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By :

Husni Pratama Noviansyah








Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement

for the Graduate Degree of
English Education Study Program
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of PGRI Ronggolawe (UNIROW) Tuban

NPM: 1106180017



This is to certify that the thesis of HUSNI PRATAMA NOVIANSYAH

has been approved by the thesis advisor and it is awaiting further approval by the
examining committee.

Tuban, 01 Agustus 2022


Prof. Dr. Agus Wardhono, M.Pd

NIDN. 0712058303


This study has been approved by the board of examiners of English

Education Study Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of
University of PGRI Ronggolawe (UNIROW) Tuban on August, 15th 2022.

Examiner I, Examiner II,

Chairperson, Secretary,

Acknowledged by,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Dr. Mardi Widodo, M.Pd



The undersigned below,

Name : Husni Pratama Noviansyah

NPM : 1106180017
Jurusan/Program Studi : English Language Education
Fakultas/Program : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Stated that the thesis I have written with the title : AN ANALYSIS
DEIXIS IN CHERNOBYL MOVIE SERIES is real my writing, and is not a
plagiarism either partially or entirely.

If it is later proven that this thesis is the result of plagiarism, either in part
or in whole, then I am willing to accept sanctions in accordance with applicable

Tuban, 01 Agustus 2022

The writer,

Husni Pratama Noviansyah



Murphy’s Law



With deep gratitude for the completion of this thesis, the author would like
to thank:
1. To my beloved parents, father and mother, his stinging from the heart of
prayers that never broke up, invaluable enthusiasm. Thank you for taking
care of me until you can be like this. All this I dedicate to you.
2. To the supervisor (Prof. Dr. Agus Wardhono, M. Pd), who has patiently
guided me until the writing of this thesis was completed.
3. To all lecturers of English education who have provided useful knowledge
as a provision for going later.
4. To my sister and my brother, who always support and always help me to
finish this thesis.
5. To my best discord friends (Zidhan, Danny, Sayid, Fafa, Bagas and others)
who always make me laugh when I feel stress.
6. To my online friends (Luhung, Yusuf, Rasyidin, and Rizky) who always
support me.
7. To my PBI 2018 especially to Syaiful Muna, Dandy, Azril, Putra, and
Umar who always help me when I feel stuck.


First of all, praise be to Allah SWT for the blessing and mercy given to the

writer during his study so that he finally can finish this thesis entitled AN
much prayer to the last Prophet Muhammad SAW that has brought us to the way
of truth in our life.

This thesis is organized to fulfill the requirements for obtaining bachelor's

degree, in English language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher and
Training Education, University of PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban.

On this occasion with incredible humility, the writer would like to thanks

to all of those who have given me help and guidance so that this thesis can
be finished. Completion of writing of this thesis, the author would like to thank to:

1. Dr. Supiana Dian N, M. Kes., as the Rector of University of PGRI

Ronggolawe Tuban.
2. Dr. Mardi Widodo, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher and Training
3. Dr. Risa Triassanti, M.Pd as the Head of English Department of University
of PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban.

4. The best gratitude to Prof. Dr. Agus Wardhono, M.Pd as the advisor for
giving the guidance, the direction, and patiently helped preparation and
writing of the thesis.

5. All lecturers in English Language Education Department, thanks for the

teaching all of time.

6. The biggest thanks for the beloved parents who always pray, never give
up, and keep supporting to do the best.

The writer realizes that this thesis is lack of perfection. When the readers
find some mistakes in this thesis, it indicates one of her weakness. The writer tries
to make it better. However, critics and other useful inputs from the readers are
much needed.

Finally, the writer surrenders everything to Allah SWT and the writer hope
it will be a useful thing for the writer himself and for all to improve educational

Tuban, 01 Agustus 2022

The writer,

Husni Pratama Noviansyah



Pratama, Husni N. 2022 : AN ANALYSIS DEIXIS IN

Advisor : Prof. Dr. Agus Wardhono, M. Pd
Key words : Language, Deixis, Movie, Atlas.ti

Language is the most important aspect to support humans in

communicating. In communication, people need to understand the meaning of
language. Language and context are two inseparable things. In the context, it is
important for listeners or recipients to understand what the speaker meant. Deixis
shows a phenomenon that requires contextual information to understand the
meaning of certain words or phrases in its pronunciation. Deixis can be found not
only in daily conversations, but can also be found in speeches, films, songs,
novels, etc. This research focuses on deixis in the film Chernobyl in characters
that play an important role in the course of the story. The purpose of this study is
to find out the dominant types of emergence and deixis. Researchers use
descriptive qualitative methods to collect data and are assisted with Atlas.ti
software in data coding. Theory of Levinson is used by researchers to analyze the
type of deixis type. In this study, the most dominant deixis was the deixis (450)
person, the second dominant deixis was Place Deixis (57), and the third was Time
Deixis (48) followed by discourse deixis (36), and the last was Social Deiksis
( 26).


COVER ........................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii
LEGALIZATION ..........................................................................................iv
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP .........................................................v
ANKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................vii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................ix
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ x
PICTURE LIST .............................................................................................xii
APPENDICES LIST ......................................................................................xiii
CHAPTER I ...................................................................................................1
1.1 Backgroun of the Study ......................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................7
1.3 Objectives of the Problem ..................................................................8
1.4 Significances of the study ...................................................................8
1.5 Limitations of the study ......................................................................9
1.6 Definitions of the key terms ...............................................................9
CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................11
2.1 The Definition of Pragmatics .............................................................11
2.2 The Definition of Deixis .....................................................................12
2.3 Types of Deixis ...................................................................................14
2.3.1 Person Deixis ............................................................................14
2.3.2 Place Deixis ..............................................................................17
2.3.3 Time Deixis ..............................................................................17
2.3.4 Discourse Deixis .......................................................................18
2.3.5 Social Deixis .............................................................................19

2.4 ATLAS.TI ...........................................................................................19
2.5 Chernobyl Movie ................................................................................21
2.6 Synopsis of the Movie ........................................................................25
2.7 Previous Studies .................................................................................26
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................29
3.1 Research Design .................................................................................29
3.2 Data Source .........................................................................................30
3.3 Techique of Data Collection ...............................................................30
3.3.1 Observation ...............................................................................30
3.3.2 Document ..................................................................................30
3.4 Technique of Analysis Data ...............................................................31
3.4.1 Data Reduction .........................................................................32
3.4.2 Data Display .............................................................................32
3.4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................33
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................34
4.1 Finding ................................................................................................34
4.1.1 Types of Deixis Found in Chernobyl Movie Script .................34 Person Deixis ..................................................................42 Place Deixis ....................................................................50 Time Deixis ....................................................................51 Discourse Deixis .............................................................52 Social Deixis ...................................................................54
4.1.2 Dominant Type of Deixis .........................................................55
4.2 Discussion ...........................................................................................56
CHAPTER V ..................................................................................................60
5.1 Conclusion ..........................................................................................60
5.2 Suggestion ..........................................................................................61
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................62


1. Picture Example data display from Atlas.ti

2. Picture 4.1.1 Person Deixis (A)
3. Picture 4.1.2 Person Deixis (B)
4. Picture 4.1.3 Person Deixis (C)
5. Picture 4.1.4 Person Deixis (D)
6. Picture 4.1.5 Person Deixis (E)
7. Picture 4.1.6 Person Deixis (F)
8. Picture 4.1.7 Person Deixis (G)
9. Picture 4.1.8 Person Deixis (H)
10. Picture 4.1.9 Person Deixis (I)
11. Picture 4.1.10 Person Deixis (J)
12. Picture 4.1.11 Place Deixis
13. Picture 4.1.12 Time Deixis
14. Picture 4.1.13 Discourse Deixis
15. Picture 4.1.14 Social Deixis
16. Picture Total deixis found from the four characters


1. Synopsis

2. Scripts and research results 1

3. Scripts and research results 2

4. Scripts and research results 3



In this chapter, the researcher describes background of the study,

statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significances of the study,

limitations of the study, and definitions of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Humans are social beings who cannot live alone and have to

communicate with others. Therefore, by communicating can build social

relations properly, and can help us exchange information. According to

Ordondo, (2015) ”Understanding communication and how it works is

important to human beings. This is because everyday activities and functions

involve some form of direct or indirect communication. Regardless of the

activity or function, the participants in a communication event communicate

with and through other participants”.

