IT Free Elective 002 (The Teaching Profession)

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Santiago City, Isabela, Philippines



Second Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023

Course Number : PFEBSIT 003

Units : 3 Units
Contact Hours per Week : 3 hours Laboratory and 2 hours Lecture per week
Type of Course : Lecture and Laboratory

Prepared and Submitted by: Date Submitted: Reviewed by: Date Reviewed:

Instructor Program Coordinator

Reviewed by: Date Reviewed: Endorsed by: Date Endorsed:

Instructional Coordinator Dean, College of Information Technology

Approved by:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

In keeping with its Philosophy, Vision and Mission, La Salette professes the following
The University of La Salette, Inc., a Catholic institution founded by the Missionaries of institutional objectives:
Our Lady of La Salette, forms RECONCILERS “so that they may have life, and have 1. To foster a reconciled and reconciling community through spiritual upliftment
it to the full.” (John 10:10) programs and liturgical activities.
2. To sustain the quality assured education of the university through institutional
MISSION and program accreditations, professional certification, and compliance with
international standards for curricular programs and university management.
The University of La Salette, Inc. is a premier institution of choice, providing 3. To provide accessible education through various modalities of learning.
accessible, quality, and transformative education for integral human development 4. To lead the academic community with strategic and transformative competencies
particularly the poor. in realizing the Vision, Mission and La Salette Philosophy of Education.
5. To develop and implement transformative teaching and learning experience
CORE VALUES through critical approach and values-based integration.
6. To undertake research on various disciplines and generate new knowledge
1. FAITH-The total submission to God’s call to Holiness to His will needed for the advancement of the university as well as for the national
2. RECONCILIATION-Constantly renewing our relationship with God, others and all development.
creation through a life of prayer, penance and zeal 7. To realize ICT oriented learning by establishing the monitoring system to collect
3. INTEGRITY-The courage and determination to live and to die for Salettinian and review information needed to manage an organization or on-going activities
ideals of the university.
4. EXCELLENCE – Upholding the highest standard of quality education and 8. To provide industry experience through on-the-job-trainings, exposures,
professionalism in the areas of instruction, research and extension internship, immersion programs and linkages.
5. SOLIDARITY – Commitment to building a community anchored on mutual trust, 9. To provide a holistic curriculum that integrates instruction, extension, research,
confidence, teamwork, unity and respect for the dignity of the human person and ICT, industry experience for both students and faculty.
creation 10. To adopt an interdisciplinary approach by enhancing the institution’s interest in
the understanding of the cultural reproduction and social integration and in
CORE COMPETENCIES spiritual and moral formation

 Researched-Based Oriented Learning

 ICT-Integrated Learning
 Industry-Based Oriented Learning
 Oriented Toward Transformative Learning
 Oriented Toward Integrative Learning


Having finished their academic degree at the University of La Salette, the graduates
are expected to become:

Transformative Leaders. Active involvement in their respective community and

organization by championing the Salettinian ideals.

Reconcilers. Continue to communicate their Salettinian identity and culture through

active involvements in the evangelizing ministry of reconciliation in their local
communities, work-places and in social organizations.

Industry Competent. Demonstrate their readiness in the arena of and qualification for
employment through the established link between theoretical aspect of the curriculum
and its practical dimension as a result of their on-the-job trainings, exposures,
internship, immersion programs and linkages with relevant industries or workplaces.

Research-Oriented. Keep abreast with current developments and trends in all

relevant technical/professional knowledge areas for successful adaptation to a
changing and complex world through continuing engagement in research projects to
contribute to the humanization of the world in general, and to the reconciling effects
on their relationships with God, with fellow human beings, with society and with

Information and Communication Technology Proficient. Demonstrate contemporary

skills applications as they offer innovative solutions in work situations through the
employment of new technology and new ways of communication.

Critical Thinkers. Engage themselves in critical reflection and communicative

discourses on uncritically assimilated assumptions, beliefs, value-system and diverse
perspectives that need to be collaboratively addressed for an emancipatory and
integral process of human growth and community building.

