Social and Professional Issues 2
Social and Professional Issues 2
Social and Professional Issues 2
Prepared and Submitted by: Date Submitted: Reviewed by: Date Reviewed:
Instructor Program Coordinator
Instructional Coordinator Dean, College of Information Technology
Approved by:
In keeping with its Philosophy, Vision and Mission, La Salette professes the following
The University of La Salette, Inc., a Catholic institution founded by the Missionaries of institutional objectives:
Our Lady of La Salette, forms RECONCILERS “so that they may have life, and have 1. To foster a reconciled and reconciling community through spiritual upliftment
it to the full.” (John 10:10) programs and liturgical activities.
2. To sustain the quality assured education of the university through institutional
MISSION and program accreditations, professional certification, and compliance with
international standards for curricular programs and university management.
The University of La Salette, Inc. is a premier institution of choice, providing 3. To provide accessible education through various modalities of learning.
accessible, quality, and transformative education for integral human development 4. To lead the academic community with strategic and transformative competencies
particularly the poor. in realizing the Vision, Mission and La Salette Philosophy of Education.
5. To develop and implement transformative teaching and learning experience
CORE VALUES through critical approach and values-based integration.
6. To undertake research on various disciplines and generate new knowledge
1. FAITH-The total submission to God’s call to Holiness to His will needed for the advancement of the university as well as for the national
2. RECONCILIATION-Constantly renewing our relationship with God, others and all development.
creation through a life of prayer, penance and zeal 7. To realize ICT oriented learning by establishing the monitoring system to collect
3. INTEGRITY-The courage and determination to live and to die for Salettinian and review information needed to manage an organization or on-going activities
ideals of the university.
4. EXCELLENCE – Upholding the highest standard of quality education and 8. To provide industry experience through on-the-job-trainings, exposures,
professionalism in the areas of instruction, research and extension internship, immersion programs and linkages.
5. SOLIDARITY – Commitment to building a community anchored on mutual trust, 9. To provide a holistic curriculum that integrates instruction, extension, research,
confidence, teamwork, unity and respect for the dignity of the human person and ICT, industry experience for both students and faculty.
creation 10. To adopt an interdisciplinary approach by enhancing the institution’s interest in
the understanding of the cultural reproduction and social integration and in
CORE COMPETENCIES spiritual and moral formation
Having finished their academic degree at the University of La Salette, the graduates
are expected to become:
Industry Competent. Demonstrate their readiness in the arena of and qualification for
employment through the established link between theoretical aspect of the curriculum
and its practical dimension as a result of their on-the-job trainings, exposures,
internship, immersion programs and linkages with relevant industries or workplaces.
An IT graduate must acquire skill set that enables him or her to successfully perform
integrative task including:
Apply knowledge of computing, science and mathematics appropriate to
the discipline
IT02 Understand best practices and standards and their applications
Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing
requirements appropriate to its solution
Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the
IT04 selection, creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based
Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes,
IT05 components or programs to meet desired needs and requirements under
various constraints
IT06 Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment effectively
IT07 Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques, skills, tools and
Function necessary
effectively for
as the IT profession
a member or leader of a development team
IT08 recognizing the different roles within a team to accomplish a common
IT09 goal
Assist in the creation of an effective IT project plan
Communicate effectively with the computing community and with society
IT10 at large about complex computing activities through logical writing,
presentations andand
Analyze the local clearglobal
impact of computing information technology
on individuals, organizations and society
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
responsibilities in the utilization of information technology.
Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and
IT13 improving performance as a foundation for continuing professional
IT01 Apply knowledge of computing, science and mathematics appropriate to the discipline
IT02 Understand best practices and standards and their applications
IT03 Analyze complex problems, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution
Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation and administration of
computer-based systems
Design, implement and evaluate computer-based systems, processes, components or programs to meet desired needs
and requirements under various constraints
IT11 Analyze the local and global impact of computing information technology on individuals, organizations and society
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities in the utilization of information
Recognize the need for and engage in planning self-learning and improving performance as a foundation for continuing
professional development
IT01 IT02 IT03 IT04 IT05 IT06 IT07 IT08 IT09 IT10 IT11 IT12 IT13
Learning Outcomes Topic Outline Methodology Assessment Learning Resources
At the end of the week, Course Orientation Synchronous: Recitation on the university’s Student Handbook
students should have the University’s vision, Virtual discussion vision, mission, core values,
ability to: mission, core values, through video core competencies, CHED CMO 25, series 2015 “PSG for IT
Explain the University of La core competencies, conferencing platform institutional objectives and Education”
Salette vision, mission, institutional institutional outcomes
core values, core objectives and Short quiz about the Curriculum Guidelines for Baccalaureate
competencies, institutional institutional Learning resources and university’s policies Degree Programs in Information
objectives and outcomes; ` outcomes activities will be uploaded Writing a reflective essay on Technology (IT2017)
Relate BSIT program BSIT program in the ULS CLMS site the purpose of institutional of ACM and IEEE-CS
educational outcomes to description ( outcomes in helping
the institutional outcomes; Course information students become what they ULS Official Website
Week 1 Figure out the relationship Face to face want to become
of course outcomes to the Lecture/ Discussion Conceptualize a career plan
program educational Demonstration aligned with BSIT program
outcomes; Illustration and core values of ULS
Present the different rules Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
and policies in the
administration of the
course through online
learning management
system of the university as
well as the policies of the
At the end of the week, SP. Professional and Synchronous: Quiz about the different Books/e-Books
students should have the Ethical Issues & Virtual discussion ideas in Ethical Issues and Blokdyk, G. (2019). Technology Risk And
ability to: Responsibilities through video Responsibilities' Cybersecurity A Complete Guide - 2019
o Relationships with conferencing platform Edition. 5starcooks.
professional societies (GMeet) Internet
Define Professional and
Ethical Issues & Course: Social and Professional Issues in
Week 2 Asynchronous: Computing. (n.d.).
Responsibilities' guiding Learning resources and
concepts. activities will be uploaded iew.php?id=6327
in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
Sun, C. C., Hahn, A., & Liu, C. C. (2018).
Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-
Face to face
Lecture/ Discussion art. International Journal of Electrical Power
Demonstration & Energy Systems, 99, 45-56.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o Codes of professional Synchronous: Create a PowerPoint Books/e-Books
students should have the conduct, such as Virtual discussion presentation outlining the Stojanovi?, M. D., & Slavica, B. R., V. (2020).
ability to: IEEE, ACM, BCS, through video principles and benefits of Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems
ITAA, AITP conferencing platform IEEE, ACM, BCS, ITAA, and in the Future Internet Environment. IGI
(GMeet) Global.
Describe how the various AITP.
codes of conduct (IEEE, Internet
Asynchronous: Faculty of Science. (2019, December 6).
ACM, BCS, ITAA, and Learning resources and Social Issues and Professional Practice in
AITP) differ. activities will be uploaded IT & Computing.
Week 3 in the ULS CLMS site
( Journal Articles
Sun, C. C., Hahn, A., & Liu, C. C. (2018).
Face to face Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-
Lecture/ Discussion art. International Journal of Electrical Power
Demonstration & Energy Systems, 99, 45-56.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o Ethics and history of Synchronous: Recitation about the Books/e-Books
students should have the ethics Virtual discussion principles guiding internet Stojanovi?, M. D., & Slavica, B. R., V. (2020).
ability to: o Whistle-blowing through video and computer ethics. Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems
conferencing platform in the Future Internet Environment. IGI
(GMeet) Global.
Discuss about the ideas
behind computer and Internet
Asynchronous: Issues in Computing. (n.d.).
internet ethics. Learning resources and
activities will be uploaded social.html
Week 4 in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The
recent trends in cyber security: A review.
Face to face Journal of King Saud University-Computer
Lecture/ Discussion and Information Sciences, 34(8), 5766-
Demonstration 5781.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o Workplace issues Synchronous: Forum discussion about Books/e-Books
students should have the (harassment, Virtual discussion the various forms of Shekokar, N. M., Vasudevan, H., Durbha, S.
ability to: discrimination) through video discrimination and S., Michalas, A., Nagarhalli, T. P.,
o Identify theft conferencing platform Mangrulkar, R., & Mangla, M. (2023). Cyber
harassment at work.
o Ethical hacking (GMeet) Security Threats and Challenges Facing
Analyze the numerous forms
Human Life.
of harassment and Asynchronous: Quiz about identity theft Internet
discrimination in the Learning resources and concepts and ethical hacking Issues in Computing. (n.d.).