In that case, language is the most important aspect of supporting

communication in everyday life. It is similar with Salsabila, (2021) statement

that“English is very important for everyday life”. English plays the key to the

role in our education system and national life. Communicative English skills

are important because it is a global language between two people with different

cultures.Spoken and writing are the types of languages that we often use.

Spoken language is used to interact with other people as conversations and

discussions, and written languages we usually use to express ideas with the

style we have. Language is part of linguistic and literature. While the scope of

linguistics includes syntax, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, phonology, morphology,

etc. Additionaly, the development of pragmatic science is widely used in

language, verbally and in writing. Whereas verbally through conversations

based on situations and conditions from various perspectives such as the

speakers, recipients and analytical. The use of language like this is called


Pragmatic is the branch of linguistic. According to Yule, (2020)

“Pragmatic is the study of “invisible” meaning, or how it recognizes what is

meant even when it is not actually said or written”. Pragmatics discuss about

speaker’s meaning in context of sentence meaning or utterance. Primary topics

of pragmatic investigations include implicatures, prejudices, speech act, and

deixis. That means, pragmatic is a study to analyze speech on the speaker or

the author says. People are able to understand what people write and speak

using pragmatic. Pragmatic improvement is found in everyday life for example

in movie dialogue, drama, song lyrics, speeches, and print media such as

novels etc. In the movie that use oral media, the conversation of each character

in the film can be found through listening and analyzing pragmatically. There

are several factors in finding the process of analyzing a job that contains

pragmatism in it, one of which is a deixis found in this study.

Discussing about one topic of pragmatic is deixis. According to Yule,

(1996) “Deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic

things we do with utterances. It means “pointing” via language. Any linguistic

form used to accomplish this “pointing” is called deictic expression”. The most

differences between basic deictic expression is “near speaker” versus “away

from speaker”. There are three deixis by Yule theory such as person deixis(me,

you), location or spatial deixis (here, there), and time or temporal deixis (now,

then). From the expressions mention that to indicate something for

interpretation, on the speaker and hearer sharing the same context.

Meanwhile,Levinson, (1983) stated that, “Deixis concerns the ways in

which languages encode or grammaticalize features of the context of utterances

or speech event, and thus also concerns ways in which the interpretations of

utterances depend on the analysis of that context of utterances”, and Levinson

also argued that the use of deixis are five categories. First, person deixis, which

there are three categories of person deixis. First person is the

grammaticalization of the speaker’s reference to himself (I), second person the

encoding of the speaker’s reference to one or more addresse (you), and third

person the encoding of the speaker’s reference to persons and entities which

are neither speakers nor addressees of the utterance in question (he, she, It).

The second is place deixis. Place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial

location relative to the location of the participants in the speech event. In

English has visible with deictic system, with two terms there are proximal and

distal. The proximal term here means something like close to the speaker and

distal away from the speaker. Third, time deixis is concerns the encoding the

temporal points and spans relative to the time at which an utterance was

spoken. Time deixis is commonly grammaticalized in deictic adverb of time

(likenow, then, yesterday, this year, etc). Time deixis also has two basic forms

of tenses in English, there are present and past tense. Fourth, discourse deixis

concerns the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discourse in

which the utterances. The deictic word used here are the demonstratives this

and that. It can be used to pass on to a portion of the discourse and to a

previous part. The last one is social deixis. It concerns the encoding of social

distinction that are relative to participant-roles, mostly aspect of the social

relationship holding between speaker and addressee (s) or speaker andreferent.

Social deixis also involves on the references to the characteristic in the speech

event between participant or referents.

From the explanation above, there are various deixis. Deixis has the

ability to point through language. Deixis use is very useful in the process of

communication and daily conversations. Not only that, deixis can also facilitate

the speaker and the recipient to understand what is being discussed.That’s why

learn deixis is very important.

Now days, deixis not only establish in daily conversation. But also, in

literature as well. For examples magazine, speech, novel, movie, news, books

and etc. State by Hornby, (1995) “defined film is a story, etc. recorded as a set

of moving pictures to be shown on television or at the cinema”. Besides that,

movie also have functions such as providing information, education, and

persuasion. Albiladi et al., (2018) stated that movies are beneficial in terms of

increasing students’ cultural awareness. Watching movies is now a means of

entertainment for everyone, from children to adults. There are various genres

that can be enjoyed such as fantasy, romance, adventure, animation,

documentary, and science fiction and others. Aside from being entertainment,

the film also has a moral value as an audiovisual material that the author wants

to convey to the audience. Therefore, researcherare interested in using movie

as a research theme.

Based on pra-observation of the research that there are some movies

producted by US HBO (United State Home Box Office), for examples Us, The

Last od Us, Wonder woman, Citizen Kane, City Lights, Chernobyl, etc. The

researcher is interested in one of US HBO production, it is Chernobyl.

Chernobyl is a miniseries of the British-American history television made and

written by Craig Mazin and directed by Johan Renck. This miniseries are made

on the cooperation of US HBOcable television and British Sky cable television.

This series premiere in the United States and the United Kingdom on May 6,

2019. Chernobyl tells the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that occurred in the Soviet

Republic of Ukraine in April 1986 and post-disaster handling efforts. This

miniseries highlighted the various sides of the nuclear generator disaster in

Soviet Ukraine in April 1986, revealing the series of events and the reason, and

tell the story of the heroes who struggle and fall.

The reason researcher choses the film "Chernobyl" is because

researcheris interested in the storyline of this film where to tell the previous

nuclear explosion events in all humanity andthe government does not know

how tominimize the incident. Not only that, another reason researcher choses

this film as research because this film adopted directly from a true storyfrom

one of the worst human-made disasters in history and tells the struggle of

people who sacrifice themselves in order to save Europe from indescribable

disasterfrom this, the researcher can also learn the history of the worst and

worst nuclear reactor accident cases in the history of humanity that occurred 34

years ago. The amount of data obtained by researcher from this film adds to the

interest of researcher to consider Chernobyl as the object of the research. That

is why the researcher uses Chernobyl as a subject of the study.

There are some studies about deixis analysis have been conducted by

previous researchers. On the same field, in spite of that they have different

subject and theories. The first research with the title “Deixis in Donald

Trump’s Speech to Un General Assembly” thesis by Retnowati, (2019) from

Indonesian language and literary education, FKIP, Balikpapan University. The

most deixis found in this researxh in person deixis (81.10%).

The second previous research entitled “Deixis Analysis Used by Main

Characters in Movie Script of Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation”,

written by Niami Ainul Y fromEnglish Education Department,Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Tulungagung.

The result found 180 person deixis, 9 time deixis and 18 place deixis.

In the previous study above, there are gaps and differentiations with

previous research. According to Wardhono et al., (2020) "Research gap is a

gap that comes from differences in the results of previous research, concepts,

theories, data or problems in the field, which become a gap for further

research". So, it can be concluded that research gaps are very important to

show the difference between previous research and this research. Researcher

found differences in the limitations of previous research and theories used.

Previous research, the data analysis uses the manual method without being

supported by supporting applications. Whereas in this study researcher used

Atlas.ti in analyzing the data.

Atlas.ti is an application that can help in qualitative research. According

to Afriyansyah, (2016) "Atlas.ti is useful in helping the process of analysis of

qualitative type data". Atlas.ti is a software with a type of CAQDAS

(Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software). The originator of this

application is Thomas Muhr who originated from Germany, where in this

application the naming is also in Germany; Archiv Fur Technick, Lebenswelt,

AlltagsSprache (Archieve of Technology, Lifeworld and Everyday Language).

