit evaporative cooler (on site and currently in service) and the Contractor’s
temporary closed circuit evaporative cooler. Temporary unit must include all appropriate controls,
freeze protection and maintenance service support to maintain stable and reliable temporary
condenser water service.
3.3 UTILITIES LOCATION AND VERIFICATION (Exterior): Prior to digging, the appropriate digging
permit must be obtained. All underground utilities in the work area must be positively
identified by a private utility locating service in addition to any station locating service and
coordinated with the station utility department, prior to any digging. Any markings made
during the utility investigation must be maintained throughout the contract. The Contractor must
physically verify underground utility locations by hand digging using wood or fiberglass handled
tools when any adjacent construction work is expected to come within three feet of the
underground system. Digging within 2 feet of a known utility must not be performed by means of
mechanical equipment; hand digging must be used. If construction is parallel to an existing utility
expose the utility by hand digging every 100 feet if parallel within 5 feet of the excavation.
3.4 UTILITIES LOCATION AND VERIFICATION (Interior): Utilities located within concrete slabs or
pier structures, bridges, and the like, are extremely difficult to identify due to the reinforcing steel
used in the construction of these structures. Whenever contract work involves concrete
chipping, saw cutting, or core drilling, the existing utility location must be coordinated
with station utility departments in addition to a private locating service. Outages to isolate
utility systems must be used in circumstances where utilities are unable to be positively identified.
The use of historical reference drawings does not alleviate the contractor from meeting this
requirement. The contractor must perform positive identification and locating of existing
utilities prior to any concrete chipping, saw cutting or core drilling of any kind.
3.5 Laydown Areas and Other Outdoor Work Areas: Provide erosion and sediment control to avoid
contamination into adjacent wetlands, waterways, ditches, and other stormwater systems. No
equipment nor materials should be utilized nor stored in wetlands or waterways without proper
permits. Identify stormwater drains and ditches immediately adjacent and within project work zone
connect to waters of the U.S. that are considered linear wetlands and protected under the Clean
Water Act. Inappropriate erosion and sediment control that results in a release of material into
an upland section of ditch that then runs into wetland/waters of the US is considered fill of
wetlands and subject to the issuance of a notice of violation under the CWA. POC for applicable
BMP’s and regulatory compliance requirements: Michael Wright, PWD Oceana Natural
Resources (NR) Program Manager, [email protected], 757-433-3461.
3.6 Several protected species occur on the installation or within the influence of the installation actions
(e.g., air space, etc.). Particular species of concern include several bat, reptile, insect and bird
species. If any protected species are observed on the project site, stop work on the site where
the animal is located and contact the POC immediately for further guidance. Particular species
of concern anticipated potentially occurring on the project site are bats and birds (for birds, it is
only if they have active nests/nest w eggs or hatchlings, on site).
Due to proximity to aircraft air space and helicopter landing sites, avoid creating Bird/Animal
Aircraft Hazard (BASH) issues:
Ensure facility, equipment and housing does not have unsecured holes that lead to the inside
from the outside. Holes/ventilation should be secured with mesh or other appropriate material to
exclude wildlife from entry. For planning purposes, some species of bats can enter through holes
as small as 6 mm.
Any storage structures or laydown area materials should be housed in a way to minimize its
attraction to wildlife that could pose a Bird/Animal Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) on the
installation. Areas of Mounded materials (soils, pipes, etc.) are very inviting to nesting, perching
and/or feeding birds and to rodents which also attract larger animals to the area (prey/predator
relationship). Storage areas that capture water may create mosquito breeding areas that attract
wildlife to the site for feeding (take measures to avoid mosquito breeding). Areas of disturbed or
seeded soil may also attract wildlife. Slit/hydro-seeding of seed or planting of plugs is preferred
to minimize seed loss and attraction of wildlife into airspace.
Species of plants selected for landscaping or revegetation activities should be evaluated to select
species that will minimize attracting wildlife that pose an elevated BASH threat to the airfield.
All outdoor trash receptacles (particularly those where food based trash is disposed) on site must
be secured (lids/doors closed) at all times to avoid the attraction of wildlife to the site.
It is illegal to possess, harm or take a migratory bird without regulatory permit authorizations
(inclusive of animal, active nest, eggs, and/or parts there of). Nesting birds could be present on
the project site and associated laydown area. Do not harm or remove active nests. Contact the
below POC for further guidance and action if an active nest (nest with eggs or hatchlings present)
is present on the project site.
As of Mar 2023, there are no eagle nests within 660 feet of the project site. Eagles are known to
nest in the area. Eagles begin nesting in the late fall/early winter timeframe, check back with the
below POC annually for updates regarding eagle nest locations and associated requirements if a
nest is confirmed within 660 feet of the project area. If an eagle nest were located within 660 feet
of this project site, consultations/permits/mitigation/monitoring may be warranted and outdoor
work limited as specified in the associated permit.
Osprey nests may occur on site. Osprey are protected, do not mess with nests. Recommend
that if a nest is present on site (e.g., on light, power pole, tower, etc.) a minimum 8 feet buffer
from the edge of the nest be established on the ground to establish a worker safety buffer from
potential falling nest debris and bird excrement.
POCs for applicable BMP’s and regulatory compliance requirements: Michael Wright, PWD
Oceana Natural Resources (NR) Program Manager, [email protected], 757-433-3461;
and Doug Lynde Shultz, PWD Oceana Natural Resources (NR) Specialist,
[email protected], 757-635-5436.
Equipment and materials must not be stored or operated directly under trees. If wildlife is
encountered, do not disturb. POC Douglas H Lynde Shultz 757-635-5436
3.7 Do not approach wildlife, do not try to touch or relocate wildlife, DO NOT KILL wildlife. For on
base wildlife emergency issues, contact the Installation Command Duty Officer (CDO) and they
will contact Installation Natural Resources staff to address the wildlife concern (animals only, not
Feeding, harboring, harassment, collecting, killing, and/or releasing of animals/wildlife (this also
includes feral animals) and plants on the installation is prohibited without obtaining authorized
permits. Precautions should be taken to prevent negative impacts from coming in contact with
This base is known to have poisonous plants (i.e., poison ivy), venomous snakes (i.e.,
copperhead and cottonmouth), bees/wasps/hornets, ticks, mosquitoes, rabid animals, etc.
