Children's Day May 27, 2024 Programme
Children's Day May 27, 2024 Programme
Children's Day May 27, 2024 Programme
Genesis 37:1-34; 41:14-40,46
Joseph was born into the family of Jacob otherwise known as Israel. His
mother’s name was Racheal, and he had eleven brothers. He was a
special boy from his childhood. His father loved him more than all his
brothers. Joseph had dreams that he was going to be great and even his
brothers will bow before him. All these made his brothers to be jealous
and hated him. Joseph knew from when he was a child that he was born
to win and to reign. To win is to triumph, conquer, overcome and be a
victor. To win is to be on top, it means to succeed and be above others
and not be beneath. Like Joseph God has good plans for every child. You
are born to win and succeed in life
Joseph had good and positive attributes of a real winner. Attributes
that separates high achievers from everyone else. He kept his dream alive
as he was growing up. In spite of stumbling blocks in form of trials and
temptations on his way to his place of promotion, he persevered and
prevailed. You too can be like Joseph, having it behind your mind as you
live every day that you are born to win and succeed in life. Having a state
of mind that you are not an ordinary person, but a special craft of God,
fearfully and wonderfully made to live and fulfill great purpose to the
glory of God.
Genesis 37:1-11; Jeremiah 29:11
The plan and purpose of God for Joseph was very clear and well
known to him. He had dreams that assured him that he was going to be
great. His dream did not come to pass without some obstacles in form of
troubles, temptations and trials. He was hated by his own brothers, they
made plot to hinder the fulfilment of his dream. They sold him into
slavery, he suffered for righteousness and he was thrown into prison
Joseph kept his dream alive and endured all the test and trials that
came before him, because he was a child of God. He had the fear God
and maintained his integrity as a child of God even when no one would
see him. Temptations and trials are unavoidable experience for every
child of God who desire to make it to the end. As a friend of Jesus, you
should not be surprised when others misunderstand, lie or speak against
you, criticise you, reject you, make jest, abuse, deny you of your right
and even try to hurt you because you believe in Christ or stand for the
truth. Don’t give up. Continue because no matter what they think or do
the plans of God for your life would come to pass (Proverbs 19:21).
What are the plans of God for your life? God’s plan and desire for your
life is to (be)
Justified through forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus.
Overcome in all circumstances of life.
Succeed and be the head and not the tail.
Endure and get to your expected end.
Prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
Holy and make it to heaven at last.
Genesis 39:7-13; 40:1-8; 45:1-15
Joseph demonstrated exemplary attributes that separates him as a
high achiever from everyone else. Joseph had the fear of God and faith in
God. He was faithful, friendly and full of compassion. The name spelt out
his attributes thus:
Just and righteous in character.
Obedient to his parents and masters.
Submissive to parental training and civil leaders.
Exemplary in behaviour.
Persevering in tribulation.
Humble, honest and holy.
Joseph’s fear of God and godly character made him to stand out. He
had a testimony that God was always with him everywhere he went, in
Potiphar’s house, in the prison, before King Pharaoh and also when he
reigned over Egypt. He had favour with God and man (Genesis 39:5,6).
You too can be outstanding as you come into personal relationship with
God by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord (John
Genesis 41:37-46
Joseph was promoted from prison to the palace in spite of his
brothers’ hatred, temptations, false accusations and imprisonment. All
these were his stumbling blocks that God used to become stepping
stones to his promotion. He decided not to compromise in difficult
situations and God promoted him and made his life’s dream to come to
The Bible shows examples of people who like Joseph endured all trials
and become overcomers. These include among many others:
Job and John the beloved.
Obadiah and Obededom.
Samuel and Stephen.
Esther and Elizabeth.
Peter and Paul.
Hosea and Hezekiah.
God has promised great and wonderful blessings for all those who
will, in spite of all troubles and trials stand and remain steadfast in faith,
knowing that God would surely bring to pass whatsoever He has
promised to do in their lives. No good thing will He withhold from them
that walk uprightly. Satan and all his messengers has no power to stop
the plans of God in your life. Dare to be a Joseph? Rise and pray!
1. I was the first child of my mother, my father loved me
more than the rest. Because of this, I was hated by
my brother. Who am I? (Joseph)
2. On my way to make peace with my brother, a man
wrestled with me until daybreak. Who am I? (Jacob).
3. When the Lord called me to work for Him, I told the
Lord that I am slow of speech. Who am I? (Moses).
4. I had four daughters who were all virgins. Who am I?
(Philip the Evangelist).
5. I was the first judge in Israel. Who am I? (Othniel)
6. I made a vow unto the Lord that when He gives me
victory over the children of Ammon, the first thing
that meets me on my return from battle shall be
offered to the Lord. Who am I? (Jephthah).
7. I was the young king of Israel who did what was right
in the sight of the Lord. Who am I? (Josiah)
8. A Queen from Sheba came to visit me to prove my
wisdom. Who am I? (Solomon)
9. I was blind and I cried unto Jesus for mercy and He
healed me. Who am I? [Blind Bartimaeus)
10. I was stoned to death by my persecutors because I
told them about Jesus. Who am I? (Stephen).
11. I became a friend of Jesus from my childhood
through the teaching and guidance of my
grandmother and mother. Who am I? (Timothy).
12. We are three boys who loved the Lord and we refused
to bow down to the king's idol because we feared the
Lord. Who are we? (Shadrach, Meshach and
13. We are three Hebrew children, the king of Babylon
named us Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. What
are our Hebrew names? (Hananiah, Mishael and
14. I am a child who loves the Lord and I refused to eat
the king's food because it has been offered to idols.
Who am I? (Daniel).
15. I was thrown into the den of lions. What name was
given to me by the king of Babylon? (Belteshazzar).
16. I was called by God to go to a great city to preach,
but I ran away from the Lord. Who am I? (Jonah)
17. I was a Pharisee and I came to Jesus by night and
asked Him to tell me about the kingdom of God.
Jesus said to me, "except a man be born again he
cannot see the kingdom of God". Who am I?
18. I lived at Joppa, I loved Jesus. One day I fell ill and
died. Peter raised me up by the power of God. Who
am I? (Dorcas).
19. I was a child who loved to pray. I joined the church to
pray for the release of Peter from prison. Who am I?
20. Jesus held me in His arms and said, except a man be
converted and become like me he cannot enter the
kingdom of God. Who am I? (A little child).
Guideline: A selected teacher moderates the discussion on
the various dangerous activities the children must avoid.
1. Accepting lift from strangers.
2. Collecting gifts from strangers.
3. Excessive exposure to computer screen and other
4. Exposure to chemicals and pollutants.
5. Using phone in “danger zones.”
6. Playing with and careless use of gas cylinder.
7. Playing with electric wire and fittings etc.
The teachers are to gather the children and lead them
out to evangelise the community. Go with tracts, GCK fliers
and other gospel materials for the outreach.
The outreach will also include sharing gifts to the less
privileged and cleaning exercises at designated areas.
Arrange, distribute and guide the children to clean-up a
selected place in the neighbourhood.
Materials: Long brooms, hand gloves, rakes, packers,
disposable bags etc.
Film show: This film/video clip should be strictly for
church use and not for any commercial purpose please.