Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Benefits of Benefits of
High Performance Teams High Performance Teams
● Members develop superior ● Increased confidence in their
skills, knowledge, and abilities and performance.
insight, thereby increasing ● Higher motivation and morale.
the capacity of the
organization. ● Restored faith and increased
appreciation for organizations.
● Goals set for groups ● Enduring relationships and
are achieved and networks grow and set the ● New and deeper connections
frequently surpassed. stage for future with others.
● Group performance ● New skills and knowledge that
releases talent and Loyalty to the organization lead to a larger sense of
energy not usually ● increases, along with the personal empowerment.
available to the sense that this is a great
organization. place to work. ● Individual effort is both
multiplied and rewarded.
© 2014 Brilliant Training Group