POCs for applicable BMP’s and regulatory compliance requirements: Michael Wright, PWD
Oceana Natural Resources (NR) Program Manager, [email protected], 757-433-3461;
and Doug Lynde Shultz, PWD Oceana Natural Resources (NR) Specialist,
[email protected], 757-635-5436.
3.8 Equipment must be clean prior to arriving on base to avoid introduction of new or spread of
existing non-native invasive species to the base/location. After working at this site, equipment
should also be cleaned prior to working in any other location/site on or off base.
Reference materials include:;;>;
Due to the known presence of non-native invasive species & noxious weeds in the area, on base
soil/sludge/organic material removed from any projects on base should be disposed of
appropriately off base. Materials on base should not be relocated anywhere on base beyond its
originating location.
If project damages Navy property that requires revegetation, utilize native vegetation and ensure
the source materials a certified noxious weed free. See landscaping comments for more
POC for applicable BMP’s and regulatory compliance requirements: Doug Lynde Shultz, PWD
Oceana Natural Resources (NR) Specialist, [email protected], 757-635-5436.
3.9 If equipment maneuvering at project site, laydown area, or associated transit result in damage to
vegetation/soil (e.g., rutting), the damage to vegetation/landscaping will require grading and
replanting to bring back to "original" conditions.
ONLY Native Species should be utilized. The installation is located within the Coastal Plains (C)
of VA and as such species native to this zone should be utilized for vegetation/landscaping
activities on base. The installation's Official Source for native status is through a combined use
of and the book "Flora of Virginia," 2013. The installation also utilizes the
USDA website,, to determine wildlife value and potential Bird/Animal
Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) concern levels.
Utilizing seed is not recommended for re-vegetating the site due to BASH concerns associated
with attracting wildlife to the seed. Whenever possible utilize live plants to repair vegetation. If
seed must be utilized, to reduce BASH concerns utilize slit seeding techniques to get the seed
into the ground (do not leave seed visible on the ground surface). Also, avoid seed coverings
which may entangle wildlife (e.g., net like materials). Seed coverings must be USDA certified
noxious weed free.
Previously approved grasses for landscaping on the Installation included: Virginia Wildrye
(Elymus virginicus); Purpletop/redtop (Tridens flavus); Broomsedge (Andropogon virginicus);
Axonopus furcatus (Big Carpetgrass); Setaria parviflora (Knotroot Foxtail, Knotroot Bristlegrass);
Danthonia spicata (Poverty Oatgrass); and Piptochaetium avenaceum (Eastern
Needlegrass/Blackseed Speargrass).
Any vegetation planting lists should be submitted to the installation Natural Resources Manager
DEVELOPMENT PLAN may NOT be Native Species. Select Only Native Species.)
POC for applicable BMP’s and regulatory compliance requirements: Michael Wright, PWD
Oceana Natural Resources (NR) Program Manager, [email protected], 757-433-3461.
3.10 In cases where Mechanical Equipment (Mechanical Rooftop Equipment, Boilers, Chillers etc.) will
be disconnected/reconnected or demolished due to the work under this contract, the Contractor
must utilize existing isolation valves (if available and usable/pressure holding) and other types of
non-destructive system(s) isolation to minimize the draining of potable water, chilled water,
condenser water, heating water piping systems to provide the necessary system connections and
3.10.1 All water drained from the HVAC system must be captured and containerized for disposal off
Government property in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations. This
water will be from, but not limited, the following systems:
3.10.3 This wastewater must not be discharged to sanitary sewer without written approval.
3.10.4 At Contractor risk, the Contractor may submit a “Request to Discharge to HRSD” for approval to
discharge to sanitary. This “Request to Discharge to HRSD” must include the following:
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for any chemicals that have been added to the system (if this is an
existing system and SDS are not available, state “existing system - SDS data not available”
in the request.
- Source of the wastewater (condenser water system, make-up water system, water treatment
system, etc.) Once the “Request to Discharge to HRSD” is received, NAS Oceana NAVFAC Environmental
Department will coordinate with HRSD to obtain the required sampling parameters and forward
this direction to the contractor. Once the contractor provides the sampling of the containerized wastewater per HRSD
requirements, submit the sample results to NAS Oceana NAVFAC Environmental Department
and NAS Oceana NAVFAC Environmental Department will submit the sampling results to HRSD
for approval or denial for discharge to sanitary sewer. All correspondence between the contractor and NAS Oceana NAVFAC Environmental
Department must be transmitted through the Contracting Officer.
3.11 Spills:
3.11.1 All spills must be immediately reported to the Regional Dispatch Center (RDC) at 757-433-9111
and PWD Oceana Environmental POC: Tara Fisher (757) 433-3443.
3.11.2 Contractor must ensure all appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) and controls are
implemented prior to the start of work, to prevent pollutants from leaving the site and entering a
storm drain or other surrounding areas. Pollutants include, but are not limited to: process water
(condenser water), fuel, fluids (hydraulic, other), sediment, construction debris, concrete and
others. A spill kit shall be on site during the work, in case of any equipment leaks, failure of
hydraulic or fuel lines, etc.
3.12 Temporary/Portable Engine Driven Equipment: Any temporary/portable engine driven equipment
(portable generators, pumps, welders, etc.) must be reported to the Air Program Manager no less
than 20 days prior to being placed in service. Submit the Temporary/Portable ICE use log to the
Air Program Manager prior to being placed in service, and as required throughout the use of the
equipment (see Temporary Generator Use Form provided in paragraph 8.7 of this RFP). POC:
Andrea Arredondo (757) 433-3434
3.13 In the event that hazardous waste is generated, the hazardous waste program manager must be
contacted for the appropriate guidance. In addition, any movement of soil/fill material outside of
project boundaries, meaning both soil brought onsite and soil from the site relocated to other
areas, must be coordinated with the hazardous waste program manager to ensure environmental
compliance. POC: Jefferson Ghent (757) 433-3438.
