5 Practical Habits For Todays Project Manager PDF
5 Practical Habits For Todays Project Manager PDF
5 Practical Habits For Todays Project Manager PDF
for Todays
Project Manager
How to make a
successful impact on
teams and projects.
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Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 03
Be a vigilant collaborator.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 06
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Almost every project could be done better, and an infinite quantity of information is
now available that could make that happen DAVID ALLEN
Were all project managers these days. Here are five essential habits to develop in
order to be an effective project manager:
Your title might vary, and you might not make
the final decision for your team but the work
Be transparent
you do and the skills you need are the same
ones that make great project managers.
2 Be a vigilant collaborator
Skilled PMs strive for results by motivating the
best work from their team. They collaborate 3 Make ranged estimates
effectively, ask the right questions, think
Embrace uncertainty
ahead and anticipate the twists and turns 4 and adapt to change
in the road while having the courage to
tackle a variety of challenging issues (from 5 Use data to make decisions
demanding clients to project surprises).
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#1 Be transparent
A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity. DALAI LAMA
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#1 Be transparent
Use collaborative and cloud-based project Dont be afraid to say I dont know.
management software and tools.
Dont get pressured into giving a random
Share the project schedule and keep it answer. Instead, say something like, Let me
updated and visible 24x7. and the team do some re-estimating and
Ill have an updated plan to you by 9 a.m.
Share the risk and issues with all the
stakeholders up front. Have courage. Be honest and direct about
any problems, and remember: Everyone on
Communicate problems early and your team wants the same outcome.
brainstorm solutions as a team.
Share a document and get feedback on it.
Listen to your team, share team members
ideas and be an advocate of great ideas. Be honest and direct about a seemingly
Also, give credit where credit is due. unsolvable problem. Its part of the job to
portray a realistic picture of whats going on.
Know when not to be transparent. Know
which information needs privacy (financials,
HR details, contracts) and then relax and be
an open book.
Engaged, happy employees are
more productive
than those who arent.
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#2 Be a vigilant collaborator
No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra. H.E. LUCCOCK
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#2 Be a vigilant collaborator
Practice clear, honest and direct Use cloud-based project management software
communication skills. and collaboration tools that provide:
Ask for feedback and input from everyone Commenting in the software rather than
involved. generating email strings
Document attachment and sharing capabilities
Keep lines of communication open between
An updated view of where all the projects stand
the team and the client. This will make
at all times, across time zones
everyone feel a part of the project and more
willing to share ideas.
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#3 Make ranged estimates
Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. DWIGHT EISENHOWER
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#3 Make ranged estimates
Using project management software that lets you make two-point ranged estimates is an easy start.
Then, follow these steps no matter which PM tool you use:
Ask your team to provide a low and high end You can also make ranged estimates on
estimate for the work, keeping in mind all the remaining work, and continue to forecast
best/worst case scenarios possible. progress and delivery dates. This approach
alleviates any anxiety or pressure to be
correct in effort estimation.
ake sure that the low and high estimates
are realistic and based on the teams collective
experience. If youre not sure, ask around.
3 43%
Forecast best and worst case finish dates based
on the ranged estimation. If you have a project
management software that lets you make
ranged estimates, it will roll up all the individual
task estimations into the final project dates.
Rinse and repeat for each task.
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#4 Embrace uncertainty
and adapt to change
Its a bad plan that admits of no modification. PUBLILIUS SYRUS
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#4 Embrace uncertainty and adapt to change
Implement the risky features first. Based on the identified risks, see where you
might need to allocate more time in the
If you can, keep the dates and change the scope. schedule. For example, add a time contingency
buffer of one week before a key milestone.
Add the extra time to the high estimation of
Speak with confidence and probability your best/worst case estimate. This is your way of
about commitment dates. accepting that the risk could occur, and making it
visible in your ranged estimations.
Use tools that support ranged estimates.
Incorporate tribal knowledge and past
Use data to predict finish dates with probability.
project expertise.
Show management how the project captures
uncertainty and plans for changes.
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#5 Use data to make decisions
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there. WILL ROGERS
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#5 Use data to make decisions
Add schedule metrics, open issue counts and Indicate the number of planned vs
financial metrics to your status reports. completed tasks on the status report.
Ask for an updated remaining effort estimate Use burn down charts, baseline views,
based on the progress made. This is the most integrated project analytics or earned value
natural way for people to think about the future management to provide an objective view.
and minimizes the social pressure to give an
answer that conflicts with the data.
% of large IT projects go so badly that
they can threaten the very
existenc of the company.
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Takeaway and sources
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Takeaway and sources
McKinsey and Company: The Social Economy:
Unlocking Value and Productivity Through Social
Technologies; Delivering Large-scale IT Projects
on Time, on Budget, and on Value.
Gallup Poll
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