In this research, the researcher interested in conducting research about

deixis on selected characters, namely Valery Legasov, Ulana Khomyuk, and

Boris Shcherbina and Dyatlovbecause they are the main characters of the film

and they also have an important role in the tragedy. Based on the reasons

above, the researcher would like to write a thesis entitled “An Analysis Deixis

in Chernobyl Movie Series”.

1.2 Statements of the problem

Based on background of the study, the research problems are

formulated as following:

1. What are the types of deixis that found in the"Chernobyl” movie script?

2. What is the dominant deixis that found in “Chernobyl” movie series?

1.3 Objective of the study

Based on the statement of the problem above, the writer has following


1. To find out the types of deixis in "Chernobyl" movie script.

2. To find and analyze the dominant type of deixis in the film script


1.4 Significances of the Study

This study is expected to be useful to contribute theoretically and


1. Theoretically, This study aims to enrich the understanding of deixis, and this

study is also expected to be able to provide additional researchers to be

more understanding about deixis.

2. Practically, the results of this study are executed useful :

a. For English lecturers

Lecturers are able to create various learning materials about type of


b. For English Students

Learning pragmatics, especially deixis students can better

understand the types of deixis and the most dominant deixis related to

literacy skills. This study can affect deixis learning by guiding students to

understand in the context of language and understanding when and where

speeches given by the speakers and recipients are increasing.

c. For future researchers

Hopefully, the results of this study can provide value in future

research as a reference and provide some information related to the future

of the research.

d. For general readers

The findings of this study are expected to benefit the readers to add

some knowledge of deixis pragmatics. Especially the theory of deixis is

better in communication.

1.5 Limitation of the study

Researcher will provide limits to get a fookus in explanation. The

limitations of this study focus on types of deixis and dominant deixis in the

movie.In this study, the researcher used movie script from movie with title

“Chernobyl” which was released on May 6, 2019 di United Stated and May 7,

2019 in United Kingdom.

1.6 Definition of the Key Term

1. Movie

Statement by Hornby, (1995) “defined film is a story, etc. recorded

as a set of moving pictures to be shown on television or at the cinema”. As

well as Chernobyl miniseries are part of the movie where they are showed

on the television.

2. Deixis

Deixis is clearly form of referring that is tied to the speaker’s

context, with the most basic distinction between deictic expression being

‘near speaker’ and ‘away from speaker’.Yule, (1996) and this movie

Chernobyl is also discussing about deictic expression in some parts of their


3. Chernobyl

Chernobyl is a British-American historical drama television

miniseries created and written by Craig Mazin and directed by Johan Renck.

This movie is also production of US HBO where Chernobyl itself becomes

the subject of the research.



In this chapter, It will present relevant literature to support research. The

relevant literature is desirable to provide the theory and concept of research. This

is very important because the theory can be used as a supporter other than

analysis. In this chapter, researcher conducted various concepts to discuss the

pragmatic definition, definition of deixis, types of deixis, Atlas.ti, chernobyl

movie, synopsis of the movie and previous studies.

2.1 The Definition of Pragmatics

According to Levinson, (1983) “Pragmatics is the study of language

usage.”Context of conversation is important for people to understand language

in order to interact with others. Pragmatic is a field of linguistic that studies the

meaning of visible or contextual words. When people use language, they may

find a term that has a clear meaning, depending on the context of the speaker

and the recipient. Levinson also added that Pragmatic is a study related to the

meaning of language which is a branch of linguistics. The meaning learned in

pragmatic is contextual. That is, how the context affects what the speaker says.

In other words, pragmatism is the study of mediators in that context. There are

several definitions used by linguists and professionals who present their views

on pragmatic.

In other definition, Yule, (1996) stated that pragmatics is the study of

speaker meaningas communicated as by the speaker (or writer) and interpreted

by a listener (or reader). It means that, Ppragmatics is more related to the

analysis of what people mean by their words than what might be meant by

words or phrases in the words themselves.

Huang, (2017) stated that “pragmatics is the study of meaning by virtue

of, or dependent on, the use of language.” The central topics of examination

include implicature, presupposition, speech acts, deixis, reference, and

others.There are two types of general, oral and written languages, but writing is

a means of communication with other social creatures.

The conclusion of the pragmatic definition given by some researchers is

to show that pragmatic is a contextual study. It can convey the intended

intentions of people, their goals and objectives, and all kinds of actions.

2.2 The Definition of Deixis

Deixis is one part of pragmatics that discuss about expressions or

contexts that exist in a sentence. According to Yule (1996), “Deixis is a

technical term fromGreek for one the most basic things do with the utterances

by pointing via language, it called deictic expression”. The first forms are used

to indicate person via person (me, you) or place via spatial deixis (here, there)

or time via temporal deixis (now, then). The most fundamental difference

between deictic expressions is "near the speaker" and "far from the speaker".

In English, the term "near the speaker" or "proximal" is "this","here", and

"now". The term "far from the speaker" or "distal" is "that" and"there".

Another definition of deixis byLevinson (1983),“Deixis concerns the

ways in which languages encode or grammaticalize features of the context of

utterance or speech event, and thus also concerns ways in which the

interpretation of utterances depends on the analysis of that context of

utterance”. From what Levinson said, there were five types of deixis. The first

is person deixis. Person deixis is contain first person deixis, second person

deixis, and third person deixis. The next is time deixis, place deixis, discourse

deixis and social deixis. Whereas, according to Yule (1996), Deixis category is

divided into three categories. Person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis.

Bublitz&Norric, (2011) stated that the study of deixis is important in

studying pragmatic. It is because the deictic system refers to the point of

intersection between linguistic structure and the social setting where speech or

utterance takes place. In the standard contemporary English, language sources

are distinguished by spatial (here and there), temporal (now, then, and tense),

person (pronominal), discourse (a reference to the prior talk), and social

(indicators of social identity/status social relations with the participants and


Based on the explanation above, deixis can be defined as a term that its

benchmark always changes depending on the situation. Deixis is also a

linguistic branch (part of pragmatics) that discusses varying words or phrases

depending on the situation and context of the sentence. Deixis function is to

point or show something, identify people, objects, events, processes, etc. Also

analyze the use of certain linguistic references, such as demonstrative.

Example: this three, this boy, these tacoes, these books.

2.3 Types of Deixis

The theory of deixis, according to Levinson, (1983) there are five

categories of deixis. There are person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, social

deixis, and discourse deixis.

2.3.1 Person Deixis

Person deixis is the type of deixis that designate to the people, it

refers to pronoun. According to Levinson, (1983) “person deixis concerns

the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event in which the

utterance in questionis delivering”. From Levinson's explanation, the main

point of person deixis refers to participants in the speech. In this case,

participants mean speakers and recipients. For example, when you (as a

speaker) interact with someone (receiver) and say "I agree with you". You

immediately greet them through language using the pronoun"You".“You”

replace based on the context means the person who speaks with the

speaker, is included in the first category deixis, that is person deixis.

According to Cruse, (2006) stated that “person deictic words

include pronouns (I, you, they, we, she, he, it, me, them, us, him; mine,

yours, her, myself, yourself, herself, himself, ourselves, themselves,itself),

possessive adjectives (my, your, our, their, his, its, her), and verb

inflection (I like, you like, he or she likes). Person deixis consists of three

categories. They are 1st person, 2nd Person and 3rd Person.”

The categories of person deixis stated by Levinson, (1983). It can

be seen in the table as follows:

Table 2.3.1 Person Deixis

Pronoun Singular Plural

First I We

Second You You

Third She/He/It They

1. First Person

Levinson, (1983) stated that “first person deixis is

the grammaticalization of the speaker’s reference to

himself. First person deixis is deictic reference that

refers to the speaker”. The example of first-person

deixis as follows:

 Singular pronouns: I, me, myself, my, mine.

 Plural pronouns: we, us, ourselves, our, ours.

Example: “I slept in the bedroom.”

The word "I"is the first person, as the one who said

the sentence. It can be said that the word "I" should

show the researcher itself in the text.