3.14 Pre-Outage Coordination Meeting: Apply for utility outages at least 15 days in advance to the
Contracting Officer. As a minimum, the request must include the location of outage, utilities being
affected, duration of outage and any necessary sketches. Any/all utility outage requests must
be approved by the Contracting Officer prior to starting the work. Once approved, and prior
to beginning work on the utility system requiring shut down, attend a pre-outage coordination
meeting with the Contracting Officer to review scope of work and the lock-out/tag-out procedures
for worker protection. No work will be performed on energized electrical circuits unless proof is
provided that no other means exist.
3.15 Control of Hazardous Energy (Lock-out/Tag-out): Provide and operate a Hazardous Energy
Control Program (HECP) in accordance with EM 385-1-1 Section 12, 29 CFR 1910.333, 29 CFR
3.16 In general terms, demolition work and the use of word “demolish”, must include the removal and
effective management and disposal of existing construction and or structures. Contractor must
take care to prevent damage to existing utilities and construction that are not scheduled for
demolition. If damage occurs, the Contractor must make repairs, or replacement with new, to the
satisfaction of the Contracting Officer and at no cost to the Government. Selling of demolished
or salvaged materials and equipment on Government properties is prohibited.
3.17 Work Hours: The Contractor’s normal working hours must be between 0700 to 1630, Monday
through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays and other days specifically designated by the
Contracting Officer. Advance approval from the Contracting Officer is required for contractor
personnel to work outside of normal working hours. Any/all Contractor’s requests to work outside
of normal working hours must be given to the Contracting Officer in a form of a written request,
occurring no less than 5 calendar days prior to such work, to allow for appropriate approvals and
inspections process. The written request must include as a minimum, the specific dates, hours,
location, type of work performed, and contract personnel performing the work. Based on the
written request, the Contracting Officer, at his discretion, may approve or disapprove the work
outside of normal working hours.
3.18 Access to construction work areas must be limited to the Contractor’s personnel, or other
approved personnel as designated by the Contracting Officer. Construction work areas must
have complete and secure separation from adjacent occupied areas, as approved and directed
by the Contracting Officer and Activity’s Security Officer.
3.19 Passes and Badges: All Contractor employees, including subcontractors, and subcontractors’
employees, suppliers, and suppliers’ employees must be required to comply with the Installation
Security Requirements regarding personnel, vehicle, equipment, security passes/badges and
access to the jobsite. Nothing in the contract must be construed in any way to limit the authority
of the Commanding Officer to prescribe new, or to enforce existing security regulations governing
the admission or exclusion of persons and the conduct of persons while aboard the station,
including but not limited to, the rights of search of all persons or vehicles aboard the station. All
Contractor employees/subcontractors must have current and valid government issued Contractor
Base Access Passes and Badges, in order to perform work under this contract.
Coordinate with the Contracting Officer for other specific security and access requirements.
a) Access to Buildings/ Occupied Buildings: The Contractor may work in or around existing
occupied buildings. It must be the Contractor’s responsibility, through the Contracting
Officer, to obtain access to building and facilities and arrange for them to be opened and
closed. Do not enter the building(s) without prior approval of the Contracting Officer. The
existing buildings and their contents must be kept secure at all times. Provide temporary
closures as required to maintain security. Contract personnel will not be permitted in
security-regulated buildings or areas unless cleared by the Security Officer.
b) Passes and Badges: Contractor employees and representatives performing work under
this contract are required to be either United States Citizens or Documented Legal
Residents, status of which, MUST be verified/confirmed by the Prime Contractor. All
Contractor employees must obtain the required employee and vehicle passes/badges.
Each employee must wear the government issued badge, AT ALL TIMES, over the front
of the outer clothing for awareness and visibility. Failure to obtain government issued
security and base access passes/badges must result in the revocation of the Prime
Contractor’s Base Access Contractor Passes/Badges, at the sole discretion of the
Contracting Officer and/or the Installation Security Officer. The Prime Contractor is totally
responsible to instruct/verify/confirm that all employees and subcontractors obtain
valid/approved government issued passes and badges. Any work stoppage or work
delays caused by the Contractor/Subcontractor’s failure to comply with obtaining
appropriate passes/badges or other Security compliance must not be a cause for contract
performance time extension. The Contractor must be responsible for immediately turning
in all terminated employee’s badges to the Pass and ID issuing office.
c) Special security requirements apply to this contract. All Contractor personnel associated
with this contract must obtain personnel security clearances/badges from the DEVGRU
Security Officer in order to perform work in and around Building 350. Strict adherence to
the rules and regulations, as set forth by the DEVGRU Security Officer, must be complied
with at all times.
DEVGRU Physical Security Officer must only issue access badges and
temporary pin codes to Contractor’s employees who have proper
security clearances. The contractor must submit a visit request to the
DEVGRU for all personnel who must be working on site.
3.21 The Contractor must provide detour signage for redirection of occupants during the entirety of
3.22 To minimize downtime for the area, construction activities may not start until the Contractor
provides confirmation of receipt of all new products and materials necessary to complete the work,
prior to start of construction.
4.1 The contractor must comply with the most current edition version of EM-385-1-1 and OSHA CFR
1926. Where differences occur between the two references the more stringent criteria of the two
must apply.
4.2 The Contractor must submit the Accident Prevention Plan (APP) and Activity Hazard Analysis
(AHA) plan for approval by the Contracting Officer. Submit within 3 days from issuance of this
Task Order, and obtain approval prior to start of any construction activities.
4.3 The Contractor must coordinate personnel egress and life safety of existing occupants with the
Contracting Officer.
5.1 Asbestos and Lead test reports are not available for Building 350 prior to issuance of this Task
Order. Since the building addition was built after 1985 timeframe, (actual 2003/2004), it is not
anticipated that any hazardous materials are present within the area of work. However, if
hazardous materials are encountered during performance of the work, the Contractor must avoid
disturbing any hazardous materials to the fullest extent possible while being able to accomplish
the work. If hazardous materials are encountered and disturbed, the Contractor must adhere to
the requirements as stated in the subsequent paragraphs below.
5.2 For repair, remodeling, or minor construction and demolition, the Contractor may be required to
work in areas that have, but not limited to, flooring, walls, ceilings, insulation, roofing materials
and paints etc. etc., that may have asbestos or lead paints, or PCB and/or other hazardous
materials requiring abatement and/or management according to applicable National and Local
Environmental Protection laws and regulations. For work in soil excavation and other exterior
construction etc., the Contractor may be required to work with contaminated material involving
abatement or management of these contaminated materials. However, if during the performance
of the work the Contractor encounters hazardous substances not known prior to issuance of this
Task Order; the Contractor must immediately stop work and inform the Contracting Officer for
direction. In no instance must the Contractor perform the work involving the hazardous material
without notifying and receiving approval from the Contracting Officer for direction.