Holistic Persons. Demonstrate through their attitude, behavior and engagement a

synthesis of faith and lived experience, of faith and science; synthesis of cognitive,
affective and behavioral aspects of learning; synthesis of cultural and global
concerns, and a synthesis of curricular and co-curricular programs.


An IT graduate must acquire skill set that enables him or her to successfully perform
integrative task including:

Apply knowledge of computing, science and mathematics appropriate to
the discipline
IT02 Understand best practices and standards and their applications
Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing
requirements appropriate to its solution
Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the
IT04 selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based
Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes,
IT05 components or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under
various constraints
IT06 Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively
IT07 Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools and
Function necessary
effectively for
as the IT profession
a member or leader of a development team
IT08 recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common
IT09 goal
Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society
IT10 at large about complex computing activities through logical writing,
presentations andand
Analyze the local clearglobal
impact of computing information technology
on individuals, organizations and society
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.
Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and
IT13 improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional


IT01 Apply knowledge of computing, science and mathematics appropriate to the discipline    
IT02 Understand best practices and standards and their applications    
IT03 Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution    
Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of
computer-based systems
   

Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components or programs to meet desired needs
and requirements under various constraints
   

IT06 Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively    

IT07 Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools and practices necessary for the IT profession     
Function effectively as a member or leader of a development team recognizing the different roles within a team to
accomplish a common goal
   

IT09 Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan    

Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities
through logical writing, presentations and clear instructions
   

IT11 Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology on individuals, organizations and society    
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information
   
Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing
professional development
   


Course Code PFEBSIT 003

Course Description This course deals with the teacher as a person and as a professional within the context of national and global teachers’ standards and educational
philosophies. It will include professional ethics, core values, and awareness of professional rights, privileges and responsibilities as well as the
teachers’ roles in the society as a transformative agent of change.
Pre / Co -requisite 3rd Yr. Standing
Credit 3 Units
Contact Hours Per Week 2 hours Lecture / 3 hours Laboratory
Class Schedule 9:00am – 10:30am TTH Laboratory / 1:30PM – 2:30PM TTH Lecture
Room Assignment Online / Face to Face (for Laboratory) (for Lecture)


IT01 IT02 IT03 IT04 IT05 IT06 IT07 IT08 IT09 IT10 IT11 IT12 IT13
Analyze the meaning of cloud computing and understand the different
cloud service categories.
Categorize cloud service types and be aware of privacy regulation
impact on cloud application requirements.
Consider contract negotiations needed for cloud service delivery and
develop the skills necessary to assess security breaches and their     E E E E E         E  
impact on the organization.
Analyze when to use cloud applications and how architecture affects
Develop a cloud application with a user interface and understand data


Learning Outcomes Topic Outline Methodology Assessment Learning Resources
At the end of the week, Course Orientation Synchronous:  Recitation on the university’s Student Handbook
students should have the  University’s vision,  Virtual discussion vision, mission, core values,
ability to: mission, core values, through video core competencies, CHED CMO 25, series 2015 “PSG for IT
 Explain the University of La core competencies, conferencing platform institutional objectives and Education”
Salette vision, mission, institutional institutional outcomes
core values, core objectives and  Short quiz about the Curriculum Guidelines for Baccalaureate
competencies, institutional institutional  Learning resources and university’s policies Degree Programs in Information
objectives and outcomes; ` outcomes activities will be uploaded  Writing a reflective essay on Technology (IT2017)
 Relate BSIT program  BSIT program in the ULS CLMS site the purpose of institutional of ACM and IEEE-CS
educational outcomes to description ( outcomes in helping
the institutional outcomes;  Course information students become what they ULS Official Website
Week 1  Figure out the relationship  Face to face want to become
of course outcomes to the  Lecture/ Discussion  Conceptualize a career plan
program educational  Demonstration aligned with BSIT program
outcomes;  Illustration and core values of ULS
 Present the different rules  Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities
and policies in the
administration of the
course through online
learning management
system of the university as
well as the policies of the
At the end of the week,  The Elements Of the Synchronous:  Quiz about concepts Books/e-Books
students should have the Profession  Virtual discussion contained in Steve Bridgeford, T. (2018). Teaching Professional
ability to: o Article analysis on the through video McConnell's "Nine Elements and Technical Communication: A Practicum
“Nine Elements of a conferencing platform of a Profession" in a Book. University Press of Colorado.
Profession” by Steve (GMeet) Internet
 Define the ideas in Steve
McConnell's "Nine Elements McConnell Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
Week 2 Asynchronous: The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
of a Profession"  Learning resources and
activities will be uploaded apter/chapter-1/
in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., &
Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher
 Face to face