2. Second Person

According toLevinson, (1983)“Second person

deixis is the encoding of the speaker’s reference to one

or more addressees”. The example of second person, as


 For singular: you, yourself, your, yours.

 For plural: you, yourselves, your, yours.

Example: “You can sleep in this room.”

The word "you" is the second person, who is

directly related to the first person, or who is invited to

talk to the first person.

3. Third Person

Other participant in the speech situation is refers to

third person deixis. Levinson, (1983) says that “Third

person deixis deictic reference to a referent(s) not

identified as the speaker or addressee.” In other way,

According to Yule, (1996) “Third person deixis also

can be said as a person who is being talked between the

first person and the second person.” The example of

third-person, as follow:

 Singular: he, him, his, she, her, it.

 Plural: they, them, theirs.

 The third person singular verb suffix –s.

Example: “She is kind person who ever I meet.”

The word "she”is the third person, where the word

was spoken by the first speaker or the second speaker.

2.3.2 Place or Spatial Deixis

According to Yule, (1996) “place deixis or spatial deixis is the

relative location of people and things is being indicated.” The concept of

distance previously mention is obviously relevant with where the relative

location. Such as “there” and “here”. It means that, it is a spatial location

coding in accordance with the location of the participants in the speech


Place deixis as known as spatial deixis is the kind of deixis that

direct a space or pointing suchlocation. According to Levinson, (1983)

“Place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial location relative to the

location of the participant of the speech event”. In this case there are

two kinds of distance in place deixis, called proximal and distal.

Proximal means ‘near from the speaker’ and distal means ‘far from

speaker’. Additionally, Levinson, (1983) also stated that “place deixis

concerns the specification of location relative to anchorage points in the

speech event.” As simply, place deixis or spatial deixis refers to the

display of the location of the speaker or location shown by the speaker.

Example of place deixis:

 Dandy is there.

 This place is so dirty.

2.3.3 Time or Temporal Deixis

The next type of deixis is time or temporal deixis.According to

Levinson, (1983) “time deixis concerns the encoding of temporal points

and spans relative to the time at which the utterance was spoken (or a

written message inscribed)”. Below are some examples of temporal deixis:

 Present: I live in Tuban now.

 Past tense: I lived in Tuban two years ago.

2.3.4 Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis encodes reference to the on going discourse where

the utterance is present. According to Levinson, (1983) “Discourse deixis

has to do with the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding

discourse in which the utterance (which includes the text referring

expression) is located”. It means that, discourse deixis refers to how many

form of deixis identify certain position in a discourse or text.In addition,

Levinson provides further explanation. When discourse deixis theory

develops from time to time, it seems natural to be able to use the words

time deixis to refer or show a part of the discourse as seen in the language:

last week and next Thursday. The examples of discourse deixis can be seen

as follows:

 I know you‘ve already known that.

 This is important, remember it!

The words "this" and "that" in the example above cannot be

classified or included in the deixis of place or place, but classified as a

deixis of discourse because it refers to these discourse in the form of


2.3.5 Social Deixis

The last types of deixis are social deixis. According to Levinson, (1983)

“Social deixis concerns that are relative to participant-roles, particularly aspect

of the social relationship holding between speaker and addressee(s) or speaker

and some referents.” Moreover, Levinson, (1983) explained that “Social deixis

concerns to the aspect of sentences in which reflect or establish or are

determined by certain realities of the social situation in which the speech act

occurs”. Based on Levinson's explanation, it can be concluded that social

deixis is related to the social aspects of speakers and recipients. Like between

the speaker and the listener since social interaction. Bellow the examples of

social deixis as follows:

 Good day, mommy.

 Thank you, Mom.

Can be seen in both sentences referring to social aspects. Judging from

the sentence "Good Day Mom" it refers to social interaction. In the second

sentence also refers to the social interaction of the speaker and the recipient.

2.4 ATLAS.ti

Atlas.ti is a qualitative data analysis software that is assisted by a

computer that facilitates qualitative data analysis for qualitative research,

quantitative research, and mixed method research. According to Sandy, (2016)

“Atlas.ti software can help in organizing, coding, and analyzing our research

data efficiently and structured”. Data processing software in this qualitative

methodology approach helps researchers in data entry, coding processes, build

models and presentation of data (mapping) in the form of networks. Reading

various types of data such as audio, video data, image data, or written data

(articles, books, survey data, or interview transcripts) can be done by this

software. In this case, Atlas.ti enabled us in triangulation with various types of

data collection. Supported by Drivjer, (2012) Atlas.ti has four advantages when

compared to other software, namely: 1) Atlas.ti can read various types of data,

2) This software is also popular among qualitative researchers, evidence of the

popularity of this software one of which is a special conference owned by

Atlas.ti users, 3) Atlas.ti has good guidelines, there is online assistance, and

complete documentation, and 4) affordable prices.

Apart from his advantages, Atlas.ti is only software created with a

computer system so this application also has a shortage. According to Friese,

(2012) in her book she stated that “Atlas.ti is the same as other qualitative

software, not really analyzing data, only simple tools that can help the

qualitative data analysis process”. This also has justification from previous

researchers. Here are some studies that have used Atlas.ti software in their

research, as follows:

1. Van Nes & Doorman (2010) Analyzing his research data qualitatively

assisted with Atlas.ti software in coding.

2. Jupri (2015) in his research conducts data analysis through three steps

with the help of atlas.ti, namely: 1) Organizing data in accordance with

its classification, 2) Data description in accordance with the category,

and 3) the results are re -checked through coding given at the beginning


3. Afriansyah, (2016) Analyzing his research data, Afriansyah was also

assisted by Atlas.ti.

From the above, it can conclude that Atlas.ti help researchers

systematically analyze complex data phenomena in the form of text and

multimedia. Stated by Silverman, (2000) Atlas.ti also has additional features

for the development of theory such as the ability to build a conceptual diagram

that shows the relevance between ideas.

2.5 Chernobyl Movie

Chernobyl is a television miniseri produced by the United States and

the United Kingdom by US HBO (United Stated Home Box Office) and

released in 2019. Chernobyl tells about disasters in Chernobyl in 1986 and how

the government's efforts to overcome this disaster. Craig Mazin is the person

who wrote his film script accompanied by Johan Rinck as the film director,

they packed this film well to get a rating of 9.4/10.

Five series were released simultaneously in America on May 6, 2019

and in the UK on May 7, 2019. This film was recognized by critics who

praised the performances, cinematography, historical accuracy, atmosphere,

direction, scenarios, music and tones. The film also received nineteen

nominations and won for outstanding limited series, outstanding directing,

and outstandingwriting on 71st Emmy Primetime award. Whereas in the 77th

Golden Globe Award, this series won for the best miniseries. The more

information about this movie will presented below:

1. Genre : Historical Drama Tragedy

2. Created by : Craig Mazin

3. Written by : Craig Mazin

4. Directed by : Johan Renck

5. Cast :

- Main Cast:

 Jared Harris as Valery Legasov, the deputy director of

the Kurchatov Institute brought in to aid cleanup efforts.
 Stellan Skarsgård as Boris Shcherbina, a Council of
Ministers' deputy chairman.
 Emily Watson as Ulana Khomyuk, a nuclear
physicist from Minsk. Khomyuk is a fictional composite
character based on the many scientists who investigated the
 Paul Ritter as Anatoly Dyatlov, the deputy chief engineer at
the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
 Jessie Buckley as Lyudmilla Ignatenko, the wife of Vasily
 Adam Nagaitis as Vasily Ignatenko, a Pripyat firefighter
and first responder to the Chernobyl fire.
 Con O'Neill as Viktor Bryukhanov, the manager of

 Adrian Rawlins as Nikolai Fomin, the chief engineer at
 Sam Troughton as Aleksandr Akimov, the night shift
supervisor at Chernobyl.
 Robert Emms as Leonid Toptunov, the senior engineer at
 David Dencik as Mikhail Gorbachev, the General Secretary
of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
 Mark Lewis Jones as Vladimir Pikalov, the commander of
the Soviet chemical forces.
 Alan Williams as Charkov, the KGB's first deputy
 Alex Ferns as Andrei Glukhov, the mining crew chief.
 Ralph Ineson as Nikolai Tarakanov, the chief supervisor of
the cleanup operation.
 Barry Keoghan as Pavel Gremov, a
civilian liquidator draftee.
 Fares Fares as Bacho, a Georgian soldier and Soviet–
Afghan War veteran who trains Pavel.
 Michael McElhatton as Andrei Stepashin, the prosecutor
for the trial of Dyatlov, Bryukhanov, and Fomin.
- Recurring:

 Adam Lundgren as Vyacheslav Brazhnik, the senior turbine

operator at Chernobyl.
 Karl Davies as Viktor Proskuryakov, a senior reactor
control engineer trainee at Chernobyl.
 Donald Sumpter as Zharkov, a Pripyat executive committee
 Billy Postlethwaite as Boris Stolyarchuk, the senior unit #4
control engineer at Chernobyl.