Week 5 - workplace. activities will be uploaded principles.
6 in the ULS CLMS site social.html
Describe concepts of identity ( Journal Articles
theft and ethical hacking Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2021). A comprehensive
ideas. Face to face review study of cyber-attacks and cyber
Lecture/ Discussion security; Emerging trends and recent
Demonstration developments. Energy Reports, 7, 8176-
Illustration 8186.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, SP. History of Synchronous: Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Computing Virtual discussion numerous computer Ahmed, M., & White, D. (2021). Cyber
ability to: through video breakthroughs and their Security: the CISO Quick Start Guide:
conferencing platform effects. Enterprise Security Operations Risk
(GMeet) Management Architecture for Chief
Describe the various
Information Security Officers.
developments in computing Asynchronous: Internet
and their impact. Learning resources and GEN 110: Computers and Society - An
activities will be uploaded Introduction to Ethical Issues in Computing.
Week 7 in the ULS CLMS site (n.d.).
Face to face Journal Articles
Lecture/ Discussion Sun, C. C., Hahn, A., & Liu, C. C. (2018).
Demonstration Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-
Illustration art. International Journal of Electrical Power
Problem Solving & Energy Systems, 99, 45-56.
Hands-on Activities
Week 8 At the end of the week, o Implications of: Synchronous: Fill out an advance organizer Books/e-Books
students should have the o History of computer Virtual discussion about the benefits and Blokdyk, G. (2019). Technology Risk And
ability to: hardware, software through video advantages of computer Cybersecurity A Complete Guide - 2019
conferencing platform technology and software. Edition. 5starcooks.
Examine the various (GMeet) Internet
advantages of a computer's Faculty of Science. (2019, December 6).
hardware and software. Asynchronous: Social Issues and Professional Practice in
Learning resources and IT & Computing.
activities will be uploaded
in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
( Or-Meir, O., Nissim, N., Elovici, Y., &
Rokach, L. (2019). Dynamic malware
Face to face analysis in the modern era—A state of the
Lecture/ Discussion art survey. ACM Computing Surveys
Demonstration (CSUR), 52(5), 1-48.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o History of the Synchronous: Recitation about the different Books/e-Books
students should have the Internet Virtual discussion Internet advances and their Stojanovi?, M. D., & Slavica, B. R., V. (2020).
ability to: through video benefits. Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems
conferencing platform in the Future Internet Environment. IGI
(GMeet) Global.
Describe the various Internet
developments and their Internet
Asynchronous: Faculty of Science. (2019, December 6).
advantages. Learning resources and Social Issues and Professional Practice in
activities will be uploaded IT & Computing.
Week 9 in the ULS CLMS site
( Journal Articles
Or-Meir, O., Nissim, N., Elovici, Y., &
Face to face Rokach, L. (2019). Dynamic malware
Lecture/ Discussion analysis in the modern era—A state of the
Demonstration art survey. ACM Computing Surveys
Illustration (CSUR), 52(5), 1-48.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
Week 10 At the end of the week, o Telecommunications Synchronous: Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Virtual discussion advantage and disadvantage Ahmed, M., & White, D. (2021). Cyber
ability to: through video of telecommunication in our Security: the CISO Quick Start Guide:
conferencing platform daily life Enterprise Security Operations Risk
(GMeet) Management Architecture for Chief
Describe the principles and
Information Security Officers.
benefits of Asynchronous: Internet
telecommunication. Learning resources and Course: Social and Professional Issues in
activities will be uploaded Computing. (n.d.).
in the ULS CLMS site
( iew.php?id=6327
Journal Articles
Face to face Or-Meir, O., Nissim, N., Elovici, Y., &
Lecture/ Discussion Rokach, L. (2019). Dynamic malware
Demonstration analysis in the modern era—A state of the
Illustration art survey. ACM Computing Surveys
Problem Solving (CSUR), 52(5), 1-48.