 Lecture/ Discussion professional development.
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week,  Historical Synchronous:  Video analysis on Teaching Books/e-Books
students should have the development of the  Virtual discussion as a vocation, mission and Mangal, S. K., & Mangal, U. (2019).
ability to: teaching profession through video profession Essentials Of Educational Technology. PHI
from pre – Hispanic conferencing platform Learning Pvt. Ltd.
(GMeet) Internet
 Describe the Philippine times to
educational system's professionalization of Verma, S., & iDreamCareer. (2022).
Asynchronous: Teaching as a Profession: All You Need to
historical development. teaching in 1994  Learning resources and Know. iDreamCareer.
 Teaching as a activities will be uploaded
Week 3 Vocation, Mission in the ULS CLMS site a-profession/
And Profession ( Journal Articles
 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., &
 Face to face Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher
 Lecture/ Discussion professional development.
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities

At the end of the week,  Nature of Teaching Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the and Teacher Roles  Virtual discussion different duties that teachers Kavanagh, M., & Kavanagh, M. (2020).
ability to:  What is teaching? through video perform and difficulties they Preparing for the Teaching Profession.
conferencing platform encounter Internet
 The Roles of a (GMeet)
 Identify the various roles that Teacher Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
teachers play and the o as a person The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
challenges that they face o as a professional  Learning resources and hapter/chapter-1/
o as a community leader activities will be uploaded
Week 4 Journal Articles
and social advocate in the ULS CLMS site Philipsen, B., Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N.,
o as a model of ( Vanslambrouck, S., & Zhu, C. (2019).
Improving teacher professional
o as an advocate  Face to face development for online and blended
 Challenges in  Lecture/ Discussion learning: A systematic meta-aggregative
Teaching  Demonstration review. Educational Technology Research
o Multicultural  Illustration and Development, 67, 1145-1174.
Classroom  Problem Solving
o Learner centered Hands-on Activities

o Multigrade classes
o ICT integration
o Brain-based education
o Multiple intelligences
o Children with special
 UNESCO 4 Pillars of
At the end of the week,  Historic-Legal Synchronous:  Fill out an advance organizer Books/e-Books
students should have the Foundations of  Virtual discussion about the advantage and dis Rickards, F., Hattie, J., & Reid, C. (2020).
ability to: Education through video advantage of Global and The Turning Point for the Teaching
o Historical Foundations conferencing platform Local Foundations of Profession: Growing Expertise and
o Global (GMeet) Evaluative Thinking. Routledge.
 Discuss the various legal Education
bases for education, such as o Ancient Period Internet
Asynchronous: Introduction to the Teaching Profession
global and local. o Middle/Medieval
 Learning resources and (EDUC 1301) — HCC Learning Web. (n.d.).
o Renaissance
activities will be uploaded
o Modern/ in the ULS CLMS site as/educ67970
Contemporary (
o Local Journal Articles
o Precolonial  Valencia, M. I. C. (2018). Introducing
 Face to face education for sustainable development
o Spanish  Lecture/ Discussion (ESD) in the educational institutions in the
o American  Demonstration
Week 5 - Philippines. Journal of Sustainable
o Post-colonial  Illustration
6 Development Education and Research,
o Legal Foundation  Problem Solving 2(1), 51-57.
o Sources of Philippine  Hands-on Activities
o Constitution
o Statutes
o Case Law
o Regulatory Laws
o Legal Underpinnings
Philippine Education
o -Educational
o -Educational
Policies Curriculum
& Instruction

