Stephen Hawking - Andrew Cuong
Stephen Hawking - Andrew Cuong
Stephen Hawking - Andrew Cuong
Stephen Hawking
Presentation by Andrew Cuong Period 3
➢ One of his most significant accomplishments was the discovery of
radiation(dubbed “Hawking radiation) emitted by black holes
➢ He and the British scientist, Roger Penrose, theorized space singularities
○ A one dimensional point in space with infinite mass and density
➢ Published the book “A Brief History of Time”
○ Sold millions of copies and explained to the public the concepts of celestial
bodies & phenomenon
➢ Contributed to Alan Guth’s theory of Cosmic Inflation
○ The expansion of the universe after the Big Bang
➢ Theorized that before the universe time never existed
University of Cambridge
Stephen Hawking’s discovery of radiation emission from
black holes was influenced by his visit to Moscow, Russia in
1973. There he was introduced to a the theory by Yakov
Zel’dovich and Alexei Starobinsky that rotating black holes
create and emit particles. Another physicist, Vladimir Gribov,
believed that non-rotating black holes would still emit
particles. Hawking was convinced by these theories and
started to form calculations. To his surprise, his calculations
proved that the theories were right and black holes did emit
radiation. This radiation was dubbed as “Hawking radiation.”
The contributions of Stephen Hawking is
important because it give us a better
understanding of the physical nature of the
universe. Hawking was not able to observe a black
hole, but he was able to delineate the properties of
black holes by forming calculations. His most
important finding was that black holes spewed
radiation. Which proved that black holes are
identifiable with special instruments. Today,
scientist are now better equipped to observe and
study the mechanics of a black hole. In 2019, the
first ever photo of a black hole was taken by 300
international scientists. His findings may not have
impacted our lives, but it increased our general
knowledge and understanding of the universe and
our place in it.
The First Image of a Black Hole