5.2.1 Asbestos Containing Materials (For projects that require disturbance or removal): Asbestos
containing materials must be removed, transported and managed in accordance with the following
regulations: 29 CFR 1926.1101, and 40 CFR 61-Subpart M.
5.2.2 Paint Containing Lead, Cadmium and Chromium (For projects that require disturbance or
removal): Work which requires the disturbance or removal of paint that has been determined to
contain all or any of the following: lead, cadmium and chromium, must be performed in
accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62, 29 CFR 1926.1126 and 29 CFR 1926.1127.
5.2.3 Other Hazardous Materials (For projects that require disturbance or removal): Work which
requires the disturbance or removal of any of the following: mercury and LLR Components, and
PCB’s, must be performed in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1000, 10 CFR 20, 40 CFR 273, and
40 CFR 761.
5.3 Hazardous Materials Reports: In the event that work involves hazardous materials, provide the
following reports:
5.3.1 Daily Reports: Notify the Contracting Officer of work involving hazardous materials abatement
and removal, including quantities involved, on daily reports.
5.3.2 Hazardous Material Inventory Report: The Contractor must provide a list of all hazardous
materials used on the site.
6.1 The Contractor must submit the following for Government approval, prior to the start of any
construction activities:
6.1.1 Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawing product data consisting of Catalog cuts, illustrations,
schedules, diagrams, performance charts, instructions, and brochures illustrating size, physical
appearance and other characteristics of materials, systems or equipment for some portion of the
Submit manufacturer’s written detailed product data cut sheets, with instructions for installation,
adjustment, cleaning and maintenance instructions. Piping, piping insulation, insulation jacket, piping fitting and accessories
In addition to shop drawing data, submit proposed water treatment plan including a layout, control
scheme, a list of existing make-up water conditions including the items listed in paragraph
WATER ANALYSIS", a list of chemicals, the proportion of chemicals to be added, the final treated
water conditions, and a description of environmental concerns for handling the chemicals. Direct Digital Control (DDC) and closed circuit evaporative cooler controls
Submit Test Reports signed by authorized official of testing laboratory that a material, product or
system identical to the material, product or system to be provided has been tested in accord with
specified requirements. Unless specified in another section, testing must have been within three
years of date of contract award for the project.
Report that includes findings of a test required to be performed on an actual portion of the work
or prototype prepared for the project before shipment to job site.
Report that includes finding of a test made at the job site or on sample taken from the job site, on
portion of work during or after installation.
Submit Test Reports for the following: Closed Circuit Evaporative Cooler – Installation Instructions Basin (Sump) Evaporative Water Treatment System – Water Analysis Test Reports
6.1.4 Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit data provided by the manufacturer, or the system
provider, including manufacturer's help and product line documentation, necessary to maintain
and install equipment, for operating and maintenance use by facility personnel.
Data required by operating and maintenance personnel for the safe and efficient operation,
maintenance and repair of the item.
An operation manual in bound 8-1/2 by 11 inch booklets listing step-by-step procedures required
for system startup, operation, abnormal shutdown, emergency shutdown, and normal shutdown.
Include testing procedures used in determining water quality.
An maintenance manual in bound 8-1/2 by 11 inch booklets listing routine maintenance
procedures, possible breakdowns and repairs, and a trouble shooting guide.
Submit Operation and Maintenance Data for: Closed Circuit Evaporative Cooler Closed Circuit Evaporative Cooler Control Panel and Direct Digital Controls (DDC)
6.1.5 As-Built Drawings: Submit Direct Digital Controls (DDC) and closed circuit evaporative cooler
control panel as-built drawings.
7.1 Demolish the existing closed circuit evaporative cooler and sump (basin) evaporative water
treatment systems in their entirety and provide closed circuit evaporative cooler and sump (basin)
evaporative water treatment systems in the same general area to provide a complete and
operational water source heat pump system for Building 350.
The existing water source heat pump equipment and piping systems in Building 350 are existing
to remain.
Existing Delta direct digital controls (DDC) shall remain and and provide modifications for the
closed circuit evaporative cooler and unit control panel.
Provide electrical work in accordance with manufacturer requirements and latest edition of
National Electric Code (NEC) to support the mechanical scope of work.
Provide a temporary closed circuit evaporative cooler to provide uninterrupted condenser water
service in the water source heat pump system for the duration of this contract.
Provide a temporary Closed Circuit Evaporative Cooler system with all accessories, including but
not limited to temporary condenser supply/return water piping, make-up water supply piping and
electrical branch circuit(s), to satisfy the existing water source heat pump system condenser water
heat rejection demand for the duration of this project. Minimum performance requirements:
Demolish the existing condenser water riser in the closed circuit evaporative cooler equipment
yard and provide a condenser water riser to support temporary closed circuit evaporative cooler
system connections, full size by-pass and provide connections to extend to the closed circuit
evaporative cooler. Refer to paragraph for additional information.
7.3.1 Demolish the existing closed circuit evaporative cooler (EVAPCO model ATW-36-4F, serial
number 5-127670) in its entirety, including but not limited to the following: Demolish condenser water piping from the closed circuit evaporative cooler back to approximately
18” above finish grade (including isolation valves and by-pass valve). Maintain existing
underground condenser make-up piping for reuse.