At the end of the week,  Philosophy of Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Education and  Virtual discussion different philosophical Rickards, F., Hattie, J., & Reid, C. (2020).
ability to: Personal Philosophy through video principles and their goals The Turning Point for the Teaching
of Teaching conferencing platform Profession: Growing Expertise and
(GMeet) Evaluative Thinking. Routledge.
 Distinguish the various  What is Philosophy of
philosophical tenets and Internet
Education Asynchronous: Verma, S., & iDreamCareer. (2022).
their purposes o Definition & Nature  Learning resources and Teaching as a Profession: All You Need to
o Philosophy and activities will be uploaded Know. iDreamCareer.
Education in the ULS CLMS site
 Philosophical ( a-profession/
Week 7 Foundation Journal Articles
o Idealism  Face to face  Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the
o Realism  Lecture/ Discussion Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and
o Pragmatism  Demonstration Retain Teachers of Color. Learning Policy
o Perennialism  Illustration Institute.
o Essentialism  Problem Solving
o Existentialism  Hands-on Activities
o Progressivism
o Social
o Post modern
At the end of the week,  Principles and Synchronous:  Quiz about the different Books/e-Books
students should have the Philosophy of  Virtual discussion components of Philippine Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution
ability to: Philippine Education through video education philosophy. of the Philippines. Good Press.
conferencing platform Internet
(GMeet) Class, D. (2023). Teaching as a profession
 Describe the various
elements of the Philippines' essay. Best Blogs & Insights From Digital
Asynchronous: Class E-Learning Marketplace.
educational philosophy.  Learning resources and
activities will be uploaded hing-as-a-profession-essay/
Week 8 in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., &
Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher
 Face to face professional development.
 Lecture/ Discussion
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities

At the end of the week, o Art. XIV, Sec. 1-2 Synchronous:  Fill out an advance organizer Books/e-Books
students should have the (1987 Phil.  Virtual discussion about the advantage and dis Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution
ability to: Constitution) through video advantage of the concepts in of the Philippines. Good Press
o Art. II, Sec.17 (1987 conferencing platform Art. of Philippine .Internet
Phil. Constitution) (GMeet) Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
 Examine the ideas in Constitutional Law. the 1987
Philippine Constitutional Law Philippine Constitution's The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
Art. XIV, Sec. 1-2 of the  Learning resources and Article 2.17 and Section 1-2
1987 Philippine Constitution activities will be uploaded of Article XIV.
Week 9 Journal Articles
and Art. 2.17 (1987 in the ULS CLMS site
 Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the
Philippine Constitution) (
Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and
Retain Teachers of Color. Learning Policy
 Face to face Institute.
 Lecture/ Discussion
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week,  Teacher as a Person Synchronous:  Quiz about the various Books/e-Books
students should have the in a Society  Virtual discussion cognitive, affective, and Kavanagh, M., & Kavanagh, M. (2020).
ability to:  Morality and the through video psychomotor styles Preparing for the Teaching Profession.
conferencing platform Internet
 Analyze the various theories Principle  Forum discussion about the Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
of value creation. benefits and privilege of the The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
 Learners as a Asynchronous:
(Cognitive, Affective, and persons of Good  Learning resources and guiding principle and
Psychomotor dimensions.) Moral Character activities will be uploaded morality's concept.
Journal Articles
 Value Formation in the ULS CLMS site
 Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the
 Discuss the foundational o Cognitive, Affective, (
Week 10 Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and
principle and the idea of and Psychomotor Retain Teachers of Color. Learning Policy
morality. dimensions.  Face to face Institute.
o Training the intellect  Lecture/ Discussion
and Will  Demonstration
o Max Scheler’s  Illustration
Hierarchy of Values  Problem Solving
o Values Hierarchy  Hands-on Activities
 Teaching as a Vocation,
Mission and Profession
 E. Universal Declaration
of Human Rights
Week 11 At the end of the week,  The teacher as a Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Professional  Virtual discussion principles underlying the Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution

ability to: o The through video codes of behaviour for of the Philippines. Good Press.
Professionalization of conferencing platform employees and public Internet
 Examine the ideas behind Teaching (GMeet) servants as well as Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
the professional teacher o PD 1006 professional teachers. The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
o RA 7836 Asynchronous:
code of conduct and the
o Professional Ethics  Learning resources and hapter/chapter-1/
code of conduct for public activities will be uploaded
o Code of Conduct Journal Articles
servants and employees. in the ULS CLMS site
for Professional  Valencia, M. I. C. (2018). Introducing
Teachers ( education for sustainable development
o Code of Conduct (ESD) in the educational institutions in the
for Public Officials  Face to face Philippines. Journal of Sustainable
and Employees(RA  Lecture/ Discussion Development Education and Research,
6713)  Demonstration 2(1), 51-57.
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week,  Teachers Welfare and Synchronous:  Fill out an advance organizer Books/e-Books
students should have the Privileges – The  Virtual discussion about the benefits and Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution
ability to: Magna Carta for through video privileges as stated in the of the Philippines. Good Press.
Public School conferencing platform Magna Carta for teachers Internet
(GMeet) Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
 Discuss the principles of The  Teachers (RA 4670)
Magna Carta for Public  Forum discussion about the The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
 Teacher’s Rights, Asynchronous:
Schools' Teachers' Welfare
Duties and  Learning resources and legal implications for
and Privileges. Responsibilities – The activities will be uploaded teachers' rights,
Week 12 Journal Articles
Education Act of 1982 in the ULS CLMS site responsibilities, and
 Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the
 Explain how various laws (BP 232) ( liabilities. Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and
affect teachers' rights,  Teachers as Person Retain Teachers of Color. Learning Policy
obligations, and liabilities. in Authority (CA 578)  Face to face Institute.
 Lecture/ Discussion
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities
Week 13 At the end of the week,  Other Laws Relevant Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
- 14 students should have the to the Teaching  Virtual discussion advantages and Rickards, F., Hattie, J., & Reid, C. (2020).
ability to: Profession through video disadvantages of various The Turning Point for the Teaching
o R.A. 6728 – conferencing platformlegislation relevant to Profession: Growing Expertise and
Government (GMeet) Evaluative Thinking. Routledge.
 Differentiate the laws that teaching R.A. 6728, R.A.
are pertinent to the Assistance to Students 8545, RA 7877, RA 8190 Internet
teaching R.A. 6728, R.A. and Teachers in  Learning resources and The Teaching Profession. (n.d.).
8545, RA 7877, RA 8190 Private Education Act activities will be uploaded
o R.A. 8545 – Expanded in the ULS CLMS site teaching-profession-65687989
Government ( Journal Articles
Assistance to Students  Valencia, M. I. C. (2018). Introducing
and Teachers in  Face to face education for sustainable development
Private Education Act  Lecture/ Discussion (ESD) in the educational institutions in the
o RA 7877 – Anti Sexual  Demonstration Philippines. Journal of Sustainable
Harassment Act of  Illustration Development Education and Research,
1995  Problem Solving 2(1), 51-57.
o RA 8190  Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o RA 9262 – Anti Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Violence Against  Virtual discussion advantages and Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution
ability to: Women and their through video disadvantages of various of the Philippines. Good Press.
Children Act of 2004 conferencing platform legislation relevant to Internet
o RA 9710 – The Magna (GMeet)  Class, D. (2023). Teaching as a profession
 Differentiate the different teaching (RA 9262, RA
Carta of Women essay. Best Blogs & Insights From Digital
concepts of different laws 9710, RA 8491)
o RA 8491 – Flag and Asynchronous: Class E-Learning Marketplace.
Relevant to the Teaching  Learning resources and
Heraldic Code of the
RA 9262 , RA 9710 , RA Philippines activities will be uploaded
Week 15 hing-as-a-profession-essay/
8491 in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., &
Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher
 Face to face
professional development.
 Lecture/ Discussion
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o RA 10157 – The Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Kindergarten  Virtual discussion advantages and Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution
ability to: Education Act through video disadvantages of various of the Philippines. Good Press.
o R.A. 10533 – conferencing platform legislation relevant to Internet
Enhanced Basic (GMeet) Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to
 Recognize the differences teaching RA 10157, R.A.
Education Act of 2013 The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
between the relevant 10533, and R.A. 10931.
Week 16 o R.A. 10931 – Universal Asynchronous:
statutes RA 10157, R.A.  Learning resources and
Access to Quality hapter/chapter-1/
10533, and R.A. 10931. Tertiary Education Act activities will be uploaded Journal Articles
in the ULS CLMS site
 Philipsen, B., Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N.,
Vanslambrouck, S., & Zhu, C. (2019).
Improving teacher professional
 Face to face

