Name/S: Keithleen Dzeila Curameng DATE: 11/22/21: Activity: Analyzing Historical Document Score

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DATE: 11/22/21


FILE NAME: ACTIVITY 5-FULL NAME (E.g. Activity 5- Juan dela Cruz)

1. Read carefully the “Rizal’s Retraction: A Note on the Debate”

2. Work individually and answer the following questions.
3. Use the rubric below as a guide in accomplishing the required task.
Success Indicator Descriptor Allotted
Completeness All questions are answered completely and substantially. 10

Quality Each answer is explained well with elaborations and/or 10

Miscellaneous The paper is free from grammatical lapses and spelling 5
errors. It makes use of reader-friendly format/layout.
Pro-Retraction SPEAKER Anti-Retraction
AUTHORS  Who are the authors? AUTHORS
- JESUS MA. CAVANNA Y  Who are the witnesses? -RICARDO PASCUAL
MANSO  What are their gender, He was a professor and an
He was a Catholic priest from age, religion, nationality, administrator for 34 years at
the order of the Congregation ethnicity, profession, University of the Philippines.
of the Mission, more social class, political Finishing his studies under
commonly known as the belief, and other the tutelage of the logical
Vincentian Fathers. He was of affiliation? positivist Rudolf Carnap, Dr.
Filipino-Spanish heritage. He  Are they credible or can Ricardo Pascual led the newly-
often spoke in English and they be trusted? Why? independent Department of
Spanish but he was also very Why not? Philosophy into the forefront
fluent in Tagalog and Latin. He of Anglo-American analytic
spent his last years as a philosophy. In the succeeding
formator, spiritual advisor decades, the MA Philosophy
and teacher to Vincentian program of the Department
Seminarians in Quezon City. was established, bolstering
the Filipino's capacity for
-LEON MA. GUERRERO research in traditional
a top-notch writer and analytic problems. He retired
diplomat, served six in 1977 as professor of
Philippine presidents. He was philosophy after 10 years at
a nationalist scientist and was Bradley. He is the founder of
so-called the "Father of the Filipino-American
Botany in the Philippines”. He Association of Illinois.
was also dubbed as the 1st
Filipino industrial scientist, -FRANK C. LAUBACH
forensic chemist and "Father He was a Christian Evangelical
of Philippine Pharmacy." He is missionary, author, and
also widely known as the educator who specialized in
highly-regarded translator of international literacy. Dr.
Rizal's novels: Noli Me Laubach recognized literacy
Tangere and El as a "first step toward ending
Filibusterismo. Aside from the suffering and exploitation
this he was one of the of the world's disadvantaged"
foremost nationalists of his (Laubach Literacy
era. A partner in the law International brochure); he
practice of Claro M. Recto he was the founder of the "Each
became Undersecretary of One Teach One" literacy
Foreign Affairs during the teaching method and of
Magsaysay administration. He Laubach Literacy, and is
then pursued a diplomatic credited with teaching more
career which took him to than 100 million people to
London, Madrid, New Delhi, read."
Mexico City and Belgrade, all
as Ambassador. On his -JUAN COLLAS
retirement he became only He handles both Spanish and
the third recipient of the English with consummate skill
Gawad Mabini - the highest and has opened up to many
award in the Philippine English readers much of
Foreign Service. Rizal’s thought by translating
-RICARDO GARCIA Rizal’s most important minor
A former school principal writings.
turned publisher who has
since published three -RAFAEL PALMA
enlargements of his original He was a Filipino politician,
attempt to answer a number Rizalian, writer, educator and
of works written against the a famous Freemason. He
Retraction, including those by became the fourth President
Palma, Collas, Juan Nabong, of the University of the
Judge Garduñ o, and Runes Philippines. He was later
using as his defense chiefly elected a Senator under the
Cavanna. Nacionalista Party,
consistently representing the
-DR. DEL ROSARIO 4th District, in both the 1916
a Catholic and from Ateneo. and 1919 senatorial polls.
He was a handwriting expert, Palma died in Manila on 24
known and recognized in May 1939.
courts of justice.
WITNESSES Places named after him
-FR. VICENTE BALAGUER Barangay Rafael Palma Real
He was born in Alcoy, Estate Property, Diffun,
Alicante, Spain on January 19, Quirino.
1851. He entered the Society
of Jesus on 30 July 1890, and -ILDEFONSO T. RUNES AND
came to the Philippines in MAMERTO M. BUENAFE
1894. In 1896, he was They are the authors of The
transferred to Dapitan, where Forgery of the Rizal
he met Rizal. He is a Jesuit Retraction and Josephine's
priest who claimed that he Autobiography. No
conveyed to convince Rizal to background known.
denounce Masonry and return
to Catholic fold. -HERMENEGILDO CRUZ
was a Filipino writer and
-FR. MANUEL GARCIA trade union organizer. He was
He was an Archdiocesan a founding member of Unió n
Archivist who discovered the Obrera Democrá tica Filipina
lost "original" copy of Rizal's and a member of the
Retraction. Philippine Assembly. He
became Director of the Bureau
of Labor in 1924.