Extending from the limit of demolition, provide a piping assembly with take-offs for temporary and
new closed circuit evaporative coolers with a by-pass. Provide lug type butterfly valves for each
take-off. Connections for temporary services must include flanged connections to remain for
current and future services and must be capped off when the temporary service is removed. Refer
to the following sketch: Demolish make-up water piping from the closed circuit evaporative cooler back to and including
water meter. Maintain underground water piping for reuse. Demolish all above grade piping insulation (condenser water and make-up water), jacket and heat
tape in its entirety. Maintain heat tape electrical circuit for reuse. Demolish closed circuit evaporative cooler basin (sump) evaporative water treatment system in
its entirety, including but not limited to controllers, timers, pumps, piping, valves and free-standing
enclosure. Demolish electrical circuits from all closed circuit evaporative cooler components, starters and
safety switches in their entirety, back to and including the junction boxes at the transition from the
underground feeders. Maintain the two existing underground feeders (conduit/wiring) for reuse. Demolish closed circuit evaporative cooler electric controls, wiring/conduit, DDC interface and
starters in their entirety, from the closed circuit evaporative cooler components back to and
including the junction boxes at the transition from underground DDC wiring/conduit. Maintain
existing underground control wiring/conduits from the mechanical room for reuse. Demolish wall
mounted electrical/control panel rain hoods complete. Demolish transformer, safety switch and electrical circuit feeding closed circuit evaporative cooler
basin (sump) evaporative water treatment system in its entirety. Demolish fasteners and fill/patch remain openings with non-shrink grout flush with to match top
of existing concrete wall.
7.3.2 Existing closed circuit evaporative cooler concrete equipment pad and equipment yard enclosure
shall remain. Demolish existing closed circuit evaporative cooler support I-beams complete. Demolish remaining fasteners in concrete wall and equipment pad in their entirety. Fill/patch
remain openings with non-shrink grout flush to remaining surfaces.
7.3.3 Refer to paragraphs 8.2 PHOTOGRAPHS and 8.3.2 MECHANICAL REFERENCE DOCUMENTS
for additional information.
Provide a factory assembled and tested, induced draft counter flow closed circuit evaporative
cooler complete with fans, heat transfer coil, louvers, spray pump, electric basin heaters, basin
water level control, accessories and rigging supports meeting or exceeding the following
performance requirements:
Condenser Water Flow: 100 GPM
Condenser Water Entering Water Temperature (EWT): 95 degrees F.
Condenser Water Entering Water Temperature (LWT): 85 degrees F.
Outdoor Air Wet Bulb Temperature: 78.4 degrees F.
Maximum Coil Water Pressure Drop: 4.82 PSI
Fluid: Water
Voltage: 480 volt, 3-phase
7.4.1 Construction: Provide all cold water basin components including vertical supports, air inlet louver
frames and panels up to rigging seam constructed of Type 316 Stainless Steel. All factory cold
water basin seams shall be welded for water tight construction. Casing and fan section, including
channels, angle supports, and fan cowl shall be constructed of Type 316 Stainless Steel. Fan
guard shall be constructed of Type 304 Stainless Steel. "Series 300" stainless steel will not be
acceptable as equivalent to Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel.
The closed circuit evaporative cooler system materials and construction must be provided for
“coastal” and “sea coast” salt spray exposure.
7.4.2 Motors and Drives: Fan Motors: Fan motor(s) must be totally enclosed, ball bearing type electric motor(s) suitable for
moist air service. Motor(s) are Premium Efficient, Class F insulated, 1.15 service factor design.
Inverter rated per NEMA MG1 Part and suitable for variable torque applications and
constant torque speed range with properly sized and adjusted variable frequency drives. Fan
motor(s) shall include strip-type space heaters with separate leads brought to the motor conduit
box. Fan Drive: The fan drives must be multi-groove, solid back V-belt type with quick detachable (QD)
tapered bushings designed for 150% of the motor nameplate power. The belt material shall be
neoprene reinforced with polyester cord and specifically designed for evaporative equipment
service. Fan sheave shall be aluminum alloy construction. Belt adjustment shall be accomplished
from the exterior of the unit. Fan Shaft: Provide fan shaft that is solid, ground and polished steel. Exposed surface shall be
coated with rust preventative. Fan Shaft Bearings: Provide heavy-duty, self-aligning ball type bearings with extended lubrication
lines to grease fittings located on access door frame. Bearings shall be designed for a minimum
L-10 life of 100,000 hours. Vibration Switch: Provide Vibration Cutout Switch, operating on 120 volt single phase AC feed, to
protect the fan and drive assembly from damage in the event of excess vibration. Vibration switch
shall be DPDT type.
7.4.3 Heat Transfer Media: Provide a heat transfer coil constructed of elliptical tubes Type 316 Stainless
Steel, encased in stainless steel framework.
7.4.4 Spray Pump: Provide an EISA close-coupled centrifugal pump with mechanical seal. The pump
must be installed in a vertical position so that water will drain from the pump when the cold water
basin is emptied. Pump motor shall be totally enclosed with protective canopy for outdoor
7.4.5 Basin/Sump Heaters: Provide thermostatically controlled electric immersion heater(s) sized to
maintain the basin/sump water temperature at least +40 degrees F. and a concurrent outdoor
ambient temperature of 0 degrees F. with the fans(s) and spray pump off.
7.4.6 Air Inlet Louvers: The air inlet louvers shall be constructed from UV inhibited Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) and incorporate a framed interlocking design that allows for easy removal of air inlet louvers
for access to the entire basin area for maintenance. The air inlet louvers shall have a minimum of
two changes in air direction and shall be of a non-planar design to prevent splash-out and block
direct sunlight & debris from entering the basin. Air inlet louvers shall be self-extinguishing, have
a flame spread of less than 25 under ASTM E84, and shall be resistant to rot, decay and biological
7.4.7 Make up Float Valve Assembly: Provide a make-up float assembly consisting of a mechanical
brass valve with an adjustable plastic float.
7.4.8 Pan Strainer: Provide pan strainer(s) constructed of all Type 304 Stainless Steel with large area
removable perforated screens.
7.4.9 Pipe Connection Type: Provide dielectric connections for soldered/brazed connections to copper
condenser water piping
7.4.10 Maintenance Access:
Fan Section: Provide circular access doors located in the fan section for fan drive and water
distribution system access. Swing away motor cover shall be hinged for motor access.
Basin Section: Provide framed removable louver panels shall be on two (2) sides of the unit for
pan and sump access.
Ladder: Provide an aluminum straight ladder shall be provided for access to the motor access
7.4.11 Discharge Air Hood: Provide a type 316 stainless steel straight sided discharge hood with
motorized actuator(s) and low-leakage dampers.
The complete, installed, closed circuit evaporative cooler assembly must provide the top
(discharge) air hood equal to or higher that the adjacent equipment enclosure walls to prevent
evaporative air short-cycling.