 Joshua Leese as Igor Kirschenbaum, a senior turbine
control engineer at Chernobyl.
 Nadia Clifford as Svetlana Zinchenko, a doctor treating
Vasily Ignatenko and others with radiation sickness.
 Jamie Sives as Anatoly Sitnikov, the deputy chief
operational engineer at Chernobyl sent to inspect the
exploded core.
 Baltasar Breki Samper as Alexei Ananenko, one of the
volunteers who drained water in Chernobyl's basement to
prevent an explosion.
 Philip Barantini as Valeri Bezpalov, one of the volunteers
who drained water in Chernobyl's basement to prevent an
 Oscar Giese as Boris Baranov, one of the volunteers who
drained water in Chernobyl's basement to prevent an
 Douggie McMeekin as Aleksandr Yuvchenko, a senior
engineer-mechanic on duty the night of the explosion.
 Michael Socha as Mikhail, a resident of Pripyat and father
of a young baby who are both present on the bridge
watching the fire.
- Guest:
 Natasha Radski as Russian news reader.
 Jay Simpson as Valeriy Perevozchenko, the foreman in the
reactor section.
 Michael Colgan as Mikhail Shchadov, Soviet Minister of
Coal Industry.
 James Cosmo as a miner.
 Peter Guinness as Major Burov.

 Hilton McRae as Milan Kadnikov, the judge presiding over
the trial of Dyatlov, Bryukhanov, and Fomin.
 Kieran O'Brien as Valery Khodemchuk, the night shift
main circulating pump operator at Chernobyl.
 Alexej Manvelov as Garo, an Armenian soldier who
accompanies Bacho and Pavel.
 Josef Altin as Soldier
6. Production Location : Lithuania and Ukraine
7. Cinematography : Jacob Ihre
8. Editors : Jinx Godfrey and Simon Smith
9. Production Companies : HBO and Sky UK
10. Distributor : Warner Bros Television Distributor

2.6 Synopsis of the Movie Series

The series is taken from a true story that began with an explosion event

at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Ukraine on April 26, 1986. This

event was the worst nuclear disaster that had occurred in the history of

humanity. This explosion begins with a sudden surge in energy in nuclear

reactor number 4. This is then allegedly triggered the destruction of the reactor

tank and there are several series of vapor explosions in the Chernobly NPP.

Two years after the incident, an investigation effort was shown by the

Head of the Kurchatov Institute, Valery Legasov (Jared Harris). The Kurchatov

Institute then made a recording containing information containing accusations

if Anatoly Dyatlov (Paul Ritter) was involved in a nuclear incident 2 years ago.

After the recording containing a statement about Dyatlov's involvement was

completed. Legasov then hid the recording somewhere. Strangely, Legasov

after that rushed to commit suicide.

The series then featured a flashback scene two years ago. At that time,

Dyatlov did not heed the evidence of the explosion at his reactor. Dyatlov is

also not careful in handling after the explosion. Dyatlov once ordered some of

his men to reduce the temperature control of the reactor manually and caused a

number of workers and firefighters such as Vasily Ignatenko (Adam Nagitis) to

be exposed to acute nuclear radiation. Other parties such as the Head of

Chernobyl, Viktor Bryukhanov (Con O'Neill) also ruled to his staff not to

spread the accident information. Everyone involved in the Chernobyl nuclear

case seems to deliberately cover up this case. But one day, Dyatlov began to

realize that he was exposed to the symptoms of acute nuclear radiation. In this

situation, Dyatlov began to worry about the decisions he had made.

2.7 Previous Studies

This study has relationship with the previous study. The first Deixis

“Deixis in Donald Trump’s Speech to Un General Assembly” thesis by

Retnowati, (2019) from Indonesian language and literary education, FKIP,

Balikpapan University. This paper focus to describe how deixis are used in

Donald Trump’s Speech to UN General Assembly and classifies them

according Yule and Levinson theory. The result of the research showed that

there are five kinds of deixis in Donald Trump’s Speech to UN General

Assembly, they are person deixis, spatial/place deixis, temporal/time deixis,

discourse deixis and social deixis. The total number of deixis in this speech are

344 utterances. The deixis that mostly used by the Donald Trump is the person

deixis with the frequency of 279 (81.10%).

The second previous study entitled “Deixis Analysis Used by Main

Characters in Movie Script of Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer

Vacation”,written by Niami, (2020) fromEnglish Education Department,

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of

Tulungagung. The researcher use qualitative descriptive to describe and

analyze the data. In this research, researcher used Yule theory to classify the

type of deixis. Result of the study is the researcher found 180 person deixis, 9

time deixis and 18 place deixis. In this study, person deixis is more dominant

than time deixis and place deixis.

The third previous study entitled “Deixis Analsis in A Tale of Two

Cities‖ written by Charles Dickens”, written by Khalili, (2020). This paper is

International Academic Journal of Social Sciences. It published in Research

Gate. This thesis uses descriptive qualitative method. The method of collecting

the data is documentation. Using Levinson (1983) theory, deixis is separated

into five types: person deixis, time or temporal deixis, place or spatial deixis,

discourse deixis, and social deixis. The data take from the novel “A Tale of

Two Cities”. The steps to analyze the data are reading the novel, finding the

deixis, and classifying the types of deixis. The result of the research showed

that the total number of deixis in this novel is 510: social deixis 164 (32%), 125

person deixis (25%), 111 time deixis (22%), 74 place deixis (14%), and 36

discourse deixis (7%). The deixis that mostly used by the researcher is the

social deixis with the frequency of 164 (32%).

The fourth previous study written by Fitria, (2020) from STIE AAS of

Surakarta, Indonesia. Entitled “Analysis of Deixis In The Movie Subtitle of

“First Kiss””. This journalpublised at LET: Linguistics, Literature and English

Teaching Journal. It concern to analyze type and example of deixis in“First

Kiss”. This research method of this method is qualitative method. In data

collection technique, the researcher uses document analysis. The result of this

research shows that three types of deixis found in the movie subtitle of “First

Kiss” movie such as a person, time, and place deixis.

From previous studies, the researcher found the similarity of theories

from the study entitled "Deixis in Donald Trump’s Speech to Un General

Assembly", in the study previous researcher used theory from Levinson.

However, it also found the difference from the research. The difference lies in

the research subjects where in previous studies, researcher used speech as

research subject. Whereas in my research, the research subject used the

MovieSeries. Not only that, the difference in this research and other studies lies

in the theory used. In a study entitled "Deixis Analysis Used By Main

Characters in Movie Script of Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation",

"Deixis Analsis in a Tale of Two Cities‖ Written by Charles Dickens" and

"Analysis of Deixis In The Movie Subtitle of “First Kiss””, previous

researchers used the theory from Yule. While my research uses the theory of




In this chapter, introducing research methods and procedures used to

answer the focus of research, including research design, data sources, data
collection techniques, and technique analysis data.