 Lecture/ Discussion development for online and blended
 Demonstration learning: A systematic meta-aggregative
 Illustration review. Educational Technology Research
 Problem Solving and Development, 67, 1145-1174.
 Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week,  Professionalism and Synchronous:  Fill out an advance organizer Books/e-Books
students should have the Transformative  Virtual discussion about the professionalism Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution
ability to: Education through video and transformative of the Philippines. Good Press.
o 21st Century Teacher conferencing platform education differ from each Internet
o Ways of thinking (GMeet) Verma, S., & iDreamCareer. (2022).
 Distinguish between the other
ideas of professionalism o Ways of working Teaching as a Profession: All You Need to
Asynchronous: Know. iDreamCareer.
and transformative learning o Tools of for working
 Learning resources and
o Skills for living in the activities will be uploaded profession/
Week 17 world in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
 Philipsen, B., Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N.,
Vanslambrouck, S., & Zhu, C. (2019).
 Face to face Improving teacher professional development
 Lecture/ Discussion for online and blended learning: A systematic
 Demonstration meta-aggregative review. Educational
 Illustration Technology Research and Development, 67,
 Problem Solving 1145-1174.
 Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week,  Transformative Synchronous:  Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Education  Virtual discussion advantage and disadvantage Mangal, S. K., & Mangal, U. (2019).
ability to:  Qualifications through video of Transformative Education Essentials Of Educational Technology. PHI
Frameworks conferencing platform in the Philippines Learning Pvt. Ltd.
o ASEAN Qualifications (GMeet) Internet
 Examine the various
Framework Class, D. (2023). Teaching as a profession
Qualifications Framework Asynchronous:
o Philippine essay. Best Blogs & Insights From Digital
concepts.  Learning resources and
Qualifications Class E-Learning Marketplace.
Week 18 Framework activities will be uploaded
in the ULS CLMS site ng-as-a-profession-essay/
( Journal Articles
 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., &
 Face to face Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher
 Lecture/ Discussion professional development.
 Demonstration
 Illustration
 Problem Solving
 Hands-on Activities



1. Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, Finals)

2. Completed Module Activities
3. Quizzes
4. Completed Assessment Tasks
5. Submission of Assignments


The student’s grade is composed of:

a. Prelim Period
 Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 (Quizzes/ Assignments/ Recitations/ Seat Works/Lab Exercises/ Requirements)
 Prelim Examination (PT) = 1/3
 Prelim Grade = CS + PT
b. Midterm Period
 Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 (Quizzes/ Assignments/ Recitations/ Seat Works/Lab Exercises/ Requirements)
 Midterm Examination (MT) = 1/3
 Midterm Grade = CS + MT
 Cumulative Midterm Grade = 2/3 of Midterm Grade + 1/3 of Prelim Grade
c. Final Period
 Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 (Quizzes/ Assignments/ Recitations/ Seat Works/Lab Exercises/ Requirements)
 Final Examination (FT) = 1/3
 Final Grade = CS + FT
 Cumulative Final Grade = 2/3 of Final Grade + 1/3 of Cumulative Midterm Grade