7.4.12 Provide closed circuit evaporative cooler I-beam supports (hot dipped galvanized) size and length
in accordance closed circuit evaporative cooler manufacturer requirements, including attachment
to the equipment and concrete equipment pad.
7.4.13 Warranty: The Entire Unit shall have a comprehensive five (5) year warranty against defects in materials
and workmanship from date of shipment. Fan Motor/Drive System: Warranty Period shall be Five (5) years from date of unit shipment
from Factory (fan motor(s), fan(s), fan shaft(s), bearings, mechanical support, sheaves, bushings
and belt(s)). Heat Transfer Coil: Warranty Period shall be One (1) year from date of unit shipment from
The existing Delta Controls DDC system serving the Building 350 water source heat pump system
must remain and be modified to integrate the existing DDC system with the closed circuit
evaporative cooler and the closed circuit evaporative cooler control panel.
7.5.1 Closed Circuit Evaporative Cooler Sequence of Operation: The DDC system controlling the
condenser water pumping, boiler and water source heat pump system is existing to remain.
Modify the existing DDC system to provide the following sequence of operation in coordination
with the closed circuit evaporative cooler equipment:
Upon a rise in the system condenser supply water temperature (closed circuit evaporative cooler
leaving water temperature) above the DDC system setpoint (85 degrees F., adjustable), the DDC
system shall send a signal to enable the closed circuit evaporative cooler spray pump. Upon the
fall of the closed circuit evaporative cooler leaving water temperature below the the DDC system
setpoint (80 degrees F., 5 degree deadband, adjustable) the reverse sequence must occur.
The DDC system shall monitor and alarm the following the closed circuit evaporative cooler
entering and leaving water temperatures.
The closed circuit evaporative cooler discharge air hood damper motor actuator shall open the
discharge air hood damper to full open when spray pump, fan VFD BYPASS and/or fan VFD
AUTO is enabled. The fans must remain OFF until damper motor actuator end switch proves the
damper is in full open position.
With the spray pump operating and upon a continued rise in closed circuit evaporative cooler
supply water temperature (condenser water leaving the closed circuit evaporative cooler), the
DDC system shall send a signal to closed circuit evaporative cooler fan variable frequency drive
(VFD) to modulate the speed of the two fans (in parallel) to maintain the closed circuit evaporative
cooler supply condenser water temperature setpoint. On a fall in discharge condenser water
temperature, the reverse sequence must occur.
- Closed circuit evaporative cooler controller shall provide spray pump HAND/AUTO
manual selection for system service and/or maintenance.
The DDC system shall monitor and alarm VFD status and fault. VFD fault shall provide indirect
indication of status of the fans.
The DDC system shall monitor and alarm spray pump motor status.
The DDC system shall monitor and alarm basin water temperature.
The closed circuit evaporative cooler controller shall include the following control:
- Vibration Switch: When the vibration switch is engaged the closed circuit evaporative
cooler fan VFD shall be disabled and discharge air damper must close.
- Fan Motor Heaters: Fan motor space heaters must be energized when the associated
fan motor is off to prevent condensation in the fan motors. Fan motor space heaters must
be switched off when the associated motor is running.
- Upon a fall in the closed circuit evaporative cooler basin water temperature (below 40
degrees F., adjustable), the basin water temperature sensor shall enable electric
immersion heater once sensor in basin water level control proves immersion heater is
completely submerged.
- Upon the rise in closed circuit evaporative cooler controller enclosed interior temperature,
the enclosure space temperature thermostat shall enable enclosure ventilation fan.
- Upon the fall in closed circuit evaporative cooler controller enclosed interior temperature,
the enclosure space temperature thermostat shall enable enclosure condensation
prevention heater.
7.5.2 Closed Circuit Evaporative Cooler Control Panel: Provide a control panel consisting of a type 316
stainless steel NEMA 4X enclosure (approximately 36 tall” x 24” wide x 12” deep) with factory
installed controls to provide the operation of the closed circuit evaporative cooler and provide the
means to interface with the existing Delta DDC system , including but not limited to:
Provide the control panel complete with all wiring, interlocks, contractor, fuses for the control of
the closed circuit evaporative cooler and a means for maintenance/user interface.
Surface mount this control panel to the existing concrete wall adjacent to the closed circuit
evaporative cooler in the approximate location of the demolished unit controls. Provide a sloped
top (approximately 20 degrees) top or a separate type 316 stainless steel rail shield.
The enclosure shall be ventilated and heated to control panel internal temperature and humidity
to provide stable VFD operation and system control.
Provide the control panel with a hinged door and quarter turn latches. The enclosure door shall
include, but not limited to, the following switches and status indicator lights:
MAIN DISCONNECT SWITCH ON/OFF (with door interlock)
Indicator Lights:
BY-PASS (Green)
Provide control panel circuity to accept two 480 volt, 3-phase electrical circuits to support the
complete electrical demands of the closed circuit evaporative cooler system and basin (sump)
water treatment system. One circuit for the variable frequency drive (VFD), closed circuit
evaporative cooler fans and associated componants. The second circuit for the remainder of the
closed circuit evaporative cooler control and power demands, including but not limited to, the
- Spray pump
- Basin (sump) heaters
- Transformer to power the following 120 volt loads:
• Basin (sump) heater and basin water level control
• Control panel enclosure ventilation fan and control
• Condensation heater and control
• Damper motor operator
• Motor space heater power and control
• All closed circuit evaporative controls, monitors and alarms
• 120 volt circuit for separate basin (sump) evaporative water treatment system
7.5.3 Direct Digital Controls: Modify the existing Delta Controls DDC system to integrate the existing
Delta Controls DDC with the closed circuit evaporative cooler and closed circuit evaporative
cooler control panel to provide a complete and operational system. The intent is to maintain the
existing underground control wiring/conduit between the mechanical room and equipment yard
and extending and or reconfiguring the input and output points to provide the condenser water
system control, monitoring and alarm. Revise the DDC programing to support the new equipment requirements. Demolish existing and provide closed circuit evaporative cooler supply and return condenser
water temperature sensors. Provide control performance verification testing to validate the operation and integration of DDC
and closed circuit evaporative cooler system controls. Refer paragraph 8.3 for the Delta Controls reference drawings from the original building addition
construction shop drawings.