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, The IT profession Synchronous: Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Virtual discussion different ideas about careers Shekokar, N. M., Vasudevan, H., Durbha, S.
ability to: through video in information technology. S., Michalas, A., Nagarhalli, T. P.,
conferencing platform Mangrulkar, R., & Mangla, M. (2023). Cyber
(GMeet) Security Threats and Challenges Facing
Differentiate from various
Human Life.
concepts of Information Asynchronous: Internet
Technology careers. Learning resources and Social & professional issues in IT. (n.d.).
activities will be uploaded
Week 11 in the ULS CLMS site on/social-professional-issues-in-it
( Journal Articles
Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The
Face to face recent trends in cyber security: A review.
Lecture/ Discussion Journal of King Saud University-Computer
Demonstration and Information Sciences, 34(8), 5766-
Illustration 5781.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, IT education Synchronous: Recitation about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Virtual discussion advantages and underlying Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The
ability to: through video tenets of information recent trends in cyber security: A review.
conferencing platform technology education. Journal of King Saud University-Computer
(GMeet) and Information Sciences, 34(8), 5766-
Analyze the benefits and
guiding principles of Asynchronous: Internet
information technology Learning resources and
Week 12 Faculty of Science. (2019, December 6).
education. activities will be uploaded Social Issues and Professional Practice in
in the ULS CLMS site IT & Computing.
Journal Articles
Face to face Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2021). A comprehensive
Lecture/ Discussion review study of cyber-attacks and cyber
Demonstration security; Emerging trends and recent
Problem Solving developments. Energy Reports, 7, 8176-
Hands-on Activities 8186.
At the end of the week, SP. Privacy and Civil Synchronous: Fill out an advance organizer Books/e-Books
students should have the Liberties Virtual discussion about the advantages and Stojanovi?, M. D., & Slavica, B. R., V. (2020).
ability to: o HIPPA and FERPA through video benefits of privacy and civil Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems
o E.U. Data Protection conferencing platformliberties in the Future Internet Environment. IGI
o Gramm-Leach-Bailey (GMeet) Global.
Examine the various ideas
and principles of civil Act Internet
Asynchronous: Social & professional issues in IT. (n.d.).
liberties and privacy Learning resources and
Week 13 activities will be uploaded on/social-professional-issues-in-it
- 14 in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The
recent trends in cyber security: A review.
Face to face Journal of King Saud University-Computer
Lecture/ Discussion and Information Sciences, 34(8), 5766-
Demonstration 5781.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, SP. Intellectual Synchronous: Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
students should have the Property Virtual discussion guiding ideas of intellectual Shekokar, N. M., Vasudevan, H., Durbha, S.
ability to: through video property. S., Michalas, A., Nagarhalli, T. P.,
o Ownership of conferencing platform Mangrulkar, R., & Mangla, M. (2023). Cyber
information (GMeet) Security Threats and Challenges Facing
Examine the underlying
Human Life.
principles of intellectual Asynchronous: Internet
property. Learning resources and Course: Social and Professional Issues in
activities will be uploaded Computing. (n.d.).
Week 15 in the ULS CLMS site
( iew.php?id=6327
Journal Articles
Face to face Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2021). A comprehensive
Lecture/ Discussion review study of cyber-attacks and cyber
Demonstration security; Emerging trends and recent
Illustration developments. Energy Reports, 7, 8176-
Problem Solving 8186.
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o Plagiarism Synchronous: Forum discussion about the Books/e-Books
Week 16 students should have the o Software piracy Virtual discussion harmful effect of plagiarism Stojanovi?, M. D., & Slavica, B. R., V. (2020).
ability to: through video in its different forms and Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems
conferencing platform software privacy. in the Future Internet Environment. IGI
Discuss about the various (GMeet) Global.
types of plagiarism and Internet
Asynchronous: GEN 110: Computers and Society - An
software privacy.
Learning resources and Introduction to Ethical Issues in Computing.
activities will be uploaded (n.d.).
in the ULS CLMS site
( social.html
Journal Articles
Face to face Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The
Lecture/ Discussion recent trends in cyber security: A review.