Final Grade Remarks:

a. Passing Mark is 75% and above.
b. Failing Mark is below 75%.
c. Incomplete Mark will be given to students on the following instances:
 The student failed to take the final examination.
 The student failed to submit course requirements.
d. FDA (Failure Due to Absences) Mark will be given to students who have incurred a significant number of absences. (ULS-Student Handbook Section 3.3.4-6)


Exemplary Acceptable Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Descriptions of scientific terms, facts, Descriptions of scientific terms, facts, Descriptions of scientific terms, facts, Descriptions of scientific terms, facts,
concepts, principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories and
methods are complete and correct methods are mostly complete and methods are somewhat complete and methods are minimally present or correct
correct correct
Applications are thorough, appropriate Applications are mostly thorough, Applications are somewhat thorough, Applications are minimally appropriate
and accurate appropriate and accurate appropriate and accurate and accurate
Communication All of the written, oral and/or visual Most of the written, oral and/or visual Some of the written, oral and/or visual Little of the written, oral and/or visual
communication is organized and effective communication is organized and communication is organized and communication is organized and effective

effective effective


Exemplary Acceptable Developing Beginning No Output

4 3 2 1 0
Program Correctness The application meets all the The code works for typical input, The code sometimes fails or The code often fails, even for Program that does not run and/
requirements specified in the but fails for minor special cases; typical input. Many parts of typical input. Most indicated or implemented incorrectly
project specification. the major requirements are met, the program implementation restrictions were violated (based on specifications and
The code is syntactically and though some minor ones are violate indicated restrictions restrictions) automatically gets
logically correct for all cases. not. Some implementation of the and some parts of the solution 0 for this course output
Implementation of the program program violates restrictions are not implemented using
follows the indicated guidelines appropriate programming
and does not violate indicated constructs
restrictions. The implementation
also exhibits appropriate use of
programming constructs.

Effective Answers to questions are correct, Answers to questions are Answers to questions are Correct understanding of the Failure to explain and justify
communication/ reasonable, and reflective of the correct, but some justifications correct, but cannot justify problem, but was unable to workings of the code submitted
Concept Under- code. The justifications provided provided are weak. solution (e.g., solution via trial explain workings of code will automatically merit for this
standing are sound. and error, rather than proper provided. course output
understanding and application
of concepts.)
Readability The program conforms to a Minor code formatting does not Not all functions/ program Minimal internal No internal documentation and
coding standard that promotes exhibit consistency in coding features have proper internal documentation and code code is not readable.
code readability. Internal standard documentation readability
documentation is comprehensive


According to the University of La Salette, Inc. Student Handbook Section 5.7

1. A class hour begins and ends with a prayer. Classroom prayer must be recited with decorum.
2. Respect, orderly and decent behavior and conduct shall be observed inside the classroom at all times.
3. A student may be allowed to leave the room with the permission of the instructor and/or authorized personnel of the university while the class is in session.
4. Students who wish to sit-in class must secure permit from the instructor.
5. Students are not allowed to stay inside the classroom if there are no classes.
6. Students are not allowed to attend classes if not in proper uniform. It must be observed that PE uniform shall be utilized for PE classes only.

Other course policies are stated in The Student Handbook under Policy on Class Attendance……