Provide a water treatment system capable of automatically feeding chemicals and bleeding the
system to prevent corrosion, scale, and biological formations. Automatic chemical feed systems
shall automatically feed chemicals into the condenser water based on varying system conditions.
7.6.1 Chemical Feed Pump: Provide one pump for each chemical feed tank. The chemical feed pumps
shall be positive displacement diaphragm type. The flow rate of the pumps shall be adjustable
from 0 to 100 percent while in operation. The discharge pressure of pumps shall not be less than
1.5 times the line pressure at the point of connection. The pumps shall be provided with a pressure
relief valve and a check valve mounted in the pump discharge.
7.6.2 Tanks: Provide two chemical tanks. The tanks shall be constructed of high density polyethylene.
The tanks shall have sufficient capacity to require recharging only once per 7 days during normal
operation. A level indicating device shall be included with each tank. An electric agitator shall be
provided for each tank.
7.6.3 Injection Assembly: Provide an injection assembly compatible with the closed circuit evaporative
cooler spray pump piping assembly. The injection assemblies shall be constructed of stainless
steel. The discharge of the assemblies shall extend to the centerline of the condenser water
piping. Each assembly shall include a shutoff valve and check valve at the point of entrance into
the condenser water line.
7.6.4 Timers: Timers shall be of the automatic reset, adjustable type, and electrically operated. The
timers shall be suitable for a 120 volt current. The timers shall be located within the water
treatment control panel.
7.6.5 Water Treatment Control Panel: The control panel shall be a NEMA 12 enclosure suitable for
surface mounting. The panel shall be constructed of stainless steel with a hinged door and lock.
The panel shall contain a laminated plastic nameplate identifying each of the following functions:
7.6.6 Chemical Piping: The piping and fittings shall be constructed of stainless steel suitable for the
water treatment chemicals and outdoor slat corrosive environment.
7.6.7 Sequence of Operation: The chemicals shall be added based upon sensing the make-up water
flow rate and activating appropriate timers. A separate timer shall be provided for each chemical.
The blow down shall be controlled based upon the make-up water flow rate and a separate timer.
7.6.8 Test Kits: Provide one test kit of each type required to determine the water quality as outlined
within the operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided.
7.6.9 Basin (Sump) Evaporative Water Treatment System Enclosure: Provide a stainless steel,
ventilated, all-welded body construction with slope top to prevent water standing on top of cabinet.
Provide stainless steel doors supported by leaf hinges with stainless steel hinge pins and lockage
door latch.
7.7.1 Condenser Water Piping: Provide copper tubing and fittings with an ANSI/ASME Class 125
service rating, which for 150 degrees F., the pressure rating is 175 psig. Provide copper tube
conforming to ASTM B88, Type L aboveground tubing, and Type K for buried tubing. Fittings and End Connections (Solder): Provide wrought copper and bronze solder joint pressure
fittings, including unions and flanges that conform to ASME B16.22 and ASTM B75. Provide
adapters as required. Provide cast copper alloy solder-joint pressure fittings, including unions and
flanges that conform to ASME B16.18. Copper tubing of sizes larger than 4 inches shall have
brazed joints. Brass or bronze adapters for brazed tubing may be used for connecting tubing to
flanges and to threaded ends of valves and equipment. Grooved, press or other type of mechanically formed joints are not acceptable. Solder: Provide solder in conformance with ASTM B32, grade Sb5, tin-antimony alloy. Solder flux
shall be liquid or paste form, non-corrosive and conform to ASTM B813. Brazing Filler Metal: Provide filler metal conforming to AWS A5.8, Type BAg-5 with AWS Type 3
flux, except Type BCuP-5 or BCuP-6 may be used for brazing copper-to-copper joints. Valves: Provide valves with an ANSI/ASME Class 125 service rating. Butterfly Valves: Provide Butterfly valves for sizes 2” and larger which conform to MSS SP-
67, Type 1 and and must be the lug type. Provide throttling handles with a minimum of seven
locking positions. Ball Valves: provide ball valves for sizes smaller than 2”. Provide Full port design conforming
to MSS SP-72 or MSS SP-110 and shall be cast iron or bronze with threaded, soldered, or flanged
ends. Check Valves: Check valves 2-1/2 inches and smaller shall conform to MSS SP-80 and 3
inches and larger shall conform to MSS SP-71, Class 125 Temperature Gauges: Provide one gauge in condenser water supply and one in condenser water
return piping at the closed circuit evaporative cooler. Temperature gauges, shall be the industrial
duty type and be provided for the required temperature range. Provide gauges with fixed thread
connection, dial face gasketed within the case; and an accuracy within 1 degree Fahrenheit scale
in 2 degree graduations scale (black numbers) on a white face. The pointer shall be adjustable.
Rigid stem type temperature gauges shall be provided in thermal wells located within 5 feet of the
finished grade. Pipe Hangers, Inserts, and Supports: Provide hot dipped galvanized pipe hangers, inserts,
guides, and supports: to MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69.
7.7.2 Make-up Water Piping: Provide copper tube and pipe conforming to ASTM B88 Type L extending
from mechanical system cold make-up water piping in the mechanical room to the water treatment
system and from the existing underground make-up water piping to the closed circuit evaporative
cooler fill and water level controls. Brazed joints shall be made in conformance with AWS B2.2, ASME B16.50, and CDA A4015 with
flux and are acceptable for all pipe sizes. Copper to copper joints shall include the use of copper-
phosphorus or copper-phosphorus-silver brazing metal without flux. Brazing of dissimilar metals
(copper to bronze or brass) shall include the use of flux with either a copper-phosphorus, copper-
phosphorus-silver or a silver brazing filler metal. Soldered joints shall be made with flux and are only acceptable for piping 2 inches and smaller.
Soldered joints shall conform to ASME B31.5 and CDA A4015. Soldered joints shall not be used
in compressed air piping between the air compressor and the receiver. Solder containing lead shall not be used with copper pipe. Copper Tube Extracted Joints, press fittings and other mechanical fitting and couplings are not
allowed. Water Meter: Provide water meter with an electric contacting register and remote accumulative
counter displaying accumulated flow in GPM. The meter shall be installed within the make-up
water line.