Demonstration Journal of King Saud University-Computer
Illustration and Information Sciences, 34(8), 5766-
Problem Solving 5781.
Hands-on Activities
At the end of the week, o Fair use Synchronous: Create a PowerPoint Books/e-Books
students should have the o Digital Millennium Virtual discussion presentation about the Ahmed, M., & White, D. (2021). Cyber
ability to: Copyright Act through video principles and objectives of Security: the CISO Quick Start Guide:
(DMCA) conferencing platform the Digital Millennium Enterprise Security Operations Risk
(GMeet) Management Architecture for Chief
Examine the ideas behind Copyright Act (DMCA).
Information Security Officers.
and purposes of the Digital Asynchronous: Internet
Millennium Copyright Act Learning resources and Faculty of Science. (2019, December 6).
(DMCA). activities will be uploaded Social Issues and Professional Practice in IT
Week 17 in the ULS CLMS site & Computing.
Journal Articles
Face to face Or-Meir, O., Nissim, N., Elovici, Y., &
Lecture/ Discussion Rokach, L. (2019). Dynamic malware
Demonstration analysis in the modern era—A state of the art
Illustration survey. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),
Problem Solving 52(5), 1-48.
Hands-on Activities
Week 18 At the end of the week, o Copyrights, patents, Synchronous: Create a video presentation Books/e-Books
students should have the trademarks and trade Virtual discussion and about the harmful effect Bott, F., & Taylor, N. (2022). Professional
ability to: secrets, NDAs through video of NDAs, trade secrets, Issues in IT, Third Edition.
o International conferencing platform patents, and copyrights all Internet
differences (GMeet)
Analyze the various have different definitions and Course: Social and Professional Issues in
meanings and formats of structures. Computing. (n.d.).
NDAs, trade secrets, Learning resources and
patents, and copyrights. activities will be uploaded iew.php?id=6327
in the ULS CLMS site Journal Articles
( Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2021). A comprehensive
review study of cyber-attacks and cyber
Face to face security; Emerging trends and recent
Lecture/ Discussion developments. Energy Reports, 7, 8176-
Demonstration 8186.
Problem Solving
Hands-on Activities
2. Completed Module Activities
3. Quizzes
4. Completed Assessment Tasks
5. Submission of Assignments
4 3 2 1
Descriptions of scientific terms, facts, Descriptions of scientific terms, facts, Descriptions of scientific terms, facts, Descriptions of scientific terms, facts,
concepts, principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories and
methods are complete and correct methods are mostly complete and methods are somewhat complete and methods are minimally present or correct
correct correct
Applications are thorough, appropriate Applications are mostly thorough, Applications are somewhat thorough, Applications are minimally appropriate
and accurate appropriate and accurate appropriate and accurate and accurate
All of the written, oral and/or visual Most of the written, oral and/or visual Some of the written, oral and/or visual Little of the written, oral and/or visual
Communication communication is organized and effective communication is organized and communication is organized and communication is organized and effective
effective effective
1. A class hour begins and ends with a prayer. Classroom prayer must be recited with decorum.
2. Respect, orderly and decent behavior and conduct shall be observed inside the classroom at all times.
3. A student may be allowed to leave the room with the permission of the instructor and/or authorized personnel of the university while the class is in session.
4. Students who wish to sit-in class must secure permit from the instructor.
5. Students are not allowed to stay inside the classroom if there are no classes.
6. Students are not allowed to attend classes if not in proper uniform. It must be observed that PE uniform shall be utilized for PE classes only.
Other course policies are stated in The Student Handbook under Policy on Class Attendance……
1. Per College policy, excused/unexcused absences should not exceed 20% of the assigned number of hours. More than 20% absences incurred during the semester would
mean being dropped from the class roll.
2. Class attendance is important. Class participation is expected and will form a part of the final grade. Students are expected to come to all classes and be on time. Roll will be
checked each class meeting. Classes missed for legitimate reasons, such as illness, temporary duty, are excusable; however, the student must make up for the missed work by
completing class exercise sheets and attending alternate activities.