3.1 Research Design

This research requires researcher to create a research design to collect

data. The design of research is a researcher's plan to conduct research. In
addition, research design is a way for researcher to collect data and analyze
data. In this case, making a research design means determining the method
used in this study. Adopted from Creswell, (2013) The design process to
conduct surveys includes questions about when, who, and in what conditions
data are collected. The purpose of the research plan is to provide the most
effective and accurate answers to researchers' questions.

This study use qualitative methods to collect data. According to

Creswell, (2014). “Qualitative research is an approach for exploring and
understanding the meaning individuals or group ascribe to a social or human
problem in natural setting.” Knowing what happens to people in social
phenomena means, people listen to social situation observers. Meanwhile the
most common qualitative research state by Yin (2010) “The kind of data use
numerical measurements, photographs, indirect observation, and review
documents.” Researcher use qualitative research because the data collected in
the form of a transcript of the film subtitle.

In this research, researcher use qualitative descriptive research.

According to Issac & Michael (1981) in Niami (2020) that “desciptive
qualitative method describes the population and evidence of the data

systematically, factually and acurately.” The researcher interest to analyze
Deixis found in Chernobyl. In addition, researchers use relevant theories and
research to describe real-world data that focuses on the type and function of
deixis in the Chernobyl character.

3.2 Data Source

This reseach concern in deixis used in the movie script. The data
sources of this reseach is Chernobyl movie by Craig Mazin published at 2019.
The data of this study based on five categories of deixis. The researcher was
downloaded from accessed on 29 November 2021.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

The researcher use the descriptive method in this research. Data

collection technique of this research is library riset. The researcher will do two
steps to get the data:

3.3.1 Observation

When observation is used in qualitative research, the observation

usually consists of a detailed representation of behaviors, events, and the
context surrounding those events and behaviors. On the other hand, in
quantitative studies, observations are usually used to collect data about the
number of events for a certain period of time, duration, behavior, or very
specific events. The detailed descriptions collected in qualitative surveys
can be converted into numerical data which can then be analyzed
quantitatively, but otherwise is not possible. Therefore, observation is a
technique or method used to collect primary data needed for a study by
observing directly the research subject. Here the researcher observes, sees,
reads, and obtains information about the Deixis seeds in the Chernobyl
film script.

3.3.2 Documentation

According to Bogdan in Sugiyono (2010) in most tradition of

qualitative research the phrase personal document is used broadly to refer

to any first-person narrative produced by an individual which describes his
or her own actions, experience and belief.

In qualitative research, written documents can be used to understand

the phenomenon under study. The term document refers to a variety of
written, physical, and visual materials, including what other authors call
artifacts. Documents such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters can be
personal. Official documents such as archives, reports, records and
protocols. Or popular culture documents like books, movies, and videos.
Analysis of written or text-based artifact documents (textbooks, novels,
journals, treatises, minutes, announcements, policy statements,
newspapers, recordings, birth certificates, marriage certificates, budgets,
letters, and email messages). Written recordings of artifacts (photos,
audiocassettes, videotapes, computer images, websites, musical
performances, television viewing politics, YouTube videos, cyber

Documents are an excellent source of text (word) data for qualitative

research. In addition, information is recorded using notes. In this study,
researchers used document analysis to make conclusions.

3.4 Technique of Analysis Data

Data analysis is the most complex and mysterious stage of qualitative

research. Data analysis in qualitative research is a time-consuming and difficult
process, as the researcher usually finds a lot of field notes, interview
recordings, audio recordings, video data, reflections, or documentary
information. All of this needs to be investigated and interpreted.

Qualitative data are generally in the form of words (explanations,

observations, impressions, notes, etc.). Qualitative studies do not recommend
that numerical size is never used, but other descriptive methods are
emphasized. According to Miles and Huberman (1984), qualitative data are

grounded, lot of descriptions and able to explain about the process. The
following steps data analysis that should be reached:

3.4.1 Data Reduction

In the data reduction step, the researcher selects the data, focuse on
the data on the problem under study, and works on simplification,
abstraction, and transformation. According to Wardhono et al., (2020)
“reduces data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on
important things, looking for themes and patterns”. In addition, the
selection groups important and less important data, but that does not mean
that data that is less important also needs to be discarded. This
classification is solely to improve the interpretation of the results of data

3.4.2 Data Display

Data display is a step in organizing data into a dense and meaningful

information structure so that it can be easily drawn conclusions. Data
display is usually a story or text. "Better display is the main avenue for
valid qualitative analysis" said Miles and Hubberman (1984). it means that
a good indicator is the main way to valid qualitative analysis and valid
qualitative analysis is an important step in drawing valid conclusions. In
this case the researcher will display the data obtained from the analysis in
the Atlas.ti software as shown below:

Picture Example data display from Atlas.ti

In this picture show a result of the analysis

3.4.3 Conclusion and Verification

Based on the results of data analysis through data reduction and data
display steps, the final step is to draw conclusions and validate the
conclusions drawn. The conclusion drawn is the answer to the research
question. However, the validity of the content of the conclusions and the
actual situation must be verified by the validity of the conclusions made.
Verification is an attempt to test the truth or rationality of a conclusion
with reality.


In this chapter the researcher discusses the findings and discussions about

the types of deixis and what is the dominant deixis in the Chernobyl movie.

4.1 Finding

In this sub-chapter, the researcher presents the findings of the research

issues where the first question is related to the type of deixis found in the film

script "Chernobyl" by Craig Mazin. Then, the second problem is what type of

deixis is dominant in the movie script.

4.1.1 Types of Deixis Found in Chernobyl Movie Script

From the explanation that was conveyed at the end of the

background. Researcher only take four characters who have the influence

of peting in the course of the story. The four characters are Legasov, Ulana

Khomyuk, Boris Shcherbina, and Dyatlov. The researcher combined the

analysis of the four characters and analyzed them in the Atlas.ti

application. This is the results of the data analysis

Picture 4.1.1 Person Deixis (A)

Picture 4.1.2 Peson Deixis (B)

Picture 4.1.3 Person Deixis (C)

Picture 4.1.4 Person Deixis (D)

Picture 4.1.5 Person Deixis (E)

Picture 4.1.6 Person Deixis (F)

Picture 4.1.7 Person Deixis (G)

Picture 4.1.8 Person Deixis (H)

Picture 4.1.9 Person Deixis (I)

Picture 4.1.10 Person Deixis (J)

In Picture 4.1.1 to 4.1.10 is the result of the analysis in the Atlas

Sotware. Found 450 deixis personnel in these four characters. In this also

includes First Person Deixis, Second Person Deixis and Third Person


Picture 4.1.11 Place Deixis

This picture contains the results of the analysis using Atlas.ti.

Where researchers found 57 place deixis in utterances from the four

chosen characters.

Picture 4.1.12 Time Deixis

This picture contains the results of the analysis using Atlas.ti.

Where researchers found 48 time deixis in utterances from the four chosen


Picture 4.1.13 Discourse Deixis

This picture contains the results of the analysis using Atlas.ti.

Where researchers found 36 discourse deixis in utterances from the four

chosen characters.

Picture 4.1.14 Social Deixis Found in Four Characters

This picture contains the results of the analysis using Atlas.ti.

Where researchers found 26 social deixis in utterances from the four

chosen characters. Person Deixis

Person deixis is how speakers encode their speech events

using various cues. In the person deixis can be classified into three

parts, namely the first person, the second person, and the third


a. First-Person Deixis

The first person Deixis is a reference related to the speaker,

where the speaker is a singular pronoun (I, me, myself, and mine)

and can also be plural pronouns (we, us, ourselves, our, ours).

Below is a conversation that contains the deixis of the first person

found in the script.

Excerpt 1

Legasov: “I've given you everything I know. They'll try to deny

it, the way they always do. Will you prevail? I do not

know. I only know you'll do your best to try”.

The context is Legasov who pondered alone in his kitchen

while listening to the sound recording from someone who had not

been shown by the author. Then Legasov turned off the voice

recording and he spoke alone. In his solitude, Legasov seemed to

be disappointed with someone he had trusted.