7.7.3 Drain and Overflow Piping: Provide the same as Paragraph 7.7 Condenser Water Piping. Valves
may be full port ball valves in conformance with MS-110.
Provide flexible elastomeric cellular insulation for all condenser water piping, make-up water
piping and drain piping. Provided closed-cell, foam- or expanded-rubber materials containing anti-
microbial additive, complying with ASTM C534, Grade 1, Type I for tubular materials. Ensure
Type I have vapor retarder/vapor barrier skin on one side of the insulation and require an
additional exterior vapor retarder covering.
Provide minimum pipe insulation thickness in accordance with the following schedule.
7.8.1 Provide tubular form flexible elastomeric cellular pipe insulation. Stagger seams when applying
multiple layers of insulation. Insulate sweat fittings with miter-cut pieces the same size as on
adjacent piping. Insulate screwed fittings with sleeved fitting covers fabricated from miter-cut
pieces and overlap and seal to the adjacent pipe insulation.
7.8.2 Provide vapor retarder/vapor barrier mastic coating on all pipe insulation. After insulation is
installed and vapor barrier applied, apply a laminated self-adhesive (minimum 2 mils adhesive, 3
mils embossed) vapor barrier/weatherproofing jacket - less than 0.0000 permeability (greater than
3 ply, standard grade, silver, white, black and embossed aluminum or stainless steel jacket.
7.8.3 Coordinate all piping insulation with installation of electrical heat tracing (heat tape).
Provide heat trace for all exterior above ground condenser water, spray pump evaporative water
and make-up water piping systems (for pipes, valves, and fittings) that are in accordance with
IEEE 515 and be UL listed. Portions of the water treatment system and/or piping systems subject
to freezing must be freeze protected.
Heat tracing systems must include all necessary components, including heaters and controls to
prevent freezing. Provide self-regulating heaters consisting of two 16 AWG tinned-copper bus
wires embedded in parallel in a self-regulating polymer core that varies its power output to
respond to temperature along its length. Ensure heat trace cable is able to be crossed over itself
without overheating. Obtain approval before used directly on plastic pipe. Cover heater with a
radiation cross-linked modified polyolefin dielectric jacket in accordance with ASTM D2308.
Provide heat trace with self-regulating factor of at least 90 percent, in order to provide energy
conservation and to prevent overheating.
Operate heat trace on line voltage of 120 volts without the use of transformers.
Size heat trace for minimum of 5 watts per foot (wpf).
In conjunction with the disconnect of the temporary and startup of the new closed circuit
evaporative cooler, thoroughly flush and purge the entire water source heat pump condenser
water system. Fill with clean water. Add borate-nitrite corrosion inhibitors, acceptable to heat
pump component manufacturers, in concentrations of liter 0.5 ounce/gallon of total condenser
water heat pump system water volume. This work must be scheduled for after-hour period(s) as
coordinated with the Contracting Officer.
Provided single season testing of the closed circuit evaporative cooler. Balance the existing
primary and stand-by condenser water pumps to 100 GPM to validate flow through the closed
circuit evaporative cooler.
The existing closed circuit evaporative cooler is powered from existing 480Y/277 volts, 3-phase,
4-wire Panelboards MP and H1 and piping freeze protection heat tape is powered from existing
208Y/120 volts 3-phase, 4-wire Panelboard LA1.
7.12.1 Panelboards MP and H1: Demolish existing and provide new breakers and fused disconnect
switches for the two circuits to feed the closed circuit evaporative cooler through the closed circuit
evaporative cooler control panel. Existing cables (and associated conduits) between the new
breakers (in existing panelboards) and new fused disconnect switches (wall mounted to existing
equipment yard concrete screen wall) shall be reused. Provide new cables (and conduit)
extending from the new disconnect switches to the closed circuit evaporative cooler control panel
connections. Provide new cables (and conduit) extending from the closed circuit evaporative cooler control
panel connections to the closed circuit evaporative cooler electrical equipment connections,
including but not limited to fan motors, spray pump motor(s), motor heaters, basin heater(s),
damper actuator(s), sensors and controls; coordinate with mechanical equipment requirements.
7.12.2 Panelboard LA1: Demolish existing and provide new breaker and disconnect switch for electrical
freeze protection heat tape. Existing cable (and associated conduit) between the new breaker (in
existing panelboard) and new disconnect switch (wall mounted to existing equipment yard
concrete screen wall) shall be reused. Provide new cables (and conduit) extending from the new
disconnect switch to the equipment connection for the heat tape system.
7.12.3 Provide all breakers and fuses sized per equipment manufacturer recommendations.
7.12.4 Provide flexible watertight non-metallic conduit connections to mechanical equipment motors and
7.12.5 All conduit must be watertight PVC coated rigid galvanized steel type. If the existing underground spray pump, basin heater circuit, sensor and/or control
underground rigid conduits are not damaged, they may be reused to the maximum extent
7.12.6 All disconnect switches, electrical enclosures, junction boxes, etc. must be watertight NEMA 4X
stainless steel.
7.12.7 All conduit and electrical equipment supports must be stainless steel with stainless steel
7.12.8 All electrical work must be provided in accordance with the requirements of the latest edition of
7.12.9 Refer to paragraphs 8.2 PHOTOGRAPHS and 8.3.3 ELECTRICAL REFERENCE DOCUMENTS
for additional information.
7.13 EQUIPMENT YARD AREA: The existing concrete screen wall and concrete equipment pad are
existing to remain. Fill and patch remaining openings from demolition and construction with non-
shrink grout flush to remaining surfaces. Hand rake any areas of the existing gravel area disturbed
by demolition and/or construction to re-establish level grade.
7.14 All information here-in is for reference only. The Contractor must FIELD VERIFY all existing
conditions, prior to fabrication and placing orders for any new items/equipment.
7.15 The contractor must dispose of all existing demolished/removed materials off base and will
completely clean up job site after work is performed. Maintain daily site clean-up at the end of
every workday during the entirety of the construction period, to prevent any hazard potential.
Disposal must be in accordance with all existing Local, State, Federal and NAVFAC MIDLANT
EV rules and regulations.
Table of Contents:
8.2 Photographs
8.2 Photographs