One reporter got into the
chapel during part of the
twenty-four hours. He states
that “studies, frolics of
infancy, and boys’ stories,
were the subject of our chat.”
As for the actual eye
witnesses, some eight testified
to having seen one or more of
the acts mentioned above.
Only three testify to having
seen the signing of the
Retraction. (According to the


He was a poet, fictionist,
playwright and essayist from
Cebu, Philippines, who wrote
in Spanish when such was the
language of the Filipino

He was educated at the

University of San Carlos. He
was a professor at Far Eastern
University and the University
of the Philippines, where he
taught Spanish and co-
founded the Department of
Spanish (now European


The documents were written  Under what The anti-retraction party

according to and because of circumstances was the argued that Rizal throughout
these circumstances argued document written? his mature life was a “free
by Cavanna:  Why was the document thinker and unbeliever”; thus,
- as Acts of Piety performed written? the retraction is of necessity a
by Rizal during his last hours lie. It is not likely that he
as testified to by “witnesses.” would have been shocked into
- for his “Roman Catholic abnormal behavior by the
Marriage” to Josephine threat of death as he was
Bracken as attested to by already anticipating it.
“witnesses.” There could be
no marriage without a
The Roman Catholic church  Who is reading or Avid fans and supporters of
insists that the Rizal who listening the document or the national hero which
needs to be remembered and material? believe that it is out of Rizal’s
honored is the converted  What are the points of character to do such a thing,
Rizal. They and some Catholic view of the authors and members of masonry which
Christians are securing witnesses? he was part of and some
evidences to prove the claim.  How would you perceive protestants do researches to
EYE-WITNESSES POV: the author’s and disprove the credibility of the
Father Balaguer, a Jesuit witnesses ‘narration and document.
priest claimed to have secured argument? EYE- WITNESSES POV:
Rizal’s Retraction, asserted One reporter got into the
that this account was his work chapel during part of the
which he originally wrote that twenty-four hours. He states
very same night of December that “studies, frolics of
29, 1896. infancy, and boys’ stories,
BACKGROUND STORY OF were the subject of our chat.”
THE WITNESS: In the evening of Rizal’s last
Archbishop Nozaleda hours, his mother and sister
suggested to Father Balaguer Trinidad arrive and nothing is
who was one of the attending said to them about the
spiritual care of Rizal that a Retraction although Father
retraction from him is Balaguer claims that even in
necessary. the afternoon Rizal’s attitude
A day before Rizal’s execution, was beginning to change and
they had an argument which he was asking for the formula
continued until dusk, by of retraction.
which time, according to the
Father’s account, Rizal was
already asking for the formula
of retraction. That night Rizal
wrote out a retraction based
on the formula of Father Pi
(Father Balaguer) and signed
it about 11:30 p.m.
-on May 18, 1935, the
document was discovered by
Father Garcia, while he was
busily sorting through a pile
of documents.
For him, his arguments were
irrefutable facts since the
discovery of the document.

The pro-retraction authors  What are the authors and The anti-retraction authors
and witnesses’ aim to prove witnesses’ central claim and witnesses aim to disprove
the existence of Rizal’s or argument? the claim that Rizal wrote a
retraction.  What do they hope to retraction.
These are the arguments accomplish? These are the arguments
presented: presented:
1.The Retraction document is 1.The retraction document is a
considered the chief witness forgery. There are certain
to the reality of the Retraction errors in the writing of the
itself. document that cannot be
2. There are eye-witnesses ignored such as: penmanship
testifying to its existence. such that there are marked
Having made those remarks, it similarities in several respects
cannot be dismissed between the body of the
3. As attested by witnesses, it Retraction and the writing of
was Rizal’s last act of faith and all three signers, thus serving
act of Piety. to point to Pascual’s
4. There could be no marriage conclusion that this is a “one-
without a retraction. man document.” There were
DR. DEL ROSARIO’s also notable differences
RESPONSE TO PASCUAL’S between the text of the
CLAIMS document found in 1935 and
His main criticism is said to be other versions of the
that Pascual does not include Retraction including the one
enough of Rizal’s writings by issued by Father Balaguer,
way of comparison. His and some of the content is in
conclusion was that the hand- part strangely worded for
writing is genuine. example the phrase “I wish to
CAVANNA’S RESPONSE TO live and die,” yet there was
CRUZ’S CLAIMS little time to live, and also
The reason behind the Rizal’s claim that his
differences between the two retraction was “spontaneous”.
documents were because 2.There was a confession of
Father Balaguer may have the forger which was revealed
made errors in preparing a by Antonio Abad who was
copy of the original and these fifteen years old during that
have been transmitted from time. According to him a
this earliest copy to others. certain Roman Roque told him
Father Balaguer must have how he was employed by the
made corrections in the friars earlier that same year to
formula which he supplied to make several copies of a
Rizal according to the charges retraction document.
which he supplied to Rizal HERMENEGILDO CRUZ
writing out his own, but he 3. The document of Retraction
didn’t accurately note them was not made public until
all. 1935. Even members of the
family did not see it. It was
said to be “lost.”
4. No effort was made to save
Rizal from the death penalty
after his signing of the
5. His burial was kept secret
6. There was no public record
or marriage certificate to
testify the marriage between
Rizal and Bracken. It was
argued to be unnecessary.
7. His actions and behavior
during his last days do not
point to conversion and his
family was not informed of it.
8. It was out of Rizal’s
character basing on his past
The pro-retraction covers the  What topics do the The anti-retraction covers the
evidences of the said documents cover? evidences that proves the
retraction; testimony from forgery and falsity of the
eye-witnesses, reason behind document: errors in the
the writing of the document document, comparison
and actual document itself. between documents,
testimonies from witnesses
and the insufficiency of the
evidences of the other party.
The documents are important  Why are the documents This document is critical for
pro-retraction because by important? anti-retraction as Rizal
showing a retraction  What is the contribution became the inspiration of the
document, the document will of the reading to Katipunan which advocated
serve as a face-saving Philippine History? for Philippine Independence.
measure for the friars whom The veracity of the claim
Rizal made fun of and would be an insult for some
criticized in his novels. It since it would mean he valued
would also bring back his romantic partner more
reverence to the Catholic than the welfare of his
church. countrymen.
This retraction has an important contribution to Philippine history because Rizal is our national
hero. The accuracy of the

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