In utterance delivered by Legasov, a word was found that

referred first-person deixis. The word "I" includes the deictic

word which shows a singular pronoun. The word “I” refers to

Legasov itself as the person who said it.

Excerpt 2

Dyatlov: “We know. Akimov are we cooling the reactor core?”.

The context of dialogue from Dyatlov representing the state

of the control space that began to be chaotic with the unusual

things in the nuclear generator reactor. Akimov knew there was

an explosion from one of the nuclear reactors. So Dyatlov is

confused about what to do to prevent it. In his utterance, there is

the word "we". It includes the deictic word which is a plural

pronouns that refer to Dyatlov and his team in the control room.

Excerpt 3

Ulana Khomyuk: “My name is Ulana Khomyuk. I am a nuclear

physicist working with the Chernobyl

Commission. I want you to tell me everything

that happened the night of the accident. Is that

all right?”

The context in the sentence is where Khomyuk who as a

nuclear physicist is wanting to interrogate Toptunov (people who

work with Dyatlov). The interrogation occurred in the hospital

with the condition of toptunov being dying with exposure to

nuclear radiation. Khomyuk introduced himself first before doing

the interrogation.

In the sentence delivered by Ulana Khomyuk when

introducing himself, there is the word "my" which means shows

in a single pronoun and refers to the ownership of the name of

Khomyuk itself. Not only that, in the sentence delivered by him

there is also the word "me" which refers to Khomyuk, and the

word is also one of the Deictic words from the first person of


Excerpt 4

Boris Shcherbina: “We've ordered them to continuously pump


The context in that sentence is Shcherbina who is making a

call with Legasov. In the call, they discussed how to overcome

the nuclear explosion that occurred in the nuclear reactor in the

Chernobyl Power Plant. A short conversation in the call occurred

in the morning. In the conversation, Shcherbina was seen using

the word "we" so that the word also included a plural pronoun.

b. Second-Person Deixis

Coding of the speaker reference to one or more addresses is

the understanding of the second person deixis. The word that

includes the deixis of the second person is “you” and “your”.

Here are some examples of conversations that include second

person deixis.

Excerpt 5

Legasov: “There's only one place in the entire facility where

you'll find graphite. 12. Inside the core”.

The context of this conversation is a discussion between the

State officials and the officials of the company concerned.

Legasov as a person who is an expert in the nuclear field is

expressing his opinion that can help the effect of the effects of

radiation that can spread more broadly. In this conversation,

Legasov used the word "you" which refers to everyone who is in

the room. The word "you" is a form of second person deixis.

Excerpt 6

Dyatlov: “Then what the fuck are you talking about?”.

The context is Dyatlov, Sitnikov, Bryukhanov, and Fomin

are discussing what to do in overcoming the explosion so that the

explosion does not become intense. But in that conversation, they

seemed to have the same view. Until finally Dyatlov was angry

at Sitnikov because according to Dyatlov's view, Sitnikov was

seen arguing but the opinion was different from Dyatlov. In the

utterance that was said by Dyatlov, there are words "You". So

the dialog can be categorized in second-person deixis. The word

“you” it refers to the interlocutor (Sitnikov).

Excerpt 7

Ulana Khomyuk: “I'm a nuclear physicist. Before you were

Deputy Secretary, you worked in a shoe


The context is Khomyuk who is talking to Garankin. In

the conversation, Garanin looks like it does not care about what

Khomyuk said. Khomyuk was a little upset because she felt

unappreciated by Garanin. In the sentence spoken by Ulana

Khomyuk is a form of second person deixis. There is the word

"you" which is a form of second person deixis. And the word

"you" refers to Garanin itself.

Excerpt 8

Boris Shcherbina: “You are the Legasov who is the First Deputy

Director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic


In this utterance, word “you” indicate that is a second

person deixis. The word “you” refers to the listener that is being

spoken to namely Legasov.

c. Third-Person Deixis

Third-person deixis implies the gender to which the

speaker's utterance refers. Third person deixis giving in the form

of referrals to people who are not speakers or listeners of the

utterance. In a third person's deixis contains singular pronouns,

such as (he, she, him, his, her, it, herself, and himself) and plural

pronouns (they, them, theirs). Here some example about third

person deixis.

Excerpt 9

Legasov: “I've seen them before. They've been here the whole


In this utterance, Legasov uses the word "Them" which is

included in the plural pronoun. In the word "Them" is included

in the third person deixis category. The word "they" is also used

by Legasov in his words, and the word "They" also includes

plural pronoun. Means that in that sentence there are two Third-

Person Deixis namely "They" and "Them".

Excerpt 10

Dyatlov: “This is an emergency. Everyone staycalm. Our first

priority is...”

In his sentence Dyatlov said "Our First Priority is .....". In

the utterance, Dyatlov uses the word "our" which is included in

the category third person deixis. The word refers his team in the

control room.

Excerpt 11

Ulana Khomyuk: “They're at 4. It's not them. Who's the next


The dialogue from Khomyuk has the words "Them" and

"they". Where the word is included in the pronoun pronoun, and

is part of the third deixis oprang. The word refers to people who

are directly involved in the first handling after the explosion.

Excerpt 12

Boris Shcherbina: “We've ordered them to continuously pump


In the dialogue, there is a word "Them" that refers to the

people in the Control Room. K The word "them" is included in

the third person's deixis.

50 Place Deixis

The word that refers to the location of the prone is the

understanding of the spatial deixis. In English there are two deiktik

places, proximal (close to the speaker) and distal (far from the

speaker). An example of a proximal deictic is "here" and "This".

While distal is "there" and "that".

Excerpt 13

Dyatlov: “He's in shock. Get him out of here”.

In this dialogue, Dyatlov uses the word "here" which is

included in the form of proximal term, where the word "here" in the

sentence refers to the location where the speaker is.

Excerpt 15

Ulana Khomyuk: “I wanted to see how he was doing. It's so hot

there right now”.

In this dialogue, Khomyuk is seen using the word "there".

The word "there" in the sentence is included in the type of distal

provisions, which means the word refers to a place far from the


Excerpt 16

Boris Shcherbina: “Professor Legasov. There is no place for alarmist

hysteria in this room.”

The greeting stated by the Shcherbina above uses a deixis.

There was a deixis of the "This" place which referred to the place

occupied by Shcherbina at that time. The word "this" is included in

the proximal term, because the word mentions the place where the

speaker is. Time Deixis

Deixis time refers to the relative time between the speaker or

writer and the listener or reader. Time expression varies from one

language to another. In time deixis there are also proximal provisions

(present) and distal (the past). Examples of words that show deixis

time are now, today, yesterday, tomorrow, this year, years, next year,

this week, last week, front, etc. Below are some examples of time


Excerpt 17

Legasov: “If you fly over the core, I promise you, by tomorrow

morning, you'll be begging for that bullet”.

In this dialogue, Legasov is seen using the word "Tomorrow

Morning". The word refers to the future in the future. So the word

"Tomorrow Morning" is included in the time deixis category.

Excerpt 18

Dyatlov: “Now”.

Above is a sentence that includes time deixis. The word

"now" used by Dyatlov refers to the present time. Where the word is

part of the time deixis.

Excerpt 19

Boris Shcherbina: “General Secretary Gorbachev has appointed a

committee to manage the accident. You're on it.

We'll convene at two this afternoon”.

In the sentence stated by the Shcherbina is included in the

form of time deixis. The word "This Afterloon" refers the time

delivered by the speaker (Boris Shcherbina) to hold a meeting. Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis, or referred to as the text deixis, refers to the

use of expressions in a speech to refer to the parts of the discourse

that contains utterances and including the utterance itself. Examples

of discourse deixis are the use of the words "This" and "that". Direct

settlement can also include many other ways in which language

shows its relationship with the surrounding text. In addition, non-

Speech shows that the utterances contained are not directed to the

previous discourse, but to one or more steps backward. Below is

included in a conversation containing discourse deixis.

