Name/S: Keithleen Dzeila Curameng DATE: 11/22/21: Activity: Analyzing Historical Document Score
Name/S: Keithleen Dzeila Curameng DATE: 11/22/21: Activity: Analyzing Historical Document Score
Name/S: Keithleen Dzeila Curameng DATE: 11/22/21: Activity: Analyzing Historical Document Score
FILE NAME: ACTIVITY 5-FULL NAME (E.g. Activity 5- Juan dela Cruz)
One reporter got into the
chapel during part of the
twenty-four hours. He states
that “studies, frolics of
infancy, and boys’ stories,
were the subject of our chat.”
As for the actual eye
witnesses, some eight testified
to having seen one or more of
the acts mentioned above.
Only three testify to having
seen the signing of the
Retraction. (According to the
The pro-retraction authors What are the authors and The anti-retraction authors
and witnesses’ aim to prove witnesses’ central claim and witnesses aim to disprove
the existence of Rizal’s or argument? the claim that Rizal wrote a
retraction. What do they hope to retraction.
These are the arguments accomplish? These are the arguments
presented: presented:
1.The Retraction document is 1.The retraction document is a
considered the chief witness forgery. There are certain
to the reality of the Retraction errors in the writing of the
itself. document that cannot be
2. There are eye-witnesses ignored such as: penmanship
testifying to its existence. such that there are marked
Having made those remarks, it similarities in several respects
cannot be dismissed between the body of the
3. As attested by witnesses, it Retraction and the writing of
was Rizal’s last act of faith and all three signers, thus serving
act of Piety. to point to Pascual’s
4. There could be no marriage conclusion that this is a “one-
without a retraction. man document.” There were
DR. DEL ROSARIO’s also notable differences
RESPONSE TO PASCUAL’S between the text of the
CLAIMS document found in 1935 and
His main criticism is said to be other versions of the
that Pascual does not include Retraction including the one
enough of Rizal’s writings by issued by Father Balaguer,
way of comparison. His and some of the content is in
conclusion was that the hand- part strangely worded for
writing is genuine. example the phrase “I wish to
CAVANNA’S RESPONSE TO live and die,” yet there was
CRUZ’S CLAIMS little time to live, and also
The reason behind the Rizal’s claim that his
differences between the two retraction was “spontaneous”.
documents were because 2.There was a confession of
Father Balaguer may have the forger which was revealed
made errors in preparing a by Antonio Abad who was
copy of the original and these fifteen years old during that
have been transmitted from time. According to him a
this earliest copy to others. certain Roman Roque told him
Father Balaguer must have how he was employed by the
made corrections in the friars earlier that same year to
formula which he supplied to make several copies of a
Rizal according to the charges retraction document.
which he supplied to Rizal HERMENEGILDO CRUZ
writing out his own, but he 3. The document of Retraction
didn’t accurately note them was not made public until
all. 1935. Even members of the
family did not see it. It was
said to be “lost.”
4. No effort was made to save
Rizal from the death penalty
after his signing of the
5. His burial was kept secret
6. There was no public record
or marriage certificate to
testify the marriage between
Rizal and Bracken. It was
argued to be unnecessary.
7. His actions and behavior
during his last days do not
point to conversion and his
family was not informed of it.
8. It was out of Rizal’s
character basing on his past
The pro-retraction covers the What topics do the The anti-retraction covers the
evidences of the said documents cover? evidences that proves the
retraction; testimony from forgery and falsity of the
eye-witnesses, reason behind document: errors in the
the writing of the document document, comparison
and actual document itself. between documents,
testimonies from witnesses
and the insufficiency of the
evidences of the other party.
The documents are important Why are the documents This document is critical for
pro-retraction because by important? anti-retraction as Rizal
showing a retraction What is the contribution became the inspiration of the
document, the document will of the reading to Katipunan which advocated
serve as a face-saving Philippine History? for Philippine Independence.
measure for the friars whom The veracity of the claim
Rizal made fun of and would be an insult for some
criticized in his novels. It since it would mean he valued
would also bring back his romantic partner more
reverence to the Catholic than the welfare of his
church. countrymen.
This retraction has an important contribution to Philippine history because Rizal is our national
hero. The accuracy of the