1. Per College policy, excused/unexcused absences should not exceed 20% of the assigned number of hours. More than 20% absences incurred during the semester would
mean being dropped from the class roll.
2. Class attendance is important. Class participation is expected and will form a part of the final grade. Students are expected to come to all classes and be on time. Roll will be
checked each class meeting. Classes missed for legitimate reasons, such as illness, temporary duty, are excusable; however, the student must make up for the missed work by
completing class exercise sheets and attending alternate activities.
3. Students are required to read all assigned materials prior to class and be prepared to discuss them and apply them to problem solving situations presented in class.
4. In this course, students are encouraged to discuss problems with their peers and to seek help from others in understanding the topic. Material submitted for grading should be
the synthesis of the students’ ideas and the input (lectures) they have received. Instances discovered of UNFAIR ADVANTAGE being taken of any other individual or group will
result in a loss of grade substance.
5. Plagiarism: All academic work submitted by students, written or otherwise, is expected to be the result of their own independent thought and research. In cases where students
submit work professing to be their own, but uses the ideas, organization, wording or anything else from another source without the appropriate acknowledgment, then the
student(s) is/are guilty of plagiarism.
a. Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with a professor or tutor, but the actual work/report/result to be submitted should be done completely and solely by
the student. In cases where a student's report or assignment involves research in outside sources or information, the student must carefully acknowledge exactly what, where
and how he/she has utilized the sources or information.
6. Cheating during examinations is never condoned and allowed! Students caught cheating in any form will have their papers confiscated and will be sent out of the examination
room and will not be allowed to retake the exam anymore.
7. Make up policy: Students who are unavoidably absent from an examination (long exams or major exams) or recitation must submit an excuse letter duly signed by any of
his/her parents before he/she can take the missed examination. If the cause of the absence is illness, then the student must present a medical certificate. Quizzes and
exercises missed because of valid absences will be prorated.
8. Quizzes are unannounced while long exams are announced. Strictly no make-up exams on quizzes, long exams and term exams unless an excuse slip or
certification is shown.
9. Students are required to submit course requirements on time to avoid deductions of points.



Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:30am - 11:30am CIT Office
Tuesday/Thursday 7:30am – 8:30am CIT Office


 Bridgeford, T. (2018). Teaching Professional and Technical Communication: A Practicum in a Book. University Press of Colorado.
 Mangal, S. K., & Mangal, U. (2019). Essentials Of Educational Technology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
 Philippines, G. O. O. T. (2021). Constitution of the Philippines. Good Press.
 Kavanagh, M., & Kavanagh, M. (2020). Preparing for the Teaching Profession.
 Rickards, F., Hattie, J., & Reid, C. (2020). The Turning Point for the Teaching Profession: Growing Expertise and Evaluative Thinking. Routledge.
 The Teaching Profession. (n.d.).
 Verma, S., & iDreamCareer. (2022). Teaching as a Profession: All You Need to Know. iDreamCareer.
 Class, D. (2023). Teaching as a profession essay. Best Blogs & Insights From Digital Class E-Learning Marketplace.
 Hooser, A. (2022, August 22). Introduction to The Teaching Profession. Pressbooks.
 Introduction to the Teaching Profession (EDUC 1301) — HCC Learning Web. (n.d.).
 Korthagen, F. (2017). Inconvenient truths about teacher learning: Towards professional development 3.0. Teachers and teaching, 23(4), 387-405.
 Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the Teaching Profession: How to Recruit and Retain Teachers of Color. Learning Policy Institute.
 Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., & Gardner, M. (2017). Effective teacher professional development.
 Philipsen, B., Tondeur, J., Pareja Roblin, N., Vanslambrouck, S., & Zhu, C. (2019). Improving teacher professional development for online and blended learning: A
systematic meta-aggregative review. Educational Technology Research and Development, 67, 1145-1174.
 Valencia, M. I. C. (2018). Introducing education for sustainable development (ESD) in the educational institutions in the Philippines. Journal of Sustainable Development
Education and Research, 2(1), 51-57.



Last Revised by KING CHRISTIAN D. ANTONIO,MIT,LPT Instructor
Last Updated by KING CHRISTIAN D. ANTONIO, MIT, LPT Instructor
Reviewed by KING CHRISTIAN D. ANTONIO, MIT, LPT Program Coordinator
Reviewed by MARY JOIE C. PADRON, MAED Instructional Coordinator

Endorsed by RAMONSITO B. ADDUCUL, DIT College Dean
Approved by MADEILYN B. ESTACIO, Ph.D. Vice President for Academics

Revised as of August 2020

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