Excerpt 20

Dyatlov: “Get the backup pumps running. We need water moving

through the core. That's all that matters”.

This dialogue includes deixis discourse "that". The word

"that" refers to the use of expressions in the utterance delivered by

Dyatlov to refer to the previous discourse parts.

Excerpt 21

Ulana Khomyuk: “That is exactly what was happening in the control

room of Reactor 4.”

In the statement expressed by Khomyuk, there is the word

"that". The word "that" refers to the discourse previously expressed

by Khomyuk. That word refers to the events that occur in the actual

location. Therefore, the "that" is a discourse deixis.

Excerpt 22

Boris Shcherbina: “I'm sorry for all this. But we needed to speak to

you without...”

In the words spoken by Shcherbina using discourse deixis

"This". The word "This" refers to the discourse that has been said

before. The word "that" also refers to many forms of deixis that

identify certain positions in a discourse or text. Social Deixis

Social deixis concerns relative to the role of participants,

especially the aspects of social relations that exist between speakers

and the interlocutors or speakers. Social deixis can also be

interpreted as social information encoded in various expressions,

such as relative social status and intimacy. Below is an example of a

conversation that is included in social deixis.

Excerpt 23

Legasov: “Comrade Charkov, I understand my duty to the State--

but you gave us assurances. You said the reactors would

be made safe. It's been months. There have been no

changes made, no changes even discussed... “

In the conversation delivered by Legasov using social deixis

"Comrade". In the word "Comrade" includes social deixis because of

an expression that shows social status and intimacy between Legasov

and Charkov.

Excerpt 24

Legasov: “No, I'm fine. Thank you..”

In the conversation delivered by Legasov using social deixis

"Thank you". The word "thank you" contains social aspects which in

the word include the interaction between the speaker and the


Excerpt 25

Legasov: “Hello?”.

In the conversation delivered by Legasov using social deixis

"Hello". The word “Hello” contains the social aspect of the speaker

and the addressee, such as between the speaker and hearer since

social interaction.

4.1.2 Dominant Type of Deixis

In this study researchers focused on the type of deixis in the film

Chernobyl. Researchers only focus on the four characters chosen. The four

characters are Legasov, Dyatlov, Ulana Khomyuk, and Boris Shcherbina,

they were chosen because they played an important role in the storyline of

this film. In the analysis, researchers found five types of deixis namely

person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis.

In the five types of deixis there is one of the most dominant types of

deixis. The results will be shown by the coloumn chart as below.

Picture Total deixis found from the four characters

500 450
Place Time Total
200 Discourse Social
Deixis Deixis Deixis Deixis
100 57 48 36 26
Person Place Deixis Time Deixis Discourse Social
Deixis Deixis Deixis

In the chart the deixis person is the most dominant among others.

Deixis person ranks first with a total of 450. In this case it is proven that

the four characters often appoint people in each of their utterances, thus

bringing up deixis personis as the most dominant type of deixis.

4.2 Discussion

In this sub-chapter, the researcher answer the related questions in the

statement of the problem. The first question is related to what type of deixis is

in the “Chernobyl” movie and the second question is related to the dominant

deixis in the movie.

According to Yule, (1996) “Deixis is a technical term (from Greek) for

one of the most basic things we do with utterances. It means “pointing” via

language. Any linguistic form used to accomplish this “pointing” is called

deictic expression”. From this statement, it can be concluded that "pointing"

means to indicate something. This means that the deixis word is used as a way

to designate something in many references using language. Levinson, (1983)

also stated that “Deixis concerns the ways in which languages encode or

grammaticalize features of the context of utterance or speech event, and thus

also concerns ways in which the interpretation of utterances depends on the

analysis of that context of utterance”. Seen from the results of the study, the

researcher analized four charachter: Legasov, Dyatlov, Ulana Khomyuk, Boris

Shcherbina that have the main role in the movie. Not only that, the researcher

found research data presented there were five different types of deixis: Person

Deixis, Place Deixis, Time Deixis, Discourse Deixis, and Social Deixis.

The first is person deixis. In person deixis is divided into three parts,

namely: first-person deixis, second-person deixis and third-person deixis.

Person deixis is used to discussing about themself. In this case, the speaker

discussed about himself in his utterance. Examples as in the sentence "I want

you to tell everything that happens the night of the accident". The words "I"

and "me" are included in a singular pronoun. While the word "you" in the

sentence also refers to people. Based on the Levinson Theory (1983), The

person deixis idenified words (I, me, you, your, they, he, his, she, her).

The second is place deixis. In this section the researcher found the

phrase "he's in shock. Get him out of here". The word "here" here here refers to

the place of the incident. Place deixis is used to show location or place.

According to Yule, (1996) The concept of distance already mentioned is

clearly relevant to spatial deixis, where the relative location of people and

things is being indicated. Contemporary English makes use of only two

adverbs, “here” and “there”.

The third is time deixis. In this type the researcher found the phrase "if

we're seeing them out in the open now" which was said by Boris Shcherbina.

The word "now" shows time deixis, which refers to the time when the speaker

is saying the sentence. Time deixis means having a function to explain the

conditions of time from the past until the moment of speech was expressed.

According to Yule, (1996) time deixis is employed to describe the time leaked

by the character. Is now, tomorrow, yesterday, next week, or last week, this is

all time deixis.

The next type is discourse deixis. Researcher found the words "that all

that matters" said by Dyatlov. The word "that" is included in the type of

discourse deixis because the word refers to the ongoing discourse section.

According to Levinson, (1983) the use of terms within an utterance to refer to

another part of the discourse that comprises that utterance is known as

discourse, or text, deixis (including the utterance itself).

The last type of deixis is social deixis. The researcher found utterance

said by Boris Shcherbina “Comrade Fomin was awarded for Valorous

Labour”. The word "comrade" is refers in a family relationship embedded in

the person. Levinson, (1983) stated that “There are many other qualities of

relationship that may be grammaticalized, e.g. kinship relations, The other

main kind of socially deictic information that is often relevant social system”.

In the next will discuss the most dominant deixis in this analysis. In the

results that have been known above the researcher found five types of deixis;

Person Deixis, Place Deixis, Time Deixis, Discourse Deixis and Social Deixis

in the film script from the four chosen characters. From the results above found

the most dominant deixis personis, the deixis person in this analysis amounted

to 450. The two most dominant were Place Deixis with a total of 57. Then

followed by time deixis with a total of 48. After that there was a discourse

deixis with a total of 36 and the At least dominant is social deixis with a total

of only 26.



In this chapter, it consists of two sub-chapters namely Conclusion and

Suggestion. The conclusion is drawn from the results obtained in the previous

chapter, while the suggestion aims to provide information for further research.

5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing "Chernobyl" movie using several steps, the researcher

found the main objectives that will be explained below.

In this study researcher found five types of deixis used by the four

characters: Legasov, Dyatlov, Ulana Khomyuk and Boris Shcherbina. The first

type five is deixis person, where in this deixis person aims to point to someone.

The second type is place deixis, this deixis is used to show a place or location.

The third type is time deixis, clearly from the name deixis is used to show time

in an utterance. Fourth is discourse deixis used to refer to discourse before and

afterwards. The last is social deixis where deixis refers to social classes and

social situations.

Not only that, the researcher also found the dominant type of deixis

between the five types of deixis. The most dominant deixis is a person deixis

with a total 450, the second is place deixis with a total 57, followed by time

deixis with a total 48, the fourth is discourse deixis with a total 36, and the least

is social deixis with a total 26.

5.2 Suggestion

After getting the results of the analysis, the researcher want to give

some suggestions to the following parties:

1. For Student

Researcher hope that students will be able to understand more

about deixis, and know the application of deixis in daily life. Researcher

also hope that students understand more about Pragmatics and their

relation with deixis.

2. For the next researcher

This research still requires more development on several sides. The

researcher hopes that this research can be used as a reference from his

research, and also this research is expected to provide information needed

for the development of his research.

3. For teacher

Researchers hope that with this research, teachers can use it as

teaching material.


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