3. Students are required to read all assigned materials prior to class and be prepared to discuss them and apply them to problem solving situations presented in class.
4. In this course, students are encouraged to discuss problems with their peers and to seek help from others in understanding the topic. Material submitted for grading should be
the synthesis of the students’ ideas and the input (lectures) they have received. Instances discovered of UNFAIR ADVANTAGE being taken of any other individual or group will
result in a loss of grade substance.
5. Plagiarism: All academic work submitted by students, written or otherwise, is expected to be the result of their own independent thought and research. In cases where students
submit work professing to be their own, but uses the ideas, organization, wording or anything else from another source without the appropriate acknowledgment, then the
student(s) is/are guilty of plagiarism.
a. Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with a professor or tutor, but the actual work/report/result to be submitted should be done completely and solely by
the student. In cases where a student's report or assignment involves research in outside sources or information, the student must carefully acknowledge exactly what, where
and how he/she has utilized the sources or information.
6. Cheating during examinations is never condoned and allowed! Students caught cheating in any form will have their papers confiscated and will be sent out of the examination
room and will not be allowed to retake the exam anymore.
7. Make up policy: Students who are unavoidably absent from an examination (long exams or major exams) or recitation must submit an excuse letter duly signed by any of
his/her parents before he/she can take the missed examination. If the cause of the absence is illness, then the student must present a medical certificate. Quizzes and
exercises missed because of valid absences will be prorated.
8. Quizzes are unannounced while long exams are announced. Strictly no make-up exams on quizzes, long exams and term exams unless an excuse slip or
certification is shown.
9. Students are required to submit course requirements on time to avoid deductions of points.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:30am - 11:30am CIT Office
Tuesday/Thursday 7:30am – 8:30am CIT Office
Bott, F., & Taylor, N. (2022). Professional Issues in IT, Third Edition.
Ahmed, M., & White, D. (2021). Cyber Security: the CISO Quick Start Guide: Enterprise Security Operations Risk Management Architecture for Chief
Information Security Officers.
Blokdyk, G. (2019). Technology Risk And Cybersecurity A Complete Guide - 2019 Edition. 5starcooks.
Shekokar, N. M., Vasudevan, H., Durbha, S. S., Michalas, A., Nagarhalli, T. P., Mangrulkar, R., & Mangla, M. (2023). Cyber Security Threats and Challenges
Facing Human Life.
Stojanovi?, M. D., & Slavica, B. R., V. (2020). Cyber Security of Industrial Control Systems in the Future Internet Environment. IGI Global.
Social & professional issues in IT. (n.d.).
Course: Social and Professional Issues in Computing. (n.d.).
Faculty of Science. (2019, December 6). Social Issues and Professional Practice in IT & Computing.
GEN 110: Computers and Society - An Introduction to Ethical Issues in Computing. (n.d.).
CISB 412 Social and Professional Issues Introduction. (n.d.).
Sun, C. C., Hahn, A., & Liu, C. C. (2018). Cyber security of a power grid: State-of-the-art. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 99, 45-
Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The recent trends in cyber security: A review. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences,
34(8), 5766-5781.
Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2021). A comprehensive review study of cyber-attacks and cyber security; Emerging trends and recent developments. Energy Reports, 7,
Or-Meir, O., Nissim, N., Elovici, Y., & Rokach, L. (2019). Dynamic malware analysis in the modern era—A state of the art survey. ACM Computing Surveys
(CSUR), 52(5), 1-48.
Kaur, J., & Ramkumar, K. R. (2022). The recent trends in cyber security: A review. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences,
34(8), 5766-5781.
Last Revised by KING CHRISTIAN D. ANTONIO,MIT,LPT Instructor
Last Updated by KING CHRISTIAN D. ANTONIO, MIT, LPT Instructor
Reviewed by KING CHRISTIAN D. ANTONIO, MIT, LPT Program Coordinator
Reviewed by MARY JOIE C. PADRON, MAED Instructional Coordinator
Endorsed by RAMONSITO B. ADDUCUL, DIT College Dean
Approved by MADEILYN B. ESTACIO, Ph.D. Vice President for Academics
Revised as of August 2020